Silverton Lutheran Church Will Install New Minister Silverton, Feb. 11 The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro are arriving the latter part of this week from Fairbanks, Alaska. The Rev. Luthro will be installed as pastor of Trinity Lutheran church Sunday at the 11 o'clock worship service. Dr. H. L. Foss, a former pastor of Trin'ty and now the Pacific district - president of the Evangelical Lutheran church will conduct the installation service. Rev. Luthro was born near Goldfield, Iowa, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Luthro Jr. He studied at Waldorf Junior col lege, Forest City, la.; at Aug ustana college, Sioux Falls, S.D., and Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., from which he graduated in 1944. Upon his graduation he accept ed a call to the mission field in China but because of the war, work there was hindered. In stead Rev. and Mrs. Luthro ac cepted a call from the home mission board to organize a con gregation in Fairbanks, Alaska. The work in Fairbanks pro gressed -rapidly and in a short timr that congregation was a self-suporting one. The Luthros were there a little more than five years. Mrs. Luthro is a daughter of the late Dr. Lars Boe, who for many years was president of St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. She also attended St. Olaf col lege and is a graduate nurse from the Fairview hospital Minneapolis, Minn. Immediately following the worship service the members of Trinity are having a reception for their new pastor and wife in the church parlors. A no-host dinner will be served. Pastors and families of the Oregon cir cuit have been invited to the reception. Stress Placed On Religion "Religious emphasis week" will be observed on the Willam ette university campus February 14-16 with Dr. Amos Addison Thornburg of the First Metho dist church, Hollywood, Calif., as guest speaker. Dr. Thornburg, who is a mem ber of the general board ol lay activities of the Methodist church, and has national duties on the general conference com mUtee of rituals, will give three talks, entitled "Our Changing! Religion", "The Possible You and "The Victorious Captive." Dr. Thornburg completed his undergraduate work at West Virginia Wesleyan university, and West Virginia Wesleyan col lege. He had five years of grad uate work in three separte theo logical seminaries and univer sities. He earned a master's de cree from Northwestern univer sity and was awarded the divin ity degree at Garrett Biblical Institute. In conjunction with "religious emphasis week," a poster exhib- tion will be on display in the library. Bill Peyton, Balboa Is land, Calif., won first prize of $15 in the poster contest and Earl Brussellc, Salem, received second award of $10 and honor able mention for a second pos ter he submitted. Other activities of the week will include dedication of "Little Chapel", in Waller hall, and a movie "The God of Creation" on Tuesday; fireside discussions Wednesday evening, and a play "Ghosts" by the drama depart ment Thursday. ( Boy Scouts to Attend Church In observance of "Socut Sun day" a number of Boy Scout troops affiliated w'h Cascade area council will attend church in a body Sunday forenoon. Troops and the churches of their choice, which in some instances are sponsors, include: 1, First Christian; 2, Leslie Methodist; 3, Jason Lee Metho dist; 6, St. Joseph's Catholic; 7, Latter Day Saints; 8 and 9, First Presbyterian; 13, First Metho dist; 16 (troop, cub pack and ex plorers) St. Vincent de Paul Catholic; 19, Leslie Methodist; and 41, Keizer Community church. N'amcd For outstanding service, Mrs. Alf Gunderson (above) was awarded Cham ber of Commerce plaque des ignating her as "Man of the Year" in LaCrosse, Wis. It is an annual award and she is the first woman ever to win it. (AP Wirephoto.) Dayton Stars Called Dayton Members of Elec ta chapter No. 29, OES, will hold regular communication Tuesday evening at the Masonic hall. Preceeding the meeting, the members will have potluck supper at 7 o'clock, and bring own service. Mrs. Alice Robin son, grand conductress, will have the school of instruction Four Corners Brownie Troop Keeps Busy With Valentines Four Corners, Feb. 11 Mrs. J. E. Webster is the new Brownie troop 107 leader. She will be assisted by Mrs. Robert Burns un til a co-leader is found. There were 18 girls at the meeting this week. Their project was making valentines. At the next meet ing they will make coasters. Linda Stone was hostess. Lolita Mil ler and Judy Scott will be host- : esses for the next meeting. Mrs. C. R. Osborn entertain ed a group of friends on Thurs- Salem Heights School Notes By JOHN HARVEY Liberty defeated Salem Heights school 14 to 5 in a bas ketball game last Monday. It was the first time in five games that Liberty has won. The games are played at Liberty every Monday afternoon. The boys and girls of the sixth grade are having a contest to see who can tumble the best. They practice during the noon hour. . . The sixth grade is now doing clay modeling. Delores Hogan reported to the fifth grade about her grandfa ther's farm in Montana. The farm has 4200 acres, and is for cattle and winter wheat. The fifth grade has charge of the bulletin board this week, Some of the fifth graders said they had never tasted an avo cado. So Mrs. Nan Denhem, their teacher, brought one. She passed it around and let the pupils taste it. Mrs. Green's first grade was told the story of Abraham Lin coln, and they drew pictures of Lincoln's home. The children of this room have begun to take books out of the school library. Naomi and Colleen Martin of Kirkland, Wash., entered the fourth grade this week. Women Assist Firemen Amity The Amity Firemen Auxiliary held a meeting at the city hall recently. Mrs. Bert Su therland was hostess. The wom en are working out plans for raising funds for the benefit of the fire department. Refresh ments were served. County Doctors Elect Aurora Dr. James F. Dins- during the evening. more, Canby physican and sur geon has been honored by his election to the presidency of the Clackamas County Medical society for 1950, and will preside at a joint meeting of the society and its auxiliary February 13. Dr. Dinsmore succeeds Dr. T. J. Mathews of Oregon City. Serv ing with him through 1950 will be Dr. Frank Dierick, vice pres be Dr. Frank Dierickx, vice pres- secretary-treasurer, both of Ore gon City. U. S. Navy Has Plan for Youth Graduation from college and a reserve commission in the U.S. navy that is the navy's plan for young men wanting to take advantage of the reserve offi cer candidate program of the navy. information on the program has recently been received at the Naval and Marine Corps Re serve Training center and is available to those young men interested. The program should be of special interest to college un dergraduates and also to those young men graduating from high school and planning to en ter college in the fall. Deadline for making applica tion this year is March 1 and applications can be secured from the Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. The program requires that applicants must be United States citizens, between the ages of 17 and 27 and presently at tending an accredited college. To qualify for the commission at the time of graduation the young man must be able to complete two six-weeks sum mer cruises out of San Diego prior to his graduation. "Have You Heard?" "VOICE OF THE ALLIANCE" Sunday, 1 p.m. K0C0 STATION day with a desert luncheon and pinochle. Guests accepting her hospitality were Mrs. Phillip Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Feb. 11, 1950 11 Bouitleur, Mrs. Hardy Phillips, Mrs. Arlo McClain, Mrs. Stan Braden, Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mrs Margaret Willis. The March of Dimes contribu tion turned in by the Lincoln school (Four Corners) was $53 .95. Recently moving to this com munity were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeBou. They are at home in the Warren Shrake cottage on E. State st. RADIO EVANGELIST COMING REV. WALTER T. MUGFORD Well known Pacific Northwest Radio Evangelist, will begin a revival meeting at "The Chapel" Assembly of God church, 12th and Leslie, Sunday night, Feb. 12, 7:45, and every night except Saturday. Rev. Mugford was born in Yorkshire, England, converted in America. Conducted services for over 13 years over KXL and KWJJ. Our Evangelist, who has traveled in nine coun tries, will tell you incidents of interest you will not want to miss. Some of the topics he will use. The man they could not hang, Salem's Sad Supper, The Un pardonable Sin, Dangerous Detours, Is Russia Now at War With America, and many others of great interest. Past ir, John W. Hndgcs Join With Us In Worship 9:45 a.m. - Church School Two Morning Services 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. "Jesus' Crown of Life" Sermon by the Minister 7:30 p.m. Music Night Program The Choir, featuring the Willamette String Quartet as Guest Artists Hear the Minister Over KOCO Monday Through Friday at 7:40 a.m. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor Charles Stowell Director of Music Central Lutheran N. Capitol and Gaines Sts. G. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Broadcast KOCO, 9:15. Sun day school 9:45. Morning worship, II. Junior league, 5:30. Evening worship, 7:45. Speaker, Missionary Oaki of Japan. llifP REVIVAL CONTINUES NITELY - 7:45 P.M. (Except Mon. & Sat.) Sunday Afternoon Fellow ship Meeting 2:30 p.m. PRAYER FOR THE SICK Various Ministers and Churches Cooperating CALVARY CHAPEL 1143 N. Liberty St. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Bell, Pastors Phone 3-8956 Hear Evangelist DALE HANSON at EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St. and Park Ave. Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 "Yieldedness" By the Pastor . 7:45 p.m. Dale Hanson Monday Thru Friday Each Night 7:45 Daily Broadcast KOCO 8:45 A.M. Saturdays 6:45 p.m. Everyone Welcome Rev. Walter S. Frederick, Pastor Laym en s Bible Study Class Norman Olson Monday, Feb. 13 7:30 p.m. And Every Nite Following for the next three week! First Baptist Church Marion & Liberty Sti. Subject Monday Night: "From Creation to the Flood" Here is your chance to acquire an organized knowledge of the past, present and future of Christianity, and a better understanding of your Bible. Conducted by Norman Olson Sponsored by Christian Business Men's Committee 1490 k.e. I 'I . ' '"MM.J 1 i 1 rfr i - II l . i; Smokestacks are essential in an industrial age. f 1 . " I M l ' ill I " Jl Without them we would be choked and blinded by IJ I r M 11 HI b- I the fumes of our own factories. Our giant stacks K I WlE CHURCH FOR flTT IS 11 L , f" lift the smoke where the breeze can blow ft away. '; jLj I ALL FOR 7TTP " 1 1 " I I ' Have you sometimes wished that someone would provide f'sjt fft I Tha Church Is ih8 iUilvJl il , I - a kind of smokestack to lift the cloud that stifles our hopes fjM TVi !m. buildin3 ol charadtf s',actor on ea'lh or U f1! andhappinessr M ' f I f Someone did! ' ' llZ V8' Th I I fa I 17 pe"n "hould allsnr) reasons why I Cfi His name was Jesus. And His gift to humanity was some- PPon iho church. Thoy6"' re3ulary fc II I fs thing which, in its original crude form, was no more beautiful t i J oke ol L' ?r 1,15 ciliW'en'i mb 'ri, hl! H& l :t than'a smokestack. It was a Cross. fef "'"ri"S,' fi? 1 j "f He died on that Cross. But by His Sacrifice He made it the WJ T f' I l i'j 'i instrument of man's freedom from the cloud that man himself had made. fcSwl Sund Boon-" Wp, " 1 1 ill p' Our Churches worship Him. and teach the meaning of His Cross KSpi tmP" "j" If i! 0L ... lifting the smoke of sin from bur lives, iJ mv'.V"j!m' ,j"f S I I J This Series of Adi Is Being Published Each Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Salem Ministerial Association, and is Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments: i 1 ' CAPITOL DRUG STORE R. L ELFSTROM CO. ROBERTS BROS. llj Prescriptions, Drug Sundries Furniture and Paint Department Store f If SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. ' i J 550 N. Copitol 137 South Commercial jj