SAVING MONEY BY GIVING IT AWAY Here's What Is Behind Estate, Gift-Tax Proposal By CHARLES MOLONT Washington, Feb. 10 W) The government collects less tax money from large fortunes which are given away than it does from fortunes which are inherited. So a man with a lot of money can save his heirs tax pay ments by giving them the money before he dies. . The Truman administration wants to make it cost about the same in taxes, no 'matter which way you do it It also wants to break up a system by which taxes on Urge estates are saved for a genera tion or two by setting up "trusts" to pass the estates along. That's what is behind the ad ministration's new estate and gift tax proposal that and the desire to get an extra $400,000, 000 in Taxes out of the trans fers of wealth. Under the trust system, a man may leave his estate "in trust" to his wife for her life (which means she gets the income while he lives) and then have the es tate divided among their children. Or he can stretch it out anoth er generation by leaving the property "in trust" to the wife and then the children for their respective lifetimes, with divi sion among grandchildren after that. Outright transfers of estates are taxed each time the proper ty passes taxed at the death of persons getting lifetime Income. Using either the gift or trust method to avoid taxes is as legal under present law as taking in come tax exemption for your wife or child. But President Truman and Secretary of the Treasury Sny der argue it's unfair, throwing a heavier share of the overall tax burden on other taxpayers They put It this way: The estate tax reaches only about one of each 100 adults who die, the same proportion as ten years ago, while the income tax hits 40 per cent of all people over 14 years old about four times the proportion ten years ago. money or property en tavej taxes by giving at least part of it away before their death be cause the gift rates are 25 perl cent less, and there are addition-! al exemptions. Farmer Income in NE Oregon $5,440 La Grande, Ore., Feb, 10 U.R Frank J, Barlos, supervisor of the Farmers Home administra tion here, estimated today that average family-type farms in northeastern Oregon grossed $5440 in 1949. Bartos said hogs produced about 30 per cent of the total farm income during the year. He said operating expenses averaged 46.7 per cent, Bartos' district includes Union, Wallowa, Baker, Umatilla, Grant and Morrow counties. The effective rates of taxes have Increased sharply on in comes of all sizes, but those on estates have ben reduced for married persons or, as Secre tary of the Treasury Snyder put it: "The - tax on an income of $10,000 has risen from four per cent to 16 per cent. Tax on an estate of $250,000 has fallen from 11 per cent to four per cent." The estate tax hits few per sons because any estate is tax exempt on the first $60,000 or $120,000 if that much passes from husband to wife or wife to husband. Estate tax rates on amounts left after exemptions range now from 3 per cent to 77 per cent there is $10,000,000 or more left after exemptions. People having that much The Communicable Disease center of the U.S. public health service is at Atlanta, Ga. Clearance!! SHIRTS 5.00! SWEATERS 5.00! hose 99c! LINGERIE V2 Price! Smart Skop Have You Seen Valentine Window? IN' v i i III IUI iIOUf vat hi enune Her rf lt-tt ihirt with th soft collar that won't wrinkle ...ever Every man on your list wants. can Van Heusen 8ES. T. M. CEHTURY SHIRT With plain or French cuffs, . regular or widespread collar. XntW Socks Give Mm the BEST .. . . There is no more acceptable gift than 'Interwoven Socks. Far Your Valentine 3.95 Beautiful array of now Val en - ties, carefully selected from famous houses like Wembley, Regal and Von Heusen. Swank Jewelry to com pliment that smart ensemble. 9 J Smart Clothes JJ- For Smart Men joo 350 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore,, Friday, February 10, 1955 S We Give and Redeem mrC Green Stamps 177 north liberty 1 Am '1 f ;tfxy: fj C ff Exquisite quality! Deep ruffles! Rayon Priscillas Size 50x81 that regularly sold for $4,49 Size 72x81 that regularly sold for $6,49 Size 96x81 thof regularly sold for $8.49 $3.49 Give a lift to your budget, a lift to your rooms buy buying these exquisitely sheer rayon priscillas that wv drastically reduced. Fluffy radiance for your windows with these rayon priscillas with their billowy ruffles; extra wide ruffles; headed and ready to hang. Soft eggshell color. They're os easy-as-pi to wash, a cinch to iron. Permanent Finish keeps them fresh, new-looking! Priscillas Marquisette M9 $1.79 $1.99 $2.39 $2.69 $2.98 $4.69 5.89 7.89 Six 44x36 . . 44st4$ 44xS4 44x43 44x72 44x81 63x81 83x81 120x50 These sheer cotton priseillos ore treated to the magical permanent finish process that keeps them finish looking despite repeated washings. So very practically priced, too, you'll be able to af ford to curtain all your windows at just a song. Soft ivory color, with deep ruffles, plus ruffled tiebacks. Pastel Colors! Rayon Panels These tailored panels of sheer, first quality rayon give your windows an airy look for spring , , , and all the rest of the year. They wash beautifully, iron easily, stay crisp and fresh. Made with generous 3-inch hems at top and bot tom 1-inch side hem. Soft, room-flattering colors of blue, rose, gold, green, peach, peochbloom and white. Size 43x81. 981 Reg. sell for SI. 49 a. A Cinch To Launder! Rayon Priscillas Reg. $3,89 tr. Such a small price, for such window loveliness! The mellow shell color of these pris cillas, lends a lovely hue to your roans. Washable, wearable rayon, they feature bil lowy ruffles, and ruffled tiebacks. Measure 44-inehes wide, 81 -inch long, CURTAINS, BAS6M6NT WHEN Looking for Value . I . Look to ROBERTS!