lft Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, February 10, 1950 OLAMIVIMD ASTnTlUMOl P List S times . 40o Per Lin timet 60c Pei un 1 month 13.00 : Outside of Salem ISo pw lln pel day Ilia. I0ei S times mln. Me time mln. il.iio. No Refunds READERS In Local New Cnl OnlTI lOo per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MAKE OFFER A ftood 2 br home. Elec heat Plus oU If V acted. Conveniently arranged. Nicely located. Asking price 18400. FHA term. Drive by 1562 Rug St. Call Wilt Mus- Walter Musgrave Realtor Ull Edg water ph. J-Siog aaa" UX ELEC. LATE BUILT 3 BR aub. home, Mwa. lira., an., noo, bvi. i w pietely furnished, 18450. FOB BETTER LIVING we urie you to lei thli beautiful ranch style aub. home lo cated In the popular 8unnyvlew Ave 4Lt., LR, with fireplace St lge. window. Utility room, garage, lge. lot, Rancho fence, Don't miti tm at onu .'' Larsen Home & Loan Co. Bxcluslv Listings - Peronal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. J-8389. Eve. HEW t-BDRM. house, attached garage. Large fenced back yard. Garden spot. $2,950 down, $48 mo., i Int. Ph. . .... nam 'in OOIO or O'tfUlg. - BY OWNER Partly nniahed 3 Eed room house on large lot. Fully turn 1: ied. $3,750 or will take late model ear in on it. uu vsiuon -- - nrntr. 138 WHILE THEY LAST: Only 5 left. These modern home $8050. $950 down, $51 mo. Pick your atyle St color. Corner Lansing Ave. onverwn . Hamilton, Duuacr, auiq r.wnTcrc TiOOATION Hew In. I bdrm. U lec. Bendli, J car Retired Man's Dream filled Hew, gloriously spacious Ranch type Double garage, fireplace. A kitchen to pleaie ine most inauuiuu. .. bath. 7 Inch irrigation well. Planting Include all type fruit and berrtea. six acre of well drained Willamette Silt loam. Drive oy znu w-. then ee ua. $31,600. Panoramic Vistas One of Salem' fine home altuated in an exclusive residential area. Haa such unusual feature a the perfect office or den for father, also mother' own retreat, both overlooking the moun tain and three perfectly groomed and landscaped lots. See us for many ad ditional interesting details. (28,000.00. IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY OP ANY NATURE TO TRADE, SEE US Hutchison-Danielson ill Court St. Ph. 3-3639 Eve. Phone 1478 - 1-5630 - 3-6375 3-7047 a35' fOB SALE: Small house to be moved. 110 Columbia St. 3fl Owner Moved Away Must ben a it war t a on ATM ONLY SflOAO for a 8 room nouse. na whih, hwd firs, Ine llv rm, dble plumbing. Good location. Terms if desired. Drive by 670 Roaemont. Do not disturb ten ant. Phone 32147 for appointment. B. Isherwood, Realtor . t Box 343 Ph. 32147 $10,500 Newly redecorated pre-war built t bdrm. home. In good school district. Clean substantial with fireplace. Auto matic sawdust furnace. Bhown by ap pointment only. Good term for the right party. Mabel Needham Realtor 341 State Ph. 3-9201. Eve. S-0431 a35 HOLLYWOOD DIST. New 3 bdrm. plaster ed, hdwd. fir., bullt-ln wardrobes, auto, ell furnace. Lots of built Ins. Just re duced to $9600. Call at 1063 Norway. a36 $3750 A good Investment In West Salem. 3 Sedrm. cottage, ranted for $45 per anonth. Owner will sell or trade equity toward a suburban home. Call Mr. Brown, Bve. Ph. 3-4937. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 K. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. a35 Don't Cost Nothing!! to look at thU lovely little 3-bedroom home with all hardwood floor. Auto ell heat. Bus by door. Lovely expen alva view. Don't east much to buy either. $790 down. $42.80 per mo. Pull price 16,750. No. 303 CIRCLE THIS!! S-bedroom home with hardwood floor. Auto oil heat. Fenced-in back yard. Bimdi auto washer. Attached garage. Close to school south. Take lot In trade. Immediate possession. No. 314 Worth an Admission Charge ! ! hut to see thla 3-bedroom uniquely deafened &nd decorated modern home. Nice fireplace, nuto oil heat. Nice pntlo. Wonderful location. Lane attached far. we. (10,900. No. 307 Reimann for Real Estate JOI South Hlih St. Ph. 9-0109 rve. A Bun. 2-OH, 1-3117, ,-3974 a3S $12,600 Three bedrooms, basement, fireplace: 14 acre, various fruits and nuts; gar den apace; on pavement. FIIA loan. $1000 DOWN- Balance easy modern two bedroom, Kelier district. 4 BEDROOMS Large older house; fine big corner lot. Total price $5500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1,0 N. Utah St. Phone 37680 Eve. Ph. 301 - 39009 - 30030 a39' READY TO MOVE IN Completely furnished. clean. 1 B.R modern cottage with utility room and a race. Lot ha enough space to build enotner nouse, uiose in on n. mn. Price $8500. ENGLEWOOD Owner leaving elty, attractive strictly modern 3 year old home. 2 B.R. down, 1 up, yard landscaped and fenced. Price 111,600. P.H.A. terms. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor BY OWNER Ifanbrta Oarden. 3 bedroom house with t finished rooms In full base ment. Porced air ell furnace. Large patio. 420 Manbrin Drive. Ph. 37378 a37' .LARGE OLDER 5-bedroom house, large corner lot Englewood district. Pull base ment, ell furnace heat, completely fur nished, Reduced to $8500. will take email acreage as part or payment. Phone 1-0595 evenings. a37 1" BDRMS., large llv. rm., din. rm.. Inside utility, hdwd. fin., large lot. Will trade for older lute. 260 West Rural. a37 Highland School Dist Modern t bdrm. home. Living A din ing rm., fireplace, oU best, full base ment. Double garage. Pull price, $8,250. Consider small home in trade. 7 A. Close in North Nice 3 bdrm. home. Double plumbing. Good bam. Excellent soil. Consider home In Salem aa part payment. Pull price 114,000. CALL MR. NOONCHESTER H. E. Corey Real Estate 1366 jr. Broadway Ph, 1-0553 Br. 3-01W. I -31 II. 3fl FOR SALE HOUSES '48 PACrPIC liner, 33 ft. Complete. How ard Trailer Park. 3560 Portland Rd. a30 FLASH. Norway St. Best of surrounding. a home you'll be proud to own. onlj 4 yr. old, 6 nice site rooms, lovely kit chen, H.W. floor, fireplace, tup and snower oacn, large windows, ven. blinds, lots of closets, attic, full dry basement, auto oil furnace. Inclosed back yard. Only $11,950. Terms. Might accept late car or good 1st. mtct. In trade. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 S. Com'l Ph. 3-8841. a35 HIGHLAND HOME 3 bdrm., garage. Nearly new. Rented now tvt mw mo, .,ouu equity, traoe tor joi. 4 BDRM. HOME PulJ basement, garage, fireplace. K. Winter. Pull price $9,660. Terms. Contractors Attention 30 good building lots. North. SALEM HEIGHTS New 3 bdrm. hdwd. fir., floor furnace. Larte rooms. Many built-in features, Paved streets. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor FOR SALE LOTS FAIRMOUNT HILL Nice level 80x100 ft. lot. with 3 ear garage. Location at North side of Washington St. between Pir St Pair mount St. Will take new pickup In trade, uooa opportunity lor Bunder. Price $2,000, Cash or term. Call Severn 3401S. Eve. 38213. aaSB' FOR SALE FARMS 10 Acre Opportunity $7500 with $1000 down, $50 month. 3 bdrm. modern has., Ige. ch. hse., barn, garase, close to town and notice Trac tor and equip, go for quick sale. 26 Acres, 3 Bdrm. Modern hse barn for 16, ch. hat., some timber, 3 ac. berries, 4 cow go at $7000, part terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 6. Com'l. Ph. 1-4143. Eva. 3-9407. D39 HOP RANCH PH. 2-1320 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER: 33 Acre 4 ml .N.W. Building sites, view. Level, fruit. 84.950. Terms. Ph. 3-7236. bb37 ACREAGE FOR SALE 3 acres nice, comfortable, well con structed house. Living R., 2 bdrm., bath, large kitchen, utility. Double garage. 0 ft, well fully automatic water sys tem. Seven mile out Wallace Road. A real buy, only $6500. Call D. N. Sermon or Mr. Thomas, Phone 3-9131. bb39 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Home Beautiful t BR on 1 fir, spacious rooms, hard wood firs, throughout, part cedar lin ed closets, 3 fireplace, automatic dish washer, full basement, large ulllty rm., double garage, auto, oil furnace, part brick front, 14 acres located north, private water system, app. Vh yr. old. You will be proud to own Uils home. Shown by appointment only. Pull price $22,000. Eve. phone 2-7674 or 3-3556. $3950 Full Price Oould be made into good rental duplex. Located east close to Shopping Center. $500 down will handle. Eve. phone a-.0T or i-jnuij, Duplex Located In small town 1 acre lot. In come $130 per mo. Total price $7000, soma term. Ev. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Value in Motel 10 units almost new, well furnished, lo cation will lmprov In future. 1 A land, room for expansion, private water sys tem, 1 blk to good trout fishing. See this one for $25,000. Owner may con sider other property as part payment. Eve. phone 2-7074 or 3-3658. Oregon G. I. If you are an Oregon veteran fe want a 32 A farm with all equipment. Includ ing 7 head of cattle St have $1500, see this one. Total price $6500. Eve, phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. Chicken Farm S acres east, well equipped, mod. home, well, Vh A berries, 100 chickens. Total price only 19000, Eva phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. 10 Acres 4 rm. home, barn, chicken hse., garage, well. Would make a good berry farm. Owner leaving state. Total price only $4950. Eve. phones 3-4733 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3086 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 2-4596 c35 , $8500. NEAR LESLIE SCH. Neat clean 3 BR home, has lge. living rm., big kitchen St nook. Inside util ity rm automatic heat, att. car., lawn St shrubs in, pvd. st. Si walks. $11,500. HOLLYWOOD Home St Income, lower floor for own er has 3 BR, full bath, kitchen Ac nook, living dining rms fireplace, oil fur nace. Insulated A weather strip., plus $100 mo. Income from 2 furnished apartments. U BLOCKS to DOWN TOWN 180x150 corner lot. St, are pvd. Zoned for churches, apt. house or duplex, has old 3-story house with 3 epts, $15,300. Ph. 2-8680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 34tM WILL buy a grocery business that grossed $43,000 last year. $8060 WILL buy good 4 bdrm. home with furnace St basement. North. 8H3IM WILL buy 78x120 lot. In No. 3 busi ness gone with small 4 room house & auto, washer. Ideal for court site or small business. Wm. Bliven & Co., Rltrs. 647 N. High St. Ph. 23617 Eve. 2-8266 INSURANCE FOH EVERY NEED REAL ESTATE FOR EVERY PURPOSE c36 Building; Site Kingwood Heights Lot 100x156 with basement dug. City with basem f trees. $1,500 water, lots of trees. 3-Bdrms. Northeast L.R., D.R., kitchen, bath, 3 bedrooms and utility room on one floor. Att. ga rage. Home Just redecorated, elec. dish washer and disposal unit, Nice lawn and shrubs. Sea this one. Just $9,750 V4 Acres North Just off 99E, 1 year old home with 1 B.R.'s, L.R., D.R., kitchen, bath and utility room. Larie garage, small barn. Lots of fruit trees. 4 blocks to grade school, J block to bus line. Price $9,500 Look! 15 mln. drive from Salem, 3 acres et fine land, N.E., will grow anything. Can be Irrigated. Good modern 3-bedroom home. Lot of shrubs and shade tree. Don't fall to see this one. Price $7,000 - Half Down 102 Acres North All In cultivation, 60 acres in Pescue for seed crop, which 1 very good. Nice modern plastered 4-bedroom home, on paved road. Close to small town and schools. 2 barns, cluck, house. Family fruit and nut trees. The Price Is Right, $20,000 - Half Cash Sullivan Realty Co. 33(9 Portland Road m. I-3UI Day. - 4-3971 - -79 Ivea. IFOR SALE HOUSES IF YOUR WIFE IS TALKING ABOUT "NEW HOUSE" by all mean show her this one. It' brand new and haa all those built-in that delight the housewife's heart. Two bedrooms, with living room 13x18. Automatic oil heat. Attached garage with storage space overhead that can be utilized for extra bedroom. Close to grade school and city transportation. Price $7950 with FHA committment of $6200. TAKE OVER THE G.I. MORTGAGE on this attractive 2 bedroom home. Down payment of $1150 and only $39 monthly, required on $4450 mortgage. This 1 a nice little house with big lot, close to transportation. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOUSE WITH A BASEMENT? This attractive house in the KeUer district has full basement and plenty of room to dry clothe when it rains. One bedroom down and two up. Has Vh acres good garden land with nut and fruit trees. Close to school and city transportation. Wired for range. $13,600. Term. IMAGINE THIS FOR $4,200! Two bedroom home only 3 block from Kelzer school. City bus run past the door. Almost a quarter acre lot with fruit trees and plenty of water for garden. Terms. 2 BLOCKS FROM LESLIE SCHOOL This attractive stucco house on bus line and close to Bush Park. I bed rooms. Wired for electric range. Price $6,000. Term. ( DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 STATE STREET Evening call Mr. Toorhees 3-4407, REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS STATE STREET Sacrifice price 164x207 ft. lot, 40x50 ft. 3 story bids., complete 6 rm. apt. on 2nd floor, modern In every detail. Real value offered here. Price $18,000. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST All brick home, hdwd firs thruout, lge llv rm Sc din rm, brkft nook, den A music rm, 4 bdrms, 3 complete baths, full basmt, dble garage, beautiful grounds. Priced below replacement cost. CALL ROY FERRIS. ARE YOU PLANNING A Let us show you our large selection CALL EARL WEST. RESIDENTIAL COURT - 8 units, 1 year old. Income $460. 4 units, 1 year old. Income $300. Price $16,000. CALL PETER GEJSER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1H South Liberty Phon, 1-3471 Evenlnta and Sunday, call Koy Parrla 3-901O Peter Oelaer 3-9999 - Earl West 3-0809 SUBURBAN EAST 3 B.R. Ranch style home on nearly 2A, double garage, chick house, near school St city bus Just $8500 takes It. $2500 will handle. Crawford. JUST LISTED Nice home located at 2381 State St. Business zone No. 3, owner leaving Sa lem Si wishes to sell completely furn ished. Ideal location for Doctor' office or other business. Plenty of traffic. $10,000 takes it. KlKKln. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St, Eve. Crawford 2-6390 Johnson 3-7451 REAL ESTATE McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Small suburban home not far from Salem Heights school. Priced to sell at $4750 Very nice, clean suburban home with 2 bedrooms, living room ana mning room combined, kitchen, bath and attached garage. Good location. Very attractive. Pric 18550. Attractive English style home with 2 bedrooms. This is clean and neat, nas furnace, double plumbing with approx imately 1 A. Varlty of fruit and a gar den aoace. Price 210.500. 30 A. mall house, poultry house, barn St implement snea. ah in cultivation, wm trade for a 3-Bedroom home In Salem. Grocery Store Large co. .cr lot. Building, two small houses. Good fixtures and siock. unis is close in and doing a good business. All for $13,500. ' Apartment House 4 apt fully furnished, excellent location, corner lot, income a4o per moncn. Priced to sell at only $22,500. DAYTIME PHONE 3-5131 Evening Phone 3-5514 or 3-8406 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS c35 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Listings on homes, lots, business, acre ages, and farms. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph. 2-6680. ca38 WE ARE In need of tooa house to sell in or near Salem. II you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca" NOTICE' If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St ca RESORT PROPERTIES BY OWNKK: Will sell or trnde 4 rm. house. Full basement, oil furnace, dou ble unrftne. Full $8500, C. S. Sch Finer, De Lake, Ore. cc3fl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $360 Month Income and living rooms In this apt. hse. and duplex close downtown Salem. Owner will accept trnde in house, acreage or farm price $37,000. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-4649. Eve. 2-5497. Cd36 Lunch & Confectionery Just the Place for two. Fine location in buslnr. section. 14 stools nil equip ment and utensils. Price $4750. Set any time. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High Si. Phone 37660 Eve. Phones 24591 - 200'JO cd35 ICE CREAM PROFITS Are you. Interested In a fascinating new business that pays oft the first year? Revolutionary new method of dispensing Ice cream or frown cus tard. See the Eagle continuous freener in operation in new model window service drive In. FROST MAID' STORES cd35 PHOTO STt'DIO, centrally located, com plete with orders on hand. One, prtce $1750. will take $750 cash. Write Cap Ital Journal Box 370. cd40 GROCERY, gas station. Living quarters. across from cnooi. buy tock and equipment. Phone 3-5166. cd35 WANTED: Experienced sheetmetal man. as partner In going plumbing business. Box 381 Capital Journal. cd39 FOR SALE Snack Bar that is growing by leaps and bounds. Too much work for ua. Fine for young couple that can work hard. Downtown location that can't be beat. Box 364, Capital Journal. Cd36 FOR RENT Equipped bakery room in new shopping center district. Fine place for bakery specialties and delicatessen goods. Contact W. Hasklns, Carmel Krlsp Shop at 335 North Hltth or tele phone 36835 evenings or Sunday. cd36 Big Profits - Small Price Now ottering ror sale one of the fnst est money making grocery A meat stores In Salem. Reason for selling desolvlng partnership. Full price $14,000. A good operator can make a great deal more than the asking price the first year If manaied right. No telephone call accented on this. See Ben Colbath, Realtors 1883 Center St. Salem, Oregon I FOR SALE HOUSES PHONE 3-3663 Mr. Brennan 3-4938, Thelma 3-8053 I REAL ESTATE HOME of lot North, South, East or West. 10 ACRES In nut with 3 rm home, other bldgs. Elec. pump, near Rosedale school. The price 1 $3500. Terms might be ar ranged. Johnson. FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 B.R. home with full taint, fireplace, auto oil ht, wall to wall carpet. You'll like It for $9250. Crawford. Office 3-3649 C3S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 10 UNIT COURT NEAR STATE OFFICES tie SHOPPING CENTER. Excellent loca tion, construction and Investment. $55, 000. Liberal terms. 4 UNIT APT. 4 blk. from Ladd St Bush Bank, hdwd. firs., full basement. OU fired furnace, hot watr heat. Brings in $135.00 Per mo. Plus owners atrs. 321.000 5 UNIT APT. WALKING DIST. from State offices, full basement, furnace, all apts. completely furnished, lgs. lot. Dble. gar. Nets better than 13 on an Investment of $13,400. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989. Cd36 Candy & Cigar Store Other Interest force the sale of this money-making store. Excellent location In downtown Salem. Best offer take (within reason of course). Ben Colbath, Realtors 1883 Center St, Salem, Ore. cd35 Business Lot $2,000 50 ft. frontage on Edge water near KOCO. A good Investment buy. Call Walt Musgrave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 e ge water Ph. 3-5109 FURNITURE FOR SALE PRACTICALLY NEW davenport & chair. trice reasonable, rn. 24933. ibis n. 30th. d37- Good Used Furniture 7 Drawer Kneehole Desk $15.00 6-plece Chrome Set, consisting of ouiiet, table & chairs, only ..J4B.0O Twin Bedroom Suite, walnut ....169.50 Kenmore OH circulator $37.50 Blue Daveno Set Swing Rocker ,...$70.50 Woodry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N. Summer St. Ph. 35110 PAINTED DINING table St 6 chairs. Ph. 3-87A1. d36 WANTED FURNITURE OLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110 FURNITURE St APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash Price paid on the spot. No fuss or bother Just call 3-8558. da" AUCTIONS LOOK! BIG PUBLIC AUCTION Balnnce of new merchandise of the City Hardware, going out of business, to sell at public auction. For convenience this auction to be held at Scotty's Auction House. I'a mile east out Center St., Sa lem on Saturday, Feb. 11, 1930, at 10 a.m. Ten Hundred Dollars Worth of Hnrdware Items to go over the block. Boilers, tubs, palls, door knobs, win dow latches, wax, picks, corn plant ers, sprinklers, brooms, mops, steel bits, dies. hoe. axe, and peevee handles, screws, - wire cutters, wrenches, ham mers, tin snips, plyers, carpenter chalk, stove pipe, gallons of paint brushes, step stools, hundreds of Items too numerous to mention. 1 230 Eire. Welder. New oak dinette set. new desk, radio, linoleum rugs, 5 toilet stools, 1 milking machine, building blocks, building tar paper, new barb wire, sinks, new shingles, 2 wheel trail er. 3 Dz. New Hamp. Pullets, 3 Doz. Austcr White hens, 500 baby cockerels, 1937 Ford Sedan. Come attend thia big sale. Bargains galore. Your price Is our price. We fenture a lame, clean, roomy lunch counter, with home cooked food and only the first served. Coffee 5c CUP. Phone 2H274. CAL. ERNEST E. SCOTT. AUC. NINA M. SCOTT. CLERK SCOTTY'S AUCTION dd-- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK REO. Dl'ROC boar pig 5 months old. Ph. 4423 Silvrrton or write R, J. Harris, Rt. 3. Box 131 Silverton. e15 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock burer E. C. McCandltsh. 1127 S. 33th. Ph. 33147. eaSO LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Snt then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31345. ea43 RABBITS WIN OS Deed rabbits. 3985 State. Ph. 3-I4R9. eb49a PETS FOR SAt.K or trade, canary with can, and atandard. Pli 1-1033. ,c35 COCKKR rUFPIES&oraale7Phi S-8Blo7 3S CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec57a TOY TERRIER pups. East of Liberty lore. rn. aajfo. ecJ6 O R AVOIt CANARY singers. $6 50 Ph. 25939 ec43' Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE RED HOT BUYS $50 MO. WITH $1000 DOWN Look what 16950 buy you. Older type borne (In good condition! with I bdrm dn, LR, DR, Kltch, dinette, bath, lge bdrm upstair, laa bsmt with separate-rental -at $35 month, Lge corner lot, double garage. 1 blk off Stat. $52 MO. WITH $950 DOWN Buys you this new modern 3 Bdrm Home with )g LR, kltch, bath, hdwd firs, auto heat, fireplace, attached garage. LOOK AT THIS NOW. Price $8300. $50 MO. WITH $750 DOWN Modern 3 Bdrm Home with lge LR, kltch, bath, utility rm. Paved St. Located In city. Price only $4950. $10 MO. WITH $10 DOWN Buys you large building lot N.I, 80x130. Lights and water available. Price 3350. $$ NEED MONEY $$ We are placing home and farm loan. Low Interest rate. See tt whenever . you need a loan. SPECIAL For Investment or suburban home. Palatial 3 bdrm home with lge LR, beautiful kltch, nicely landscaped yards plus 7, acre which can be sub divided Into business lot. 1 lge modern chicken hse for 1000 laying hens, 1 lge brooder hse, 3 lge barns, double garage. Deep well St pump house, 3 driveways, lots of nuts, fruit, shrubs. Ideal for private er commercial rldlns academy. Price 325,000. Term. Shown by appointment only. See Mr. McQueen. Eves, Ph. 28476. WANT TO TRADE? IF YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR PROPERTY SEE US. MANY TYPES OP PROPERTIES NOW LISTED FOR TRADE. WE MIGHT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. TIMBER AND MILL DEALS .IP YOU'RE LOOK I NO FOR A GOOD TIMBER DEAL, SEE MR. LAMMERB EVE. PH. 36869. WE NEED FARM LISTINGS MANY OUT OF STATE BUYERS WANTING COMPLETE DETAILS ON GOOD WILLAMETTE FARMS. LIST YOURS WITH US NOW AND GET READY TO LET US SHOW IT. Ben Colbath' kealtors 1683 CENTER ST. PH, 14553 AUTOMOBILES SAVE $$$ BUY N-O-W PRICES REDUCED AS MUCH AS $100.00 ON THESE CARS, FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. PAY CASH AND SAVE 1938 Chrysler Sedan 1937 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sed. 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1939 Chrysler Royal Cpe. 1940 Plymouth 2-dr. Sdn. 1938 Dodge Sedan Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER -405 N. Com'l St. Home of 495 N. Phone FUEL DRY FIR furnace wood. Immediate de livery. Ph. 4-3477. ee40 OLD GROWTH FIR. On highway, $10 cord you haul. Ph. 29857. e35 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-1443 16" Slab Wood and Edema Frash Cut Screened Sawduat 13" Inside Mill Wood Drj Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edflns Praab Clean Sawduat Green Edains S5.50 load Double 110.00 Alao 18" Green Slab or 4' I Pbon. 35S31 EE West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph SaJem 2-40S1 Pick up wood at 1525 Edsewtter West Salem CLL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oila FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drr Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends Si Block Wood Ph. S-S444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. St maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter. now avail able every Tues. f ox uaicnery, 3B3o State St. Ph. 3-4962. f PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA St timothy. By ton or truck load. 865 S. 13th. Ph. 2-9923. ff48 EASTERN ALFALFA HAT. Ph. 3-1438 ff TWELVE-WEEK-OLD Red pullets, Red fryers, three to lour lbs. reed sacks, cotton and burlap. Burbank potatoes sorted. One and one half miles north of Kelzer school. Clear Lake Rd. T. A. BREWSTER Rt. NO. 2 Box 261-C If36 COl'NTKY FRESH EGOS. Chickens, ve getables In season. "JM k etc. Sat. at 9 a.m. Salem Put,,:- Market. 1240 E. Rural. f(35 HELP WANTED WANTED Man and wife to keep house for elderly gentleman and share his home. 938 E. Cleveland, Woodburn. Tel. Black 284. k37 BOOKKEEPER, must be accurate in fig ures. Capable, accepting responsibility. State exp. and salary expected. Perm, position. Box 356 Capital Journal. (36 HELP WANTED MALE EXP. TLUMBING repair man for steady work. Open shop, state uc. iesirM. Box 371 Capital Journal. aa37 HELP WANTED FEMALE PAYROLL TIMEKEEPER. Must have ex perience In payroll and operate Bur rough Calculator. Steady work in Sa lem Dept. store. Give experience and salary expected. Write Box 362 co Capital Journal. ib36 SEAMSTRESS to make up drapes for lo cal department store, ah equipment ana work-room furnished. Convenient work ing hours. Address all applications to box 366 Capital Journal, stating quali fications, name, address and phone number if possible. gb36 EXPERIENCED Insurance girl, part time mornings or afternoons, write Box sss, Capital Journal. cb37 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS M0 State Street - Phone 2-1488. tf33 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED a salesmen to work on city property. Sullivan Realty Co, 3365 Portland 84. tf!7 I REAL EST ATI 7y2 ACRES IAUTOMOBILES - SAVE $$$ 1937 Plymouth Coupe 1936 Oldsmobile Conv. Coupe 1939 Hudson Club Cpe. 1939 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Door Sedan Service PLYMOUTH Com'l St. 3-4117 435 N. Com'l St. WANTED SALESMAN INSULATION, experienced salesman. New revolutionary product. At long last something different. Amazing. Exciting demonstration makes sales easy. Exclu sive territory. Competition eliminated. Ph. 23462, between 9 to 10 a.m. Dist. Manager. fu TWO FOR commercial refrigeration, Air vuutiiuuning, store, maricec ana restau rant, fixtures and equipment. Top leading Nationally Advertised lines. Pre fer sale minded men. with some en gineering background. But men willing to learn a profession that will pay 310,000 up per year more essential. Men selected will be given protected territory, and every sales and engin eering help. For appointment call 21012. K36' EXP. APPLIANCE talesman needed. TJn- iimuea opportunity ior advancement. Oood commission St working conditions. See Mr. Booth. Montgomery Ward, Sa'"n- g38 WANTED: ENERGETIC REAL ES TATE SALESMAN NOW ACTIVE IN SELLING REAL ESTATE TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR REAL ESTATE OFFICE ON 70 BASIS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN ITT FOR RIGHT MAN. CALL AT 212 K. HIGH ST. FOR INTERVIEW. WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h61 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, DAYS. AGES 2 TO S. HR. 7:30 TO . PH. 24940. h56 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. h43 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 1-2093 . ' , h57 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly lady. Box 365 Capital Journal. h36 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- iub. ins. op. won guar w a, ucAlllt ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1406. hSO EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed. Reas. Ph. 3-9732. h NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3--5072. h59 FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 24-hr. care. Ph. 2-2125. h57 Mimeo'graphing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th. Phone 1-363 h52 EXPER, Interior decorator. Free estimates. Muarantceo, reasonanie. en. 1-9732. hsl' SPECIALIZED children sewing. Ph. 2-6081 hS5 CHILD CARE in my home. Ph. 33611. 1117 6th. - h39 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h53 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h46 BABY SITTING. PH. 30580. CF.MEN1 WORK wanted l-h. 3.4850. ha FOR RENT ROOMS NICE ROOM In modern borne, elec. heat. 765 Marion. Jk36 PLEASANT aleeplnt rm. for man. 1050 Nor way. Ph. 24547. Jk40 ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home, gen tleman. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-936S. Ik37 ROOMS Ladlea only. Kitchen prMlece. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 3-5210. Jk37 LARGE FTRN rcu. Heated, H C water. 3 burner eleo plate, alao heated aleeplnt rm. 11 as O water. 255 Center. Jk3' LlGtlT HOUSEKEEPING room. Hot Plate. Gentleman. Ph. 3-3033. Jk40 HOLLYWOOD. 3035 MeCor. Ph. 3-M93. Jkso ROOM FOR man. Electric heat. 130. 1793 unemexfei. rn. 21904. FITRN. aleeplnt rm. Beauty reat for men. Cloaa In. 1111 Center. Jk3 ROOM. Prlr. bath. Gentlemen. Ph. 3-1739 Jk35 LARGE SLEEP1NO rm. Couple or em- piojea iaav. ,49 h. winter, rn. 3B459. )k39' MAN'S SLEEPING room, auto nt.t, prle. bath 49 enl. Ph. 1.9041. 1UI AUTOMOBILES VALLEY MOTOR CO. Economy Used Car Lot SPECIALS 1940 Lincoln Zephyr Sdn $395 1941 Dodge Club Coupe ..$495 193 Chev. J-Dr. $95 1938 Ford Tudor $95 THE LOT OF LOW COST TRANSPORTATION 3600 Silverton Road Cheek Monroe Your Money's Worth When You Buy A-l Used Cars A-l 1949 FORD CUSTOM CONV. CLUB CPE., R&H, O-D. ..$1895 1949 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, R&H $1595 1P49 CHEVROLET SPECIAL AERO SEDAN $1595 1947 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER SEDAN $114 J 1947 FORD 6 CYL. FORDOR SEDAN. A HONEY $995 1547 DODGE CUSTOM BUS. CPE., HEATER $993 1949 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN, R&H, OVERDRIVE $2193 Many More A-l Used Cars to Choose From Valley Motor Mart "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" Center at High Salem JS SHROCKSEZ: For a Better Buy Buy Hudson All good things come in pairs. For Pair-A-Dise in driving comfort, Drive Hudson . . . WE HAVE IN STOCK NOW 2 1941 HUDSON SEDANS AND CLUB COUPE 2 1942 HUDSON SEDANS AND CLUB COUPE 2 1946 HUDSON SEDANS 2 1947 HUDSON SEDANS 2 1948 HUDSON SEDANS AND CLUB COUPE Several Other Makes and Models We Guarantee Satisfaction With Each Transaction Shrock Motor Company Where Chemeketa Goes to Church HUDSON VILLAGE Just Across Church St. From HUDSON CITY FOR RENT ROOMS NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladlea preferred. 531 N. Winter. Ik&B SLEEPING, lltht hsekpg. rma. Ph. 3-4335. JK35 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 472 N. Liberty. Jk37" HEATED SLEEPING rooma, double and alntle. 385 N. I4tn. Jk40" FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 ROOMS well furn. Clean. Refrlg., elec. heat, bus. 1307 Htnes. JP3B 3 ROOM APT. in attractive court. Relrlg., rang St auto laundry. Convenient to state bldgs.. univ., and bus. 807 S. 13th alter 10 a.m. Jp40 NEW S RM. apt. unfurn. Ph. 3-7108 be tween 4ftl p.m. JP38" t RM. FTRN. electric stove St refrlg. Sft. Ph. 3-7176. JP37- X RM. APT. Priv. bath entr. Kmp. cou ple. 1000 H. 5th. JP35- CL2AN QUIET warm 3 rm. apt. Middle ..y preferred. 645 Ferry. Jp35 FURN. COTTAGES. Light, heat water lurn. 3185 Portland Rd. jpjb LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING apt. for working girl. Ph. 3-8386, JP3B" FURN. 3 big rooms, priv. ent, St bath, phon, laun., facilities. 1431 N. cottage. Jp39 NEW J-ROOM apt. Priv. hath, part furn, Adults. 1047 Madison. JPJ7' UPTOWN Hk. rms. 50 de 75c a day. Free lodging for woman to work. Ph. 29635. Jp36 MODERN FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage, S35 month, s mues norm oi urooics on uat. OK for baby. Inquire Rose Cottages af ter 5 p.m. Jp30 3 ROOM AFT. In attractive court. Refrlg. Tang St auto lauC:; Convenient to state ldgs., univ, and bus. 907 S. 13th after 10 a.m. Jp35 VACANCIES for girls. Close in. All mod ern convenience. Ph. 34372 alter S p.m. Jp36 EXCLUSIVE NEW COURT apt. Range, refrlg., laundry. 160. Adults. Ph. 3-7071. Jp35 3 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. 3 RM. APT, Reasonable, Call after 4 p.m. 1810 Trade. 1p38 FOR RENT HOUSES NEW t BDRM. house. Electric heat. 168. 648 Breys. jm38 4-RM. HOUSE, chicken house. Rt. 1, co uciicon, uervais, urc. jm3a NEW MOD. FURN. 3 rm., tile bath, gar., launo. utilities turn. 2 aauits. no pets, 3845 Portland Rd. Jm3B S BR UNFURN duplex, elec. heat. 180. worth, pn. 2-8586. jm35' PRIV. 3 room partly furn.. clean, gar age, i9 montn. J sou romana m, jm- BDRM. home In W. Salem. Elec. heat. inquire at 1390 3rd St.. W. Salem. Jm36 FT. cabin to a worthy pensioner or veteran coupie. very reasonaoi rent. Box 3SI V Capital Journal. Jm37 ROOM A BOARD BOARD AND room for elderly people, 145 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLSG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 BUSINESS RM. for rent B L. Stiff I V DRIVE Trucks Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph 30103 r SINQEF ELECTRIC porvable sewing mi- cnines. Heasonaoi rates, rre Pica up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J iQOD U9ID PIANOS. B L. Stiff FLOOR I ANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. j POWER TOOL rentals for home and In- onmnai as. Howstr Bros. Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS 13.00 per day Hovwr Bros 141v ft 13th. West Salem t TC DO a good Job rent a good floor land er we gcu everything to complete the IOWIO BROS. Pfc. S-I64 ) IAUTOMOBILES 1938 Dodge Sedan $185 1935 Pontiac 2 Dr $30 1939 Chevrolet 2 Dr. $325 1934 Dodge Sedan $80 Joe Burke's Corner - Ph. 2-3961 US" WANTED TO RENT REFINED Middle-aged couple want 1 or 2-B.R. unfurn. house. Immediately. Near bus. Permanent. Writ Capital Journal. Box 367. Ja3i MODERN 4-ROOM nous close to school, store, church and bus. Apply at J. c, Henry, Rt. 9, Box 764, first houia north of Liberty school. JaJ OR 3 bdrm furn houi needed by Che mawa teacher with family of f. Ph. 3-7730, cottage B. Ja3 LOST & FOUND FOUND Jacket Mon. night a Garnet at D St. Ph. 3-7972. U7 LOST: Dodge car keys downtown, Tues. Reward. 466 Water St. k37 LOST Orey woman's purs is Holly wood Dist. Keep money for reward. Call 4-2612. Name Hazel McCammon. k3 LOST: Light tan male cocker. From 111 N. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-8271. Reward. k35 LOST: Brown wallet with cards of th name Thomas Leonard Snethen. Reward. Ph. 2-1345. k35 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 461 Court. vvb cinse oaturaays liiuu, mJ " SPENCER CORSET. ERE. Call zkoU. m4? MUSIC LESSONS Piano St violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. m44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m BUILDING MATERIAL MOUNTAIN CEDAR shingles, 4 grades, low priced. No. 3's only $3 square. Ce dar shakes In carton $12 sq. Under course Included. C. O, Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelzer. ma40" ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, millwork. hard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliances, paints. Insulation,, roofing and house wares for as little aa 10 rt down on a purchase of 120 up to 9300. Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make It easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets, Salm. mi Special Shipment Dry kiln 1x6" E. flooring, or roof and side wall sheathing. Cheaper than ship lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front St Court Sts. Salem, ml FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SELF-CONTAINED complete metal atall ahower, 315. 433 Union. n33 ELECTKIC National cash reilater. Good condition. Ph. 3-7810 daya. n37 CONLON IRONER Conlon Rotary Ironer. 30 lneh rein. Floor aample. Was 31M.U. Now 1133. EASY TERMS ON ANT PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COtRT ST. n36 WRECKING HOUSE, built Ins, windows, doors, plaster board. 3510 Oarden Rd. " B37" MAYTAG used washer, Oood cond. 878 S. 12th. Ph. 3-9978. n37 SUMP pump St fittings, a. I. motor, used 1 day. Ph. 2-1318. 3480 Center. n37 HOTPOINT electric range, JIM Center. n37 STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, ralllngl. In stock, made to order. 1145 N Liberty n40 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant Ph. 1-1357. B37" USED Electric ranges, 1 19.91 a a. 373 Chemeketa GENERAL ELECTRIC. Crosley, Qlbeon, and Moo tag Appliances at Gevurtx. n (Continued on Pag 19) i i