-14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, February 10, 1950 Champion Ski Jumper we; during the world ski tournament held at Rumford, Me. Bjornstad, 21-year-old farmer who had never finished higher , than fifth place before, outdistanced all competition with this . and his 223-foot jump. (Acme Telephoto) Trainer Confirms Poll Vote; Man O'War Tops By JAMES F. FOWLER I I I ! Miami, Fla., Feb. 10 UP) Whenever horse lovers meet, sooner or later the talk turns to the greatest of them all, the im mortal Man O'War. They talk if his 20 victories in 21 starts; Of his five record breaking races ind of the only time he was beaten, by a horse named Upset, But memory o the big red ftalllon, acclaimed the greatest face horse of the last half cen tury in the Associated Press poll, probably is most, vivid in the mind of the man who bought him, trained him, raced him and ietired him to sire the greatest family of thoroughbreds the jvorld has ever seen, i Samuel D. Riddle, now 88 f years old and still racing horses, smiled as he was told 'Man O'War had been picked as the horse of the half cen--tury. s "They're right," he beamed, ''they picked the right horse. There hasn't been a horse like Big Red before or since. There have been many great horses, you understand, but none quite Jike Man O'War." i Sitting in his box atop the Clubhouse at Hialeah race course, Riddle turned his mem ory back 32 years when he first lighted Man O'War, an un fcrushed yearling, sunburnt and thin. ' ' "You'll hear 50 people tell !you how they influenced me 'to buy him," Riddle caution ed, "but don't you believe it. I sent my trainer down to look over August Belmont's batch of yearlings for sale, and the trainer said he didn't see anything worthwhile. So I went myself. "I saw this yearling in the last stall and asked the groom if he had been set aside. The groom said no, he was for sale too. "When that big red horse he stood over 16 hands high poked his head through the door my heart skipped a little. I knew right away I had to have that horse. So I paid $5,000 for him. "It was the greatest invest ment any man could make. He kept me on top for 20 years . . . gave me a great horse every year of his life ... and his off springs are still coming, the grandchildren, that is." In present day standards with $50,000 and $100,000 races Big Red's earnings didn't amount to much, $83,325 as a two-year-old and $166,140 as a three-year-old. But it was a lot of money 30 years ago. "It was after he was retired to stud he became the money earner. I never kept track of how many colts he sired. I guess his offsprings earned around $4,000,000. His great est son, of course, was War Admiral. Although War Ad miral couldn't have beat Man O'War In his greatest day." O'Doul Promises Seals Will Climb from Cellar ! By RUSS NEWLAND ! San F ranclsco, Feb. 10 Somebody else, not the San Francisco Seals will be the Pa cific Coast league doormat or jiext to It, this season. ' That's what Frank "Lefty" O'Doul soys. He's the manager. O'Doul, one of the outstand ing personalities in baseball, had the unpleasant experience of bossing a seventh place club Jast year. , Only Los Angeles proved a bigger droop than the Seals. The southern entry finished flat on its back. These are strange positions for the clubs from the two largest cities in the triple A loop. They're us ually fighting for the pen nant. O'Doul, surveying his 25 hold overs and 13 newcomers said: "This season's club should have good balance. Experience and enthusiasm usually form a winning combination. We should have It this year. "We are looking for some help from Pittsburgh, either on option or outright pur chase. I'm hoping we can get Eddie Fitzgerald from the Pirates. It would solve our problem behind the plate. We also lacked batting punch last year. It will be better this year." Among the mound oldlos tak en on are Tommy Bridges, the old Detroit star who has been with Portland; Xavier Rescigno, from San Diego, and Ralph Buxton, a former Oakland standby whose knucklcr took him up to the Yankees late last season in a relief role. Louis Grasmick, a righthand er from Portsmouth, Vn., and Chet Johnson, southpaw from Indianapolis, are other newly acquired hurlers. The Seals will go into their Palm Springs training camp with 14 pitchers. Rick Briskey, a Naches, Wn., youngster will get a good chance at the shortstop berth. He hit .338 for Yakima in the Western International class B circuit last season. Lei Fleming, taken on Ml Dick Dunkcr College Basketball Power Index EXPLANATION The Power Index provides a direct comparison of the -elative strength of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.0 team has been 10 scoring points stron: r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in ffhlch scoring margin has been weighed against strength of opposition. rl'hls does not necessarily mean that a 50.0 team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. . Teams rarely follow past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac tors as home court, injuries and ineligibilities. The Donkel system correlates records of all college teams and was started in 1929. Question: How much do "wont'"' hu tibiMied it.if the fworite Its opponent. For example, a 50.0 team has been 10 points stronger, per game, than a 40.0 team. - noma team Probable Probable Wlnnen Losers FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Esit American TJ. Brldgewater Buffalo Colgate , Qorham St. Orove City . Hobart Hunter , Indiana, Pa, Long island Union Dakota ., Ohio U Rlpon uicnigan Blrm. South . Centenary and lost" records mean in eval uating basketball teams? Answer: Nothing. Example: DePaul, won 8, lost 10: rating 64.5. Kansas Wesley- an, won 13, lost 0; rating 54.0. Wanna argue? DePaul licked powerful St. John's at the Gar den by six points. KW's strong est foe, through last Monday. had been Ft. Hays Teachers (53.3). whom they beat by one point. Anyway, in a game where It costs you nine points to play in the other fellows back yard, you can't travel, meet the top notchers, and stay undefeated unless you're a super-team. So far this season, only one major outfit, Holy Cross, has been able to pull the Merriwell stuff. Through last Monday, the Crusaders had won 17 straight, but that fact has nothing to do with computing their top rating of 82.0. That's figured this way: Holy Cross had played opponents with average rating of 59.4. Add to that HC s average scoring mar gin of 23.0 per game, and you get 82.0. All our ratings are fig ured in the same manner. Following the Crusaders, in second place, were the potent Kansas State Wildcats, with 78.2. Their record was 13-4, but they circulate in one of the country's toughest leagues, the Big Seven. Their next game is with Missouri (64.5). No. 3, LaSalle (78.0) had won ten straight since dropping a two-pointer to San Francisco on Dec. 29. The Explorers meet rugged Toledo (73.7) Saturday. No. 4 CCNY (76.0) had a 12-2 record, and tangles with Canisi us (66.7) this week-end. No. 5 Ohio State (75.9), king pin of the Big Nine, was 14-3, and collides with Michigan State (55.1) tomorrow. Completing the Top Ten, through last Monday's games, were: Long Island, UCLA. West ern Kentucky State, St. John's, Bradley and Toledo, the latter two tied for tenth position. Hank and Power Index of na tional and sectional leaders fol lows: 10 NATIONAL 1. Holy Cross .. 2. Kansas State 3. LaSalle 4. CCNY 5. Ohio State .... 6. Long Island 7. UCLA 75.2 8. W. Kentucky State 74.2 9. St. John's, N.Y 74.1 10. (Bradley 73.7 (Toledo 73.7 EAST MIDWKfiT Holy Cross 82.0 Kans. State ....7B.2 LaSalle 78.0 Ohio State .,..76.9 CCNY 7fl.O Bradley 73.7 UU 75.3 Toledo 73.7 St. John's, N.Y. 74.1 Wisconsin 73.3 Duqucsn 73.3 St. Louis 73.2 Villa nova 72.1 Indiana 72.2 Cornell 71.1 Delolt 72.1 3yracus ..60.2 Cincinnati 72.0 weaimsier, Pa. .09.2 Illinois 71.3 BUUTH FAR WEST Ky. State ..74.2 TJCLA 7B.2 NC Btate 73.1 Wash. State ...69.S Louisville fln.O Brig. Young ...09.3 Kentucky 68.9 8. Francisco Marshall 68.8 California .. Murray Bt 85.8 Wyoming ., E. Ky. Bute ..84.3 Arliona .... Duke 83.9 80. Calif. , Vanderbllt 62.4 Stanford ... Texns A St M 61.7 E. Wash. Bt. (Ratlnri through nntM of Fehrrjarv A) 1 Queens In ench listing below, the team on the RI State LEADERS , 82.0 78.2 -....78.0 76.0 ....75.9 ....75.3 ...32.5 ..'28.1 ...29.7 .53.3 14.5 . 8.8 .15.7 21.3 35.0 51.8 vs Catholic V. .39.5 vs Ellxao'town .52.4 vs Hamilton . 84.3 vs Army .28.5 vs Pltchburg St. 41.5 vs Predonla Bt. 24.9 vs McMaster .., .28.4 vs Pratt , .37.7 vs Edinboro Bt. 75.3 vs Quantlco Mar. 47.5 Lock Haven St. 40.1 vs Shtppensb'g ..30.0 Loyola, Md. ..56.7vsMt. Bt. Mary's 42.7 Minersvllle ...'47.0 vs California, Pa .35.9 Montclalr St. 46.6 vs Newk, Rutgers 41.7 N. Haven St. 31.8 vs Albany St. ...20.2 N. York AC 57.3 vs LeMoyne 43.9 Oswego St 32.3 vs Rochester T .24.1 Penn State ...64.2 vs Gettysburg ...3.8 Rider 47.1 vs Panser ..39.8 St. Francis, Pa. 64.4 vs Upsala '38.9 Bt. Lawrence 47.0 vs RPI 46.8 Spllp'ry Rock 40.6 vs Fenn 37.5 Springfield ... .53.9 vs Lowell Text. 25.9 Tufts 60.8 vs Bowdola 32.0 Midwest Central, Mo. . .53.0 vsTarklo Colorado 68.7 vs Iowa State Culv. Stockton a43.1vsDrury Evansvllle ....81.7 vs Xaxler, O. Franklin '48.9 vs Hanover ... 111. College ...54.3 vs J. Mllllktn 111, Wesleyan .52.2 vs Elmhurst .. Iowa Tchrs. .. .63.1 vs fl.D. State Lawrence 41.8 vs Monmouth Law. Tech .. .'51.8 vs Huntington .,..33.9 Loras ...64.1 v St. Jos., Ind. 50.7 Maryvllle St. . .53.8 vs Warrens. St. vs uecnany . . . ,.52.9 vs So. Dakota 48.3 vsW. Reserve .46.4 vs Carleton ... .59.2 vs Miami, O. .. South .37.9 vs Oglethorpe 51.5 vs Tex. Wesleyan 60.6 ciemson 48.2 vs Presbyterian ,,'io.v Duke 63. B vs Maryland ....44.7 Florida St. ,40.8 vs Lipscomb .... Georgia Tech. &7.6 vs Florida Geor. Tchrs. 55.2 vs Ersklne High Point ....51.5VSE. Carolln. St. Lynchburg ...31.2 vs Eton Marshall 68.8 vs E. Ky. State Mercer 46.8 vs Howard, Ala. Mid. Tenn. St. 39.8 vs Union, Tenn. Carolina . .55.8 vs rurman Rand. Macon .32.4 vs Oallaudet Texas AaeM .."61.7 Vs Baylor ..21.4 ..60.8 ...35.6 ..59.6 ...46.3 ..50.0 ..30.2 ..46.3 .36.8 ,44.9 '42.2 45.1 '39.0 45.9 ..23.7 ...37.9 ..46.5 ..44.7 , 41.7 ..31.0 64.7 36.0 ,30.8 ..38.0 ..10.6 ...80.5 Rider 47.1 vs Pace 31.8 RPI , 46.8 vb ClarksoQ .. 35.2 Rochester 45.3 vs Alfred 31.0 Bt. Anselm's 46.0 vs N. Hampshire . 34.4 St. Fran., Pa. 54.4 vs Iona 52.4 St. John's, MY 74.1 vs Niagara .... 63.8 Shlppens. St. '36.0 vs California, Pa 35.9 Siena 65.0 v Fordham .... 60.5 Springfield . . .53.9 vs Massachusetts 37.9 Bmartnmore ,.7,b vsr. m. c "43.7 Syracuse 69.2 vs Army 53.3 Temple "ai.7 vs Mannattan .. 55.3 Thleld "23.9 vs Predonla St. . 8.8 Trinity 47.6 vs Mlddleburv .. 37.1 Tufts 50.8 vs Bates 36.0 Uosala .......38.9vsDrew 12.7 VUlanova 72.1 vs Oeorget'n, DC 65.3 Vermont 43.2 vs Champlain ., 27.8 W & J 62.9 vs Buffalo St. .. "34.9 W. Ch'ster St. '43.5 V5 Klnii's. Del. . 38.2 Worcest. Poly "38.4 vs Lowell 9Text .25.7 Midwest Anderson "41.7 vv Canterbury .. 41.5 Ashland .... 33.2 vs Hlam 26.1 Augsburg .... 53.5 vs Macaleater .. 41.3 Belolt ...... 72. 1 vs Indiana St. ., 64.9 Bowling Green "70.7 vs Loyola, 111. ,, 68.9 Bradley 73.7 vs DePaul 64.5 Butler 65.0vsW. Michigan . 69.2 C. Girardeau .38.9 vs Mo, Mines .. 33.7 capital .... "50.5 vs o. Northern. . 41.8 Case 41.4vsKenyon 32.6 DePauw 54.6 vs Ball State '54.0 Drake 58.4 vs Cralghton .... 64.8 Illinois St. 63.0 vs Ccordla. Mo. 43.9 Emporia St. ..51.1 vs Rockhurst .. Eureka 51.9 vs Shurtleff Hamline 66.7 vs C'cordla.Mlnn Helldelberg ., 55.6 vs Otterbeln ... nope "ao.u vs Aarian .38.4 45.7 40.7 VMI 40.6 vs Davidson Va. Tech 54.9 vs Richmond ... W. Liberty Bt. 47.3 veW. Va. Tech. Far West Arliona 66.8 vs N. Mex. ArJtM Brig, Young ..68.5 vs Denver California '68.2 vs Bo. Calif. ... Coll. Idaho ...36.4 vs Pacific U. .. Colo. College 45.6 vs Western Bt. Louisville 69.0 vs Loyola, Calif, Montana 59.6 vs Idaho State Okla. City ... .88.8 vs Regis Oregon State 63.9 vs Orecon Portland '60.3 vs St. Mary's, Cal. 62.4 San Diego St. 58.6 vs Pepperdlne ....5B.1 San Jose St. .64.2 vs Calif. Poly ,.60.5 Santa Clara ..50.2 vs Coll. Pacific .'46.1 UCLA 75.2 vs Stanford 65.0 Utah State ..64.1 vs Utah 84.9 Wash. State .'89.8 vs Idaho 83.6 Whitman 37.8vs Lewis & Clark 35.9 MOTE: - home team ..36.2 ..40.7 57.8 ."43.3 62.8 58.4 Muskingum .. 50.1 vsFindlay 37.1 no, uaicota sz.b vs Morningstlde "46.3 State ..47.3 vs s AuEUst'na.SD 28.6 N. W. Okla. St. 37.8 vs Friends 18.7 Oberlln 52.6 vs Wooster .... 48.7 omo state ., '75.9 vs Mich. State .. 55.1 O. Wesleyan .. 51.2 vs Wittenberg .. 46.9 Okla. A&M .. 67.6 vs Detroit 64.3 Pittsburg St. .. 54.8 vs Ft Havs St. "53.3 Bt. Louis .... 72.2vs Notre Dame .. 68.5 8. Illinois St. 61.6 vs 111. Normal .. '42.7 Springfield St. 54.0 vs Maryvllle St. 53.8 Tulsa 58.2 vs Wichita '51.8 Valparaiso .. 61.1 vs Hawaii 50.3 Wabash 53.3 vs St Joseph,Ind 50.7 Washington D 62.4 vs Mllllkln 50.0 W. Illinois St. 84.3 vs N. Illinois Bt. 47.9 Westm'st's, Mo 37.0 vs Drury 35.6 Wheaton .... 51.0 vs No. Central .. 43.6 Wisconsin ... 73.3 vs Nortrwestero 66.8 South 66.8 vs Tex. Western 47.B 44.6 vs Lenolr-Rhyne .32.0 . 72.0 vsW. Virginia .. . 63.9 vs O. Washington 59.0 Arliona .., Catawba , . Cincinnati Duke , E. Carolina Erskine Albany St. Albright .. Amherst . Arnold .., Assumption Baltimore SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 East 20.2 vs Wllllmantlo St. 14.1 ,49.7vsMorlvlan 45.4 ..45.4 vs Williams 43.2 .48.5 vs Kings point.. 18.0 ..33.2 vs Norwich 25.4 .33.2 vs Gallai'det 10.6 Bloomsburg Bt. 46.4 vs Mansfield St. .31.0 Boston Coll. ...56.0 vs Seton Hall .. 54.9 Brown 53.8 vs Providence ... 51.3 Brooklyn 59.1 vs J. Marshall . 49.9 Brook. Poly , .'41.4 vs Adelphi 38.1 Buffalo 52.4 vs Union N. Y. . 38.8 Carnegie Tech 47.7 vs Allegheny .... 29.5 Coast Guard 39.9vs Clark 36.8 Colgate 64.3 vs Boston v. .. 45.6 CCNY 70.0 vs Canleui .... 66.7 Columbia 87.0 vs Penn 82.6 Connecticut . . . 54.5 va Wesleyan .... 34.8 Cornell 71.1 vs Yale ... Delaware 42.8 vs Lelileh .... 35.5 nifiklniton 41.2 vs El lea bet' town ..28.1 Drexel '42.6 vs Urslnus ..... 26.6 Duquesne 73.3 vs Geneva 49.2 e. strouainurg .o vs i ronton et. . F Sc M "27.9 vs Susquehanna .21.7 Harvard 55.8 vs Dartmouth 47.5 Hartwlck ,..,M8.9 vs Quantlco Mar, 47.5 Haverford ... .37.8 vs J. Hopkins .. 932.6 Holy Cross ..a82.0vsNew York AC 57.3 Hofstra 48.1 vs Wagner .... M6.2 Indiana, Pa. .37.7 va Clarion Bt. ., 31.7 Lafayette ... ,58.9 vs Rutgers 56.2 LaSalle "78.3 vs Toledo 73.7 Leb. Valley ..44.5 vs Juanlata .... 31.5 Lvcomlna 37.9 vs King's, Pa. .. 37.5 Maine 44.1 va Bowdoln .... 32.0 MIT "3B.4 vs Stevens 30.5 Mlllflrsvllle . . . .47.0 vs Kumown Bt. "36.3 Mt. St. Mary's 42.7 vs Brldgewater .. 39.5 Muhlenberg ..62.8vsSt. Joseph, Pa. 58.6 Britain Bt. 'oi.v va ieivioyne .... 38.0 VS A. I. C 38.4 32.3 vb McMaster .... 15.7 .64.2 vs Navy 58.6 41.7 vs Cooper Union 10.3 ...68.7 ...68.2 ...67.8 ...ee.a ... 66.8 Northeastern ,,.66.0 1 Oswego St. .. ..64.5 Penn mate ,.69.9 vs Bucknell , , 41.6 from Pittsburgh via Indianapo lis, will be the new first sacker. Three incoming outfielders include Joe Grace, with Sacra mento last season; Neil Sheri dan, an acquisition from Seattle, and Don White, purchased from the Philadelphia Athletics. Sheridan and White formerly played good ball for the Seals. Miami UP) Trainer H. M. Woolf, personally saddled two winners 275 miles apart on the same afternoon recently. After sending out Karakorum to win the second at Sunshine park, near Tampa, Woolf caught a passenger plane to Miami, and was in the Hialeah paddock in plenty of time to tighten girth on the winning Gleneagles in the eighth. THE EYES HAVE IT When your eyes are tired, you feel tired all over. Perhaps without being aware, your eyes may need U the comfort and correction of new lenses. l Correctly fitted glasses may mean new efficiency . , . come in for an examination. Dr. E. E. Boring USE YOUR CREDIT Opfomefn'sfs AT BORING OPTICAL Now In Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 Dr. 8am Hughes GUESS WHO FORGOT THE INSULATION Make sure your home remains cozy and snug throughout the coldest winter weather by arming it with quality JOHNS-MANVILLE INSULATION. In stalled In your attic, it sets up a thermal barrier that seals In furnace heat, seals out cold , . . cut fuel bill Is up to 30. Order NOW! Phone: 38515. INSULATION FOR AN AVERAGE 5 ROOM HOUSE: $8:50 A MONTH State St., Four Corners Dial 3-8515 Illinois 71.3 vs Iowa 111. College 54.3 vb Carthage ... ,62.2 vs Lane Forest , 72.2 vs Minnesota ., 70.8 vs Nebraska ... , 78.2 vs Missouri .... 68.8 vb Marietta .... 4fi.4 vs Qulncy 39.3 vs Cornell. Ia. . 48.8 vs Wayne U. .., Wesleyan Indiana .... Kansas .... Kansas State . Kent Btate . . Kirksvllle St. Knox Marquette Michigan 70.2 vs Purdue 44.4 39.4 37.5 29.6 66.4 26.0 38.7 70.7 09.7 64.5 , 49.1 32.3 , 32.4 . 33.6 64.1 41.7 vs ElOti 44.7 vs Charleston . Oeorget'n. Ky 42.3 vs Union, Ky Georgia "Ba.o V6 Florida .... Hamp, Sydney 48.7 vs Va. Medical Kentuoky .... 68.9 vb Tennesae .. Ky. wesleyan 42.3 vs centre 32.6 Marshall 68,8 vs Tenn, Tech. ,.43.0 Maryvllle .... 29.9 vs Careon-N'w'n T.a Mercer 46.8 vs Troy St 20.0 MUUgan 42.7 vs Tusculum .. 12.9 Mississippi ,. 53.5 vs S'weste'n, Tenn 39.2 Mors Harvey eo.e vs W. Liberty St. 47.3 N. C. Btate ,.73.1 vs Wake Forest .. S7.2 Potomac St. .. 26.6 vs Salem So. Carolina . .49.8 vs Richmond . S. M. U "54.9 vs Texas Stetson 43.8 vs Fla. Southern "35.8 Tampa 50,6 vs Florida St. ..40.8 Tempo St. ... 54.1 vs W. Texas St. T. C. TJ 56.6 vs Rice Tulane 59.3 vs Auburn 68.3 Vanderbllt .. 62.4 vs Alabama .... 60.9 V. M. 1 40.6 va Furman 38.0 s Virginia 46.8 Weitm'ster. Pa 69.2 va Bethany .... 44.9 W.Va.Wesl'yn "43.6 vt Fairmont St. 34.1 wm. & Mary oe.ivs va. Teen oi. W. Ky. State "74.2 vs Murray St. .. 67.3 31.0 28.6 , 41.1 , 46.5 ..32.5 . 56.0 SCORES in the ALLEYS (CsmpUt ftMttlta) Capitol Alleys 8 EARS MEN'S IE AGUE J. C. Hizsins U) Ambrose 410. Sierp 381, Oslund 636. Uomtrt (2) Forbes 48 B, Roach 464, Cooper 438. Ken more (1) wenser 388, Aaanu 302, Hutmaicer 452, Carver 382. Allatate (2) Magulre 349, Clark 365, Rlehl 445, OlUar 470, Craftsman f3 Krause 458. Shuater 390. Barker 486, Morris 438. Coldspot (1) Bev ens 454, Patton 375, HaLsey 484, Quesnel 418. llarmonr House (31 Plwor 497. Davey 440. Hill 435, Paulson 616. Pilsrlm (0) Let ofsky 479, ChrlAteiuon 367, Oough 422, Forstrom 468, High individual game and series: Os lund 235 and 636. High team game: Horn art, 657, High team aeries: Harmony House Cherrlngton 430, Brought S64, Plauts 413, rerman 04'. rum 1 me ta jsiwooo i, Bolser 436, Sheridan 367, Kelley 520, Dun can 472. Naval Air m.e. (1 -Bmi 432. B. Kned- ler 403, Holm an 375, I. Knedler 432, Brown 005. 1st Nat. Bank (3) DrlBBS 385. Kottka 467, Marr 413, Marshall 392, Mor ns DJO. Western Faoer TO) Badach 415. Ander sen 380, J. Kuebler 527, Luke 367, L. Kuebler 381. Yeater App, Co. (4) Frank 441, R. Bell 470, Mohlman 457. Hillerlch 3, A. Bell 474. Judson's Plumblnr (t Amove 448. Bronson 354. Judson 389, Little 354, Jef fries 352. Cashing Union Service (3 Peae 486, Farley 463, Stone 450, Scott 504, Comstock 460. High individual Bum- n. White. 313. High individual series: Perman, 547. High team game and series: V.F.W., 1006 and 2744. LADIES CITT LEAGUE Good Housekeeping (3) Albiich 127. Ol- ney 445, LeDoux 434, Llndsey 375, Poa sehl 478. Senator Beauty Shop (0) Cllne , Scott 320. Kodakowskl 279. Mc- Claln 297, Adolph 421. uapuoi vny iiaunarr taj xrejci 478, Doerfler 371, LeTourneaux 418, H1U man 360. Bain 429. Cupboard Cafe (1) Thompson 375, Halsey 431, Pease 360, Qlodt 350, Boyce 409. Wlllard Art Tile (3) Olbb 413, Law less 421, WalnwrlKht 390, Wlllard 348, Kaneskl 460. Qulsenberry's 0) McElha ney 344, Evans 380, Pugh 324, Black 390, Kennedy 475. Keglettes (1) Dawson 489, Boyd 370, Anderson 408, Putnam 3 B0, Meyer 501. Golden Pheasant (2) Clark 477, Thrush 375, Muellhaupt 425, Laird 474, Gar barino 488. YWCA (0 Gardner 354, Sclmessler 380. Butts 361, Mackey 259, Tlbbetts 276. ArJc tlna Boolery (3) Loken 418, Wilder 326, Whtttaker 367, Vlttone 357, Archer 446. High team series: Keglettes, 2282. High Individual series and game: Agnes Meyer, 501 and 104. University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 V. F. W. 3 White 534, Miller 440, Parkes 392, Valleau 349, Wodzewoda 453, Eagles (1) Peterson 405, Reld 492, Rltz man 449. Interstate Tractor fl) Morris 469, Rob inson 444, Schackman 391, Tanquery 352, Burtner 394. S&N Clothiers (3) Ricks 491, Barker 516, Muellhaupt 458, Xan- esiti ia j, nagiey mo. Dyer A Sons Ins. (D Schroeder 458, Brig. Young .. kjou. iaano Montana Oregon . . Regis San Jose St. Far West 59.5 VS Colo. A & M 36.4 vs Pacific U. ... Colo. College 45.6 vs western St. .. Loulcville .... 60.0 vs Pepperdlne .. 59.6 vs Idaho State .. '68.4 vs St. Mary's.Cal 62.8 vs Colo, Mines .. 64.2 vs sta. Barbara . So. California 66.8 vs Stanford .... U. C. L. A. .. 75.2 vs California Utah State .. 64.1 vs Utah Whitman .... 37.8vs Lewis & Clark Wyoming .... 67.8 vs Washington. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Dayton 59.7 vs Xavier. O hi. Honavenrre 66.8 vs aannon ... Tod Ten in New Ensrland 1 Holy Cross ..82.0 6 Springfield 2 R. Z. State ..50.9 3 Yale 59.6 8 Brown 4 Boston Coll. 56.0 0 St. Michael's 6 Howard .... 55.8 10N. Britain St. Copyright 1960, by R. C. Dunkel 57.8 36.2 40.7 '58.1 '43.2 52.4 '28.3 '49.7 '65.0 '68.2 '64.0 35.0 65.1 60.6 41.9 $$ MONEY $$ . FHA W m Real Estate Loani Farm or City Personal and Auto Loam State Finance Co. 153 S. High St Lie. S-216 M 222 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. fl Zeebs Used Cars (41 F. Zeeb 501. B. Carr 489, A. Zeeb 425. Bt. Zeeb 470. Peter son 409. Shroek Motors (0) White 421, Schuck 382, Meyers 426, Grlcus 412, Wis- ser 435. Vans Parkins' Station fit VimVWlr 446, Barnes 448, Rogers 451, Morlsky 403, McDanlels 508. Momyer Chevron (3) Momyer 468, Odermatt 377, Covert 393. L. Miller 484, W. Miller 631. smith Auto Parts (31 Clark 502. Ed. minister 362, Shuetz 370, Lemon 508, Lee 496. K.O.C.O. (0) Ransom 424, Bolsern 443, Nason 387, Riley 409, Williams 407. Knights or Pythias (2) Decatur 454, Elwood 464, Schledel 453, Maerg 555, Tschl da 434. McDonald Candy (1) Scott 383, Bryant 431, Nichols 469, Baxter 468, Lew- High Individual nam And hhHm- Mmr of Knights of Pythias, 211 and 555. High rcnui eeriw; 4ecrjs usea uars, aUil, Duck Pin COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Willamette Valley Bank (3) Meets 938, Keith Kayt 478, Garnet Wald- ing ai rucicer saw, uye w. Willam ette Amusement Co. (1) Clarence Apple gato 413, Roy Robinson 3S6. Wilfred Wil ier 451, Glen Blanton 374, Bye 405. A, L. Cummlng'a Heatlnr (3) Mao Lar son 402, Lester Woods 355, Dave Spalding 43&, aye aui, eye bu. u. a k. wnoieaaia (D Al Hakanson 437, Arto Young 343, Wes Goodrich 309, John Wood 374, Byt 333. G.M.C. Truck Co. (0) Darby Sermon 341, John Full en wider 352, Joo Brooks 395, Darwin Sermon 337, Milt Thomas 301. Gleason'i Bakery (4) Harold Bon ner 412, Tom Wood 515, Marlon Glea son 352, E. Wulff 380, Bill Moad 441. Quality Used Cart (3) Royal Pawley 445, Bill Campbell 466, B. B. Snelgrove 425, Mose Van Dell 461, Emll Scholx 400. Twcedie Fuel Oil (1) Carl Flood 350, Vera Stilt 442. Ira Short 456, Harry Scharf 319, Emery Alderman 427. High team series and game: Quality Used Cars, 2197 and 771. High Individual her tea and game: Tom Wood (Oleason's) 515 and 229. Cassill Modifies Television Ban On Husky Games Seattle, Feu. 10 W) Harvey Cassill's ban. on telecasts of University of Washington sports events was modified slightly yes terday. The Washington athletic di rector said future policy will permit televising a show "if and when a particular game or se ries reaches a sell-out condi tion." As of now, however, no sell out is assured for next week end's Washington-WashingtoA State hoop series. loo,. 1000 OR MORS Auto or Personal C O A1AIE RC LAJL, CREDIT FLAJV INCORPORATEDm Balem Aencyi 464) N. Church St Tel. 34168 no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Pres-to-logs THE CLEAN FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 OQW0 i PRODUCTION METHODS! contamination-proof equipment! At Its modem plants in Louisville,' Ky., and Relay, Md., Calvert protects aaalnst contamination with snot- iessly-clean.enciosed equipment. No l i r . ., i open vara... no cnance ror spoilage: FLAVOR-SAVER'' DISTILLING! NO OVERHEATING ! Calvert blending spirits are distilled in a vacuum at practically room temperature. Result: Calvert flavor never sharp, always smoother! HUNDREDS OP TECHNICIANS' AND OVER. $10,000,000 IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OP EQUIPMENT AND CONTROLS-ASSURE CALVERT'S FINER QUALITY t BETTER BLENDING ! Calvert master blenders blend finer taste into Calvert from an unequal led 'library 'of over 315 fine whiskies and extra highly -refined spirits! 0 ysijRV CONSUMER APPROVAL ev POLKS like you J Thousands taste trial blends-their preferences set taste standard for the liqhter, milder. smoother Calvert you buy keep Calvert whiskey mast palatable to trie eost people i NOW you KNOW WHY i M V IT'S SMART TO SWfKHTO CHWCI BUNOEO WH1SKEY-86.8 PROOF 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. 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