Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 09, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950
Distinguished Guests for
Military Ball Announced
Distinguished guests for the 12th annual national security week
military ball to be given by the Marion county chapter ol the Rc
erve Officers association were announced Thursday
The ball is to be an event of February 18, at the Salem armory,
a major social event of mid-February here.
TUn 1 1 a nF A id i 11 (Juich nAy
guests includes: Brigadier Gen
eral and Mrs. Chester E. Mc-
Carty, Portland; Vice Admiral
Thomas L. Gatch, USNR, and
Mrs. Gatch, Portland; Gov. and
Mrs. Douglas McKay, Maj. Gen.
and Mrs. Thomas E. Rilca; Brig
adier General and Mrs. H. G.
Maison: General and Mrs. ' Al
bert C. Wedemeyer, Presidio, San
Francisco; Mayor and Mrs. Koo
ert L. Elfstrom; Brigadier Gen
eral and Mrs. Robert A. Mc
Clure, Vancouver Barracks; Cap
tain C. F. Galpin, USN, and Mrs.
Galpin, Seattle; Captain M. C,
Parr, USN, and Mrs. Parr, Port
land; Lt. General Claude A.
Larkin, USMC Mrs. Larkin,
Portland: Admiral and Mrs. H.
H. Goode, Seattle; Colonel and
Mrs. John M. Hamilton, Port
land; Brigadier General and
Mrs. Raymond jr. Olson; secre
tary of State and Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry; State Treasurer Walter
Pearson; Colonel and Mrs. cane
Abrams; Commander C. Laird
McKenna, USNR, state president
of the Reserve Officers associa
tion, and Mrs. McKenna, Port
land; Col. Russell Snyder, chief
of the Oregon military district,
and Mrs. Snyder, Portland;
Commander Carl H. Cover,
USNR, president of the Marion
county chapter of the Reserve
Officers association ana Mrs.
Lincoln Day Tea
Planned Monday
Barbara Frietchie tent, Daugh
ters of the Union Veterans 01
the Civil War, will entertain at
the group's Lincoln day tea on
Monday afternoon, February
13, in the Salem Woman's club.
Hours for the tea are between
2 and 5 o'clock and invitation
is extended to members of all
other patriotic groups as well as
friends and those interested.
Among those heading com
mittees in arranging details for
the tea are Mrs. Jack Simkins,
Mrs. Jack Nash, Mrs. Harry Hi
day, Mrs. Mary Hilborn, Mrs.
Joseph Bach, Mrs. A. McCoy,
Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs. J.
F. Ulrich, Mrs. Edwin Jory, Mrs.
Lily Gueffroy, Mrs. Mabel Lock-wood.
( Lions Auxiliary
Hollywood Lions club auxili
ary was entertained Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
James Tindall.
Guest speaker was Miss Alice
Pendlebury, who is exchange
teacher from England at Oregon
College of Education at Mon
mouth. She gave an interesting
talk on her own home land and
on impressions of this country.
Mrs. Archie Elliott, Mrs. J.
E. VanWyngarden, and Mrs.
Charles Cox were co-hostesses
for the meeting.
Guests Included Mrs. Otto
Engdahl, a new member, and
Mrs. Wayne W. Gordon.
Flans were discussed for the
, rummage sale to be sponsored
by the auxiliary on March 17
and 18.
Engagement Told
Announcement is made of the
engagement of Miss Marie Mill
er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Steve J. Miller, to Earl C.
Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Schaefer.
No date is set for the wed
ding. The bride-elect is a stu
dent at Salem high school. Mr.
Schaofcr is employed in Salem.
HOPEWELL Mr and Mrs.
John Geisler of Hopewell an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Lenore Geisler,
to Mr. William Lee of Amity,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lee. The
wedding is planned for early
Today's Menu
Weekday Dinner
Pan-Broiled Hamburgers
Mashed Potatoes
Celery Creole Buttered Carrots
Bread and Butter
Cinnamon Baked Apples
Celery Creole
Ingredients: 4 cups diced cel
ery, 2 medium-sized onions
(finely diced), 1 green pepper
(diced), 4 tablespoons salad oil,
2 cups canned tomatoes, salt,
freshly-ground pepper, sugar.
Method: Saute the celery,
onions and green pepper in the
salad oil until partly tender.
Add the tomatoes and mix well;
season with salt, pepper and
sugar to taste. Cover and cook,
stirring frequently, until celery
Is as tender as desired. Makes 4
to 6 servings.
Mrs. Caughell
Is Hostess
Mrs. John R. Caughell was
hostess for two informal affairs
at her home, Wednesday.
In the afternoon she was host
ess for a luncheon the group
including Mrs. John J. Griffith,
Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Mrs. James
R. Humphrey, Mrs. Charles
Clarke, Mrs. Stephen Tabacchi
Mrs. Bert A. Walker Mrs. Wal
ter Bell of Stayton, Mrs. Bruce
Last evening, Mrs Caughell
entertained a group at bridge,
late refreshments being served.
Guests included Miss Josephine
Baumgartner, Mrs. Leah Hogue
Miss Nancy Craig, Mrs. William
Deeney, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs.
Charles McClelland, Mrs. Lewis
King, Miss Mildred Christenson.
Other Parties of Week
Among other informal parties
for the late week is the one
for which Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M.
Hammerstad will entertain Sat
urday evening, guests being in
vited for dinner and bridge.
Also on Saturday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Brydon will en
tertain at a dinner at their home,
bridge following.
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Two Hostesses
For Shower
Honoring Mrs. Eldon Kliewer,
Misses Jean Allen and Shurley
Gosnell were hostesses Monday
evening at a party and shower
given at the home of Mrs. L. H.
The evening was spent in
formally with games and re
freshments were served.
Attending the party were Mrs.
Eldon Kliewer, Mrs. Frank Gab
ler, Mrs. L. H. Hudson, Miss Ada
Hudson, Mrs. Delia Nelson, Mrs.
B. G. Kliewer, Miss Esther Per
kins, Mrs. Milo Kliewer, Mrs.
Harry Hendricks, Mrs. Ken
Marecek, Mrs. Bill Kelly, Mrs.
Ralph Becker, Mrs. Jarene din
ger, Miss Dorothy Cook, Mrs.
Rodney Marks, Mrs. Mary Vin
yard, Mrs. Oscar England, Mrs.
Frances DeToma, Mrs. Pauline
Kliewer and the hostesses.
MEMBERS of the Marion-
Polk Medical society are spon
soring a cooked food sale and
bazaar on Saturday of this week
at Elfstrom's store, starting at
9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Carl Holmes
and Mrs. B. L. Trelstad are co
chairmen for the event.
CREATIVE ART group of the
Salem Art association is meeting
at the group s studios. 193 North
Commercial, at 7:30 p. m., Fri
day. Loren Boullier is to meet
with the group.
.-.. . . . . ... . .V . -JU
Wed at Edmonton Mr. and Mrs. Howard David Weese
were married December 27 in St. Peter's church at Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada. The bride is the former Ellen Margaret
Marskell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marskcli of Ed
monton, and Mr. Weese is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Weese of Salem.
INTERIOR decorating group
of the Salem branch, American
Association of University Wom
en, is meeting Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Ruane
Hill, 845 North Summer. Dr.
Cameron Paulin of Willamette
university is to be guest speaker
Plan Supper
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Putnam are
to be hosts Sunday evening at
an informal buffet supper, spe
cial guests to be a group of visit
ing educators.
Guests will include Dr. T. C.
Holy, who is here from Ohio
State university to conduct the
survey for the state elementary
and secondary schools, and Mrs.
Holy; Dr. Edgar L. Morphet
and Dr. E. Glenn Featherston,
both of the U. S. office of edu
cation, Washington, D. C; Mr.
and Mrs. Don Emerson, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Feike. Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Wilcox, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Snyder Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson.
Youngsters enjoy an after
school snack of cream cheese
softened and mixed with straw
berry preserves, and spread on
graham crackers.
The new
Studio Styles
are in!
Comes the first robin, the first
crocus . . . and your first spring
hat . . . gay harbingers of a new
season, a lovelier you!
The absolute superlative in an
elegant gift for Valentine's Day,
Exclusively J
Why Not
To Insure
Greater Enjoyment
for Your Coming
Join the Beginners' Ballroom Class Tonite at
7:30 o'clock. At your request we will help you
organize your own special dancing group for the
latest Samba, Rumba, Tango, Waltz and Fox
Dancing at the
1919 Mission
Telephone 27523
;j NOTE Classes are now being formed for High School Stu
dents in Tap, uauei, AcroDauc, Toe and Ballroom Dancing
ior an ages.
your foot
Red Cross Shoe
Why can you slip your
fool into a Red Cross Sho..,
and feel thai it was madt
for yout foot alone? Red Cross Shoes
are made over the "Limit" lasts to conform
to your feet. Then, Fit-Tested. It's that simple,
that wonderful. Come in, this week, try on a pair.
AnwiWt wrKfc4Unffd th value
s895 $1095
wi-.VH.evhu.y J
embassy prints
Fine French Type Rayon Crepe
Brilliant New Spring Prints
39 Inehei Wide . . . and Thrifty
Vivid new colors and patterns to make
your spring wardrobe sparkle! This
beautiful fabric will not slip at seams . . .
its colors will retain their brightness!
you'll be as pert as spring in colorful
Fairloom gabardine
NOW . . .
Long wearing, wrinkle-resisting, sleek
finished rayon and acetate rayon
fabric ... in smart close twill weave
of durability. 12 colors.
V H 111
New Kenmore Electric
Sewing Machine
(Usual carrying charge)
l Air Cooled 110-120 Volt AC-DC
Non-Glar. Gray Crinkle Finish
j All Case Hardened Steel Parts
answer to your every sewing need! Note
the unaffected, clean lines in smooth, lus
trous walnut veneer a welcome piece of
furniture in any room, anywhere! The full
size rotary sewing head is built to Sears
exacting specifications for years of service
years of sewing perfection. Call or write
Sears today for a demonstration in your
II 1 II.
afy&jwuarf?w Mote? foot ' fljfi 550 N CAPITOL ST,