SO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950 Lowdown on the Inside ' What's It Like to Be A Big-Shot in Red Russia? (Editor's Note: How does it feel to be a big-shot in Russia? Bow does the "other half" live? (Edmund Stevens, staff correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, just back from a three-year tour of duty in Moscow, has found that soviet intellectuals live a good life, if their stomachs are strong, (This is the third of four articles digesting material written by Stevens about present-day Russia and published in the Christian Science Monitor in 40 installments.) New York, Feb. 9 W) Soviet writers, musicians, artists and icientists live well, so long as they consent to wear an Intel lectual strait jacket, an American reporter has found. These intellectuals share the top rung of the social ladder with the leading politicians, says Edmund Stevens, who covered Moscow for the past three years for the Christian Science Moni tor. Stevens found that Soviet morality is predicated on the idea that anything promoting communism is moral. Thus, he observes, the cultural strait jacket and intellectual turn abouts are no more startling than the assumed right of the government to distort or with' hold the truth, break agree ments, subdue alien peoples and outstrip the czars in imperial ism. The artists, writers and scien tists have cars like Stalin they seem to prefer the American to the Soviet models. They have town flats in addition to coun try homes, despite the critical housing situation. They are the pampered social lions of the Soviet scene, They do much better than doctors, lawyers or other pro fessional men, who earn the ru ble equivalent of $194 to $358 monthly. They soar above the white collar people who earn the equivalent of $97 to $194 a month, enough for a sufficient but monotonous living. They are miles above the lowest layer of the social scale, mostly unskill ed workers who barely get by. ... But, Stevens reports, the pit falls are many and the road is treacherous. The intellectual must be nimble enough to catch and ride the current party drift. Stevens describes the scene something like this: Denouncing Americans is the surest key to literary success, even for a writer of children's books, and "no Soviet play or novel nowadays is complete without American diplomats, newspapermen, engineers or businessmen who are at the same time spies and provoca teurs." Stevens adds in passing that the Soviet case against Ameri cans is helped along greatly "by the Irresponsible statements of certain United States public figures, Including members of congress, urging immediate armed action against the Soviet union, including use of atom bombs. To the Soviet public, this sounds like corroboration of Pravda." Konstantin Simonov, the au thor whose dramas belabor the United States incessently, has an open bank account on which he can draw at will, and other anti-American, and thus suc cessful, writers do almost as well. But as an example of what can happen, last March Tamara Motylova, leading Soviet female literary critic, was fired from Gorky institute's faculty and had her doctor's degree revok ed. Her offense: She urged So viet literature to be critical of Soviet surroundings, and she re ferred favorably to the German Jewish author Lion Fcucht- wangcr. This branded her a "bourgeois cosmopolite." Soviet writers once celebrat ed now are in oblivion. The us ual reason: too much realism. A Stalin prize book by no less a figure than Alexander Fa dayev, head of the writers un ion, was found two years after Its publication to have pictured a Soviet general as a bit of a stuff shirt. The Agitprop (pro paganda and agitation) ordered Fadayev to revise the book, and he openly confessed the "Jus tice" of the criticism. ... Newspaper writers lead a mo Knitted Flattery Here is a beret you'll knit in a variety o: colors, for it's becoming to wear, easy and Inexpensive to make. Sim ple stitches and heavy yarn make for fast work. Pattern Envelope No. R2888 con tains eomplt knitting instructions, notonous life. Pravda is the na tionwide model and other pa pers seem like carbon copies, echoing and re-echoing through the country. The cardinal rule for newspa pers, says Stevens, is "never print anything that reflects the slightest credit on the west, particularly the United States. . . . Play up everything unfav orable to the west." The story is the same in the Soviet film industry, which Ste vens says has been in the strait jacket since 1936. It frequently stumbles despite efforts to toe the party line. As for American films, Charlie Chaplin, almost alone, commands Soviet approv al, but Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" never was released publicly in Russia. And the story is the same in science. Scientific isolation is the order of the day. The natur al sciences are enmeshed in the party line. Tomorrow Production trade in the U.S.S.R. and Amity Keeps Marshal Amity At the regular meet ing of the city council, James Davidson's contract for city mar shal was renewed, and a raise in salary for the city recorder was allowed. SIZES 12 48 The Jacket-Dress The dress with two lives I The cap sleeve charmer 1 witli soft surplice closing is smart on its own . . . and a go-everywhere ensemble when teamed witn lis col lared and cuffed bolero. No. 2085 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16,1 18. 20. 36. 38. 40. 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 18 dress, 3 'A yds. 39-ln.; bolero, 2 yds. 39-ln. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that includes designs lor all mem bers of the family from tiny tots nno growing girls to juniors ana misses, mature ana larger-size wom en? Just Include the WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern I order It's a big aid to every homel sewer Price per copv zoc. Send 25c lor PATTERN with Mame. Address and Style Number irate Size desired. Address Capttnl Journal 214 Mis sion St. Sun Francisco 5 Call! stitch illustrations and material re uirements. To obtain this pattern, tend 30c I in COINS, giving pattern number, I your name, address and zone num-l ber to Pegfty Roberts capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Ptreet San Fran cisco i. Calif. , : f yOU BOYS CARRY V I FEEL UKE THE WtViW SOT 1 1 WHAT A SALESMAN) I'D HATE TO 1 T COMPANY HALT I SEE wSEsmSxP! ' THAT STUFF I'LL I SECOND CHOSUSOf 'JTHE M FOR IT. HE COULD PEDDLE SEE HIM GET TO A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I ""Br S MAKE A PATH J 'MULE TO AW" c" RIBBCR LETtm CE AT THE NORTHUUO BUOO WITH GOING TO WASTE j- aj liaJ T I ")T m " BLURB CVSH US 1 POLE-AND NAMEA FOUrrTAIN PEN ffTTfiCi 7 , i.'vu!S O 1 I I "Stork bwnss triple jov to destitute I hm.m-m-"ofpeps of aid pour w'-'twERa R l HOT DOG' JUST LOOK AT THS aMfoJ I PAM1U OF TEN"- WHADOffTHEV MEAN. I I I FIFTY JOBS OPFEREO FATHER OH VEAH? I II IN THE OOPER PICTURES! AND A TOtRMMj I DESTITUTE? WHY- WE'VE GOT A POOF II PUBLICITY HUNTERS-6USVOOIES--rM DOIN" I n 1 I R. ---ii. w ci mi-, wo- Ctf HLLK1W1M ItfiYUW KtfcP thhs? JOBS H 1 pHsTToBVIOUSLYVWuTl rrTSMIGHTTicErOO'TsAV rAHFZLL IN LOVE VlT' ITqATCHERLvTsOAHT 1 L lO'TH' 'LOOK GLASSY 1 L HERE THWR fT. NOW, THAR J I AN' AH WISHES TO BEST OF THE I I HOW MANY OTHER ) I I'FEARLESS EYES, SLACK JAW. f WAS A TORN PITCHER OF A sl I MARRY IT. BUT, AH ) PICTURE IS A I BOOKS WAS r - I FOSDICK-rtAND AN ANTHROPOID I I GAL'S KNEECAP IN TH BINDIN I I GOTTA FIND TH S STUCK IN SI I SOLD., ' -SEVEN I I BOOKS. i-S ....i I K COMICBOOK.) I I TO TELL WHO THE OF OTHER A IH. .iT ... '9k. V ' I I CAN I GO " NO.TOM.BUT WE'LL I MEANWHILE .LUCKY IS HAVING HIS TROUBLES "'Iffllii I f C'MON.MEN, H TOO, HOPPY?BE BACK SCON .WE'RE m&T&Z!Z 1 CFBUfflT hWE FOUND HIM,' JUST GOING TO ESCORT Vrf WE DIONV FIND aSST vST TM GONNA TRY Wm O C In Z. LUCKY SAFELY INTO . H1 HORSE. MAYBE Sgftf J Jjl m THET ROOM UP I fflh. Wf P A lagllMi TOWig 1 LUCKY ISN'T HIDIN' igagJWERE B SS 5 I I" ' . BtriW. ir Ml II llllllimiW fMII I I I mm I lm"W r li'n M IWHERE'SXHOME! I'M GONNA VGIMM6 VK YOU DON'T V NO, W6 DON'T, BUT GIVE THE BOY A YOUR FATHERS ltaf THAT AIN'T U TONV SHOW TONY HOW A SHAVE EL. L TOBACCO 1 THERES A CIGAR HAIRCUT WHILE G0NE A LONG J -JIm FATHER! T THE I HE CAN INCREASE) AND uFQF'DQ jd STORE ON THE f ICETSOMeV' TIME FOR ' H'SC O-r itTC! iiur i $&( tianstopped ' "' 1 1 1 UK MV- zaaej- - in-m r n v; i -- i MBMMM 1 1 II X MEANWHILE, AT THE EPGE OP A 6RCVE HOrmt , I HADIOSIVE.USINa Sas- V rtLAD THAT JOB IS XlMmA itfVI. 1 VSaE38 I fVOUR TEMPER. AND U 7 0UA If iSMAIS )'S " "ISK .OPINIONATED ATTITUDE . r """5 1?SS2SeSlil TC 0 -rJ ( n " L WILL GET YOU IAV- ,5S ( OU WONDERFUL JJL- 0 Jh ft J) r NOWHERE.'" A (WITH CHILORENgy m ' tT.f ' rrfc T H to. mmtm I Wf THAT A6AINH0NWl7" N AND t ARE ) I "$Jr& IXTpcSm,J I 510WLY AND DISTINCTLY!yWIN5, MR.0ALE 1 f0 T11 L- V THE PORTAIS!" DRAWN BY TWO WHITE - CROWDINCi MY WL I EXCEPT THAT ANN ALWAYS U I pi WAMFn"FAMF"AND"FORTUNE ". RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY r. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 620 NEC MO CBS 1180 ABC 1390 MBC H90 Kc m.M Thi$it Bi Fcfttarc Story Gtkd Borotf Stralhl Arrow Swing Tim k'.Yic Foitcr. Newi Llttit 8hw Greco Barncl Strslsht Arrow Swim Tlmo iJ:53onfi f Tinea Ncwi Sky Kins B-Br-B Ranch Bini Croiby 5:45 Elm" Pctr,on Ncw skr Klp B-Br-B Ranch Band of Pay e.AA Screen (ioitd BmsenM Edw. C. BUI Gab. Braler Candle Light e:eSrreeo Guild SutpenM Home Edition N. W. Newi A Silver I elin Mil. Caralcade Crime Mod. Romaneei Tello Teal Newi g":45 Mm. Cavalcade Photographer Mod. Romaneei Serenade Twlllghl 8ong j "7 ".(in Perry Come The Plarhoaee Coanterepy Drams Errol Garner 1 viPerr? Com The Plavhena CoanterrpT Sonca of Tlmea Moile. Jackpot Dragnet Hollywood Date With Jud Mvelerlona Evelym Knight IJ5 Dragnet Theater Date With Judy Traveler Sporta Twui Slnatra-Klnten Lowell Thomaa" Amatenr Hour Hop'lng Cauldj Track 14M C.i tWoWd Newa lack Smith Amatenr Hour Hop'lng Cautdv Track HD0 Si Aldrleh Family Mr. Keen Amateur Bonr Sporta for All Track 14!W glJij Aldrleh 4mlly Mr. Keen B. Montgomery Sporta for All Track HOP V.aa Father Knowa f.B.t Blondle Glen nardy Track 1490 g lie Father Knowa F.B.I. Blondle Barber Shop Track 1400 .'on Dutfy'a Tavern Beolah Your Boslneaa Ray Block - Newa Dnffy'a Tavern Club IB Robert Nathan Ray Block Piano Pattern in-00 Sam Baye S Star Final Rlehf'ld Rep'tr Fult. Lewi Jr. Night Song jaIu Mort. Downey Voa World Intermeaio Mutual Newa Night Song in-'ft Pt- Pee. Tlnl Alrfl Concert Bout Newa Muslo Voa Want 10:45 rchntra Orcheatra Concert Roui Muilo Mualo Yon Want 11:00 Sew Treaanry Band) Concert Hour I Love Mystery Nocturne 11:15 Mr. Fix-It Treaanry Band Concert Hour Lea Brown Nocturne 11:30 ws Hnoeam Organ Mte Memoa Benny Strong Nocturne lf;45 Wai Muaenm Organ Memoa Benny Strong Nocturne 12:00 Sign Off Silent Xtra Bour Blgn Off Istgn Off FM Meg., KGW 100.3. 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 0 a.m., IX p.m., KEX 92.S, I to 9 p.m. FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 6:00 Hodge Podge Newa Farm Newi Newa Summary 6:15 Knean Newa KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Kloek 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Newa KOCO Klock 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Kloek Waahb'rn Newa Newa Tex Rltter " 7:15 Old Songs Newa Mart. Agronaky Brkfat. Gang KOCO Klock 7:3flKneaaa Newa Newa Bob Hazen Rise and Sblue Newa 7:45 Sam Bayea Fred Beck Zcke Manner Top Tradca KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie" Albert Coniamer Newa Breakfaal Club Br- Counter King's Cruaad. 8:15 Sddie Albert Newa Breakfast Club Family Altar King's Crutad. 8:30 'ck Berth Grand niaws Breakfast Club Blbla Institute Western Melod. 8:45 Sag Bldera Rosemary Breakfast Clnb Bible Institute Temple Echoea 9:00 Second Cnp Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N- W. Newa Time for Mel'dy 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stara of Today Sidney Walton Time for Mel'dy S;30 3 Suna Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Faatov'a Call Stara Sing ;45 Kncasa News Onr Gal Sunday Art Llnkletter Welti Time J. Chas Thorn ag 10:00 Marriage for t Big Sister Bag Riders Glen Bardy NW Newa " 10:15 Car. Cavalier Ma Perk In Galen Drake Gospel Singer Muslo 10:30 Hostess House Dr. Malone My Tme Story Perry Como Tune Tim 10 ;45 Party Guiding Light My True btory Morgan'a Music 88 Keyg 11:00 Double, Nothing 2nd Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladlea Fair Muslo Marl ' 11:15 Double, Nothing Perry Mason Vietor Llndlahr Lrasdles Fair Muslo Mart 11:30 Tod'ya Children Norah Drak N'rthwesterners Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'weiternera Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass Newa New Baukhage Talk Top Trades H'llywood Muslo 12:15 Road of Life Come Get It News N W Newa H'llywood Musi 12:30 P. Y'ng's Fam. House Party Jack Norman Gay 90'a News 12:45 Right to Bap. House Party Meet Menioua Bob Ebcrly Dave Dennla ;00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Brkf. In Holly. Hob Mitchell Mac's Melodlea :15 Stella Dallas lack Bolt Brkf. In Body. Bob Mitchell Mac's Melodlea ;30 Lorenxo Jones Garry Moor Kay West Tell Nelnhbor Mae's Melodlea ;45 Y'ng Wld. Br'n Klrkham News Kay West BlngSlnga Mac'a Melodlea 2:00 Wh. G. Marries Klrkham Newa Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mac'a Melodlea 2:15 For. Facea Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac'a Melodlea 2:30 lust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride Ji Groom Ladles First Mac's Melodlea 2:45 Front Pg. Far1!! Tunefully Yours Bride dr Gfoom Ladles First Mac's Melodic 3:00 Wele. Travelers Art Klrkham Quick u Flash Geo. Jamboree Mac'a Melodlea 3:15 Wele. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Geo. Jamboree Mao's Melodlea 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodic 3:45 We Love. Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Gay Nlnotlea Mac's Melodic 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Time 4:15 Life BeaotlfaJ Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Cart Master Sqnirrel Cag Behind Story Brers Can B 4:45 Panla Stone Edw. Morrow Firefighters PJews Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 dren's Theatert 5:15, On the Dpboatt 6:00. 550 Sports Clubt . New! 1:15, Organ Music; 6:30, 'Bound Camp fire I 7:00, Headlines In Chemlstm 1:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8, Flying Timet 8:15, OSO Library: 5:30, Vet News: 8:45, Newsi and Weather; 9:00, Muslo That Endaresi 9:45, Evening Medltationsi 10:00, Sign Off, Silverfon Library Circulation Gains Silverton Circulation at the Silverton public library was higher for January than it has been for several months, accord ing to the report submitted to the city council. Total was 1318. During the month 33 new readers were registered and a total of 168 reference questions cared for. Books added by pur -93 ACROSS L Ease 8. Frolic 11. On who transferal property 14. Official of ancient Rom IB. Intellect 16. Weary 18. Near IB. Night tefor an event SO. Fluttered 21. Proper 12. Grandchild: Scotch 23. Carried 18. Ocean-going paiaenger Tesael 17. Idol lie 29. American black gnaJtM 10. Animata 31. Happen aval 12. Bona 33. Plan 34. Masculine 36. Wrong: prefix 37. Legal 38. Writing Implement 39. Pronoun 40. American Indiana 41. Country 42. Fast 44. DlBdpllna 24. Evergreen trea 46. Puff up 2a. ueiestiai oooy i. uum 1 12 13 K S 16 7 WMfr Vf VO I" 2 so y iT 2 Jay I I I I mm I I I Al NewsfMfvr ROOM AND BOARD LEAVE FOR. VrORIC TOMORROW, I'LL TRY A TEST ON BEFORE I IDGE BY GOING INTO HIS ROOM ) HOLDING A CUP OF COFFEE AND STRIP OF BACON UNDER. HIS NOSE TO SEE IF IT'LL WAKE HIAA AS HE CLAIMS HIS IDEA FOR A NEW TYPE OF ALARM CLOCK WILL DO ,ND THE ABMA AC wonY DC SYNTH ETC li m v 1 fen m 1A Ei t Weather: 10:15, Especially for Women i 11:00, School of Alri 11:15, Con cert Hallt 12:00, Newst 12:15, Noon Farm Bonn 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:10, School of Air; 1:30, Publlo Health; 1:45, Melody Lanci t. Clubwomen's Half Hour; 2:30, Memory Book of Musle; 2:45, UNESCO 3:00, News: 8:15, Musle of the Masters; 4:00, .Oregon .Reporter; .4:15, .Favorite Hymns. chase and donation numbered 25 and 59 books were removed from circulation. Doners durlnf the month wer Mr. and Mr.. Scott McPike, Dr. and Mr. A. J. Mccann.l. Mr. and Mr. Clay AUen, Mr. Earl Dedrlck, C. L. Gstes, Mrs, Sink, Mrs. Glenn Brledwell, Mrs. O. O. Rustad, Miss Mae Service, Mrs. Lewis Wavra, Mrs. Annes Haugen, Mrs, William H. Woodrard, Jr., Mrs. George Ohrlsten son, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Reber Allen, Mrs. E. L. Starr, Mrs. O. W. Keen, and Mrs Mark Hun gate. Because of the unpleasant weather, the library toard post poned its January and February meetings. B I R DllB O B SH A Ifil IaIlImIoisItiIrIaIsIcI aIuI IrIaItI i oHn i uHsslrilAl Solution of Ytiterday'a Puzilo 4. Nourished 5. Forward t. Revolves 1. Three-legged stand I. Bamboollka grass I. Eccentric 10. Note of the seal II. Clearer 12. Dogs 17. Scarlet 20. Grown girl 21. More excellent 23. Convex molding 24. Philippine weight 25. Small Inlets 26. Shoestring 27. Note of Guldo'i 18. Pertaining to fingers or toes J9. Proofreader 31. Cooking formula 31. Organ of speech 34. From her 35. Finished 37. Deposit of mineral 33. Breathe quickly 40. Strike 41. Resinous substanco 43. Father 1. Gem t. Color 46. Compass point 2.? Bv Gene Ahem THAT'LL BE 7-30 IP IN TH' MORNING, WHEN HES IN HIS THICKEST COCOOM ) OF SLEEP, AND AT . THAT HOUR.NOJ COULDN'T ROUSE HIM THE WITH A PNEUMATIC STREET PRILL' : r m uj i , mi