18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950 'Gold Dust' Team Would Need $545,000 Payroll By JOE FALLS : New York, Feb. 9 (IP) It would cost $545,000 to field baseball's "gold dust" team, composed of the nine highest- priced stars on the diamond to day. An outfield of Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Ralph Kiner lone would draw more than come entire major league teams will receive this year The esti mated figure $290,000 is un- paralelled for any three men in the sport. The lineup for these diamond ' nuggets, with approximate sal . aries, would be: IB Tommy Henrlch, Yankees 145,000 3B Jackie Robinson, Dodgers , 35,000 . 3B Oeorge KeU, Tigers 35,000 63 Lou Boudrcau, Indians ... 65,000 . OF Ted Williams, Red 3ojt ., 125,000 OF Joe DiMaggio, Yankees ., 100,000 OF Ralph Klner, Pirates .... 65.000 C Birdie Tenbets, Red Sox ., 25,000 P Hal Newhouser, Tigers .... 50,000 Totals (545,000 Williams, who signed yester day, Is the highest salaried play er in history. At the reported figure, the tall slugger will re ceive $812 every time he pulls on his bright red and white Boston uniform this season. OiMagglo's $100,000 salary ' Is the second such pact the great outfielder has signed In two years. ' But what if DiMaggio's ccle- brated heel kicks up or another City Loop Scores CITY LEAGUE (National Division) Kaval Reserve (43) (12) Post Office Bassett 16 F Oardncr Perry N. 3 F 4 Humphreys Hartley 8 C 4 Touchle nscner e o 4 Albiich Fortner 3 a , LRthropc nescrves scoring: wavy nelson t), Biendsiey 4, VanClcave 2, Nelson 1. Half time score: Navy 14, po 2. City Transit (40) (Ifi) Marine Reserve Klelnsmith 6 F 3 West Blarney rt F 5 Wll: Waters IB c Carrow Fltsslmons 3 D Wcstllng vmr. o u 1 joncs Reserve scoring: CTL Bacon 4, Ash craft 3, Blaklcy D, 2, Mull 4, cookslcy 1. Marines pearsall 3, Barnholt 2, Dun can 1. Halftlme score: CTL 18, Marines fi. National Guard (35) (28) Capitol Col. McReal 6 F 4 Skeels Brown 2 F 6 Moon Jones 8 c 8 Coatcs Michaels 7 0 7 Oodscy Hart 8 G 5 Lawrence Reserves scoring: N. Guard Caspci 2, Young 3. CDC Krobs 1. Halftlme scoro: N. Ouards 26, CBC 15. flychaser comes down with some ailment? Stan Musial, the St. Louis Cardinals' one-man gang, would be a logical replacement. Stan's salary is $50,000. Bob Feller ($45,000), Cleve land's once mighty righthander, could supplement Lefty New houser on the mound. The relief pitcher would be the Yanks' Joe Page. Fireman Joe hasn't sign ed as yet, but a $35,000 lure would send the durable left hander to the bullpen. Lou Boudreau would be a luxurious economy. The 32 year - old Clevelander could double as manager, since he's directed the Indians since 1942. A fine team, but it would take a working agreement with Fort Knox to meet its payroll. Missionaries Take First in Individual Scoring Race Charles Anderson of the Whit man Missionaries took over first place in the individual scoring race of the Northwest conference season as he came through with a 33 point scoring barrage to bring his total for eight games up to 128 points. Ed Rooney of Pacific nailed down second place with a total of 127 points while Ted Loder of Willamette skidded to third with 124. However, in the case of Rooney, it should be pointed out his compilation comes as the result of nine contests. Willamette, now a game and a half in the lead, with Pacific trailing will attempt to de fend its margin Friday night at McMinnville in a clash with Linficld. Meantime Lewis & Clark will inaugurate a three game swing across the Cas cades. The Pioneers play Friday and Saturday at College of Idaho and Whitman Monday. The Badgers will meet Whitman at Walla Walla Friday and Saturday and JWTHAC'S TACKLE University Alleys CIVIC LEAGUE Moos Lodte No. 2 (2) Smith 485 , 8chu- bel 417, Hedtne 315. Cooler 436, Smyres 343. Salem Lions No. S (1) Sholseth 410, Todd 423. Halvorson 438, Delancy 478, Young 414. Stayton Lions (2) Bates 466, Morgan 415, Chrlstensen 433. Schachtslck 680, Jor dan 424. Klwanla (1) Llneberry 306, Cal vert 351, Stutsman 461, Hutchlaon 870, McKlnney 430. Jr. Chamber (I) Schmidt 38S, Porter 483, Schaefer 339, Wedel 408, Doerk 4B4. Moose Lodge No. 1 (2) Thompson 682, Prudente 512, Bowler 203, prune t. Smyres 373. Hollywood Lions No. z u ijamz io. Porter 3B3, Elliott 457, Tlndall 421, Brown 474, Salem Lions No. 1 (2) Porter 407, Hoy 494, Kimmell 410, Rostell 437, Sauers 436. Hollywood Lions No. 1 (1) Hanna 360, Mootry 400, Henderson 418, Qlllespla 442, Collins 489. Salem Lions No. t (2 Holmes 512. Seamster 467, Qeddes 496. Smith 495, Starrett 458. High ndlvidual game. Hoy 233. High series, Thompson 682. High team gcriu, Salem Lions No. a, 2428. In Off Beaton Element Red Sox siusser Ted . Ill Wll JC0.3UII LIGIIICIM American League's most valu able player, currently appearing in a Boston, Mass., sports show, tries his hand at a tuna rod. He has signed his 1950 contract reportedly calling for more than $100,000. Capt. Earl MacMahon, Maine fisherman (left) and Joy Fltzsim mons, granddaughter of former world heaVyweight champion Bob Fitzsimmons look on. (AP Wirephoto) Snead Favored In Texas Open San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 9 VP) Swollen by the largest brigade of touring professionals in golf history, the Texas Open's 313 man field moved out today in the first 18-hole round of the College of Idaho Monday. Top 10 scorers: Games F3 FT PF TP Anderson. Whitman 8 47 34 32 128 FJd Roonev. Pnclflc ...9 40 47 31 127 Ted Lodcr. Willamette 8 43 38 29 124 Lloyd Neville, Idaho ...7 36 34 16 106 Bob Pollnrtl, L & C. . . .7 32 30 36 94 B. Iglehnrt, Whitman 6 35 20 26 90 Carlos Wall, Whitman 8 40 10 21 86 Dick Morgan, Puclflc ..9 30 26 15 66 Bob Hnmmond. Linficld 9 32 11 16 75 Doug Loguc, Willamette 8 27 15 16 69 oldest tournament along the win ter trail. Starting at 8 a.m., the seekers of $10,000 in prize money will be due to wind up the opening round about nightfall, playing on two courses. Balding Sam Snead, riding the hottest winning streak in golf at this time, is a heavy choice to drag down first place money of $2,000. The picture swinger from West Cirginia has pocketed $5,558 in five tournaments this year and could finish out of the money here and still be the lead er in earnings. But Brother Snead hasn't failed to win some thing in a tournament in quite a stretch. SCORES in the ALLEYS Ind. Accident No. 1 !) Buchanan 476, Oerdon 494. 6ava 441. Baker 430. Ud- aton 570. wway N. 4 (01 Querr 916. Wood 447. Hut 448, Ketch um 370, Schupp 427. Sec. of Stat (8) Miller 464, Kins 579, Grant 4S2, Porter 542. Schultze 662. vet. Affairs (2) Popma 453. Ryan 487. Reed 411, Elgin 525,' Hlllerlch 463. Ulway No. 1 1 Orilflthfi 474. Towlo 345. Kay. aer 493, William 403, LeTerneaux 490. Printer! 3 KreJo 467. Milner 392. Stone 509, McCrary 448, Mills 530. Ind. Accident No. X (1) Gallagher 442, Ash by 618, Wet 424, Harrla 503, Guatafson 533. msn individual same, uustarson 245. High aerie. Kina 670. Hinh team jterien. flec. of State 2609. STATEHOUSE LEAGUE Tax Comm. No. 1 (D Caritenaen 838. Klu 412, Mahaffey 367, Blair 373, Wal lace 302. Forestry (?) Ewlni 390, Oarta 416, Ladd 410, Huhneman 407, Beyer 492. m way no. a ui urown tiz, vanPeic 364. Colli na 396. Etxsen 278. White 41S. Tax Comm. No. (2) Welch 528, Weiftel 409, Lockard 352, Robb 420, Johnaon 633. uiway No. 7. i ROBKe 440, Kim 382, gen 628, Logan 698, Boyce 53T, West 494: Mar'a Lunch (0) Kay 650. Ore gory 614, Otney 476, Stratton 451, Crlswell 585. Hign md. game, wait Larson oi uapuai Bedding. 23ft: htch tnrl. icrlea. Walt Cline. Sr. of CUne'a, 621; other 600'8, Frank Ev ans gzu, George Mirien bib, finny Man well 617, Walt Larson 616, Floyd Kenyon 612, Harvey Page 602; high team game and aeries. Acme Motor Co., 1061 and 3021. Capitol Alleys MAJOR LEAGUE Capboard Cafe (2) Henderson 859. White 517, McCluakey 564, Evans 620, J. Qlodt 566; Maple's Sporting Goods 1 Valdez 531, Llndsey 523, Wlcklund 450, D. Page 550. H. Page 602. Acme Motor Co. (3) Mirlch 618, Farley 661, Irons 671, Stelnbock 549, Hart well 617; Cline's Coffee Shop (0) Cline, Sr. oil, uiney, or. oio, jrarmer 494, Bone 507, Pfiipps 671. terrains MerenanU 'it) Kenned v K17 Rosa 631. Starr 535. Cor 547. Seltsineer 513; L-Von'i of McMinnville (1) Myers ooe, nyais duj, &ran , Minder 491, Olodt 530. Capital Beddinr ? Yoiinir 623. Wll kerson 491. Kenyon 612, Blgler 606, Lar son 616; Woodry's Furniture (1) Kitchen 511, dinger 643, Perry 627, Foreman 496, Adolph 543. etaiem Hardware (8) Thede 508, Hau- Duck Pin Kaiser-Fracer (It Lewie NeMon 424. Red Foster 404, Bill Hamby 503, Mike Fleck 435, Hubert Mink 490. Ford (0) Bern Boock 407, Bob Burns 391, Arnold Holmes 338. Clude Calwell 385. Glenn Schroyer 341. Co. G. Ore. N. G. (J Tom Brown 342, Bill Godlove 269, Bob Btron 408, Frank Baker 328, Roy Green 383. Dodge (81 Bill Campbell 465, Dallas KJaer 453, Frank Jonas 444, Howard Mumby 261, Hal Wilson 282. Cadillac (.1) Don Bowers 441. Herbert Berry 431. Wally Doss 384. Bob Fry 430. Charlie Campbell 383. Valley Electric (1) Elmer Riemer 377, Earl Lambert 388, Qua Quiring 399, Walt Quiring 384, Fred Baker 364. Buick (0) Shorty Williams 420. Harvey Loveall 366, Jim Hall 291. Dave Moon 397, iw, van uen yu. Mncoin-Aiercury H a, umircnman o, spaud epagle 411, Ed Owen 148, Bob HuLst 391, Earl Brookj 488. Hlrh team series and game. Kaiser- Frazer 800 and 2256. High Individual series, Bill Hamby (KaLser-Frnzer) 503, High Individual game, Hubert Mink (Kal-ser-Frazer) 192. Canby Mat Team Tops Dallas Crew Canby A Willamette valley league wrestling meet here. Wed nesday night resulted in a win for Canby over Dallas by a 35 to 15 margin. The results: 95 pounds: Troyer, Canby, defeated Fid ler, pin; 103 pounds: Dixon, Dallaa, de feated KnuLson, pin; 112 pounds: Draw between Miller, Canby, and Hendrlckaon; 120 pounds: Pyeatt, Dallas, defented Rosa, decision: 127 pounds: Stefanl, Canby, de feated Ahel, decision: 133 pounds: Owings, Canby, defeated Rcdchr, decision; 138 pounds: Keith, Canby, defeated Frlesen, oln: 145 pounds: Celbert. Dayton, defeat ed Leroy Kenagy. decision: 154 pounds: Myers, Canby, won by forfeit; 165 pounds; Flora, canoy, won ay iorieii; no pounds: Balr, Canby, and Volght. draw. U NOW Yet, all you do is pay $1 now and select the lawn mower you want I Pay the balance In 90 days and pick up your mower. Sale ends Feb. 28! REGULAR $19.95 16-INCH MOWER Thick, imi-pnumatic tires won't hurt lawn I Ball-boaring action for aiy pushing. Chroma hub caps. Tubular steal handle. 10" wheels I jrVr PAY tf. f SHOP TIL 9 V rf ill M II m1 TP 18.44 REGULAR $22.45 16-INCH MOWER! Wards Master Quality ... a fast cutting, smooth-rolling machine) Chrome trim. 10" wheels. Enclosed gears. Tubular steel handle I Sale I 20.44 2 H.P. POWER MOWER WITH 19-INCH CUT! 4-cycle engine. Thick rubber tires. Tubular steel handle. Quart fuel tank . . . uses pint per hour. Sea It today at Wards I A Value I 50 104. fNofet A $5 down i r poymenntntoaea i SV to hold thli now or mowtrO Shop 'Til 9 Friday Night Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 1899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1950 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. 4 Valentine Box Chocolates i SOCIETE, GLADES, JOHNSTONS 29c $1Qoo SCHAEFERS DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 Here's FR PAINTING HUPf MORI C010RS-M0R! DECORATING HHP 12? Save tima moiif ASK for fret folder Now to Paint (or Reaewl Woodwork Furniture Cement Floon Roofs and Gutters Houses Toys and Gadget! Fences and Trellliei Walls Walls Over Wallpop Walls Over Kalsomln Ceilings Floors Hardwood Floors Window Sash and Trliw Steps, Porches Sun Decks Linoleum Bathrooms Kitchens Barns Color Scheme How to Get The t-FULLR . CO- 171 South Liberty Let us recommend a reliable painter for the big jobs. Dial 2-3933 Fast Elevator Service To All Floors for thl5 U)Gk'nJ!!ij I55 North Liberty Phone 3-3191 12---- p n SALE! REG. 7.95 THICK-TAB SHINGLES Extra-thick at butt end for greater protec tion, better appearance, longer wear! Ceramic-coated asphalt resists cracking, fire! Keep color I Easy to lay) 'Covers 100 sq. ft. 7 .18 BOX TYPE ALUMINUM GUTTER Everything you need to do a complete, job on your house or barn I No soldering Is necessary . , . slip-joint connectors hold fittings together. Gutter spikes hold it up. .79 REG. 1.79 ROCK WOOL, BIG 40-LB. BAG Insulate now at great aavlngl Bavt up to 30 on fuel bull Yery rear I Btay 8'-lS cooler In summer I Fireproof, verminproofl Ask about Wards Expert Installation cow. 1 .58 REG. 1.76 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Q Recessed type M" x V x Makes perfectly smooth walls. Economical, fireproof. Easy to handle and Install. 3" ROCK WOOL BAITS! REG. 3.29 For Insulation 188 layer of fluffy fibrous Rock Wool. Won't settle, easy to Install. Fire-proof. Vi" INSULATING WALLBOARD! Reg. VAc Ttt iq. ft. Remodels, insulates, decorates. Adds new rooms, beautifies exisitlng ones. Cuts fuel bill. 6C Expert Installation Available $'.TlZil:ZTJiXZlZ