Iff Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950 Li ere s the Greatest ii oci - giving evs in TWO GREAT NAMES IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY u III $urpi NALLEY'S f ilk JrWSfWM S-WH W'WWS &a k SIMM "3 " T I LTJAJJI lblbs.65c I pl -Alt WtjjgSl PRICES EFFECTIVE Friday Saturday Sunday SWIFT COMBINE TO BRING YOU A TERRIFIC SAVING EVENT! SWIFTNING Those Ruby Tumblers Are Here Again! , , , Only 3 for 29 C Swift's mm 35( All sweet Cleanser 2for25c Those Grand Scissors Are Here in Our Srore,too. Swift's Peanut Butt er 33( Coaster Cap Vitamin Bl Creamy CORNED BEEF i The Old Favorite 12 ox 39c JEWEL OIL . 23c WHOLE CHICKENS 159 CHOPPED HAM 45c Ready to Serve - ' PER CAN U PORK LINKS All Cooked In the Can PARD DOG FOOD ,43c 2 for 25C HAMBURGERS ..- 43c All Cooked M-m-m! MEATS FOR BABIES JR. TOO Strained or 1 Q Chopped 8 oz. I 7C See the Table Mats We Have Here POUND 49c "SIZZLING HOT" SAMPLES SERVED ALL DAY SATURDAY 'PREFERRED BY MILLIONS' SWIFT'S GOVERNMENT INSPECTED LOIN OF PORKd orRb .b 45c - - ties PORK 55c LOIN ROAST PORK CHOPS Center Cut .lb. ROLLED RIB ROAST ib. 69c SWIFT'S BRANDED "SELECT" GRADE A PRIME RIB of STEER BEEF Rolled Roast ib. 69c Steaki Ib. 69c It's the One Cut Fit for a King! SWIFT'S COTTAGE BUTTS , 39c "Mild Sweet Smoke Flavor" While They Last Demand Heavier than Supply SWIFT'S 1 POUND CELLO WRAPPED THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE! BACON Broken Slices LB. 19c 71 rr U NALLEY'S SWIFT'S JEWEL NO. 1 U. S. SOLID HEADS treasure SHORTENING POTATOES LETTUCE ncKLEs f::-6 3' X 2 for 1 7c 12 ox. 25C TUNA lC I TEXAS PINK CINCH CELLOPHANE PKGS. GRAPEFRUIT nestles CAKE MIXES CELERY HEARTS u,. . . . i d. . rUArAI ATE WM,xt IYIIVI-J to Shopping Bag CIKiirBATE 39c plcg.19c bag 89c WE WILL BE DEMONSTRATING Saturday Lumberjack Syrup 5 ib 83c NALLEY'S "TANG" Salad Dressing Pint . ... 29C Quart ..49C We Wove a Larlje Selection of SOCIETE VALENTINE CANDY "AROUND THE CORNER" By Dick Eckley The past few week-ends we have had some gigantic sales and promotions that were very successful from our standpoint and very sat isfying to our customers. You, our customers, were able not only to sample some excellent products, but you were also able to buy them at very low sale prices. These sales are definitely to your advantage, for you can make a very substantial sav ings on relatively few items. This week-end we are go ing to have a sale that I think is going to be one that will be talked about for a long time. Swift & Company have joined hands with Bergs to bring you a sale during which you will make a nice savings on every item pur chased. Swift & Company Is send ing in a 20,000-pound truck load of goods to be sold at this great sale. They are going to have many sur prises for you and your kid dies. Children must be ac companied by their parents in order to receive their gifts. Bring the entire family and get In on the fun. 17S pkg. WESTON'S COCOANUT GEM COOKIES 39c pkg. BEGMORE DOG FOOD 2 27c CAPITOL SWEET PEAS No. 303 Can 2 for 23 C BERGS SWEDISH ICE CREAM Features Peppermint Hand-Dipped Quart 49c . . . WHERE THEY BUY FULL TRUCKLOADS TO $AVE YOU MONEY ! Surprises, Demonstrations Friday afternoon & Saturday