$65,000 Refund For Oil Co-Op Mt Angel, Feb. 9 Refunds in excess of $65,000 will be dis tributed to members of the Mar ion County Farmers Union Oil company, it was indicated in the financial report of William Sta- eey at the 16th annual member hip meeting here. The volume of business last year was reported at $718,000 with a net margin of 7.8 percent. Another savings from the Pacific Supply Co-operative is estimat ed around the same amount for a total of IS percent. Charles Baker. Walla, Walla Wash., general manager of the Pacific Supply Cooperative, and Rudy Smith, Hillsboro, of the Tualatin Valley cooperative, were the principal speakers. , Baker explained the new raw ' products business in petroleum and fertilizer and also the 4 per cent cumulative preferred stock of Pacific Supply now being of fered members. Calls have been Issued for pay ment for the 1943 certificates of Interest amounting to approxi mately $29,000 which will be returned to members with the usual cash dividends on the oper ators last year. Ernest Werner was retained president; Warren Gray, vice president, and Feter t . Gores, secretary-treasurer and manager. George Kruse and Robert Har per, whose trem of office expir ed, were re-elected for a two- year term. Nearly 400 members attended the luncheon at the St. Mary's school dining room. They're JSuper They Make 'em Yith Curly's Cream! Tomkins Asks Survey Of Orchard Damage Portland, Feb. 9 VP) State Grangemaster Morton Tompkins has asked Oregon State college to make a field survey of winter damage in western Oregon orch ards and berry fields. He said grower reports indi cated heavy losses in scattered areas. Salem growers reported all peach trees under four years of age were killed, he said, and Yamhill orchardists indicated all trees under six years lost. CURLY'S Your friendly home owned dairy Phone 3-8783 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 195013 GIFT SUGGESTIONS i St. Valentine's Day February 14th The Idea! Giftt This 3-Pc. PAJAMA Miss Crindline Of finest quality cotton broadcloth With dainty white ric rac trim as sketched The shortie coat is an extra value In pink, blue, maize Sizes 34 to 40 mmfk 111 f 2. 99 Tj LIMITED QUANTITY Jtj SHOP EARLX1 f ' t'ii' jfft&k I jftl A pair for every day (L ' E&SJSS l5f of the week . . . each 1 i " '' "jJrS1 W one different in color , if '1i'"ie t ffJ at,d motif. Two-bar WtTTC' Im ll tricot knit rayon iWfeJI' panties that are trntfl smartly styled and "' properly made to fit. Real values! f Pair for EVERY DAY of the WEEK Valentine Box 490 NORTH CAPITOL In the Capitol Shopping Center SHOP TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY EVE HUNT'S PEACHES Yellow Cling, Sliced or Halves 1 O No. 214 can I VC Swanco Margarine i!Lpk9!-. 45c Nucoa Margarine 2 lb. pkg 55c Hunt's Fruit Cocktail No. 2Vz can . . , 29c Doles Fruit Cocktail No. 1 tall can . . . 19c DEL MONTE WHOLE g APRICOTS a."4 ... 25c 25c glass GOOSEBERRIES Mor-Pak No. 2 can Swift's Tenderized BONELESS PICNIC HAM Completely Boneless Easily Sliced, Sweet Smoked and Cured . . .LB. 39c Slab Bacon Armour's Star High Quality Made from Corn Fed Pork. We will slice it to your C O C desired thickness at no extra cost. . . LB. 9 3 Sliced Bacon A'mour's Star FQ Top Quality LB. J7C SWIFT'S PREMIUM Ready to Eat Tender PICNIC HAMS Don't fail to get one A the demand is ter- 11 rific... LB. U A RAC Armour's Star High H AIVO Quality Small Hams These hams are usually sold at a premium prices because of the tender as chicken texture of this weight. But you can buy them this week at only 49c Lb Fryers, Colored, Pan Ready each 98c PILLSBURY SPECIAL PACK fkfk Pie Crust Mix 2 2VC PILLSBURY f m Hot Roll Mix Lje. Pkg. AV CHEVY CHASE ASSORTED f m J- Assorted 12 oz. Sl eliieS tumblers for wJl SHADY OAK BOYSENBERRY Preserves Ub- 2 for 29c Grade AA Guar. Country Fresh EGGS doz 41c Swift's Brookfield First Quality BUTTER ib. 67c WHITE STAR TUNA l:7;. WHITE STAR Tl Itl 1 Grated Style I UNA No. 'ican ... 35c 29c J scmi-iwcet amount 'f g-E7HJffi;.-7-g-..f.OTS Nestles Chocolate MORSELS Pkg. 17c Nestles Cocoa Mix ?Mr.:::vl LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX 3 pkgs. 32c Lipton's Tomato and Vegetable Mix 3 pkgs. 33c Heinz Demonstration Sale CATSUP Large 14 oz. bottle. . 23c HEINZ Oven Baked Beans 2 cans esr V FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLES " : r : .22c TOMATO SOUP r 11c VEGETABLE SOUP ....: 2.. ..25c SUNMAID RAISINS St 15c ROCKWOOD MILK CHOCOLATE RUM WAFERS TANOY.TASTY BUND OF FIAVORS C&H SUGAR Powdered or Brown 1 lb. pkg 39c Pkg. lie CANNED VEGETABLE SALE Del Monte Yellow Cream OC CORN 303 c,n... . 2 for iJt Del Monte Whole Kernel m p CORN 303 can I jC Del Monte NIBLETS 12 oz. can Mission Golden Cream CORN 300 can. tor 15c 33c Del Monte Garden PEAS 300 can ...... Hunt's Tender Garden PEAS No. can .... N. Maid Extra Standard PEAS 303 can Remarkable Cut g mt Green Beans SS"2,Z5C 2 , 33c 2 ,., 29c 2 , 25c National Kraut Week February 5-11 Fresh Kraut qt. 15c Skinless Franks lb. 39c Lean and Meaty Spare Ribs lb. 43c Columbia Kraut No. 2Vi can lie SWIFTS SWIFTNING 3oIb . 65c KRAFT VELVEETA ka Cheese Food ib. pkf. C PABSETTE wmtm Cheese Food ,b. pkK. C fTCHEftjbt W tfanivTriSui Kitchen Queen FLOUR so ibs. 3,55 25 lbs. 1.79 CROWN ff Pancake Flour lltlh; 99C CROWN A A Wheat Gem1 . 23C Armours 4 MILK Ta,,Gans IU Pet, Carnation, 1 tall Nestles, Borden XeoniZJC Sunshine Shredded Wheat m m BISCUITS Pkf. l5C SUNSHINE 1A Burnt Peanuts '..'S. pkg. IVC SILVER FALLS PUMPKIN Large No. 2Vi cans. .2 for I5c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR lftQ iS lb. bar leW Seedless Raisins . 27c dog food 2 r.25c Dog Food Please Tall cans 25c Trend I9c WHITE KING coc Washing Powder Giant pky. .... A 1il.r.. 'l""",r WHOPPING VALUES IN FRESH FRUITS AND mm -mw m m ar anc6 VEGETABLES Grapefruit Seedless 4 for 25c Arizona Marshseedl APPLES Extra Fancy and F Cranberries 23c n. POTATOES 10 39c V. S. No. l's Deschutes Netted Gems BROCCOLI u 15 c 3.b,. 19c Arizona Marshseedless 80 size 5 Oft- Delicious J Ibs. AC Extra Fancy and Fancy Box 2.98 VEGETABLES ORANGES Sweet and Juicy 2 do, 35c Thin-skinned 341 size Fresh Green California CARROTS, TURNIPS, RUTA BEGGAS, in bulk Washington State Delicious APPLES Fancy and Extra Fancy 3 ibS 29c All Items on Our Large Dime Counter 3 for 25c Canned Fish BOOTH SARDINES Natural Oil r. 333c BOOTH SARDINES Mustard and Tomato Tcaan.....233c HARPOON SALMON 39c Tall Can TIDAL POINT OYSTERS 10 oz. can. CLOVER LEAF 29c 39c TUNA Vi can . . TUXEDO TUNA V can 19c SPECIAL OFFER! "SUNRAY- INSIDE FnnSM I C V sIM 3 RINSO 1 Flakes 25 C ILux Toilet Q Soap OC 1 LIFEBUOY 8C REG. LIMITED TIME ONLY! LGE. LGE. REG. Certified 200 Value m These Grocery Specials Also Available at Paramount Market SALEM'S QUALITY SERVICE STORE Plus 2 Upcharge for Delivery on These Specials Only 260 North Liberty Phone 2-2461 3060 Portland Road 2 Big Stores 3720 East State Street