14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950 3 4-H Clubs at Bush School Three 4-H clubs in cooking, clothing and entomology pro jects have been organized among boys and girls attending Bush school, James Bishop, city extension agent, reports. The "Kitchenaires, a cooking club led by Mrs. S. P. Houser, 333 East Miller, has six mem bers with Sharon French as pre sident; Georgia Kyle, vice pre sident; Beverly Stein, secretary; Barbara Lafky and Jeanette Dunsmoor. The club will meet February 9 at the leader's home after school and demonstrate the making of an omelet. Making of cocoa, biscuits and cinnamon rolls were demonstrated by the girls at their last meeting. The "Green Shamrock" cloth ing club has Mrs. Mildred Bridge as leader. Jean Hubbard is president, Janet Curry, vice president; Reta Bridge, secre tary; Karen Flory, reporter, Janet Hubbard and Crystal Church, song leaders. Other members of the club are Shar on and Barbara French, Shirley Hunter, Kay Knickerbocker, Marilyn Murphy, Marene Sit linger and Arlene Weaver. The girls are making needle cases, pin cushions, articles in weav ing, and a luncheon or head scarf. Boys from Bush school enroll ed in the two entomology clubs of the city 4-H program are Bill Durig, Douglas Galloway, Bill and Max Reaney, Layton Webb and Lee Golden. Identifying in sects, preparing killing jars and other collecting materials have kept the boys busy during the winter in preparation for field trips when weather permits. Brazilian Says Coffee Prices May Increase New Orleans, Feb. 9 (U.R) A Brazilian with large coffee hold lngs said today that the present shortage Is "real" and prices probably will go even higher. Osvaldoerera De Barras, here on business, said the shortage "definitely has not resulted from an effort to create an artificial shortage by market manipula tions." He blamed a dry season for the shortage. Morse Still Disclaims Being Party Regular Salt Lake City, Feb. 9 (U.R) Sen. Wayne L. Morse, R Ore., likes his party's platform for 1950 what there is of it but he'd like to see it on firmer ground. But he also wants it known that his indorsement of the plat form doesn't mean he's turned to "party regularity." Mrs, Humphreys Injure! Victor Point Mrs. Orlo Humphreys is confined to her bed with broken ribs and inju ries received when she fell on the ice. SNACK TIME? KIDS LOVE ifalLMI9 economy tin itft. . -f. . YA INdMrti. Ml JlH. . . . . .fNN Yf You bake your best when you bake with Crown Km Try the Flour Supreme for every baking purpose a. 1 s Ci cRojri IT'S TALLER AND TASTIER -thanks to FRESH EGGS New Orange ? mx saves you time . . . effort, un- Mix. ny - An,DEN JUBUEE CA- .ll-Purpose ?3 --: nnti right Id" to V eP y, IMipoon van Add vanilla. . ..m.wlth toller, tastier oK. - JtmMpg kll-fur" smam Imported Mixing Spoon Set (1.00 Value) ONLY 25c with this coupon and box top from package of Occident Cake Mix OCCIDENT, Ban S9V3, Chicago 77, tlllnell Inflated And 25c (cath) and baxtoa. Plaata tand ma tht 2-placa iaf of Swadlth birch mlilng tpaans. NAMI ' ADDMSS CITY THE ACCENT IS ON SAVINGS Take advantage of these special values. Look for the green "At Advertised" signs, the mark that accentuates savings. Large 40 oz. BISQUICK PANCAKE FLOUR ENRICHED FLOUR QUAKER OATS . 39c 4 lb. bag. 49c 10 lb. bag 85c 35c "A DM Elsinore Whole Kernel VUKIM No. 303 can 15c WHEATIES . oz. pkgs 2 'or 29c PORK & BEANS r 2 , 25c SPAGHETTI IZL 2 ....25c - cans 25c cniio CamPbe" JVUl Vegetable. PEANUT BUTTER !. 37c PINEAPPLE Elsinore Sliced No. 2 cans . . . 27c IGA JELLIT 4 25c SUGAR Int,""'.6".1!. 89c frr,... ' - Pressed from Tree-Ripened vZ '! . ORANGES SJ Large p sr 35c I 3 for 1.00 nl .. il j- t rnmip morns, camels, & other popular brands CIGARETTES 1 5V, -J nwriF rem I ra hydro 111 Wm KllC 'L" linaaSSBSSSSSaSSSr With Vitamins Sealed In 3 pk9. 23c I Mcp lemon "I JUICE '17c jug KRE-MEL PUDDINGS Assorted flavors of America's favorite dessert, Vermonlr Moid 12 oz. SYRUP You'll enjoy the more delicious maple flavor. The concentrated juice of fresh lemons. Use the same as you would fresh lemon juice. No fuss, no bother. OTHER SPECIALS 3fw40,6for79 DOZEN.. .l.49 CASE (48) S.9S flEASANT AROMA (ma llii right rombinotion of mt, fish end milk. SWIFT'S CLEANSER 2 ...23c cans The better cleanser in the Polka-Dot can. SUNBRITE CLEANSER 2. 15c cans Economical, yet does a satisfactory job. tar Sn ii wl(l KVT Smadm CiSl hoiMMMM ww4idJi wMi by . 69c LIFEBUOY SOAP 4mt Regular Bars 23c 2 Bath Size 21 C Specials For Friday and Saturday DESCHUTES POTATOES FRESH TOMATOES HEAD LETUTCE MEDIUM ONIONS SUNKIST ORANGES 10 39c U. S. No. 1 grade priced to save you money . . . Solid ripe for slicing ia orialads TUBE VC Crisp, solid heads LB. 14c A delightful change in your t( vegetable dish Q-lb. bag JkfQ 200 size for slicing p or juicing DOZ. "TajC LUX SOAP 4mt Regular Bars 23c 2 Bath Size 21 C SWAN SOAP 3 Regular Ban 25c Jm Large Ban 25c LUX FLAKES RINS0 THERE IS AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU Owned and Operated By a Man in Your Neighborhood Mass buying power and lower operation costs make it pos sible for your neighborhood independent IGA merchant to save you more money. Look at the everyday low prices you'll be amazed at the sav ings! Broadway Grocery Broadway and Market, Salem OltY BARNES, Owner Peason's Food MM. 294 N. Commercial, Salem JACK FOLK, Partner Carters Market 17th and Market, Salem REED CARTER, Owner Highland Market 800 Highland Ave., Salem EDW. LINDSAY and BERT CARR, Partners Ken Golliets Mehama, Oregon KEN GOLLIET, Owner Ronners Grocery Gervais, Oregon EMIL RONNER, Owner Central Cash Mkt. Monmouth, Oregon A. L. SPREADBOROUGH and L. THORNE, Partners State Street Grocery 1230 State St., Salem EMMETT KLIENKE, Owner Equalls Grocery Woodburn, Oregon RAY and DON EQUALL, Partners Model Food Market 275 North High, Salem EDW. SCHUNKE, SR. and EDW. JR., Partners Quality Food Market 1701 Center St., Salem HENRY SCHRENK and RUPERT SCHULZ, Partners Lemmons Market 598 N. Commercial, Salem ORAL LEMMON, Owner Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon TOM & DEAN SMITH, Owners Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon WAYNE FNEGAN, Manager Large Pkg.