L Gen. Clay Admits He Asked OK to Fight Red Blockade New York, Feb. 9 (U.R) Gen. Lucius D. Clay, then U S. military governor, proposed in 1948 that the United States send an armed convoy across the Soviet zone of Germany to Berlin to break the Soviet blockade of the city. The U. S. government rejected the proposal, according to Clay, because of the risk that it migni provoke an armed, conflict with Russia. Clay confirms his oft-rumored blockade-breaking proposal for the first time in "Decision in Germany," his own story of his four years in the Reich, pub lished today by Doubleday. He said he sent the proposal to Washington on July 10, 1948, less than three weeks after the Soviets had clamped a complete land-water blockade on Berlin on the pretext of "technical dif ficulties." By then, Clay said, he was convinced that the Soviet gov ernment did not want war, but believed the western allies would yield much rather than risk testing the Russian position. Said Clay: "I reported this conviction to our government, suggesting that we advise the Soviet representa tives in Germany that under our rights to be in Berlin we pro posed on a specific date to move If in an armed convoy which would be equipped with the en gineering material to overcome the technical difficulties which the Soviet representatives ap peared unable to solve. "I made it clear that I under stood fully the risk and its Im plications and that mis was a decision which could be made only by the government. "No armed convoy could cross the border without the possibility of trouble. In my view, the chances of such a con voy being met by force with s u b s e quent developments of hostilities were small. I was confident that it would get through to Berlin and that the highway blockade would be ended. "When our government turn ed down my suggestion, I un derstood its desire to avoid this risk of armed conflict until the issue had been placed before the United Nations. I shall always believe that the convoy Would have reached Berlin." Clay defended his reduction in the jail sentence meted out to Use Koch, so-called "Witch of Buchenwald." He said that on the record of the trial he could not find her a major participant in the war crimes committed at the Nazi horror camp at Bu chenwald. "A sordid disreputable char acter, .she had delighted in flaunting her sex, emphasized by tight sweaters and short skirts, before the long-confined male prisoners, and had devel oped their bitter hatred," Clay said. "Nevertheless, these were not the offenses for which she was being tried and so I reduced her sentence, expecting the reaction which came." Clay warned that Germany can tip the scales either way in the present east-west world bal ance of pownr. "West German government cannot endure over the years," he said, "unless it is taken back into the family of European na tions who believe that the rights of the individual are too pre cious to be absorbed in the state." W. May Mentioned As Morse Opponent Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 9 (U.R) Walter W. R. May, editor and publisher of the Oregon City Entprnrise. todav was consider ing queries by some republicans on his possinie canaiaacy in me May primary against Sen. Wayne L. Morse. Better Icings always with the One and Only BUKNtm Vanilla UP IN THE MORNING OUT ON THE JOB WORKING LIKE CRAZY ALL DAY? You'll do it better with a Nohlgren's New under your belt. START THE DAY RIGHT with a Tall Glass of golden, just squeezed Orange Juice. Then order a Ranch-style Waffle or a Home-baked Cinna mon Roll and, of course, that Nut-brown Nohlgren's Coffee. You'll smile all day. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 9, 1950 13 TVf COOKING TIME ASK YOUR GROCER ECONOMICAL DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL NOURISHING Maty to prapar ABOUT VALUES! AND OVER THE STORE, TOO MY BUDGET TROUBLES V tttKt 5 RIAL HELP FOR K6 WJ WHEE...L00R s. SAFEWAY ALWAYS HAS THE LOW PRICES AT THE SAVINGS AT THESE LOW PRICES 1 J j A I'M r.mnn ti crnr i r -AND SAFEWAY A I u everybody's excited about the values in SAFEWAY'S MID-WINTER mid mm she You bet! There's plenty of cause for excitement at your Safeway this week! It's the first really big Storewide sale of the year where you can save on everything! Join the thousands who are laying away heavy stocks of fine foods this week I But, Hurry! Hurry! SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY!! All Safeway stores in Salem are open Friday evenings until 8 p.m. Safeway stores in Holly wood and 1420 State St., open every week-day evening until 8 p.m. Shop leisurely in the eve nings avoid the rush of daytime crowds. No. 303 C.n VALLEY GOLD Apricots No. 2V2 Can 19' Tomatoes, Del Monte Tomatoes, Gardenside Spinach, Emerald Bay Sweet Potatoes, Taylor Veg-AII, Larsen's No. 2 can 23 C No. 2V2 can 19c No. IVi can 19c No. 3 can 23 c No. 303 can 17e GARDENSIDE PEAS DEL MONTE PEAS NIBLETS Kvrntl CORN t2 0i.Cn COUNTRY HOME CORN Green Giant Peas 303 Can 303 C.n 10e 18e 17e 14e No. 303 can 225c SUGAR BELLE Fancy Sugar No. 303 Cans PEAS 2,25e Sauerkraut, Columbia No. 214 can 12e Pumpkin, Moonbeam No. 2'i can 21 5c Green Beans, Briargate No. 2 can 21 C Whole Beets, Del Monte 303 jar 19 e Lima Beans, Seaside (Dry) No. 2 can 15c Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn, 46-oz. 25 C Tomato Juice, Libby's 47-oz. 27c V-8 Vegetable Cocktail 46-oz. 37 e Gerber Baby Food, except meats 3 tins 23 C Carnation Milk, tall 2 cans 23 C Cherub Milk tall can 10c SANTIAM fancy Cut Green BEANS No. 2 Can t9C GARDENSIDE BRAND Not the best quality but a very acceptable grade of cream-style golden bantam corn your satisfaction guaranteed. NO. 2 CAN 10 DEL MONTE, LIBBY'S OR CASTLE CREST PEACHES 19c No. 2Vj Can HOSTESS DELIGHT FRUIT COCKTAIL No. Vli can 29 Ubby's, No. 303 can, 19c WHITE STAR TUNA Fancy Pack No. H can 35c BELL BUOY TUNA BEANS Small White, Great Northern, Idaho Red Pinto and Baby Limas 2 25' LBS."' Fancy Solid Pack No. V2 Can 33c DEL MONTE CORN Fancy Crtam Stylo 2, 25' Golden Bantam No. 303 Cant FLEET MIX The New Biscuit Mix "Love at First Bite" PKG. 36' EDWARDS COFFEE Fresher by bays Lb. 70. 2-lb. Can Can $1 45 GRADE A BUTTER Meadow Wood Per lb. Breakfast Gem GRADE A EGGS 002 43c Coffee, Nob Hill lb. 69 C 2-lb. 1.37 Coffee, Airway, lb. bag 65 C 2-lb. 1 .29 Rice Krispies, Kellogg's 8-oz. pkg. 19c Wheaties, giant package 22 C Shredded Wheat, Nabisco 12-oz. 16 C Cheerios, oat cereal 2 pkgs. 29c Quaker Oats 3-lb. pkg. 35 C Cream of Wheat 28-oz. pkg. 30 C Zoom, instant cereal lb. pkg. 23 C Pancake Flour, Suzanna 3'2-lb. 43 C r? l "TUN s. W 69e SOAP POWDERS Apricots, Libby's Whole 303 can 19c Pie Cherries, Honeybird pitted 2's 29e Peaches, Halves O' Gold freestone 2Vi 29 C Pears, Highway No. IVi can 25 C Pears, Del Monte No. IVi can 30 C Pineapple, Libby's crushed, No. 1, 2 for 25 C Plums, Monica whole 2V2 can 17e Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray 2 for 29 C Apple Sauce, Lakemead No. 2 can 15c Apple Juice, Hood River qt. boh 19c Grape Juice, Church's qt. bot. 4 1 C Blended Juice, blend o' gold 46-oz. 35 C Orange Juice, Full O'Gold 46-oz. 39 C Pineapple Juice, Dole No. 2 can, 2 for 29 C Pineapple Juice, Libby's 46-oz. 39 C Popular brands, LARGE PKG. 25c Your Choice-AH One Kind or Assorted Apricot Juice Prune Juice Butter Beans Sliced Beets mm 12-ei. Cin SUNSWEET 12.01. can SMITH No. JO! can CARNIVAL No. can Tomato Soup SUSS. Pork & Beans "ST.0.?' Kidney Beans Chili Beans Spaghetti Sardines ""EVr1 Kippered Snacks SMITH No. I cao SMITH No. 100 can SMITH No. I can 3 CANS FOR No. '. can 25' Catsup, Toite Tellt Heinz Catsup Margarine, Nucoa Dalewood Margarine Wesson Oil Shortening, all brands 14-oz. bot. 15c 14-oz. bot. 25 c .lb. pkg. 28c lb. pkg. 23 c qt. size 55 e 3 lb. 69 c Shortening, Royal Satin 3-lb. 65 C Sugar, brown or powdered lb. 12c Rice, Zenith, Showboat 3 lbs. 45 C Peanut Butter, real roast 2-lb. jar 63 C Syrup, Lumberjack, 24-oz. bottle 37c Mayonnaise, Best Foods pt. jar 37c Kraft Miracle Whip qt. jar 49 C Jell Well, 6 flavors 4 pkgs. 25 C Jell-0 Sparkling Dessert 4 pkgs. 29c Royal Puddings, choice 4 pkgs. 29 C Snowflake Soda Crackers 2-lb. 45 C Ritz Crackers 1-lb. pkg. 29 C GARDENSIDE GREEN Truly a spectacular buy for cut green beans of this quality. Good tasting. Buy several cans. No. 2 cans BEANS 2 r 25 c GRAPEFRUIT Wide Juicy j? Section Easy to Spoon out Texas white Dried Prunes Seediest Raisins Gold Medal Flour Kitchen Craft Flour, Harv. Bltm. Cheese, Tillamook Cheese, Chatham, mild Cheese, Velveeta 2-lb 4-lb. pkg. 59 C Mb. pkg. 29 e 50-lb. tack $3.99 50-lb. tack $3.99 50-lb. tack $3.29 2-lb. loaf $1.39 lb. 49 c loaf 79 c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Oranges U. S. No. 1 POTATOES tack 47C 10 Cheete, Fireside Kraft Dinner! 2-lb. loaf 75 c pkg. 13c Red Deliciout APPLES 2 ib. 25c Winesapt 5 .b.. 49c Florida Green Cabbage Carrots ciifomi. LettUCe California Tomatoes 8-LB. BAG 77c LB., 11c 5 & 55c 9c ib. 9c ib. 18c 22c Serve your family meat that's guaranteed tender, juicy, perfect-eating. It must please you, or money back. Sliced BACON. Ib. 35' Smoked Picnics. Ib. 33c Rib Roasts per Ib. 69' Rib Steaks per Ib. 69' Ground Beef lb 39c Fryers JS, Ib. 59 FOWL Rlborlol. 1L lit End Rout ID. t0 lb. Eviscerated Pan Ready Pork Pork Chops c:.rib. 65l Pork Sausage Ib. 45c Turkeys W"S" lb. 59 Ib. 49c SMOKED HAMS fin lb. UkT Del Monte Morrell'$ or Central Top Qualify 14 os. tube