edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950 Miss Loewen To Be Bride On March 5 Among brides of early March will be Miss Delpha Loewen who has announced Sunday, March 5, as date for her mar riage to Gerald Barrett. The en gagement of the couple was an nounced at New Year's time. Miss Loewen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F, Loewen, Mr. Barrett the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett of Frineville. The ceremony is to be solemn ized at 4:30 o'clock in the after noon at the First Church of the Nazarene, the Rev. Orval Jen kins officiating. Miss Norma Jean Loewen is to be maid of , honor for her sister and the bridesmaids will be Miss Betty Lou Hunter, Miss June Shields, Mrs. William Loe wen, Jr. Voughn Barrett is to be best man for his brother. Ushering will be Paul Beal, Earl Loewen, cousin of the bride- elect and William Loewen, Jr. her brother. The reception following is planned at the church annex, Airs. Koh Talks Mrs. Byung Choll Koh gave t an interesting and informative E talk regarding exchange stu- dents and their Influence on world solidarity to the Cascade chapter of the National Secre Z taries' association at their din 's ner meeting at the Marion hotel J' Monday evening. Mrs. Koh is at present employed at Fairview "' home as a receptionist. Her hus- 1 band is an exchange student " from Korea, who has just com- . pleted his B.A. at Willamette -i university, and now is in Wash- "1 lngton, D. C. at George Wash- ington university where he will . complete the work for a mas- - ter's degree. Mrs. Koh expects Z to join him In Washington, D. C. very soon. 2 At this meeing the chapter en- - tertained Miss Idclla McAdam, Mrs. Donald Nyswaner and Miss Allen as guests. ST. JOSEPH'S Mothers club ts Is meeting on Thursday evening 2 of this week at 8 o'clock in St. Joseph's hall. 5 Miss Marcla Hill of the state library staff Is to review cur- i rent children's books as the fea- s ture of the program. The third and fourth grade 2 room mothers will be In charge of refreshments. X m 5 MR. AND MRS. James B. a Manning will be in Medford this, j week-end to assist In the organ- 6 Izatlon of Roxy Ann court, U.D., S Order of the Amaranth. . Mrs. a Manning Is grand royal matron 2 of the state of Oregon and Mr. Manning Is grand marshal. LINCOLN Mrs. T. L. Hicks a will entertain for the meeting of 2 Lincoln Goodwill club, Thurs- 3 day, Feb. 9 at 2 p. m. Co-hostess s will be Mrs. H. D. Burns. A 3 memorial will be held for Mrs. n Chris Yungen. S A I 'sterunom" J J' Iff 7 "olt JFu XiA MATCHING V-V -' " J 7 lh j $S - . . . iM'ml'r A Ylntloe of emkriof remembrance value . . .1 ConMin IrasfMHirs Mnf3r 0 Q - W fvy w FykJjj' spo" jjsy'3fpf hei1 tije ,o " "'' ,,'T mrf '''' d3'Ji v ? Her cImhoc f extrwoilely fashioned Gorham Sterling "match fJT jfJ? f "M" ple he'" always wanted -tfS"''""!t jV fif vVv kavel Ya can select them from oar showing of serrinf f' ' ' t J J i If I piccea and "lira" piroea aow arailable in mtot Gcrhaaa r ''O'Ollj' ' f iS'2'-;- '!('' I paltema and aTropril lor lU Boat perfect lahlm ' I f i eKin COm " helP '"0ri" iih' UiL ' h State & Liberty JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS Dial 4-222J nun mans. I.OWRI FISCHER Wedding Date Set Miss Maxine Muckle has an nounced March 5 as date for her marriage to Al Pietschman, tell ing her PI Beta Phi sorority sis ters at the Willamette univer sity chapter house last evening The wedding will be at the Pi Beta Phi house. Miss Muckle was graduated from Willamette at the end of the fall semester. Mr. Pietschman was graduated a year ago from University of Oregon. Both arc from Portland it-rr Letter Club Initiation Formal initiation for Girls Let ter club was Tuesday in the Salem high school auditorium. Miss Joan Lanke gave the pur pose of GLC, Miss Pal McDon ald represented the spirit of health, Miss Marcia Seeber, the spirit of comradeship Miss So phia Polalcs, spirit of sports manship, and Miss Mary Po- lales, second vice president, gave the GLC pledge to the follow ing new members: Senior: Miss Frances Math ews; juniors, Misses JoAnn Beard, Betty Andresen, Joy Da vis, Collen McNeil, Kija Lietie vietis, Pat Roper, Beverly Sav ior, and Beth Wendt; sopho mores, Misses Dixie Avrritte, Janice Bevens, Aline Dalke, Janice Feller, Val Jean Gos nell. Marjie Gundran Sue Hen- drie, Bonnie Jean .Tenkinson, Carol Kaufmar, Otheline Lee Marvel Meyers, Sharon Phillips, Norma Right, Pat Rath, Bev erly Salisbury, Mae Salisnury, Virginia Smith, Greta Schrecln gost, Alctha Vibbert, and Anne Woodmanse. Also the club voted the fol lowing gins cngiBl? to wear their GLC sweaters: Misses Nancy Taylor, Sophia Polales, Marilyn Waters, Frances Boat wright, Pat McDonald, Delores Lyons, Marcia Seeber. Valentines day will be the theme for the no-host dinner to be in the high school s cafeteria for the GLC informal initiation on February 13, at 5:30. New members are to wear long shirts and jeans. Miss LaJune Rahtz is In charge of refreshments. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY soc iety of the First Baptist church Is meeting Thursday at 2 p.m. at the church. The two missionary speakers will be Miss Nelda Palmer of the Sudan Interior mission and Mrs. John J. Stevenson of the Unevangclized Fields mission. All women of the church and friends are Invited. A. E. POUNDS of Glenwood, Minnesota, who has been spend ing the winter in California and visiting his children, grandchil dren and other relatives there, was a recent guest in Salem of his aunt and cousin, Mrs. Mary and Miss Margaret Burroughs of the Royal Court apartments. He also visited a niece and nephew at Canby. 7$ a;; v; ' 77 ' Ill TY Early January Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kramet (Mary Jo Baxter) were married January 7 at the Baptist church In Stayton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Baxter and Mr. Kramer is the son of Mrs. Elsa Kramer of Otis, Ore. The couple will reside in Medford. (Don Thomas photo, Corvallis) AN League Entertained Court whist was played for a change in entertainment at the party for the Salem women s Army and Navy league Tuesday afternoon. The luncheon and meeting were at Chuck's Steak House, about 40 attending. Prizes at the whist games went to Mrs. Benjamin Knight and Mrs. Stephen Fouchek, the spe cial prize gonig to Mrs. Peery Buren. Guests for the afternoon in cluded Mrs. Harry S. Dorman, Mrs. Sam Speerstra, Mrs. Lynn Hammerstad, Mrs. Irvin Bryan Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Keating, Mrs. Keith Flory, Mrs Ralph Schiesinger, Mrs. Rich ard Reynolds. Invitation was received from the Reserve Officers association to attend the annual military bail planned for the evening of February 18. Party Honors Axel Jacobsens The Lions auxiliary of West Salem club sponsored a farewell dinner and party for Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen Saturday evening in the West Salem City hall. The dinner was a no-host affair. The Jacobsens are leav ing soon on an extended trip. The party feature the Valen tine decorations. Mrs. Chester Douglas was mistress of cere monies. Games were played and later motion pictures were shown by Mr. Douglas. Past president's pins were given Mrs. William Knower and Mrs. Jacob sen. A corsage and gift also were presented Mrs. Jacobsen. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Means, Mr. and Mrs. Knower, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Forester, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burke, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covert, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Everts, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brown, Don Forester, Miss Nancy Rust and Mrs. Etta Ober-shaw. JiCi Pledges at IO University of Oregon, Eugene tSpecial) Miss Barbara John son, daughter of Mrs Karen M. Johnson, 1109 Oak street, Sa-, lem, pledged Alpha Gamma Del ta sorority this week during win- te- term open rushing on the University of Oregon campus. Miss Johnson is a freshman ma jor in liberal arts. Amaranth Court Meets Guests of Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth, at their meeting Monday night at the Ma sonic temple were Mrs. Lyle E McCauley and James W. Tin- dall, royal matron and patron of Cherry court, together with over 25 of their court members. Also present were the grand royal pa tron, Earl Beeson, and Mrs. Bee son of Eugene and Mrs. James B. Manning, grand royal matron. Mrs. William Wilson and Don Patton, royal matron and patron of Hanna Rosa court, presided. The following charter mem bers of Hanna Rosa court were present and honored by the royal matron: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Protzman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mrs. Iva Bushey, Mrs Wm. P. Ellis of Oswego. Mrs Claude Lester and Mrs. Ruth Na gel of Portland, and J. Burton Crary. Amaranth "go to church" Sun day was announced for Febru ary 12 at the First Presbyterian church. Visitation to the Shrine hospital for crippled children will be February 26. A sum of money was given to the grand court for use in promoting new courts in the state. A short skit was given by the men of Hanna Rosa court after which the men served refresh ments with James O. Barrell in charge. In hard-cooking eggs stir them several times during the cook ing process since this is thought tn be an aid in centering the yolks. Thursday Tea Events Two teas are on the social calendar for Thursday after noon. Special interest centers in the reception to be given Thursday afternoon by University of Ore gon Mothers and Oregon State College Mothers clubs at the home of Mrs. Glenn S. Faxson the affair honoring Mrs. George H. Swift, state president of the UO group, and Mrs. Oscar I Paulson, who is the state presi dent for the OSC mothers Hours for the tea are between 2:30 and 5 o'colck. Invitation is extended to mothers of all students and alumni at the two state schools, as well as Interested alumnae and friends. For Visitors The other tea for Thursday afternoon is the informal one planned in welcome to visiting women here for the annual meeting of the United States Hop Growers association. The tea will be at 3:30 o'clock at the Marion hotel. Mrs. Linn C. Smith and Mrs. Frank H. Spears have been in vited to pour at this affair. Mrs. Gordon Hadley of Inde pendence is general chairman of the committee arranging the tea Shower Given Mrs. M. H. MacKinnon, 1150 3rd street, West Salem was the honored guest at a shower given Friday evening by the ladies of the Foursquare Gospel church, at the home of Mrs. Goldie Lew is, 535 Madison street. Games were played after which re freshments were served. Those honoring Mrs. MacKinnon with gifts were: Mrs. Roy Worthing ton, the pastor's wife Mrs. Glen Shryock, Mrs. Donald Callahan, Mrs. Orville Vogan, Mrs. Harry Santee, Mrs. B. W. Bunn, Mrs. Helen Miles,, Mrs. Zink, Miss Dorothy Shryock, Miss Kather- in- Santee, Mrs. James Calla han, Miss Hazel Ingalls, Mrs. C. G. Abbott, Mrs. Al Unrien, and Mrs. Lewis. SOUTH SALEM WCTU Is to meet on Friday of this week at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. John Bertelson, 110 East Lefelle street. Mrs. V. E. Burson is to lead the devotions. Special tribute will be given to Frances Willard. To vary a casserole of mac aroni serve with links of sausage arrange spoke fashion on top. ' J4 Star Chapter Meeting Tuesday Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, met last evening. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, past worthy matron, was honored and es corted to the east as were Mrs. William Merriott, grand chap lain, and Mrs. Russel Beutler, worthy matron of Salem chap ter of OES. Initiation was conducted for Mrs. Hazel Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Whitlaw and Mrs, Ray DeSart as a courtesy candi date. valentine decorations were featured for the social hour. On the refreshment committee were Dr. and Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mr and Mrs. Erwin Oehler, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Berwick, Mrs. Frank Vincent, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Leona Stutsman, Mrs. Betty Smith and Mrs. Emma Bombeck. Visitors at the meeting includ ed Mrs. Jean Lears of Denver, Mrs. Elsie Pearson of Minne sota, Mrs. Florence Cummings of Illinois, Miss Rose M. Garris of Iowa, Mrs. Petterson of Mt. Hood chapter in Portland, Mrs Davis of San Antonio. Today's Menu CBj Um Associated Press) l3a turday Night 'supper Fruit and Celery Cup Broiled Chicken Barbecue Sauce Mashed Potatoes Cooked Green Vegetable Bread and Butter Sour Cream Raisin Pie Beverage- Barbecue Sauce Ingredients: Vt cup firmly- packed brown sugar, cup chili sauce. Vs cup cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 'A teaspoon chili powder, 2 tablespoons water. Method: Mix brown sugar. chili sauce, vinegar, Worcester shire sauce, chili powder and water together in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until hot; use to baste broiled chicken. Makes cup sauce. ABOUT 20 attended the meet ing of Chi Omega alumnae last evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Turner. Mrs. Clarence Webber, Jr., was assistant host ess. Plans were discussed for spring activities. w THE LADIES of Hanna Rosa court. Order of the Amaranth, will meet with Mrs. J B. Protz man, 1206 Court street, Thurs day, February 9, at 8 p.m. l 4$ field -Awudjk-it Tvkw. fltt tt.U ' WHAT aterfing is ts saver, the Fashion Academy of New York is to the world of fashion the last word! And again for 1950, at for 1949, it has selected the Ford Car to receive its distinguished gold medal award as "Fash ion Car of the Year." There is, we believe, no greater proof of the beauty of the '50 Ford. And there's no greater proof of its fine performance than a 10-minute "lest drive." Your Ford Dealer will be glad to arrange it. Tlie one fine car Miss Ellis To Be Wed In Portland Of interest to Salem friends will be the wedding of Miss PhiUis Ellis, daughter of Walter Reid Ellis of Boise, Idaho, and William Charles Warmuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Casper War muth of Portland. The wedding is to take place at 10 a.m. next Saturday, Feb ruary 11, at Sacred Heart church in Portland, the Rev. Paul Bene dict officiating. A wedding breakfast is to fol low the ceremony and a recep tion will be given at 2 o'clock at the church. The bride-to-be is the sister of Mrs. Eugene Lebold' and Clif ford Ellis, both of Salem. When using chili sauce wipe the top of the bottle and the In side of the cover with a damp cioth before putting away. in the low-price II i.nv When you core enough to send the very X'H 11 best -"tend a Hallmark Valentmer See Wfj) II our complete selection of Hallmark Cordi. -J ' Edward Williams V$L Former Oregon Teacher Awarded Announcement is made by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs of the awarding ol the Lena Lake Forrest fellowship for 1950-51, it is reported by the Salem BPW club. The fellowship has been granted to Miss Evelyn G. Rimel, girls adviser in the Missoula County high school at Missoula, Mont., and a former teacher in couseling in Oregon and Mon tana. Miss Rimel was selected from 18 applicants representing 14 states. Miss Rimel holds her B. A. and M. A. degrees from Mon tana State university, and will use the fellowship for advanced work at Syracuse university to ward her Ph. D. degree. The National Federation of BPW clubs established the Lena Lake Forrest fellowship In 1923 "to promote research In prob lems of interest to business and professional women. The award amounts to $2000. fiel V VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty St.