Will New Electrical Gadget Fool Fish? Angler Says No, No, No By HARMAN W. NICHOLS (United Press Stiff Correspondent) Washington, Feb. 8 (UR) Rep. Clare Hoffman, (R., Mich.), prob ably the greatest fisherman on Capitol Hill, looked at a new gad get for catching fish and wasn't surprised at all. Science has come so far, he said, that he wouldn't be surprised to wake one day and find: g beer Xi ) 1 a y 1 n g ft 'hnfc xnme- ooesoV 1. That some- Pf body has invent ed an electric device to attract fish into a net right off shore, while the fisher men sit around in sports clothes lapping beerf and p cards. 2 That some body has """" w thought up an electric rod, heat ed by a battery, which you can ram down the gullet of a fish and "cook" it a couple of min utes after it is hauled aboard. Hoffman made his predictions after reading about the invention 1for fish-snaring conceived by a German scientist. The gadget is supposed to draw the biggest fiph in the drink into a fish net. It's the brain-child of one Dr. Konrad Kreutzer, who claims )r he can magnetize a field of water and play Pied Piper to all the best fish in a given area. The thing is described by the Na tional Geographic Society. An electrode attached to the net is supposed to head the fish in its direction by emitting a pos itive electric current. Dr. Kreutzer claims that: "Moved by the pulsing electric ahocks, the tails of the fish pad dle the unwilling bodies into the waiting trap." The department of the inte rior, which is interested in fish ing and isn't surprised either, thinks that maybe the gimmick to be .tested extensively abroad this month, -may revolutionize commercial fishing, Up to now about 90 percent of the German fish catch is too small for commercial use. But Kreutzer declares that with successful electrical fish' Ing only the large, commercially important fish would be caught. "This is managed," he says, "theoretically, by synchronizing the rapidity of electric shock with the normal tail movement of the desired fish. A large, alow-moving fish, for example, would not require as frequent electrical shocks or pulses to be guided into the net as would a small, quick-moving fish." The scientist says that a big fish taps higher voltage than a little one and reacts quicker to electrical stimulus. Hence: by adjusting the strength and fre quency of shock to big fish only, the young fish which can grow up and be eaten later are protected. e e Rep. Hoffman, who has his fishing gear all spread out ii his office for visitors from Mich igan to see, said he wouldn't be surprised at anything he sees these days. After all," he said, "my granddaddy never used a tele phone, listened to a radio or had inside plumbing. In fishing, I'm strictly a rod and reel man, but I like new things. Right now I'm trying to get one of those electric fish-sealers. I'm almost 75. I don't mind wading hip deep to catch 'em, but rubbing the scales off is too much for an old man." Col. Warren Hardenberg, aged 87 once one of the best fisher men in the country, was a little skeptical of the German's new fish-catcher. "It won't work," he said, "I never knew a man who was as smart as fish. My brother and I once stalked a wily troui up in New Jersey every day for three months. So far as I know that fish is still up there, laugh ing at silly fishermen." Guam Inspected By Chiefs of Staff Guam, Feb. 8 VP)-The U.S. joint chiefs of staff inspected Guam today on their tour of the western and central Pacific .Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the group, said the chief con cern is for welfare and housing of personnel on this typhoon- lashed island which he described as an important U.S. base. He flew in late last night from Okinawa with Army Gen. J Lawton Collins, Air Force Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg and Adm Forrest P. Sherman, chief of naval operations. (In Tokyo it was announced they flew to Kwajalein this aft ernoon on the way home from a tour of West Pacific defenses.) Forum Dated Sunday Night "Christian Ethics in Social Action" will be the subject dis cussed during next Sunday eve ning's forum at the First Con gregational church. I The speakers will be Dick Neuberger, author, and .state Democratic senator from Mult nomah county; Phil Hitchcock, Republican senator of the 17th district and moderator of the Oregon Presbyterian church synod, and Dr. George Hoffman, professor of political science at V. nport college. Dr. Hoffman served in the navy with the North Atlantic convoy and in Alaskan and Pac ific waters and at one time was attached to the fleet training school at Bremerton. He was a teaching fellow at U.S.C. from 1940 to 1942. Exiled Lama Seeks To liberate' Tibet Hong Kong, Feb. 8 (U.B The columnist new China News agency said today that the youthful exiled Panchen Lama had asked the Chinese com munist government and army to "liberate" Tibet. An agency dispatch from Chinghai province, where the Panchen Lama now lives under communist influence, accused the reiging Dalai Lama of join mrfrpfiif'SM iijuawu 5 " - -r . A" ft$vr C''C) k .! rr s i2Ji Bateson Gets Applications For Census Enumerator Jobs Persons employed as enumerators for the 17th decennial census in Marion county will earn about $8 to $9 a day it is an nounced by Cornelius Bateson, census district supervisor, whose office is located at 1020 Market street, Salem The enumerator s "pay scale is based on the payment of piece prices, so much per name, per farm, or per dwelling unit enum- erated' in the census Applications for' enumerator jobs now are being leceived by the district supervisor's office. Approximately 112 positions are to be filled in Mar'on county, of which 40 will be in the city of Salem. Competent persons in the outlying areas of the coun ty are especially urged to apply. Most of the enumerators will be employed for a period of from two to four weeks. They will be expected to complete their work within a limited period of time without regard to the customary number of hours worked each day or week. Eve ning work will be necessary in order to reach occupants of dwellings who are lway during Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950 3 daytime calls but no overtime will be paid. Enumerators must have a high school education or equivalent experience, be in good health and of good character, and be tween the ages of 25 and 45 years. Applicants will be re quired to pass oral and writ ten tests to demonsirate their ability for the work The tests will indicate which applicant can best comprehend and follow the detailed and exacting writ ten and oral instructions given to enumerators as the train for their assignment. Veterans will be given pref erence over non-veterans pro vided they are otherwise quali fied. Enumerators in rural areas must furnish their own cars The method of paymert and rata of pay will provide for the ex pense of operating cars on of ficial census business. Persons receiving federal re tirement pay, state and local government employes, and law enforcement officers are inelig ible for employment as enumer ators. Neither can close rela tives be employed in the same local census office. Clothing Starts Fire Amity The Amity fire de partment was called to the Frank Chambers residence at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. A small fire started from a clothes dryer. The fire was soon ex tinguished; damage negligible except for smoke. Phil Hitchcock ing an imperialist "conspiracy to sell out Tibet against the wishes of the people." The Panchen Lama, 16, was sent into exile by the predeces sor of the present Dalai Lama, who is about 14 years old. Coast Taking Milk Willamina The Valley Maid dairy reports that it is now taking a portion of its regular mi'it supply to Tillamook and having it packaged by the Tilla mook dairy. It is being packaged in paper cartons to supply Val ley Maid carton trade in Sheri dan, Willamina and Grand Ronde. H10G0 One sip is wort f Guild Wine WINE GROWERS OUIIO IODI, CAMP. BIGGER SALES GAINS THAN ALL OTHER TRUCKS COMBINED PROVE FORD IS AMERICA'S NO. 1 TRUCK VALUE! if wo other truck can match this increase! Economy-wise truck buyers make FORD 110. 1 IN SALES GAINS! ' No orfwr truck can march mis trend of war praforwical PROOF OF FORD LEADERSHIP W9 rw trod, lb. registrations as reported by R. L Polk l Co. total for toe latest avail ablo 3 months period of 1949 (August, September, October) eompored to 1st quarter thowt FORD TRUCKS... Trw. Increase 14,613 All Other Tracks Combined Truck Increese 13,3(1 TRUCK "3" Increase ,S34 TRUCK "C" Increase 3,331 TRUCK "D- Increase 3,17 TRUCK "I" tncreaso f,016 A14. OTHIR3 decrease 1,141 TOTAL 11,311 I 4? Economy-wise truck buyers know FORD IS NO. 1 IN VALUE! No orfwr track can giw yoa of J f heta) futvrvsi Choko of V-t or 6-cyl.f.dar powewf ic Two 145-horsepowar Big Jobs! Ar Ovor 175 modolt to choose froml ic A now 1 1 0-homopowor SIXI ir Ford MHIIon Dollar Cabl Ar ftortUB uVt CotutrvcHon whkh mtam bfg roforvoi of strength nd power) Ford loitflor track llfol if 11 Smart Tracking AaVaitcemeiits for lMOf Smart Truck Buyer recognize extra value They know Today9 $ Smart Buy Is the '50 ford I iliLasasaasasaaaoaa-") (- IVVomus, Senas F-i ttsM seows k MS ot net lit moottt k Ford's Ml let ot tracks lot IHOt VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY 375 Center Street, Salem, Oregon Ford Trucks Cost Less because Vint latest reaiscraUe data a ClOavOM Iracfca, lira lotaroass exports arava Ford True tost tensers 7 'Sso ) . alactf T IfIff lll'l. PK Tiie llT YOU CAM VVITn "UYf rvn rv 7xn m a2,n. UJM5Uj Leu litmus "FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD SURFACE" Don't Scrub . . . Use LIN-O-BONE Finta 87c Quart! $1.53 Vi don't liavt I will ill lv fir THIRTY MINUTE FLOOR LACQUER yORiDtBtPi Fr your porch steps mi patios POUCH end DeCKPAIHT A tough and durable coating (or all wood and cement floors, linoleum porches, iteps, (uraituie, woodwork The Miracle Floor Fin ish (or linoleum floors, drain -boards. Dirt proof, grease proof and water-proof coating for linoleum. Dries bone hard in one, hour. Non-ilip. Designed to withstand hard usage aod wreathe conditions, Nasoa Porch and Deck Paint is easy to apply, dries quickly and does not watexspot. Light and Deep Tone Colors PAINT SUNDRIES Paint Brushes Wall Size Putty Knives Putty Turpentine Plastic Wood Paste Wax Liquid Wax Paint Remover Sandpaper Paint Thinner Finish Your Own! Easy to Do! lCM the n."1 en paper f 5VWrW J nf al P Jf I UWA method oj lopedl Will FOR RENT Floor Sanders Floor Polishers Paint Spray Guns WE HAVE: VARNISH - STAIN ENAMEL - REZ CHESTS Many sizes and Styles to choose from. 8-4-5 draw ers In Pine, Ply wood and Veneer as low as . . , 6.95 l&J Mil J WE WILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU HOW TO FINISH YOUR SELECTIONS! CHAIRS little as $2.45 TABLES Dropleof and $Q QA gateleg as low as OoW Many Other Items To Choose From EI R. P. W00PR0W CO. GIL WARP, prop. CENTER STREET ALEMt OREGON 2-2476 3-4841