AUTOMOBILES t TEAGUE SPECIALS The weather has been terrible, but we still have some fine late model used cars. 1950 licenses. Full of Anti-Freeze. Ready to go. Here are a few: 1949 KAISER 1948 KAISER 1948 PLYM. DeL. 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE 1948 CHEV. SED. DELIVERY 1948 CHEV. 5 PASS. CPE. 1947 CHEV. AERO SEDAN Teague Motor Go. 352 N. COMMERCIAL Oldsmobile "Rockets" Ahead With THE FUTURAMIC 50 Featuring Exclusive WHIRLAWAY HYDRAMATIC DRIVE i, AND THE "ROCKET" ENGINE LATE MODEL ONE OWNER TRADE-INS '49 Mercury . ,.$1795 Sedan L'49 Chevrolet $1795 Fleetline Deluxe Sedan '49 Ford $1795 Convertible '49 Ford $1195 V-8 Pickup THESE CARS ARE ALL "SAFETY TESTED" AND CARRY OUR "WRITTEN" GUARANTEE" Visit Loder Bros. Used Car Market and Save! 465 Center - Ph. 2-7973 2410 AUTOMOBILES TRADE: 1040 Croaley conv. R&H, turn signals under coat oil bltts etc. Low mil., clean St $200 cash for best larger car offered. Ph. 36050 days only. q34 Eisner Motors to Sell $50 USED CAR 1OT 160 StSt your old one, 13 th St. Junction. Open till 10 P.m. q34 1938 DOR CHEV. In good cond. Rea sonable. Ph. 34776. Q35 TO BUT equity In light L.W.B. truck not older than '40. Mo Junk. Coma to 1790 W. Pront St. Q35 New 1949 Chev. Truck Por Sale Itt Ton Ions wheel baae truck com plete with sraln box. 11750 PH. 2-7401 FORD deluxe sedan, R&H. Must sell soon, $1450. Ph. 27028. 966 Tamarack. 4B CROSLEY Sedan. 2S00 miles. Heater. 1650. Phone 3-1223. 433 4 Eisner Motors Fine Cars ji AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR REBUILT MOTORS EX, INSTALLED COMPLETE CHEV. COMPLETE $160.00 FORD MODEL A 136.95 FORD V-8 174.95 PLY. 34 to 40 1S4.50 DODGE , 204.60 Fleck & Neufeld Garage 1600 Sllverton Rd. Fh. 42054 qc3S PARTS EXCHANOE DOUBLE DEAL WRECKING YARD $576 Pleasant View Drive qc35 Brake Reline Special ON FORD - CHEVROLET - PLYMOUTH $13.00 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM EXTRA Fleck & Neufeld Garage 1500 SUverton Rd. Fh. 42054 qc38 FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Ue. 8-133 and li-IM and ROT H. SIMMONS W8URANCB AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 dally R.S.L.M. 1390 Ee'sir 136 S. Commercial Bt. Tel. 3-9161 ra WANT TO BORROW WOW on good securi ty. Ph. 2-7546. T34 $ CASH $ ' Hollywood Finance Co. 198C Fairs rounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parkins Fhone 27032 Lie. No. M369-S291 Word Kenyon, Mgr. j SEE DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4tt INTEREST I to 40 Years and No CommLulon DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 844 Stat Bt. Phone 2-3663 r MONEY $25 to $500 quickly, privately, without embarrass ment. 125 to 1500 on auto up to 1300 on salary or furniture. No co-signer neceuary. Employer, relatives or friends not notified. Phono or vlrlt Prasonal's YES MAN TODAY he saya "Yes' to 4 out Of 6 loan request. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Piclllo Bldi. Room lis 61S 6TATS STREET FhOQ. 1-2,6, C. R. AUen, Mgr. Lie. 8-121 - M-155 LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OP ALL SURROUNDINO TOWNS T34 BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE TOO 'THRIFTY IN '50' PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS US ft. LIBERTY PHONE 4-3309 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Lona and Short Tim Payments u ROY H. SIMMONDS r 136 South Commercial St Phon 1-9161 IAUTOMOBILES 1948 STUDE CHAMP. 1941 PLYM. 4 DOOR 1941 PLYM. TUDOR 1939 CHEV. SEDAN 1939 PONT. SEDAN (6) 1939 FORD COUPE 1939 BUICK SPECIAL '47 Pontiac $1350 "8" Club Coupe '48 Hudson $1845 Commander Sedan '46 DeSoto .......$1195 Custom Sedan '46 Oldsmobile ....$1245 "78" Sedan Fairgrounds Rd. - Ph. 2-1490 Q3, FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4ttfa and 6 rorjR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason, uasn lor Real ratata ContracU and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 4-2283. r WILLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. jt;341 Lie. No. M-159 S-1B4 r TRAILERS '46 COLUMBIA houae trailer. Very good vuuu. biec. uranu, uesi oner over IB00. Terma If dvalred. Sea at 1190 S. 12th. Z1 FT. Vagabond house trailer in very si ss It j j j-"j j V j J TRANSPORTATION SEATTLE Fill. NOON. Carry on for com pany, wau aiier a p.m. Tnura 3-56i!0. X34' LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4, A J1. & A.M. X Wed, Feb. 8, MJM. Degree, 7:30 p.m. 33' Pacific Lodge No. 80, A J". & AJM MM. Degree Friday, February 10, 7 pjn. 35 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES AH makes used machines aold, ranted, repaired. Roen 456 Court Phona 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice, rree estiates. Traae-ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnce'i Electric. Ph. 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty St. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9286. Night a-itiu. jjj center. BUILDING CARPENTRY New and remodeling contractor. Rest dentlal Se commercial. Vf. E. Schrunk Ph. 3-4505. o48 Remodel, repair that Home now. Terms. Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o37" BULLDOZING BulldOElns. level Ice. road bids., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 rairyiewAve. n. a-3iB. eaiem. 037 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. AH makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 466 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair oi foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, cte. Call 2-4860. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace chlmneya vacuumed denned. Ensley, 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. 052 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen St Son excavating & grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. o33 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. 052 Ei-elthaupt'a for flowers. Dial 3-9179. o nousEnoLD products J. R. Watklns Co. products. Fret de livery, iin uenier. fn. 3-6385. LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. DoerfJer St Sons. Ornamentals, 150 . Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o' DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452. o' LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Barry w. pcou, in b, com i. Bt. . o&a1 LAWN MOWERS A KNIFE SHARPENER At TJr Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, cnives. uexters fn. j-bbjj. mattresses Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish Se Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc 1533 Court St Ph. 3-7569 033 Nurses available by hour, week or live In. Practical Nues' Reg. Fh. 3-5072. 059' OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and filing suDDlles. safes, duplicators and supplies, desk tamps, typewriter scanai. oner cases, lerct Wirt Recorders. Roen, 466 Court. Elf Strom's are equipped to do your painting, rnone i-nvi. PAINTING A PAPERHANGINO Painting St paperhn.nrlng. Free cut! mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. oil' Papering & painting. Est. fi. Ph. 1-2606, DIRECTORY PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. H. J. Woods worth. Ph. 3-9807. Fret est. o46 PLUMBING Freeze damage repairs. Ph. 3-9358. Fisher, 170 Lane PICTURE FRAMING ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327. o SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand Ac Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o SEPTIC TANKS K, F. Hamel, septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 042 Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem, ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. 057 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 650 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE One man, electric sewer cleaning ser vice. Phone 3-460D. BUI Skewls. 044' Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Sewers, Drains. L. Howard. Ph. 3-6327 o SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3513. o SPRAYING Spraying Se pruning. Ph. 3-7900. o52 SPRAYING AND PRUNING Pruning and spraying. Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208. 044 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local Se Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal Se briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent for Beklns. House hold goods moved to anywhere In U. 8. or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. . o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflntsshed. Relnholdt St Lewis. 2-3639. Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37328. WELL DRILLING WE ATnER STRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5065. o52 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, walls, St woodwork cleaned. Floors cieanea, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt Se Lewis. Ph. 2-3639. oa WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 3-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE TWENTIETH STREET FROM BELLE VUE STREET TO OAK STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and In tention to improve Twentietn street from the north line of Bellevue Street to the north line of Oak Street, In the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by th City of Salem, by brlnRlna said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete' cures, ana paving sail portion m buiu street with a 34 Inch aaphaltlc con crete pavement 30 feet In width In ac cordance with the plana and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 33, 1950, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a nart hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to mane tne aoove described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publica tion of this notice by the owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common CounoQ Jan uary 23, 1950. ALFRED MTTNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 38, 30, 31. Fb 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 1. 6. 9. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MADISON STREET FROM CHURCH STREET TO COTTAGE STREET. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and In tention to Improve Madison Street from the east line of Church Street to the west line of Cottage Street, In the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjucent property, except the alley Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2M Inch asphaltlc concrete pave ment 30 feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, 1950 which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part 'hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and .Intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the street Improve ment department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice by the owners of the property af fected. By order of the Common Council, Jan uary 23. 1050. ALFRED MTTNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 28, 30, 31, Feb 1, 2, 3. 1 6. 1, 8, 9. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE HINES STREET FROM TWELFTH STREET TO THIRTEENTH STREET. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expe dient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve Hlnes Street from the east line of Twelfth Street to the nest line of Thirteenth Street, In the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the alley Intersec tions the expense of which will be as sumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2Vi inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 34 feet In width In accordance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, 1950, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its pur pose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice by the owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council Jan uary 23, 1950. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 28, 30. 31, Feb 1, 2. 3. 4, 6, 7, 8. 9. NOTICE OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION A trademark described as follows; the word BOND to be applied to bread and other bakery products, was filed and recorded In the Trademark Records of the State of Ore gon on January 4, 1950. and the name of the corporation owning the same Is General Baking Company, Feb. 1, 8, 15. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Commissioners Court The following ft (Tie official publica tion of the record of claims before the Marlon County Commlssolners' Court for the January term for 1950, with the amntint Unwd. bills continued, etc.. ac cording to the records in the office of the County Clerk. State Industrial Accident Commission, Ins., (502.13: Ladd St Bush Salem Br. U. S. Nat'l. Bk. of Portland. withholding, sj.ozo.iv; ruanc smpioyes Retirement System, retirement. 34.409.47. County AisMtor C. A. Lewis, deputy. 1213.98; Ray Lick, deputy, $181.93: Henry Mattson, deputy, $197.25: J. L. Stegmund, deputy, 1180.18; Grace N. Babcock. dep uty, 1167.42; lia M. flume, wimy, 5154.80: Helen Snyder, deputy, 1144.73: Marv E. Straver. clerk, II1H.50; Gordon L. Tower, draftsman, I233.3S. Circuit Court A. A. Richards, court reporter, $288.10; R. B. Hughes, court reporter, nan.-io. uier Office M. Reznlcsek, deputy, $153.16; F. Nibler. deputy. $183.13; R. Howard, dep uty, 1194.20; Dora Barrett, deputy, $150.14; Vernon Windsor, deputy, $210.47; Helen L. Mulkey, deputy, $182.40; W. M. Gilford, deputy, $161.12: W. H. Freele, deputy, $155.55; R. J. Stanton, deputy. 162.60; D. Brown, deputy, $68.60. County Cnurl A Commissioners M. Reznlcsek, clerk. $50: D. L. Brown, stenog., $90. Court J House Edward urasner, janitor, idj.oj, W. A. Grltton, Janitor, $161.57; Wm. Mor iarty. Janitor, $150.97; Edwin Booth, Jan itor, $153.10: Ruth Hutchlns, elev. oper., $76; M. E. Ltndsey, elev. oper., $81.10. District Attorney Oordon Moore, deputy, $217.74: Doris M. Albin, secretary, $139.12. m.trlrt Pntirt Barbara Smith. deputy clerk, $159.07; Clurus Brown, deputy clerk, $171.37. District Court Constable Gloria Robinson, deputy, $163.71. Health Department W. J. Stone, health phy., $543.79; W. B. Quinn, sanitarian, $242.10; I. G. Lermon, sanitarian. $252.94; F. R. Coleman, sanitarian, $252.78: Batty Coop er, sanitarian, $253.40; Bernice Yeary, P.H.N.. $234.13; Merwvn Darby, P.H.N., $207.53! Jane Domkowskl, P.H.N., $204.80; Jean Wriaht. P.H.N.. $205.70: Claudia Donnelly. P.H.N.. V&v.vo: neien oiey- aert, P.H.N., $205.24; Joan Schneider Da vis, P.H.N.. $217.43; Erna Berstecher. P.H.N., $190.10; Leslie Stone, CI. nurse. 316181; Lyndall Blrkbeck, P.H.N.. $239.35; Helen Wangsgard, P.H.N., $218.70: Mar caret Couper, P.H.N. . 1214.35; Evelyn Krueger, P.H.N., $218.20: Howard R. Pyf er. health educator, $238.95: Vera Wood, MoHr-Ktenn . llfil.90: Odessa Melby. clerk- steno., $169.50; Alice Bemmann. clerk- typist, S134.4U; uoiorrs ryier. typ ist. $134.20: Janice Spencer, clerk-typist, $38.58: Fidelia Washburn, clerk-tynist. $102.20: Dolores Pyfer, clerk-typist, $8.9$: 7. J. Stone, refund. $33.76; J. C. Fowler. Breltenbush constable, $173.25. Jefferson Justice Court E, E, Howell, justice ol peace, $121.55: Geo. Armstrong, constable, $14.85. Mt. Angel Justice Court N. M. T.anhv- Juxtlcft of Deace. $9.90: Joseph L. Faulhaber, constable, $9.90. Sllverton Jus tice Court Air. O. Nelson, justice, 117S 46; F. N. Bureh. 8. clerk. $49.50: E. J. Jackson, constable, $74.25. Juvenile Of fice Nona White, probation officer, $215.77; D. J. Jepsen, assist, probation of ficer, $221.70; L. M. Jonnsion, stenos., $91.60; D. W. Ramseyer, microfilming LEGAL Tn the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon in the matter of Joseph Etzel, Bankrupt. No. B-3046S In Bankruptcy. Notice r.f First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Josenh Etzel of 368 BHler Street Salem, Oregon, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given tnat said josepn jsizei nas oeen ouiy adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by htm on January 21, 1950, and that tne first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Ktmmell, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on February it, laao, at iu:ju a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a . committee of cred itors, examine the bankrupt, and tran- sace such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Cor- vallls, Oregon, this 6th day or Fepruary, iyau. Liester u. uenier. neieree in uann- ruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of James Lloyd Nett, Bankrupt. No. B-30460 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the cred itors of James Lloyd Nett of 531 North High Street, Salem, Oregon, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that said James Lloyd Nett has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on January 14, 1950, and that the first meet ing of his creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klmmell. Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on February 17, 1950, at 10:30 a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove tneir claims, appoint a trustee, ap point a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at corvallls, Oregon, Feb ruary 6, 1950, Lester G. Oehler, Referee In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Raymond Clifford Hunter, Bank rupt. No. B-30448 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the cred itors or Raymond Clifford Hunter of 765 Rural Avenue, Salem, Oregon, a bank rupt: Notice Is hereby given that said Ray mond Clifford Hunter has been duly ad judged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on January 6, 1950, and that the first meeting oi nis creditors win oe neia at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klmmell, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on February 17, 1950, at 10:00 a.m., at wnlch place and time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. Dated at Corvallls, Oregon, this 6th day of February. 1950. Lester G. Oehler, Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Jennings Gordon . Hovland, Bankrupt. No, B -3 0391 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Jennings Gordon Hovland of Second Street, Sllverton, Oregon, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that said Jennings Gordon Hovland has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on November 30, 1949, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klmmell, Courthouse, Salem, Ore gon, on February 17, 1950, at 9:30 a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of cred itors, examine the bankrupt, and trans act such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Cor vallls, Oregon, this 6th day of Fbru ary, 1950. Lester G. Oehler, Referee In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Evan Harold Bcals, Jr., Bank rupt. No. B-30441 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Evan Harold . Beals, Jr., of Route 3, Box 927, Salem, Oregon, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that said Evan Harold Beals, Jr., has been duly ad Judged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on December 30, 1949, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klm mell, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on Feb ruary 17, 1930, at 9;30 a.m., at which Place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, appoint a committee of creditors, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. Dated at Corvallls, Or egon, February 6, 1950. Lester G. Oehler, Referee In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Orgon. In the matter of Eva Ruth Chambers, Bank rupt. No. B-30474 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting - of Creditors. To the creditors of Eva Ruth Chambrs of 720 Waldo Avenue, Salem, Oregon, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that said Eva Ruth Chambers, has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by her on January 28, 1950, and that the first meet ing of her creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klmmell, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on February 17, 1950, at 9:00 a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bank rupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Corvallls, Oregon, this 6th day of February, 1950. Lester G. Oehler, Ref eree in Bankruptcy. , In the District Court of the United States for the Dsltrlct of Oregon. In the mstter of Inga Nestrud Bever, Bankrupt. No. B-30469 In Bankruptcy. Ndtice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the cred itors of Inn a Nestrud Bever or 3155 North River Road, Salem, Oregon, a bank rupt: Notice Is hereby given that said Inea Nestrud Bever has been duly ad Judged a bankrupt on a petition filed by her on January 24, 1950, and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at the Courtroom of the Hon. Rex Klmmell, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, on February 17, 1950, at 9:00 a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transsct such other businss as may properly come before said meetlnt. Dated at CorvaUls, Oregon. Feb ruary 6, 1950. Lester G, Oehler, Referee la Bankruptcy. 1160.34, Recorder's OfTiet Adella DuBols, deputy, 1170.20; Virginia Grltton, deputy, $166.21; Ramona Evans, deputy, 1161,33; Irene Johnson, deputy, $150.30; Gladys White, deputy, $1B6.02. School Superinten dent J, F. Remington, deputy, $189.65; Vivian S, Ho en lit, supervisor, $207.80; Marguerite R. Burton, supervisor, $222.20; Chrlitliie V. Morley, secretary, $149.59. Sheriff-Legal A. I. Molstrom. deputy, 5210.40; B. R. Smith, deputy, $210.80; Wm. DeVall, -deputy, $207.30; John Harger, dep uty, $219.10; Edgar Scott, deputy, $190.84; 8. Robert Tlce, deputy. $322.5 V Karl T. Murphy, deputy, $230.83: E. . Colby, deputy, $197.25; Glenn Conklin, deputy, $178.60. Sheriff-Tax H. P. Domo galla, chief tax deputy, $228.37; Howard T. Evans, cashier, $208.04; Vlolette West, posting mach. oper., $189.23; Lydia Matt son, deputy, $179.10; Evelyn Mennla dep uty, $207.90; Marian Maas, deputy, $172.15; Dixie Meyer, deputy, $168.00. Sur veyor's Office Nella Slmms, secretary, $154.40. Treasurer's Office Audrey H. Ewlng, deputy, $158.42. Veterans Service Office Lillian Klippert, secretary, $64.26; H, C. SaaUeld, service officer, $278. Dog Contra! Fund Ervln A. Ward, dog cont. officer, $201.80; R. J. Stanton, clerk, $100. County Property H. Wm. Thlelsen, land agent, 1112.20; L. M. Johnston, stenog., $50. County Engineer H. S. Swart, co. engineer, $305.89; A. M. Presnall, secre tary, $150.40; M. E. Lindsey, elev. oper., $8.20; Floy C. Mudd, bailiff, $23.20; Gert rude Lob dell, bailiff, $4.20; Wilson J. Wilt, clerk's office, $46.41; Edison Vickers, Brel tenbush Justice, $89.10. Stayton Justice Court W. H. Bell, Justice of peace, $173.25; Henry Smith, constable, $19.60; Leona Peterson, steno., $29.70, Woodburn Justice Court T. C. Gorman, justice of peace, $222.35; W. C. Miller, constable, $49.50; Mary V. Gorman, Justice clerk, $34.65. Sheriff -Tax Joy B. Doyal, extra, $54.20; Blanche A. Cupp, extra, $54.20; Cleo Walker, extra, $50.84; Doris Scott, extra, $29.20; Ramona Evans, extra, $38.66; Bernetta L. Smith, extra, $29.45; Leon J. Smith, extra, $26.78; Margaret Moore, extra, $34.24; Lydla Mattson, ov ertime, $50.09; Evelyn Mennis, overtime, $60.89; Marian Maas, overtilme. $52.10; . Vlolette West, overtime, $59.75; H. T. Ev ans, overtime, $105.88; H. F. Domogalta, overtime, $188.09; J. P. Asplnwall, labor, $220.87; Delbcrt J. Balr, labor, $180.96; J. A. Burns, labor, $143.80; Robert Harl, labor. $191.27; Harry H. Lawrence, labor, $214.77; H. A. Martin, labor, $177.10; Har old L. Martin, labor, $187.63: Edward Schmitt. labor, $170.80; Frank Woelke, la- Dor, 4.bu; u. u. uinegar, laoor, iyh.vo; Henry Bower, labor, $168.08; Lawrence Bower, labor, $156.41; Wm. P. Croker. la bor, $168.84; Orvllle L. Dun 1b an, labor. (199.15; Harvey M. Glrod. labor, $209.79; Erlo Oust arson, labor. $102.86: Roy Hat field, labor, $165.61; Harold K. Kepplnger, labor. $185.13; Ben Kerber, labor. $181.10; R. W. Kinney, labor, $198.39; Barney J. Kropp, labor, $162.31; Laurel Lamb, labor, $184.05; Floyd Laubcr, labor, $193.40; E. A. Lawrence, labor, $182.44; W. R. Ma&sev. labor. S1R4 4(1: .Inhn McAl lister, labor, $175.29; Ralph McAllister, la bor, $163.88; D. P. Scharf, labor, $235.01; Wm. 6 '.iaw, labor, $1G8.25; August Smith, moor,; Kooerc smith, labor, $182.63: O. L. Spencer, labor. 1169 9(1: Earl D. Standley, labor, $170.66; Lloyd E. Taylor, labor, $186.27; A. M. Thels, labor, ti79.45; Nick Thels, labor, $191.98; Ray mond Titus, labor. $151.17; Orville L. Trussell, labor. $190.15; Hugh Webb, la bor, $197.03; Sam Weese, labor, $147.14; Lee Wells, labor, $196.38: Tony Woelke, labor, $184.05 Theo. Kuenzl, labor. $254.34: Wm. R. Brenner, labor, $186.53; Menno Dalke, labor, $172.63; Lloyd Jar man, labor, $179.11; Leo McAllister, labor, $202.26; C. J. Miller, labor, $189.78; Tom Ritchey, labor, $178.50; Jos, A. Robl, la bor, $183.98; W. Shelley, labor, $184.65; Gene Shilling, labor. I1B3.37: Arthur .1 Tackmler. labor, $177.05; L. W. Webber, moor, sriy.u; w. o. Williamson, labor, $172.09; J. C. Cornutt, labor. $181.15; J. Anderson Jr., labor, $189.50; L. R. Cooper, labor. $189.50; E. J. Coover, labor, $162.51: Axel Johnson, labor, $162.51; G. A. Olson, labor, $169.07: J. R. Paten, labor, $170.81; H. J. Peterson, labor, $207; C. O. Ross, labor, $178.10: A. B. Rostad, labor, $166.57; R. F. Syverson, labor, $174.24; M. J. Mc cormick, labor, $175.65: Leo A. Andreas, labor, $163.45; David DuBols, labor, $162.97: Virgil R. Fahey, labor, 1156.14; H. E. Lenhardt, labor, $211.34; S. M. Mar tin, labor, $157.85; Wm. Naf tiger, labor, $181.90; Cecil R. Royston, labor, $177.64: uuiuerb j. orcein to, laoor, lias. is; 6. K. Ely. labor. $186.70: Arthur Blackburn, la bor. $174.77; W. M. Duchateau, labor, i(s.a7: a. a. Richards, labor, $168.24: Kenneth Watts, labor, $182.95; Clarence Williams, labor. 1174.34: Tnm Tlnwn la bor. $222.74; George Frauendlener, labor. c. n. uuaoy, laoor, soa.pz; c. a. Coblne, labor, $199.89; Richard W. FaU, $192.44: Henry Mattson, right-of-way, $187.86;. Victor Howard, predatory animal, $183.73: Bowers Davis and Hoffman, mid. lting county records, $2,300.00: Secretary oi otaie, auditing county records, $50; Robert V. Nelson, T.E., $23.63; James H. Nicholson, Inc., bond, $15; Charles W. Creighton, atty. hire, $45: Hanks Park ing Lot, misc., $11: Mrs. Iva R. Welch, re porter. $7.50; Addressosranh MultlKranh Corp., sups., $2.25; Burroughs Adding Machine Co., sups., $0.60; Leston W. noweii, per oiem etc., 131.38; Dr. William L. Lldbeck, autopsy, $25; Association of OaeO Counties. 0bO CountiM. 1130- Tn. dustrlal Electronics, sups., $84.24; Otis El evator sups., saiem Hardware Co., reps., $0.40: Sam B. Harbison, T.E.. $1.80; Gordon Moore. T.E.. 15.76: Svhlt O. Cat! In & Frank H. Spears, rent, $100; Earl Adams, postage, $5; Earl Adams, T.E., $218.38; Dr. D. L, Calllcrate, exams., $5; John Schmld, garbage disposal, $100; Sllverton Sanitary Service, garbage dis posal, $75: American Medical Assoc., O. sups., $1.B0; Byproducts Oregon Ltd., med. sups., $39.98; Joe Ann Blunt, O. sups.. $21; Dr. M. K. Orothers, med. serv., $41.66; Cutter Laboratories, med. sups., $1.95; Doctors Supply Co, med. sups., $5.50; Dr. Margaret Dowell, med. serv.. $55; Dr. Luclle Fortner, med. serv., $30; Hendri Medical Laboratories, lab., $125; Dr. Robert E. Joseph, med. serv., $24: Dr. M. A. Kamsler, med. serv., $30; The Klas slo Photo Shop, O. aupa.f $3.25: Dr. B. I. xvnaup, meo. serv., Evelyn Krueger, trans.. $15; Kubll Howell Comrj-nv met sups., $4.97; Maternity Center Associa tion, on. sups., i; neien Melby, o. sups., $22.88; Physicians Se Hospital SuddIv. med. sups., $131.01: Public Health Nursing. O. sups., $3.50; Qulsenberry Pharmacy, med. supa., m.uu; ttooeris Bros., o. sups., $7.72; Salem Laundry Company, O. suns., $28.61; Salem Masonic Temple Assoc.. med. serv. etc., $51.88; W. B. Saunders Com pany, u. sups., &; cnnepp Sc Barnes, O. sups., $2; School District No. 4, O. sups., $1.15; Shaw Surgical Company, med. sups., $12.03; J. W. Stacey Inc., O. sups.. $7.50: W. J. Stone, M.D., O. sups., $10.43: Charles C. Thomas, publisher, O. sups., $562; Tidewater Assoc. oil Company, transp., $320; Valley Motor Company, new Car, etc., 1,187.62: John W. Hanrahan, Fees, 679.75; Fred W. Lange, Fees, 275.25; Dr. K. J. Peterson, Fees, 301.25; A. W. Sommons. Fees. 169.25: Brutus o Ash- croft, 1 Grade, 8.00; Robert W. Harris, 1 Grade, 7.50; Dr. Robt. Anderson, Exam., 5.00; Dr. Carl Holm, Exam, 6.00; Dr. Ros coe C. Wilson, Exam, 5.00; Red Cross rnarmscy, Mea.,; sanitary Service Co. Inc., Ban!, Serv., 1.90; Dr. Floyd L. Utter, Med., 8.00: Denver Young, Board of Prisoners, 85B.98; E. E. Howell, Rent. etc.. 20.00: Alf O. Nelson. Rrnt. etc., 65.00; Emery J, Jackson, T. ., 40.41; W. H. Bell, Rent, 30.00; Henry Smith, Constable, T. E., 1.16; T. C. Gorman, Rent, 15.00; W. O. Miller, Constable. T. T., 2.40; Mr. J. A. Braunberger, Hospital. 33.81; J. A. Braunbcrjter, Hospital, 4.00: Tom Elb's Mobil Service, Transp., ,19; Mrs. W. O. Greeley, Hospital, 80.00; D. J. Jepsen, T. E., 3.00; The Boys and Girls Aid So ciety of Ore., Court Comm., 20.00; Catholic Charities Inc., Court Comm., 65.00; Child ren's Farm Home. Court Comm., 20.00; Herman Wm. Lanke, T. E., 13.20: Homer H. Smith Insurance Agency, Bond, 15.00; Capitol Lumber Company, Elec. Sups., 59.02; A. C. Gragg Postmaster, Postage, 9'! 00; Salem Tent St Awning Company, Elec. Sups., 45.74; Walter R. Larson, 1 Lion, 10.00; Agnes C. Booth, T. E., 48.30; Marguerite R. Burton, T. E., 18.60; The education Digest, misc., 3.oo; Vivian o. Hoenlg, T. E., 15.84; National Wildlife Federation. O. Exc. l.oo: J. F. Rrmins. ton, T. E., 3.90; School District No. 24 C J, Misc., 5.00; M. J. Baughn Motor Sales, Transp., 3.15; Blumenthal Uniform Co., Misc., 12.19; Burkes Camera Shop, Misc., 6.77; Capitol Office Equipment Co., Sups., 6.35; City of Salem, Radio, 6.00; Davis Sporting St Dry Goods, Misc., 1.60; wm. uevaii, Transp., 10.00; General Pet roleum Corporation, Transp., 19.48; Moore BuMness Forms. Inc.. Suds.. 12.89: Prices Truck St Car Rental, Misc., 22.74; Den ver Young, Uniform Allow., 37.50; Walter H. Zosel Co., Transp., 334.77; The National Cash Register Co., O. Exp., 39.50; Pitney aowes, inc., o. Sups., 1.20; Unruh Knapp Printing Co.. Suns.. 81.45: E. Russell White. Sups., 3.50; The J. K. Gill Company, Sups., 6.46; Leupold St Stevens Instruments, Sups., 42.92; Salem Blue Print Co., Sups., o.avi a. u. uragg rostmaster, rostage, 50,001 H. C. (Hub) Saalfeld, T. &., 9.96; Mrs. Bcrttha Mclntlre, Dues, 3.50; Carl Hog, Treasurer, Exp., 800.00; Ervln A. Ward. T. E.. 89.52: The City of Salem. Ra dio, 500.00; A. C. Orang Postmaster, Post age, 30.00: C. C. Cannon, Attend. Board Meeting. 60.00: A. I. Eoff. Attend. Board Meeting, 45.00; R. C. Hunsaker. Attend. Board Meeting, 60.00; Mr. Leo E. Bailey. Turkeys Killed, 12.00; Mr. William Brown, Liamos .miea, so.oo: Mr. Jesse i-ontier. Lambs Killed. 60.00: Bancroft Whitney Company. Law, 30.00; Shepard's Citations, Law, 20.00; West Publishing Company, Law, 44.00; Abrsms Si Skinner Inc., Bonds, 10. oo; Clforge E. Allfn Hardware, sups., 1.85; Anderson Motors, Reps., 2.08; J, C. "alr to Sons. Hens.. 11.50: Stan Baker Motors, Rtps, X4.78I Bailou WrlgAt, , Reps., 43.09; Bert Repair Shop, Reps., 13.50; E. H. BurreU, Reps., 57.20; Capital Auto Parts. Sups., 11.47; Capital Journal, Adv., 142.76; Capltat Journal, Adv., 102.33; Capital Tractor Sc Equipment Co., Reps., 17.09; uity oi saiem, Exp., 15.35; City Water Department, Water, 58.06; Clyde Equipment Company, Reps., 35.44; Colum bia Equipment Company. Reps.. 11.26; The Commercial Book Store, Sups, 1.45; Cooke Stntlonery Company, Sups., 65.40; Howard Cooper Corporation, Reps., 113.40; J. W. Copeland Yards, Sups.. 55.80; Doo llttle Master Service Stations, Sups., 322.75; Downs Glass Shop. Reps., 9.13; Engineer Sand St Gravel Company, Grav el, 530.25; Ray L. Farmer Hardware Company, Sups., 12.95: Firestone Stores, Sups., 452.88; W. Fossholm, Sups., 10.35; f Teres frank Lumber Co., Sups., 892.50; Dr. John Goldsmith, Exam., 20.00: The B. P. Ooodrlch Company, Suns., 23.00; Good year Rubber St Asbestos Co.. Sudb.. 7.37: The Haloid Company, Sups., 50.96: Ham mond liumoer company, sups., 12.50; j. a. Haseltlne & Company, Sups., 197.62; Her rold Phlllppl Mitor Company, Reps., 21.38; Intersatte Tractor and Equipment, Reps., 126.20; Ira Jorgensen. Rens.. 146.84: H. A. Judd, Petty Cash, Reps., etc., 19.17; H. A. Judd, County Clerk. Poll Books, 26.40; Jungwirth Sand St Gravel Company, Grav el. 11.78; Kelier Sand St Gravel Com pany, Gravel. 226.00: Kipllnaer Letters, Exp., 15.00; T. L. Kuhns Company, Exp., .99; Claude Lewis. Exp., 25.00; Lawson Supply. Reps.. 2.50: C. J. Lewis Service Station, Gasoline, 100.40: Henry C. Matt son, x . is.,; Douglas McKay Chevro let Co., Reps., 3.68; A, B. McLauchlan Company, Reps., 28.13; Dr. Horace G. Miller, Exam., 130.00; B. J, Mlnden Lum ber Company. Sups.. 1.792.26: Mountain States Power Co., L. & P., 50.00; Need- nam a hook more, ctups.,; New berg Sand ax Gravel Company, Gravel, 12.00; Norrls St Walker, Sups., 38.75; Northwest Industrial Laundry. Exp.. 4.71: Oregon Gravel Company, Gravel, 587.07; Oreg'.n Physicians Service, Dues, 409.40; Orfjon State Agricultural College, Exp., 7,625.00; Pacific Building, Rent, 200.00; Pacific Telephone St Tele. Co., Tele. 408.30; pec Brothers, Sups., 113.22; Phlllppl Tire Service. Reps.. 2.42: Photostat Corporation. Sups., 67.00; P, L. Polk St Company, Sups., iuv.uu; rortiano uenerai Electric Co., u, St P., 184.68; Remington Rand Inc., Sups., 317.61; J. H. Rlgdon, Gravel, 1,064.00; Safrron Supply Company, Sups., 8.79; Salem Auto Parts Co., Sups., .57; Salem Memorial Hospital, Hasp., 377.25; Salem Steel Ss Supply Company, Reps.. 3.14; Salem Welding Supply, Reps., 16.40; San- imiu uu company, oups.,; aneu OH Co.. Suds.. 12.21: Silver tnn Aoopftl Tribune, Sups., 47.15; H. A. Simmons, Sups. 1,562.58; Snap On Tools Corp, Sups. 7.95; Statesman Publishing, Adv. 4.20; State Tax Commission, Tax 1,451.69; State lire faervice. Sups, 2.76; Stayton Sand St Gravel Company, Oravel, 230.30; Steven son Ss Medford. Buds.. 39.82: Homer H. Smith Insurance Agency, Bond, 6.00; E. G. Syron Si Ronald H. Syron, Sups., 685.80; Truck Sales St Service Company, Reps., 55.06; Union Oil Company of California, Sups., 364.84; Valley Motor Company, Reps., 87.78; Valley Welding Supply Com pany, Sups., 22.25; Walling Sand Se Gravel Company, Gravel, 1,793.20: Oeorge E. Weeks, Exp., 134.50; The Western Union Tele. Co., Tele., 13.36; Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Exp., 7.78; Woodburn Sand Gravel Supply, Gravel, 12.00; Wood bury Company, Sups., 89.96; R. D. Wood row, Sups., 137.08; Denver Young, Misc., 61.05; Zellerbach Paper Company, Sups., 37.59; Walter H. Zosel Company, Sups., PROCEEDINGS Januarv 1. lBfiU Permit, tn Tib til ln. David Schafer, Harold E. Weathers, Blel cnberg Bros.; ole line permit, Portland General Electric Co.; Order establishing Veterinary Districts and appointing County Veterinarians: Letter confirming appointment of Val Sloper as Deputy Dis trict Attorney; Resignation of Harley R. DePeel as Deputy Constable of Sllverton District; Permit to operate 2 fish racks on N. Santlam River to United States; Quit claim deed to Russell A. Murphy et ux: Minutes of Courthouse Commission meeting. Jan. 4, ermlt to haul logs, A, H. Sacher. Howard N. Harrl: TnH.mnltu claim of Thomas R. Burton, final hear- m ijiow; nignt-oi-way easement to Benton -Lincoln Electrlo rn-nn Tne .in 6 Temporary Dance Hall license to Aumsvuie iiurai Fire Dlst.; Permit to haul lOgH. Geo. M. Junawlrth Prumn Prn. Van Handel Bros.; Sale of property to Mae Crow, contract signed. Jan. 6, Road Proc. 971, Amended etltion and affidavit of posting notices; Order closing roads to log hauling; Beer license. Earl nri n-ni. cla Miller; Permit to hau ogs, Crockett anu witcB, vvaace sevier; Hearing or Improvement of South view p&pb mntin. ued to 1 1650: Haarlnv nn orowu nosQ continued to 3350; Vacation of unlncorporate area of Gatesvllle, taken under advisement. Jan. 9, Final hearing on Indemnity claim of Robert w. Mnrri.- etitlons to Improve Tierra Drive, Illinois Street and Neef Ave.; Petition to improve Illinois Street held till 3350; Permit to uoui 4urb, mcuuore r. aacner, Louis B Williams, John J. Bchmltz. Order chang ing boundaries of nrerlnct 10 mH in Jan. 10, Final hearing on Indemnity claim of Brutus C. Ashcroft; Financial report of Brooks Rural Fire District; Pole ermlt for underground conduit. Pacific iaie. nna ieie. t-O. Jan. 11, ole line per mlL Portland General Elprtrlc rn - vr. mlt to haul logs, Reta Mauldlng; Appli cation and Order extending temporary dance hall license Issued to Aumsvllle Rural Fire Dlst. to 11450; Notice of m .1. r passea cnanging names- side: Remonstrance Re: rftlnnnHnn Af Salem-Sllverton road; Neef ave., estimate oiiu pints snowing ownersnips; order (and list of lands) by State Tax Commission classifying reforestratlon lands; etitlon to establish County-wide weed control area; Petition and Order dismissing proceed ings In Road Proc. No. 976; Remonstrance to use of garbage dump at Made ay; Jan. xiiucmiufcy ciaim 01 ssrs. Meria m. Holman, final hearing 13150; Court ap proves ariDolntment of Val Rnnnr n.n Dlst. Atty.; Quit Claim deed to Oakle Dorothy; Order for survey in RE: reloca tion of brldire at Scott Mill.- Onit rioi deed from John M. Harnsberger at ux to Marlon County placed on file; also Quit claim deeds to Marlon County from John 8. eterson et ux, A. A. Larsen et ux and D. a. Alkire vt ux; Bargain and Sale Deed from Cloo and H. L. Gunder- son to Marion county; Notice of hearing uii iiuuMun to improve neei Ave. Jan. 13. Petition to imDrove Charlna in. demnlty claim of Wm. T. Emery, final hearing 13160; Permit to haul logs, E. O. Neal; Order appointing Warren uibjf vu amrioa uounty rmir ooaro. Jan. 14. Permit to haul loss. chaa. a srhi.Hi.r Delayne H. Paulsen, Vincent Sowa, Nor man McCalliater; ermlt to lay tile, Dean Thompson. Jan. 16, Indemnity claims of ....1. . jnncr na ,nS. IS. Allenoacn, final hearings 13160; Dance hall II CCnse to Joe L. Him me nnH Pnri 1. imp rison; Bond for Issuance of duplicate warrant to Chas. H. Hoyt; Court to enter Into contract with Warren Northwest Inc. iu nL, improvement ni Houtnview Plncn Jan. 17, Additional Detitlon for Cnuntv. wide weed control area; Bond for Issuance of duplicate warrant to Oordon Moore: Permit to haul logs, Carl Budeau. Jan. 10, wrciub ioiirt jury list lor 1050 plac ed on file: Minutes of rnnrthnn mission meeting. Jan. 19, County Judge authorised to approve wreckers license to Aiuoii rrieu. Jan. Ml. petition tn rln. cate County road 634; Approval of Wreck ers license to Herman c. l-nrkhnw rnn. ....... ,uu uj ucpuriinent 01 Agriculture 01 Appointment of Marlon County Veter inarians; Permit to haul logs, Ralph De Vllblss; Certification on city ordinances No, 4062 and No. 4083 recardinn chanio oi names 01 certain streets; Order Vacat ing portion 01 county road 802. Jan. 21, Indemnity claim of Wm. J. Jones, final hearing 2150; Deed to Salem Agricul tural nousing inc. lor rormer Army Air Base nronerty. Jan. 23. Indemnity claim of Wm. J. Meier, final hearing 2960; Treasurers report. Jan. 24, Contract signed with Warren Northwest Inc. for improve ment of Southview Place: Order for Sur veyor and Engineer to file report as to wnetner property asxea to oe vacated Is a part of County road 988; permit to haui logs, Crlbbs Bros.; Beer license, Dallas ana una urisKiu; Resolution and Option for deed to United States for 0.23 acre In Detroit Dam area; Contract and bond on Brenna, Jelden and 34th St. Jan. 25, Indemnity claim of Alfred O, Juve, final hearing 2950; Beer license, Jerome D.. Lyons and u. a. Henness. Jan. 26, Trans fer Order: Pole line Derm It Portland oeneral Electric Co.; ermit to haul logs, J. W. Fltts. Clifford H. Kuenzl, Ray S. Kaufman; Kelier Diking District Order creating district, fixing boundaries and setting date of election for directors on March 3rd; etitlon and Order Vacating Town Plat of Westwood Village. Jan. 26, Order for Recorder and Surveyor In Rft Vocation of the Town Plat of Westwood Village. Jan. 10, Financial statement for bidders for bu.ldlng construction by War ren nortnweit inc., piacea on Die. Jan. 31, Order to cone el fees for herd inspec tion assessed against Chemawa Indian School; Order to concel herd Inspection assessment against Mrs. T. W. Strlngham; Order appointing H. 6. Swart and Don- am cannon on Airport zoning board. HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? THANK HEAVKNSI Most attacks art Juitadd Indigestion. When It strikes, takn Bell-ans tablets. They contain tho astest-act 1 medicines known to doctors for tha rellel ; bMiUmts. cm and slmuu diatieaa. Hi, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, L. - J 'Mighty Mouse' in Action A las AD-Skyraider iires a pair of the powerful new aircraft attack rockets, nicknamed the "Mighty Mouse," developed by the navy for air-to-air combat in any future war. The first rocket leaves plane (top), with second one following closely (middle, bottom pictures). Test was made at naval ordnance test station at Inyokern, Calif. Taking the wraps off the secret project, the department of defense said it excels in speed and is small enough to be carried In quantity. (AP Wirephoto from Dept. of Defense) OFTEN CAPTAIN East Lansing, Mich.. Captaining teams is an old story to LeRoy Crane, Michigan State's 1950 football captain. Crane captained football, bas ketball and baseball teams at Mt. Pleasant, Mich., high school before enrolling at Michigan State. (Advertisement) Better Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cold don't delay. Safe, depend able Creomulsion goes quickly to the seat of the trouble to relieve acute bronchitis or chest colds. Creomulsion has stood the test of more than 30 years and millions of users. It contains safe, proven ingredients, no narcotics and is fine for children. Ask your druggist for Creomulsion and take it promptly according to directions. CREOMULSION Relitvas Coughs Chest Colds Bronchitis (Advertisement) long-lasting Relief for Itchy Skin Irritation Here's a tipf So many people depend on Reslnol Ointment to relieve smarting itch of dry eczema, chafing, common rash. It must be good. At all druggist. The cost is small relief is great. Try itl Advertisement) HOWTOPUTOUTFIREOt STOMACH ULCER PAIN cautcd by excmsB acid Daat Jart utter from BCtmiKins' pain woi eoisattant tmrulna; of toctiAch nlcen. lndljcc Hon, iu, heartburn, other distress cawed by neew torn eh acid. Plunder' Tablets arc ruarantecd to bring atnaainr aoothlnK relief at ancb acid stomach diatrrns OR HONEY BACK. Formula of F. H. Pf under. Pb.G contains medicallT-prcwed tagredl. nts. Acid nicer snlTeren bavo bcKornt ovaf 100,000.000 P fonder' Tablets tn past wars. Get Pfunder'i Tablets todaj. Lno fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Fres - to - THE CLEAN FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 Fresh as Sarina? These tullDS and daisies in a filet medallion against an open-work background give the effect of a spring flower garden. Each motif in 13 Inches and three make a handsome runner. Use them Individually as table mats or dollies, too. Pattern Knvalop Mo, R2909 con Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950 19 -1 J navy attack plane, the Doug Relieves Distress of MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Also Helps Build Up Red Bloodl Do female functional periodic dis turbances make you suffer pain, feel to nervous. Irritable t such times? Then try Lydla E. Plnkham's TABLETS to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Tablets are also very effective to help build up red blood In simple anemia. lydia E. Pinkham's TASUTS $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4 Vi Real Estate Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. High 8k Lio. 8-316 M 222 PILES IM0RRH0IDS ad otasr Rsctsl Dloonfm COLON... STOMACH llmsnti RUPTURE (Hsrnlal Trsftoi VWrnrt Ksittttl Itsrifei iwiw uniH aiwa Mon. through ftU Until 1.00 B.m. Men., Wsd.. M. CJ.Dan,U.nt FREEST1-" EES? . THE DEAN CLINIC IN OUR 40,b TIAI NX Cmr I. Sunuld. .n Grand Am T.I.PW. lAit 1918 Portland 14, Or logo tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch illustrations and ma terial requirements. To obtain this pattern, send 20o In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to PegRy Roberts Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission fitreet San Fran cisco . Calif.