18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED AOVKBTlilNOl 9m Line ISo Per Lin I times .400 Per Line 6 times eOo Pet Line 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 15 par line pei day. Hln. I0ci 3 timet min. 0e times mln. 11.20 No Refunds BIADERSIn Loral News Col Only. too per line To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: 2 BR house In Manbrln Oar dens. Immediate possession. Ph. 2-0785. 4220 Rowan Ave. 34 MAKE OFFEE A food 3 br home. Elee heat plus oil If wanted. Conveniently arranged. Nicely located. Asking price 18400. FHA terms. Drive by 1563 Ruge St. Call Walt Mus rave, Walter Musgrave Realtor Ull Edgewater Ph. 3-5101 a35' $4800 I bedroom home In sood cond. Older VP house, large im. loae-iu. own. sou monin, $7100 Maw 9 hpdrnnm home, lame living room Bright kitchen, utility, bath, on sood street. f.h.a. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 330 N. High St. Ph. 2-4128. 34' Endewood District 1 bedrooms, HW floors, breakfast nook, Uto oil neat, nice yaro, a rum uuj. North 18th Street Dandy 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, deep basement, party room In basement, nice yard, lots of annibfl. Wallace Road 1 bedrooms, electric heat, fireplace, hard- wood floors, basement; large lot only 9&DO.OO. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 1-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 a34 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 110.800 Nice 3 bdrm. family home. Kdwd, firs., P" place. Furn. In good bsra.t NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL I4M0 11200 dn. Partly furnished t bdrm. home, neat St clean. V. OMER HUFF IS1 Ohemeketa. Ph. 2-5091 or 2-6042. a34 Don't Cost Nothing!! to look at this lovely little 2-bedroom home with all hardwood floors. Auto oil heat. Bus by door, ioveiy expensive view. - Don't cost much to buy either. 1750 down. (42.50 per mo. Full price 18,750. No. 202 CIRCLE THIS!! t-bedroom home with hardwood floors. Auto oil heat. Fenced-in back yard. Bendlx auto, washer. Attached garage. Close to school south. Take lot In trade, immediate possession. No. 214 .Worth an Admission Charge ! ! lust to see this 2 -bedroom uniquely designed St decorated modern home. Nice fireplace, auto oil heat. Nice patio. Wonderful location. Large attached ear age. 110,500. No. 267 Reimann for Real Estate 1 Eve. St Sun, 2-4623, 3-3127, 4-2874 i i 33 I )Y OWNER Partly finished 3 Bed- room nouse on larse lot. ruuy iurn li'iMt. 19.7fin nr wiU tnke late model 1 car In on It. On Chemawa Rd. 5465 St. Croix. a35 modern homes $8050. $050 down. 151 mo. Pick your style St color. Corner Lansing Ave. St Sllverton Rd. Glenn Hamilton, builder, 3015 N. 34th. a I CHOICE LOCATION New lge. bdrm. all elec. Bendlx, 3 car garage. Breczeway, 923 Cross nr. Les lie sen. f.h.a, terms, can oiar, t-jazi m for appointment. aJB Retired Man's Dream Fulfilled Hew, gloriously spacious Ranch type horn with hot water heating system. Double garage, fireplace, A kitchen to please the most fastidious lady. Tile bath. 1 Inch Irrigation well. Plnntlnga Include all types fruit and berries. Six teres of well drained Willamette Silt loam. Drive oy ana encmawa itoao., then see us. $21,500. Panoramic Vistas On of Salem's fine homes situated In an exclusive residential area. Has suoh unusual features - as the "perfect office r den for father, also mother's own retreat, both overlooking the moun tains and three perfectly groomed and landscaped lots, see us ior many ad ditional Interesting details. $26,000.00. JF YOU HAVE PROPERTY OF ANY NATURE TO TRADE, SEE US Hutchison-Danielson 448 Court St. Ph. 2-3639 Eve. Phone 1-4781 - 3-5030 - 3-6375 - 2-7947 a33 $12,600 zr. Three bedrooms, basement .fireplace; 71 11 acre, various milts and nuts; sar den space; on pavement. FHA loan. $1000 DOWN Balance easy modern two bedroom, Kelser district. s 4 BEDROOMS Lars older house; fine big corner lot. - Total price $5500. S SALEM REALTY CO. s REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve, Ph. 24591 26605 - 20020 5! a34 ftp,. 'TOR SALE LOTS j FAIRMOUNT HILL w Nice level 50x100 ft. lot, with 2 car garage, Location at North side of X Washington St. between Fir St Fair gt mount St. Will tnke new pickup In n trade. Good opportunity for ' builder. Price $2,000. Cash or terms. Call Severn 4 1 34016. Eve. 38213. nn3B F LOT 30x100, Hollywood Dist. Ph. 3-6462 In a.m. an34 JrOR SALE FARMS HOP RANCH I PH. 2-1320 b36 1 A. NEAR KEIZER district rich Newberg type soil 8 Inch deep, Irrigation well with g. 3 Inch Irrigating pipe and electric pump. K 4 A. In strawberries, 4 A. raspberries. At This place Is a real crop producer. Price only $7600. For more Information see It Pat Jarvlll with Rostein & Adolph Inc. tj 110H 1. Com'l. Ph. 1-3030. Eves. 3-6.S69 b34 ArADI A DAIRY. "28 A.," well loc." near Willamette valley town. Dork prod. loam, yr. creek, some timber, 85 A. In certified seed crops, Bldga, tncl. Grade A barn, equpt. milk house, hog hse mod. I rm. home. 3 elee. wells, water St rlec. 'to bldis. An excellent buy at $21,000. Good terms or trade. CARD TO GET BUT WE GOT IT! 80 A. (well drained prod. Willamette loam. Close In, suburban. East. Nearly all In fine crops, yr. stream. Btdgs.On attractive setting of lie. trees). Inoludes mod. ,plost. 8 BR home, Vt bsmt., 2 car gar age, other small hse lge. barn bids, and 'other. When you see this, you'll say It Is a most desirable buy. $26,000. Will consider dn., bal. at 6. DON'T DE - LAY I jarsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 1-8389. Ev. 8-99H9. OR SALE ACREACE Y OWNER: 33 Acres 4 ml .N.W. Building sites, riew. Level, fruit. 84,950. Terms. Ph. 2-7238. bb37 ACRES, all or part, t BR house, com pletely modern, also 1 lite, building part ly remodeled for dwelling. Rt. 1 Box 84A, Jefferson. Mrs, W. L. Van Duren. Ph. 4-2871. Mft A Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950 REAL ESTATE NORTH SALEM Small house, 100 x 160 corner 101 sjdu, BUS. ZONE, North, acre lot, 1 BR house, 4 yrs. old, double garage, some berries, small down payment. $5750. 4 UNIT apt. house, $160 Income, close In. $8950. DUPLEX, 1 jr. old, 3 BRi In each apt., partly furnish. Good Income, $11 ,900. $3900 down, bal. like rent. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 8. Com'l Ph. 3-8841 c33 THE GOOD EARTH 21 ACRE FARM WITH 2 BEDROOM home, electric pressure pump, family or chard, 2 and acres of berries, some crop, all land under Irrigation. Chick en houses for 500. About 3 miles from town $6300. Call Mr. Bennett. 5 ACRE NEAT 4 KM. HOME, 9 YEARS OLD, LOTS OF BUILT INS. Nice bath, good well, elec. pressure system, oil heat, double garage. Full price only $5250. See Mr. Bennett. 133 ACRES WITHIN Is MILE OF TOWN. Small 5 room home, 8 years old, all Jind is In cultivation with part of the crop planted. Tractor, disc, plow, har row, grain arm, cultivator, mower, rake etc. Try to beat this for $13,500. Call Wamberg. 45 ACRES. WE THINK THIS PLACE WOULD MAKE A GOOD TURKEY RANCH. Good modern six bedroom home, large barn, plus some good out buildings, land Is well drained, located east, lull price only $13,500, terms can be arranged. See Mr. Wamberg. NOW IS THE TIME TO FIND YOUR FARM AND GET SET TO START YOUR SPRING WORK, WE HAVE TWO FARM SALESMEN, MR. WAMBERG AND MR. BENNETT. TELL THEM YOUR NEEDS AND THEY WILL HELP YOU. CITY SPECIALS $5500 for this three bedroom home, on a Paved street near school and In good district. Owner leaving city, selling at a reduced price, $1000 down, should be Just the home for the working man with family. Call Mr. Bourne Eve. Ph. 3-7217. LOW DOWN PAYMENT New 3 bedroom home 3 blocks from city school, H.W. floors thruout, oil furnace, attached garage, Immediate possession. Priced to sell at $7250. Call Mr. Brown. Eve. Ph. 3-4937. SUBURBAN SPECIAL One acre of ground St a good 2 bedroom home, very clean, garage workshop, good well, but by the door. Price $6850. Call Mr. Brown. Eve. Ph. 3-4937. SUBURBAN NORTH This Is an outstanding value, five nice large rooms, all on one floor, with plen ty of bullt-lns and closet room. Large attached garage, and utility room. Patio, drilled well, etc. Fruit and nut trees. Has a very desirable 4 loan and can be handled on a low down payment. Call Mr. Lee. Eve. Ph. 3-8343. $950 DOWN 2 bedroom home, with automatic oil heat, paved street, city sewer and water. Call Mr. Lee. Eve. Ph. 3-8343. BUILDINOF WYTfl NORTHEAST CORNER OF HOYT AND WEST NOB HILL, will ua FHA. 11 4nft LOT 2300 BLOCK ON SUELTON. Only va cant lot left, $600. LARGE LOTS, 100x198 IN THE CITY nun. vu x WATER. Will go FHA. $900 to 312(H). your choir ACREAGE ON BAXTER BOAD, excellent iur sbrawoerries, ana ii as good subdiv ision possibilities, 4 acres, terms to suit ouyer suuu. START LOOKING NOW FOR THAT SPRING HOME AND GARDEN, TWO CITY SALESMEN TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS. WE ALSO HAVE A FIN ANCING ARRANGEMENT, TO COVER CITY, SUBURBAN AND FARM PROPER TIES, WHICH IS A BIG HELP IN MAK ING DEALS. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8218. c34 NELSON NEWS ENOLEWOOD DIST., $6350 One bdrm., LR, DR, kit. and bath on 1st fir., 2 bdrms. up, wrd. elec. rg., el ec. wtr htr., gar., pvd. St. St sidewalk, lot 60x150. Fruit St nut trees. SALEM HEIGHTS HOME Comb. LR St DR, kit., 2 bdrms., bath, utll. rm., all on one fir. Insulated, w, stripped, hdwd. firs., elec. wtr. htr., wrd. for re., fur jmrfarnrf t lnt nnv 329, 7 cherry I walnut tree. $9500. NEAR CITY CENTER Interior St exterior In A-l cond. New roof, auto, oil turn., comb, lg LR St DR (34x16). 3 lg. bdrms. on 1st fir.. room for 2 add'l bdrms. on 2nd fir. Fin ished bsmt. Drapes St curtains lncl., gar., lot 50x140. Good dist. $11,900. CLOSE IN INCOME 30 DOWN Non-resident owner authorized Immed sale of bids, with 6 rentals plus L. quarters with 2 bdrms. All well fur nished, bsmt., L. furnace for central heating plant, lot 40x135, only t blks from Capitol. $15,000. HIGHWAY TAVERN 8 booths, counter, stoves, refrlg., wtr. htr., monthly rent, $75,000, profitable tavern, new equip., netting over $800 per month with living qutrs. $16,000. 5 AC. N. Lg. home, with mod. plumb., elec. wtr. htr., wrd. for elec. rg 3 car gar.. 8 cowa, tractor, St other equip., Including hay and grain, $23,500. LGE. LOT, OOOD HOME, KEIZER Delux 2 bdrm. home with LR, DR, kit. nook, bath, first fir., 2 bdrms. up, par ty rm.. f'place, laundry trays, bsmt., hdwd. firs., lur., dbl. gar., am. chick, hse. $12,600. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING RRATrnnm Personal Service by Men Who Specialize iv n ign ph. 3-4622. c33 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Small suburban home not far from Balem Heights school. Priced to sell at $4750. Very nice, clean suburban home with 2 bedrooms, living room and dining room combined, kitchen, bath and attached n c. noun location, very attractive. met) fOOOU, Attractive English style home with 1 bedrooms. This Is clean and neat, has liirnace, aouoie plumbing with approx imately 1 A. Varlty of fruit and a gar den space. Price $10,500. 30 A. Small house, poultry house, barn ft implement shed. All in cultivation. Will trade for a 2-Bedroom home In Salem. Grocery Store Large corner lot. Building, two small nouses. Good fixtures and stock. This Is close In and doing a good business. All for $13,500. Apartment House 4 apts fully furnished, excellent location, turner 101, income vno per month. Priced to sell at only $22,500. DAYTIME PHONE 3-5131 Evening Phone 3-5514 or 3-8406 McKillop Real Estate 403 Center at High WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS C35' BEST BUYS Home Beautiful 1 BR on 1 fir, spacious rooms, hard wood firs, throughout, part cedar lin ed closets, 2 fireplaces, automatic dish washer, full basement, large ulllty rm double garage, auto, oil furnace, part brick front, 14 acres located north, private water system, app. m yrs. old. You will be proud .to own this home. Shown by appointment only. Full price $23,000. Eve. phone 2-7674 or 3-3538. $3950 Full Price Could be made Into good rental duplex. Located eaM close to Shopping Center $500 down will handle. Eve, phones 2- 7674 or 2-3558. Duplex Located tn small town 1 acre lot. In come $130 per mo. Total price $7000, some terms. Eve. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Value in Motel 10 units almost new, well furnished, lo cation wlU Improv In future, 1 A land, room for expansion, private water sys tem, 1 blk to good trout fishing. See this one for $31,000. Owner may con sider other property as part payment. Eve. phones -TOf4 or 3-3358. Oregon G. I. If you are an Oregon veteran A want a 33 A farm with all equipment. Includ ing 7 head of cattle St have $1500, see this one. Total price $8500. Eve. phones 8-4735 or 3-3558. Chicken Farm S acres east, well equipped, mod, home, well, 14 A berries, 100 chickens. Total price only $9000, Eve phones 3-4735 or 3- 3558. 10 Acres 4 rm. home, barn, chicken he., tares, well. Would make a good berry farm. Owner leaving state. Total price only $4950. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 1-3551. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 1038 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7820. 1-4596 35 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 2 BDRM. & NURSERY Very liveable home, nice llv rm, St din rm. Kitchen with nook, full basmt, auto-oil heat, fireplace, hdwd firs, located at 1025 N. Summer St. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PETER OEISER. BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF SALEM We now have 3 homes nearing completion In 'one of Salem's finest residen tial sections. All have 3 bdrms on 1 fir. full daylight ba.tmt, 2 fireplaces, hdwd firs, auto-oil heat. Popularly priced. CALL ROY FERRIS. LOCATED NORTH Look at this home today, S full rms. 10 yrs old, hdwd firs, 2 bdrms, llv rm, din rm St utility rm, wired for elec range, upstairs has 2 unfin bdrms, lge lot, excellent buy at $7,500. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Roy Ferris 2- REAL ESTATE VALUE PLUS VALUE HERE TO MARVEL AT. A LOVELY NEW 2 BR HOME IN A FINK LOCATION WITH A LARGE LOT, HAS A DEN St LIVING ROOM. BEAU TIFUL HARDWOOD FLOORS, A LADIES TASTE AT A GENTLEMAN'S PRICE. SEE MR. SIMPSON. Beautiful View Home OVERLOOKING SALEM ON CANDALARIA HEIGHTS. A LASTING PLEAS URE TO YOU AND A DELIGHT TO YOUR GUESTS. THIS 3 BR HOME, DBLE. GARAGE, St ITS PICTURE WINDOWS, GIVE YOU MORE PLEAS URE ABLE LIVING. WE FEEL THIS HOUSE IS REASONABLY PRICED AT ONLY $13,000, SEE MR. RAWLINS. A Distinguished Dwelling Place YOU WILL ADMIT ON INSPECTION OF THIS FINE 2 BR HOME WITH FIREPLACE, FULL BSMT., AUTO. HEAT. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED ON CORNER LOT. SEE MR. TIBBETTS. RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood Dist.) Phone Office 2-4664 Eves. Rawlins 2-6013 Tibbetts 2-7486 Simpson 3-8239 REAL ESTATE $8500. NEAR LESLIE SCH. Neat clean 2 BR home, has lge. living rm.. o k kitchen St nook, inside utn lty rm., automatic heat, att. gar,, lawn &. snrubs in, pva. st. & waiKs. $11,500. HOLLYWOOD Home St Income, lower floor for own er has 2 BR, full bath, kitchen St nook, Jiving St dining rms., fireplace, on iur- nace, Insulated St weather strip., plus $100 mo. ' income from 2 furnished apartments. II BLOCKS to DOWN TOWN 150x150 corner lot, Sts. are pvd. Zoned lor churches, apt. house or duplex, naa old 2-story house with 2 apts, $15,300. Ph. 2-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North HlBh St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-7769 - 3-5413. c38 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 story 3 bdrm. home. With laVge liv ing room, small lot. Cash buyer. We need listings. Ph. 2-6680. Eve. ph. 2-7769 Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIGH ST. ca33 Attention Please We have a good many buyers wanting 1, 3, or 3 BR homes with a small down payment. Good wage earners who Just lack the Initial cash on hand. We will appreciate any listings you may have to offer & will cooperate 100 in any way possible to bring a satisfactory transaction to all that may be concern ed. CALL MR. NOONOHESTER H. E. Corey Real Estate 1385 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0552 Eve. 2-0103 or 3-3816. ca33 LARGE HOUSE close la either Catholic church. Customer will pay $10,009 to $14,000 for desirable property. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edge water Ph. 35109 ca34 WANTED Listings on homes, lots, business, acre ages, and farms. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph. 2-6680. ca3B WANTED: GOOD 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Su burban. Will pay $1000 dawn $30 month. No dealers please. Ph. 2-5973. ca34 WE ARE In need of rood houses to sell in or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: One third Interest In plan ing mill Including loftdlng dock, car rier and sorting chain. Box 357 Capital Journal. cd33 GROCERY, ft as station. Living quarters, across from school, buy stock and equipment. Phone 2-5166. cd35 APARTMENT HOUSE near state office bldtrs. With five clean furnished apts. and room for more. Gross Income $180 per month, plus owners three room apt. Owner will take home in on trade. Total price only $20,000. For more In formation see Pat Jarvlll. Rostein & Adolph Inc. 1104 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3030. Eves. 3-6569 cd34 GOOD SUMMER Income. Mont popular picnic park In Linn County. 33l Acres. Va in Cultivation, river loam, small modern house, barn, chicken house, ca bin, bath houses, park wired and plumb ed for night picnics and swimming; fully equipped. $7900. $5000 down. Bob Prim rose, 607 E. Oak St. Lebanon, Oregon. cd34 Lunch & Confectionery Just the place for two. Fine location m Business section. 14 stools all equip ment and utensils. Price $4750. See any time. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phones 24591 - 20020 ed34 BEER TAVERN $22,000 Over $1000 per mo. Income net. East Ore. town. DOWNTOWN CAFE $250019 stools Si counter doing nice business. APARTMENT HOUSE $65,000 Near downtown. 16 units. Most Jy furnished. Hdwd. firs. Private baths, very good heating system. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa St. eri,14 INCOME PROPERTY Older type built over In good condition. 6 apts., furn. Walking distance to city center. Monthly income $200. For fur ther Information call, Mable Needham Realtor 341 Btat. St. Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9301 Cd33 Business Lot $2,000 80 ft. frontage on Edgewater near KOCO. A good investment buy. Call Walt Muse rave. Walter Musgrave Realtor iau e.gewater Ph. J-5109 FURNITURE FOR SALE BLUE MOIIA1B frlm davenport and chair. Pliona 3-1903. d34 SPECIAL Swing rockers, large comfortable chairs, selling regularly $49.50. Now $34.50. Large selection of covers. Woodry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N. Summer St. Ph. S-SUO. dl3 1 DAVENPORT St hair; 1 o.E. washer. i ou circulator, i oax, rocxer. 740 Elec trlc Ave. 34 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES Evenlnvs and Sundays call 01O - Peter Oelser 3-9968 - Earl West 3-0608 REAL ESTATE FURNITURE FOR SALE FAINTED DINING tablo & g chaira. Ph. 8 PIECE WALNUT dlnlnt Kt. Good cond. .Oil. fJl. J-V3YH. 133 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRV, Ph. 35110. FURNITURE St APPLIANCES wanted. Top cosh price paid on the spot. No fuss or bother. Ju.it call 3-8558. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight, 7 p.m. Lane Su-d toll's Auction Sales Yard, located l'j miles east of Fairgrounds on Sll verton HQ. Pn. 3-B03B. dd33' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK REG. DUROC boar pig 5 months old. Ph, tva ouverion or write . J. Harris, Rt. 2, Box 131 Sllverton. 35 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. a. u. jucuanousn, m i a. aatn. pn. 38147. easo' LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- inen, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. RABBITS WINGS needs rabbits. 3985 State. Ph. 3-1469. eb49 PETS COCKER PUPPIES for sale. Ph. TO GIVE AWAY PUP. Ph. 2-0190. ec32 CHOICE canary birds. ' N. 18th. ec57" MOORE'S TROPICAL Fish, 27 varieties. Rt. 6, Box 483, 2 miles from Lancaster Dr. on Macleay road. Ph. 2-7321. ec33 ORANGE CANARY singers. $8.80. Ph. 25929 ec42 FUEL OLD GROWTH FIR. On highway, $10 cord you haul. Ph. 29857. ee35 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7442 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside M1U Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Bdclnc Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phone 35533 EE West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edcewatar West Salem 1 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlwel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 8-6444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. ash, & maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee' FOR SALE POUlDFRY"'''' NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter. now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. .1-4989. f" PRODUCE COUNTRY FRESH EGGS. Chickens, ve getables In season, nuts St etc. Sat. at 9 a.m. Salem Public Market. 1240 E. Rural. ff35 K ASTERN aXFalfa & timothy. By"'ton or truck load. 865 S, 13th. Ph. 2-9923. ff48 EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 3-1458 ff HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER, must be accurate in fig ures. Capable, accepting responsibility. State exp. and salary expected. Perm, position. Box 356 Capital Journal. g33 HELP WANTED MALE MAN FOR sales and to service equip ment. Can operate from home. Must have r. phone. Must carry small stock. We will train applicant for service work. This can be a part time job for those having some time available dur ing day in order to make service calls. Write giving age and details about self to Box 360 Capital Journal. ga33 OOOD ALL AROUND service station sales man with lubrication experience. In quire 290 N. High. fs34 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. STENOGRAPHER. Must have per sonality to meet public St answer phone. Apply Hong Bros., 260 State St. gb33 WOM. JJ WANTED In sales St service dept. Age 28 to 40. Wilt be taught con genial business. Steady employment. Must be permanent, Apply 8 to 10:30 a.m. Sinaer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Commercial. b34 EXPERIENCED marker sorter, Laundry, 363 High St. Salem S34 EXPERIENCED Insurance girl, part time mornings or afternoons. Write Box 358, Capital Journal. b37 MIDDLE AGED woman to live in home and care for aged bedridden couple at night. 405 S. Water St., Sllverton. ib-33 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFPICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 10 State Street Phone 1-1481, gill' REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS i ONLY $5500 NURSES ATTENTION Just completed. A good buy In a new 1 bedroom home, garage and large lot, A dandy rental Investment, Very near Salem General Hospital. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME SOUTH In the McKinley school dist. Attractive and convenient, oil heat, att. garage and hardwood floors. $1950 down. Full price just $7950. AN UNUSUAL 3 BEDROOM HOME Different because It has knotty pine woodwork throughout, cuts compact kitchen, exceptionally attractive fireplace AND It's in the Engl s wood school dist. Has lovely large lot. AND the price Is only $95001 ROOMY (3 BEDROOM) RANCH STYLE HOME Well planned throughout. Beautiful hardwood floors, dining room plus nook In kitchen, auto, piped alt furnace. Insulated and weatherr stripped. Located northeast. A home with plenty room and a good buy for $11,750. FAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT Beautiful new S bedroom home with flnlsned basement,- complete with fireplace, double garage and patio. About 1400 sq. ft, floor space, view to west. $16,000. 1 RENTAL INVESTMENT Front house has 3 apts., plus 2 small (1 bedroom) homes In rear. Fully furnished, large lot. North on Front St. $170 a month income. Oood deal for $12,500. Owner will consider small house as part payment. FARM SPECIAL THE SNOW WILL SOON BE OFF Then we would like to show you this 107 A. farm with 30 A. Irrigated, pasture, all cultivated. Modernized 3 bedroom (small) house, grade "A" barn, silo, hog and chicken house. Irrigation . equip, and J. D. tractor; 30 head cattle, 40 hogs. A real farm for $36,500. Terms, OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT STREET PHONE 2-4115 - 2-4118 Eve.: Henry Torvend 3-3632 - Fat Kemper 2-5297 - Bob Sullivan 3-6770 c33 A BARGAIN 3 Rm Home with gas fir furn on paved St. Full price $1500. Mort $750 payable $25 per mo. Johnson. $950 DOWN Almst new 3 B.R. home, mo. paym't only $44 per mo. Kigglns. GOOD LOCATION Older type home, well built, all newly redecorated. Could show nice inc. plus owner's qtrs. Double plumbing, priced right. KIk sins. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 179 N. High St. Office 9-3ff4t Eve. Johnson 3-7451 Crawford 3-5390 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED 2 salesmen to work on city property. Sullivan Realty Co., 3385 Portland Rd. gg37 WANTED: ENEKGETIC REAL ES TATE SALESMAN NOW ACTIVE IN SELLING REAL ESTATE TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR REAL ESTATE OFFICE ON 70 BASIS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN I T Y FOR RIGHT MAN. CALL AT 212 N. HIGH ST. FOR INTERVIEW. gg38 INSULATION Experienced salesmen. New revolutionary product. At long lost something different. Amazing. Exciting demonstration makes sales easy. Ex clusive territory. Competition elimln ated. Write Dist. Manager, Box 400, Cap ital Journal. SB' SALESMAN wanted in these counties; Linn. Polk. Yamhill, by one of the old est St largest feed companies In the county. Home nights. No Investment of any kind, car necessary. Age tt to au. Sales St feeding exp. helpful. Opportun ity for security St advancement. For confidential appointment call Mrs, Hur ney, Senator Hotel between 6 St 8 P.m. today. 8g33 Large Manufacturing Co. Wants neat appearing man to train locally for permanent sales position. Dignified work, not canvassing. C necessary. Married man under 40 pre ferred. Apply In person 990 Broadway between 10 and 12 noon. 8g34 WANTED POSITIONS NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 6 DAYS, ages a 10 a. rt. i:jo tu b. rti. zibw. h56 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. EXPERT OIL BURNER St oil circulator service. All work guaranteed. Ph. 4-2424. h34 EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed. Reas, Ph. 3-9732. A49B FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 24-hr. care. Ph. 2-2125. h57 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. wore guar, w u. jacAina ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h33 Mimeographing-Typing EXPER. Interior decorator. Free estimates. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-9732. h5l CARPENTBR WORK: Finish, frame, re- moaei. smau or large, joos. rn. a-osaa. h33 SPECIALIZED children sewing. Ph. 2-6( CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 33811. 1117 6th. hJB TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice, Former phone .opr. Ph. 3-5073. h53 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CEMEN1 WORK wanted Fh. 2-4850. h FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-7176. ROOM with bath, gentleman. Close In, m. 3-47U1, JKJ3" ATTRACTIVE WARM room for employed gentleman, uutsme eni. rn. 3-iu. HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6 FURN. sleeping rm. Beauty rest for men. Close in. 1140 Center. Jk36 ROOM. Prlv. bath. Oentlemen. Ph. 3-7730 jk35 MAN'S SLEEPING room, auto heat, prlv. bath & ent, Ph. 3-9043. . JUS NICELY FURN. Heated. Ladies preferred. 539 N. Winter. Jk58 GENTLEMAN Sleeping rm. $15 mo. 534 N. winter. jkjv LARGE WARM room for 3. 1555 N. Capitol. Jk34 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 472 N. Liberty. Jk37 HEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and single. 385 N, 14th. Jk46 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW 2 Bdrm. Furn. houae. hdwd., fir., auto, heat, Ph. 35420. Jp34' t RM. APT. Prlv. bath Sz entr. Emp. cou ple. 1009 N. 5th. Jp35 CLEAN QUIET warm 2 rm. apt. Middle age laUy preferred. 645 Ferry. Jp35 NEAT ATTRACTIVE 2 rm. furn. apt. Utilities furn. 725 8. 13th. Jp34 NEW 2-ROOM apt. Prlv. bath, part furn. Adults. 1047 Madison. jp37 NEW 3-ROOM court apt. Unfurnished ex cept range. $50. Phone 2-2597. Jp33 CLOSE IN, clean, 1 room hskp. apt. 633 ferry. JP34" NICE LARGE furn. apt. Utilities furn Reasonable. 365 8. 16th. Jp34 S ROOM APT. In attractive court. Refrlg. range Ss auto laundry. Convenient to state ldgs., unlv and bus. S07 8. 13th after 10 a.m. jp35 MOD. S RM. apt. Main fir. Prlv. entr. 2 or s emp. persons 435 N. winter. . Jp33 NEW APT., 2 rooms bath, partlpfurn. 1065 Madison. Ph. 3-9763. lP3i EXCLUSIVE NEW COURT apta. Range. refrlg., A laundry. ISO. Adult. Ph. 3-7071. Jp35 FUBN, 3-rm. duplex. All elee. S rm. furn. apt., ou neat. Ph. 1-7176. JP33" 3 ROOM furn. apt. 2nd floor. Refrlg., HW neat. oo Marion. jpjs RMS. APT. for rent. 160 N. Capitol. JP I REAL EST ATI SUBURBAN EAST 3 BR Ranch-style home on nearly 2 A double garage, chick house, near school ana city ous. just ihduu taxes jc. $2500 will handle. Crawford. FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 BR home with full bosm't, fireplace, auto-oil ht, wall to wall carpet, you'll iiKs it tor ihuou. urawiora. TRAILER COURT . 12 trailer spaces, wash rm, new duplex, 3 BR home on 3 'A A, In city limits, $21,000. Crawford. FOR RENT APARTMENTS $65. 1133 Jp33' 3 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. RM. APT. Reasonable. Call after 4 p.m 1B10 Trade. jp36' 4 APTS. 1 sleeping rm. Partly furn. Ph. 3-6225. iP35 PARTLY FURN. 2 bdrm. Adults. Ph. 3-4687 between 5 St 9 p.m. jp33 FOR RENT HOUSES 2 BDRM. home for lease. LR, DR, fire place, good district. Call Joe E. Bourne ac inu w. uapitoi. Jm34 3 BR UNFURN duplex, elec heat, $60. North. Ph. 3-5586. jm35 3 BDRM. UNFURN. On V4 A. In N. Salem. $55. Ph. 2-7673. Jm33 PBIV. 3 room partly furn., clean, gar age, $45 month. 356 Portland Rd. Jm' 20 FT. cabin to a worthy pensioner or veteran coupie. very reasonable rent. Box 359 capital Journal. jm37 WIDOW WANTS WOMAN or elderly couple to share country home. Ph. 2-0514. Jm34 NEW 1-BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 3-6538 after 5 p.m. Jm33 BR home near Salem Heights School. 865 mo. 3 BR house, chick, house. Near Liberty Chas. Hudkins & Son 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 Jm33 FARM HOME, 4 BR, at Hopewell. Barn, saroen space, jd montn. Call Mr. Huntley. Amity 531 except Saturdays or inq, at Hopewell store. Jm34 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. V DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service center at cottage. Ph. 29103. ) SINOEE ELECTRIC nonabla sewincr ma. enmes. tteasonaoie rates. Free pick up o. delivery, etinger sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Uontcomery POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Mowser Bros. Fh, 2-3646. J- TRAILERS 32.00 per day. Bowser Bros. mu a lain, west Balem. i OOD fJSED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand. er. we sen everything to complete the JOD HOWSEB BROS. - Ph. 1-3B4 ! WANTED TO RENT LAW STUDENT, wife St year-old baby ucfl.re en. unmrn. jiouse xor l year, Phone 2-4736. Ja33 WE HAVE an excellent renter for a nice i j.K. nome in B. Salem. Will lease, urgent. kirk ns. Doctor would like to rent 2 B.R. home ciose-in or a nice apt. Furn, Urgent. KlRRins. Burt Picha Realtors PH. 2-3649 Ja33 2 BDRM. house by March 1, Ph, 2-1464. LOST & FOUND LOST Brown billfold, containing 3325.00. .rinaer Please return to Everett or Ruth Olassburn. Need money badly for our larse family. Ph. 2-3003, day or eve.. LOST: Light tan male cocker. From 138 N. Lancaster Or. Ph. 2-8271. Reward. k35 LOST: Brown wallet with cards of the name rnomas .Leonard snlthen. Reward. Pn. 21345. k35 WILL the person who picked up the Do berman PInscher pup, east of 4 Cor ners, please return it. No questions asked. Owner,, k34 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court, We close Saturdays 12:30. m37 SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5073. m47 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-H3. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpli Bids. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m BUILDING MATERIAL Building Something? 4" Insulation Board, 4x8 sheets, 11.84 V sheet rock, 4ic 11.52 sheet Pibreglass Insulation .....6c sq, ft. Pour type Insulation II per bag Grade A I panel doors 17.50 H" Plywood. 4x8 sheets S2.65 All thicknesses plywood, cheap. Flush, slab doors .19.50 Waterproof wallboard 7',ic ft. 600' rolls building paper 13.50 Overhead garage door hardware, 118.80 C. O. LONG PH. 2-5821, 1 MILK N. OP KEIZER ma34 Special Shipment Dry kiln 1x6" E. flooring, or roof itid side wall sheathing. Cheaper than ship lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ront A; Court Sts. Salem, ma for'sale MISCELLANEOUS' KIRBT VACUUM cleaner. 643 Bluer. Ph. CONLON IRONER Con Ion Rotary Ironer. 30 inch rolls. Floor sample. Was 3199.95. Now 1139. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. MO COTJftT ST. MUSIC LESSONS Piano violin. Statt accredited. STUDIO. PH. 3-6013. n44 COLD SPOT REFRIG. 3 mo. Old, Mil eve. iter : m una Ave. ast EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY ONLY 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN Nw Paint, R&H, Runs Good $395 AYNBEE MOTORS 840 Union Ph. 20703 qx33 1939 CHEVROLET 2-door. This is not a misprint. Lie. & ready to roll. $79.50 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Ohemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7922 QX33 1941 DODGE 4-door Sedan. Fluid drive. Very nice and clean. $595 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save '40 Chrysler $395 Coupe. Radio. Heater. Good transporta tion, j STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at Hlah Ph. 3-2)88. nxll' AUTOMOBILES "McKay's Corner" "Good Value" Used Cars 36 Chevrolet Town Sedan (Std.) $125 36 Olds 4 Dr. Sedan (Clean) $135 37 Chevrolet Coupe (Std.) $145 41 Plymouth Sedan (Rough) $175 40 Dodge Ton Van (Fair) $295 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 550 No. COMMERCIAL ST. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PART OR ENTIRE collection of old red & white ffla&s ware. Antique silver 4c china all in perfect cond. Rt. 1 Box HA Jefferson. Mrs. W. L. Van Duren. n34 WRECKING HOUSE, built ins, windows, doors, plaster board. 3610 oarden no. n37 PLASTI-KOTE: The eellopnane-llke fin ish for your floors, woodwork or lin oleum. Salem Lighting St Appliance Co., 236 N. High n33 MAYTAG used washer. Oood cond. 675 S. 12th. Ph. 3-0978. n37 ORDERS taken for home-made candles. Toffee, fudge, chocolates In Valentine boxes. Salem Home Bakery, 1380 N. Church. Ph. 3-8645. n34 SUMP PUMP St fittings, G. E. motor, used 1 day. Fh. 2-1318. 3480 Center. n37 STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, in stock, made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. D40 USED Electric ranges, 119.95 de op. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Ohemeketa GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, and Montag Appliances at Qevurtz. n CLEARANCE SALE. Used sewing ma chines, guaranteed. Free sewing course. Sinter Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. n35 HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner. Has had best of care. See to appreciate, 1342 Waller St. n35 WASHING MACHINE, good cond. Reas sonable. Call 3-7519 after 5 p.m. n35 After Inventory RADIO SALE O. E. CONSOLE THREE SPEED CHANGER $131.96 R.C.A. PORTABLE AC-DO BATTERY 31.50 CROSLEY WALNUT TABLE MODEL 22.50 HOWARD WHITE TABLE MODEL 19.75 TRAV-LER LEATHERETTE TABLE MODEL 12.75 CROSLEY CONSOLE RADIO PHONO 134.95 R.C.A. AM-FM TABLE MODEL.. 49.95 RICHMOND CHAIRSIDE RADIO 33.75 CROSLEY CONSOLE rtADIO- PHONO 199.95 CROSLEY AM-FM TABLE MODEL 49.25 CROSLEY WHITE "DEBUTANT" 22.50 CROSLEY "45 R.P.M." TABLE MODEL 59.95 MOTOROLA SMALL PORTABLE 18.95 OENERAL ELECTRIC TABLE RADIO 34.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOCK- RADIO 32.95 ALL NEW ALL GUARANTEED SEE THESE AND SAVE! Mitchell Radio and Appliance "YOUR SERVICE DEALER" State at 19th Phone 3-7577. n35 USED WHITE Rotary Treadle sewing ma chine. Good shape. Ph. 3-97439 after 6 P.m. nlO MAYTAG washer for sale. 25. Ph. 3-8f 20 TREADLE sewing machines, 112 to 135. New used electric 140 up. w. Daven port, 1930 N. 18th. n35 ELEC. CHROMOLOX 3 K.W. sldcarm water heater St Insulating Jacket for galvanized tank. Both for (25. Ph. 20945 eves. n35 NEW OIL CIRCULATOR, large size St 50 gal. drum. 155. 1205 Chemawa Rd. 4 Mi. E. of Kelzer. n35 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CRUSHED ROOK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden and. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing, tt-yd shovel St drag line Ph. 3-9249 Used Spinet Piano Beautiful small piano (73 note) just re turned from rental. Special 1395 In cluding new bench. STONE PIANO CO. THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-5281 n3C G. E. WASHER General Electrie washer. Very good condition. 133. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n36 USED BAM OS S record players. 19.95 ua IUIIH Af IjIAK'J CO 17ft Ohemeketa n WILSON'S '46 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE COUPE A NICE CLEAN CONVERTIBLE $1175 OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center ejxSJ 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor Convertible Club coupe, driven only 21,000 miles. Has fluid drive, overdrive, radio, air condition Vaster, Many other valuable extras, Buy this like new car St save. Priced at only $2195 Salem Automobile Co. j CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS 495 N. Comm'l Ph. 3-4117. qx33 Requirements for the use of this special section .... 1 Dealer, must submit their copy before 4 p.m. day previous to ubllcatlon. 2 -Each car must be an exceptional value. 3 Capital Journal reserves the right to refuse to puonsn any listing n jeeis Is not a special value. (AUTOMOBILES PHONE 33175 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THOR WASHER Thor washer. Very good condition. 339 EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L..ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST, n36 HEAT your home electrically with West Inshouse or Wesln automatic electrie heaters. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Ohemeketa, USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Ohemeketa n ZENITH WASHER Zenith washer. All white. Very good condition. 150. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n3(l PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kl- . By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt . Box 118. n iO WAXING required with PLASTIO KOTH, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chomeketa n G. E. WASHER General Electric washer. All white. Demonstrator. With pump. Was $130.95, now $90 with t year guarantee. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. 03l SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ss Basement Equipment Rentai 15 B yds. . . 10 B- yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat Ss Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 saicrn, Oregon OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Che m electa n VACUUM CLEANER New General Electric vacuum cleaner. Uprisht. Pull guarantee. J29.95. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n36 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 319.95 up. XE.A1CK AffUlASiVS CO. 375 Chcmeketa n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: BarkK Douelas fir poles or stumpaee. Ph. 1287 AlbanT or wrlta Standard Pole a Piling Co., Inc. na43 SEWING MACHINE anj cond Ph. 1-7671. a. PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madama solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to II p.m. dally 173 S.Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. p48 CONSULT; Ordained Psychic advisor and rajuuoiuBisi ior an fersonai Problems. Apt. 102 - 550 N. Summer St. No phone calls, please. D3 IF YOU ARE a shorty Uke me Spencers 3-1619- p33 8 MONTHS subscription to" Readers Dl- AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL . TRADE TERMS LOTS 3325 Fairground Rd. pQ 520 Hood St. Ph 1-TlM '48 CHEV. 14 T. stake L.W.B.. Booster via, excellent COM. 11,000 miles. Good tires. Dual heater. R. A. Jipp. Rt Box 434D. .is 1949 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan. HAH, 3000 miles. 4"u "3couni. wiu take '40 41 trade-in. Evenings call 1-7817. Yog Mehta. Eisner Motors to Buy (Continued on Page 19)