Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 08, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950
Undefeated Crusaders
Hold Top Spot in Poll
'New York, Feb. 8 m Un
beaten Holy Cross tost a little
(found to a new contender,
Bradley, but stayed well ahead
today for the fourth straight
week in the Associated Press
basketball poll.
The only major all-winning
team left in the nation drew
more than 50 per cent of the
Ml . 1n .... nafttnit "79 nf
'118 nominations by the coun
try's basketball writers and
aportscasters. The Crusaders
have won 17 games.
Bradley (19-3) received only
four votes for first but enough
second and thirds to nudge Du
quesne (18-1) from the runner
up spot. The Dukes lost Satur
day to Louisville and didn't get
a first-place ballot as a result.
Holy Cross scored 994 points
in all, Bradley 720 and Du-
quesne 509.
Ohio State (14-3) and St.
John's of Brooklyn (18-2) tied
for fourth and fifth with 493
points. The next five are close
ly bunched. The Buckeyes. 56
55 victors over Indiana last
night, have moved up each week.
Long Island U. (15-2) dropped
to sixth from last week's fourth
spot. Neither LIU nor St. John's
won one vote for first while;
Ohio State got two.
Kentucky (16-4) also fell,
from sixth to seventh, barely
ahead of North Carolina State
(17-3) in eighth place. LaSalle
(14-2) ran ninth. Kentucky re
ceived five first ballots, Caro
lina and LaSalle three each,
Only new member of the top
ten, Kansas State (13-4) in 10th
place, got six top votes, the sec
ond highest total in the group.
K-State displaced CCNY (12-2)
which fell to 14th.
Million Trout
Eggs Given to
Fish Hatchery
The Willamette fish hatchery
has received it's main allotment
of 1,002,800 rainbow trout eggs
from the fall spawning brood
stock at the Rock Creek hatch
ery, the state game commission
The commission also main
tains fall spawning rainbow
brood stock at the Roaring Riv
er and Oak Springs fish hatch
eries. The eggs obtained from
the brood trout are held at the
hatchery until the eyes of the
embryo fish begin to appear.
Snow or ice is then packed
around the trout eggs and then
shipments are made to trout
hatcheries throughout Oregon.
Programs Needed to Show
Mid-Winter Coach Switches
(United Press SporU Writer)
New York, Feb. 8 (U.B To
heck with the players, you can't
even tell the coaches without a
program today.
Although winter traditionally
Is the season for the shuffling
of football professorships, the
changes reached a record high as
17 major colleges promised new
tutors for 1950 and five profes
sional teams likewise made
The latest developments came
when Art Lewis of Mississippi
State was hired at West Virgina;
Gene Ronzani, formerly of the
Chicago Bears, was named head
coach of the Green Bay Packers
of the National-American pro
fessional league; Art Valpey quit
at Harvard to become head man
at' Connecticut, and Henry
Luecht resigned at Washington
and Jefferson.
These left vacancies not
only at Harvard and W&J, but
also at St. Bonaventure, Iowa,
Pittsburgh and St. Mary's.
'Len Casanova of Santa Clara
aid he is "considering" an of
fer to take the Pitt post, and will
make up his mind within a few
days. Iowa was reported to
have turned to the east for Its
man. and was due to interview
Denny Meyers of Boston College
today or tomorrow. Jim Tatum
of Maryland bIbo was linked
with the Iowa position, but he
denied he had discussed It.
There were many applications
for the St. Mary's job, with two
ex - professional coaches, Ray
Flaherty and Jimmie Phelan,
top possibilities. Phelan coached
St. Mary's to its peak four years
ago, then left for the Los An
geles Dons who later folded.
Naturally, the great roulette
wheel produced its complication
For example, the Chicago Car
dinals and Green Bay both an
nounced they are interested in
hiring Joe Stydahar of the Los
Angeles Rams as a line coach
They ran into a slight hitch
Stydahar already has signed for
1950 with theRams.
The Cards and Packers still
say they are Interested In the
popular gentleman's services,
Stojack Snares
Shot at 'Title'
Frank Stojack flattened Tony
Ross, the "Great Atlas" and
Leo Wallick to gain first place
in Tuesday night's wrestling
tournament at the armory. He
will be awarded with a crack at
the so-called junior coast heavy
weight title.
Although Stojack has been
tossed out of the ring while striv
ing with Wallick, the latter was
disqualified because he had
caught hold of one of the ring
ropes. Later he tried to walk
away with the trophy put up for
first place, but he finally had
to yield the hardware.
(Oaaajriata Benito)
Capitol Alleys
WhltUker's Welder 0 Elwood 5.
ItwlMi 505, WhltUker IBS, WUUrd 409,
Obarrlntton 431. Salem Heavr Hllnr (li
Buumftn J. oracron on. wuw
M4, Farley 608, B. Craycroft 585.
Lodir Broa. (11 Downey 439, Ohakar
vn 501, Surratt 482, Shuck 454, Bush 531.
Hammond Body Shop (2) Brown 491,
LarMn 572, Otrdner A27, Mcdulra 445,
Hammond 515.
Mobllotl (1) Foreman 520, Pruatt IBS,
Jaikotkl 411, Buckley 399, W. Pruatt 438.
Chrla'a Market IJI-Cmien 437, Xvaru
too, Vlttoos 508, Oraycroft 485, Walta 512.
MoKay (31 Olbb 484, Thompson 388,
Mlttendorf 4S8, Bhiirtleff 458, Anderson
435. Salem Auto (0) William 315, Douih
rty 359, LaDue 351, Dunlgin 403, D.
nntivhertv 448.
-Taller Farm Store (21 Bolr 461.
Bchmldt 189. Gray 535, Keethar 600, Mor
al 487. Solo (D Krejel 470, Main 480,
Rockwell 447, Denatnor 623, Schrunk 4B0.
Hlih Individual aame: R. Farley, 214.
Hlih Individual aerlea: B. Farley. 806.
Ttlch team aame: Salem Heavy Hauling,
660. High team aerie: Salem Heavy Haul-
In 1664.
flnoboya (2) Schuatar 533, R. Alehlre
00, MereU 488, D. Aleshlr 416, MaNell
All, Valley motor Co, (1) Parker 477,
Bullock 412, Myers 366, Col well 448, Doer
fler 511.
Salem Police (31 Frteae 464, Parker 309,
BelnD 641. Mather 490. Main 465. Blue
Lake Parker (II Lanshoff 607, Eckley
430, Van Oadol 499, Alt r re 393, Oarlaon
Cal Pack (2) Werbowakt 464, Sloan
498, Helnke 433, Strum 448, SchrlddciRcr
634, Reck A Wads worth (1 Wadnworth
601, Anderson 466, Sherman 495, Ireland
Keith Brown (3 Ounrln 087, Orockatt
467, Jemlaan 490, H tiler Ich 448, Sours 464.
Barb'i Sportln Goorti (1 In til 609,
Braucht 454, Olney 529, Qlodt 603, Orei
ory 497.
Valdes Meat (2) Brown 612, Farrar 367,
JC1klA.ll 433, McKlnney 493, BlKler 649.
Stubblefleid (it Myre 440. Polk 480, Wer
ner 3S9, Walker 3B4. VI t tone 469.
Curlr'i (0) Wrifht 530, Polk 506. Volk
417. Edluntl 390. Miller 493. Iletlrwaod
Flnanee 3 Oeddes 463, Ktrchner 622,
Albrlch 632, Kenyon 569, Olney 646.
Hlih Individual same: Schuster of Snc
ttoya, 231. Htnti Individual aerie: Ken
yon of Hollywood Finance, 869. Hlih team
tamo and serie: Hollywood Finance, 913
nd 3623.
Theagenes Killed 1,800 Opponents
Malme Chevron (3) Malm 418, Wen
r 461, Karn 450, Adam 424, McDanlela
Bnrklanda-Lumber (1) H, Webb 427.
Burkland 443. Rankin 428. F. Webb
431, D. Burkland 439.
RamlntioH Rand (4) Oolburn 801. Klm-
mell 490, Raboln 466, Manalleld 467, CrUa
well 539, Peacock Cleaner (01 Alexander
Bonner 387. Volk 318. Sawyer 432.
Salstrom 481.
Terminal Ice (1 Santee 409. McDonald
385, Weston 414, Throneberry 436, Aottia
437. Mack Llnd (3) IJnd 608, Folk
468, Wilson S76, Oray 431, Morton 404.
Salem Reatlnr A Sheet Metal (3) Yapp
394, Lewi 388, Oladow 461, Knlellni 437,
Bvan 478. Standard Stations (3) KnuUi
446, Reddlnic 433, Specht 394, KopUchke
500. Purdy 461.
Hlih Individual tame and eerie: Orlu
well, 195 and 630.
Hlch team aerie: Remington Rand,
Wools, Karpets,
Inn Cagers Take
AAU Hoop Wins
Page Woolens, Karakul Kar
pets and Bu Trough's Inn were
winners Tuesday night as the
first rounds of District No. 6
A.A.U. basketball were fired on,
the Leslie floor.
The Page club, with Al Bellln-1
ger collecting 23 markers, down
ed Capitol Post No. 9, 60 to 23
while the Karpets trimmed West
Salem Merchants 79-57. Bur-
rough's Inn downed Naval Re
serve, 60-46.
The Aumsville Firemen, who
drew a first round bye will meet
Burrough's Thursday evening
when the second round is hoop
ed off. The Woolens will meet
the Karpets on the same pro
Pate Woolem (60) (48) Cap. Poat No. 0
Bellinger, aa r , mice
Llnd, 14 P 21, Hay
McRae, 17 C 3, Bates
Pane. 6 0 16. HURttlns
Oemmell, 10 G Barnlck
HQinime score: rages 3D, cap. rose m.
W. Salem Merch. (67) (79) K. Xarpet
Riley. 11 P 22, Unruh
Ortllef, 12 F 10, Svarverude
Decker, 16 C 1, Butte
Wilson, 4 0 10, McMorrls
Schaeffer, 7 30, Spless
Reserves scoring: W. Salem Klpps 7.
IC. Karpets Page 6. Halftlme score: W.
Salem 19, K. Karpets 34.
Naval Reserve (46) (60) Barron ih's Inn
Hartley. 6 P 13, Roberts
L. Perry. 10 P 6. Fisher
Oray, 12 C 20, Waters
Fischer, a ................ 7, Fltsslmons
Barnholt, 3 0 2, McRae
Reserves scoring:: Nnvv Bassett 12.
VanOeave 1. B. Inn Williams 10, Lee
2 Halftlme score: Navy 21, B. Inn 32.
Officials: Henery and Bebern.
Estacada Cagers
Take Twin Bill
From Woodburns
Estacada The Estacada Ran
gers took both ends o a twin
bill Willamette Valley league
basketball program Tuesday
night over the Woodburn Bull
dogs. After the Ranger Bees had
taken the preliminary 40-28, the
first division cagers won the
main event, 55-45.
Estaoada M) (is! seaborn
Nicholson 12 P 3 D. 6aton
Bed 16 P 4 TJndseth
KlgliiU 15 0 1 Bellau
Bill B O 1 Vandehey
Frlcker 4 0 14 Pavllcek
6u): Woodburn Rcnderion i, Hurlas
HlOE LOUIS' Alabama, U.S.A.
H Hl'M'l ilirtil Cinm.l3Ma.l
Hbyko 52 1 n
YankCindermen Fail in
Distance Olympic Heats
New York, Feb. 8 WV-It has
been 42 yean since an Ameri
can runner has won an Olympic
race longer than 800 meters. In
1908 Mel Sheppard won the
1,500 meters and Johnny Hayes
the Marathon . . . Since then our
guys haven't done so well at the
longer distances but there may
be a change if Curt Stone, Fred
Wilt and Horace Ashenfeltes
keep running against one an
other . . . All three were under
nine minutes for two miles the
first time that ever happened
to three Americans when Stone
won in 8:55.1 at Boston last
Saturday . . . And it's the com
iiiti'i miimiiii Omiii -imiitt
j wins limits I nuut
by ko 2102 O ,ann
Dallas Dragons
Sink Sandy, 52-42
Sandy The Dallas Dragons.
spearheaded by Wes Ediger 15
markers, decisioned Sandy, 52
42 in a Willamette Valley tilt
Friday night. Sandy matched
points with the invaders during
the first half and the two auints
left the floor at the intermission,
knotted at 19-all.
Duck Pin
Salem Merchant Patrol (01 Marjory
Prank 2S7, Marvin Qreenlr 347, Martha
Orlffin 220, Wayne Prank 374. Marlon Mo
tor (4) Paulina Oaborn 6 IB, Dert Ejih
elman 333, Louise Trlbble 313, BUI Camp
bell 4A9.
O. K. Rubber VTelrleri (3) Royal Pnw.
Ifty 439, Dottle Ciwpell 312, Tprry Kemp
383, Bill Qauthler H 12. Oapps Hud Can (2)
Ekidle Hen.iel 443, Jan Bunch 409, Wy
etta Capps 414, Lea C&ppj 436.
General Finance (41 PranclJ Miller
419, Martha Feje 421, Alma Penny 804,
Emll Scholi 513. Commercial Seat Cover
(01 Carol Capps 404, Opal Crppa 423,
Lucy Allen 369. Arnle Merer 427.
Orval'i tlted Can (1) Bill Lapflchlw
Almadran LanachlM 383. Chnrlen
Lapjichlra 423, Kelly Lapschles 363. Lloyrli
Ante Faint (31 Harold Duncan 429. Blllle
Duncan 313, Qlady Wood 494, Tom Wood
Hlih team lerlei: General Finance.
1931. Hlih team iame: Lloyds Auto Paint
664. Hlch Individual nerles: Alma Penny,
(General Finance) S64. Hlih Individual
iame: rom wood (uoyda Paint) 216.
Olson 11
Oook 10
Clark o,.
sum: Dallas Janzen
2; Sandy W. Cansler 4.
University Alleys
ftandaH'a Fine Meats (0) Stone 333,
lowry 378, Schlman 373, Wnttmore 371,
ftwanson 373. Lull Floriit (3 Llndaey
163, U pa ton 483, Albrlch 430, M. Adolph
463, Luti 447.
United Shell Alhrntnent (11 Rowland
197, Kaneskt 453, Van TJerhoof 413.
Bchmldt 373, Robertson 428, Anlla Shopt
(31 McDanlela 496, Lemon 433, Causey
135, Thompson 433, Davey 332.
Good Housekerpine (3) Clark 471, Olbb
B36, KreJcl 430, Olney 438, Oarbarlno 833.
Rlnrland'a Kennels (Oimock 403, Hall
443, fteinnara 377, rense 407, Snyder 443.
Hlih Individual triune: 196, Virginia
Oarbarlno, Hlnh Individual series: Ann
Oibb, 336. High team total; Oood House
kfleplnr, 2436.
Oappe TJsed Care (0 Bill Campbell 489.
L,aa uapps id, iiowara smiin aa, ion
ard Capps 407, Eddie Hensel 393. Davis
Oil (4) Wayne Fields 338. Bud Booth
337, Olen Blanton 432, Hank Miller 528,
Jerry Davis Bfll.
Hl-l.lte Drive Inn (11 Daune Frank
436. ueorse Reed 431. Wayne Frank 404
John Nolan 414. Emery Alderman 471
Held ere Radio 3 Al Kenfleld 476, Paul
Russell 488, Lee Russell 396, Keith Kaye
in, nave npaininit sia.
Sanaet Donnls (2 Royal Pawley 369,
B. P. Cushlni 438. Cliff Reed 403. Duane
Chretien 414, Art Finney 391. Freely Olten
i a i lom wooa 47?. saaie narrwon 461.
Km 11 Schols 399, BUI Oauthler 333, Arnle
Meyer 853.
Mirks Sign Shop (4) Mllbert Jacob er
loj, mi. moso ouf,. b. b. eneltrovi 431,
Francis Miller 453, Art Herschback 444.
ie Newman fOi Bam FOX 410, Bert Esh
elmen 30B, Harvey Pox 400. Bill
meyer 439, Harold Bonner 393.
Mlsh tenm series: Frostv ninnn u
HlBh team game: Sunset Donuls 890. HUh
individual series Jerry Spaldlnr iDsvls
wm. ooi. niFn inoivinuai tame: Dave
opamina ineiaera Radio) 231.
Auto or Porsonal
Baiem Afeocyt 464) N. Charcb 8L TeL S41M
(II) lunar
14 Barlow
. I Predrlckaon
3 Rannow
ft Oawvpy
OK. Oanaler
5, Base 1, Read
(AP Newa Features SporU Editor)
New York Joe Louis went
through 26 world's heavy
weight championship fights
without suffering a defeat, but
he was no Theagenes. Louis
never killed an opponent. Thea
genes killed 1,800.
To learn about Theagenes you
would have to read the writings
of Pausanias, Oenomaus Dio
Chrysostom, Lucian or Grom
bach. If you say 'that's a lot of
Greek' you'd be correct, exema
ing Grombach.
John V. Grombach, in The
Saga of Sock (A. S. Barnes and
Co.. $5), writes at length on
Theagenes, the greatest boxer of
the ancients. That was long be
fore the three-minute rounds
and Mike Jacobs. To be exact
Theagenes ruled between 484
and 468 B.C.
Grombach's aagt tells of
the spread of boxing from
Ethiopia to Egypt around
9,000 B.C., then to Crete,
Greece, England and finally
America. But this Theagenes
Is really the guy who Impresses.
The native of Thasos fought
2,102 battles and won 'em all.
He even took part in the pan
cratium, a contest combining
honest - to - goodness wrestling
with boxing and fought until one
gladiator either hollered "uncle"
or was killed in the process.
Theagenes was an Olympic
champion. He was crowned at
Olympia while the fate of Greece
was being decided on the battle
field of Thermopylae.
Boxing contests in those days
featured the cestus. It was the
"12 ounce glove of Its day,
but looked more like a leather
belt wrapped around a fist. It
was made of neavy leatner
thongs with a hard leather sur
face over the knuckles.
"Theagenes won 1,400 cham
pionships, often involving 10
fights a day," writes Grombach.
"He killed 1,800 men and
knocked out many more. Even
if this were a tenfold exaggra
tion, it still leaves a challenging
Theagenes was born about
505 B.C. If dates are correct
he became champion at 21.
At the age of nine it Is said
that because he took a child
ish fancy to a huge bronze
statue In the square of his
city he carried it away.
He wasn't punished, but was
made to return the statue be
fore witnesses. Thereupon he
became famous for his strength.
When he became of age he took
on all comers and had 1,400 olive
wreaths placed on his head.
Theagenes became so famous
that the Greeks erected a bronze
statue in his honor. When he
died one of his enemies flogged
nis statue, and as if in retribu
tion, the statute fell and killed
mm. Legend has it that the
tamily of the dead man prosecut
ed and the statute was convicted
of murder. Following traditional
Lrreek punishment for such
crimes, the Thracians dropped
the statute to the bottom of the
sea. Later the statue was re
covered by fishermen with nets
and set back to its original unnt
For centuries any Theagenes
statute was considered a cure-
all lor injured athletes.
If Joe Louis could only
find one now he might try
to regain his youthful figure.
But don't let anyone tell you
Louis was tops in defending
his crown. Theagenes got so
many olive wreaths that he
could have opened a stuffed
olive factory.
By trie Aaaocieted Press)
Washlnston state 64, Oregon 48.
Northern Idaho 86, Whitman 49.
Montana V. 63, Portland 46.
Seattle U. 76, St. Martin's 43.
Seattle D. Prosh 83. St. Martin's Proan
centralis J.O. 54, Grays Harbor J.o. 43.
Washington Prosh 73. Skailt Valley
J.O. 46.
Willamette 59, Oreson Collese 49.
Gonsasa 70. Whltworth 59.
San Jose 31, Santa Clara 48.
Presno State 55, Calif. Poly 4T.
Collese of Pacific 54, Chlco 43.
Holy cross 108. Colgate 76.
Lone Island 51, Springfield (Mass.) 49.
Duquesne 71, Akron 57.
Cornell 49, Harvard 48.
William and Mary 54. North Carolina
State 50.
Weke Porest 57, North Carolina 54,
George Washington 66, Clemson 61.
Duke 65, The Citadel 39.
San Francisco 57, Xavier Oh!o) 47.
Notre Dame 56, Chicago Loyola 41.
petition that brings improve
mtnt. As Curt explained: "Ash
has been testing various paces
to see what will kill me off."
Stone just refuses to be killed.
Don't be surprised if the col
lege all-star football team trains
somewhere in Wisconsin for the
1950 Chicago game instead of
in Evanston, 111. . . . Saddest guy
in Lake Placid over the week
end was the one who spent two
months laying out an ideal cross
country course for the world
championship skiers only to have
them depart for Maine when
snow didn't arrive. . . . When
Jim Wetherall, 225-pound Okla
homa tackle, lost his first col
lege wrestling match because he
ran out of steam, he moanad
"Coach why don't we use the
platoon system in wrestling?'
. . . Washington State is plan
ning an all-out welcome for its
new football coach, Forest Eva
sheviski, with everything from
brass bands to stage coaches
. . . How about a couple of good
Before OCE Pups
By 40-24 Count
Willamette's freshman quint
could not keep pace with the
Oregon College of Education
Jayvees Tuesday night and the
latter scored a 40-24 decision.
The younger Wolves were ahead
18-9 at half time.
WO Fresh (34)
Green 2
Bonowltz 3 .....
Smith 1
Jewell 4
(By the Associated Press)
Salem 47, Corvallls 44.
Marshfleld 71, Reedaport 43.
St. Mary's (Eugene) 30, Junction City
Sacred Heart (Salem) 63, Independence
Ohemawa 36, St. Paul 31.
Mllwaukla 50, Columbia Prep (Portland)
Wlllamlna 40, Amity 17.
West Linn 51, McMinnville 41.
Oregon City 53, Newberi 49.
Estacada 65, Woodburn 45.
Monmouth 47, Valsets 30.
Porest Grove 43, Tlgard 36.
Taft 54, Sheridan 22.
Sweet Home 53, Albany 33.
Sclo 63, Halsey 41.
Dayton 45, Newport 28.
Seaside 45. Tillamook 39.
Toledo 46, Waldport 38.
Sandy 43, Dallas 63.
Willamette (Eugene) 36, oekrldge 33.
Mt. Angel 41. Canby 33.
Eugene 48, Cottage Oroya 36.
Elmlra 53, Drain 43.
Molalla 43, Sllverton 36.
Grants Pass 64, Eagle Point 36.
Culver 47, Gilchrist 30.
At Portland
Grant 43, Lincoln 35.
Jefferson 45, Franklin 40.
Roosevelt 71, Washington 31.
Cleveland ss, Benson 32.
The Ezzard Charles pub
licity dept. points out that
when Ezzard defends his title
against Freddie Beshore in
Buffalo, Feb. 28, he'll be one
month ahead of Joe Louis,
who made his third title de
fense a little more than nine
(46) OCE Jayreea
...P 4 Banta
...F Slonnacker
...O..a,aa t Staudlnier
...0 7 Palmqulst
.O 1 Mllllgan
Subs: wu Richarts 1. Hands 7. Ruff 2:
OCE Shcultz 8, Jack Bushnell 3, Skuzeskl
9. .
Dayton Hoopers
Defeat Newport
Dayton Dayton Union high
scored a 45-28 decision over
Newport Tuesday night. Half
time was 26-19 for Dayton. The
latter won the preliminary, 27-
Newport (38)
Oarr 4
Beatty 5
T. Anderson 12
Heed 5 .
Wllldni O
Subs: Newport Wright
Allen 6, Putnam 1. Reeder 4.
(451 Dayton
4 Matthews
.... 12 BeU
, 3 Sherman
, 9 Manning
, 7 J. Allen
Dayton D.
months after he won it . . .
Practicing trick basketball
shots the other day, six-foot-nine
Clyde Lovellette of Kan
sas drop kicked the ball
through the basket . , . Prob
ably it was the first time
Clyde ever booted one with
out getting a howl from his
ffant Better Heating Hesuits bom wo
of hot-water system? Come in aod see dx ocv
Delco-Hcat Oil-fired Boiler I
Salem Heating &
Sheet Metal Co.
Dial 3-8555
1085 Broadway
Silverton Drips Spoil
Police Club Ring Gloves
Sllverton When the recre
ational youths of the Police
Athletic club went to the
Washington Irving building to
don their boxing gloves for a
work - out a disappointment
met the group.
Four sets of gloves hang
ing from hooks on the wall
were completely filled with
water. Ruined for sports use.
Just another casuallty of
nb-zero weather.
The water tank Installed
for the Chamber of Commerce
rooms, burst from the freez
ing of the water content and
"leaked" the gloves full of
Vic Grossnickle, chief of po
lice and supervisor of the
athletic club, reported the loss
of the gloves at least $26.
A Sllverton business man,
generous, and always among
the first to help in any proj
ect that is for the better
ment of the youth of town,
presented the club with a
check when he heard of the
The club had worked hard
for equipment and a place for
sports contest and practice for
the young folk of the home
town. Any setback is deplor
ed by those favoring this ac
Water seeped into other
rooms and into the basement
causing considerable damage
aside from the gloves. Some
tape and gauze was also
The Man's Shop's Great Money Saving Sale of
Quality Suits, Topcoats and Selected Furnishings
Ends February 11th
SUITS -One Group at 30 Off
Broken sizes ond patterns. A wonderful buy for those men who need on extra suit. All regular stock
suits carry an attractive reduction.
TOPCOATS -One Group at 40 Off
These are all first quality coats. Sizes and patterns are broken. It will pay you to investigate at these
ridiculously low prices!
TOPCOATS - One Group at 20 Off
This group Includes our finest Kuppenhelmer pattern coats and all imported English tweeds. This
group will appeal to those men who appreciate fine fabrics and hand tailoring at its best.
All other coati in stock, including the finest coverts and gabardines, are substantially reduced!
Selected Lots of DRESS SHIRTS and SPORT SHIRTS Take a 40 to 50 Reduction!
SOCKS from the nation's leading maker of men's hosiery fancy wools, most attractive patterns, past season's
design, were $1.10 NOW 85 C
For those men who hanker for Spring and a suit that spells S-P-R-l-N-G in capital letters well
they're here, they're handsome, they're quality plus and not expensive. Why not take a look tomorrow?
The Store of Style. Quality & Value
416 State Street
Salem, Oregon