Children Prove Sure Shots for News Photos The Old-Time recipe for good photography "Take a natural picture of a youngster" still f Holds true, as tnese snots prove, iney are tnree prize winners ana a winner 01 uunuruuie f mention in a contest for press photographers on the general theme, "America s cniiurcn f Today" (sponsored by the editors of the Book of Knowledge), All entries showed children between 6 and 13 in typical scenes at home, school and play.. The entire collection of 102 prize panels will tour Europe and representative cities in the United States.' r. . . . . . ... tmim ' nidi mTmM Maurice Miller of the Houston (Tex.) Post won $300 cash and $200 in books as first prize with this shot. Runnerup: By Bob Doty, Dayton (O.) Journal-Herald. Little Aid for Flax Expected Flax growers can expect lit tle help from Washington in dis posing of the present flax crop, Clay Cochran, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, told a group of 20 flax plant directors and officers Tuesday in report ing upon his recent trip east. Flax operators had looked for a subsidy or some similar assist ance but the outlook at present is not encouraging, he said. Flax plant managements are working closely together and the industry has been established on a firmer basis, Henry R. Craw ford told the group. Crawford is chairman of the state flax ad visory committee. Studies are also being made of improved marketing methods. Crawford held that the first step forward the production of a better quality. Named to a committee to meet with state flax men on estab lishing uniform grades to be oDtainea inrougn unitorm grow ing methods were Fred Schwab, Mt. Angel; Clinton Christenson, Molalla. and Walter Shelby, Jef ferson. The committee will re port back to another meeting in March. Approximately 20 flax men were present from Mt. Angel, Jefferson, Canby and Molalla as well as members of the recently named state flax board headed by Crawford. The annual meeting of the Santiam Flax Growers was held at the Jefferson plant Wednes day starting at 10 o'clock. 'Limpalong Hope' To Enter Rodeo Palm Springs, Calif., Feb. 8 (IP) Bob Hope is honorary may or of Palm Springs but March 21 he will assume the added title of "Limpalong Hope." The Chamber of Commerce claims he is entering some west ern style events marking this desert town's annual circus week a week of rodeos, pa rades, fiestas, barbecues, west ern fashion shows, etc. $2 Millions of Dope Seized New York, Feb. 8 A cache of narcotics worth $2,400,000 was seized last night part of it in a telephone booth in the Hotel McAlpin where it alleged ly had been left for a customer by peddlers. The seizure and two arrests were revealed early today by police and federal agents. The prisoners were linked with a dope ring that has been trailed since last November, Polke said. They were booked as Isidore Halitzer, 31, and Philip Shear, 31, both of Brooklyn. The two men were arrested Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1950 11 after parking their automobile off Herald Square 33rd street and Broadway near the hotel. After the arrests, police said, 33', 4 ounces of pure heroin were found in the car, 13 ounces in a package in the hotel phone booth, one ounce on Shear's per son, and 662Ji ounces in a Brook lyn apartment. Police said Halitzer telephon ed a customer and told him a package would be left for him in the telephone booth. It was Halitzer's practice, police added, to wait nearby until he saw a customer pick up a package. Police, who found 1,000 pairs of nylon stockings in the rear seat of the car, said the two prisoners used hosiery in car tons as a cover-up for delivery of narcotics. Halitzer and Shear wera charged with pnsspssing nar cotics. Guests at Hubbs Home Silverton Recent house guests of Mrs. George W. Hubbs have been Mrs. Grace Chalfan of Portland and Miss Jeannia Anderson, a former local teacher. Oh! No! Joe is Not GOING OUT OF BUSINESS It's an annual custom before the end of the winter season for Joe to SELL OUT His Entire Stock Regardless of Cost Close up his store, and go on a 6 weeks' buying trip for a new, complete stock. Joe will open again about April 15th, Come up now and SAVE y3 to On Joe's Super Quality Suits, Topcoats, Slacks, Pants, Sport Coats and Hats During Joe's Complete Selling Out Sale SALE ENDS 5:30 P. M. SAT., FEB! 25 Open Friday Nite Till 9 o'Cock JOES Upstairs Clothes Shop 442 STATE STREET ABOVE MORRIS OPTICAL SALE! TOSSY CLEANSING CREAMS : 1.75 size now 3 size now '1.95 pimua 1 EMULSIFIED CI.EAKSIKG CIIEAM Ideal for dry ekins. Rich in lanolin PINK CLEANSING CREAM Refreshing for normal and oily skins. Gives skin fresher look. Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" "Boo," by At Panzen, Fort Worth (Tex.) Star-Telegram, was named 7th best In field of 1,350. This Shot by James N. Keen, Louisville Courier-Journal, was awarded an honorable mention. Social Hygiene Study Sponsored at Brooks Brooks The Brooks Parent- Teacher association is sponsoring a Dickerson home study course, which will be a class in social hygiene which is under the di rection of the Marion County Tu berculosis and Health associa tion. Mrs. Jack Wykoff, public health nurse, will conduct the first meeting, at which the film "Human Growth" will be shown, The date is Friday, February 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the eighth grade classroom. All persons interested are Invited. New Keizer Lutheran Church Will Organize Sunday School Keizer, Feb. 8 Organization of a Sunday school department for the recently organized Lutheran church at Keizer will be per fected at the services this Sunday with pupils from three years of age up to be assigned classes under the direction of Mrs. Carl Loneeland. superintendent. r Sunday school services will be held at 11 o'clock with an nouncements to be made Sun day of the evening services and of young peoples' meetings Feb ruary 19 and 26. Rev. George L. Holmquist, pastor, is making arrangements to show a sound film "Like a Mighty Army" as one of the features of an eve ning service in the near future, with others to be shown later. The first ministerial act re corded for the new congregation was the baptism last. Saturday evening of Mary Dawn Meiser, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Arthur Meiser, 5057 Will avenue. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard 4 Gothren, Mrs. Meiser, the pa- ternal grandmother and Mrs. Holmquist. Mrs. Meiser served refreshments. In spite of unfavorable weath er conditions between 150 and 200 persons accepted the invita tion last Sunday to attend the open house arranged for the chapel and services at 4505 North River road. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Holmquist, assisted by Mrs. Carl Tonack with Mrs. Carl Langeland pre siding at the coffee table. Signatures were obtained of all those attending the first church service and the record book will be preserved for his torical references at future an niversaries. Photographs were taken by Mark Gehlhar and moving pictures by Mrs. Holm quist. Greeting the congregation were Oscar Olson and Carl Langeland with Marvin Lange land and Carl Holmquist, ushers. Businessmen of the community provided flowers with Rev Holmquist speaking on "God's Estimate of a Man." Music in cluded selections by an a capella choir with other numbers ac companied by Mrs. Tonack. store some time ago. Fry was member of - the city council, and was otherwise active in the Legislators Seek Bill To Put Ban on Tipping Jackson, Miss., Feb. 8 (fP) Two members of the Mississippi legislature say tipping is a nui sance. They've introduced a bill to stop it. Rep. Lowell Grisham and B. T. Weeks asked the house to approve a $100 fine on firms allowing tipping. They suggest $50 fines on those accepting or Frys Complete Move Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fry have finished moving their household goods to Grants Pass. The Frys sold their business in terests to W. F. McMurry who took over the Western Auto civic program of the town. Mrs Fry will be missed socially and among church circles of town FINAL CLEARANCE Shop! Wfit Save! LINGERIE SLIPS 2.88 3.88 4.88 PAJAMAS 1 Group Reg. 8.98 A QQ NOW t.QO Group 4.98 NOW group 6.98 NOW group 8.98 NOW GOWNS group 8.98 A QQ NOW .00 group 10.98 C QQ NOW J.OO group 14.98 g. QQ N5w O.OO group 16.98 J QQ NOW ' 00 group 19,95 Q OQ NOW 7.00 Nationally Adv. Labels -Ln If! h a it 2 IS .art VirfU T. oUa Qim I. Otlitm Serving Salem ond Vicinity as Funeral Director for 21 Years Convenient location for both friends and family. Direct route to cemeteries no cross traffic. New modern building ample parking space. Complete funeral services within the means of everyone. Bcu. Mim. Br.w Virgil T. Golden Co. Mortuary 605 South Commercial St. Telephone 4-2257 155 North Liberty Prion 3-3191 SALE! 3 Days Only FECIAL mukhase sprkk dresses $(o) (o) REGULARLY 9.98 CHOOSE FROM THESE: Dressy and tailored styles 1 - and 2-piece dresses 2-skirted suit dresses Prints, solids and combinations Rayon taffetas and novelties Rayon crepes and tissue failles SIZES FOR JUNIORSMISSES AND WOMEN ALL OUR BEST SELLING STYLES Every dress brand new the type you find every day in our regular stocks. The manufacturer offered us a special price during his slow season; we took a low mark-up; YOU reap the savings! Hurry in. Get acquainted, now, with Wards great buying power. Quantities are limited, so come early. Shop Wards til 9 Every Friday Night Handing out tips.