10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 19S0 Real Sharp Christian Actress Colleen Townsend (left) sings "I'd rather have Jesus" from the pulpit of the Punxsu tawney, Pa., First Presbyterian church. She told a jam-packed church congregation the inside story of how she became "a real sharp Chiistian" and gave up a $750-week movie con tract and a chance at stardom. (Acme Telephoto) Photos of Newsmen Found in Dive Blamed on Mike Elliott Portland, Ore., Feb. 8 (U.R) Sheriff Terry Schrunk and state liquor agents raided an after-hours resort today and found on the walls photographs of 29 Oregonian and Journal staff members which, the newspapermen said, obviously were taken from sheriff s office files. ' Mike Elliott, who was recalled as Multnomah county sheriff last fall after a vigorous Port land newspaper campaign, said: "I don't know a thing about asserted the place had been operating as a bawdy house. The raid was based on in formation that illegal purchases of liquor could be made in the establishment. Newspaper reporters, who re called that they had their pic tures taken for free passes, said the pictures found on the walls of the raided resort were dupli cates of the ones issued by the sheriff's office during Elliott's term as sheriff. The photographs were taken by an employee in the identifi cation bureau. The negatives are in the bureau's files. The news papermen said evidence Indi cated a probability the pictures were transferred during the period from July 7 to Aug. 5, 1049, when Stanley McDonald, head of the identification bureau, was under suspension at Elliott's order. Mother of Two Hopes to See Them Soon for the First Time Atlanta, Feb. 8 MP) The mother of two small children hopes to see them and her husband soon for the first time. Mrs. Mary Ella Sams, 33-year-old wife of a textile worker, was the willing subject yesterday for an operation color-tele vised for 1,000 doctors attending a southeastern gradua'e assembly. As they watched a screen" magnifying details five times, a surgeon painstakingly replaced the cloudy while film over the pupil of Mrs. Sams left eye with a healthy cornea from a stillborn baby. Mrs. Sams, almost totally blind since infancy, waited hopefully until a few hours be fore the operation to learn if it could be performed. Doctors had made an unsuc cessful nationwide search for a cornea. Then, a stillborn baby arrived at Grady hospital and the parents consented to use of one of its undamaged corneas. Mrs. Sams should know in two or three weeks if her op eration is a success. Surgeons said corneal grafts seldom re sult in perfect vision but to those who have never seen even partial vision seems miraculous. Doctors watched the opera tion in Grady hospital from the Municipal auditorium several blocks away. The demonstration was sponsored by Smith, Kline and French laboratories with equipment developed by the Columbia Broadcasting system. It was televised over the Atlan ta Journal's station WSB-TV. Luther Burbank experimented with popping sorghum like corn. Atkinson Low on Detroit Gas Outlets Portland, Feb. 8 OT Low bid of $356,938 for four outlet gas assemblies at Detroit dam was submitted Tuesday by Guy F. Atkinson Company doing busi ness as Willamette Iron and Steel Co., Portland. rne corps or engineers re ported that the work involves design, manufacture and de livery of the assemblies at the dam on the t North Santiam river. There were 12 bidders with offers coming from Alabama, Maryland, Ohio, San Francisco and Seattle. Bt THRIFTY. WHVPAK MOREff St JoteDh Aanlrln la a tuir. 12 tM 10c; 100 Ubl.U only 45c, Why piy more or ever accept lees than tha St. Josepl luvum ox -Aipirui m in Dan." JBu; .M Jam. kUJIrli! Gl Permitted to Bring Japanese Wife Home Washington, Feb. 8 HP) The house Tuesday passed a bill which would let a former Port land, Ore., G.I. bring his Jap anese wife to the United States. Under the bill Mrs. Janis Shimada Page, wife of Gordon Leslie Page, could enter this country for three months. During that time she and Page would 7 The First Dr. All Sastro amidjojo, first ambassador from the new republic of In donesia to the United States, is shown on his arrival in New York. He was formerly min ister of education for Indone sia. (Acme Telephoto) Edward, Wally To End Exile London, Feb. 8 MP) The Eve ning Star said today the Duke of Windsor and his American Duchess plan to end their long self-imposed exile from Eng land before the end of 1950. The Star said the Duke and the former Wallis Warfield Simpson, for whose love he gave up the throne in 1936, have real estate agents looking for a suit able country house within easy reach of London. "When he was here just bfore Christmas the Duke was im- pressed by the friendly recep tion he had," a Star columnist wrote. "He feels, I am told, that he is wanted back in Britain." The duke and duchess are now visiting in Mexico. The Star said three persons, including the duke's mother, Queen Mother Mary, have had most to do with his decision to come home. The others, the story said, are Lord Brownlow, a close friend of the duke and duchess, and Lord Dudley, at whose home in Sunningdale they visited in April, 1949. A press official for Bucking ham palace denied any knowl edge of the duke's plans. He said to a reporter: "We only handle the affairs of the immediate royal family here." have to marry under American laws. They were married in a Jap anese ceremony in 1948 and have one child, born in 1949 Page is an officer of the U.S. civilian information office at Gifu, Japan. He formerly serv ed at the fourth replacement de pot, Zama, Japan, and was dis charged from the army in 1946 The bill now goes to the sen ate. Good Sight Can Mean Good Looks Today's good looking eye-glasses improve the looks rather than detract. Styled to flatter the face . . .' these handsome modern glasses are glamorous, exciting. Come in this week for a careful eye examination. Dr. E. E. Borlnr USE YOUR CREDIT Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 Dr. Sam Hughes In 1860, four U.S. people worked on the farm to feed one off the farm, but today one farm er feeds four off the farm. Appointed David L. Cole (above) a Paterson, N. J lawyer will head the three man board of inquiry appoint ed by President Truman to look into issues at dispute in the work stoppage in the soft coal industry. The board was instructed by the president to report not later than February 13. (AP Wirephoto) Sex Appeal Not All, Male Students Decide Tuscaloosa, Ala., Feb. 8 (U.R) Sex appeal took a hind seat at the University of 'Alabama when male students voted personality more important in a girl. FINAL CLEARANCE DRESSES ( 4.88 U ...... 6.88 is On Group, Values to 19.95 NOW One Group, Values to 22.95 NOW 1 One Group, Values to 24.95 NOW i 8.88 The survey, conducted In the school of commerce, showed men students thought intelligence and beauty more necessary than a girl's "charms." Of the six qualities voted on, wealth and background ranked at the bottom. i Hero for one minute and think how easily and economically you could modernize that old bath room. Your choice of gleaming new fixtures in white or one of many beautiful pastel colors. See Our Large Display of the Latest in Modern Plumbing Fixtures ' JfcfV ,t .COH.IBCI.Ht. I Convenient terms. All remodeling costs, includ ing carpenter work, building materials, etc., may be included. No down payment. 36 months to pay. 2leep longer ft flit -JMIJLTU"JaBB & IIP ROT BREAKFAST FASTI Now you can serve a hot breakfast almost as fast as instant coffee! A good and nourishing WholeWheat dish, rich in energy food for a. busy morning. Your family will love its rich "wheaty" flavor. Try it! YOf KNOW Try Carnation NtSTMT WHfflT! VOR EGON l .... ai i sriiiiYtinf I I Utrl.Ut AuKlUUUntl 1 AAnni'i? r nn ispected vv I JJv Si r WW LS .TC hvV U J U U J u u U J UlU uuUu Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State Street Markets to Serve You L 611 North CaP'to1 rOREGON7 DEPI.Of AGRKMfURfl inspected I 1NB I V PASSED ' PORK ROAST lb. 3 3c I ad ms Ad I Beef ROASTS lb. & 5c Sm" The answer to your meat problems - no m,, cm nnni CPE A II. A T "limits" - EVERYDAY PRICES at either of " . . .. PORK STEAK lb. 4 3 c midget markets Swiss STEAKS lb. 5 8c L'" '" Cu" HARRY M. LEVY, Owner tm., cu LOIN CHOPS lb.49c Sa,em'5 Meot Merehntf" 35 Ye Ground BEEF lb.&3( Siced BACON lb. 3 9c ".ri; a Pork Sausage Ib.Oc Boneless CUBES Ib.fi2.5c Pal o' the Pancake. j NfV V I II C All Meat No Waste LITTLE LINKS lb.45c BACON ? Ib-Boneless ROAST lb. 5 9c Breakfast Treats f A. Carving o Pleasure Loin End ROAST Ib.lc Lean Side BACON lb.4Qc T-Bone Steaks Ib. 5 c Tenderloin Cut Nice Individuals POLISH Rings lb.49c Bacon Squares IbJOc Skinless WIENERS lb.39c Tosta Thrills Sure te B Tender Smoked LINKS lb. 5 5c Medium BACON Ib. 3 5c LUNCH Meats Ib. Jc Old Southom flavor Su9" Cured T.mpting Varieties PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM -SELECT YOUR FAVORITE SIZE AND CUT. NO "SPECIALS," WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO.