u-7 4 'At." One Dead in Train Derailment Derailed cars of the Milwaukee railroad's crack train, the Chippewa Hiawatha, are returned to the tracks near Saukville, Wis., where the train hit a broken rail and overturned. One man was killed and 64 persons were injured in the accident. Authorities said it was "miraculous" that the death toll was not higher. (Acme Telephoto) Dallas Sewage Bond May Be on Ballot in Dallas, Feb. 7 It is quite probable that Dallas faced with the matter of a bond issue in the $50,000 at the May primary election, according Smith. The state sanitary authority has given the to construct a sewage disposal plant which must De in opera tion by the end of 1951. Several years ago the city voted a $150,000 bond issue for the plant and storm sewers. Storm sewers required the sale of $42,000 in bonds, leaving only $108,000 in unsold bonds for the plant which, it is now estimated, will cost between $150,000 and $175,000. The storm sewers were install ed several years ago, but the sewage plant was not construct ed at the time of the original issue because of a shortage of materials. The original proposition called for revenue bonds and a fee sys tem was set up whereby each water user pays a sum each month for the sewage fund. Revenue bonds are no longer considered the most desirable type, however, and it is prob able that the proposition pre sented to voters in the primary would call for general obligation bonds with a revenue feature. Such bonds do not carry as high a Tate of interest and are also more readily sold. Apparently the city has no alternative but to construct the plant because the sanitary au thority is vested with the pow er to enforce the law on the mat ter. Failure of the voters to No Action Air Force Washington, peared today will have to other year before congress de cides to establish an air force academy. A congressional is the chief reason. school have been 195 communities in 34 states. Some members of congress, who asked to remain anony mous, said they this additional back home while for re-election. Chairman Carl Ga.,) of the ices committee hearings on the said no actual be considered department selection board in spects all 195 sites. The board, Carl Spaatz, force chief of 43 sites to date. 32 Tears Later Waldron, Mich., approve . the issue would only result in legal action and more expense to the city, and yet Ray A. Farnham is proudly wearing the medal he just re ceived for gallantry In action. the plant construction would re main a necessity, Mayor Smith states. Farnham won after a campaign at Jucignon, France, Aug. 29, 1918. The present sewage disposal plant is completely inadequate city leaders' admit. It was con structed for use by a population and into LaCreole creek, creat of 1,500 to 2,000 people and is ing an especially bad situation in periods of low water for those whose property fronts on the serving between 5,000 and 6 000. Raw sewage flows through it creek. STOP! BUYING IEI cann IF00I Save Your Grocery Budget Money Until Friday, Feb ruary 17th for Dividend Low, Low Prices on Canned Foods at Your IGA Food Store. BIGGEST CANNED FOOD SALE SINCE PRE-WAR DAYS Your Fovoritt Qualify Brandt All at Money Saying Prices Save Every Day At . . . U.S. Employment' Hits 4,480,000 Washington, Feb.-7 ftJ.R) Un employment rose to a postwar high of 4,480,000 persons in mid-January, the census bureau said today. The bureau said 56.947,000 persons had jobs on Jan. 14 com- i pared with 58,556,000 a month I earlier. , Secretary of Commerce Char les Sawyer said the sizeable in crease is to be expected between December and January because of "seasonal developments." He called it "noteworthy that industrial employment did not appear to be materially affec ted." Sawyer noted that a year ago unemployment increased sub stantially between December and January. Couple Has 5th Set of Twins Denison, Tex., Feb. 7 (ff) Mrs Henry White of Durante, Okla.. has run out of names and Mr. White stopped passing out cigars long ago. They've just had twins for the fifth time. That makes 19 children for the Whites. Sixteen of them are living. The first twins ar rived in 1932, the second in 1938, the third in 1947 and the fourth in 1949. Two sets were girls and the other three were mixed. Mrs. White, 41 said, "I've run but of names and anyway, my sister-in-law promised to name Issue May voters will be neignhorhood of to Me? or Mollis city final notice them this time." Seen on Her husband had no comment on the twins. Asked if he was going to pass out the cigars he Academy said: "Nope. I quit that a long Feb. 7 U.R) It ap time ago. that the airforce wait at least an The Way to Perfect Health That health is always the natural condition of man is made wholly clear in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Through the thoughtful reading of this book, which contains the complete ex planation of Christian Sci ence, thousands have been completely and permanent ly healed of every manner of disease. Science and Health, to gether with the Bible and other authorized Christian Science literature, may be read, borrowed, or pur chased at Christian Science Reading Room 148 S. High St. Hours: 10 A.M. -9 P.M. Week Days Wed., 7:30 P.M. Information conce ruin g Church services, free pub lic lectures, and other Christian Science activities also available. election year Bids for the submitted by do not want pressure" from campaigning Vinson, (D., house armed serv promised to hold issue. But he legislation will until a defense headed by Gen retired former air staff, has inspected Feb. 7 (UPJ the decoration ruiiiniunHMiTTn 1 Vyy 4 WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS After Inventory DAMAGED ALL MAIN FLOOR Men's Wool Plaid Jackets and Choppers Some reinforced sleeve and cuff. Size 38-48. 12 only. Poplin and Tackle Twill Zipper Jackets 15 only. JEN-CEL-LET CRUISERS S & M, insulated. T only. $99 $999 Uniform Pants or Shirts $)99 m 1 t it l 1 1 Lt 2 j. an aim green, orduiuru cuiu. Sanforized. Boys' Western and Print Sport Shirts Short sleeve. Sizes 6-12. 75 only. Final Clearance of Men's Sport Shirts Gabardine, nylon, etc. Men's Ties Clearance on assorted patterns in satin, wool, rayon. Cotton Dresses Uniforms (85 only). 12-20, 38-44. 99c $199 66 WOMEN'S ROBES CflQQ Quilted Cotton and Satin 25 only. 12-20. Clearance on Better Dresses Some maternity included. 50 only. ACCESSORIES 30 Fall Handbags Values to $8.95. $500 50 Women's Purses Assorted colors. Damaged. 8 only. Women's Purses Navy, black, green, red, in plastic. 15 only. Head Scarfs 50 wool and rayon. 24 only. 49 49. 29 SPORT WEAR Women's Jackets t A $4 12 only. Wool and corduroy. Sizes 10-18. Women's Blouses Assorted colors. Sizes 32-40. 20 only. Cashmere Sweaters Slipover style, natural color. Seconds. 10 only. Skirts i All wool plaids and plains. 24 30 waists. 13 only. $100 $2" 2" dl CLOSE-OUTS DISCONTINUED SALES FINAL NO CO.D. LINGERIE DEPT. Rayon Briefs and Ladies' Vests Part wood, large sizes. 40 only. RAYON KNIT GOWNS WOMEN'S SLIPS SHORTY GOWNS PAJAMAS 30 only. Ladies' Nylon Nylon Hose 51-30, 51-15, 30-45. Broken sizes, assorted shades. 39' 99 49 1 i anorea ana ouicner Doy. jz 40. 50 only. Plain Flannel Gowns, Prints 18-20. 35 only. Flannel Pajamas $199 $J69 19' 59' Anklets Wool. Part Wool, Cotton, odds and ends. B'i-lO. Fall Belts Assorted sizes, colors. 25 only. SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR 100 Wool Gabardine and Tweed Suits 2 or 3 of a kind. Sizes 10-20 16 only. Winter Coats $goo $fiJ0G $Q00 Broadcloth, Gab. fleeces. Size 10-20. Fleece In Long and Short Coats 7 only. Formals White and pastels. 13 only. 9 to 15, 10 to 16. Women's Fall Hats Dark colors in wool felts. 90 only. Nat'l. Advertised Bras and Garter Belts 50 only. "Teen-Age" Girls' Dresses Rayon, wool, cotton. Sizes 10-12-14. 15 only. Children's Dresses 60 only. Cotton and royon, Sizes 7-14. Children's Fall Wool Skirts Sizes 3-14. 25 only. $00 $200 99c $199 $J99 'O OFF 00 1 3 to 6x. 50 only. Girls' Winter Coats 100 wool, fur trimmed, fleece, 19 only. Boys' Coats 100 wool tweed and covert, 3-6 years. 8 only. Children's Dresses $00 $Ij00 $00 Capital Journal. Salem, Or.. Tuesday, February 7. 1950 3 177 north liberty SHOE DEPT. Growing Boys' Shoes Sizes 2-6. Reg. 6.95. Men's, Children's, Women's House Slippers All kinds and descriptions. BASEMENT DOMESTIC DEPT. Basement Cannon Towels In Beau. Striped colors. Heavy weight. Full size. 60 only. Cannon Wash Cloths In astd. colors. Reg. weight. Striped patterns. 60 only. Pillow Slips Pink, yellow, blue, green. Size 42x36. Cannon muslin. 124 only. CURTAIN DEPT. Plastic Yardage 50 yds. Plain assorted colors. 36 inches wide. Cotton Panels Astd. lengths. White. 40 width. 50 only. Curtain Yardage Blue pin dot, peach, cat paw, plain marquisette for every room. 75 yds. Ruffled Priscilla Curtains Color gold and rose. Size 44x 81. 12 only. APPLIANCE DEPT. Used 3-Burner Hot Point Range Deep well cooker. 40 Floor Samples of Famous Name Ranges and Refrigerators 7949 Models at Reduced Prices 5-Ft. Used Refrigerator Good condition. Used Reehm Gas Water Heater 40 Gal. White enamel. MEZZANINE Plastic Aprons Colors and patterns. Ruffled edges. Odds and Ends of Remnants 36-in. Damask Floral pattern, assorted eolors. Figured French Crepe Astd. eolors and patterns. $299 99c 39' 5' 39' 39' 49' 49' $339 00 2500 3000 69 HALF PRICE 69 69