r I I Af J kf I lbeen defined by state law KJ.I.S YY mOW VjlVen INO iaim Other community property On Insurance If Not Beneficiary Washington, Feb. 7 VP) The supreme court rulrd Monday that a GI's widow cannot claim half his life insurance benefits under state community property laws if she is not named benefic iary. Such state laws generally say that property acquired by either a husband or wife becomes the Joint property of both. Califor nia courts ruled that a widow Mercy Killing Nearing Jury Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 7 UP) Connecticut's first mercy slay ing trial was at an end today, with a jury of 12 pa'ents ready to fix the fate of blonde Carol Ann Paight. The 21-year-old girl is charged V' with second degree murder for . shooting her father, Carl Paight, because he was incurably ill of cancer. ' Final arguments to the nine women and three men on the Jury were first on today's sched ule, followed by Superior Judge John A. Cornell's charge. It was the ninth court day and the 15th calendar day of the trial. Carol goes to prison for life if convicted of second degree murder. Conviction of man slaughter carries a penalty up to 15 years. Republican Swept into Office To Replace J. Parnell Thomas Hackensack, N. J., Feb. 7 VP) Republicans staved off reper cussions of the J. Parnell Thomas jailing and elected a GOP successor to his vacated congressional post yesterday. William B. Widnall, 43-year-old state assemblyman, scored an easy victory in a special election in New Jersey s 7th congression a) district. It was the nation's first such Mild Boom Calls For Coal for Steel By SAM DAWSON New York, Feb. 7 VP) Some people may have counted coal cut of the industrial picture much too soon. It's still esential to the na tion's productive econocy. as you'll see soon enough if the coal mines close down and stay closed very long. .The present revival of busi ness depends on a targe extent on continued production in lines which cannot do without coal. And on that your Job may de pend in time. Watching the steady inroads the oil and natural gas men have made during the recent years of labor strife and mourting prices !n the coal fields, some persons have tended to count coal out. They have been a'ded and a betted in this by the double fact that last summer the nation had a surplus of coal above ground and that this winter has been mild and called for less coal for heating. Therefore, the months of strife in the coal fields which have come to a climax today haven't spelled the quick Strang ling of business they once would. But the chances of the present mild boom in industrial produc tion turning into a solid stretch of prosperity hinge in large measure on the continuance of the steel mills at high speed and on healthy state of indust ries using steel, particularly the auto business. They still need coal to make ateel. The amount of coal the vari ous steel companies have on hand varies. But last month's slowdown in the coal mines was aimed largely at some of the steel companies who own their own coal mines. The heads of the two largest steel companies, U. S. Steel and Bethlehem, have said their out put would have been 100 per cent of capacity, if they had all the coal they wanted. In other words, already they are tied closely to coal's apron strings, and they probably can't go on lonK with the mines down. As yet, few steel furnaces comparatively, have had to shut down. But if the coal mines go on a strict no-day work week instead of 1he recent three-day week, it won't be long until the steel mills do shut down. Be cause here, coal isn't Just a fuel it is also a component, essential part of the manufacturing of steel. Use f Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sack, $5.00 Bulk $10.00 17.50 Character Studies of Carol Ann Paight taken during her trial for the mercy slaying of her father at Briageport, Conn. states include Idaho, Arizona, Louisiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Ne braska, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania. has a right to half the insurance roceeds. since the husbands salary was used to pay the pre miums. But the supreme court over uled the California finding in a 5 to 3 decision read by Justice Tom C. Clark. Justices Minton, Felix Frankfurter and Robert H. Jackson dissented. Justice Wil liam O. Douglas did not take part. "Congress has spoken with force and clarity in directing that the proceeds belong to the named beneficiary and no otn er," Clark said. He found constitutional the National Service Life Insurance act of 1940 which set up the GI insurance system. . The ruling stemmed from a suit brought by Mrs. Leonard O major, died in India in 1945 Mrs. Leandous Wissner. his mother, had been receiving 578.50 monthly from the veter ans administration on his S10. uuu life insurance policy. The widow brought suit against the husband's parents to compel them to split the payments with ner. In approving her claim, the state courts held unconstitution al the federal law exempting National Service life insurance payments from attachment. The federal government argued to the contrary. It said the heart of the law is the right of a service man to designate whomever he wishes as beneficiary. ... Several similar suits have been started in Los Angeles courts. In his dissent, Minton said neither the federal law nor the GI himself should be allowed to Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, February 7, 1950 15 Wissner in a Los Angeles state wipe out "family property court. Her husband, an army rights which traditionally have No Shorts, Girls Not in Mexico They're Taboo Reynosa, Mexico, Feb. 7 (U.R) Roy Rendon probably worries more about U.S. women's legs than any man in Mexico. Roy personally thinks they re all right but officially he's against them. He's Chamber of Commerce manager of this lusty Mexican border town, through which yearly pass thousands of Ameri can women tourists. The trouble comes because the Yankee girls like to let their hair down and wear shorts when they go into the sunny land of manana. In Reynosa, women in shorts don't attract any more attention than in Syracuse, N.Y. But in interior Mexico, for instance Monterrey, it's a different mat ter. Nice women don't wear shorts in Monterrey. Only the painted ones would think of it and they wouldn't dare. But too many U.S. girls un knowingly saunter the streets of Monterrey with lots of their an- omy showing. And that s not the kind of good neighbors the atomy showing. And that's not for. Roy Is in between. His Job is to tell the people of Monterrey, 150 miles away, not to get excited at girls in shorts, especially if they're blondes from the U.S.A. They mean no harm. And at the same time Roy's got to tell the women pass ing through Reynosa not to wear their shorts, no matter how pretty, in Monterrey. It s a hard job. Roy thought he had it licked when he tried to educate the Mexican customs men to explain it to the U.S. girls as they check ed into Mexico. But it backfired. "Some of the boys couldn't speak good English," Roy ex plained. "And the women got insulted when they said to take off their shorts." vote in 1950 and boosted re publican strength in the house of representatives to 170 again as compared to 261 for the democrats. Widnall defeated democrat George E. English by a better than two-to-one margin in the traditionally republican flistrict The final unofficial tally was 32,224 votes for Widnall and 15,711 for English, a former mayor of East Patterson, N. J Thomas, who in his heyday headed the house un-American activities committee resigned his post five weeks ago. The ac tion followed his sentencing to six to 18 months in prison and a $10,009 'ine for padding his office payroll and accepting kickbacks. He now is serving time in the federal correctional institution in Danbury, Conn. The 7th district seat has been held by republicans for the past 35 years. Thomas was elected to seven terms. In 1948 he won by 72,873 to 56,095 for demo crat John J. Carlin. Widnall, who directed his campaign fire at federal spend ing and veered awav from the Thomas issue, will serve for the remainder of 1950. Candidates will run for a full two-year term in November, The new congressman advo cates continuance of the un American activities committee, bi-partisan foreign policy, en actment of civil rights legisla tion, defeat of socialized medi cine and retention of the Taft Hartley labor act. An attorney, he lives in Sad dle River, N. J., with his wife and two children. Widnall has served in the state assembly since 1945 represent ing Bergen county, a wealthy suburban area across the Hud son river from upper New York City. He gained statewide at tention two years ago when he sponsored new laws strengthen ing hotel fire safety measures. Needle Cases Made by 4-H at Richmond Needle cases were made by the Richmond school 4-H cloth ing club which met recently at the home of Mrs. W. N. Stevens, according to Betty Ann Johnson, club reporter. The 13 members of the club are planning to make articles in weaving, a pin cushion and a table or head scarf at future meetings. Upon completion of each article, the member re cords the cost and kind of ma terial used in her record book. The members plan to exhibit their articles at the 4-H spring show in April. The next club meeting will be held Wednesday, February 8, 3:30 p.m. at the home of the club leader, Mrs. Nellie Cook, 2148 Mill street. Castle Speaks About Healing At no time in history have men and women been in greater need of compassion than they are today, Ralph Castle, Chris tian Science lecturer, told an audience in the Elsinore theater today noon. "Compassion, as Christ Jesus displayed it," he said, "conveys ineffable tenderness. It is more than ordinary pity, kindliness, or mercy. It is, a deep desire 10 qo good to others, a feeling which preceded the actual physical healings. Today," said Mr. Cas tle, "this same sense of compas sion toward our fellow beings is requisite to Christian Science healing. On page 367 of her textbook. 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discover er, Founder and Leader of Chris tian Science, writes, 'The tender word and Christian encourage ment of an invalid, pitiful pa tience with his fears and remov al of them, are better than heca tombs of gushing theories, ster eotyped borrowed speeches, and the doling of arguments, which are but so many parodies on legitimate Christian Science, aflame with divine love.' And on page 365 she states, If the Scientist reaches his pa tient through divine love, the healing work will be accom plished at one visit, and the dis ease will vanish into its native nothingness like dew before the morning sunshine . ' The theme of the lecture is definitely conveyed in its title, Christian Science: Its Rein statement of Primitive Chris tianity and Spiritual Healing," for Mr. Castle contended that the application of the teachings of Jesus in our dail;- Mves is the sole purpose of Christian Sci ence, and this, he said, of course includes healing the sick by spiritual means, or by prayer, and regenerating the sinful., It is estimated that American workers turn out goods worth an average of roughly $1.50 for each hour worked. (Advertuementl Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment Is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Wlllett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 I ton , 2 tons! . FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 Real Relief With D0BBS TBUSS Bmlbhm, BoltU, STtapfaas Capital State at Liberty Soof rwatf mpport liko your hmnd with patented cancer pod. No bulb to gprewd wMk muiclM. DOBBS TRUSS if com fortablft. Mattery, wathabto . . . may b worn t work, play and bethinf for ring) or doubt nrptur. Fittad to your body by arpem. Oat maximum rltaf get DOBBS TRUSS. Fra ottminotkm, no obligation. Coma ml Drug Store "On the Corner" inane IN ONE TRIP! P'r I CASH YOU OCT M"Z!!!lr $110 I $190 $260 ISMos. 9.21 I5.92 2I.78 20Mos. 7.39 12.77 17.48 Abov poymtnli covr trttylhingl toon 1 of rhr omovnri, or tor ofhtr po'iodi, ott in proportion, leoni vm to $500 on oulot. fjjj Phono the YES MANager give a few necesiary fact! than come in. It'i Yet" to 4 out of 5 promptly. Loans 125 to (300 on Salary, i urnimre Op to $500 on Car J J "THt COmUMri THAT UKtS TO SAV ftS ren&onoi finance co. 18 State Ph. 2-2464 Commissioners Court The follow! nff U the official publication of the record of claims before trie Mar lon Countj' Commissioner's Court for the December term for 1949. with the amount Mowed. bills continued, etc.. according to the records In the office of the County Clerk. Public Employee Retirement Sys tem, retirement. 14.071.35: Ladd Sc Bush Salem Br. U.S. Nat'l. Bit. of Portland. withholding. S3.390.33: State Industrial ; Accident Commission, Ins.. $556.00. County Assessor;. A. Lewis, deputy, $213.98; Ray Lick, deputy, 1181.93; Henry C. Matt son, deputy, 1197.25; J. L, Sleamund, dep uty, 1 180. If); Grace N. Babcock, deputy, 1167.42; Ida M. Bnlltle, deputy, 1154.80; Helen Snyder, deputy, $144.13; Mary E. Strayer, clerk. $148.50; Gordon E. Tower, draftsman, (233.38. Circuit Court A, A. Richards, court reporter, 128B.10; R. B. Hughes, court reporter, $288.15. County Clerk M. Reznicsek. deputy. $133.15: F. Nibler. deputy, $183.13; R. Howard, dep uty. $194.20; Dora Barrett, deputy, M68.14; Vernon Windson. deputy, $210.41: H. L. Mulkey, deputy, $182.40; W. M. Clif ford, deputy, $161.12: W. H. Preele. dep uty. $146.85: R. J. Stanton, deputy, 151.55; D. Br---vn, deputy, $68.60. county Court & Commissioners M. Reznlcsek, clerk, 150; D. L. Brown, ateong., $90, Court House Edw. Brasher. Janitor. $163.83: W. A. Grltton, Janitor, 1181.57: Wm. Morlat ty. Janitor, $150.97: Edwin Booth, Janitor, 1153.10: Ruth Hutchins, elev. oper., $18: M. E. Llndsey, elev. oper,, $81.10. District Attorney Gordon Moore, deputy; 1217.14; oris M. Albln, steno., $139.12. District Court Barbara Smith, deputy clerk, $169.75; Clurua Brown, deputy clerk, $171.37. District Court Constable Gloria Robinson, deputy, $183.71. Health Depart ment W. J. Stone, co. health officer, $543.79; P. R. Coleman, sanitarian, $152.78; I. G. Lermon, sanitarian, $252.94; W. B. Qulnn, sanitarian, $242.10; Batty Cooper, sanitarian, $353.40; Bernfce Yea ry, P.H.N., $234.13; Merwyn Darby. P.H.N.. that same beloved fragrance in the new Blue Grass Hand Lotion $100 Happy news! Now you may have Elizabeth Arden Hand Lotion in the beloved Blue Grass fragrancel No other lotion so soothing . . . smoothing . . lovely to use! It penetrates quickly ... to soften your hands, leaving only its delicate perfume, with no hint of stickiness. Ask for this newest member of the favorite Blue Crass family. A delicious Elizabeth Arden shade of blue ... in a pretty 4 or 8 ounce pinch bottle. And as with all the Elizabeth Arden prepara tions, so little does so much! 4 oz. $1.00, 8 oz. $1.75 puces plus tas ?7 JZ 1 00. 8 oz. $1.75 mm fhi ouisfWittr cotMftff gnAJLArtlMAZ&li mam oiwwn ibiittl A4-L-i s t40 IIM imil nmm W ma v mil aunny BrooK f the whiskey that's ""V 3 asitsvame ' - .: 1 II ll Set th stage for after-th-ihow t-0ttm'''''-'ljri'':iS--t a lift party pleasure by having cheer. tfFL .fcnl. 'T fl Ri- ful Old Sunny Brook on handl ft ' ' ' " ''ijjS llj fjii I Its mellow Kentucky flavor wins SJQf J$im ' i -J fjfj L applaui from the touahest I f v '." s-jEfe P mfeStfrL4 "'i Jfff "V critics. Servo it, enjoy it tonightl If ' ? W "s5S!? '' ' J Sep ;m 3,lil brM-I; U PROOF KENTUCKY WHISKEY; A BLEND u gum neutuisnuts national distiuos rut. coir. hi. $207.53; Lyndall Blrkbeck, P.H.N., $239.35; Joan Schneider DavU. P.H.N., $317.43; I Claudia Donnelly, P.H.N., $228.90: Evelyn Kruesjer, P.H.N., $218.20: Helen WanM Bard, P.H.N., $218.10; Jane Domkowikl. $204.80; Helen Steyaert. P.H.N., $205.24; Jean WrUht. P.H.N.. $305.10; Erna Ber Mecher, AaaLit. P.H.N.. $190.10; Leslie Stone, cl. nurte, $121.14; Howard Pyter, health educator. $238.95: Margaret Coup er, P.H.N., $214.35; Darlel Lee, clerk-typist. $1Q.87: Doloreji Pyfer, clerk-typlat, $134.20; Alice Beramann, clerk-typlat, $134.40; Odaua Melby, clerk-ateno., $169.50; Janice Spencer, clerk-typist. tii.iri; vera wooa, cierx-ateno., $181.90. Breltenbash Justice Court J. C. Fowler. constable, $173.25. Jefferson Jmstlce Court E. I. Howell, Justice of peace, $121.55; Oeo. P. Armstrong, constable, $14.85. Mt. Aiuet Justice Court N. M. Lauby, Justice of court, $9.90: Joseph Faulhaber, constable, $9.90. Sllvertttn ustlce Court All. O. Nelson, Justice, 178.48; P. N. Burcl). clerk. $49.50: E. J. Jackson, constable. $74.29. Wood burn Justice Court T. O. Oorman, Justice of j peace, $222.55; W. C. Miller, constable, $49.50; Mary V. Oorman, Justice clerk, $34.65. Juvenile Court Nona Whit, pro bation officer, $215.77; D. J. Jepsen, assist, probation officer. $221.70: L. M. Johnston. stenoe., $91.80: Mary Balllle, atenos., $37.80. Microfilm In D. W. Ranueyer. deputy, $180.34. Btecorder'i Office Adella DuBois, deputy, $170.30; Virginia Grltton, deputy, $168.31; Irene Johnson, deputy. 150.30! Ramon. Evan, demit t IIM S3: Oladya Thomas, clerk. $138.55. Br. & Election Gladys White, deputy. $186.02. School Superintendent J, P. Re ml UK ton, deputy, $100.65; Vivian S, Hoe nil, super visor, $207.80; Mantuerlto R. Burton, su pervisor, $222.20; Christine V. Morley. secretary, $149.59. Sheriff -Lecat A. I. Maktrom, deputy, $210.40: B. R. Smith, deputy, $210.80: Wm. DeVall. deputy. $207.30: John Harger. deputy, $219.10; Ed ear Scott, deputy. $190.84: 8. Robert Tlce. deputy. $218.20: Glenn Conklln, deputy. 178.60; Z. K. Colby, deputy. $197.25: Knrl Murphy, deputy, $330.85. Sheriff - Tax r. Domoaalla. deputy. $228.37; Howard Evans, cashier. $208.04; Violette West. posting supr.. $189.23; Lydla Mattson, dep- iy, nfl.io: Evelyn Mennls, posting mach. oper,, $207.90; Marian Maas, posting mnch. oper., $184.05. Surveyor Office Nella Simms, secretary, $154.40. Treasur ers umre Auarey h. Ewintt, dpputy. $158.42. Veterans Service Lillian Kllppert. secretary, toe.ae; h. c. saaliei, service officer. $278. Dor Control Fund Ervln ward, note control officer. $201.80: R J. Stanton, clerk, $100. County Property Wm. Thlelsen. land event. $112.20: I, M. Johnston, steno., $50. Enrlneer'a Of fice H. s. Swart, co. engineer. $305. B9: Freanall. secretary, ll.sn.4fl. Hrtit. enbnsh Justice Court Edison Vickera. ustlce Of peace. $89.10. fltaxton Justlrn Court W. H. Bell. Justice of peace 1173.25: Henry Smith, constable. $19.80; Leona Peterson, steno., $29.70: Wilson J. Wilt, deputy county clerk, $91.58; J. P. As plnwall. labor, $230.81; Dclbert J. Blair, abor. $181.52; J. A. Burns, labor. $143.BO: Robert Hart, labor. $114.64; Harry H. Lawrence, labor. $209.69: H. A. Martin, labor. $177.10; Harold L. Martin, labor, $118.83; Edward Schmitt, labor, $110.80; Frank Woelke. labor, $249.60: O. D. Bln eitar, labor, $118.10; Henry Bower, labor. 115.90; Lawrence Bower, labor. $156.41: Wm. P. Croker. labor. $117.45: Orvlll L. Dunlftan. labor, $199.15: Harvey Olrod. la bor. $41.55; Eric Gustafson, labor. 3171.15; Roy Hatfield, labor, $175.34; Harold K. Kepplnger, labor. $185.13; Ben Kerber, la bor. 1197 90; Robert W. Kinney, labor, $198.39; Barney J. Kronp, labor, $138.25; Laurel Lamb, labor, $184.06; Floyd Lauber, inoor, $1B3. 40: E. A. Lawrence, labor, $184.74: W. R. Massev. labor. $157.02: John McAllister, labor, $175.29; Ralph Mc Allister, labor, $158.03; D. P. Scharf, la bor. $330.01: wm. Shaw, labor. $160.14; August Smth. labor. 1100.15: Robert. Smith, labor, $163.48; O. L. Spencer, 1a- or, iiou.hu; can u. eianaiey, labor. $170.66; Lloyd E. Taylor, labor, $188.37: m. Theis. labor. $179.45: N ek The s. labor. $191.98; Raymond Titus. labor. $149.17; Orville L. Trussell, labor, $190.16; iiUBfi word, labor. $187.94: Sam Wcese. labor, $126.52: Tony Woelke, labor, 1184.0a; Loa a. Wells, labor. $190.38; Theo. Kuenzi, labor. $254.34; Wm. R Brenner, labor, $191.47; Henry Bruenlntr, iaoor, sjo.qj; juenno uane. laoor, srn.vi Lloyd Jarman, labor, $1B4.48", Leo Mo dal) 1st er. labor. $208.09; C. J. Miller, la bor, $195.70: Tom Rltchey, labor, $191.85: jos. a. kooi, iaoor, sins. oh; w. oneuey, labor, $190.20; Oene Shilling, labor, sibh.bb; Arthur J. Tackmier, labor $190.30; L. W. Webber, labor, 1110.83; W O. Williamson, labor, $119.35; J. C. Cur- nutt, labor, $181.15: J. Anderson Jr., la bor, $1BD.50; Wm. Bunting, labor, $86.32 L. R, Cooper, labor, $198.53; X, J. Ooover, labor, $182.61; Axel Johnson, labor, $102,511 o. A. Olson, labor, $169,071 J, Patten, tabor, $177.88; H. J, Peterson, bor, $207.00: C. G. Rosa, labor, 1185.9.1. A. B. Kostao, labor, hob. 07; r. f. syver aon. labor. $182.98; M, J. McOormlck. la bor, $171.95; Leo A. Andreas, labor. $163.48; David DuBois. labor. $162.97: Vir gil R. Fahey, labor. $163.21; H. X. Len hardt. labor, $227.62; S. M. Martin, labor. 1153.37: wm. Manager, iaoor, iisi.vo; Ce cil R. Royston, labor, $117.63; Delbert c. Shell I to, labor, $193.76: 8. K. Ely, labor, 3182.60; Arthur Blackburn, labor. 1174.77; Duchateau. labor, $183.05: A. A. Phards. labor, $188.34; Kenneth Watts, abor, $182.95; Clarence Williams, labor. $182.96; Tom Bow den. labor. $322.74; George Prauendlener, labor, $222.54; E. Busby, labor, jaoa.oa; c. A. cooine. la bor. $199.89: Richard W. Fail, labor, S135.64; J. Walter Henna, labor, $146.65; Howard, misc., $0.0: victor howiw, predatory animal. $210.90. Sherllf-Tai Dixie O. Meyer, extra, 1146.86: Joy Doyat, extra, $143.50: Blanche A. Cupp, extra, 3145.B6: Henry C, Mattson, extra, $10.08; Cleo Walker, axtra, $80.64; Doris Scott, extra. $60.38: Ramon a Kvens. extra, $47.44; Bernetta L. ami in, extra, f; Leon J. Smith, extra, $47.04; Margaret Moore, extra, $81.37; Lydla Mattson, over- $96.98; Evelyn Mennls. overtime. $114.37; Marian Maas, overtime, $88.17; Vollette West, overtime, $123. 5B: H. T. Evans, overtime, $300.18; H. F. Domoaalla. overtime, $247.46: Gertrude F. Lobdell. bailiff, $12.60: Floy Mudd. bailiff, $32.10; Harry Anderson, ballot box. $t; a omen Pheasant, meals, $22.10; Hamman State Lines, Jury trans., $15; Hank'a Parking Lot. misc., $22.75; Salem Parkin Ber- vice, misc.. $7.25: K. O. Stadter, Jr., wit. fees, $30.85: John F. SUelhammer. atty. fees, $15; Add reason r a ph Multlffraph corp., aupji.. $86.84; Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation, sups, etc., $59.42: Your Town, sups., $4.25; Leston W. Howell, per aiem, eic, ton.jj; rw i. niva, i.a.., $108.35; Grant Murphy, T.E.. $30.50: Ora ber Brothers, reps.. $0.80; Otis Elevator m jiiiim . in 50: Clerk of th Circuit Court, expense, $2: Sam B. Harbison, T.E., $4.32: Gordon Moore. T.E., $4.32: A. A. Richards, misc., $a.4o; eyoii u. t-auin Frank H. Spears, rent, $100; A. O. Oragd, postmaster, postage. 330: Earl Adams, T.E., $234.74; Dr. Scott McKeown, exam., $10; John Sen mid. garbage disposal, 1100; P. A. Bernard Motors, trans., $0.50: Joe Ann Blunt, O. sups., $21.15: Cherry City Baklna Co.. rodent sups.. $5: Dr. M .K. Crothers. med. serv., $41.88; Dr. James R. Dcaiten, med. serv., IS; Dr. Margaret Dow ftl). med. serv.. $150: A. C. Oragg. post master, postage, $42; Hendrie Medical Laboratories, lab., $125! Dr. H. I. Knapp, med. serv.. 345; Jackson's Medical Ser vice med. sups., $2.80; Johnson, Stewart & Aldr'lch. printing, 1119.20: Dr. R. E. Jos eph, med. serv., $48: Dr. Marian F. Mayo, med. aery., $30: Heien Meioy, u. sup., $2J.26; The National Mental Health Foun dation. O. aups.. $11.48: Dr. F. A. Neisitis, med. serv., $ia; J. -o. renney uo mi. sups., $38 66; Perry's nrua wore, mm. sups.. m fnysicians nwipini ouuim, med. stiPfl.. $312.29; Qulsenberry Pharm acy, med. serv., 1100.04: Salem Laundry Co., O. sups., $30.08: Salem Masonio Tem ple Assoc., $250: Salem Medical Labora tories, lab., 148; School Dist. No. 4, O. sups.. $1.16; Secretary of Stata, trans., 115: Sharp At Dohn. med. sups., $34; H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., O. ura., $8. 40; Leslie Stone, med. serv., 118; W. J. Stone, petty cash, O. sups.. $6.19; Valley Motor Co, trans.. $71.28; Year Book Publisher, oir. sups., $4.05: John W. Htnrahsn. fees, $182.50; Fred W. Lanse, fees. 1280; K. J. Peterson, fees, 1319.50! A. W. Simmons, fees, $538.16; A. Melvln Lien. 1 trade. IB; James Q. Pate, 1 grade. $8; Rose K. Rm nlcsek, 1 grade. $7.60; Malnnlng Fny Webb, 3 grade, 124; Dr. Harmon T. Har vey, exam., $6; Dr. Delbert Reed, exam., 15: Dr. Harold Schneider, exam., $5; Dr. Roscoa O. Wilson, exam.. $10; Dr. Paul Wolfe, exam.. $10: Salem Memorial Hos pital, medical. Sill Sanitary service co.. Inc., sanitary serv., $1.00; Denver Youna, board of prisoners. $919 94: E. . HowpII, rent etc.. lao; All u. weiaon. rent 157 88: Emerv J. Jackson. T.B.. $30 18; W. II. Bell, rent etc., $35; T. O. Gorman, rent, $30; W. O. Miller, constable. T.E.. Mr. J. A. Braunberuer. hospital. $100; Mr. J. A. Braunberger, hospital. $10: Mr. Wm. Johnson. hosDltal. 16: Mrs. Joseph Mc- Nallcy. hospital, $16; Shell Oil Company, T.E.. $2.80: Trindle and Halvorsen, misc., irq at a hftrtina. Krr name, court com mitted, $5; Boys and Olrla Aid Society of Oregon, court committed, 120: Catholic. Charities. Inc., tourt committed. $117.43; children's Farm Home, court committed, 1201 Bill Blckett, I wildcat. $2.50; Atnea C Booth, supl. T.E.. 138.10; Marguerite R. Burton, T.E., $33 34: J. K. Olll Company, (tin air 140 02: Vivian 9. Hoenlg, T.E., $41.16; J. T. Remington, T.E., $7.62; Thi wvi-a. o no.. 81B.09: Burke's Ca mera Shoo, misc., 125.04; Capitol Office Equipment Co.. sups., $0; William DeVall, trans.. 13: Oeneral Petroleum uorp. trans,. $12.43; Karl T. Murphy, misc., 121.50; Harry W. Scott, misc., 11.05: su varton Apptal-Trtbuna, u$, $U.$0; Rob ert Tlce, trans., $2.26; Denver Young, uni form allow., $17.50: Freden Calculatln Machine, O.E., $14; Commercial Boole Store, sups., $28; A. D. Graham, T.E , $18.84; Salem Blue Print Co., sups., $1.75: Butler, T.E., $15.92: Sam J. Hams. ups., $5.50; A. C. Gragg, postmaster, postage. $18; H. C. Saalfcld, T.E.. $31 68 Ervln A. Ward, T.E.. $73.98; Moore Busi ness Forms, dog books, $48.75: Russell P. McLoughlln, ewes killed, 130; Leland Riches, lambs killed, $30; State Depart ment of Agriculture, millage tax, 13. 476.26; Wakefield Displays, maps, 1Z5; Bancroft-Whitney Company, law books. u; iw fuoitsnins Co., law books, $1.50; Lawyer's Co-operatlva Publishing Co., law books, $15; Secretary of State, law books. 18; Shepard's Citations, law books, $32; Wast Publishing Co., law books, $31; Oeorgt E. 'Allen Hardwara Co., reps., 36.57; Anderson Motor Co., reps., $2.39; J. C. Bair Ai Sons, reps., $4; Stan Baker Motors, reps., $59.01; Ballou tie Wriftht, e's.at: e. ii. Boatwright. disal lowed; Bradfleld Lumber Company, misc., 13.30; E. H. Burrell, reps.. $19.53; Capital Auto Parts, reps., $47.18: Capital City Bindery, sups., $81: Capital Journal, adv., 112.20; Capitol Lumber Co., misc., $143 881 Capitol Tractor Sc Equipment, reps., $11.52; Carter Rice & Co. of Oregon, sups., $120.'; Casey Tractor fe Equipment Co., misc., $145.50; Lyle Castorq, gm., $6.60; City Machinery te Junk Co., exp $5.10; City Water Department, water, $55.91; Co lumbia Equipment Co., reps., $30.87; Col year Motor Sales Co.. reps.. $8.03; Com mercial Sand se Gravel Co., gravel, $597.54; Cooke Stationery Co., equipment, $111.95; J. W. Copeland Yards, lumber, 1492; Doom tie Master Service Station, reps., $173.20; Downs Glass Shop, reps., $25.63; Tom Elbs Mobil Service, trans., 117.98: Ennlneer Sand Sc Gravel Co., dis allowed: Ensineer Sand & Gravel Co., gravel, $214.50; Ray L. Farmer Hardware) Co., reps.. $11.93; Flshstrom Staple Co., sups., $51.49; W. Forsholm. signs, $12.80; Dr. John R. Goldsmith, med. serv.. $50; B. F. Goodrich Company, misc., $200.30; Goodyear Rubber Sc Asbestos, reps., $114.44; J. E. Haseltlne & Co.. reps., $91.08: Hcarne Brothers, sups., 1262.50; Paul C. Henke, gravel, $3; Herrold-Phll-Ippt Motor Co., reps., $1,329.86; Howard! Cooper Corporation, reps., $93: Chas. Hoyt, gravel, $2,046.80; Interstate Trac tor Se Equipment Co.. reps., 11,351.05: Ira, Jorgensen, reps., $1,118.11; Jungwlrth Sand St Gravel Co., gravel, $158.25; Kcizer Sand Gravel Co., gravel. $62; Lawson Supply, reps., $9.25: Leupold & Stevens instruments, equipment, 130.80; Claud Lewis, ex p.. $25: C. J. Lewis, gas, $116.91; Richard H. McColly, gravel, $17.28: Doug las McKay Chevrolet, reps.. $108.41: Mc Kesson Sc Kobblns, med. sups., $101.03; Horace O. Miller, exam.. $155: B. J. Mlnden Lumber Co., lumber, $1,108.28; Mountain States Power Co., L&P, $63.38; Karl T. Mu.ohy, trans., 128.18; Need harrut Book more, sups., $105.08; Newberg Sand fc Gravel Co., gravel, $12; Earl T. Newory, sec. or state, car license, $48; Norrls & Walker, misc., $12.50; North west Industrial Lnundry, misc., $3; Ore gon Electric Railway Co., OCM, $3; Ore non Gravel Company, gravel, $1,521.38; Oregon Physicians Service. OPS. $403.95; Pacific Building, rent, $200; Pacific Tela. Sc Tele. Co.. tele., $315.09; Peck Brothers, reps.. $221.05: Philippl Tire Service, reps.. 116.88; Photostat Corporation, jups $101.02; Pierce Auto Freight Lines, exp., 11.25: Portland Oas Coke Company, asphalt, $143.82: Portland General Elec tric. LAP, $223.40; Red Cross Pharmacy, med. sups., $27.60; Remington Rand Inc.. sups., $444,09; Richfield Oil Coroporatlon, ill nib., $97.34: Roen Typewriter Ex hange, equipment. $64.40: Saffron Supply Company, reps., $3B.0l; Salem Auto Parts reps., 17.49: Salem Concerete Plpa Products, drain, 145.50; Salem Navigation irt.. $3.33; Baieci Steel Sc Supply Co.. reps., $03.64: Salem Tent Si Awning Co.. reps., $3; Santlam OH Company, dlesel, 133.52: H. A. Simmons. T.E.. 141.50: H. A. . Simmons, gas Si diesel, $1,334.19; Stand ard Oil Co. of California, gas St diesel, $195.57; State Public Welfare Commls-,. slon. general awtotance etc.. 162. 244.501 Statesman Punching Co., adv., $159.96; stayton Parts Service, misc., $800; Stay-,, ton Snnd 81 Gravel Co.. gravel. $247.10; Stevenson and Mefford, reps., $47.86 H. B. swart, t.e., $35.50; The Texas Company, , diesel, 135.25; Truck Sales St Service Co.," reps., $5.07; Union Oil Co. of California, gas Sc diesel, $257.16; . unruh-Knapp Printing Co., aups., $47; Valley Macmna ' Shop, reps., $8.25; Valley Motor Co., reps., $105.85; Valley Welding Supply reps.. $28.35: waning sand St Gravel Co., gravel, $408.68; Western Union, tele., vc. wmameiia vaiiey 1 rainier, reps., frt., $6; Woodburn Sand 8c Gravel Sup-' ply, gravel, $1.05; Woodbury Company, reps., 1313.85; R. D. Wood row, misc., $32.38; Wynkoop-Blalr Printing Service, sups,, $35.40: Denver Young, trans., etc.,-. $43.09; Zellerbach Company, sups., 189.32; Walter H. Zosel Co., trans., $590.18. PRO CEEDINGS: December 1. 1049 Approval of plat of Washington Park addition; pol, Una permit, Portland General Electric Co. Dec. a, beer license, August F. Hunt and Tony P. Koch, Robert C. Brandt, Law rence O. Hasslng, Herman F. Breltenstelrj et al; pole Una permit, Portland General Electric Co. Dec. 1, order vacating portion of a street In Brooks; permit to haul logs,' Western Wood Producti Corp.; beer li cense, John M. Earnest. Dec. 5, beer 11-' cense, Robert F. and Calvin D, Christen sen, Opal Stupfel, Marlon F, Alderman, Jerome D. Lyons and D. G, Henness, I. O. Etsel; permit to haul logs, John H. Cook, - Eugene F. Gilbert and Fred J. Blake, van Handel Bros.; pole lino permit. The Pact-, flo Tele, and Tele. Co.: order continuing road proc. No. 976 to Dec. 8; petitions fav oring tha relocation of Salem-Silverton road. Dec. beer license, rrani t. Mar shall, Jacob Fischer, Clarence O. Jones, Dec. T, petition favoring relocation of 8a- lem-Siiverton roaa; oeer license, ames W. Fernau et ux, Josephine Manolla et al, Don and Lorraine Marshall. Dec. 8, or der accepting portion of Gates-Niagara, section of N. Santlam Hwy. to becomg part of co, rd. 971; beer license, Jos. a. Hopfer et ux, Charlie C, Nielsen; permit to haul logs, Henry Query, Louis B. Wil liams, Dec. 9, final hearing on Indemnity claim of A. Melvln Lien; beer license. Raymond E. and wilma a. Russell, iranx R. Pfaff; petition to Improva Peck St. and Mornings !de Ave., postponed Indefinitely. Dec 10. Detitlon for court to require Southern Pacific to rebuild grade cross ing at Gates; beer license, uarvin h, ana Rose C. Long, A. M. Erlckson, Clifford L. Ambers; county Judge to approve wreck ers license for C. T. Hosley, Deo. 12, li cense to operate pool tables, W. O. Flood; pole line permit, Portland uenerai ciec tric Co.: order to open envelope and can vass vote on Idanha Incorporation. Dec. proclamat on Incorporating manual beer license, Alexander O, and Cora Steln- ueo. and urace uwyer, uruce jioucb and J. P. Andrews. L. L. Rynearson at al, Coomler and Frani; road proc. No. 972, viewers appointed, continued to Jan. 8; road proc. No. 911, remonstrance to vaca tion of dedlcaaed streets in Mary Oatea rid. to flatus vine. Dec. 14. beer license. Ted M. Gillespie, Sam Ramp and R. A. White, Richard and ueuy auoriee; per- It to haul logs, Rex Kinsey, ueiaynet Paulson. Dec. 16. beer license, J. Q. and Edna C. Jones, Crtos. A. uurnani; order amlnK KtMzer Diking oisinci, nxing boundaries and setting final hearing for 12050; Proclamation, proposed incorpor ation of Detroit defeated, area not incty unrated: Million to vacate unincorpor ated area of Gatesvllle. continued to Jan. 6. Dec. 17, pole line permit, Portland Gen eral Electric Co.; permit to haul logs. Da vid Bchaier. Dec. i, oeer license, . b. Ralrd et L Lusrd E. DrlRlS et UX. John and Jacob Kaufman, Kenneth Kelly et al. Folrenea V. Millard. R. W. and Gladys V. Mayrien, Edison Vlckprs. Dec. 20. pole lln permit, Portland General Electric Co.; quit claim deed to Hllma E. Dickie; peti tion for vacation of portion of county rrd 802: nrnclamatlon tormina Llberty- Snlem Heights Rural Fire Protection dis trict and giving vole lor directors; oeer license. Salem Golf club. Kay and Var ley; resolution to enter Into contract with E-AC-RO Co. for Improvement of Brenna, Jelden and 34th St. D. 21, financial re port of St. Paul Rural rira am.; oeer li cense. Eugene Hart. w. r. toie; permi to haul log. Chester wicneu; imi cimm deed. Ivan L. Smith; court to enter Into agreement with e-ac-ku ior improvemcn of Brcnna, Jelden as loon a bond la filed. Dec. 22, beer license, Oacar and Es ther Davis, Elbert E. Dickson, Rollo D. Wilson, Osa Bertha Burkhart; permit to haul logs. Raymond Kellls: permit to move building. Cordelia Mason. Dec. 23, order reinstating personal property as sessment on tax roll; order for survey and estimate of cost of Improvement on Neef Ave.; bond of Bert F. Fronmaaer a com mander of Hal Hibbard camp 6 United Spanish War Veterans. Dec. 24, permit to haul logs. Dwlght wooa; qun cmim wwa to Hermnn Amort et ux. Dec. 21, county Judaa authorised to approve wreckers li cense to Lester B. Mills; pipe line ptrmlt John Lambreeht: transfer order. Dec. 28, permit to haul logs, jeue uroa., nuwsru N. Harris, Orville Olson: approval of ap pointment of Shirley Dagenhardt as dep uty constable of district court. Deo. 20, n.mii. ts haul inn. Wm. Fennlmore: In demnity claim tof Robert W. Harris, final hearing Jan. 8, iou. v. permit, IihuI logs, Archie L. Ohamberlln Ralph K. Mollet. Henry Query. Floyd Buchholx, Walter L. Rak, Lowell O. Cree; motion by E. 0. stadter. dist. atty. for a second deputy dist. attorney paid by tha county; order authorising an additional deputy district attorney. Dec. II, Indemnity claim of Brutus C. Ashcroft, final hearing 11050; order to cancel warrant No. 14653. a duplicate Issued to Association for Oregon Counties; order setting date of Feb. 15, 1950 (or election of counotlmea for City of Id anna. Mi