12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, February 6, 1950 i J' ' ,si C a I VaJuC .5 . f .1 . E3 Frigid Pastime With the temperature in the lower 20s, Otto Hildebrand, 35, Jefferson City, Mo., policeman swims among the ice floes in the Missouri river. Hildebrand, who likes to swim In the river summer and winter, says it keeps him in the pink of condition for his job. "It's all a matter of conditioning," he says. (AP Wirephoto) 'Hopalong' Said Hottest Guy In Entertainment Business By BOB THOMAS Hollywood, Feb. 8 VP) Bill (Hopalong Cassidy) Boyd is re turning in triumph to the studio where he started at $30 a week 80 years aeo. "That's right," smiled Hoppie, whose contract with Paramount is nearing the ink stage. "I started there 30 years ago under a five-year contract. My begin-i nlng salary was $30 and it was to rise to $79 at the end of the con tract, "But after three years they were paying me $60 and figured that was too much. So I got fired." Boyd left the studio to score hit in Cecil B. DeMille's "The Volga Boatman." Many years later, he returned to Paramount to begin the Hopalong Cassidy series. Then he and the studio had another falling out. Few people realize how low Hoppie's fortunes ebbed in those days. "I had to quit making Hopples in 1947, because I could not get financing," he recalled. And he hasn't made one since. But along came television, bless its little iconoscope. Boyd, who had gained control of his films, began releasing them to the new medium. Hopalong Cassidy has be come the hottest character in the entertainment business to day. The studios, which had considered Boyd a has-been, lowly realized how big he had grown and began dan gling deals. Paramount won out. "It was something I had prayed for to go back to the tudio where I got my start," aid Bill. You can bet that the deal is a sugary one. It will start with a co-starring opus with Bing Crosby. "I'm trying to talk them into billing it 'Bing and Hoppie in "Hi Pardner." ' Those are the two hottest personalities in the business today and everyone hould know them by their first names," declared Boyd. The deal also calls for some Hopalong Cassidy westerns on a big scale. "I'v done about all I can with Hoppie in the cheap pictures." he said. "Besides, you can't make them cheaply any more. It's time to give the char acter more scope, more produc tion values." If Bovd hart anv HrtuVif. aVinnt the power of Hoppie, they were dispelled during his recent east ern jaunt. An estimated 350,- 000 kids of all ages turned out to see him in New York and he greeted them individually, standing out in bad weather for four hours and 40 minutes. He had a similar reception in Chicago. 3518 Jg&SK Classroom Choice This is a jaun ty pouch-pocket jumper ... or, minus the button-on halter type top, just a skirt) Companion round ed collar blouse included in pattern. No. 3518 Ls cut in sizes 4. . 8. 10 and 12, Size 8 jumper, 2 yds. 35-in.; blouse, 1 yds. 35-in. Would you like) to aoe a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles mat includes designs tor all mem bers of the family from tiny tots and growing girls to juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 20c. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number 'Hate Size desired. Address Canltal Journal 214 Mis sion St. San Eranclsco 5 Calif mr" a an i raca " Crochncd AcctMories Crocheted ir-mmmm aaraai hand bags are smart spring acces- I Si XT sorles. Today's pattern ieatures two ' IPI TVa iVJ handsome and easy-to-crochet bags. K'h'M y.5Mial.'i?-rt ThB Pwda bag Is worked In two CVH li- flATO"tr'li,lir colors, while the smaller draw-string II 1 1 .MirM onlty has a gold trim on a dark II I WfiK .!eifc background. They are pretty to Viilf mfcirTiiV carrv easy to crochet. 'T l-f'? I Vr?! Pattern Envelope No. R2913 con- MV n v JfKf tain3 complete crocheting instruc- Irl" $C! 'ions, stitch illustrations, material I I I .( 1 requirements and finishing dlrec- j I UfL tlons. I I J. tf "V To obtain this pattern, send 20c t I 'Ifl. X. ln COINS, giving pattern number, f V''l VU your name, address and lone num- A I fLZ T ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour- j f L nal, 828 Mission Btreet San Fran- J ' I cta0 8' Calif. tOOKildlt Albert usual Albert Jack Bereb SKe aider Mv.rrUee for t cer, Oavallero Brad Reynold! Geo. Murphy THIS GUY BAHNUM K BLURB HAS T JUST LIKE rH6 1 ThEY ROPSSf I JUTT HfiD ANOTHER rJTHERE3 ALSO THE FA8L6 AflCXTT ) . MORE THAN AN IMPACTED lOLD FABLE ABOUT COLOSSAL IDEA I'LL ROUND UP AJ-V. STRAW S?? 6V 1 S WI30OM TOOTH STEVE W6 LfcTT H1MTHE ARAB WHO LET A MILLION LITTLE EVERGREEN Zalas&T-r CAMIL3 BACK r0m T SHARE OUR ROOM AND HE FILLS A CAMEL STICK HI3 TREES FROM AROUND THE BUM) I XT ill v ln. - IT wrrw BAGS OF GRAVEL ANP NOS6 IN HIS TENT . HOME AND SELL 'EM IN BUNCHES tpnl J3CS2K. L flfcl I t aWTV- E SIX DOZEN OF THE "ONE AND EJb. RIBBER OF SIX FOR A FABULOUS fitfli AjSf JTTZ V ONLY ORIGINAL 5EXTUPLET J2i FIGURE ''GENUINE tS" ( JZ&f?i 5K4V "' TPii. . CTVP CIWU Ji t"" 0 I I ' .1 1 ( AMD MRS. MOC BONO, WITH ALL HED f MPS. DRIFT HAS JU6X BEEN TAKEN "!5jj R LEfiPlN' UZfiRDB I TW-K BOUT EVER-Trtr I MONEY AND HE BK5 HEAC(T-SHra 1 TO TH HOSPITAL-TO HAVE ANOTHER 1 SiJj . HAPPEHH' AT ONCEl TH' BARQE REOTWMT J I LOSTqOIN'OM A WORLD CRUSE -SO J BAEf OH, BRU-THErI AINT NATURE I 8:45 r BURM3 PN- ROCKY AHO LBAA POLL OUT-0H0 ) WE COME HOME AND-BINGO ! J , GRAND? HUMAN NATURE. THAT IS I J y' ''' ' l TRANIrmANQERlATEEUZET rSLa-O , 1:15 1 IS A FOOC r MARRY UP ONLY KINDNESS IN "lORE AH TOOK TH' Tfc?! fff I TH' IPrXEHON XsU?JL 2"3n WIF SWIKIEY-Bra.LEr 5 OFFER, SUH-BUT, DISRE-Vl e-tr.V&Xk' f IV'jlJ 1 V WASHED OFV.V o2Lr' ! I YO'KIM GITCOTA rr GABCMN' ALL TH' fu.0 S BATH v l 0(fjf I ?eM'MlF rF &fcZr 100 . CASY'-OEST LETUS Y RtSF O' SWINEY-BELLE, V V tf Z W00 BtEJ CJ , S!?, SHOCrr VO' IM TH' HAIO, I HER ftWHilt KNEES GOT Jt I , - I ZLSSr JX J??iV S:30 LlrgATHPBMWIN AHy ' JJ W JUST A LITTLE WAYSBIB J GEEjHOPPY, I YOU'r SAFEl WftiRiSNgJEsM -AND NOW MY EVIDENCE, H I TO'TOPPER" AND VvtXL BIjKjfei SURE AM GLAD YUKH N0W.3OKI. J llTMaTI AGAINST DIAMOND, IS COMPLETE q C Bfc0UT & HERE,TOM- ISHOWED UP 1 atr 1 " 0 CMl START FITTINa THlV M THIS IS J VES. HOW DON'T Y WHAT IS VOUR KoH MUTfANO YcOMIO V VEH, VOU KNOW. V- WELL, DON T VOO WORRV M U THF TOOTIHVOlJ W0RRV'-" LL BUSINESS, f I 'ape A STRIP? "MTT AND JEFP- I LL TRY HARD TO LlVE UP T J ? 0ThMTAKe THATOUT-j U D"J 'Y : ISTkIPt FUNN I SEE- TO YOUR PROFESSION S IDEA T WSVHRVEAS r I MAVj COUPLE OF "I T(J "JU5Jy- 0P MV PROFESSION- j - 1,' ISI'' wiTH.rfpSETA f JWrPlMw) 6cSfnN ., 6PU, (TAINT THAT I CARS SO l 'rOU WEAN. J XAMPLTOB I THE iOTHeoe V B2S' , RUSTY AN OLD ARTESIAN WELL yVCO WONT MEED U MUCH IP MORROT EVENS TMNSS IV A CZiZSi) il m fV-T SS'j. 1 ASIV RI6HT IN CUR BACK ARP. ALL fT-f TO CARRY THE S UP FOR THE BEATIN6 THAT VOXEL IV 4Xtal fSoic ucucaoo rSBfUA-r VSr! NEEDS IS A NEW PIPE AND A yV WATER FROM THE T BMrrH 6AVt3 HIM. BUT T ORPEREO 1 JVJ1B i!uuprcf CS5 TAui V'V'v PUMP. WANT TO HELP 7 JtKfA. HOUSE ISTHEy'REI ISTILL MUCH TOO Bl&...")l I (jlLt-WEAR THEAA . ..M Xtiffi-f VV) NICE BUT MUCH TRV A SIZE tL-i , -f ,UfUST THROW l arT i? too larse - r Vthree.' fLli tMf OLD ONES -iWp -aJ5H t , Jr prkw DROPPED A LOADED WU CLUMSY UTTIE CLUCK! U V LAyOff ,U5IM0N LEGREEtl.fi.). ) T-UZ I Jt'rRMVwasmwwo GET DOWN AND CLEAN THAT UP! 1 S . . 6EFORE I REARRANGE VOUR V )LZt M - RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 630 NBC 970 CBS 1190 ABC 1390 MBC 1400 Ko 5:00 Tht S tf V KnoiMinntnt Chillenia tf Mark Trail ""' 8wln Tim 5:1.1 Nctri LtUlt Show Tukon Mark Trail Awlntr Tim 5:30 Voiet at P'ltonc New laek Arraitronc Tom Mil Bint Croiby 5:45 VoJce of P'stoai Sew Jack Armitrom Tom Mix Band ot Par ft:OO Boiton Srmph, Radio Theatar Edwlo C. Hill Gabriel HeaUr Candlllahi 6 r','t Boilon Sun ph.. Radio Theattr Homo Edition N'ewi SHvar BtOLirlnf 19.10 Radio Theater Mod. RoraanoLa Tello li Nw 6:45 Uvinr 1950 Radio Theatar Mod. Romance Serenade ."il ?:00 anceroui My Friend Irtna I.ont Rancer Murder Experts Science Dram :1ft Anltnment My Friend Irma Lone Ranter Mardr Expert Mm. Jackpot ?:3fl lav Carrowar Bab Hawk Ethil Albert Kid Evelyn KaliM :45 Pava Oarroway Q0b Qawk Elhel Albert Clic Kid Sporta 8.00 Sinatra., Klral. Lowell Thomaa Sol - Soliloquy Iel Geo. Ds It Track IIM :15N'ew Jack Smith Sol - Soliloquy Le "- D Traek 14M Rl.lfi Railroad flir Talonl Seont H. J. Taylor The Saial Track I49t 8:45 Railroad Hoar Talent Beonta Trie Tha Saint Track 1190 9:00 Telephone Hr. nnar Banetum Am. Arte Orch. Nea Wlllamett D, 9:15 Telephone Rr. Inner Sanelnm Am. Arte Orch. Dave Rom Wlllamett IT. 9:30 Dance Oreh. Healah Am. Arte Orch. O. r C, Newa 9:45 Dane Oreh. rlub IB Am. Arte Oreh. C. t C. Plan Pattern 10:00 4am Hiyaa .-Star Final " Riehffeld Bep. Fu,l L,wlB. M"sl IfltLIMIndy Carson. Vou A World intermeiE wrl America 10:S0 Sport Final Alrfl ConeeriHonr New Mu. (m Will 10:45 Orchcitr Cham. Forum Concert Hour If the Top Mm. Vom Waal H:MNn Treasnrr Band Concert Ho ' Myatery Noetorn 11 JfiMr. FIx.H Treasury Band Concert Hoar Jpivak Oreh Nod orn. jt:ioWa Hutanir Orxan Mutlo Memos r"M Var t " Noetnrn 11:45 Wax Munam Organ Muile Memos . Treaa, Yarictiei Noelnrn 12:00 aim' Otl 1sin Off " tr RToar " Istin OH blrn Oil FM Met., KGW 100.3, S-I0 p.m.. KOIN 101.1, a.m., II p.m., KEX ,8, I (i I TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6iOOlIS4f Fodf news Farm Tim Farm Tim Bsrlr Bird Old Sonas New Sam Hayea Second Onp iecond Cap 'Hametowner Newa Wendy Warren 'Aunt Jenny in Trent pur Gal Sunday Double or Noth, Double or Noth, Today's Child. iit-ni ol World Kneasa Newi Road of Lit Pepper Fauna Happlnaai Backatare Wife SteUft Dallas Loranao Jonaa Widder Brown Girl Marries Pr. Facet LlfeEe? !' Inst Plain Bill Frs. P. Farrrell Welcome Tt. Welcome Tra. unt Mary Lot Learn Woman'a Secret Lit Beautiful Dr. Paul Paula Stone I News KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Farm News Keep Smlllni Keep Smlllni (Keep Smiling KOIN Kiosk Newa CBS Newa Fred Beck Consumer Newa Newa 1(1 rand Slam Rosemary Breakfast Club 8reakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club New Today's Stars Quick as Flash Quick sa Flaih Big Sister iMa Parkin Dr. Malona Guiding Light Serenade Ted Malonc My True Story My True Story Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Worah Drake Brighter Day Newa Come Get ft House Party Houa Parly Nora, Nowhere Jack Holt Garry Moor Newspaper Newspaper Newa Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey I Arthur Godfrey Curt Maisey Edw. Murrew News Mus, Tlmek'Dor rat r eh Tim Newa News Agronsky Bob Haien Zek Manners Nwa Br'kfasl Oang Br'kfast Gang Top Trades Barg. Counter Family Alter Haven of Rest Haven of Rest N W News Galen Drake Pastor's Uall Willing Glen Hardy Songs of Der, Organalftes Russ Morgan Betty Crockor Llndlahr 'V'westcrners N'westernera Baakhage Newa Meet HenJoui Art Baker Welcome t Hollywood Kay West Kay West Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb Brldo ,6 Groom .Walter Klernan Nat. Guard Pick a Dal Mora f Life Squirrel lag Squlrrfl Cat Firefighter Tea Kltter KOCO Klock Newa KOCO Klock ivtidwood char. Fiesta Time Ventcrn Melody Tempi Echoes Time for Mel'dy Tim for Mel'dr Stars Sing Ch. TbflBii NW Newa Metnor. Musi Tuna Tim K Keys Ladles Fair Ladles Fair Queen for Day taueen for Day Top Trade Newa Gay ftfl's Bob Ebarly Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Tell Neighbor Bing Sings Bob Pool IBon Pool Ladles First Ladles First Jamb or Jam bore News Kostenanet Fulton Lewi Hemingway Behind Story ICarm. Cavalier! KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Musle Mart Muslo Marl Jan Garber Vocal VarletlM Hollyw'd Musi Hollyw'd Musi News Day Dennla Mao's Mtlodta Mao's Mtlodle Mae'a Meledloo) Mac's Melodlan Mao' Melodl Mae' Melodie Mac's Melodic s'g Melodie Mae' Melodl Mae' Melodie Mac's Melodie Mae'i Melodl lfiAf M0" P.M. 8:00, Children' iV.'M Theater! 5:15. On the Dpbeati 5:50. 650 Sports Clutu 8:00, News; 4:15, Dinner Melodies) fl:M. Musi of Cieeho slovaklai 7:15, Evening Farm Bouri S;00. Famous Organ Composers; 8:15, Newa Previews, 8:80, Campus Reeltal; 9, Musle Thai Endures; 9:45, Evening Meditations 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING. KGAC 550 KOAC Movie Tim Philosopher can b Bean. IB C'n b Beaut, Tuesday A. M. 1 0:00, Newa (ally for Women I 11:00, Sobool t Alr 11:15, Concert Hall; 12:00, Newsi U:15, Noon Far. Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboyi 1:15, School of Air; 1:30, Melody Lanej 3:00. Mental Hygiene; 5:30, Memory Book f Music i t:45, School of Air; 8:00, News; 5:15. Musle ot the Master. Albany Post Office Business Improves Albany Despite a weather caused clump in business gener ally last monts, postal receipts at the Albany post office showed a nine percent increase over re ceipts of January a year ago, Postmaster Tom Palmer, reveal ed today, The local post officer handled $10,853.16 in business last month as camtiared with $10, 076.01 in January, 104B, an in crease of $777.15 Palmer said. Receipts in December were $21, 145.30. Palmer theorized that the in crease was due to a limited numbed of large stamp sales, and not to an increase in small sales. Letter cancellations were also up, he said. The post office can celled 272,840 pieces of mail last month, up IS percent over Jan uary 1949. ACROSS t, Lug . Forward 11. Light helmet 13. Mutilation It, Floor for handling or IS. Mar bio 17. Myself IS. Rubber Um 19. Brows 20. Ocean 11. Artificial languaB St. Dull finish 23. Scheme 24. Remarkabln 26. Factory 27. Vex GlAlMlBlAnSlOlHlODAlMl fj jVIERISnCURT 18. Highway 29. Gleam 31. Conviction 24. Open vessels 36. Balloted 26. New Serrlcat abbr. 37. Before IS. Extra payment 39. Wrath to. Exist 4L Horse with ft swinging gait 42. A single time) 43. Color of tha garden rolgnonetts 45. Notched 47. Connecting pin 48. Supports DOWN 1. Shout 2. Wings p III? U g TIT g'7 21 HI 2J W 3 I! W (1 -hi 1 1 1 Krl 1 I 1 U 4 Nwjfofwrs Solution of Siturdsy's Punl t. Last montht abbr. 4. French artlcl . Frighten suddenly 6. Astound 7. Detest 3. Aperture ln ft needle 9. Exclamation 10. Behave 11. Disdain 13. Intended 16. Portal 19. Movie actor 20. Bottom of ttas body of a plow 23. Principal conduits 23. Checkered fabric 25, Threefold 26. Points of the earth's axis 28. Profits 29. Blade of grata 30. Injured n. Ossified tlssus 32. Exaggerated comedies .13. Velocity 36. Pertaining t the voice S3. Commanded 39. Very black 41. Seat ln church 42. Edible tuber 44. Thus 46. That thing 2.4 ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem f NOW TO EXPLA1M IN Ijf AT THE TIME SET TO DETAIL "INSIDE M AWAKEN, A GEAR OPENS W AT WHAT THE CLOCK ARE 1 THE CAPS OF THE TUBES. B AGE DID 1 TMD METAL TUBES 7 THEN A SMALL FAN YDU FIRST CONTAINING ' A BLOWS OUT THE FEEL TH' CHEMICALS WHICH SCENT OF COFFEE ) WEIGHT OF GIVE OFF SYNTHETIC AND BACON THRU Y TH MANTLE ODORS OF BOILING HOLES ON THE CLOCK OF oENIUS r, COFFEE AND FACE AND WAFTS ON VOUR ( FRYING BACON" )( THE DELIGHTFUL i SHOULDERS? V AROMAS ACROSS THE V 4' T