10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, February 4, 1950 Murder in New Orleans By BRETT H ALU DAY (Author of the Michael Shayns Stories) Chapter six "We haven't any proof that Car son got In touch with Whitey Bu- iora iast numr snayne voia jones, "Until we have some auch proof, vuo're the only suspect we've sot, The police are already watching this place, go don't try to get out of town." Shayne left and neaded for Dupre's, It was an exceedingly popular restaurant on the corner of Royal and St. Louis, Shayne strode toward a harried malt re d 'ho Lei, He explained with a wide grin, "Police. A customer of your was murdered last night after leaving here. Hi body was jouna nan a diock xrom nere. i imagine this man had a reserva tion. Walter Carson." "But yes. Mr. Carson? So it was he? The reservation was for nine. A single." Shayne said, "Can vou tell me tow and when the reservation was made?" "The letter requesting a table was received several days ago. Mr. Car son Is an old customer." "I want to know when Carson left and whether anyone me', him here," Shayne said. "I can tell you that. It was after the second show ended. A little after one o'clock. Mr. Carson went out by himself." Shayne thanked him and went out abruntly. Things added up. From Dupre's, Shayne drove down Royal several blocks and turned to the right toward the old French Marxec. tie puiiea up on a narrow, dimlv llKhted street and got out. Then he walked half a block to one of the older houses set far back from the sidewalk. He pushed the door open and went down four stone steos into a sou-'-smelling cellar. A grcssly fat man sat at a aesic oeneatn a orop- llKht. The man looked up and smiled witn a great snow 01 welcome. "Ah. Mr. Shayne." he said, ex tending a fat hand. "It's delightful of you to visit me here in my monastic retreat." Shayne shook his head. "This isn't a social call, Dumpty. I want one oi your truests. "Indeed, I'm afraid I won't care for that." His voice was purring. "Cut it," said Shayne. "Don't make the mistake of trying to cover up ior murder." "2 assure you I have no in ten tlon of covering anyone." Shavne made an Impatient ges ture. "I know. But your place is known all over the country, and wanted men generally drift here. Maybe you haven't learned he killed a prison guard escaping from the pen. nut l want mm. wnney nu ford." Shayne took the clipping from his pocket and held It under the bright light. He pointed out Buford's pic ture. "Dont bother telling me he Isn't here. He's wanted in connection with a local murder, and I'll have your place raided in ten minutes If you don't give him to me." "My, my," the fat man sighed. Murder? I don't like that. If this person were here, and I were to accede to your demand M "I'll make it easv for you " Shavne finished shortly. "Send him out and I promise you'll never show. uive mm a message say a tele phone message from Belle. Ask him to meet her at once In Dcgado's Ear down the street." ' It might be done," said Dumpty cautiously. After leaving Dumpty's place, Shayne drove to Degado's, went Into the bar and ordered cognac. He emptied the glass and drank another, then paid the bartender and walked out. He crossed the sidewalk toward his car as a tall, bony man neared Degado's. Shayne fumbled with the door latch and waited until the man was opposite him. He swung about with Belle's .38 In his hand. "This Is it. Whitey," he said. Whitey Buford cursed and dropped toward the pavement, his hand darting1 inside the front of his coat. Shayne shot him in the belly. Buford groaned and his long body jerked at the impact of the bullet. Shavne draroed Whitey Buford to his car, pushed him into the back seat and drove to police nead-auarters. Doo Mattson helped Shayne bring the unconscious orisoner in. Shayne shrugged. "You'll make work for the hangman if you bring nun arouna. He hurried across town to In spector Qulnlan's private office. He could hear Captain Denton loudlv swearing Inside. "I got Shayne where I want him this time." Denton's voice was triumphant. "Mr. Bars tow, here, is ready to swear out an assault charge and I can prove Shayne knew who carson was all the time. Shayne heard feet scuffling. He turned and saw Sergeant Frank and a patrolman with Skip" Jones between them. Shavne followed the trio Into the inspector's office. "Found him in his room at the Park Plaza," Frank was reporting to Denton. "But from what he says, I guess Shayne got to him iirsi." "That shouldn't surprise Captain! uenton," tinayne draw'ed, wanting forward from the door "I've been ahead of him all the way through this case." Inspector Quinlan sat erect be hind his d&k. Harvey Barstow slumped down in a chair off to one sme. loosing very unnappy. Denton turned and looked at I Shayne with his mouth wide open, then let out a roar. "Sure you have," he shouted. "I've been tell-1 ing Quinlan. You knew the stiff) was Carson all the time." Turning gravely to Inspector I Quinlan, Shayne said "Denton's wrong again, of course The dead man wasn't named Carson." Denton started to explode, but I Quinlan held up his hand. "The murdered man's name was I Willis Durkin," Shayne said. "He was wanted in Atlanta Georgia, oni suspicion of complicity in a five-1 year-old kidnaping case. He double- crossed his partner ou of a fifty-1 grand ransom and came to Cheep-1 wee where he took the name off Carson and bought controlling In terest in tne local Danx. " Denton's Jaw dropped with amaze ment and chagrin. Shayne grinned. Turning to Jones, he said, "Belle uarson didn't commit Digamy. - She merely followed her former hus band to Cheepwee and forced him! to remarry ner. That's whv Car son was glad enough to pay youl live nunarea a monui oiaciunau." "Blackmail?" asked Quinlan, look ing from the clipping to Jones. "That's right. Carson paid to tne tune oi live hundred a month I to keep Jones quiet. He phoned jones irom rus notei last nignt. tell ing him he'd have a iate dinner I at Dupre's and be up to see him! aoout one o ciock. carson was I killed before he reached the Park Plaza." Quinlan asked Jones "You were blackmailing Carson and he had a I date to see you at one o'clock?) Had he threatened to expose you?! Is that why you waited for him I down the street and killed him?" "I didn't." Jones' nasal voice was thinned by fear. "I waited in my room for him but he didn't come, xteaa that cupping." ne urged. "See where it says Whitey Buford was headed In tills direc tion. I figured Whitey had traced I nun. If this Whitey Buford is In town," Denton growled derisively. "Doc Mattson is fixing whitey) Buford up right now," Shayne said to Inspector Quinlan. "I had to put a slug in nis Deny a lew minutes ago. But he ll live to talk and to I hang for murdering the guard In I his prison areas. Quinlan compressed his liosl tightly. His eyes were coldly alert, proDing snayne's gaunt lace. If Jones was the only person! who knew Carson was dining at Dupre's tne case is closea." "There's one other guy." said Shayne casually. "Harvey Barstow knew. He wrote tne letter to mei asking ior a nine o'clock appoint ment this morning a letter that didn't arrive until you were search ing my office," he went on sharply to Denton, "and Barstow also wrote! the note to Dupre's restaurant mak- lng a dinner reservation in advance.) Barstow s wue says ne didn't get home until after three o'clock this morning, ' Shayne nodded grim ly. "Just about time to make the trip bv car after Carson was shot." "its a net" .uarstow exciaimeai In a choked voice. "What reason did I have for killing him?" "You knew he was coming in to iee a private detective," Shayne eminded him harshly "You had! reason to suspect it was to Inves tigate the relationship between you and Belle Carson. You were panicky. You had to stop him, so you followed him up here in your car after dark and waited outside Dupre's and shot him. No! I don't even possess a gun." But the bank does. Shavne re-1 minaed mm. "Every bank has thirty-two Smith and Wesson lyina arouna nanay." He produced the stubbv .32 he I hod wrested from Barstow's hand I and tossed it In front of Quinlan. Run a comparison test on that with the bullet that killed Carson." Barstow covered his face with his hands. "I didn't know what 1 was dolnir" he sobbed. "I was afraid Jenny would find out. I couldn't stand that. I loved Jennv and the chil dren, but I couldn't stay away from ueuei" Denton swung on Shayne. "Bv God. I'll et vou vet for meooung in my business!" he yelled. ann si a men irom the room. Qulnlnn smiled. "One of these! dayr he will hang something on I you, Mike. Thanks for this one tied up in a bundle. THE END Garden Club Members Make Paper Roses Stayton The Rainbow Gar den club met at the hom of Mrg. Roy Porter with Mrs. Ervvin Kuehl assisting. During the busi ness meeting, Mrs. Omey Lovell was welcomed as a new member. Directed by Mrs. Elmer Gun ther and Mrs. Jack LaRont, the group made paper roses. The next meeting will be held February 16, at the home of Mrs. Lovell with Mrs. Ppvid Welt ner as assistant hostess. Present were Masdames Am brose Dozler, Tony Minten, Fred Fery, Alva Fery, William Niel son( Otto Burson, Gunther, La Ront, Kuehl, Weltner, Lovell, and Linda Lovell. ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem i EITHER MY HEARING IS FADING , OUT ORMjuVE GOME FULLY RLBERT -DID MDU SAY "itXJR. IDEA FOR A NEW ALARM CLOCK, INSTEAD Or USING A BELL, WJULD AWAKEN THS SLfcfcKfcK. BY I Mfc AKUfWA OF BOILING COFFEE AND FRYING BACON DRIFTING ACROSS HIS NOSE7 CORRECT THRU THE SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY, A PAIR OF SMALL CONTAINERS INSIDE THE CLOCK WILL WAFT OUT BY A UTTLE FAN THE SYNTH ETC ODORS OF COFFEE AND BACON AT THb TLMfc SET FOR, BEING AROUSED .1 LET ME UNTOLD THST LAST T RIGHT AND IF THE NEVER MET ANYBODY NO- JUST LUCKV. I 1 Tporr TELL ME VTXI NEVER HBARO OF W S BLURB TOLTRE GOING TO SELLI'LL 3TAGT BREAKING VOU, BOY ? J -C VOU'fiwo JU fKOWU -HIGH PRIEST OF HOOPLA-EXPLOITATION rW T GRAVEL TO THE GOOFS AS SUP THE BOULPERS ,. , ' HAT MYSSLf FOX-S ENGINEER WITHOUT A LIVING EQUALI'M I T 'SEXTUPLST LUCKY -STOEWN OVER THE ,. U .ASKHO'J , . HERE TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS OUT OF JJ, E STONES'? ft-. .Vlt LOCAL LANDSCAPE.' I X -CY EVERY ONE OFJHOSE 5W WAIUNG tfSj I . O I , Sll III III r jj H YES- WE it ( rra BEEN WONDERFUL KNOWINl I. 1 GEE, ITS GWHJ. Of YOU TWO TO WftMT ME TO IjJjl KNOW. ANNIE- I SH-Hl-ITS A I IN VOU TWO - VOUU. BE HAPPY I I U co with vou-ro uwe tr-BUT-Bfr rvE ml tf M JTm long story- I I LJ wiREVERM3U go-together- I u I, vaHSow-wiwrn- sm I ..LC I shall we? JM Bf g-bve. and qood luck! . J r??-VO,waiJT riaw IT'S TH' AWRIGHT- I I BATHS IS A TRADISHUN IN OUR AH V W-WATER ff WOOLTf T I I SWIklTN RTI IF-?-? J EX.PRESHON 1 LE'S NOT WHUTS I I I FAMBLV. ON HER WEDDIN'DAV, S( HEERD fej IT BE BETTER T1 L IloQK S.TRaS-Er'. IN HEfl ARaUEffVS A -I I EV'RV CAL IN OUR FAMBLV TAKES ) 'BOUT 1 JEST SHOOT THIS iHl'.uootw' jK'KWK sj. SWINEV-E.ELLE BATH, I I HER FIRST BATH-WHETHER SHE 'BATHSr TROUBLE-MAKIN' It I I . .7.r "izyr"'.-- T7 ujuiru r,irc lo vo rw-iTTA uddv? ill vip-rr it eia urtrrr mau (vn' m vCik 17 TBAMSEt) ? T I L I GTT MESf err& TAKE. A J V---1 I I MAMMV ONCE TOOK A BATH-YORESELF -7 . ' I K. &HJrI nroi' Jtev V BATH rr ) V 1 I I AN' HER MAMMV AFORE HEPtrrJlN WATER."!') If 1 -MrW rsssssisgensisf rn-sA ""i brajSB ...r rrsmss?. arcir.i i to tell diamond. I ir i . v. r " t , v .1 ' 1 ' v T -(NO! -7 tV), mT WAGC okax but r kp ' -i" a " " , , i Mi u.t..mA!. XHAVERI6HT9 I WT T ., SPUP, I VWWT OU TO STICK POM.. ., efk on thb piacb" cuont Ji. wbbot, vou went back to iPAveoa.- clogs to mxmt. e He ( xeee U HAWreTBLSljTrH 1 TO PROTECT THAT MANNER'S CIRCLE' ANP bOtvOL TrSr 6CCS NEAI? THAT NEW S HOcsVT,MrrH,PONT 1 EM-' y shot off mdw? mooth about J omi? eatins jDW-wa.L,voy Xj&s. - -rX?7Ly i,, vr.i A -T fiemNfi EVEN. THAT S .T..i.i?V. KNOW WHAT TO DO WTTM ) 2s , A z 2r I m-J 1N I fT0OWNi..0ONT(S0 MfAVttVrVE llll I 6HH! YOU'RE SAFE A3 ABA6 I I ' IMfBEDMU! 1 rfS. AW!DCTI4MUttyAfWCKiO? WBOMfi" IN FT5 MOTHER'S ARMS!' OUST AMTAmcl J MT T DONT MOVE.!. -WHILE I UNWtApy RADIO PROGRAMS h SATURDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO . t30 KBC 10 CBS 11W ABC 1390 MBC HttO Kc. Bindi ( Land Jm DIMkhI Rencmber Tra or FI Rhythm Ranch 5:lBftnds f Ln4 Jm DIMfio SpecUl Ercntt Troe or Flis Rhythm Ranch rlc Bnd Land Danger Ahud Harmon aires Orcan Rcverlci Political Pulse ?'! Elmer Fcttrton Newi TeenTane Chrlit. Science l-Sqnar Gup. JM Dixieland JatV Phlll Marlowe Bab Snth A A F Candlelight g:15 Dixieland Jan PhUip Marlowe Home Edition A A F Sllvar Jy Dennis Day Mem. In Mmlc Mod. Romance Nile Riders Sews Dennis Pay Pbll Breto Mod. Romance Site Riders Ais'bly ef Pel ?:M 94f Carters Slot It A rain Hollywood VWCA Time Was Jud' Canora Sing It Again Br I Ins VWCA Drivers Playfase j:3Q Grand 01' Oery Sing It Agala Chandn Marie Wt Coast Strike TJ Band Grand OI' Oyry Sing It Again Chandn Magle Ramblers B ports Trntb er V. Henree 1n Ranger Dance Orch, Proudly Hall 5 '15 Censeeneneee V. Monroe Lone Raneer Dance Orch. Proudly Ball 5;j0 Hollywood Star Gene An try llelnle'i Band Meet the Press Dancing Party J?j5 Hollywood Star Gene Antry Heinle's Band Meet the Press Danolng Party 9;M nit Parade Gangbnsters Bob Crosby Kews Dancing Party" o.'iA 1111 prd Gangbnsters Bob Croiby ''rystal Card. Danolng Party o'ic Lir ' Rl1' Orchestra Bob Crosby Dance Orch. News Ule of BUey Orchestra Bob Croiby Dance Orch. Troplcana, JJ?;W Sam Hayeo J-Star Final News Monica' Wbalen Salnte Reserre' Morton Downey Organ Moils Intermesio Ray Hackett Salute Beaerye JJ! ;i" Oreheitra Capitol Dance Hand Benny Strong Dancing Party Orchestra Cloakroom Panes Band Benny Strong Dancing Party iJiir New Treasnry Band Let's Dance Open Honse Dancing Party M:42 Wm Treasury Band Let's Dance Open Ho is Dancing Party Was Mniaam Organ Melodlei Let's Dance Open nouio Danelng Party Wax Museum Organ Melodies Let's ianc Open House Dancing Party 12:00 Sign Q llHcnt Ixtra Hoar Sign Pit Isign Off DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 KOAC 5lta.,dVwr: MTf;MA "I!" I lni TOO. Grand Opera Tonight; 7:M, dren's Theatert 8:15. On the . ' . Upbeat; 5:50. 050 Sports Clubi :M. News, Baskstballi 9:80. News Weather; :4S, 6:1B, London Lettcri B:80. U. of O. Sem- I Danco Psradei 10 :W, Sign Off. SUNDAY 7'MBadlo Palplt fChureb ef Air Band Box 7x Radio Pulpit Church ef Air Band Box 73(t Family Tims Church of Air Band Box Mutual Musts 7J45 Family Time Church ot Air Band Box Mutual Musis " 8 '00 Doc's Mislc Newsmakers Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. River Boys 815 Morn. Ssrenade H. K. Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. News V 830 Church in Your Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy FeU'sblp Voice 8:45 Home Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Fello'ahlp Voice g"7(0 T B A More of Life Southern aires Ba. Bible Clan Bible Proifiam 9:15 Garden Talk More of Life Southernalres Ra. Bible Clan Lutheran T 930 Eternal Light Guest Stars Menage of Lutheran Hour Ave Maria 'Mr. . 9:45 Eternal Light News Israel Lutheran nour Ave Maria Hr. 10:00 Glenn Shelley, People's News News Ch'rcb to WI16V 10:15 Organist Platform Romanes Songs Organ Loft 10:30 Chicago Round Invitation to Sunday Vespers News Saered Heart 10:45 Table Learning Sunday Vespers Bill Lang Wayne King 11:00 NBC Theater Sammy Kayo Foreign Report Concert Hall First Baptist 11:15 KBC Theater Sammy Kayo -rnk A Ernst Concert Hall Flrit Baptist :30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Piano House, Hrmng First Baptist ijS NBC Thsater News Playhouse Canaries First Baptist "2T60 Mr. Fix-It NT Phil harm. nour of Faith News Serenade for ' 2:15 Chuck Foster NT Phllherm. Hour of Faith Guest Star Strings 2:30 Qli Kids NT Philbarm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury Headline News 2:45 Quls Kids .1 ' hllharm. Opera Album Invenile Jury United Nations; 1:00 MOM Theater NT Philbarm. Week's' World Mr. Feathers Church Prog. 1:15 MGM Thsater NT Philbarm. Week's World Mr. Feathers Church Prog. 1:30 MGM Theater My Serenade Voice of Proph. Martin Kane C. Baptist 1:45 MGM Theater News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane C. Baptist 2:00 Dick Powell Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Muilo for 2:15 Dick Powell Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Daydreaming 2:30 H'vcst of Stars Galen Drake Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase 2:45 H'vcst ef Stars Bob Sterling Greatest Stofv True Detective Band Showcase 3:00 The Hardy f amily Hour Lutheran nour John Sterle Sun. Serenade 3:15 Family Family Ildur Lutheran Hour John S telle Sun. Serenade 3:30 Henry Morran Boston Blackie Music with Nick Carter Muslo for Sun. 3:45 Henry Morgan Boston Blackle the Girls Nick Carter Music for Bun. 4:00 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Research Adv. Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Mewart 4:30 Harris -Fare Amos n Andy Guest Star News Concert 4:45 Harris -Faye Amos 'n' Andy Ted M alone Congress Rep't Concert 6:00 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Hawaii Calls Dallas Minister 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rtby Stop the Music Hawaii Calls Here's to Vets 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Mir ray Suppertlme 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Wfnchell Reviewing St'd Speaker of Wk. 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louella Parsons Reviewing St'd Speaker of Wk. 6:30 Album Familiar Horaee Heidt Chance of a Family Ihcatre News 6:45 Mnslo Horace Heidt Lifetime Family Theatre Troplcana ?;00 Take It er Contented Hr. Jtmmle Fldler Medical Hllltea Sunday laJen ;15 Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songs or Times Sunday Salon 7:30 Bb Crosby The Whistler Imazfnv Roy Rogers Nasarene Ch. 7;45Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Roger Nasarene Ch. 8:00 1 Man's amlly Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Cations Nasarene Ch. 8:15 1 Man's Family Miss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Nasarene Ch. 5:30 Symphony Hoar Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wlnehell Can Ton Frank de Vol :45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Top This Frank de Vol ?:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Reverie :15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday fteveHo 9:30 Best Seller Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Boy. McKay News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlehf 'Id Rep'tr Sign Off Moon Dreams 10:15 Mary A. Msreer Night Editor Intermeise Moon Dreams 10:30 Catholic Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreams 10:45 Catholic Hour Orchestra Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 News Treasury Band Drew Pearson Sign Off ' 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne J 11:30 Wax Museum Organ Muslo Nocturne X 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Muslo Nocturne 1 12:0Qlsign Off ' Isign Oft ' Ixtra Boor ' P ' MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6'00 Hodge Poe'ge News Farm News News 6'1K K0IN Kloek Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6 '30 T'n S0IN Kleck Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Kleek 6:45 F,rro Tlm K0IN Kloek Keep Smiling News KOCO Kleck 7:00 (Early Bird KOIN Kloek News News Tex Bitter J 7;15Kld Songs Duncan M'Leod Agrensky Breakfast Gang KOCO Kloek ?;3fl News Bob Garred Bob Hazen Musis News ;15 3am Hayes Fred Beck Zcko Manners Top Trade KOCO Kloek S'OO Eddte Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Bargain Conatr Crusaders Eddie Albert Dave Vaile Breakfast Club Family Alter Crusaders 8:30 Jck Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Mon. Melodies Western Melody 8;45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Mon. Melodise Temple Behees 9:00 Seeond Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Melody Time 9:15 Second Cap Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Wall on Melody Time 9'30 Hometownera Helen Trent Quick as Flash Pastor'a Call Stars Img 9:45 News Gal Sunday Quick as Wash Walts Time John C. Thosja. 0:00 Marriage for t Big Sister Sage Riders News NW. News " 10:15 Car. Cavallero Ma Perkins Art Baker Gospel Binge Memory Man 10:30 Br Reynolds Rr. Mitone My True Story Concert Mln. Tune Time 10 ;45 Geo. Murphy Guiding Light My True Story Buss Morgan W Keys 1:00 Doubls er Mrs. Purtort Betty Crocker Ladles Fair Musla Hart ' 1:15 Nothing Trry Mason Victor Lindlabr Ladles Fair Muslo Mart 1:30 Children Today Nerah Drake N'westerners Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westsrners Queen for Day Vocal Variety 2:00 News House Party Baukhage Talk Top Trades H'wood Mnile ' 2:15 Read of Life Come A Get It News News H'wood Must 2:30 P. T'g's Family House 1'arty Jack Norman Gay AO's News 2:45 Bight to HappL.Newa Meet Menjons Jimmy Wakely Dave Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Breakfast In Bob Mitchell Mae's Melodies ' ;15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Show Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mac's Melodies l:30Lorenso Jonee Garry Moore Kay Weil Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodic 1:45 Wldder Brown Klrkham News Kay West Ring Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 Girl Marries Kfrkbam News Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae's Melodies' 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Allen Jar Stewart . Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 lust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride Groom Ladles First Mao's Melodies 2:45 Ft. Pre. Farrcll Tunefully Trs. Walter Klcrnan Ladles First Mac's Melodies 3:00 Wele Travelers Klrkham News Pick i Date ' Tarm-Hom Mao's Melodies' 3:15 Wele, Traveler Arthur Godfrey Pick a Dat Polka Tims Mae's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey nannib' Cobb News Mae's Melodies 3:45 Lovsjtb Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Hawaiian Har. Mac's Melodies J:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Time ;l5 Llfs Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Frnk. Hen 'way Philosopher 4:30 Or. Paul Curt Hassev Squirrel Cage Behind Story Brers Can 4:45lPals, Stone fed. B. Marrow Firefighters Sews ' b, Beanttfal ACROSS L, Orgun stop t District la London 10. Exist 12. Decorate IS. Foreword 15. Hindu queem . 1C Asiatic country IT. Insect 18. Disunite 30. Short 21. Artificial lanruaro 23. Female abeep Si. Small round nark 26. Late: const form 28. Closer 28. Br 10. Inoenso hnrner SS. oreek ruler Si. NewBasencyi abbr. SS, Implement used with a mortar 17. Epoch IS. June bug 29. Fowl 40. Obtain 41. Bart Ix 43. Caress 45. Malt liquor 46. Variety 47. Very: Scotca SO. Banging garland CI. The elbow 83, Symbol for tantalum 14. Sola SS. Borough la Pennsyl Tanla sh e DglaTA s pfiA cc LOR eUoIp O RUv O l1 A MA S S glS" L O 0 A N Sj P JL 1 E OA M E R C PpfO RAT OlWaBlN i l11 ap aBT nBh JOt vi de v oInBha p sQe t &? A 5JB a c elSI PARISH Mf RAMPt A T A C T CBT R A T 1 5115 a 31 i 1 C EIIn E R 0B ARB Solution ef Yetttrdiy't Purzl DOWN L, Pilcslllce flah 2. Feminine nam 2. Aslatlowlnd IT Mtt iiT a 2 a 1 11 fr "lkr-l 1 1 ws 1 4. KUnd of oheeaw 5. Article t. Flower! n plant T. Karly EngUafi moneys I. Surround . About 10. Genus ot th maple tro 11. Proper 14. Border 18. Drains 19. Thlncoattoi JO. Uexlcao Indian 21. Peruvian ohJei 25. Profound 24. Rely 27. Become less seTore 25. Laud measur 29. Pronoun SI. Blemish 22. Deputed gov ernment . Full of briers S8. Performs 41. Log float 42. Genus of the Mm . oliTe tree 42. Idiot 44. Goddess of the moon 4. Male child 48. The heart 49. Two halves 51. For I si. wbiis