Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 04, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Formal Military BalVGala Event for Feb. 18
T1 ALEM club. Daughters of the Nile,
has arranged its February meeting
for Monday. Members will assem
ble at 10 o'clock at the Masonic temple
for sewing. The luncheon will be at 12
New officers are to take over at this
meeting. Mrs. Russell D. Bright is the
incoming president.
On the committee for the luncheon are
Mrs Eldon T. Armstrong, Mrs. Fred
Kecler, Mrs. E. H, Kennedy, Mrs. Rex
Turner, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. Wayne D.
Henry, Mrs. Merle D. Travis, Mrs. H.
M. Johnston, Mrs. W. G. Burris, and
four members from Independence, Mrs.
Maurice J. Butler, Mrs. Ardella Butler,
Mrs. Walter L. Smith and Mrs. Ira D.
ARDEN club members have plan
Ts OON it will be annual Red Cross
fund campaign time again and a
large group of women will be serv
ing as volunteers in the drive.
Mrs. Frank E. Shafer is to be general
chairman for the residential division, or
the women's division, in the campaign,
and co-chairman is announced to be
Mrs. J. S. Lochead.
ned their February program for
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the Salem Woman's club house.
P. H. Brydon is to give a talk and
show colored slides of rhododendrons
and camellias.
Mrs. John Carr is chairman for the
tea committee.
Announcement is made that on March
7 a meeting for the Santiam district of
garden clubs will be in Salem with the
Salem Garden club and other federation
affiliated groups as hosts.
Missouri club is planning a meeting
for Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. M.
Hoyt, 1684 Chemckcta street, salad
luncheon to bp served at 1 p.m.
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ANNOUNCED this week was the engagement of Miss Mary Elizabeth Lucrezia Kelts,
above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Kells of Salem, to Dr. Edoardo Vergara
CafJarelli di Graco of New York City. The wedding is to be in March in New York.
Joint Reception by OSC and UO
Mothers Clubs Thursday Afternoon
To have presidents of both state or
ganizations of Oregon State College and
University of Oregon Mothers clubs as
residents is the distinctive honor for Sa
lem this year.
In recognition of tills honor, a recep
tion is nlanned for next Thursday after
noon, February 9, at the Morningside
residence of Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, 2900
South 12th street, honoring Mrs'. George
H. Swift, who is the state president of
the UO mothers, and Mrs. Oscar I. Paul
son, the state president for the OSC
The joint affair in sponsored by the
two local units of the mothers' clubs,
and hours for the tea are between 2:30
and 5 o'clock.
Friends Invited
State officers of both clubs have been
Invited and an invitation is extended
through the press to all members of
both Salem clubs and to interested
friends of both schools to attend.
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., is president
of the Salem unit of OSC mothers and
Mrs. Grant B. Fallin is president of the
Salem club of UO mothers.
Mrs. Swift, the state president of the
UO mothers, has served the state group
as vice president, director for several
years, district vice president and as pres
ident of the Salem unit in 1937. Her
three daughters and her son all are grad
uates of the University of Oregon.
Mrs. Paulson, state OSC mothers pres
ident, has servd as state scholarship
chairman, vice president and district
president and was president of the Sa
lem club in 1942-43. Two of her daugh
ters and one son have attended Oregon
State college an another son is now a
student on the campus there.
For the Thursday tea, Mrs. Douglas
McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, and
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, whose hus
band is a member of the state board of
higher education, will pour during the
first hour; and during the second hour,
Mrs. John H. Carkin and Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding, botli past presidents of the
local mothers clubs, will pour.
In the receiving line will be the two
state presidents, Mrs. Paulson and Mrs.
Swift; and the two local presidents, Mrs.
Wilson and Mrs. Fallin.
Many Assist
Introducing to tile line for the first
hour will be Mrs. John R. Caughell
from the UO Mothers club and for, the
second period, Mrs, L. O. Arens o the
OSC mothers group.
Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson heads the OSC
Mothers club committee for the recep
tion, assisted by Mrs. Bruce Crandnll,
Mrs. Wallace Bonesteelo, Mrs. J. Edgar
Reay, Mrs. Carl Schneider, Mrs. Ivy
Coons, all to act as hostesses about the
rooms, and Mrs. Carl W. Kmnions from
the OSC club is hostess chairman from
that group. For the OSC Mothers, Mrs.
Ernest Walker will be receiving at the
door; and inviting guests intc the din
ing room will be Mrs. Fred Galilsriorf.
Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling is chairman
from the UO Mothers club for the
committee arranging the reception,
and working with her are Mrs. Charles
H. Huggins, Mrs. Hollis W Hunting
ton, Mrs. George S. Hoffman, Mrs.
Robert M. Fitzmauriee, Mrs. M. D. Fid
ler, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. John
R Caughell, Mrs. Edna M. Olson, Mrs.
John H. Carson and Mrs. Conrad W.
Faulus, Mrs. Fitzmaurice heading the
hostess committee. Receiving at the
door for the UO mothers will be Mrs.
Aubrey S. Tussing and inviting to the
dining room will be Mrs. John H. Carson.
The tea table is in charge of Mrs.
Ohling from the UO mothers and chair
man for publicity is Mrs. Austin H. Wil
son, Sr., from the OSC mothers club.
Regular meeting for Job's Daughters,
Bethel No. 3H, will be Monday evening
in Beaver hall at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Ann
Gibbens, honored queen, presiding.
For the Soroptimist club meeting
Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant,
Thomas Stacer from the attorney gen
eral's office is to talk on military and
civilian defense.
Chairmen of committees arranging for
the regional conference of Soroptimist
clubs to be held in Salem in April are to
meet this coming Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Marie Ling at 7:30
On February 15, the postponed "pre
conference meeting" for the club will be
at the home of Mrs. H. G. Maison. At
that time, Mrs. Alice Dowell Jones of
Portland, regional chairman, and sev
eral other members from the Portland
club will be here to talk over plans for
the conference. The local club also will
conduct initiation for new members that
The weekly at home afternoon will be
observed by Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife
of Oregon's governor, Tuesday after
noon, Salem and out-of town friends be
ing Invited to call that afternoon.
Hollywood Lions club auxiliary an
nounces its meeting for next Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
James Tindall, 1120 Columbia. Mrs.
Archie Elliott, Mrs. J. E. VanWyngar
den and Mrs. Charles Cox are to be
Miss Alice Pendlebury, exchange
teacher from England at Oregon College
ot Education, Monmouth, is to be the
Salem Women's Army and Navy
League plans its monthly luncheon and
social afternoon for Tuesday at 1 o'clock
at Chuck's Steak House. There will be
special entertainment following the
luncheon. Mrs. Frank Keating is chair
man for the afternoon.
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
are in Oregon City tins evening to at
tend a community gathering there.
Next Thursday evening the McKays
will be honor guests at a Boy Scout
event in Springfield.
Valentine day, February 14, is the
date announced for the wedding ol Miss
Barbara Richardson and George Bart
ruff. The ceremony will be solemnized
at 7 o'clock in the evening in the First
Evangelical United Brethren church.
Miss Richardson is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson and at
tended Salem schools, also University of
Oregon. Mr, Bartruff is the son of Mrs.
Lena Bartruff. He also attended Salem
schools and was in the navy for six
Several sorority alumnae groups have
meetings slated for next week.
Chi Omega alumnae are to meet on
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Frank Turner, 740 South
street, Mrs. Clarence Webber, Jr., as co
hostess. Dessert will be followed by a
business session. All Chi Omegas in the
city are invited.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting on
Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague. Mrs. Merrill D.
Ohling is chairman of the hostess com
mittee. Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae will
gather for their postponed meeting next
Thursday evening. Mrs. George Schwarx
and Mrs. Charles Hcltzcl to entertain
the group at the Schwarz residence.
Delta Delta Delta alumnae announce
their meeting scheduled for Monday eve
ning has been postponed until a later
ANNOUNCED for the evening of
Thursday, February 16, is the
annual sweetheart party of the
Salem Lions club. ,
This year's event will be in the Cham
ber of Commerce, starting with a din
ner at 7 o'clock. The affair is informal.
Special entertainment is planned and in
the program special emphasis is to be
given on the leadership held by Lions
in the community.
Wesley E. Stewart, Jr., heads the com
mittee in charge, assisted by Leo Rei
mannfE. Burr Miller, Carl Aschenbren
ner, Leo Henderson, Dr. Earle Delaney,
Richard Denton and Dr. F. D. Voigt.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
ALEM will be host to the annual
meeting of the United States Hop
Growers' association next Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, several hun
dred visitors to be here for the three-day
Several social affairs are being ar
ranged to honor the visiting women.
A "Whose Here?" luncheon is plan
ned Thursday at the Marion hotel.
That afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, an
informal tea will be given at the Marion.
Mrs. Gordon Hadley of Independence
is chairman of the committee arranging
the tea, and assisting are Mrs. Ray Glatt
of Woodburn, Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Sa-"
lem, Mrs. Victor Belaire of Moxie City,
Wash., Mrs. E. T. Rooney of Sacra
mento, Mrs. Romeo W. Gouley of Salem.
Among those assisting as hostesses
at the tea will be Mrs. Dean H. Walker
of Independence, Mrs. William Wallace,
Graham, Mrs. Fred Viesko, Mrs. Conrad
W Paulus, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. Ben
Hull, Mrs. E. W. Crosby, Jr., Mrs. Her
man Goschie, Mrs. E. F. Willig, Mrs.
Howard Eismann, Mrs. Otto Schlottman,
Mrs. V. O. Kelley, Mrs. S. P. Linn, Mrs.
James R. Linn.
Another social event during the con
vention will be the "Twilight Party" at
Crystal Gardens, Thursday evening, a
buffet supper and dance being planned
from 6 o'clock on.
Friday evening brings the convention
banquet at the Marion hotel.
News comes from Miss Shirley Hunt
ington, who recently went east to Wash
ington, D.C., that she expects to leave
soon for a position with the American
Red Cross in Tripoli.
Miss Huntington came home just be
fore Christmas from the Hawaiian is
lands, where she had been the past three
years with the Red Cross, and spent
the holidays here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington. She
left during the fore part of January to
receive her new orders at Washington.
Miss Betty Childs, who recently an
nounced her engagement to Frederick
G. Bradshaw and will' be married
March 4, was honored at two parties giv
en in Portland the latter part of the
Friday evening, Mrs. J. Everett Buck
ley entertained at a buffet dinner for
Miss Childs.
This afternoon, Mrs. Richard Roberts
was hostess at the Aero club for lunch
eon and a shower. Going from Salem
to the party were Mrs. John Steelham
mer, Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst, Mrs.
George Tomlinson and Mrs. John Kelty.
Mr. and Mrs. Steelhammer are in
Portland for the week-end. They were
among guests at a surprise birthday din
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H,
Hall last evening, the day being Mr.
Hall's anniversary.
February meeting for the Salem Gen
eral Hospital auxiliary is to be next
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the
YWCA. Mrs. Wilmer C. Page, vice pres
ident, will preside. Plans will be dis
cussed for the coming rummage sale of
the auxiliary, also for the spring mem
bership drive. All auxiliary members
are invited to attend.
Zonia club's program meeting will be
next Thursday noon, the group to gather
for luncheon at the Golden Pheasant res
taurant. Daniel J. Fry is to be guest speaker
and will show pictures of the trip he
and Mrs. Fry took last year to South
V y- - - - ,A ' v-"Y 'h 1
A GROUP PROMINENTLY Identified wllh the Joint reception to b given by Salem units of the Oregon Slate Cohere
and University of Oregon Mothers clubs next week is this one above. Left to right are: Mrs. Glenn S Paxson, at
whose Morningside residence the tea will be given Thursday afternoon between 2:30 and 5 o'clock: Mrs. Austin H.
Wilson, Sr., president of the Salem unit of OSC Mothers; Mrs. Grant Fallin, president of the Salem unit of UO
Mothers; Mrs. Georrs H. Swift, state president of the UO Mothers, and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, state president of
tb OM Mvthan. ibe Ua to airuiel by lh. two stabs I honor Mrs. Swift aad Mm Paulson.
A COLORFUL SOCIAL event attracting much Interest for mid-February will be the annual formal military ball to be
sponsored by Marion county chapter of the Reserve Officers' association, the party to be at the armory. Pictured
here are some of the committee members and their wives, left to right: Capt. Dewey Rand, USAR, general chairman
of the ball; Mrs. Dewey Rand; Major Leonard Hicks, USMCR; Mrs. Carl H. Cover and Comdr. Carl 11. Cover, USNR,
president of the local Reserve Officers' unit.
ONDAY opens the new semester
for Willamette university stu
dents and already plans are un
der way for varied social events and
campus activities during the early
Big event of March will be the an
nual Freshman Glee, scheduled for
March 25.
This year, for the first time, a recep
tion is planned following the Glee, the
Willamette Alumni association of Salem
to give the affair to honor parents of
out-of-town participants in the Glee. The
reception will be given in Baxter hall.
Ed Averill, Portland, state president of
the Willamette alumni, has named Ervin
W. Potter and Miss Lelia Johnson as
chairmen for the reception.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fawk are to
entertain at an informal at home at
their new residence, 580 North 22nd,
Walnut Park addition, tomorrow after
noon, a large group of friends being in
vited to call between 2:30 and 5:30
Assisting at the affair will be Mrs.
Edward Kortzeborn and Mrs. Ernest
Pouring will be Mrs. P. Dixon Van
Ausdell, Jr., Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs.
James C. Stone, Miss Alice Crary Brown,
Mrs. Ervin W. Potter, Mrs. Vernon Wis
carson. The tea table will be set with
a lace cloth and a silver bowl in which
will be arranged yellow daffodils, match
ing tapers at either side.
Mrs. H. G. Maison and Mrs. Karl
Becke left this morning for San Fran
cisco to attend the gifts show in San
Francisco. While there they will visit
Mrs. Maison's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Griffin. The two
plan to return Thursday evening.
The Job's Daughters Mothers' club
meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, has
been postponed until the regular March
Tea at McKays'
Prominent on the social calendar for
next week is the tea for which Mrs.
Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's gov
ernor, will entertain Friday afternoon at
the Jerris avenue residence of the Mc
Kays. The affair is arranged in welcome to
Mrs. Harry S. Dorman and Mrs. Law
son McCall, both recent newcomers here
from Portland. Mr. Dorman came to
Salem as state budget director and Mr.
McCall to be administrative assistant in
the governor's office.
Guests are invited to call at different
hours between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock
Friday to meet Mrs. Dorman and Mrs.
McCall. Miss Alene Phillips will intro
. duce guests to the line. ;
Receiving will be Mrs. McKay and
the two honorees.
Pouring during the first hour will be
Governor McKay's mother, Mrs. J. W.
Frater of Portland, and his sister, Mrs.
John G. Cheetham of Portland.
Mrs. Earl Snell and Mrs. Hall S. Lusk
will preside at the urns during the sec
ond hour, and pouring for the third
period will be Mrs. Charles A. Sprague
and Miss Elizabeth Lord.
Assisting about the rooms and in greet
ing the guests will be the McKays'
two daughters, Mrs. Wayne Hadley and
Mrs. Lester D. Green, the latter of Eu
gene; and members of Mrs. McKay's
bridge club, including Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Roy S. Keene, who is
to be here from Corvallis, Mrs. W. W.
Baum, Mrs. William S. Cole, Miss Doro
thea Steusloff, Mrs. Richard Slater, Mrs.
G. Frederick Chambers, Mrs. Harry U.
Miller, Mrs. E. M. Page. v
The postponed founders day event for
all local P.E.O. Sisterhood members will
be an event of next Tuesday evening,
the informal dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock
in the First Congregational church.
Members of all five local chapters
and all unaffiliated P.E.O. members are
Jestn-Mlllcr atudlo plctura
Jcsten-MlHer studio picUrtJt
T OJOURNERS club has a busy calv ,
endar outlined for February.
Semi-monthly afternoon party for
the group will be next Thursday aftera'-'
noon in the Salem Woman's club house,
salad luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. Mrs'
C. A. Ladd is chairman of the commit,-.,.-,
tee for the afternoon and assisting aie a'
Mrs. Kenneth Muller, Mrs. Ed Goecknciv :!
Mrs. Francis Gaskins, Mrs. J. S. Bonaw
witz, Mrs. Richard Busch and Mrs. Lee' s
1. Thomas. ,
On February 17 the club is sponsoring -a
no-host supper for members and hup .
bands, the party to be at the Mayflowers
Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mrs. A. P. Collins, Mm, ,.
Leland Mackprang, Mrs. Stuart Thedp; r
Mrs. Gilbert Groff and Mrs. Robert
Corey are the committee for the suppern-.
Theatre Arts group is to be entertain"
ed at the home of Mrs: A. A SchraMt,- y
165 North 17th, Tuesday, dessert toTei'
served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. W. E. Klrfclr! '.
to review "Eastward in Eden" by Gar,C
ner. I
Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T,
Newbry will be among those attending v:
events in conjunction with the mi
winter state Elks meeting in AshlanoVn.
next Friday and Saturday. The New",
brys will be there for the week-end alms i
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bruen; 1
inger of Woodburn have announced the i.
engagement of their daughter Miss Win'
ona Brueninger, to Carl Jorgenson, son ,.
of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jorgensen of Get '
vais. No date has been set for th
Dean and Mrs. Robert D. Gregg at j,
entertaining tomorrow afternoon at an
informal at home, one of a series they"
are planning for the Sunday afternooM.u,i
during February.
Guests will include faculty membera.:,.
in Willamette university college of libl
eral arts and in the administration del- a
partment, and hours are between 4 ande
6 o'clock.
American Associatiin of University Wo-'r
men, will meet on Tuesday evening it an.
the home of Mrs, P. L. Calvert, 2W
Washington, dessert to be at 7:30 o'rfickjA
The next luncheon for the AAUJyis''i
to be February 18.
Of interest to a wide circle of friends'"""
will be the informal at home affaiis,.'u,
planned next Thursday. February 9, -tb
honor Mrs. Sarah M. Whitney, who tis u,,
to be 100 years old (hat day
Friends are invited to call between:; 2,, j..
and 5 p.m. and again in the evening"""
between 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock al tha: ;
home of Mrs. Whitney's daughter, Mm I
W. J. Hagedorn, 1405 Fir street.
Preceding the receptions, a familyum
dinner is tc be given at the Hagedorn:.-. '
residence for a group of about 50 relaH-vi
tives. Mrs. Hagedorn is being assisted.':'
in arranging the affair by l.ei daugmuuh
ter, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Sr and other'!'"
Eight of Mrs. Whitney's 10 living1
children will be here for the centennialh,.
observance. Two daughters Mrs Ai
chie Stivers of Alta. Iowa and Mrs.;.,
James Ennis of Hartley Iowa, will M "
unable to attend.
The eight to be nere include'
Hagedorn of Salem Mrs. Nellie Bunn.: "
of Portland. Mrs. Fred Lupton of Port"" '
land, Mrs. Charles Becker of Portland,..
Mrs. Lake Price of Cook, Wash., Mrsj":
Thomas Magers of Portland, Mrs. Sta"
cey Reeves of Cook, Wash., and Please h
ant Whitney of Brownsville. Two 6f -the
children have passed away. Mrji
William Bunn, late of Los Anffclei,'.'
and Orrin Whitney, late of Salem andu' ;
Lot Angeles. .
NO EFFORT is beine spared to make the military ball a memorable occasion, February 18, and among other com
mittee people and wives assisting with arrangements is this sextet above, left to right: Capt. ttaluh Solum, USAFR;
Mrs. Ralph Solum; Mrs. Robert Letts Jones; Capt. Robert Letts Jones, USMCR; Mrs. Gordon Skinner; Major Gordon
Skinner, USAR. The ball is strictly formal and the association members will wear their uniforms. Several pre
dance parties are in the planning.
February Features Varied Dancing Parties in Salem
nir'HE Valentine dance for members
III of Alpha Epsilon chapter, Beta
Sigma Phi, is an event for next
Saturday evening, February 11, the
party to be a semi-formal one in the
Paul Armstrong school of dance, start
ing at 9 o'clock.
At this occasion the chapter's Valen
tine queen is chosen. Candidates for
the title are Mrs. Roger Cochran, Mrs.
Donald Stiffler and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Al Stoddard is general chair
man for the dance.
The chapter's regular meeting is plan
ned for next Thursday evening at the
West Salem City hall.
A Valentine Dance
Another Valentine dance for the
evening of February 11 is the annual
sweetheart formal of the Hi-Y clubs,
the party to be In the No-Name ball
room. Feature of the evening will be an
nouncement of the selection of the
1950 Hi-Y Sweetheart, candidates for
the title being Misses Joan Marie
Miller, Alice Girod, Marilyn Power,
Ginger Currier and Pebble DeSart.
The dance annually is the big event
of the mid-winter for the high school
The Woman's Society of Christian
Service of the Jason Lee Methodist
church is planning a meeting for Wed
nesday at 1 p.m. in the church parlors,
a dessert luncheon to be served. Mrs.
Dorothy Klemple is to lead the devo
tions. Mrs. Louis Kirby will present the
lesson and the program is to include
special music.
Hal Hibbard camp and auxiliary,
United Spanish War Veterans, are to
meet Monday evening, Veterans of For
eign Wars hall. There will be a dinner
at 6 o'clock, the meetings following.
The camp is to install officers.
A visitor at the auxiliary meeting will
be the department president, Mrs. Addie
Mae Beeman of Portland.
t'v 'VI7: : J .
THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Mary Emmons Lusk, above, daughter of Chief Justice Hall
S. Lusk of the state supreme court and Mrs. Lusk, to John Gerald Connole of Berkeley,
Calif., was announced recently. He Is the son of Paul Parnell Connole rf St. Louis, Mo.
An April wedding is planned. Miss Lusk is in research work In the office of Dr. Robert
G. SprooJa, president af the University mt California, Berkeley.
CALENDARED for Monday evening,
February 13, is the annual sweet
heart dinner dance of the Salem
Shrine club, the event to be at the Mar
ion hotel as a formal affair.
The social hour is set for 7 o'clock,
the dinner to be at 8:30 o'clock in the
hotel Mirror room.
A floor show is to be featured dur
ing the evening. Wolfer's orchestra will
play for the dancing.
Robert White, Ray Linton, Robert
Stutsman, Delmar Whitman and Wal
lace Doerfler make up the directorate
for the party.
Members of Jason Lee Methodist
church Wesleyan Service guild will en
tertain for the Leslie and First Metho
dist church guilds at an exchange din
ner on Monday evening, the affair be
ing set for 6:30 o'clock in the Jason Lee
Mrs. Everett Faber, conference sec
retary for the guild, will be an out-of-town
visitor, and will talk to the group.
On the committees for the event are
Mrs. Herman Rehfuss for reservations;
Mrs. Clifford Ellis for the food; Mrs. L.
C. Mitchell for decorations; and Mrs.
Otto Yunker, singing.
The regular program In the series
sponsored by the Oregon organization
of Daughters of the American Revolu
tion will be heard over KOAC Monday
at 2 p. m. Mrs. G. R. Carter, member
of Crater Lake chapter, Medford, has
planned the program on "Jacksonville,"
and the script will be presented by a
former DAR Pilgrim, Miss Shirley Jean
Howard of Portland.
Among Salem folk in Portland Thurs
day evening for the Portland Realty
board's First Citizen banquet, honoring
T. H. Banfield, were Mr. and Mrs. Claude
H. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker,
William Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph M. Devers, Sr.
vi . y r ?
jesten-Millcr studio pictur
I ISTERIA club's February dance
is to be an event of next Friday
evening in the Veterans of For
eign Wars hall, dancing scheduled to
start at 9:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mr. and
Mrs A. H. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Soos
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mayers are
on the committee for the evening.
Circles of the Woman's Society for
Christian Service, First Methodist
church, are to meet next Wednesday as
No. 1, at the home of Mr. B. F. Wil
liams, 340 Lancaster, Mrs. Wesley Wire
and Mrs. Zella James, assistant host
esses, meeting at 1:15 o'clock.
No. 2, meeting at 1:15 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. James Taylor, 862 North
16th, Mrs. Myrtle Heard assisting.
No. 3, at the home of Mrs. H. G. Carl,
965 E street, at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs. Merle
D. Travis and Mrs. Ralph Mercer assist
ing. No. 4, with Mrs. S. Chisholm, 985
North Summer, at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs. E.
E. Bergman assisting.
No. 5, meeting with Mrs. Herbert Ost
lind, 360 East Lefelle, a no-host lunch
eon at 12:30 o'clock, Mrs. C. H. Sawyer
and Mrs. Grant Day as assistants.
No. 6, meeting with Miss Elsie Miller,
1180 North Winter, at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs.
George Lewis, Mrs. Walter Lehman and
Mrs. L. D. Wheatley assisting.
No. 7, at the home of Mrs. J. R.
Kuhns, 815 Ford street, at 8 p.m., Mrs.
Kermit Clemens assisting, Mrs. Elwood
Ball in charge of devotions.
The Priscilla guild of Christ Lutheran
church is meeting next Wednesday eve
ning at 7:45 o'clock for a business and
social event at the home of Mrs. H. H.
Bomeier, 295 Candalaria boulevard Mrs.
Grace Stenback is co-hostess. The topic
for the program is "Evangelism: Go and
Tell," presented by Mrs. B. Gronlund.
Home Nursing Work
Home nursing, stressing care of the
sick in the home and mothei and baby
.care, is emphasized as a major service
for the American Red Cross this win
ter and as an essential for all homes.
In line with this national program
the nursing services program for Marion
county chapter, American Red Cross,
is preparing classes, Mrs. Ralph E.
Moody, volunteer chairma. for the
nursing services committee, in charge
Starting February 13, a training
course for instructors will be given for
one week, area representat ves from
San Francisco to be here lo give the
Following the training for instruc
tors, several classes will then be formed
in late February. The courses in no
way are set up to be professional but
stress the essentials and pointers that
should be observed in all homes where
the sick are cared for.
Mrs. Moody has enlisted Ihe interest
of several women to assist in the nurs
ing services program here.
Mrs. Mike Steinbock heads the local
home nursing committee and Mrs Al
Feitclson is to serve the committee
as general secretary. Mrs Gordon
Shattuck is chairman for nurse enroll
ment; Mrs. Brace Knapp, secretary for
the nurse enrollment division. Mrs Har
mon Ycary, representing the public
health department; Mrs. Morris K.
Crothers, in charge of the art work
and window displays promoting the
program; Mrs. Rex Kimmell and Mrs.
Ernest Rostel, co-chairmen for equip
ment; Mrs. Eugene Anderson, serving
as liaison worker between the com
mittee and the Salem Memorial hospital.
Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Am
aranth, will meet Monday evening at
the Masonic temple with Mrs. William
Wilson, royal matron, and Don Patton,
royal patron, presiding. Charter mem
bers of the court will be honored. An
invitation has been extended to Cherry
court members to attend the meeting.
The program and refreshments will be
in charge of the men from Hanna Rosa
The Sanliam area council, Girl Scouts
of America, announces a board meeting
for next Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Com
munity Chest office here.
On Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock,
members of the executive commiltee for
Salem district council of scouts will
meet al the home of Mrs. Ward R. Davis,
220 East Wilson.
Regular meeting for Chadwick chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star, is scheduled
for next Tuesday evening, February 7,
Mrs. William L. Lewis, worthy matron,
Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors
of America, met at the Veterans hall on
Wednesday night for the annual instal
lation of officers. Mrs. Sarah Peterson
acted as installing officer with Miss
Mildred Yetter as ceremonial marshal
and Mrs. Arthur Fiala as assistant cere
monial marshal.
The officers installed are: Oracle, Mrs.
Frank Hoyt; vice oracle, Mrs. Mary
Young; past oracle, Mrs. Blanche Gaines;
chancellor, Mrs. Irvin Geer; recorder,
Mrs. Minnie Gregory; receiver, Mrs.
John Sohrt; marshal, Mrs. Stanley
Quamme; assistant marshal, Mrs. Will
iam Hoyt; inner sentinel, Mrs. Ethel
Davenport; outer sentinel, Mrs. Alta
Keuscher; managers, Mrs. Ruby Butler,
Miss Mildrd Yetter, Mrs. Phillip Bouf
fleur; musician, Mrs. Floyd Bewley;
flagbearer, Mrs. Lucia Keyt; captain of
degree staff, Mrs. Mable Miles; juvenile
director, Mrs. Affha Mae Anderson;
graces, Mrs. George Speed, Mrs. Neva
Jackson, Mrs. Hattie Ruef, Mrs. Gladys
Flathers, Mrs. Grace Kasson.
Special committees for 1950 appoint
. ed are: Transportation, Mrs. A. J. Elli
ott, Mrs. Floyd Bewley, Mrs. George'
Speed, Mrs. John Sohrt; resolutions,
Mrs. Hattie Ruef, Mrs. Lulu Ackerman,
Mrs. Inez Geer; music, Mrs. Philip Bouf
leur, Mrs. Floyd Bewley, Mrs. John
Sohrt, Mrs. A. J. Elliott, Mrs. William
Mrs. Zula Webb was chairman of the ,
refreshment committee which served
supper after the installation ceremony
at a Valentine decorated table.
Plans are under way for attendance
at the district convention and also at the
state convention which will be held in
Klamath Falls in April.
Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, is to meet in regular session
Monday at 8 p.m. in the Salem Woman's
Cenlralia temple of Pythian Sisters
sponsored a Valentine party after the
business meeting Wednesday
A surprise handkerchief and Valen
tine shower was given for Mrs. A. R,
Jacobsen who is moving away. Valen
tine games were played. The story of
how Valentine's day came to be was
told by Mrs. Robert Forrester. Group
singing was led by Mrs. Don Judson.
Refreshments were served to 32 mem
bers and four new visitors. The host
esses were Mrs. Robert Forrester, Mrs,
Earl C. Burke and Mrs. Earl Brewster.
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ONE OF THE DEPARTMENTS preparing for an active season in Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, Is the
nursing service group. Some of the committee members aro pictured here in the chapter nursing room, some demon
strating care of the sick in the home, others doinf the work In finishing arranslnif the new quarters. Left to right
are: Mrs. Ralph E. Moody, chairman of nursing services for the chapter; Mrs. Mike Stclnhork chairman of the
home nursing committee of volunteers; Mrs. Morris Crothers, In charge of art work and window displays for the
home nursinf program campaign; Mrs. Ernest Rostel and Mrs. Rex Kimmell, co-chairman for equipment, while the
"patient" is Mrs. Eugene Anderson, who officiates as the liaison worker between the horns nursing commutes and
the Salem Memorial hospital.
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AMONG RECENT newcomers being welcomed to the capital are the Robert Taylors, Mr.
Taylor being the new state insurance commissioner. The family came here from Fort
land. Pictured here are Mrs. Taylor and two daughters, Diane and Judy.
REGULAR meeting for Salem Wom
an's club is scheduled for next
Friday afternoon in the club house.
Walter Meacham, secretary of the Ore
gon Trails, Inc., is to be the guest
The club meeting is to be at 2 o'clock,
the board meeting at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Ronald Glover and Mrs. Ben
Maxwell are chairmen for the tea.
Tuesday Events
On Tuesday morning members are
asked to meet at the club house to as
sist in stuffing the 30,000 envelopes for
the National Society for Crippled Chil
dren and Adults. Each is to take a sack
At 2 p.m. Tuesday the weekly pro
gram for members and friends will be
given at the club house. For this event
Miss Edna Mingus is to review "Gentian
Hill" by Elizabeth Goudge.
Lebanon Miss Gertrude Anne Lewis
was wed to Joseph Phillip Cook, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Saturday,
January 28, at the First Baptist church.
Pink snapdragons and white carna
tions were arranged at the altar. Dr.
John B. Houser read the double ring
ceremony. Music was provided by Miss
Dorothy Whiteis.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lewis of Lebanon, was given in
marriage by her father. Her street
length dress of silver and blue brocade
was complimented by gray and blue ac
cessories. She wore a corsage of pink
rosebuds and stephanotis.
Miss Wilma Lewis, maid of honor for
her sister, wore a navy blue dress and
blue hat. Her corsage was of pink rose
buds. Johnny Lewis, brother of the bride,
was best man.
The reception was at the home of the
home of the bride's parents, attended by
50 friends and relatives. The newlyweds
left for a short wedding trip to Portland.
For traveling the bride wore a suit of
nile green with gray accessories.
On their return they will be at home
at the Scott apartments in Lebanon.
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Rotary Party Set
Annual ladies' night dinner and pro
gram for Salem Rotary club will be an
event for next Wednesday, February 8,
attracting a large group. The party is
an informal one.
The dinner will be served at 7 o'clock,
the doors opening at 6:15 o'clock. A
large group of guests has been invited,
including wives of al Rotarians, visiting
members from nearby Rotary clubs and
representatives from some of the other
service clubs.
Lawson McCall, administrative assist
ant to Governor Douglas McKay, is to
be the guest speaker. L. O. Arens, club
president, is to present the speaker.
Dean Melvin H. Geist is in charge of
music and Paul Heath is chairman for
the decorations.
Coburn Grabenhorst is general chair
man of the committee arranging the
party, assisted by Tinkham Gilbert, Jos
eph A. H. Dodd, and Gardner Knapp,
W. H. Baillie to have charge of tickets.
Salem unit of the League of Women
Voters is meeting next Wednesday, Feb
ruary 8, at the home of Mrs. Nora
Thompson, 460 North Winter. There
will be a sack luncheon at noon, coffee
to be served.
Following the luncheon there will ba
the discussion, the topic being "A Criti
cal Review of the Hoover Report," Mrs.
Alden Bowes in charge. Reports will be
given by Mrs. Marvin Nettleton, Mrs.
W. C. Crothers and Mrs. Alfred Sheets.
Social meeting for Willamette Shrine,
No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, is
planned for Wednesday evening, a no
host dinner to be served at 6:30 o'clock
in the Masonic temple. All members
and visiting members are invited.
American War Mothers plan their reg
ular business meeting for Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock in the Carrier room
of the First Methodist church.
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