Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 04, 1950, Page 4, Image 4

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    Capital Adjournal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher
Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che
meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Warit
Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409.
Full Looted Wire Service of the Associated Press and
The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or oh! wise credited in this paper and also
news published therein.
By Carrier: Weekly, 25c; Monthly, $1.00; One Year, J12.00. By
Mall In Oregon: Monthly, 75c; 6 Mos., J4.00; One Year, $8.00.
V. 8. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos., $6.00; Year, $12.
4 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 4, 1950
An Able Editor Retires
Newspaper editors received with regret the announce
ment of the retirement, because of long illnss, of Claude E.
Ingalls as publisher and editor of the 88-year-old Corvallis
Gazette-Time3, to be succeeded by his son, Robert C. In
galls, who has had an extended experience in journalism.
At the same time news editor Myron I. Myers retired to be
succeeded by his son, Bruce K. Myers, who has been sports
editor and assistant news editor. Both young men are
World War II veterans.
Claude Ingalls first came to the Gazette Times in 1915
and attained .1 national reputation for his virile and schol
arly editorials and staunch republicanism. He always
had the courage of his convictions and championed the
risrht as it was given him to see it. He never failed to
The Silver Lining
vfjfwB DON'T HAVETOA! )j Tllf
VATHE ONE TIME OF THE r.ttl l ll v
ffi,l YER WHEN AUTOS ( fgSsgfZTff -i. Wllw
ff, ( REALLY SLOW DOWN ) SM ' AjSfil )(l)h
GOP-Dixiecrat Coalition
Killed Civil Rights Program
Washington It seems a far cry from the civil rights issue
in the south to the public power question in Montana, but the
story has just leaked out as to how a coalition of republicans
and dixiecrats killed the civil rights program in the senate
a year ago.
The deal was engineered by southern senators to be absent
the Montana Power and Light
Co., and illustrates bow certain
GOP maneuverings between
elections help to lose elections
on election day.
Key figures in this historic
deal discreetly.
White Collar Zoo
when the Kerr-Anaconda line
came up. He reminded them
they had only promised not to
vote for a government power
line. But they were uot pledged
to vote.
Oregon's Morse urged the
same "absent" strategy on mod
erate republicans.
People Who Fail to Honor
Parents Not Apt to Honor God
referred to as a
"voting a r -rangeme
n t "
were smooth,
shrewd Sen.
Dick Russell of
Georgia; Neb
raska's gregar
ious . Sen. Ken
W he r r y, the
GOP floor lead
er; and Jack
i . r, . riht who civil rights filibuster will prob
Montana Power and Light, who h
coached the anti-public power
Drew Pearson
Result: The government
transmission line was approved.
Only six southern senators were
on hand to vote against it
Byrd, Va., Ellender La., Hol
land, Fla., McClellan, Ark., Rob
ertson, Va., and Russell.
Note 1 Republican failure
to vote for cloture against
Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church
The Ten Commandments might be looked upon as the boiled-
assail political chicanery and demagogucry, scorned weasel down essence of the wisdom of the ages.
words nrl pulled 11 skunk a skunk when he saw one mas- Each one of "The Ten Words" is a piece of advice which
querading in ermine.
springs from the long experience of a God-fearing people. To president Alben Barkley's anti
"Am I supposed to know everything around here?"
Reds Aim Sabotage to Smash
Atlantic Pact in West Europe
Paris. Feb. 4 W) A communist sabotage attack, aimed at
Note 2 Despite the conniving smashing the Atlantic pact and Marshall aid, is spreading over
of Montana Power and Light western Europe. ,
ao. ..m..... u. .... v. oa;ncf a norf nf (ha TV,,..., Vnr Iho mnmpnt thp nttnrks sppm rnnfinpn lnrffelv tn Franep.
time the senate was fighting ,, mMnh tha rit pt Amorlrrin nnrre herp think thp hiseest drive ultimately
cloture rule aimed at r " , . . , , . , 0 ,. ... . ,. . ,
In France there are two im- agitators in a recent communlst-
ored to appoint Curtis Calder, mediate objectives: :nspired strike at the St. Nazaire
j I head of the parent company for 1. To prevent unloading of government aircraft factory
rride Vice . , . :, . ' . .,! ,llit,-, .Ininl hrnlrp thp hack nf thnt tnn.
luulllulid XTUWCl aim IU UC munuij u u.u. ...... . ... - -
team in the senate.
The first "contact" was made
when Senator Russell approach-
colorless Sen Zales Ecton of
Montana last March at which
ably cost the Grand Old Party
more northern votes in the next
half dozen years than any other
single issue.
over a
'TcTon8 Then called in Wherry "J"
and Wherry pledged enough re
publican votes to ovfr
Rus- 6ecretary tne army. This is coming to Europe under the mil- page.
At the same time, Ingalls had a keen sense of humor elib.crate'y late the spirit ot the Commandments is to fly into " J - P'trn vote. one reason why tors "ary aid program.
,, . ., ....,... ..JJ...U j the face of dis- ..,,. sell would deliver southern votes , wh.thor ,ht Whif 2. To criDDle I
ana saw tne lunny siae oi nie as wen as us snouuy siue aim aster.
was probably the wittiest paragrapher of the Oregon press One of the
Whether you agreed with him or not, one always enjoyed P0""'
his comments. Ingalls also was community minded and hteayfHon-
a leader in every humanitarian and patriotic effort for or thy father
public betterment, city improvement and national defense and thy mother
so that his retirement is a public loss to iorvauis ana no- . . .
where will be more regretted. During the
Critics may say that Ingalls was a survivor of the old PJ'iLT6!11,.!..?'!,
nersnnul innrnnlism that seems to be considered an an-
uuiiiUiliBiu hi uicdc uoja ui iimoo vu mutuiia iiv jjy fl QeVOUt and
Troops already have been used
. i ii il. iiri-:- O Tn nrlnnlo fxanna'c sffrti-t tn lnnri cnranAC iniPnHprl fnt
chose to honor his father and his to beat a government plan to H(Juse aJways means wha .f to save Indochina from the com- French soldiers fighting in In-
munists. Forces lighting the docnina. president Vincent au-French-sponsored
regime there riol has declared that supplies
mnlhur ...Vin ha1 niirpn Vi I m a trancrrticcinn lino frnm thp
birth, who had nourished and governmcnts's Kerr dam to Ana- saJS'
olnthpH nnH narpH fnr him urhn nnnrln Mnnt Mnnf.inn PoWPr
had educated and directed him and Light wanted to run these FIVE-STAR OFFICERS
into paths which led o a useful transmission lines itself, was
ministry in the church. This act vigorously opposed to govern
on the part of the bishop was ment operation,
one of ,the most inspiring and
of former Emperor Bao Dai are will be delivered to the men
viewed by the French govern- fighting communist Ho Chi-
The senate appropriations ment as the spearheari of a Red Minh's forces, regar-iless.
thought-provoking moments of
the quiet day,
Many people who have at'
Result af all this was that
Wherry delivered 19 votes to )ob,ieneral MacArth
committee is about to ask why
the army and navy don't retire
their surplus five-star generals
and admirals.
Only one still works at his
thrust through southeast Asia.
robots, which perhaps accounts for the insipidness of the ao(jiv bishop who has recently success in life seem to eet the
average newspaper editorials. This hush-hush accounts retired on account of age. mistaken idea that they raised
for the rise of the syndicated columnist, who says what the During the service at which themselves by their own boot
editors should say without fear of reprisal, and the conse- he was the celebrant he turned straps. They give no thought or
auent loss of iournalistic influence. " lne congregation ana saia, creait to tne part tneir long-
tained to some measure of ;he Stated th.7meGOP iJ" J?"?
LCU mat auii.t: uur AHmir!.l Hot, Th r!
senators did not know of the e,.al MarshaI1, Gene;ral Eisen.
"voting arrangement." . ., . ' K. ....
Those who voted with the Nimitz and Admiral Leahy are
A show of government force
also may break up the commu
The communist operation plan nist campaign against landing
here in France is clear cut. A American equipment Workers
i t u u.. - in Chehourff. the mnin Frpnrh
v . real giicvuiiui iiciu u luuai '
Jtt , i-e nrrival nnrr fnr Ihp nrms sun
group is iiiiKeu to a cumuiiurm '
political aim. And the commu- Pl's, already have voted over-
nists have real "workers' griev- whelmingly to unload the car-
ances" to exploit. goes.
Wages have lagged behind New detachments of troops
im j j Li.ii. j r nn . i ; nrnpram
At any rate we hope that ingal's retirement will con- VM ' H T a vn tn " , 6n, . fhe ges, N. H., Butler, Neb., Cain,
tribute to restoration of his health and to resumption Of Join with me in oravers for. mv nharacter-buildinB and othor Wash., Capehart, Ind., Cordon,
his forceful expressions tor the sad state of the. world as blessed father and mother, long matters which prepared them re- Donnell, Mo., Ecton, Mont.,
well as the future of journalism, calls for such. since gone to their reward." for their later achievements. Gurney, S. D., Hickenlooper,
Then he turned to thp altar Vnnne npnnlp whn rin nnt Iowa, Jenner, Ind., Kern., Mo,
and craved! "Rumpmhpr thv Vinnnr thpir narpnts ar nnt hup. Langer, N. D., Malone, Nev.,
servants John and Mary, ac- ly to honor their God. Respect Millikin, Colo., Reed, Kans., fiVe-star officers are permitted
smith to doom the civil riehts !n iih j..... prices. Months ago the govern- also have been sent to
program are: Brlcker, O., Brid- whirh meanthat ihv t,ir ,f ment Promised to lift the freeze bourg, where Atlantic pact ship-
valuable office spacp that they
don't use, and are assigned of-
The Fabulous Spud Program
fice help who have nothing to
Actually, they would still get
order on wages and permit some ments are expected late this
collective bargaining. The freeze month.
is still on. France's whole empire is un-
The communists have had no der communist pressure,
trouble getting socialist labor Moscow-trained Ho Chi-Minh
unions to go along with demands is leading the anti-French fight-
the same pay if they retired, for lu "
fivp-itar offippri Jr n i for wage bonuses nnd higher ers in Indochina. Communist-
having vofnoorl r ntlomnt n nlvo -rho mo rrfin, in h for ,hini, th .it . SchoeDoel. Kans.. Thve. Minn.. t ,ii f.,11 .... Pa'- Often the Reds have ma- inspired disturbances in two
unions into demon- French colonies on the African
strations against low wages, ivory coast have been suppress
Amcrican aid, and the Indo- ed by gunfire, a business up
China affair, all in a bundle. popular at home and abroad.
Communist tirades blame Mar-
shall aid for low French wages Elsewhere in western Europe
CAPITAL NEWS CAPSllIlrs j w u.. ,
and whn wrote thp Tpn Wmvi r,f (rn Fr,r hv th time the an- ' , . """H"' uncurpiuymeni. uiC iuml com guerrma
to farmers, but sell the surplus to the public at whatever consecrated old clergyman did wisdom. It is one of the foun- propriation for the Kerr-Ana- states" has offered a formal ZZtilTrurJZl T 21 p h " J'?"
VA&Jt' S?' !0' Wm Z t?& ones upon which to cP?nda line came before the sen- ofhafrien1fZpdand aUiance TllTs, L'SZanite""' SrTnted6
" " " w olc ... Jku&uub, .. in rne Iranian envprnmpnt tn
it created by its fabulous $3.7 billion bonus in price sup- bearest unto thy people, and country or God can hardly be Vandenberg, Mich, Watkins, jai act o u011gresSi their total
ports for farm products paid for by deficit spending, has Srant that, increasing in knowl- expected from those who have Utah, Wherry, and Young, N. D. saiary, incidentally, Is $13,761 a
left Secretary of Agriculture Brannan to find his own solu- ede ancl love of tnee' tney may no love or respect for their Actually, the republicans and year plus an additional tax
tion as to a disposal of the immense surplus of food stuffs ff.m "trength to strength, in parents. 1 the utility crowd had the worst free $5,000 expense account,
ncfiimiilntino- tne 1,fe of Perfect service in thy "Honor thy father and thy of the bargain, for Russell de- ...
. , ,. , ,. . ,, , Kingdom." mother is the advice of those livered only six votes
Brannan s own solution was to continue paying tne Donus This devout, reverent
support prices and selling price to the producers at taxpay
ers' expense. That idea was borrowed frpm socialist
Britain to keep the people voting for socialism while Ameri
can loans paid the losses. Congress rejected the scheme
as a little too raw.
So Brannan has made his own solution. He has directed
that the 50 million bushels of surplus potatoes from the
1949 crop be disposed of where it was grown. So the spuds
for which the government paid $2.10 will be sold back to
the farmers that grew them at one cent per 100 pounds
for disposition on their farms.
Brannan said the farmers can freeze or air dry the pota
toes for ultimate use as livestock feed; or can dispose of
them as fertilizer or in other ways when more practicable.
The potatoes will be dyed to insure that they are disposed
of as provided and not moved in the normal channels of KRISS-KROSS
Brannan made his announcement as the senate debated
the potato question. Majority Leader Lucas (D., 111.) told
the senate he favors immediate removal of all government
price supports for potatoes. He said the multi-million
dollar losses on government price props for potatoes the
past two years give a "very dark eye to the entire farm
program of the nation," and at present there are "no con
trols watsoever" upon planting or marketing of potatoes.
No wonder the national deficit under Mr. Truman's ad
ministration is ?257 billion and going into the red at the
rate of $5 billion or more a year.
Suggested for Baby: 'Ole Stromboli'
Seattle, Feb. i U.R) Sven Bcrquist, fisherman of Seattle's
Swedish settlement, Ballard, has suggested that screen star
Ingrld Bergman name her new son "Ole Stromboli."
Akron, O., Feb. 4 VP) The management of the Ellet theater
In Akron decided to cancel Ingrid Bergman's late film, "Under
Capricorn," because of possible public reaction to the birth
of her baby.
Today it announced its substitute:
"And Baby Makes Three."
k.. th-nA lnn,,;cfip ....w... u,n: cuiuuii uaicu mwe inan a A ineiiij'-piateu American source
discovered by three inquisitive protect ,t from Russia Ambas. score o tnem m the paris area hcre described that situation
f -u nw saaor wuey Presented the treaty Communist leaders well-known "serious." East Germany's com-
bamas Lister Hill hearty Bob t0 tne Snah last week but m France havft been sfint munis(g hgve s(epped up
Kerr oi Ukianoma, ana nery found the Shah so burned up at shock troop organizers to the campaign for a United Father-
wayne Morse oi uregon. bolng rfifused American tanks main centers of the country, land. They want it under com-
At tne time tne mree sena- for his army tnat he tossed the Docl Workers at Marseille, al- munist domination,
tors made their discovery, pow- treaty onto a table, said he would ways a trouble spot, refused to In Italy land reform agitation
Whr8 hHT f heat l0k 31 " Iater' l0ad' ShipS C"yin "rms and baS br0U8ht sevel blfod-let-Wherry
had the votes to beat Tanks to France The joint men to Indochina. Supplies for ting riots. The communists took
tne transmission line, nut a chiefs of staff have given orders the troops in the Far East often quick advatnage of the inci
special emergency meeting was to rush a shipment of 220 Amer- arrive sabotaged. dents to try and show they alone
quickly called by the public lr,an tanks to the French govern- were friends of the Italian work
power senators in an unmarked nHor. tho Atlanta ,.t Poennnchlp ,..,. 1 r..l. 1 .,.. H- jIH
. , . ,t i . vahki.iu rtvv uvuiwm ill alio JKg CtiU putlSrtlll, UiclSatS, O Uaic,
room a few feet from the senate agreements signed last week, say the Red attacks will be met however, their efforts do not ap-
Norway will be next on the list by the sternest kind of govern- pear to have seriously affected
Oscar Chapman
then under-
Join the Icicle Derby;
Who Has the Biggest Drip?
Time to Work Out an Answer
from the
eave of your
The parking situation is bad enough now with 33 mil- neighbor's house
lion passenger cars in the United States but what will it or 'barn? Or,
be in 1960 when cars will number around 50 million? who, knows you
.,-.i. m- .i it v i- ... might even have
"Changing Times, the Kiplinger Magazine, optimis- the biggest drip
tically predicts that the situation will be improved 10 years in the Salem
hence. The reason given is that thinking on the subject is area,
clearing. Experts say casing of the problem will result Hero's your
from a three-wny cooperation between municipalities, busi- chance t o find
nessmen and motorists. All three are equally concerned. out- Determine
Thus far in Salem, the off-street parking problem has '1? ' 1 ! I" f
received actual attention only in the districts. Talk is all cicle and mall
The height of corn stalks and size of pumpkins always provide
a natural form of competition for professional and amateur grow
ers. Not everyone has a garden, but during this cold spell we all
raise one thing icicles. So why not an icicle derby?
Do you think your prize icicle is longer than the big one hang
ly a business trip .
was on fire.
secretary or. tne interior, ana , first boatload. This first
White House assistant Charlie equipment alread is movi
Murphy rushed up to the meet- from arsenals in Iuinois and
ing and a new strategy was out- Ohio,
lined. Alabama's Hill persuaded ' (copyright too)
World Talking About 2 Babies
Bergman Boy, Hydrogen Bomb
his house New York (P) The world is talking about two big babies today
the Bergman boy in Rome and our own little chunk of sun the
hydrogen bomb.
Both come into a divided world of doubt, angry disillusionment
and divorce.
and will get medium artillery in mental action. Quick arrest of the country's recovery.
Moonshine With a Kick
Knoxville, Feb. 4 U. Military authorities may see possi
bilities in some of the moonshine whisky around here.
When police investigated the exposition of an automobile,
they found it was caused by a supply of overheated liquor
under the hood.
Capital jJournal
Cbrli Kowltt, Jr.
jl.nt u 1 .i:i, i t i.i ii., i.i
umi. no uecu ritiuiuiJiiBiiuu aa iar aa meeting tne prooiem u8 lbe result
oi uii-Bireei pursing in me oowntown area, interest nas
been noted in the subject by both the Chamber of Corn-
Novel idea at First Christian
chuich Sunday night: Stage will
oe amuiKeu 10 iuuk line uuiui- inerid's little
room, and youth will be tried lad wiu be onl
for moral and social offenses a nine-day won-
Circuit Judge Rex Kimmell and der ,n a globe
two of Salem's leading attorneys (nat ijfcps t
will be on hand to conduct the ssi a b u t
proceedings. Bill Hill, president other people's
of the youth group at the church public and pri.
will play the role of the "accus- yate ,jves Ev
en. ii J3U1 aectaes to pieaa gun
1 1 .'.U..-
Of course, if we're gonna have ty, fs going to be a mighty him ' u and
merca and the retail trndn bureau. But that, intfirosf h. ''"Tr," 7u" .1i. cve,""s he has a fine
, . , ,, . : :, . , .7 .; , rirsuy, eiuriua in ins .wi
not reached the point where anything definite has been derby must be natural forma-
effected other than tho passing of resolutions and the lions of ice. No fair letting a , A nlan st0PP al . a sma11
formation of committees. water hose drip over the side town ,ara G,er,ff!?- Whe"
future before
him. H"' B"1
Our own strapping boy, the
hydrogen bomb, hasn't even control.
and how will it take care of us
as time makes it older and
stronger? What crib can we
build even now to hold it?
As the years go on, other na
tions will have more of these
hideous offspring, and so will
we, and what will we do with
them all? Onde the first one is
let go, they will all be free, and
like maddened children they
will turn against their creators
and destroy us. There is no
blinder wrath than that of an
angry child, because it knows no
Ferhans while the ice and snow urn still with ns thnro. 01 r001- "15. lne "iU!"- i. u.. i- hn hnrn vpt nut hp is on thp
might be more time to consider how to meet the parking b,e. U5Penclcd; Masses of ice .'nc way Just when he'll arrive is
problem downtown. The need for action, rather than talk, tllL 'Vp'lneiirlie"'1''8
should be so obvious that a definite, workable program for .' " and mueh testins of the encine
Slpm nhnnlH bp f lo-iirerl nnt hv .nHirn "ize up your staiaciucs, mates. ,,,, j ,,, "
Where Are the Hunters Now?
ginc. way. just wnen ne n arrive is xne mere conception oi mis
After a lengthy examination he great secret-a secret that terrible creature shows man-
lau I Ainu, iuu, una ivai i.uniiui ui
And no baby in history will itself. What, then, can it ex
it if. Impossible to take an ac- J"m '" l"" " dr4rled be more unwelcome. His father pect of its baby? The hydrogen
ZZrf.diir "I don't see nothing wrong, mis- .ra ni , oomo is tne last, oest pernaps
your honest estimate. , Bnd he can t be anything but a hopeless argument for planned
..... ui i,ji tu i nni::nnt
111 Ullllt-ul
Suro her bov To
was wronglully con-
rioted of murdering
t a Chicago police- v'v. r--
I mm Mr. Ti1l! Uni. S-NiNi-.v.- ,
! czek icrubbed iloors jXi&V
tised for (he killers.
i Her od, spotted by
a reporter, started a
chain of events that
freed her ion.
Who, it n,no ;mo tn .,ht l,;... 1...1.. . The winning entry will have ',,! ......, e- -n, problem child.
nuniers on nana wun snotguns. nut when it comes time ..Y,, j; Ti th i,in 0Va Keaaers oxgen.)
to feed those birds so they can survive this cold spell, those
hunters don't act interested.
That complaint is made at this time by the Salem Izaak
Walton leaguo. And the league can speak with authority
because it has the manpower and even a plane ready to
get the tood to the spots where
for food have been too skimpy.
biggest drip in the Salem area."
Or did any icicles survive this
morning's rise in temperature?
If he turns out to be a real Once It is born and turns bad
juvenile delinquent, well we there will be no dark closet to
William H. Frlele didn't have all will walk a tiihtrope over punish it in. But it can shut us
to go far to make application death. up in a dark closet itself, and
for his wedding license this Every generation begins as t close the door behind us.
Lou Beach, one ol two full- week. Frielc, a deputy in the prisoner of the generation that And the hydrogen bomb will
get the food to the spots where needed, but cash donations lTlLt Z!lV tllZYTt iZAyA' CVt !P!Lpy Jp!:Ln:
a.bbv-vn.j " ."--' ....... .a ........ , juS. . . ......... ........ , I 1 1. . u. e mi.iatiuil ... . . ........ .0 C. (JlwwlCIH P1IU wU-
amrlrliKf hmir ThlircriaV Nn thp nthpi at4 nf thp rmintpi h-n.,rfh it Infn hplna nip .iiohtm't tn (ifltta nn .ml...
uuu uuiituis luriuiig into me lair-wcatner or not- Beach hadn't ripped his pants or and asked for a license applica- What can we do for this ugly, they can do so happily and in
house Variety ? taken ill suddenly. It was strict- tion. unwanted child of our despair hope together.
OmmU Is aim. &m;f'
& PO"" s-ippl EmM
f, cUaa ol bills W-Wi&li
Your Ad Will Get Results, Too. Dial
Result Number 2 2406
(0) Kit, Howard PlHaa
h f