( 12 Capilal Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Per Lint lie Per Line S times 40e Per Unt 6 time 60o Pet blot 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem ISo tin per day Uln. 10c i I time mln 80c 6 times mm. 11.30 No Refund READERS In Local New Cnl Onlyt SOe per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES $1000 Down 16300. 2 bdrm. home In Keizer dlat. Lane living rm., hdwd. lira, thruout. Alt, gar. Nearly new. Va acre. C. W. Reeve Realtor f750. COMPLETELY furnished with best of furniture. S-room home In Englewood dtst. Garage. Lot 50x130. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Ph. 3-4131. 1 BY OWNER: 3 DR home In ManbrSn Gar den. Immediate possession. Ph. 3-0785. 430 Rowan Ave. a33' In Aumsville A neat, new, two bedroom house at lea than replacement coat. Oil circulator and electric wtr. htr., full bath with Sice 1 1 xi u re, ah your lor wuu. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. Hiah St. Phone 3-7S60 Eve. Phonci 2-6605 - 2-4501. 30' MAKE OFFER A food 2 br home. Elec heat plus oil If wanted. Conveniently arranged. Nicely located. Ask inn price $8400. FHA terms. rive by 1563 Huge St. Call Walt Min er a ve. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edge water Ph. 3-5109 $500 DOWN month on bal. 15000 ft rm. hnma in WpjiI Ri C. W. Reeve, Realtor 045 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-4312 or 3-0536. 30 FOR SALE OR SENT: 1500 down; modern A rooms, bsmt., new oil furnace, new auto water htr., garage, lge. lot, house redecorated; or will rent to adult 75 month. 1980 Hazel. Ph. 3-5431. a31 $5250. Highland Dist. 2 bdrm. Small down, payment. Bal. like tent. $6500. EAST 2 bdrm. Fireplace, floor furnace, hdwd. floor, garage. Small down payment. Real Buy, New Duplex 2 bdrm. each. Oarages. Small down pay ment. Let rent pay out. L. E. Klumpp, Realtors 4bu m. cnurcn. rn. 2-7013. eve. 2-0120. z a30 $8,1.W. NEW modern 3 bdrm. home NE close to school it bus. Fireplace, oil furnace, attached garage. Immediate pose. $050 down, payments 151.17 month. can Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hllh Phone 3-4131. .33' Why Pay Rent? We have .7 home you can buy, 1500 down, balanca like rent. Eve. 3-9536 and 2-4312. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l Phone 3-4590. a33' J4050 - NEW 2 BR HOUSE 'Consider Small Dn. Payment) 3950. 2 BR HOUSE. FURN. $4230 15250. 5 RMS. NR. HOSP. At SCHOOLS (Consider 11000 to 11200 dn.) Other nt $10,000 up. Also trades. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-7113. Salem a30 4 B.R. Home - $1500 Dn. Llv rm, din rm, kit, bnth, eleo cooking iV noil, v Minds, plastered, concrete fdntlon, excel Ion. N. 17350. Call Van Greer with ALLEN C. JONES, HEAL TO It. 331 N. High St. Ph. 35838. Eve. 32451. t30 13,7.1(1. NEW modern 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Englewood dlat., close to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Ira ni ed. pos. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. High Phone 1-4121. a33 t BD. RMS. Hdwd floor. Oil furnace, unfinished attic. Attached garage, 8325 down. 169 Mo. Ph. 23398. a32 fAH3ft. NEW 3 -bdrm. ranch type home with 1 Acre. Located on Sunnyvlew Av enue. Hardwood floor, oil floor furnace, attached caraae. Owner are leaving and must sell. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. High Phone 3-4121. all FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 113 per month, lot with water, elec tricity, bus service, trees, near school. Two location. North. Get ready tor spring. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. At Eve. 2-1327, 2-4628, 4-3874 anil FORSALE FARMS LAKE I.A1IISII FA KM. Approx. 30 A. Of the valley s most prod, loam sol), Incl. 10 A. of that FAMOUS HIGH INCOME PEAT SOIL. Yr. stream for Irrig. Bides. Incl. good 3 BR home, basm't As auto. 011 furn., barn, mach. sheds it lge. onion burn. Here's your thance to get Into onions, mint, beans, etc. A few thous and dn. does it. bal. at 5. SPECIALLY PRICED TO CLEAH ESTATE. BUY SUHUltllAN BUILD HEHE. This 10 A. ot rich well drained learn with road on 2 sides Is ideal for home sites. IN CHEMAWA-KEIZEK DIST. Don't watt on the snow. If you want a bargain. Small dn, paytnl on $5250, bal. at 6"i. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-flEW b:to HOP RANCH PH. 2-1320 b30Z SO ACRES located 3 mile from Dallas. Has room home, barn. 5 A. cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber. Price 13130 and will trade for Salem property. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. HiEh Ph. 3-4131. b3l REAL ESTATE 811.500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. 1100 Mo. Inrome from 2 Apts. earn with own bath At separate entrance, plus living A- dining rms., fireplace, kitchen nook, full bath At 2 BR for owner, oil piped furnace, home li Insl. At weather it ripped. $12,500. ENOLEWOOD DIST. Just the place If you have a relative living with you that wants separate liv ing quarters. Near new 3 11 R home. Inst. A: weatherst ripped. Fireplace, full dry basmt., plus 1 rm. apt, with own private bath. I 1693 NORTH COTTAOE ST. ! $9950. New 2 BR home with ott piped 1 heat to alt rms, Also Inside utility rm. Something you will appreciate now. Top construction and dandy floor plan. 3093 UNIVERSITY ST. 1 $8500. Here Is a good buy for some one, neat, rlean A; roomy, 2 BR home, good location, pvd. at. A- walks, $2250 down St remember, Ino Financing Ctig.) $38,000. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Brfck Apt. Hue. A- Business Building with otf at. parking. The rentals arc reasonable and still show t net on Investment. Ph. 26680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 NORTH HIGH ST. EVE. PH. 371693541338704 fJ3 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ore., Saturday, February 4, 1950 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Choice Income Property Building and equipment In fast growing district, choice corner lot. tenants do ing excellent business, owner will guar antee 1300 per mo. Income. A real buy for 136,000. Some term. Eve, phones 2-7674 or 3-3553. Highway Frontage 260 ft. frontage on 99E. Clo.se in North, total of 6 acre. Businca b!di. with all equipment. Owner forced to ell at a ireatly reduced price. This would make a choice alte for a court. .super serv ice station, uper market or what have you? Total price JIB, 500. Eve, ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $1800 Down 9 yr. old home in good location, hdwd. firs., ven. blinds, garage, paved street, l't blks. to bus. total price I74O0. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Honest Value 3 bdrm. home near Pen 4 Corner. Al- mast new, large garage, workahup, ai- I prox. 6 mo, old. Private well, bus front door, paved treet, owner leaving city, will accept trailer house a part pay ment. Total price only 18750. Owner's equity J2200. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Your Future Acreage Owner report last year's net Income on thla 10 acre berry farm to be 11250. Modern 4 rm. home, barn, chicken hou.se, double garage, total price only $8500. Eve, ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. $3500 Special 10 acre, 4 rm. livable houxe, 11 miles from Salem city center. Willamette soil, no waste land. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 1 Acre Modern good home 2 mile from Sa lem, family orchard, deep well, lot of flowers, well worth I7DQ0. Eve, Ph. 3-4745 or 3-3558. 15 Minutes From Downtown 3 acre, very clean modern 5 rm. home, spring water, barn, garage, chicken I1011.se. Forty 3 yr. old cherry tree. A good buy for 15500. Good term. Eves. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. North Howell Very well equipped and stocked 60 acre farm, good buildings. Modern 6 rm. home, 7 cows, deep well. See till one for 123,000. Eve Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. IV2 Acres Modern 3 rm. home, V basement, chick en house, garage, oil heat, Willamette soil, 5 mile from Salem. Total price (6500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3553. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4S96. c32 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED I story 2 bdrm. home. With large liv ing room, small lot. Cash buyer. We need listings. Pii. 2-6680. Eve. nil. 2-7769 Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIGH ST. ca33 LARGE HOUSE close to either Catholic church, Customer will pay 110,000 to h,qoq lor desirable properly, Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35109 ca34' WE ARK In need of tcood house to sell In or near Salem. If you with to list your property lor sale see- (RAilENIIORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca' WANT USE. that $500 dn. will handle, al so cash lor mod. 5 rm. Pref. N. E. dist Rep. Ph. 3-7113. ca30 NOTICE' If your property I for sale, rent or exchange, list It with u. We nave an Kind or cash Oliver. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High SL EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Z LOVELY LA ROE LOTS, City water, to iraae on 3 or 4 bh nse. nep. pn. 3-1U3. 100 ft. from macadam road 4 mile from cblio BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $16,300. APT. house locnled fl block N. Of Poat Office. Income 1300 nor month Phi living quarter for owner. Large lot. Will take In trade up to J 10,000. Call O. V. Humu with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Ph. 3-4121. cd31 Business Lot $2,000 50 fl. frontage on Edgewater near KOCO. A good investment buy. Call Walt Muagrave. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 DUPLEX VERY WELL LOCATED South, casement, sawdust heat, corner lot. $7, 500. Extra bldr. site. COMPLETELY FURNISHED il UNIT APT. HSE. Walking distance to State Offices. Inrome $180. per mo. plus owner' apt. Full basement, furnace, laundry travs. double garaRe. Will trade for 2 BR home in Bai em. $20,000. Nets belter than 10. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com') St. Ph, 3-BJBP Evo. 3-9089 cd.'lO- Sale or Trade 4 unit apt. court in Salem nearly new, Modern. Will take modern 3 or 3 bdrm home in good location. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 04S S, Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-3088 or 3-9530. cd30' FOB SALE Groc store, ga and cabin Rt. 7. Boi 145. Salem. Phone 2-4319 cd31 FURNITURE FOR SALE WINE VELOI'R DAVENO," 139.50. Large 4-drawer walnut clie.it. 119.50. End ta ble Az mag. rack combination, 17. Manic finish 5-plece dinette set, 120.50. Drop leaf kitchen table. 14. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer Ph. 3-5110. d30 SATURDAY-SPECIAL 9 New daveuo A matching rocker, all double spring construction, 1 set only! only J99.50 ) New armies daveno, double spring construction 40.95 WOO DRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N Summer Pit. 3-5U0. d:i0 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110 FURNITURE At APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash prlc paid on the spot. No fuss or bother. Just call 3-855S. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE 75 head of ewe. An of lamb. Ph. 27103. elO LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. McCandllsh. 1137 S. 35th. Ph. 38147. aS0 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sn- then. 1330 LancaMer Dr. Ph 31343. ean RABBITS PETS TO OIVE AWAY Pl'P. Ph. 2-0190. fc33 CHOICE canary birds, vet N. 18th ec.ll' FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edginca Frash Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAM OREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Drt Slab or Dry Edtins Presh Clean Sawdust Orten Edging 13.50 load Double 110 00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 13533 EE' LIMB WOOD three to six inches In 4 to five ft. lenith. cut last spring, lavs 100 ft. from Macadam road 4 mile from Ladd At Bush. (2 take all. Ph, 3-6A93 t30 . REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 230 ACRE FARM Located 10 mile out. Road on 2 side, beautiful building spot with View. 170 acre under cult. & In crop. Bal. mostly Umber. See this before you buy. Price 135,000.00. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. FAIRGROUNDS ROAD Be.t of location, adjoin Pike's Drive-in on North, moved. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 v Evening and Sunday call Roy Ferria 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-9968 - Earl West 2-0608 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. DRV PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL it STOVE OIL Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edsewater West Salem e CALL" HIGHWAY FUELFOR IJi'vel and S.ii.e (Ml FHE-ST' V 'ST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer hun.- . . . d Ph. 3-6444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. At maple. 4' slab and edging. Ph. 3-1458. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter. now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. ! PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA St timothy. By ton or truck load. 865 S. 13th. Ph. 3-9923. 1148 HELP WANTED IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint, see Talent Test ad in Instruction Column. g30 HELP WANTED FEMALE DOUBLE YOUR INCOME Show gorgeous 15-card Assortment of Birthday, other Greeting Card. Sensa tional $1 seller pay you up to 50c CASH! Plastic. Metallic, Gift Wraps, other. Free Sample of Imprinted Notes. Nap kins, Stationery. Assortment on approv al. STYLART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 69, Las- Angeles 55, Cnlif. Eb30 WANTED SALESMAN INSULATION Experienced salesmen. New revolutionary product. At Ions last something different. Amazing. Exciting demonstration make sales easy. Ex clusive territory. Competition eliminat ed. Write Dist. Manager, Box 400, Capi tal Journal. SB40 SALESMEN; protected territory for man who can recognize opportunity and who 1 not afraid to do some constructive work to develop a good and permanent Income. Unlimited earning on commis sion basts. Industrial plant, railroads, institutions, schools, commercial build Ins and municipalities are users of our selected matntneance material. For complete, detail write United Lab., Cleveland. 12, Ohio. sg30 Large Manufacturing Co. Want neat appearing man to train locally for permanB-H Dignified work, not canvassing. CM necessary. Mnrricu uiau ...u.. ferrcd. Apply in person 990 Broauway between 10 and 13 noon. g34 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY WANTED POSITIONS NANCYS NURSERY SCHOOL, fl DAYS. AUKS 2 TO S. UK. T.JU 1U D. ftl. h56' EXPERT OIL BURNER Al oil circulator service. All work guaranteed. Ph. 4-3424. 113 L INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared In your home. Ph. 4-2033 I or appointment. h31 IIOUSEWGRK, cooking Az baby sitting. Write Ci.pital Journal Box 355. n3i TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worx guar w u. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h33 CARPENTER work. New, repair Ph. 2-2093 Mimeographing-Typing Poe'a 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 EX PER. Interior decorator. Free estimates. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-9733. h51 BABY SITTING. PH. 20300. h31 CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re model, small or large. Jobs Ph. 2-3833. h33 HOUSEWORK A: Ironing. Ph. 29901. h30 BABV SITTING. Ph. 2-6833. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. Jonn Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph 2-6014 h43 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. erv- Ice. Former Phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h.iJ" INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp Ph 3-6796. h46" CKMKN1 WORK wanted r-h 2-48SO EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint, write (or Talent Test ino fee). Give and occupation. Box 351, co Capita. Journal. hhSO' FOR RENT ROOMS SINGLE SLEEPING, rm. 472 N. Liberty. JK.ll- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rm. Utilities paid. Reasonable. 1810 Trade. Jk3l ATTRACTIVE WARM room for employed gentleman. Outside ent. Ph. 3-4348. Jk34 LARGE SLEEPING RMS. Employed lady or couple. 949 N. Wniter. Ph. 3-8459. JL30 HOLLYWOOD. 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. JkSO SLEEPING RM. $16 At 11". Redecorated recently.. Bu at door. Ph. 39i51, 1690 N. 5h.j Jk31' CLOSE IN: Nicely furn. htd. bdrm. with or wttnout Kit. priv. no arinaers. ess n. Cottage, Ph. 39430. J'13. NICE CLEAN. WARM sleeping room. Close Ph. 3-431& alter 6 P.m. JkSO' PLEASANT sleeping room for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk30 WARM SLEEPING rm. close in. Cookln priv. Ph. 3-9829. JK32" FOR RENTjPARTMENTS N 1 1 E L V IT R N. apts- $6230 Ac $63. Am- issador Apts. 550 N. Summer. JpJl" NICE LARGE (urn. apt. Utilities furn Reasonable. 365S.lth. Jpj4 3 BR I'NFl'RN., 1st floor apt. Close In. Adults. Box 333 Capital Journal. Jp30 NEW 3 lae. room it priv bath. Partly furn. Economical it comfortable. Pn 28067 or 39763 alter 5:30. JpJl 3 ROOM APT. in attractive court. Rrfrit. rinse A- auto laundry. Convenient to state Mds.. univ., and bus. 907 Slth alter 10 a.m. Tp35 BR Fl'RN. apt., priv. ent. A-bath. 1775 N. J'rontPh. 2-OR08. Jp30 NEW APT., 3 room it bath, partly turn 1063 MadUOO. PH. 3-9162. JPJ' I REAL ESTATE 100 FT. FRONTAGE houses that can FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE BDRM. apt. with new electric ranne and refrls., unfurn, adult only. 3 blk. from Ladd As Bush bank. Fisher ApLs.,610 S. Commercial. Jp30 NICELY FURN. 3 rmTYptTp'rlvate bath"" entrance. Electric range it refrig. Ph. . 2-3747. JP32 APT., partly furn.. all electric. Adults. 1108 Chemcketa St. Jp32 EXCLUSIVE NEW COURT apt. Range, refrig., it laundry. J60. Adult. Ph. 3-J?7L J p33 CLOSE IN mod. apt., nicely furn. Main fir. 2 or 3 emp. person. 435 N. Winter. JP30' UN FURN. 2-RM. apt. Priv. bath, 1st floor, elec. heat, bua by door. 1310 Madison. Jp30 3 UNFURN RMS. Prlv. bath. 45. 1351 McCoy. Ph. 36083 or 1095 N. Cottage. JP30 MODERN FURN. 3 large rm. apt. Phone it heat. 1431 N. Cottage. Jp3l' NICE 3-RM. unfurn. duplex apt. V. blind, all electric. 2229 Lcc. jp30 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. FOR RENT HOUSES 3 BDRM. HOUSE. Available March 1 Oil heat, elec. hot water, wired for eiec. range, oarage. $65. Ph. 2-3963. Jm30- 4 ROOM mod. house. 1325 Rural Ave. One DiocK rrom bus. Ph. 3-8873. jm30 1 BDRM. HOUSE for rent. Ph. 3-5641, Jm30 LADY WISHES to share 3 rm. duplex with lady. Ph. 3-4033. jm32 B.R. HOUSE, Inside utility room, gar age, $65 month. Inq. at 1030 Hoyt St. Jm3I FULLY FURN. 3 bdrm. house. Newly re- uc.. ou. union, fn. JioJU. jmjl TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Suitable for 1 or a people, pn. Z-I746. Jm30' PRIV. 3 room partly furn.. clean, gar- age. $45 month. 358' Portland Rd. Jm' NEW I -BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 3-6538 iter 5 p.m. jm33 VERY DESIRABLE mod furn 3 rm. Tile oatn, hdwd firs, laund. 3 adults. No pets. 3845 Portland Rd. Ph. 37849. jm30 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. tor rent H L. Stiff V DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Service center at Cottage. Ph 39103 J SINGEP ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J FLOOR SANDERS for rent onUornr Ward. 1 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dostrial use. Hower Bros. Pb. 3-3646 J' TRAILERS 12.00 per day Bowser Bros 141u 6 1 2th, West Salem. J 'OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. I 3 ROOM FURN. court or apt. for 2. Ph. 3-7543. :30 JC DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, we sen everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3648 J" WANTED TO RENT i BDRM. HOUSE. Must be reas. 1725 Cen ter. Ph. 2-4457 days only. Ja31 WANT 3 ROOM "furn. court or apt." for two. Ph.. 3-7543. Ja32 WANT TO RENT, with basement. 3 Ph. 2-2533. I or 3 bdrm. house adult it daughter. Ja32 OR 3 BDRM. unfurn. house. Reasonable rent, excellent refer. Ph. 3-4570. Ja3l LOST & FOUND LOST: Light tan male cocker. From 138 w. iancaier nr. pn. 3-8271. Reward. k32' LOST: Cocker pup. Has long tall, an swers 10 uuriy. At wesi saiem, Mon. evening. Ph. 24215. ' . k30 PARTY WHO picked up red Cocker on inemawa na. picase return nog to 4730 Hayesvllle Dr. No question will be ask ed. Ph. 20168. k3() MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 4S4 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m3T SPENCER CORSETIKRE. Call 3-5072. m47 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HTt. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR, HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adoipli Bklft. State it Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIAL Building Something? j" Insulation Board. 4x8 ahects, 11.84 V sheet rock. 4-c 11.52 sheet Fibreglass Insulation 6c sq. ft. Pour type Insulation 11 per oat: Grade A I panel door .,..17.50 V plywood. 4x8 sheet 12.65 All thicknesses plywood, cheap. Flush, slab doors .9.i& Waterproof wallboard 7'c ft. 500' rolls building paper 12.50 Overhead garage door hardware, 118.80 C. G. LONG PH. 2-5821. 1 MILE N. OF KEI7.ER ma 34 AIR-RAY electrio furnace. Ph 2-2934 Used Spinet Piano Beautiful small piano i73 note! Just re turned from rental. Special 1395. In cluding new bench. STONE PIANO CO. THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1540 Fairgrounds Rond Phone 2-5281 n3j' Special Shipment Dry kiln 1x6" E. flooring, or roof and sldewall sheathing. Cheaper than shtp lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front Az Court St. Salem, ma WAPPIT 8" power hand aaw Ph. 3-4284. Close Out 1 lot V finished planking. 8", 10". 12" X 8". No "returns. J75 per M KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front A Court Street. Satem. ms' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KIRRV VACUUM cleaner. 543 BlUer. Ph. 2M74. n34 MUST SACRIFICE late model Singer sew ing mntcniue. misc. toots. Mooei 11 ga. shotgun. All like new. 2040 Madison St. n30 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC stove, 120. Box springs & mattress $18. Ph. 35294. n.10' MUSIC LESSONS Piano At violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 3-8013 n44fc ZENITH RANGE Zenith electric range. 1 year old. Auto matic. 1 year guarantee. Like new. 1143. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. THE ORGANO converts your piano Into a standard 60-note organ. Play organ organ and piano or piano alone. 10-mlnute In sinuation. STONE PIANO CO. The Valley' Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairground Road Salem TABLE TOP electric range. Reasonable. 3843 Mt. ViewDrtve. n32 PI.ASTI-KOTE; Th t llopnane-llk fin- ish for your iloors ooioric or Un oleum Salem Lighting At Appliance Co lit N. Huh 033 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOTPOINT RANGE Used Hotpolnt range, All white Porce lain, calrod heating units, deep well cooker, Oood condition. 159.95. EASY TERMb ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. H3I STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railing, in stock, made to order. 1143 N. Liberty n40 USED Electric range, 119.95 H up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa 1 3 FOX FUR collars 83. 1865 Trade. n31 TRASH BURNER LIKE NEW ONLY ISO EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. TONS OF ALFALFA hay J40 per ton: al so almost new gal. hot water tank with all fitting and coil. $10. Set of over load spring brand new, $10. Joe W. Op- pek, Rt. 3, Box 249. n31 6 YEAR natural finish birch crib. Custom maae. Innerspring mattre. Excellent condition. Fll. 2-2533. J1321 iieat your home electrlcair with West- ingnouse or wesin automatic electric heatr. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 175 Chemeketa. GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, and Montag Appliance at Gevurtz. USED Electric Refrigerator. 149.9ft it up Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa PHILLIPS BROS Fertiliser, well rotted or fresh, any kl ' By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence post Telephone and elec. poles. Any length Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1438. Rt. 6. Box 118. n GAS RANGE Used ga range. All white porcelain. Like new. too, EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASR R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. Ii30 USED RADIOS Aj record player, SS.SS up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n NO WAXING required with PLA8TIO KOTE, the cellophane like finish for uoor or nnoieum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa APT. RANGE Apartment house electric range. All white porcelain. Good condition. Used very little. Only 170. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n3l SALEM SAND it GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 15 B M yd. 10 B H yd. D-7 Cat it Dozer D-6 Cat At Dozer D-4 Cat it Dozer See u about ditching by the ft. Phone Day 3-9408 Eve. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salern, Oregon n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n G-E RANGE General Electric range. All white porce lain, c lrod heating unit. .Very good condition. 173. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n30 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 319.09 UP YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n WALLING SAND It GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. 'S -yd shovel it drag line. Ph. 3-9249 n wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Barki- Douglas fir pole or stumpage, Ph. 1387 Albany or write Standard Pole it Piling Co., Inc. na42 SEWING MACHINE any cond Ph. 3-7671. na41 PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader Madame solve your worries. Advice 0 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 81.00 set a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. p48 8 MONTHS subscription to Reader Di gest. 11.00. Ph. 3-5071. P33 WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself as of February 3, 1950. John J. McClaln. P30 MEN!! Have you been working to hard? Got a bacK ache? Try a Spencer brlt. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. Ph. 3-1619 p31' AUTOMOBILES LATE MR HUDSON. Clean. Good condi tion. Call any time. 849 S. 12th. Ph. ZEEB'S USED CARS FJCT SELL TRAD! TERMS S LOTS 2325 Fairground Rd. Ph. 2-6454 520 Hood St Pb ''-Tfli 41 STUDE. Commander. R., sport lite, underseat htr.. air conditioning it plas tic seat covers. 4 new tires, body, paint, motor good. $550. 2 blocks north of Shell Station, Aumsville. q32 Eisner Motors to Sell 150 USED CAR liOT $50 AlSz your old one 12th St Junction Open till 10 p.m. q34 Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO., 518 State. Rm 135. Lie. - S-122 M-165 C. R. Allen. Mgr. r30 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie- S-133 and U-328 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 dallv K.8.L.M. 1390 Kc'sM 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 r' $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. lear Fairground Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie. No. M 3 69-5391 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. i SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 44 r, INTEREST S to 40 Year and No Commission DENTON & DENTON FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i'i and 5 1CJR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Tnwt Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. r Mortgage Loans FHA Residential Loan a Specialty City Suburban and Farm Loan Business Building Loan W Make Construction Loans and Private Money Loan - Exceptionally Favorable Term No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortiw Loan Specialist 411 Uasonte Bldg. PDone 3-9211 r31 IFINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Special Rate and Term ' On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payment ROY H. SIMMONDfl 136 South Commercial St. Phone 1-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-2437 Lie. NO. M-I59 8-154 f BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU 'THRIFTY IN '30' PAY OFF YOUR BILI LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS . $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 111 8. LIBERTY PHONI 4-1103 TRAILERS WILL TRADE '48 Reo truck with 16' flat bed it stock rack for house trailer 25' or longer. Write Cabin 11, McCre die Springs, Orea. 131 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented. repaired. Roen 456 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME annliance renalr serv ice. Free estlates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances, vinee'a Electric. Ph. 3-9339. 157 8. Liberty St, o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-S266. Night a-mu. jjj center. BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3148, Salem. o37 BULLDOZING Bulldozlne. levellnir. road bide., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskej, 1010 rairview Ave. n. z-jho, naiem. ojt CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register, aii manes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o' CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc. Call CHIMNEY SWEEP , Oil Move, furnace chimney vacuumed cleaned. Eiuley, 771 8. 21t. Ph. 3-7176. o53 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen it Son excavating te grading, Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. 033' EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph, 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. fireithaupt's for flower. Dial 3-9179. o Air-Ray Electric Furnace. Ph. 2-2934. o31 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler it Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1323. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452. o' iAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. 052' LAWN MOWERS A KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dcxter's Ph. 3-6833. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Instructions piano it voice. Sat., Mon. Bertha Pinco, 155 8. Liberty, Ph. 3-6126 046 Spanish Az Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St Ph. 3-7569 033' OFFICE FURNITURE & SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, af's. duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases, lerce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-8662. Eve. 4-2424. o31a Elfstrom's are equipped to do your painting. Phone 2-2493. o PAINTING St PAPERHANG1NG Painting it paperhanging. Free esti mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. o51 Papering At painting. Est. free. Ph. 2-2608. 035 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanging and Fainting. H. J, Woodsworth. Ph. 39807. Free est. 046 PLUMBING Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-2984. O50' Contract, repair. Glenn Moody, 2-4426. 039 PLUMBING SERVICE Don's. Call Eves. 33056. PICTURE FRAMING REMODELING New and remodeling contractor. Resi dential A: commercial. W. E. Schrunk. Ph. 3-4503. o48 ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327. o Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand Az Oravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o SEPTIC TANKS K. T. Hamel, septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 Sth St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 042' Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. 031 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call ui collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 550 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE One man, electric sewer cleaning ser vice. Phone 3-4600. Bill Skewla. o44 Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Bladea Clean Sewers, Drains. L. Howard, Ph, 3-S327 o SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph., 3-3512. o Spraying Az pruning. Ph. 3-7900. o32 SPRAYING AND PRUNING Pruning and spraying. Phillip W. Beilke. Ph. 2-1208. 044 TRANSFER STORAGE Local Az Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal ft briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent for Bekln. House hold goods moved to anrwhere In U. S. rr Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. o' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 436 Court, o VE NEtTaN" BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or refinlsshed. Reinholdt Lewis. 3-3639. Elmer The BItndman. Ph. 37328. WELL DRILLING K. J. West. 4340 Sunnyvlew. 33173. c-32 I il-' EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY Wilsons 1938 Chrysler Royal Sdn . .$225 WITH NEW PAINT 1938 Buick Sedan $189 Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CENTER 1949 DEMONSTRATORS DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 330 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3175. qx30 DIRECTORY WEATHERSTRIPPING WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, walls, it woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. WINDOW SHADES WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031, LODGE jK Kingwood Lodge No. 204, AJP. & AM. Special communica tion. E.A. Degree Monday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. 31 LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of John Charles Buralk, deceased, ha filed her final account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for Marlon County, Probate Department, and said Court ha fixed Tuesday, February 14, 1930, at 10:00 A.M. in the Probate Department court room in the court house in Salem, Oregon, a the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account and for settlement thereof. DOROTHY BUHSIK, Administratrix of the Estate of John Charles Burslk, deceased. Capital Journal Jan. 7. 11. 21. 28. and Feb. 4, 1950. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION, DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE No. 13,762 In the Matter of the Estate of Ole T. StoraaslI, Deceased. Order Appointing Day for Pinal Settlement, etc. Edwin H Lewi the administrator eta of tho Estate of Ole T. Storaall. De ceased, having Tendered and presented for seflemen;, and filed in this Court, hi fin 1 account ol hU administration of said Estate. IT IS ORDERED, That Friday the 17th day of February, A.D. 1950, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. of aald day, be and the same la nereoy appointed lor the settlement of said account; and that notice of said settlement be published In the Capital Journal, a newspaper published In Salem, Marion county, Oregon, as olten a once a week for four successive week prior to said day of settlement. Done in ooen court thii loth Ax tit January, A.D, 1950. (6) REX KTMMELL Circuit Judge. Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS mVF.ft that. Hiiph Oliver Cutsforth, a administrator of the estate of Eunice Gertrude Cutsforth. de ceased, ha filed in the Circuit Court of tne state of Oregon for the County of Marlon, In Probate, hi final account, and that said Court ha fixed Wednes day February 8, 1950, at 0:30 o'clock A.M. of atd day, at the court room or said Court in Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, a the time ' and Place for bearing ob jection thereto, and for the settlement thereof, at which said time and place all persnoa having objections to such fin al account and settlement thereof are hereby required to appear and show cause. If any exlt. why said account should not, in all things, be allowed and approved, ana wny said estate should not be settled and closed and the ad ministrator thereof discharged. HUGH OLIVER CUTSFORTH, Administrator Aforesaid. PEERY T. BUREN Attorney at Law Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. uated and first published: January 7, 1950. Capital Journal. January 7. 14. at sa and Feb. 4, 1950. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE ittt.MltlH STREET FROM BELLE VUE STREET TO OAK STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN ih.t th. Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deem it necessary and expedient ana nereoy aeciare lis purpose and In tention to Improve Twentieth Street from the north line of Bellevue Street to the north line of Oak Street, In the City ot Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said por tion of aaid street to the established grade. constructing cement rnnirt curbs, and paving said portion of said wiwi a ivt incn asphaltlc con crete pavement 30 feet in width In ac cordance with the plan and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, 1950, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by thla reference thereto are made a nnrt hnmnf rh. Common Council hereby declare It pur- u inirauon 10 maxe tne above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. wruiea remonsirance against the aoove proposed improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publica tion of this notice by the owners of the property affected. By order of the Common CAimril Jan. uary 23. IB 50. ALFRED MUNDT. Cif rWnrH. Jan. 38. 30, 31. Feb 1. 3. 3. 4, 6. 7, 8, 9. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE aiAifisua s jnlET FROM CHURCH STREET TO COTTAGE STREET. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that th. Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient boh nereoy aeciare its purpose and in tention to Improve Madison Street from the east line of Church Street to the west line of Cottage Street, in tha nit nt Salem. Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adJucent property, except ine alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said por tion of said street tn th Mtahit.v, grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, ana paving saia portion of said street with a 3i Inch asphaltlc concrete pave ment 30 feet wide In accordance with the plan and specification therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, 1950 which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which hy this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declare its purpose and intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the street improve ment department. Written remotutrance against the ahir proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten day after the final publication of this notice by tha owner of the property af fected. By order of the Common Council. Jan. uary 23, 1950. ALFRED MUNDT. Citv RerArta Jin. 28. 30. 31. Feb 1. 3, 3. 4. 6. 7, 8. 9. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 1941 HUDSON 4-DOOR SEDAN RADIO & HEATER $395 Stan Baker Motors UNION AT HIGH PH. 1-3 Oldsmobile ROCKET ENGINE HYDRAMATIC ifAf tfOOit TV1 J.i74y oo Deluxe sedan. Low mileage. Complete with radio, air condition, seat covers, Royal Master tire. All extras. $2495 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 463 Center Ph. 2-7073. qx30 LEGAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF MARION No. 36298 SUMMONS WM. F. KROEGER. Plaintiff, V. JOHN F. KROEGER and JANE DOE KROEOEBT hi wife. HERMAN F. KROEGER and JA..E DOE KROEGER. his Wife. JAMES P. KROEGER and JANE DOE KROEGEJ?j 111 Wife. EMIL KROEGER and JANE DOEW KBOEOER, his wife, RAYMOND KROE-7 GER and JANE DOE KROEGER, hi Wife, ANNA La FRANCE and JOHN DOE La FRANCE, her husband, HILDA VAN BUR EN and JOHN DOE VAN BUREN, her husband, CHRISTINE EHLERS and JOHN DOE EHLERS, her husband, H. F. KROE GER and JANE DOE KROEGER, his wife, MARY DENOLER and JOHN DOE DENG LER, her husband, WM, JOEN8 and JANE DOE JOENS, hi wife, HENRY JOENS and JANE DOE JOENS, hi wife, ADELIA PETERSON and JOHN DOE PE TERSON, her husband. META JOANSEN and JOHN DOE JOANSEN, her huaband. CLARA BILLERBECK and JOHN DOE BILLERBECK, her husband. LOUIS MAR TENS and JANE DOE MARTENS, his wife, and all other person claiming any interest in the property described in plaintiff's complaint. Defendant. To: John F. Kroeger and Jane So Kroeger. his wife. Herman F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger. hi wife, Jame F. Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, hi wife, Emil Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger, hi wife, Raymond Kroeger and Jane Doe Kroeger. his wife. Anna i,tirPini. John Doe LaFrance, her husband, Hilda van ouicn ana jonn uoe van Huren, her husband, Christine Bhlera and John Doe Ehler. her hush And u w Jane Doe Kroeger, his wife, Mary Dengler and John Doe Dengler, her husband, Wm. Joens and Jane Doe Joena, his wife Henry Joena and Jane Doe Joena, his wife, Adelia Peterson and John Doe Pe terson, her husband, Meta Joansen and John Doe Joansen. her husband. Clara Blllerbeck and John Doe BlUerbeck, her husband, Louis Marten and Jane Do Marten, hi wife, and alt other persona claiming any Interest in tho nrniurt scribed in plaintiff complaint. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby directed to ap- uu lu.wer me complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of four week from the date of the first publication of thla summons, which date of expiration is fixed by order of the above entitled Cnun. th. February, 1950. 'ini suit 1 brntmht tn ri.Ui-mU. tu. adverse claim and cloud upon the title to real property dumb in nianiitr. complaint and hereinafter described, by the Plaintiff, whn lntm tl,.t h. self he ha been in the continuous, open. niiuaive ana aciuai possession , real Prc-Pty under claim of right for more than ten year immedi ately prior to the filing of thla suit, and claiming to own the same In fee simple against the claim of any and all other peron whomsoever, to have paid all taxes of every kind levied or assessed against said property during the period from 1920 to the present time, which said real property is situated In the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, and mora particularly described a follow, to-wit: ah wai part or the southeast quar ter of Section 9. Township 7 South, Range 2 East, of the Willamette Me ridian, situated in Marlon County, State of Oregon. You are hereby notified that ni. ... appear and answer a above required, that Plaintiff will take a decree against you and each of you, that you have no eatate, right, title or equity In and to the real property described hereinabove, and that plaintiff title thereto la good, valid, prior and subsisting, and that you, and each Of you. bfl fnrvaf .nlnni strained and debarred from asserting any ......... -iiatci id ania reai property, or an5! .15' or P9rceI thereof, adverse to Plaintiff or to his successors, heirs or assigns In Interest, and that plaintiff title be quieted in and to said real prop erty, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief a to the Court may premises"1' J"St nd MUltabl ln the This summon Is published hy order of Geo. R. Duncan. Circuit Judge of the above entitled Court. i ne oraer i dated Feb. 3, 1950 Date of first publication, Feb. 4. 1950. j""' '- puoncaiion, Feoruary 25, 1950. STANLEY J. MITCHELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. 101 Hogg Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Feb. 4. 11. is. 25 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE ...... r..-, i niti r KU.tl TWELFTH STREET TO THIRTEENTH STREET. Mvrip. ucDrnv . ......... iwuii io ujtwi mac in. Common Council of the City ot Sslem. Oregon, deems It necessary and tpe- ....... ..... uteres iu purpose ana Intention to Improve Hlnes Street from the east line ot Trellth street to thrf west line ot Thirteenth Street, In th. . .. -.-.u, w.iiuii vouniy, uregon, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the alley Intersec tions the expense of which will be as sumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing cement con- ,V . fvmB earn portion or said street with a J'.s inch asphaltlc ... r......u. . icc. ln Wijn in accordance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, 1950, which UI. .,, , Mlc OI1ice 01 ine city recorder and which by this referenc. thereto are made a part hereof. Th. Common Council hereby declares Its pur pose and Intention to make the above , . . oj .no inrougn the street Improvement department. .mica remonstrance against the abov. proposed Improvement may be filed with .... mll7 time wiuun ten days after the final publication of this notice by th. owners of tb. property By Ordef of th. Common Council Jan uary 23. 1950. .iHRED MTJNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 21. 30. 31, Feb 1, 2. . t, , 7, 1, . Lyons Church Group Guest Bassert Home Lyons Mrs. Floyd Bassett was hostess for the meeting of the Womens Society of Christian Service held at her home in Fox Valley. Mrs. Laurence Wal worth was in charge of the Dusi ness meeting and Mrs. George Clipfell led the devotions. Plans were made for a pie social to be held the latter part of Febru ary At the close of the meeting Mrs. Bassett served refresh ments to Mcsdames Laurence Walworth, Jim Lande, Willard Kartell, Ralph Jonts, George Clipfell, Loron Chamberlain, Clinton Hubbard, George Huff- i man, Clyde Biessler, Mrs. Sulli-J van, Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs. Alice Huber. (.