Unitarians to Sponsor Forum i i4 The objectives of three major S -organizations whose mutual ! ''"Jjurpose is a better relationship ( ipmong the nations of the world f will be explained at an open 't meeting, sponsored by the Sa- jrlem Unitarian Fellowship, Sun- iwday night. !" The meeting will be held In the downstairs hall of the YWCA at 7:30 o'clock and the !. public is invited to attend. How r":rd Teeple is fellowship chair- ?nan. Carlisle Roberts, ' assistant to ithe state attorney general, will ""represent Atlantic Union. The "aims 0f the United World Fed eralists will be given by John '"(Hakanson, and D. Russell Goch iJJJnour will explain the functions ""of UNESCO (United Nations FTducational, Scientific and Cul tural Organization). The talks 'tfwill be followed by a question f' nnd general discussion period, jffl Teeple stated that the topic !' Religion and the World Com-;-munity" is the first of a month ly series of meetings on topics of general interest to be spon sored by the Unitarian group in '' answer to the question, "Is Re- jligion Facing Modern Issues?" Uiglc ax D. Tucker J Riles Saturday 1 Portland, Ore., Feb. 4 J.R). sl Funeral services were held M today for Max D. Tucker, 59, " president of the Cascade Ply IS wood corporation and promi i nent Pacific northwest lumber man. i Tucker formerly was associat ed with the Evans Products com pany at Coos Bay. He went to Coos Bay to head the Evans op eration here in 1932. In March, 1944, he bought the Evans Ply wood mills at Lebanon and the company became known thereaf ter as the Cascade Plywood corporation. Tucker headed the finance committee of the Harold E. Stas- sen presidential campaign in Or egon. His death here Thursday was attributed to a blood clot- fol lowing surgery for a gall blad der condition, according to at tendants at St. Vincent's hospi tal. Tucker's body will be sent to Michigan after the funeral. He Is survived by his wife and sev eral nephews and nieces living in Michigan. U3V' Legion Assists Blood Program Members of Capital post No. 9, American Legion, staged "blood donor day" this week, the first time a Legion post has sponsored the mobile unit from the Portland regional blood center. A total of 79 pints was given at the visitation. The donor pictured here is Frederick J. Brennan. Standing about him are Miss Evange line Huie, the nurse with the mobile unit; James H. Turnbull, vice commander of Capital post and Mrs. Frank N. Waters, a nurses aide and a past department president of the Legion auxiliary. The "blood donor day" was Monday. Orchestra Defies Death Music Los Angeles, Feb. 4 U. The 88 members of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra emerg ed from a performance of Tschaikowsky's "Death Symph on:" Friday all alive. Defying the superstition that the pathetique symphony is fa tal to its players, the orchestra planned to present it again at a matinee today. "I told them before the con cert," Conductor Artur Rodzin ski said, "that if anyone drops dead it will be me." And Rodzinski took a fond look at pictures of his wife and McEwan Among Photo Off id Claude F. Palmer of Portland was elected president of the Photographers Association of Oregon at the annual meeting held this week at the Multno mah hotel. Robert McEwan of Salem was chosen vice presi dent, Harvey Barragar, Port land, secretary, and E. R. Gil bert, Portland, treasurer Directors are: Alva Heater, Ontario; John Logan, Longview; H. L. Bolton, The Dalles; Frank Hise, Corvallis; Carmen Clark, Roseburg; Mel Forbes Coos Bay Dorothy Lee, Oregon City; Rob ert Ball, Corvallis- Edward Throckmorton, Coquille; and Max Allara, Portland. Henry D. Fehly of Eugene retiring president, urged attend ance of all in the industry at the Pacific Northwest Photo graphic Convention and Trade shov to be held March 27, 28, and 29 at the Masonic temple Portland. Leading photographic manu facturers will exhibit and dem onstrate latest in photographic equipment and materials in 60 booths. A large print exhibit will feature prize portraits and commercial photographs In black and white and color made by photographers in Oregon, Wash ington, Montana, Ichho, British Columbia and Alaska. Internationally known photo graphers will demonstrate the latest techniques. Heading the list are: John Leveccha, Chica go; Howard Col ton, Rochester New York; and Jack H. Wambs ley, Buffalo, New York. Henry Semon, Veteran Legislator to Run Klamath Falls, Feb. 4 VP) Henry (Hank) Semon, who has served nine terms in the state legislature from Klamath coun ty, will give it another try. Semon said today he would file for the office in Salem. He is a registered democrat although over the years has had little support from the local dem ocratic organization. The prominent Henley spud farmer was first elected in 1932 as an independent, and ranks along with Dean Walker of In dependence in seniority in the legislature. Joins Mayo Clinic Woodburn Dr. Richard Achor, one of the twin sons of Rev. and Mrs. Roy Achor, for merly of Woodburn, is now as sociated with the Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minn. Rev Achor was pastor of the Presbyterian church here from 1919 to 1926 and the Achor twins were born here. 4 w-ifmmmm j;F? t V HEAR LOUIS ZAMPERINI World-Famous Miler " World War II Veteran Adrift on a Life Raft for 47 Days Converted to Christ Under Billy Graham in Loi Angeles Youth For Christ Rally Salem High School Auditorium SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 3:00 P.M. Hear Evangelist DALE HANSON EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St. and Park Ave. Each Nite Except Sat., 7:45 Over KOCO Mon. Thru Friday, 8:45 a.m. Sat., 6:45 p.m. A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE TEMPLE Rev. Walter S. Frederick, Pastor In Any Weather Come to Church 9:45 A.M. Church School Two Morning Services 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. "Jesus' First Miracle" Sermon by the Minister 5:30 P.M. Junior High Group 6:00 P.M. High School Fellowship First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L, Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor mmm LiX.S'i Li 11 ' Also Four Flats Male Quartet Widely Known Gospel Singers How Does Christian Science Heal? If you would like to know more about this scientific religion which heals human ills and solves human problems, come to A FREE LECTURE entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" Its Reinstatement of Primitive Christianity and Spiritual Healing" ,. by Ralph Castle, C.S. of San Francisco, California Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Tuesday Noon, February 7th 12:10 p.m. in Elsinore Theatre First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Salem, Oregon Cordially Invites You CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH North Capital and Gaines G. B. Randstrom, Pastor Broadcast over KOCO 9:15 Sunday School 9:45 Morning: Worship 11:00 Tuner Mission Service 3:00 Evening Service 7:45 Rev. Thompson from Seattle Wash., will speak at these ser vices. You are cordially invit ed to attend. son in his dressing room before he went on stage last night. But he said he felt fine when the 42 minute piece was over. "Any calls for the undertak er?" a stagehand cracked dur ing the intermission. There weren't. An aura of superstition sur rounds the music from which was taken the popular song "This Is the Story of a Starry Night." Tschaikowski wrote it with a foreboding of death and died a fe-v weeks after finishing it. Some English orchestras refuse to play it because of frequent deaths coincident with it. And in Stockholm last week, after conductor Johannes Norr bey announced he would prove the pathetique "does not murder musicians," clarinetist Ludwig Warschewskl dropped dead halfway through the following number. Iowa plant scientists are work ing on popcorn that will expand 30 times. . THE CHRIST PALESTINE One of the dark centuries of the past comes the prophetic voice of Jesus in warning to this gen eration. He foretold the dismal future of Poles tine and of the Jews. He tells WHY the Jews are afflicted and exterminated. He tells us what OUR fate will be if we follow their example. Hear this amazing address by Pastor R. G. Schaffer. SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 5, 6:30 P.M. in the Johnson Memorial S.D.A. Church Hood at North Summer Sts., Salem Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, February 4, 195011 Judge Hardy Next Speaker "God, the Supreme Court and Us" will be the topic of an ad dress by Judge George W. Har dy before members of the Salem Knife and Fork club at the Mar ion the night of February 17. Hardy, judge of the second circuit appellate court of the state of Louisiana, is widely known in the southeast as a Jur ist and platform speaker. He has long been interested in public affairs and during his career as mayor was instrumental in bringing many needed reforms to the city of Shreveport. "Are we in danger of losing religion by zealous pursuit of the letter of the law," is one of the questions which Judgt Hardy will endeavor to provide an answer during his discourse. LATTER RAIN INTENSIFIES ! SOUND TEACHING ON LATTER RAIN DR. G. W. MINTER OF TEXAS at 7:15 p.m. (Former Instructor in Bible College in South) DR. F. W. PATTON (A Man With a Healing Ministry) Praying For the Sick and Preaching EACH NIGHT - 7:45 - 1IXCEPT SAT. & MON. Thurs., Feb. 0th - The Southern Quartet of Alabama CITY WIDE MASS MEETING SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. (GREAT DIVINE HEALING SERVICE) CALVARY CHAPEL 1143 N. Liberty St. - (Between Belmont & Market Streets) Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Bell, pastors Phone S-S956 msemmmtamsm BrilrthlrHttflMaMiagll r SV-SI r r-T-ir , ' . '"V '" 'H . -Jfl -. - 1 . " t I The fellow who can r6ar the loudest and bite the hardest usually gets what he wants. That's the way it is in the animal kingdom, and sometimes the system creeps into man's world too! Most of us have too much religious awareness to believe that such a system is the best one. We would rather live in a world in which kindness and peace and unselfishness were the rule. Our Churches can help us build such a world. They can turn our religious awareness into spiritual growth. On. Sunday morning, the man in the armchair knows just as well as the man in the pew what is wrong with the world. But the man in the pew will be busy doing . something about It! ii CHURCH FOR AU Church i, lhe "-ttUflCH can .urviv, k 1 ' dem"a nor' , ,hou' " ,a'ly and roj ' p,c" to ao t .u . m'al and read your Blb)e doj 9 to church regu. look Sllnrf... Monday. ' "hunday..'" Mtln ' ' '"Ian ' Matih,w Paalma !" iS"l!"l,',M Ephj,n ...KonMua CI"Per Vara,, This Series of Ads Is Being Published Each Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Salem Ministerial Association, and Is Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments: CAPITOL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drug Sundries SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol R. L ELFSTROM CO. Furniture and Paint ROBERTS BROS. Department Store SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 South Commercial