BSa-H 'V- .-n Congratulatory Kiss Paul Pettit, 18-year-old south paw pitcher who recently grad uated from high school, (eta a congratulatory kiss from his sweetheart, Shirley Jennings, after signing a contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates In Los Angeles. The price for Pettit was reported to be in the neighborhood of $100,000. He will play with the Pirates' farm team at New Orleans this season, (Acme Telephoto.) y- Letters Show Black and White of Sports Subsidy By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. New York, Feb. 3 V-Two letters in the same mail from a fairly small southern college that would like to hit bigger time: "We recently started Inter collegiate boxing and it is going over big. Should you run across a good amateur heavyweight who's interested in college, tell him to write us we pay tuition, room, board, books, laundry and ten bucks per month all of It over the counter. The same holds true of basketball and football players." . . . Heck, we know some fair pro fighters ' wno'a oe nappy io clear inai j $10 per, and they wouldn't de mand books . . , From an equal 1 ly small northeastern college Willi liu uifi-uiiic jiuiuub. a . ff now for the first time how weil' we are succeeding in keep ing sports within the bounds of an educational program. I was shocked to learn that the rum ors on subsidization of athletics I had always discounted previ ously, are actually true." ... So i yez takes yer choice, but yez don't necessarily pay yer money. Non-Sked Tread J. B. "Fenders" Whitworth (Oklahomans think his old nick name of "Ears" is inadequate) gives this rough version of what happened just after he took the Oklahoma A&M football coach ing job: "I arrived in Oklahoma and faced a quick tour of the state. So I made the trip and gave three little talks. When I got back they had added Arkan sas to the schedule as an opener. So I made three-four more lit tle speeches and when I came back they had added SMU . . . I'm not going to set foot out of town again or we'll have Notre Dame on Wednesday." Cleaning the Cuff Fred (Did-He-Win) Wilt has filed an entry for the Baxter mile at the New York AC track meet Feb. 11 by request but Don Gehrmann won't be avail able . . . Billy Sheridan, Lehigh wrestling coach, recently was named chairman of the city of Bethlehem recreation commis sion . . . Dave Barron Harris, son of Sheriff Dave, the old-time Washington outfielder, is a div er on .the U. of Georgia swim ming team . . . Dave, senior, made hisv biggest splash with a two-out-in-the-n 1 n t h hit that spoiled a no-hlt game for Tom my Bridges. New 'Old Bones' In Bargain Horse? (AP Ncwsfratures) Miami, Fla. When you talk of bargain horses remember Three Rings. The 5-year-old gelding, ob tained in 1948 for $7,500 in a claiming race by Mrs. . L. Hop kins, is a candidate for Hialeah's rich Widener this winter. Trainer Willie Knapp believes he has another Exterminator in the gelded son of Circus Ring. Although Old Bones won the Derby with Knapp" riding him at odds of 30 to 1 in 1918, it wasn't until 1922 as a 7-year-old that Exterminator had his biggest year. Since Mrs. Hopkins acquired Three Rings, Trainer Knapp not once has put the gelding in a claiming race. "Our confidence has paid off," says Knapp. "After all $139,485 isn t bad for a $7,500 investment. D Dick Diinkel' College Basketball Power Index EXPLANATION The Power Index provide s direct comparison of tht -elative strength of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.0 team has been 10 scoring: points stron. r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in .vhich scoring margin has been weighed against strength of opposition. This does not necessarily mean that a 50.0 team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. Teams rarely follow past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac tors as home court, injuries and ineligibilities. The Dunkel system correlates records of all college teams and was started in 1929. SCORES In the Alleys (Complet. Rssultt) Clair Bee, the outspoken Long Island U. basketball coach who had 'em buzzing with criticism of Kentucky's "soft" schedule, says he was only kidding and is a great admirer of Adolph Bupp . , . Clair wouldn't want anybody dropping LIU from a sched ule in an effort to make It tougher . . . The Detroit Lions still would like to get Bobby Layne from the NY Bulldogs, but at last report they thought Ted Collins' price was too high . . . Seems Lion Prexy Edwin J. Anderson has Issued a "make money or else" ulti matum for the 1950 season. .'. . Bill "Killer" Kane, who served a brief hitch as assist ant athletic director at the Na val academy, is getting some extra-special training at a war college special school In Alabama. .400 HITTING CAGERS New York m With more than half the season gone, three of the leading scorers in the pro National Basketball association were "batting over .400" on their shots from the floor. George Mikan, league leader had a .429 percentage on 324 baskets in 755 shots. Alex Gro- za, In second place, had the lea' gue's best average .462 on 271 baskets in 586 tries. Dick Mchen of Waterloo, fourth place in the scoring race, had a .431 mark on 195 out of 452. Only about four more weeks of this, and we 11 know the ap proximate answer to the 1950 college basketball question. Meanwhile, we can take a look at the road that lies ahead of the currant leaders. Their chances can be judged by comparing their ratings with those of the coming opponents listed below. Chances? That will depend on games is one thing, but a team's what you're looking for. Winning rating also depends on strength of schedule. We laughingly expect these ratings to hold up. But at the same time, the place to look for possible booby-traps is where the little is shown. It denotes game to be played on a foreign court. No. 1 Holy Cross (82.4) - ver sus Brown, 55.7; Colgate,64.3; R. I. State, 59.7; Dartmouth. 46.2; R. I. State, 59.7; Boston College, 54.4; Brown, 55.7; Val paraiso 63.8; Columbia, 67.0; Yale, 61.0. No. 2 La Salle (78.2) - versus St. Joseph, Pa., 58.7; Baldwin Wallace, 82.3; Toledo , 71.5; Loyola, Md., 58.8; Muhlenberg, 61.7; Manhattan, 57.2 Cincin nati, 71.4 Gettysburg, 43.0; Bos ton College, 54j4; Muhlenburg, 61.7. No. 3 C.C.N.Y. (78.1) - versus Princeton, 61.7; St. Francis,. N. Y., 55.2; Canisius, 69.0; Niagara, 65.0; St. Joseph , Pa., 58.7; Fordham, 57.5; Syracuse, 66.5; Manhattan, 57.2; New York U., 67.3. No . 4 Kansas State (76.5) -versus Oklahoma, 68.5; Missouri, 64.9; Kansas, 72.3; Iowa State. 60.9; Colorado, 66.7; Missouri, 64.9; Kansas, 72.3. . No. 5 Long 'Island (75.3) -versus Springfied, 51.6; Quan tico Marines, 47.5; Duquesne, 74.9; Cincinnati, 71.4; Hartwick, 51.9; John Marshall, 46.0; Ham line, 67.7. No. 6 Duquesne (74.9) - ver sus Louisville, 70.1; Akron, 60.3; Geneva, 53.6; Long Island, 75.3; Indiana, Pa., 36.0; Geneva. 53.6; Akron, 60.3; Baldwin Wallace, 62.3; Villanova, 70.8. Then comes chaos. Ohio State. Wisconsin, and Illinois, currently seventh, eighth and tenth in the round robin this week-end. Here round robinthis week-end. Here mere s trouble around every corner, and not a favorite sight. On the other hand. No. 9 N C. State (73.9) should have very smootn sailing through the re mainder of its Southern Confer ence schedule. Rank and power index of sec tional and sectional leaders. through last Monday's games, follows. 10 NATIONAL LEADERS 1. Holy Cross 82.4 2. La Salle 78.2 3. C.C.N.Y 78.1 4. Kansas State 76.5 5. Long Island 75.3 6. Duquesne 74.9 7. Ohio State 74.8 8. Wisconsin 74.8 9. N. C. State 73.9 10. Illinois 73.8 New York U. R. P. I St, Fr.nels, Pa m.rranrts. NY John's.NY Srton Hall .. Siena Vermont .... Villanova .. Wagner W & J W. chesterst. Westinghouse Yale Yeshlva .... Adelphi American U. . Brockport St. Buffalo St. .. Erllnboro St. Gannon Hartwick .... Indiana. Pa. . Ithaca New York AC . State . Rider St. Mfehael'i .. Stevens Thlel WUlama Baker Blutfton .... Butler Carnegie Tech central Mo. . Cent. Okla fit. Dubuque .... cent. Okla Ft. Haya St. . Huntington . college .. Indiana St. .. wesleyan MUllkln ... Milwaukee St. Neb. Wesleyan Oshkosh St. . St. Ambrose . D. State .. E. Okla. St. Springfield St. Dakota . S.W.Okla. Tech Washington U. Bethany .... centenary .. Davidson .... Erskine .... Georgia St. .. Hamp Sydney HowBrd, Ala Memphis St, Mercer Mor's Harvey No, Carolina . So. Carolina .. S. M. U. .. Tennessee .. Texas Texas A&M . Wake Forest . w. Ky. State W. Liberty St. Adams fit. .. Bowling Green Brig Young . Colo. 8tate . Denver Montana St. Oregon Pacific TJ. ... Pepperdlnc .. Portland San Diego St. Santa Clara . Seattle U Stanford .... '. L. A. .. Washington Whitman ... CROWD PLEASER Hershey (P) Bill Moe, for mer Minnesota football ace and now colorful defense star of the Hershey Bears of the American Hockey League, has long been a favorite in any city his team visits. In a recent game in Buffalo, where the fans are especially fond of Moe. a huge sign was hung on the penalty box, "Reserved for Bill Moe." But Moe fooled them and didn't visit the box all night. EAST Holy Crosa . . La, Salle O. O. N. T. ... Long Island ,. Duquesne .... St. John ,N. T. Cornell Villanova .... CnLslus Weamlnstr, Pa. SOUTH N. O. State ... W. Ky State .. Marshall .... Kentucky ,,,, Louisville .... E. Ky. State . Murray St. ... Tulane W. Virginia .. Duke MIDWEST Kan, state ., 76.5 Ohio State .. T4.B Wisconsin .... 74.8 DInols I3.fl Minnesota ... 73.8 Bowling Green 7S.7 Notre Dame .. 72.5 Kansas 72.3 Indiana 73.0 Bradley 11.9 rAH WEST TJ. C. L. A. ... 73.1 BTl. Yount.. 70.5 Wash. State ,, 09.8 S. rrancslco. , 08.5 Wyoming 87.7 California So. Calif. , Washington Stanford ... Utah State 87.4 86.8 84.8 64.2 64.2 (Ratings through games of January 31) v. In each listing below, the team on the left has established itself as the favorite by compiling higher rating to date than its op ponent. For example, a 50.0 team has been 10 points strong er, per game, than a 40.0 team. The DflCO-HEAT OA Burner gives yoo More Hoat For Loss Fuel with all tlras ooVonced fooiiirMi RotopotMr Um& cot&JasaM ati aoonog para in st single cuuuigc type wsft rcc tajy mjju,iioii fid adrastxnent 1 Tim-Mix Pmtl Cmlrtl giutdt isd supply. Meters oil controls pressure eliminates wasted oil. Built-in TmrtuUfr can't gee out of adjust- meot. "Eggbeater" fuel giTes top combustion emckocfl Oil Conditiomtr of ftpedalry voamd ooctoa yarn traps the tiniest Imparities only ckn ofl reaches the nozzle 1 Delco-Heat CmrdmsUd Cmtrvis keep tem perature within 1 of desired beat. Addad economy because fad is ed only when hear b needed! Wt mff maB a new DekxHotf OB Burner h pot present rwnace or boiler and gm 70a completdy automatic beating system tint win operate at rock-bottom cost ! You'll say goodbye m falnooed. back breaking band firing . . . and yovH get big tarings io time, money sod tabor ! Remember, you'se dmHj sure with Dcko Heac For k't a General Motors product built by men with the "know-bow" to build the best. And because we'vt been factory-trained by Deko-Heat we here the "know-how" to install it right. Your lutalUdoa cam be made outcldy Md eaefly -In ust a few hours tune. Come In now md get the handsome Delco-Heat Oil Burner and the entire line of Deko Heat equipment. SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO - home team Probable Probable Winners Losers FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3 Eaat 67.3 ve Geo'town. DC '51.2 vs Rochester .... eo.5 vs Akron 55.2 vs N. Britain St. 12.4 vs Temple '56,9 vs Crelghton 64.0 v Tex. Wesleyan '44.5 vs A. 1. C 70.8 vsR. I. State ... 47.1 vs Brooklyn Poly '61.5 vs W. Virginia 49.5 vs Moravian .... 31.7 vs FrostburR St. 61.0 vs Dartmouth .. '29.9 vs Drew 39.2 vs Kind's Point . . 49.4 vs Lynchburc . . 44.7 vsRochest'r Tech '35.4 vs McMaster ... .36.6 vs California at. '41.0 vs Fredonle St. . '51.9 vs Queens. N.Y, . '36.0 vs St. Vincent .. 49.4 vs Mansfield St. . '57.3 vs Virginia 50.7 vs Rutgers 45.9 vs Pater&on St. . 1 52.6 vs A. I. C 31.4 vs Pratt 33.6 vs Alliance .... 38.5 vs Oswego St. .. Midwest 46.1 vs McPerson 29.0 vs Indiana Tech 59.2 vs Wabash .... 57.1 vs Oberlln 52.9 vs C'cordla, Mo 48.0 vs Phillips 49.6 vs Wm. Penn. . '50.9 vs Okla. Baptist .57.3 vs S'western.Kan 1 35.9 vs Greenville .. 54.3 Vs Elmhurat .... '63.7 vs Xavler, O. , '23.2 vs Central. Ia. . .56.6 vs Augutana, III 1 '44.0 va C'cordla. Wli '46.6 vs Hastings .... '40.6 vs Stevens Point 37.4 vs Simpson '49.3 vs Mornlngslde .. 43.6 vs M. K. Okla St. ' 54.6 vs C. Girardeau ' ,52.5 vs No. Dakota . .' 37.8V a N. W. Okla St. ' 59.4 vs S'western Ten. South '39.9 vs Hiram '49.7 vs S, E. Louisiana 44.9 vs Citadel '43.1 Vs No. Georgia ., 52.4 vs Fla, Southern 1 '80.7 vsJ. Hopkins .. .38.9 vs Troy St '45.8 vs Tenn. Tech . 46.8 vs Miss, College '58.2 vs Davls-Elkins . ,60.3 vs Maryland .... '49.5 vs Clemson .... '56.2 vaT. C. U 52.8 vs Florida '58.4 vs Arkansaa .... ,60.7 vt Baylor .54.5 Ts Richmond .... '72.2 vs Louisville .... 45.1 vs Atderson .... Far West '32.3 vs Panhandle . . . 73.7 vs San Jose St. 70.5 vs Colo. A&M.. 49.6 vs Western St. .. 59.4 VS Utan 56.7 vs Idaho State . 63.5 vs Idaho 41.1 vs Llnlleld .... 58.4vsCal. Poly .... 58.6 vs Oonzaga .... 27.4 vs Sta Barbara .. 62.6 vs Loyola, Cal ,, 42.9 vs Seattle Pac. . 64.2 VS St. Mary, Cal. 73.1 vs Fresno St. ... .64.9 VS Oregon St. ., 43.1 vs Coll. Idaho ., 60.0 41.7 60.3 51.4 61.7 54.9 50.2 35.4 .59.7 41.4 61.4 39.4 . 7.3 46.2 14.7 19.0 33.2 22.6 15.4 33.0 49.4 57.1 35.5 35.4 1B.2 18.5 32.1 28.6 15.6 52.6 43.6 .41.1 37.9 16.7 42.6 41.0 2S.9 30.4 .83.4 19.7 1 35.8 27.2 41.4 38.3 42.6 .43.3 35.8 36.0 48.9 34.8 39.4 34 9 45.9 31.5 16.0 35.2 31.3 20.0 44.6 21.5 56.1 46.0 46.8 56.1 7.6 57.5 59.1 45.0 70.1 44.6 31.0 58.8 56.9 36.8 69.3 .44.6 58.4 30.8 50.6 54.9 51.5 56.8 38.9 52.3 52.4 64.1 .38.0 E. Illinois Et. E. Ky. State . Penn Find lay Ft. Haya St. Franklin ... Grinnell ... Hamline .... Hanover .... Heidelberg., Hiram 111. College .. 111. We&leyan Indiana Ind. Central. Iowa Tchrs.. J. MiHlkln... Kans. State. Kan Wexlyn 1 LaCro&s St.., Manchester Mankato St. . Marietta .... Minnesota ,. 1 Musk in (turn .. N.Mich Ik an . Notre Dame ' Ohio State . 1 Okla. A & M Okla. Baptist. Peru State .. Phillip .... Platteville St. Purdue River Falls , St. Olaf S. Francisco. ShurtWt So. Dakota . S'wstrn. Tenn Springfield St. Taylor 1 Toledo Warrensbz St W. Illinois St W. Reserve .. Wooster .... 1 Appalachian ' Auburn Baylor Berea BlrmjSouthrn Centenary. . Clemxon .... Davidson . . . Davis -El kins. Duquesne . . . Emory-Henry. Erskine Fairmont St.. Florida St. . Geneva .... Georgia .... Georttla Tech Guiirord ... Hardin -Sim's Hih Point . Kentucky ... Marshall ... Mercer Mllligan ... Murray St, . . Navy Newberry . . No. Carolina . N. C. State . No. TexasSt. Rand. Macon Roanoke . . , Salem Stetson Tampa Tenn. Tech... Tulane Union. Ky, . Vanderbllt .. W.Va Wesleyn W. it Mary Saturday, February 4 East American U 49.4 vs Drexel 44.1 Army 57.7 vs Amherst .... 41.0 Arnold '43.7 vs Coast Ouarl. 42.7 Baltimore. .. 33.4 vs Lynchburg.... 32.2 Bloomsbrs St 44.4vxLock Haven St 41.3 Canisius ... 69.0 vs Syracuse .... 66.5 Clark 39.6 vs Assumption . 29.4 Connecticut . 54.4 vs Springfield. 51.6 Cornell 71.0 vs Penn 63.8 N. Y... 78.1 vs Pr nceton .. 'ei.T E. Stroudsb-g. 44.4 vs Wilkes -26.0 Edlnsboro St... 36.6 vs Clarion St. . 33.0 32.8 vs Juniata .... 30.5 57.5 vs Virginia .... 49.4 43.0 VS F & M ... 28.8 51.9 v a Cortland St. "41.7 52.1 V s Northeastern 34.o 82.4 VS Brown 55.7 Arizona .... Bowling Grn Brig. Young California.. California .. Colo. State .. Denver .... Montana St. Oregon Pepperdlnc . . Portland .... San Diego fit. U. C. L. A. Washington.. Whitman ... Willamette .. home TOP H 1 Holy Cross 2 Yale 3 R. I. State 4 Harvard 5 Brown .... Copyright, Ellzab'town. Fordham . Gettysburg HartwicK Hofstra Holy Cross Iona 54.5 vs St. Peter's.. 51.8 Kutztown St. 35.8vs Trenton St.. 31.7 Lafayette 61.6 vs Bucknell ... 41.9 LaSalle .... 78.2 vs St. Joseph, Pa 58.7 Leb. Valley.. 47.2vP. M. C. .. .7 LeMoyne ... 48.0vs Williams .... 38.5 Loyola, 111 ... 70.5 vs St. Bonavtur 66.0 Manhattan .. 57.2 vs Bridgeport .. 38.0 Mlddlebury .. 37.6 vs Champlaln.. 27.8 Muhlenberg. 61.7 vs Albright .... 49.8 Newk. Rutgra 41.7 vs Pace 29.2 MIDWEST Bait Stata -50.7 vs Mich Normal . 18.1 Belolt 71.4 va Rlpon 43.9 Bradley 71.9 v a PltUbunh 53.0 Butler "59.z vs onto u bb.i Carleton 42.6 Vs Knox 35.7 Carnegie Tech 57.1 vs Case "34.7 Cent. Okla. St 48.0 vsN. W. Okla St 34.8 Chicago 40.9vsCoe 2.o Cincinnati ... 71.4 as W.Michigan . 60.4 Colorado ... 66.7 vs Missouri 64.9 Culv.Stocktn 43.4 vs Tario -aj.o Detroit 6-l vs Wichita 51.9 Defiance .... 29.9 vs Indiana Tech 15.6 Drake 58.1vs Tulsa 57.1 Dubuque 49.6 vs Parsons ... 41.8 vsS. Illinois St. 1 vs Eva ru vl He .. ' vsKent. Canton 1 va Wilmington . ' vs Emporia St. . ' vs Rose Poly ... vs Monmouth ... vs st jhn. Minn. ' vs Earlham ... 1 vsO. Northern, vs Steubrnviile. 1 vs Wheaton ... vsNo. Central., vs N'westrrn . . 1 v s Canterbury vs tana, SD vs Carthage vs Oklahoma ... vs Baker s Stout vs Anderson ....' vs Winona St. . ' v s Wittrnborg. . vs Illinois vsMt. Union .. 1 s Detroit Tech ' vs Marquette . . . vs Wisconsin ... vs St. Louis . . ' vs N E Okla St 1 vs Hastings .... vs S. W Okla St. vs Ia. Wesleyan ' vs Mich. Slate vsG. Adolphus. vs C'cordla, Minn vsDePaul vsQuincy ' vs N. D. State .. vs C. Girardeau 1 vs Mo. Mines ..' vs Greenville . . . vs Valparaiso . . vs Kirksvllle St. 4 vs HI Normal .4 vs Oberlin .... 1 vs Ashland .... SOUTH 45.2 vs Lenolr-Rhyne. 59.7 vs L. S. U 59.1 vs Arkansas ... 31.4 v s Transylvania. 38.8 vs Sewanee ... ' 49.7 v a Loyola, La. ... 46.8 vs Citadel 44,9 vs Charleston ., 56.1 V s W. Va. Tech 74.9 vs Louisville .. 30.9 vs King 43.1 vs Presbyterian 33.2 vs Concord St.. 39.1 vs Howard, Ala,. 53.6 vs Bethany .... 54,6 vs Chattanooga. 58.8 v 35.7vsElon 48.6 v sTcxas Tech. 49.2 vs Catawba ... 71.0 vs Mississippi .. 71.1 vs Dayton 46.8vsMlllsaps .... 41.2vsE. Tenn. St... 62.6 vs Mid Tenn St. 61.9 vs Duke ...... 31.0 vs No. Georgia . 60.3 vs O.Washlngtn 73.9 vs Furman ... '43.9 vs Hardin 31.3 vsJ Hopkins .. 39. B VS V. M. I 33.3 vs Rio Grande.. 39.8 vs Rollins 50.6 vs Fla Southern 44.6 vs Union Tenn. 62 .0 v s Miss. State . 42.6 v Centre 60.7 v a Florida .... 42.4 va Glenvllle St. 56.5 v s Richmond . . FAB WEST 60.7vTempe State .. 73.7 vs St. Mary. Cal ! 70.5 v s Colo. AArM .. 67.4 Vs Colo. A&M. .. 67.4 vs Hawaii 49.6 vs Western St. . ' 59.4 vs Utah 56.4 vs Idaho State. . 63.5 vs Idaho 1 58.5 v s Sta. Barbara. 58.6 vs Gonznga ... 57.4 vs Cal. Poly. .. -73.1 vs Santa Clara. ' 64.9 vs Oregon St.. ' 42.1 vs Coll. Idaho . 44.0 vs Pacific U. . team, IN NEW ENGLAND 82.4 6 Boston Coll 7 Connecticut 8 8. Michael's 9 Springfield 10 N. Brftn St, University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Interstate Tractor (3) Morris 497, Bur ner 464, Ehackman 489, Tanquerry 407, Pearl 558; Wcitrrn Paper (I) Gadarh 433. Andrcson 500. Kuebler 458, Luke 478, Kuroier iatt. Cuwhlnit Union Service 1) Pease 486, Farley 504, Stone 400, Bcott 491, Corn stock 511; Eagles ( :tl Peterson 538, Reid 495, Ritzman 466, Pero 435. Zellcr 464. first national Hank VI) Driggs 457, Kottke 443. Marr 420, Marshall 411, Mor ris 426: Dytr A- Sons Insurance (I ) Schraclier 420. Chcrringlon 461, Brought 40O, Play 1 8 473. Prrman 479. SAN Clothiers (3) Ricks 448. Bar ker 477. Miifllinupt 509, Kaneslci 537, Nagley 533; rumlllle (l Elwood 416, Bolscr 456, Sheridan 419, Riches 553, Dun can 527. 1 cater Appliance (!) Frank 405. R. Bell 516, Schlctipcnbark 359, Hlllerlrh 507, Al Bfll 4fi0; VFW (H) While 408. Miller 380. Parkcs 539. Kncdler 418, Wood- zewaria 468. High Ind. game, ComMnrk, 215: high Inri. srries, Pearl of Interstate Trartor. 558; high team scries, Interstate Tractor, 2820. , 38.8 52.6 57.5 22.2 23.2 41.4 31.5 27. B 38.4 70.1 18.9 35.1 27.5 38.9 39.5 40.2 31.4 44.3 44.8 51.8 60.8 20.3 37.5 39.2 60.7 16.0 53 .J 38.0 37.1 31.3 38.2 16.8 ,27.B 35.2 38.6 53.1 33.3 47.6 37.1 45.0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. X Shrork Motors (S) White 439. 8tf pa- nek 450, Meyer 481, Grlcus 493, W laser 483; Smith Aulo Parts (I) Clark 536. Edminister 364, Schuetz 450, Lemon 488, Lee 558. Knights of Pvlhlas (11 Decatur 473. Jurit-on 538. K. Elwood 462, Maert 516, Tschtda 482; Mom yer Chtvron Station ui Momycr 6.16. Odermatt 417. Covert 371. L. Miller 448. Riley 493. Keeb Used Cars (31 F. Zeeb 455, B. Carr A. Zeeb 526. S. Zeeb 444. Peterson 429; KOCO (I) Ransom 424, Thorpe 388, Nason 386, Riches 535, Bolser 466. Vans Parking Station (?) Vleck 451. Barnes 434. Rogers 530. Morlskv 451. Mc- DanielK 534; McDonald Candy (2) Scott 483, Gemmell 388, Bryant 493. Nichols 449. Baxter 470, High ind. eame and series. Momver. 225 and 636; high team series. Shrock Motors, 3186. 61.0 59.7 . 55.8 55.7 1990, by R. O. Dunkel Ogden Phipps' Striking, two- year-old full sister to Busher and Mr. Busher, is being winter ed at Hialeah under veteran trainer Jim Fitzsimmons. Capitol Alleys LADIES LEAGUE Qulsenberry's (0) McElhaney 447. Ev ans 412, Puch 357, Black 380. Kennedv 445; Good Ilnuoekeeplng (S Albrlch 494, Olncy 468, Duncan 461, Jones 410, Pos- Goldcn Pheasant ) Clark 426. Mc- Carroll 404. Muelthaunt 473. Laird 485. Garbarlno 441; Willard Art Tile (1) Glbb 4ju, Lawless 4tifl, wainwright 384, willard 355, Robertson 420. Capital City Laundry (21 Bavea 334. Doerfler 353, Tourneux 334, Hlllman 397. Bain 443: Acklln'a Rootery 1 Loken 404, Wilder 323, Vlttone 329, Llndsey 354, Archer 394. Senator Beauty Shoo (0) Cllne 387. Scott 333. Thomas 328. McClain 318. Adolph 438; Cupboard Cafa (3) Thomp son n, fiaisey m, rease w, uioat 409, Boyce 458. YWCA (01 Gardner 371. Scheussler ilf. Butts 274, Mackey 328, Tib beta 274; Keg letles 3) Dawson 474, Anderson 374. wneriey jib, rutnam 382, Meyer 450. High team series. Good Housekeenlnir 2374 (new high for the year); high ind. series and game, Charlotte Possehl, 541 SEARS MEN'S LEAGUE Harmony House (2) HU1 397. Christ!. anson 404, Stock 487, Davey 433; All State m waguire jib, uiaric 30 1. jtiei 497. Gil- sar 41J. Pilgrim (1) Jensen 366. Couch 450. Lb- tofsky 435, Forstrom 459; Kenmore, (2 wenger 379, Adams 415, Hutmaker 393, Cowan 460. Craftsman (0 Morris 501. Kraui 405. Klein 340, Barker 482; Horn art (3) romes ai, Koacn 404. uooper 460, Schneider 431. Coldspot OS) Drve 434. Patton 362. Sevens 402, Halsey 490; J. C. 11 1 (tans (1 Ambrose 434, Shunter 414, Slcrp 419, Oa- iuna dud. High Ind. game. Stook, 107; high Ind, series. Oslund. BOB: hitch team name. J. C. Hlggans, 635; high team aeries, Homart, Duck Pin RESULTS OF FIRST HALF COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Team Standings Won Quality Used Cars 52 Willamette Amusement Co 46 GMC Truck Co 37 L. Cuitimlng's Heating 36 Marion Electric 36 Tweedle Oil 35 Gleason's Bakery 34 1' "Nri '100 1. '1000 Auto er Pertonal COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAJV INCOHPONATgDM Balem Axencj. 46 N. Church St. TeL 341GB SUMMARY 63rd ANNUAL REPORT 1949 INSURANCE IN FORCE $1,185,343,042 Including Deferred Annuities) NEW INSURANCE 157,233,097 (Including Deferred Annuities) ASSETS INCOME CONTINGENCY RESERVE AND SURPLUS 378313,849 76,482,990 22,294,543 PaymenU to Policyholders and Beneficiaries since the inception of the Company total $405,671,54 THE MAHUFACTU INSURANCE Life COMPANY HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA IraiMh Office -Portland GILBERT G. CATO Portland EARL A. GOOCH - District Representative Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, February 3, 1950 9 City Loop Scores C1H RCII I.KACL'E nivUlont (Ml) Cal. Baptist 5 Lsaak , 1 Burcham 14 Grienz Martin I.fslle Melhodiit (IX! Adams ... Dean 4 . Verdlrclc 1 Crittenden Bruce 4 G Whitalcer baas: cal. Baptist Graber ft. Raymond 12. Mark 5H) (Silt 1st Christian Srewart 14 F 6 Watta Brown 4 F 4 Vereats Zeuskle 17 0 1 We-st Rex U G 1 Juve Cleveland 2 G 2 Wright Subs. St. Mark HolquM 6. Gentemann 4; 1st. Christian W?5t 2, Klncade 2. (C Division) Ut Methodist (IHI 6 1st Presbyterian Gaylord 8 F 1 Gibbons Cockinc 7 F 1 Ramp iball 14 C 2 Bowers Green 5 G French i5ter 0 G Colaan Subs: Met ImdiAt Lone 2. Put- man 6; 1st Presbyterian Bleeder t 2. m (111) Citt) Cal. Baptist K, EtlKCl 2 F 6 Dubois H. EiiBcl 1 F 14 Klekel Ellison I C 4 Heacilun Oliver G Rector Burton 2 G G. Dubois Deaf School (11) (IK) St. Mark McCann 6 F . ... 4 R. Holmquist Maynard F 6 Lannlaw Fehlman 2 c 0 Weiss Hyatt G Hoean Walker 1 G C. Holmqulst Subs: Deaf School Gbenstelner 2: St, Mark Ansa vp 2. A LINESMAN NOW St. Louis (if) Leo Carbol, who is handling linesman duties in the St. Louis arena, home of the American Hockey League Flyers, formerly held down a de fense post with St. Louis in the old American Association. One of his teammates of those days, Alex (Shrimp) McPherson, now is trainer of the Flyers. Willamette Valley Bank 28 Team nirh Series Quality Used Cars GMC Truck Co Cumminfi's Heating Team llixh Slnile Gam Willamette Amusement GMC Truck Co Quality Used Cars ,.2441 ,.2.127 ,.2299 INDIVinUAl, STANDINGS HlBlt Ind. Series Emll Sholz Emery Alderman Koyai Fawioy Illfh Ind. Gam Howard Smith Emery Alderman Mose Van Dell nixh ATerace Emery Alderman Royal Pair ley ISO COMMERCIAL LEAGUE . L. Cummin'! Heatlnx 3) Dave Spalding 402, Joe Spalding 316, Howard Smith 504. Paul Russell 490, Bye 444. Gleason's Bakery (11 Harlod Bonner 440, Marion uieason 424, Tom wood 427, E. Wulff 386, Bye 354. Quality Used Cars (1) Royal Pawle 338, Bill Campbell 477, B. B. Snelsrove 419, Mose Van Dell 434. Emll Scholi 398. Willamette Amusement Co. (3) Clar ence Apples ate 424, Roy Robinson 412, Wilfred Wilier 426, Howard Mills 407, Glen Blanton 513. Tweedle Fuel OH (21 Vern Still 461. Ira Short 483, Harry Scharf 329, Duane Frank 445. Emery Alderman 413. Willamette Valler uanK Ul unrroil MecKs 313. Keith Kaye Bob JunRlinB 404. Carnel Waldlns 385, Al Flicker 373. G. M. C. Truck Co. (D Darby Sermon 471, John Fullenwlder 416, Joe Brooks 340, Darwin Sormon 3BB, Milt Thomas h, &. k. Wholesale (3) Al Hakan- son 401, Arlo Younn 433, Bob arlltlth 335. Wes Goodrich 347, Lester Woods 388. High team series and same: 'Willamette Amusement, 2332 and 801, HIrIi Individual series: Glen Blanton I winnmetie Amusement j nia. HIrIi individual game: Arlo Young (B V ft wnoitieaiej aua. Y Bird Beaters To Meet Eugene The Salem YMCA Badminton club will engage a similar group from Eugene on the local courts at 8 o'clock Friday night. During the recent Oregon state closed badminton tourna ment held at Reed college, Phil Janz and Mable Brandon of the Salem squad teamed up to take the mixed doubles event. In this same event Barbara Smith and Del DeSart lost out in their semi-final match. Barbara Smith and Reo Farmer won the run ner-up spot in the women's double event. Although they won but four football games while losing five and tying one, Mississippi's Rebs led the Southeast Conference in total offense in 1949. 01. .ft sSA. r AaW sTI ' Partial to Kentucky whis key r Itaen enjoy the neb Kentucky flavor of Bom bon de Luxe! This delicious whiskey is de hxxe in taste and roafity. Try it today. National Distillers Products Corporation, N.Y. 863 Proof 51 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 494 Grain Neutral Spirits mm -ajX m Thousands of Woodboss mwi (uvc been told and are in operation today. Productd by factory spacialiiing exclusively in on-man chain law manufacture, Woodbow hat proved its superior performance, sturdiness, economy. In the woods... on the farm... in conuruction work, ..wherever limber n cuc.Woodbou fells, bucks, limbs, undercuts . . . with speed, ease and dependability. Any good man can operate and maintain Woodbow by himself. See Your Dealer Or Distributor DEALERS: Howscr Bros. 1410 S. 12st Salem (Repair Station) Northwest Logging, Equipment McMinnville Silverton Farm Equipment Silverton DISTRIBUTOR: c,rH BRownI Dial 3-8555 1085 BROADWAY