AUTOMOBILES Oldsmobile "Rockets" Ahead With THE FUTURAMIC 50" Featuring Exclusive WHIRLAWAY HYDRAMATIC DRIVE AND THE "ROCKET" ENGINE LATE MODEL ONE OWNER TRADE-INS 1947 Buick $1395 Roadmastor Sedanctte 1947 Buick $1395 Super Sedan 1946 Buick $1295 Roadmasler Sedan 1946 Buick $1295 Roadmaster Sedan THESE CARS ARE ALL "SAFETY TESTED" AND CARRY OUR "WRITTEN GUARANTEE" Visit Loder Bros. Used Car Market and Save! 465 Center - Ph. 2-7973 2410 Fairgrounds Rd. - Ph. 2-1490 !' "McKay's Corner" Home of "OK" Used Cars 48 Chevrolet Aero Sedan RADIO, HEATER, W S WASHER $1465 48 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan HEATER $1195 47 Chevrolet Stylemaster Sedan HEATER $1095 Douglas McKay 550 No. Commercial St. AUTOMOBILES REAL VALUES 41 Ford Club $595 '41 Plymouth 2-Door . . . 495 40 Chev. 2-Door . 495 41 Buick Sedanette.... 695 '42 Nash Club 545 39 Ford Tudor 295 38 Chev. Sedan 295 TRADE - TERMS Orvals LotNo.2 785 S. 12th Ph. 2-2502 Oldsmobile ROCKET ENGINE HYDRAMATIC 1949 "88" Deluxe Deluxe sedan. Low mUeftue. Complete with radio, air condition, seat covers. Royal Master tires. All extras. . . $2495 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save Ati Center .Ml 3-TO73; f farm' equipment USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sizes. 15 00 and up. Montgomery Ward & Co., Salem. . M9 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO.. 518 State. Rm 125. Lie. - S-122 - M-165 C. R. Allen. Mgr. "Q GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie B-133 and M-321 . and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE rn rANS Hear "Top Trade" 13:05 daily K.S.L.M. 1300 Kc'sll 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 T' $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I93f Fairground Road Next Door to Bank Free Parkins Phone 27032 Lie No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. : SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4'ir, INTEREST t to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 144 State St. Phone 2-3863 r FARM AND CITY LOANS "-. and ir. TCJB OWN TERMS o! repayment within reason Cash for Rea. Ertate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 4-2283. PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loam Lon and Snori Time Payments ROY H SIMMUNDS 126 South Commercial St Phont 19161 AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church Parkins a Plenty 3-24S, Ltc No M-159 S-154 Journal Want Ads Pay I AUTOMOBILES 1949 Pontiac $2065 "8" Sedan 1947 Pontiac ......$1385 Sedanette 1947 Pontiac $1390 Sedan 1947 Pontiac $1345 Station Wagon Chevrolet Co. Phone 33175 FINANCIAL Private Money to Loan on Good First Mortgages. CHAS. RUDKINS BON 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 r36' Mortgage Loans FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City Suburban and Farm Loan Business Building Loans We Make Construction Loans and Private Money Loans - Exceptionally Favorable Terms No Loan Too Lane or Too Brain SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonic Bids. Phone I-M17 BE THRIFTY IN '50 i "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY UAKK 00 'THRIFTY IN 'aO' PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YODR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONB TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 8 LIBERTY PHONS 49209 TRAILERS WILL TRADE Ms Reo truck ' With flat bed St stock rack for house trailer 25' or Ion Re r. Write Cabin 11. McCre- die Springs, Or en. t31 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. ' Free estlatea. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances, vinre'i Electric, rn. 3-BZ39. 157 B. Liberty t. AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phono 3-9286. Night z-iom. jjj tenter. BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. fair view Ave. rn. .-jo, caiem. osr BULLDOZING Bulldozing, level In it. road bid., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 r airview Ave. n. z-jiso, aiem. oj r CASn REGISTERS Instant delivery ot new RCA cash register. All makes told, rented, re paired. Roen, 455 COUrt. TO. 3-877J. CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc, Call CHIMNEY SWEEP Otl stove, furnace chimneys vacuumed clrined. Ensley, 771 e. 21st. Ph. 3-711B. 052 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen St Son excavating St grading, jana clearing, fa. j-jubu. ojj EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6, Box 437-c Brelthaupfs for flowers. Dial 3-9179. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5396. LANDSCAPE NURSERY LAWNMOWERS Sharpening-, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Conn. St. 051 LAWN-MOWERS A KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dexter fa. j-nh. DIRECTORY MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4089. MUSIC LESSONS Instructions piano St volet. Bat,, Uon. Bertha Plnco, 156 8. Liberty. Ph. 3-0136 o46 Violin & Viola Instruction. Thomas Facey. 1472 Center. Ph. 2-6412. o2B Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1633 Court St. Ph. 3-7569 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chatra, fllea and tiling supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases, lorce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-8662. Eve. 4-2424. 031 Elfstrom't are equipped to do your painting. Phone 2-2493. o PAINTING PAPERHANGING Painting & paperhanglng. Free esti mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. o51 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. H. J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807. Free est. 046 Fisher, 170 Lancaster Or. Ph. PLUMBING SERVICE Don's, Call Eves. PICTURE FRAMING REMODELING New and remodeling contractor. Resi dential is commercial, W. E. Schrunk. Ph. 3-4505. 048 ROTO ROOTER Calt Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327. o SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand St Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N. 5th. 049a SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel, septic tanks, sewer and drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o42 Mike's Sentlo Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1070 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-6327. 031 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge uan us collect. 'roatrs septic Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phone 3-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Sewers. Drains. L. Howard. Ph. 3-5327 0 SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3612. o Spraying St pruning. Ph. 3-7900. o52 SPRAYING AND PRUNING Pruning and spraying. Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208. 044 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local St Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to Portland dally, Agent for Beklns. House hold goods moved to anywhere In U. 8. or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlsshed. Relnholdt te Lewis. 3-3639. Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 2, Box 317 Ph. 2-5135. 037' R. J. West.4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773. o32 WE ATII ER STRIPPING Free estimate, T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. 052 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, walls, at woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt St Lewis. Ph. 2-3639. o WOOD SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE TWENTIETH STREET FROM BELLE VUE STREET TO OAK STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Balem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and In tention to improve Twentieth street from the north line of Bellevue Street to the north line of Oak Street, In the City Of Salem. Marlon Cmmtv. nrwnn at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except tne street intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said por tion of safd street to the established grade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said treei witn a 2lA neb. asoha tic con crete pavement 30 fect In width In ac cordance with the Plana and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23. 1950, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder ana wnicn oy this reference thereto are made a oart hereof. Th Common Council hereby declares Its pur- iw ana intention to maice tne above described Improvement by and through me airee improvement department. Written remonstrance against the aooie proposes improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final nubliea. tlon of this notice by the owners of the property aueciea. By Order of the Common Council Jan uary 23. 1950, ALFRED MtlNDT. nit ttttoAr Jan. 28. 30. 31. Fb 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7, 8. 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE biauisun STREET FROM CHURCH STREET TO COTTAGE STREET. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN th.e tha Common Council of the Cltv of Haim Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and in tention to Improve Madison Street from mo cast une oi cnurcn street to the west line of Cottage Street. In tha cltv of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adluoent property, except the alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Balem, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, ana paving sua portion or said street with a 2' Inch asphaltle concrete pave ment 30 feet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23, I960 which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The" Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improve ment oy and tfi rough the street Improve, ment department. written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after tne final publication of thts notice oy toe owners oi tne property af fected. By order of the Common OounelL Jan. uary 33. 1950. ALFRED MDNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 28. 30, 11, Feb 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, B NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held for the election of nine directors of the Kelzer Diking Dis trict, to be held March 3. 1950 at 1:00 P. M. at the Kelzer Orange Hall No. 785 within said district. Dated this 26th day of January, 1950. ORANT MURPHY County Judge ROY J. RICK County Commissioner t. L. ROOERS County Court Commissioner Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10. 17 Journal Want Ads Pay j , LEGAL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that under the authority of an Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, duly made and, en tered on the 17th day of January. 1950, the undersigned, Administratrix of the Estate of Raymond H. Freeman, Deceased, 111 . nt-lvat ! In the USUSl course of business for cash, or part cash and part credit, wie lonowmg eescuwsu real property, to-wit: Lot Numbered 8 In MILLER ACRES as shown on the Records of Maps and Plats of Marion County, Oregon, subject to rights of public to roadway along the East 15 feet of said road; in Marlon County, Oregon. a.M !. wilt he made on and after the 20th day of February, 1950 and bids will be received at the office of R. B. Car- michael, Attorney, Main own, Springfield, Oregon, until a reasonable bid shall have been received. MELISSA CALVERT, Administratrix of the Estate of Raymond H. Free man, Deceased. R. B. Carmlchael Attorney at Law Springfield, Oregon. Jan. 20, 27, Feb. S, 10, 17 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION. No. T-2611 INTERSTATE TRACTOR AND EQUIP MENT CO., a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. ELMER L. ORIEPENTROQ, Defendant. NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Interest of the defendant, Elmer L. Orle pentrog. In and to the real property hereinafter described will be sold upon execution In the above entitled matter at the west door of the courthouse in Salem, In Marlon County, Oregon at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the 18th day of February, 1950, to satisfy the Judgment heretofore en tered against the defendant, Elmer L. Oriepentrog. This notice la being given In accord ance with a writ of execution issued herein and Section 6-1505 O.C.L.A. as amended, and the property to be sold Is described as follows: Beginning at a point tnat is tne southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Albert T. Tracy by deed recorded July 16, 1945 In Volume 325, Page 9, Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon, said point also being In the center of Crolsan Creek County Road which Is North 88 degrees 54' west 23.35 chains and north 49 de grees 13' east 9.65 chains from the southeast corner of Lot Twenty (20) in Sunnyside Fruit Farm No, I, Township 8 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County, Oregon; thence south 88 de grees 54 oast along the south line of the tract of land conveyed to Tracy by deed recorded In Volume 325, Page D, Deed Records; and along the south line of the tract of land conveyed to Albert T. Tracy by deed decorded July 6, 1945 In Volume 324, Page 313, Deed Records ior Marion wunw, Oregon. 676.37 feet: thence south 66.805 feet; thence north 88 degrees 64' west to a point on the center line of the county road which Is south 49 degrees 13' west 100.00 feet from the point of beginning: thence north 49 degrees 13' east along the center line of said county road 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, being a part of Lot 19, Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 1, Marlon County, Oregon (See Volume 2, Page 5, Record of Town Plats lor said county and state.) fiava inil avront thn following! Be ginning at a point In the center line of a county Koac, saia paint ocin described as being 800.58 feet north 88 degrees 64' west and 382.45 feet south 49 degrees 13' west from the northeast corner ot Lot 19. Sunny side Fruit Farm No. 1, Township 8 South, Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian, Marlon County, Ore gon, thence south 40 degrees 47" east 62.12 feet to an iron rod: thence north 88 degrees 54' west 78.08 feet to the center line of said county road: thence north 49 degrees 13' east along the center line of said County Road 5B.11 feet to the point of be ginning. Save and except that portion now being ued for public roadway pur poses. Also: Beginning at the southwest cor ner of a tract oi iana aeeaen to Al bert T. Tracy by deed recorded July 16, 1945 In Volume 325, Page 9. of the Marlon County Record of Deeds; and running thence north 49 degrees 13' east 94.4 feet along the center of the County Road; thence south 40 degrees 47' east 84.65 feet, more or less, to the south line of aforemen tioned tract of land: thence north 88 degrees 64' west along the south line of the Albert T. Tracy tract 126.80 feet to the Ppint of beginning. All lying In Sunnyalde Fruit Farms No. 1 in Township 8 South, Rang 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. In Marlon County, Oregon. The terms of such sale are cash. Dated this 18th day of January. 1950. DENVER YOUNG, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By A. I. Malstrom, Deputy. RHOTEN ft RHOTEN SAM F. 8PEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiff. Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3. 10 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE IIIN'ES STREET FROM TWELFTH RTRFF.T TO THIRTEENTH STRF.ET. NOTICE HERE3Y IB GIVEN that the Common Council of the City oi saiem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expe dient and hereby dwlarrs lis purpose and intention tn Imorove Hlnes Street from the east line of Twelfth Street to the west line of Thirteenth Street, In the City of Salem, Marion county, uregon, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the alley Intersec tions the expense of which will be as sumed by the City of Salem, by bringing ald portion of said street to tne estao- Ushed trade, constructing cement con' crete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2'4 inch asphaltle concrete pavement 34 feet In width In accordance with the plans and specmea. tlona therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23. 1950. which are now on file In the of lice of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed Improvement may be Illed with the city recorder at any time within ten days afW the final publication of this notice by tha owner of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council Jan uary 23. 1950. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Jan. 38, 30. 21, Feb 1, 3. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. LODGE Pacific Lodge No 50, A.F & ffyAM. MM. Degree Friday, Feb ruary 3, 7 P-m. 29 Rescued by Helicopter R. L. Bcasley, boatswain's mate second class, dangles from helicopter as he is returned to the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Midway after he was pulled out of the water by the helicopter crew in a thrilling rescue during recent Atlantic maneuvers. A Midway crewman grabs his leg and other shipmates move in to help as the helicopter crew lowers him to the deck. Beasley was thrown overboard from the Midway by accident. (AP Wirephoto from Dept. of Defense) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing company J Wooled lambs 121.50 Feeder lambs .114.00 to S18.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) S22.00 to 124.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top vn.w to w.w Fat dairy cows 113.00 to $14.50 Cutter cows tlO.OO to 113.00 Dairy heifers 112.00 to 115.00 Bulls 614.00 to 119.00 Portland Produce Butte rf at -Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 67a lb.: 92 score 65a lb.l 90 score, 63; 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale ton ouix euoes to wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c. A 92 score. 62c: B score. 60c lb.. O 89 score, 59c Above prices are str lolly nominal. Cheese Selling price to pnrtiana wnoie- snl Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon 6 small loaf, 44M-45c: triplets ltt leas than unties Ekks (to wholesalers) A grade large, 38 -39c; A medium. 37-37a4c; grade B large, 33-344c; small A grade 34 Vic. Portland Dairy Market ButterPrice to retailers: Grade AA prints, 66c; AA cartons, 69c; A prints, 68c: A cartons 69c: B prints. 65c. Ea Prices to retailers: Grade AA large, 42c doz.: certified A large, 41c: A large, 40c; AA medium, 40c; A medium, 39c; B medium, 33c; A small, 37c; cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c: Oregon loaf, 6 lb loafs 44vfc-4Sc lb.; triplets, 16 cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles, SI Vic lb.: loaf. 63 "Ac. Poultry Live ehlckena No. 1 quality FOB plants No. 1 broilers under 2 Ibn, 17o; fryers, 2-3 lbs., 19 - 21c; 3-4 lbs., 23c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 23c; fowl Leghorns, 4 lbs and under, 14-15c; over 4 lbs., 15-16c; colored fowl, all weights, 18c; roosters, all weights, I4-16c. Turkey Not to growers, toms, 30-31e. hn. 44. Price to retailers, dressed! A ycung hens, S0-51o; A young toms, 27 38c: light toms, 41-42c Babbits Average to growers, live ffhltes, 4-5 lbs., 17-18c lb.; 5-6 lbs., 15-17o lb.; colored 2 cents lower: old or hoavy does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40o; local. 4S 52c. Country-Killed Meats Veal Top quality, 40-42c lb.; otner radeh according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, 36-38c. Hois Lignt oioc tee rs, as-ae; sows. 18-20C. Lambs Top quality, springers, 40-42c; mutton 16-18c. Beer oood cows. io-32o in.; canners- cutters, 29-30C. rreih Dressed Meals (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.): Beef steers: Oood 500-800 lbs., $40-44; commercial. 136-42; utility, 936-38. Cows: Commercial. 137-38: utility. 193. 34; canners-cutters, 131-34. Beef Cuts (Good Steers 1. Hind quarters, 148-50; rounds, 145-48; full loins, trimmed, S62-65; triangle, 138-40; square chucks, $40-43; rib, 153-57; forequarters, 138-40. veai ana can; uoog. io-oi, commercial, 139-48; utility, 132-39. uamo: uooo-cnoice sprmg lamos, 46; commercial, 139-41; utility. 136-41. Mutton: Good, 70 ids, down. 121-20. Pork loins: $44-47; shoulders. 16 lbs.. down, $43-45; sparerlbs, 143-45; carcass- 127-29; mixed weights, $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Onions Supply moderate, market stea dy; Ore. yellows, No. 1, 12.50-60; 10 lbs,, 45-48C. Yellows, med. $2.50-75: large, 12.60- ; boners, 10 lbs., aa-aac. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes russets, No. L 13.75-90; No. 2. 50 lbs.. $1.36-40; 26 lbs., 11.00-10; 15 lbs., 65-70c. Wash, net- ems, no, 1. ij.uu-fla: ho. a. ii.iD-ao; large bakers, 14.26-60; Idaho russets No 1A, 14.25-50. Hay New Crop, stack bales, (lit. No 2 green alfalfa, truck or car lots F.O.B Portland or Puget Sound markets, 138 41 ton; U 8. No. I mixed timothy, 144 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay, nominally 128 30 depending on quality and location baled on Willamette valley farms. caiears Bark Dry lsffto lb. green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium trades 45c lb. Mohair 2so lb on 12-month growtn nominally. Hides calves. 27c lb.; according to weunt, pips. 22c lb.; beef, ll-13c ib.i bulls, 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2o less Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality Jum 00. 34.7c; large, 32. 7e; medium, 27.2ct .second quality Jumbos. 30.2c. large. 2B.2c: medium. 28.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first quality large. 29.7ci medium. 26.2c; first quality targe,; meoium. 20.20; sec ond quality large. 27.2ot medium, 24.7ei baby 22.2c. FKberta Jumbo 20c lb.; large, lie; Chicago Livestock Chicago, Feb. 3 (U.PJ Livestock market: Hogs salable 7,000; steady to 25 cents lusher on all hozn but weights under 220 lbs generally showing most upturn; trade moderately active but closed Alow with most of advance lost on butchers: most good and choice 180 to 220 lbs 17.50 to 17.90: lew 17.25: top 18.00; bulk good and Choice 230 to 260 lbs 18.50 to 17.25 to 326 lbs 15.75 to 16.50; 330 to 360 lbs 15.35; sows under 450 lbs mostly 14.50 to 15.50: 475 to around 600 lbs largely 12.75 to 0000 clearance. Sheep salable 1,500; slaughter lambs ac tive and steady, clearance good; approxl mately five loads choice wooled lambs 2o.50, these scaling 100 lbs down: deck of 111 lb wooled lambs 24.50; load of bred ewes unsold. Slaughter sneep closed slow. Cattle salable 1,000; calves 200; gener ally steady except bulls weak; choice steers and heifers absent; medium and good f?d steers and y pari In is 22.50 to 27.50; odd head 29. CO; six loads of 1075 to 1335 lb weights 24.00 to 27.25: common to load good heifers 17.00 to 24.00; common to good beet cows 15.75 to 18.00; canners and cutters, largely 13.00 to 15.50; medium and good sausage bulls 19.75 to 21.50: odd head weighty fat beef bulls 18 00: me dium to choice vealers 26.00 to 33.00: oad of medium to good 900 lb feed ing steers 22.76. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Feb. i (U.PJ Weekly live stock: Cattle salable Friday SO; market slow: mostly cleanup at wesk prices. Cslves Friday salable 15; steady; tne-dlum-iood vealers 22-38. Hois Friday salable 100: few sales 35 cents lower: good-choice 190-326 lbs 19.36. Bheep Friday salable none; market nom 9, Stocks Advance In Small Gains New York, Feb. 3 (IP) Heavy trading in stocks produced only small gains in today s market. Steel, automobile, rubber and to a smaller degree railroad Issues were the most popular and a couple of favored shares climb ed as much as a point or so. Radio-television stocks got out of tune with the rest of the mar ket after news that the adminis tration proposed a 10 percent manufacturers' excise tax on TV sets. Business for the full session amounted to around 2,400,000 shares. In the curb Waltham watch took a beating following news that the company would shut! down today. On the plus side were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, Studebaker, Goodyear, Sears Roebuck, Lock heed, Pepsi-Cola, Atlas Corp. American Tobacco, Barnsdall Oil and KK.U. STOCKS Am Pow St Lt ... Am Tel Si Tel ... Anaconda Bendlx Aviation . Beth Steel Boeing Airplane . Oallf Packing ... Canadian Paclflo Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth St Sou . Cons Vultee .... Continental Can Crown Zellerbach Ourtlss Wright .. Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Ncm .. Ocneral Electric . General Food ... General Motors Goodyear Tiro .. Int Harvester ... Int Paper .. 16 M. ,.149 ',4 .. 29 .. 38V ... 334 .. 264 .. 34 .. 1SH 63 41. l 49 754 48 '4 27'i 35 '4 64 '4 Kenneeott Llbby McH Ac L 7 Long Bell "A" 24 Montgomery Ward 6B Nash Kelvlnator 174 Nat Dairy 41 NY Central 12. Northern Paclflo 19 H PflC Am Fish 12 Pa Orb Si Kleo 33 Pa Tel St Tel 103 Penney J O 60f Radio Corp 4 14 Rayonlor 35Vi Itayonler Pfd , 31 '.4 , 32 'i , 41 Reynolds Metal . Richfield Snfeway Stores , Sears Roebuck . Southern Paclflo Standard OH Co. 34 11 43 62 Studebaker Corp 27 Sunshine Mining 9 Transamerica 17 Union Oil Cal 78 United Airlines &h Union Pacific .. U S Steel Warner Bros Pie Woolworth , 30 , 15 , 60 Portland Grain Portland, Feb. 1 P) Cash grain un quoted. Cash wheat bld: Soft white 2.21 V: soft white (excluding rex 2.21l4i white club 2.31 Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.21 '4: 10 per cent 2.21i; 11 per cent 2.21 'A; 13 per cent 2.21. Hard white baart: Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat 9: barlry 3; flour Si corn 2; oats 1: hay 1; mill feed 10. U.S. popcorn production aver afied 247 million pounds In the six years ending 1949. fALStJ Now Really ViESTKM CHEW Food! at if nttr falM ttMth alio, here's a dLeoov f that anablea thousands to again bit Joyously Into a Juicy ateftk and oven eat applets sua wru uu ura wu fear of plates slipping. ifa a wonderful new cream In ft handy tube, oalled BTAZl. STAKE holds platoa Hunter, longer seals edgen tight belpi keep out food particles, uei couomitmi BTAsa, Money-dbck iumiuwi. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese rem dies. Am ail m success for 6000 years In China No matter with what all mrnts you art afflicted, disorders sinusitis, heart, lunis. Iter. kidneys gas constipation ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever kln. temak complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINE SF. HEKB CO. Offles floors t te 6, and Sal only 184 N Cemmerslal Poena lists ALEM, ORE. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Buying Cuts Grain Losses Chicago, Feb. 3 A buying! movement got underway in I grains toward the close today, reducing or erasing earlier loss- Fefore the late upturn, the market had jumped about in a nervous manner. Traders said the late upturn appeared based mainly on the market's action following yes terday's break. Wheat closed 1 to IV2 high er, March $2.14V4-, corn was inchanged to IVz higher, March $1.27-Vj , oats were - higher, March 71 Ms, rye was ZA 1 higher, May $1.29 V - Mi , soybeans were 1 k to 2 cents higher, March $2.29 and lard was unchanged to 3 cents a hundred pounds higher, March $10.40. SALEM MARKETS Completed from renori, el S.ltm de.ler. for the rnldance of C.plUI Joorn.l Rc.der.. (Reviled d.llr), Retmll Fee. Price: Ft Mash 14.05. Rabbit Pellet, 14.30. tlairr Feed 13.70. Poultry: BliylnK prlcej Grade A color ed hen. IDe: trade A Leghorn hens and up 14c, arade A old rooatera, 14c: fired. A colored fryers S lbs. 23c. Esc. Bavin, Price. Lane AA. 34c: lane A. 31-36c: medium AA, 33c; medium A, 30c: pullets, 32-37C. Prices Eri wholesale prices 3-Te above these prices: above grade A generally quoted at 41e; medium, 33c. nattcrfat Premium 00c: No. 1, 64c: No. 3, 6B-90C: buvlnc prices). Batter Wholesale irad. A. 63oi r., .all 73a. DEATHS Henry Seward Peck Henry Seward Peck, at the residence, 2916 HalAcy avenue, Jnnunry 30, at the age of 83. Survived by his wife, Mary sister. Mrs. R. D. Cooper: brother, M. E Peck, all of Salem. Announcements later by the Virgil T. Golden mortuary. Mri. Detla Davli Mrs. Delia Davis, nt the re.idlence at 290 North Lancaster drive, January 31, at the ate of 83 years, survived by a iaugn- Mrs. Myrtle Braaaen of Bnlem: Ulster, Mrs. Stella Benson of Aberdeen, D.: a brother, Eutrcne Albert of De- corah. Iowa: and three grandchildren, Dorothy, Donald and Douglas Patzer. all oi aaicm. services win be nolo sniuroay, February 4, at 1:30 p.m. at the Clouvrh Barrlck ohapel with Rev. Frank Ferrln officiating. Interment In Belcrest Mem orial Park. Walentr Sukala walentr Sukala. late resident of Port land, In this city. January 31. at the age of SB years. Announcement of services later by w. T.-Rlgdon company. Mri. Jessie Crelxhton Jones Mrs. Jessie crelahton Jones, at the residence at 369 N. Liberty St., February 1. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Rosa lie Rl.on.dM, Salem: a son. Ore Inn ton Jones, Salem: and three grandchildren, Luc in da creinhton Jones. Judith Ann Porter and Oeortte Alvln Porter, all of Salem. Services will be held at the Vir gil T. Golden chapel Tuesday, February 7, at 3 p.m. with Rev. George H. Swift oinciating. Ray LeRoy Brown Ray LeRoy Brown, at a local hospital, February 2, at the sue of 76 years. Sur vived by two brothers, Burt Brown of North Piatt, Nebr., and Neal Brown of St. Louis, Mo.; and a slater. Mrs. Orace Kendall of Moline, III. Announcement of services later by the Howell -Ed wards ohapel. Bettle Render Mn men rale ' Bettle Render Massenaale, 19-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St. Elmo Mas sengale, at the residence at route 3, box 968, February 3. Surviving besides the parent1, are a brother, St. Elmo Massen gale. III; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hodgson of Atlanta, Oa. Announce ment of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Homer Tarplay Homer Tarplay, late resident of Den ver, Colo., at Denver. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Eva Tarplay, Denver: three aunts, Mrs. Henry Lee, Mrs. Maude Zimmerman n nd M rs. Verda Johnson, all of Salem ; and two cousins, Mrs. Wallace Hug and George Johnson, both of Salem. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. OBITUARY William II. Humphreys stayton wmiam H. Humphreys. B4. died Thursday at a rest home In the Liberty community south of Sal cm. lie a native Oregonlnn nnd was born at Mt. Pleasant (Linn county I Mar. 20, 1855. For many years hr made his home fn the Waldo Hills district until retiring in 1918 to make his home with a son, Harry Humphreys, of Stayton. His wife and two sons. Pearl and Floyd Humphreys, pre ceded him In death. He la also survived by another son. Orlo Humphreys, of the Waldo Hills district: 12 grandohlldrnn and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral serv ices will be held from the Weddle chapel here Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Harold Lyman of the Christian Church of Christ, officiating and burial In Lone Oak cem etery. He wns a member of the church tor many years. Louis Miller Louisa Miller, late of 686 Madison itrcet, died In Salem February 3 at the nge of 81 years. Survivors Include a da uk h Lor, Dr. Marian Follls Mayo of Sa lem. I-uneral announcements later by W. Rlgdon company. Lewis Mclby Sllverton Funeral services for Lewis Mclby, 86, resident of the Monitor area for 50 years who died here Thursday, Crocheted Babj Bet Requiring only Jour ounces of wool, this dar ling baby sacque. bonnet and booties are crocheted In simple and pretty shell stitches. You'll rate "tops" with any mother-to-be if you pre sent her with this adorable and practical set. Pattern Envelope No. '.-2285 con tains oompleto crocheting Instruc Friday, February S, 1950 11 will be held from the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home at 2 o'clock Saturday, Rev. O. W. Braaten, Salem, officiating and burial In Valley View cem etery. He Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Melby, daughter and brother. John Bodeker Lyons John Bodeker. 63. native of this community, died suddenly at his home Thursday following a stroke. Funeral services will be held from the Weddle chapel in Btayton at 2 o'clock Monday. Surviving are two sisters. Mrs. Rosa Bar ry, Lyons and Mrs. Orace Blerley, of Me lville and three brothers. Alex Bo deker, MU1 City and William Bodeker, Alsea. Burial In Fox Valley cemetery. Roy Lester Layton Cor vail is Roy Lester Layton. 66. died suddenly Wednesday afternoon at his nome & miles west of Cor va ills on the Philomath highway. The son of Mr. and Mrs. James David Lay ton he wax born nn January 8. 1892, at Lacomb, Oregon. Mr. uayion received nis early education at Lacomb before movlne to Independence where he lived for a short time. He later moved to Bclo and while there became a member of the I.O.O.F. lodae. He was mar ried to Jessie May Henry In Kalama. Washington ,on December 27. 1918. Th couple made Its home in Portland until iney movect 10 rnuomatn in 1847. It was in Portland that Mr. Layton became a mem- oi raifsime no. hi or tne Majson a lodce. He was a machinist by orofes- slon and owned and operated his own business at Philomath. Survivors Include his widow, Mrs. Jessie Layton; two sons. Glen Roy and Robnrt Davis Layton of Portland; one daughter, Mrs. Orace Lach onmeier of Portland: two sisters, Mrs. Ol lio Hutchens of Banks, and Mrs. Stella Flanagan of Sclo: one grandson, Richard Layton Lnchenmeier of Port 1 nod. and a large number of nieces and nephews. Fun eral services will be held at the Mayflower Chapel on Saturday afternoon at 10 p.m. unaer me direction ot tne DeMoss-Young-hlood funeral home. Interment wilt be In Providence cemetery. Frank J. Zumwalt Dallas Frank J. Zumwalt. 89. mn of early Oregon pioneer parents and a na tive of Polk county died Tuesday In Ba lem where he had made his home since iid. funeral services were held at the Henkle and Bollman chapel Friday at 10:30 a.m. and burial In the family Plot at the Bethel cemetery. Zumwalt was born March 28, 1868, on the family farm near Perrydale. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Zumwalt. The father had come to Polk county In 1845 as a lad of 16. In 1905 Zumwalt went to Wal lowa county where he homesteaded and remained until 1911. From 1911 until 1922 he was a merchant at Newbera- and then returned to Polk county. Zumwalt la survived by one son, Chester Q. Zum walt, two granddaughters. Barbara and Mary Lou. all of Salem, s, stennnn. niav C. Canton of Albany and several nieces and nephews. Harry B. Earley Dallas Services for Hnrr n IRnt-lo 11 of Portland, father of Mrs. L. L. Linn or DnLlns, were Friday at 2 p.m. at the Henkta and Bollman nhnnel with ri der H. S. Miller officiating. Interment will oe in tne JOOP cemetery. Mr. Barley died Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linn following a hear tattack. With his wife, he had been visiting the Linns since January 17. He had lived In Port iana ior n years. He was born Decem ber 1, 1877. fn Marlon Center. Kansas. son of Mr. and Mrs, James Earley. Sur viving are tne widow, Mrs. Berthta Ear ley; the daughter. Mrs. Linn: a son, Ar thur Earley, Bend; and a brother. Bam- uei ai, cariey. James Richard Bond Monmouth James Richard Bond, ann ot Mr. and Mrs. James Bond, was born at rairourn, ui., Feb. 29, 1868, and died in Salem January 30, at the age of 81 years, ll months and one day. January 24, 1904. he was married to Anna B. Sewell at Texarkana, Ark. They ame west in iwuh, living ior many years in Idaho before moving to Monmouth 26 years ago. Mr. Bond had worked on the railroad since the age of 18, becoming a section foreman when he was 21. He worked ac tively at railroading until he was In jured In an accident near Grand Ronde at the age of 68. He la survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna Bond: three daughters, Mrs. R. A. Alslp and Mrs. Fred Lotting of Monmouth, and Mrs. Howard Crook of Halsey; and by three sons, J. Herachel of Monmouth, Richard of Hlllsboro and Carl of Florenoo. Mr. Bond Is also sur vived by 12 grandchildren. Services were held from the W. L. Smith Mortuary Wednesday with Rev. W. A. Elklns of Sa lem officiating. Concluding rites were held in Fir Crest cemetery. Mrs, Margaret Vunxen Lincoln Mrs. Margaret Yungen, who came from her home In Plndlay, Ohio, to reside in Oregon 30 years ago, passed away at her home at Lincoln, Thursday, Jan. 26, at the age of 61 years. Born July 1, 1888, In Findlay, Ohio, Mrs. Yungen, the former Margaret Hofer, was married to Chris Yungen In 1910. The couple came to Oregon shortly after they were mar ried. They resided first In Portland, later moved to Amity and about 1919 settled on a farm at Sprlna- Valley, until Yunien'i retirement In 1942. Mrs. Yungen was a member of the Bethany Evangelical Re formed church for 38 years and was an active member of the guild. She was also a member of the Spring Valley Home Missionary society, the Lincoln OoodwlU club, Lincoln Home Extension unit and Spring Valley Farmer's Union, being ac tive in all organisations. Surviving her, be sides her widower. Chris Yungen, are three sons, Robert, Carl and Arthur Yunnen, all of Salem and vicinity; a brother, F. A. Holer, Bluffton, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Watklns. Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. John Launder, Wllllamston, Ohio; and a grandson, Walter Yungen, Balem. Funeral services were held at the Bethany Evangelical Reformed church Tuesday with the Rev. Russell Mayer of ficiating. Interment was In the Zen a cemetery, Pall bearers selected from her host of friends Included Edward Schlegel, Roy E. Barker, R, T. Kldd, Lorena Schnuelle, A. C. Spranger and Rueben Imlg. Walter G. Brown Sllverton Walter G. Brown, 67, MolaUft route 2, died Wednesday night at the Sllverton hospital. Ha Is survived by his widow and a son. Walter Brown, Jr. An nouncements later. Frank P. Evans Albany Services will be held at the Fisher Funeral home here Thursday at 2 p.m. for Frank P. 'Doc" Evans, proprietor of "Doc" Evans' Auto Repair shop, who died Monday. Evans, born September 14, 1895 In Michigan, came to Oregon In 1013 and to Albany six years ago. He first lived In Portland and later In Idaho, at Ban Francisco, Calif., and Brownsville. He married Jessie M. Houghton, September IB. 1912, at Pontiac, Mich. She died In 1130. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Mil dred HodrlRues, Anttoch. Calif.; two grandsons and three brothers living In the middle west. 2285 tions, stitch Illustrations material requirement and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pnttcrn. send 20o In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address unci zone num ber to Peggy Robert, Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3, Calil.