12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, February 3, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVKHTIIlNOl Per Lin 190 Per Line 1 time e Per Line 6 time ......flCU Per lid 1 month 13.00 Outside el Salem IS per lint per daj Uln. 30ei t times mlo. 0e f time mln. 11.20 No Refund READERS In Local New CoL Onlri S0e per lino To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES $1000 Down $6300. 9 bdrm. home In Kelzet dist. Lane llvln rm., hdwd. llr. thruout. Att. gar. Nearly new. acre. C. W. Reeve Realtor 45 6. Cotn'J St. Ph. 3-4580. Eve. 2-4313 or 3-0536 30' BY OWNER: 3 BR. house, corner loca tion, new wau 10 wn it curtain. Total price $8700. Located at 4 Corner on corner of Maple it LaBranch Ave. Se owner at 4 Corner Garage. 29 HAKE OFFER on thi neat little two bedroom house, two block off State atreet; elec. heat, elec. water htr.. Hdwd. llr., V. blind. Insulated, about two year old. OR If you need lour bedroom and a nood house in a desirable location, with basement, oil heat, fireplace, double plumbinr, huie livim room and dinim room: corner lot, call u. Priced at 14.000. OR A nearly new mall house with balcony bedroom, very nice kitchen and bath at 14250. OR If a large four bedroom old house, nice y located on a food corner lot la of Interest, w have one at 15500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone J-7660 Eve. Ph. 3-4501 - 2-8(103 2-0030. a30 RM. BSE. by owner, 300 Wetfleld. Ph. 1493. Sllverton. (6750. COMPLETELY furnished with best or furniture. 5-room home in Enilewood dlst. Garage. Lot 50x130. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hllh Ph. 1-121. II" BY OWNER: 2 BR house in Manbrln Gar dens. Immediate possession. Ph. 2-078S. 420 Rowan Ave. 33 In Aumsville A neat, new, two bedroom house at less than replacement cost. Oil circulator and electric wtr. htr., full bath with nice fixtures. All your for $4500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phone 2-6605 - 3-45B1. 30' $500 DOWN 45 per month on bal. S5000 full price for this 6 rm. home In West Salem. C. W. Reeve, Realtor S45 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve, 2-4312 or 3-0536. a30" For SALE OR RENT: 1500 down: modern b rooms, bsmt., new oil furnace, new auto water htr., garage, lie. lot, house redecorated: or will rent to adult 175 month. 1980 Hazel. Ph. 3-5431. ,31 WARM?? Would you like to move Into a nice warm home that only takes 16.00 per month to heat In cold weather? We have itt 2 bedrooms, large utility room. Immediate possession. 1350 down. 160 per month. Get warm today! No. 287-A BASEMENT 2 -bedroom home with hardwood floors. Very desirable location. $9,500. Good term. No. 289 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. it Evea. 3-1337, 2-4638, 4-2874 29 fltWH 1)N. OR take car or lot as part. Modern 2 BR Sub. 66350. Quick posses sion. Rep. Ph. 37113. fl'iOU DN. 4 ItniS. SS230. N.E. WILLAMBTTE REAL ESTATE 173 8. Liberty Ph. 37113 Salem a29 $5250. Highland Dist. 2 bdrm. Small down, payment. Bal. like rent. $6500. EAST 2 bdrm. Fireplace, floor furnace, hdwd. floor, garage. Small down payment. Real Buy, New Duplex 2 bdrm. each. Oarage. Small down pay ment. Let rent pay out. L. E. Klumpp, Realtors 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7643. Eve. 2-0136. z a30 W.l.W. NEW modern 2 bdrm. home NE close to school As bus. Fireplace, oil furnnre, attached carage. Immediate pos. 05o down, payment 151.17 month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. a32 fia.-JSO. NEW modern S bdrm. home all on one floor. Enalewood dlst., close to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Im mcd. poas. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Phone 3-4121. a32 tVWMI. NEW 3-bdrm. ranch type home with l Acre. Located on sunnyview Av enue. Hardwood floor, oil floor furnace, attached garage. Owner are leatlng and must srll. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B High Phone 3-4131. all' FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN! ! H5 per month lot with water, elec tricity, bus service, tree, near school. Two locations. North, Get ready for spring. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High St. Ph. 3-0203 Sun. ft Eves, 3-1327, 2-4628, 4-3874 FORSALE FARMS LAKE I.AIIISH PAR Al, Approx. 30 A. of the valley s mom prod, mam soil. inn. 10 A. of that FAMOUS HIGH INCOME PEAT SOIL. Yr. stream for lrrlg. Bldgs. incl. good 3 BR home, basm't ft auto. oil furn., barn, mach. sheds ft lge. onion barn. Here's your i ha nee to get Into onions, mini. Brans, etc a lew tnous- and dn. does It. bal. at S",. SPECIALLY PHICKD TO CLEAR ESTATE. BI'Y Sl'BITRBAN BUILD HERE. Thla 10 A. of rich wrll drained learn with road on 2 sides Is Ideal for home sites. IN CHEMAWA-KEIZEH DlflT. Don't wait on the snow, If you want a bargain, Small dn. paymt on $5350. bal. at 5. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-1389 Eva. 3-9989 b.101 HOP RANCH PH. 2-1320 M6' to ACRES located 3 mile from Dallas. Has 5 room home, barn, 5 A. cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber. Price 13150 and will trade for Salem property. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co,, R'ltors 153 S. High Ph. S-4131. Ml WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 story 2 bdrm. home. With large llv. ing room, small lot. Cash buyer. We need listings. PH. 3-6680. Eve. ph. 2-7769 Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIGH ST. caJ3' WANT USE. that 8500 Dn. will handle. Also modern 6 rms. for cash. Prefer N. E. 8alem. Rep. Ph. 37113. ra39 114.000 for desirable Property. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 33109 ca34 "Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good house to sell In or near Salem. It you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 3-3471. ca $1000 DOWN We are trying to find some homes for several buyers who have Rood Jobs, are steady reliable people, but have only 11000 or less for a down payment. If you have a home that can be handled for a low down payment we would ap preciate your listing. LOTS WANTED We have several builders wanting to buy lots, single or In a large group, for homt building purpose. What have you? Joe L. Bourne, Realtor SELLING? If you have a good farm, acre axe, home, business or building, list It with us for action. Trades are a spe cialty with us, too. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4120 ca36 NOTICE' If your property is for ale, rent or exchange, list It with u. We have all kind of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca REAL ESTATE Federal G. I. - $8100 Kw 2 bdrm. South. LIvtnB rm.. dinfnx rm.. kitchen, nook nd b.lh. Electric het. E. 2-0IJ1 Income Is $230 a Month $20,000 5-unlt furnish apartment. Thi 1 a real good buy, apartment la complete ly furnished, all plastered, lull bsse ment. Owner would consider home in Salem, a part payment. Eve. i-0473 Service Station & Garage $6250 2 pumps, garage fully equlppwl rllr. tools. Owner leaving town, will make term. No phone, please come In and see u. CALL J. E. LeCLEElO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Pil. 2-775B. CZ9 BEST BUYS Spotless Very neat 2 BR home, close In East, several large walnut trees, well, attached garage, good sized dining room, V. blinds, 1 blk. to bus. Price has been re duced to $7950. Eve. ph, 2-7674 or 3-3558. Story-Book Home Approximately 2230 aq. ft., almost new 3 bdrms., 2 fireplaces, mahogany trim, ce dar lined closets, tile bath, insulated, weatherstripped. hardwood firs., large utility room, main floor, large patio, basement, maid's room in basement with bath, forced oil heat, 2 car garage, sprinkling system. Shown by appoint ment only. Total price 632,000. Eves. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. No. 2 Zone Lot I acre, room for fourplex or court apt. Good 3 BR home with basement, paved atreet. close to schools, lots of trees. owner will consider trading for farm of equal value. Total price aw.ouw. cvc. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. V Acres Modern 5 rm. home, Vi basement, chick en house, an race. S ml. from Salem, well worth 16500. Eve. phones 3-4735 or New Home B acre tract, home very modern, new range, refrlg., heater, breakfast table ft chairs, garage, close to srhool. This Is well .worth S6500. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. $500 Full Price 2 rm. house to be moved. Very clean. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3556. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph 3-7820, 2-4596 $11,500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. 1100 Mo. Income from 2 Ants, each with own bath separate entrance, plus living & dining mis., fireplace, kitchen nook, full bath ft 2 BR for owner, oil piped furnace, home is Insl. it weather- atnppcd. 12.500. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Just the place If you have a relative living with you that wants separate liv ing quarters. Near new 2 BR home. Insl. it weatherstrlpped. Fireplace, full dry basmt., plus 1 rm. apt. with own private bath. 1695 NORTH COTTAGE ST. 10050. New 2 BR home with oil piped heat to all rms. Also Inside utility rm. Something you will appreciate now. Top construction and dandy floor plan. 2095 UNIVERSITY ST. 8500. Here Is a good buy for some one. neat, clean it roomy, 2 BR home, good location, pvd. at. A- walks, 123 M) down it remember, fno Financing Cliff.) 638.000. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Brick Apt. Use. At Business Building with off st. parking. The rentals are reasonable and still show 8 net on Investment. Ph. 36680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate GOOD BUYS ONE ACRE SUBURBAN 66850. located on Highway 90 South. Very clean, 2 bed room home. 8 year old, large garage and work shop. Better look at tms. van Brown Eve. 34937. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT, clean, neat oungaiow. Living room with tirepiace. auto heat. 2 nice bedrooms ft den. ex. tra large garage. Priced at 18950. Should carry about (fijQO loan. Call Clark Lee. Eve. Ph. 38343. THE GOOD EARTH 133 ACRES. NORTH, ALL IN CULTIVA TION, good drainage, fair building. 113.500. 140 ACRE DAIRY. GRADE A. WILL. SOIL, good location on SHE. r.xceiient buildings, stocked and equipped for only J 3 8. 000. 45 ACRES EAST, LARGE MODERN HOME. big barn, gently rolling land, close to small town, school. $13,000. Owner will trade. 40 ACHES, SMALL NEAT TWO ROOM HOME, on the M Iks l on Bottom, Cnn oc sold to reliable party for small down payment. Two Farm Salesmen to Serve You . . . Mr. Wambcrg and Mr. Bennett. Call at Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph, 38316 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S16.5O0. APT. house located 6 blocks N. or Post Olilce. income )300 per montu plus living quarters for owner. Lnree lot. Will take In trade up to 110.000. Call O. V. llumn with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Htah Ph. 3-4131. cd31 DUPLEX VERY WELL LOCATED South. basement, sawdust heat, corner lot. (, 500. Extra bide site. COMPLETELY H'RNISIIKD 9 UNIT APT. HSE. Walking distance to State Offices. Income $180. per mo. plus owner' apt. Full basement, ttirnace, laundry trays, double garage. Will trade for 3 BR home tn Salem. $20,000. Nets better than 10. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Servtre 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-9989 cdJO Sale or Trade 4 unit apt. court In Salem nearly new. Modern. Will take modern 3 or 3 bdrm. home In good location. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 941 6. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-3088 or 3-9530. cd30" FOU SALE Oroc. store, gas and cabin Rt. 1. Box 145, Salem. Phone 2-4319. cd31 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110 FURNITURE APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash prlc paid on the spot. No fiss or bother Jint call 3-6558. da AUCTIONS BIO SALE at Bcotty's Auction House Bat., Feb. 4th 10 a.m. Early consignments: Nearly new oak dinette set. chairs, rockers, new awing rockrr. misc. tools, dishes lamps. 2 dos. 8 mo. old New Hamp. pullets, laying; 18 Osterwhlte hens, laying. Bring In your chicken. rabbits, aunts, turieyi ft geese or what have you. We sell them now. I'j miles X. out Center St. Salem. Ph, 36374. dd29 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS EDGE OF FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 bdrm, liv rm. din rm, fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, full basmt. dbli garage, beautiful yard. 19,500. CALL ROY FERRIS. INCOME PROPERTY New. 4 unit court, 1 bdrm, each, utility rm. Income 1200 per mo. Price 118,000. CALL PETER GEISER. USED CAR LOT LOCATIONS 8 Com'l St. Excellent corner lot, sale house, (60.00 per month. CALL COBURN h. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evening and Sundays call Roy Ferrl 2-8010 - Petr Oelser 3-9968 - Earl West 2-0608 el FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE 75 head of ewes. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED lives took buyer. E. C. McCandlisn, Hit o. nam. rn. daiti. eaaO" LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- ea43' RABBITS WINGS need rabbit. 3985 State. Ph. 3-1489. eo" PETS CHOICE canary birds, you N. 18th ec31" FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drr Slab Wood Dry Planer End ft Block Wood Ph. 3-6444 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Eds In Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging (5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL ft STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Stab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside MM Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS WALNUT shell lor sue. EUorfeln Packing CO., 460 N. Front. ea- PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak, Bsh, ft maple. 4 slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1456. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail able every i ucs. rox naicner j, ooju State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA ft timothy. By ton or truck load. 865 s. I3tn. rn. a-aj. II48 EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 3-1458 HELP WANTED JF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint. see Talent rest aa in instruction Column. WANTED SALESMAN INSULATION Experienced salesmen. New revolutionary pruuuvi- something different. Amazing. Exciting dcaionst ration make ales ensy. Ex clusive territory. Competition eliminat ed. Write Dist. Manager, Box 400, Capi tal Journal. g40 Largo Manufacturing Co. Want neat appearing man to train locally for permanent sale position. Dignified work, not canvassing. Car necessary. Married man under 40 pre ferred. Apply in person 990 Broadway between 10 nnd 12 noon. kk34 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3A0 State Street Phone 2-148B. 30' WANTED POSITIONS NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. 5 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 5. HH. i:J0 1U O. CH, 1)36' EXPERT OIL BURNER ft oil circulator service. All work guaranteed, rn, h34- INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared in your home. Ph. 4-2033 for appointment. HOUSEWORK, cooking ft baby alttlng. W rite Capital Journal Box 355. h3 1 KNIT SKIRTS shortened. Mrs. Joe Lucas. Ph. 2-5958. h29 EXP. brush painter. Free est. Guaranteed Reas. Ph. 3-9132 h49 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar w H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h.33' MimeoffraphinEr-Typinff Pos's 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h33' F.Xi'F.R. Interior decorator. Free estimate. Guaranteed, reasonable. Ph. 3-mji. naf KA1IY SITTING. PH. 20380. h31 CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re model, small or large. Job Ph. a-5B3.i. h33 SPECIALIZED children sewing Ph 3-6031 HOUSEWORK ftlronlng. Ph. 23901. h30 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6832. h43 rini-lj" CARE in my "home. Ph. 33011 1 1 17 6t h ni "REE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. 348 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. F'ormer Phone opr. rn. j-sufj. nw- INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp Ph 3-6796. n WATER PIPE FROZE? Ph. 34389. h28' iloi'RWORK, 50c per hr, Exp. ref. Ph. 37436. CEMENT WORK wanted rh 3-48S0 n' EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, ketch or paint. write for Talent Test tno iee. uive k and occupation. Box 351, co Capital Journal. hh30 FOR RENT ROOMS SIN CLE SLEEPING rm. 472 N. Liberty. JKJl' LU111T HOUSEKEEPING rm. Utilities paid. ReasojiablelgiO Traae. jui- ATTRACTIVE WARM room for employed gentleman. Outside ent. Ph. 3-4248. Jk34 LOST: Cocker pup. Has long tall, an swers to Curly. At West Salem, Mon. evening. Ph. 24215. k29 LimiT HOUSEKEEPING room. Hot Plate. Gentleman. Ph. 3-3028. Jk40 LARGE SLEEPING RMS. Employed lady or couple. 949 N. Wnlter. Ph. 3-8459. Jk30 HOLLYWOOD. 2033 McCoy. Th. 3-609S. Jk50 M.EF.PlNCpRsiT'ru ft $18, Redecorated recently. Bus at door. Ph. 39751. 1630 N. 5th. Ml CLOSE IN: Nicely lurn. htd. bdrm. with or without kit. pnr. no anniers. ovs n. Cottage. Ph. 39430. Jk32 NICE CLEAN. WARM leeping room. Close In. Ph. 3-4513 atter 6 p.m. Jk30 pi.t as ant sleeping room for gentlemsn. tOiO Norway. Ph. 2-4S47: Jk30 HEATED SLEEPING room, double and single. 183 N. Itu. fate I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURN. apts. $62.50 ft $65. Am bassador Apts. 550 N. Summer. Jp31 SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rms. Ph. 3-4335. JP.H NICE LAKGE furn. apt. Utilities furn. Reasonable, 365 s. letn. JPJ4" 3 BR UNFITRN.. 1st floor apt. Close In. Adult. Box 353 Capital Journal. JP30 NEW 3 lge. room ft, prlv. bath. Partly furn. Economical ft comfortable. Ph. 28067 or 39762 after 5:30. Jp31 NEW APT.. 2 rooms ft bath, partly furn. mod Maaison. rn. j-aiw. jpjs- MODERN FURN. 3 large rm. apt. Phone it heat, 1431 N. Cottage. JP31 LARGE BDRM. apt. with new electric range and refrlg.. uniurn, adults only. 5 blk. from Ladd ft Bush bank. Fisher Apt., 610 S. Commercial. Jp30 CLOSE IN mod. apt., nicely furn. Main llr. 2 or 3 emp. person. 435 ft. Winter. Jp30 UN F URN. 2-RM. apt. Prlv. bath, 1st floor, elec. heat, bus by door. 1310 Madison. 3p30 3 t'NFURN RMS. Prlv. bath, $45. 1351 Mtcoy. rn. or loss n. cottage. JP30 2 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM mod. house. 1335 Rural Ave. One block from bus. Ph. 2-8875. jm30 UNFURN. 2 BR house. Apply 243 Chcme- mcketa St. Ph. 30037. Jm28' FULLY FURN. 3 bdrm. house. Newly re- dec, $60. 432 Union. Ph. 34536. jm3l TRAILER HOUSE lor rent. Suitable for 1 or 2 people. Ph. 2-1746. Jm30" PRIV. 3 room partly furn., clean, gar age, j43 montn. rortiana ki. jm 2 BV RM HOUSE. Electric heat, range. hot water heater, $85. 2240 Maple. Jm29 BEDROOM HOME, living, dining room, iirepiace, in rue Kiicnen. separate gar age. Rood district N.E. 170 per mo, See Mr. Bourne, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. Jm29 VERY DESIRABLE mod furn 3 rm. Tile bath, hdwd firs, laund. 2 adults. No pet. 3843 Portland Rd. Ph. 37849. Jm30 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. for tent. B L. Stiff. U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 23103 J SINGEP ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- cmnes. Heasonabie rates, free pick up i delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J floor SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rental for home and in dustrial use. Hower Bros. Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Hower Bros 1410 8 12th. Wet Salem. I' OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3 ROOM FURN. court or apt. lor 2. Ph. 3-7543. :30 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- er. we sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J WANTED TO RENT WANTED: 2 or 3 rm. unfurn. apt. or cot tage. Must have tove ft refrlg. Ph. 2-0784. Ja20 WILLAMETTE STUDENT, Wife ft child want 1 or 2 BR furn. house. Reasonable rent. Ref. Ph. 2-8883 2 to 5 P.m. Ja20 FAMILY OF 4 must have 3 or 4 bd. rm. uniurn. house by Feb. 8. Ph. 2-4810. Ja29 LOST & FOUND PARTY WHO picked up red Cocker on unemawa Kd. Please return dog to 47JD nayesvuie ur. no question win oe asK ed. Ph. 20168. k30 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m31 SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-3073. m47 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-US. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpli Bids State ft Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m" BUILDING MATERIAL Building Something? V Insulation Board, 4x8 sheets, $1.84 V sheet rock, 4-c $1 .53 sheet Fibres lass insulation Be sq. It. Pour type insulation fl per bnc Grade A 1 panel doors S7.50 'i " plywood, 4x8 sheets (2.35 All thicknesses plywood, cheap. Flush, si nb doors !9.70 Waterproof wallboard 7',jc ft. 500' rolls bulldiiis pnpor S2.:0 C. G. LONG PH. 3-5821. 1 MILE N. OF KEIZER lna34 AIR-RAY electric furnace. Ph 2-2934 Dia31 Special Shipment Dry kiln 1x6" E. flooring, or roof and stdcwall sheathing. Cheaper than ship lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front it Court Sts. Salem, ma KE1 Ci:DAR shingles. No. . 2x3' a any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall fthnkes Ted Mtiller. Salcm-Indcp. road. Call 3-1190 salem. ma' WAPPIT 8" power hand saw Ph. 3-4284" Close Out 1 lot 'i1 finished ptankma. 8", 10". 12" X 8". No retu.-iu;. J75 per M. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front A,- Court Street.. Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Ml ST SACRIFICE late model Singer sew ing matchtne. Misc. tools. Model 13 pa. shotgun. All like new. 3040 Madison St. n30 GAS RANGE Used ss ranee. All white porcelain. Like new. J60. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 30 COURT ST. n29 MUSIC LESSONS Piano violin. State accredited, STUDIO. T H. 3-601 3 . n44' the'organo converts your piano Into a standard 60-note orian. Play orian orian and piano or piano alone. 10-mlnute In- "stone PIANO CO. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1340 Fairgrounds Road Salem STFFL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, ratlin, in stock, made to order. 1143 N Liberty. n0 PI,A-Tl-KOTK: The cellcpnane-llke fin Lih for your floors, woodwork or lin oleum. Salem LKhUnt it Appliance Co.. 338 N. Bub 033' AUTOMOBILES IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN, LOOK AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY USED CAR LOT . . . "Every Car High in Quality Low in Price" 1949 Mercury Conv. 1949 Lincoln Sedan 1941 BUICK SEDAN 1941 MERCURY TUDOR 1939 FORD SEDAN 1937 STUDEBAKER 1937 CHEVROLET ' 1936 CHEVROLET 1929 MODEL A TERMS AND TRADES ON ALL CARS Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 3-3012 TEAGUE SPECIALS The weather has been terrible, but we still have some fine late model used cars. 1950 licenses. Full of Anti-Freeze. Ready to go. Here are a few: 1949 KAISER 1948 KAISER 1948 PLYM. DeL. 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE 1941 CHEV. SED. DELIVERY 1948 CHEV. 5 PASS. CPE. 1947 CHEV. AERO SEDAN . Teague Motor Company 352 N. COMMERCIAL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APT. RANGE Apartment house electric ranse. All white porcelain. Good condition. Used very little. Only 170. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n20 USED Electric ranEM, (19.95 J UP. Y EATER APPLIANCE UU. 375 Chemeketa 2 FOX FUR collars 15. 1865 Trade. n31 G-E RANGE General Electric ran. All white porce lain, c .Irod heating units. Very food condition. $75. EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. tl39 USKD OIL burners, olowers and sawdust burners, rn. a-uooa. n"- UEAT your home electrlcalry with West Inghouse or wesin automatic eiectnc heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCB CO 176 Chemeketa. L S80 BICYCLE will aril for S45. Just like new. R. N. cunnin, &ta nosp. em olovee. Ph. 2-9019. Rm. 315. n39 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson. and Montag Appliances at uevurtz. USED Electric Refrigerators, 349.95 up 375 Chemeketa P HOTPOINT RANGE Used Hotpoint ranse. All whit porce lain, calrod heating units, deep well cooker. Good condition. 159.95. pwv TFBMs ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n3fl' PHILLIPS BROS Fertilisers, well rotted or fresh, any kl '. By yard or sack. Flans tone for all rock worn Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles Any lenirth Shingles Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. box 118. 5 USED RADIOS is record players, 19.93 ui Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n" NO WAXING required with PLASTIO KOTE. the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 37a Chemeketa n TRASH BURNER LIKE NEW ONLY 150 R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COUHT ST. n29J SALEM SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer It Basement Equipment Rental 1.) B I'j yds. 10 B i yds. D-7 Cat A Dozer D-6 Cat it Dozer D-4 Cat A; Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-3246 or 3-4400 Salem. Oregon n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.93 UP Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 3,75 Chemeketa n ZENITH RANGE Zenith electric ranse. 1 year old. Auto matic. 1 year guarantee. Like new. 1145 EASY TERMS ON ANY PURCHASE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 COURT ST. n39' WALUNG SAND it GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drlTe ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and dttciv Ing. tt-rd shovel it drag line Ph. 3-9349 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: BarkU Douglas fir poles or stumpaae. Ph. 1387 Albany or write Standard Pole a Piling Co., inc. na42 SEWING MACHINE any cond Ph. 37671. na41 PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products Ph. 3-9307. p29 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Pi!m and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 173 S.Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 3-9285. p43 GOT A NEW DRESS? Try it over a Spencer A,- hear the whistles. Ph. 3-5073. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. p39 8 MONTHS subscription to Readers Dl. gest. 11.00. Ph. 2-5971. p33" WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself ai of February 3, 1950. John J. MeClain. p30 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IAUTOMOBILES 11942 Ford Sedan V-8 1 1942 Ford Tudor 6 1948 STUDE CHAMP. 1941 PLYM. 4 DOOR 1941 PLYM. TUDOR 1939 CHEV. SEDAN 1939 PONT. SEDAN (6) 1939 FORD COUPE 1939 BUICK SPECIAL (AUTOMOBILES LATE '48 HUDSON. Clean. Good condi tion. Call any time. 849 S. 13th. Ph. 23509. Q31 1940 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE 3-dr. Only one owner since new. Priced for quick Sale at 1435. Call 3-9940 or 3-3461 and ask for T. F. q30 WILSONS . 1949 Buick Super sedan $2245 1949 Buick super sedanet 2225 1947 Buick Spec, sedanet 1395 ln47 Chrysler Windsor.. 1475 1946 Buick super sedan 1295 1948 Chrysler Royal sdn. 1295 ALSO SEVERAL FINE CHEAP CARS OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center q39 '37 FORD 4 door, heater, good tires, $150. rn. .14441. q?9" '47 DODGE y2-Ton Pickup New 6-ply tires. Cab and box In perfect condition. TRADE - TERMS Orval's "THK LOT WITH THE TURNTABLF' Center at Church - Ph. 3-4702. q29' ZEEB'S USED CARS BtTT SELL TRAD! TERMS t LOTS 3323 Fairground Rd- Ph. 3-6454 620 Hood BL Ph '-Til '49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Radio, heater, defroster. Original light green finish, good tires. Motor in ex cellent condition. A real values. Con venient terms and liberal trade allow ance. $1595 Orval's "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" Center at Church - Ph. 3-4702. q2 '41 RTUDE. Commander. R., sport lite, undersell htr.. air conditioning as plas tic seat covers. 4 new tires, body, paint, motor Rood. $550. 3 blocks north of Shell Station, Aumtville. q33 '46 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE FULLY EQUIPPED MOTOR COMPLETELY OVERHAULED $1095 STAN BAKER MOTORS UNION AT HIGH PH. 3-1K '46 FORD Super Deluxe SFdan. Heater, de froster, orlrinal lliht tray finish at this low price of $895 TRADE - TERMS Orval's THK LOT WITH THE TURbABLr' Center at Church Pb. 1-4703. 2t' AUTOMOBILES A-1YESA-1 f Are Used Car Best Buys Come In and Check These Cars For Yourself 1949 Ford Cust Sdn Cpe Radio, heater, overdrive, un dercoat. Less than 7,000 mi. 1949 Ford Custom Tudor Radio, heater, . undercoat. A real nice family car. 1949 Ford Line Sedan Radio, heater, undercoated. A perfect used car. Color, birch grey. Ten FREE Lubrication Jobs With Above Used Cars Many More A-l Used Cars to Choose From Bank Terms - Maximum Time Payments Liberay Trade Allowance Valley Motor Mart "USED CARS WITH Center at VALLEY MOTOR CO. Economy Used Car Lot 3600 Silverton Road 1941 Dodge Sdn. Cpe $495 1938 Studebaker Sdn .... ISO 1939 Ford Deluxe Sdn. ... 295 1934 Chev. Sedan 65 1930 Pontiac 2 Dr 35 MANY MORE GOOD BUYS See Monroe Cheek Phone 2-6931 DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Joe Burke's Corner Our Business Is Good! THREE GOOD REASONS WHY: OUR CARS ARE TOP QUALITY OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT OUR POLICY OF GUARANTEE and RE CONDITIONING IS RIGHT. Ask your neighbor chances are he bought his Used Car from Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER -405 N. Com'l St. Home of Service -495 N. Com'l St. Phone 3-4117 CHECK THIS LIST: 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Coupe Llht blue color. Like new Interior. Very low mlleate. Radio, heater, white aidewill tires. Load of other extras. Thia U truly a beautiful car. Hurry. 1946 Dodge Custom 4-door Sedan ..'....$1195 8ee this and see why, 1948 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan $1495 Beautiful black color. Upholstery like new. Almost new tires. Very low mileage. This ear can hardly be told from new la every way. A real buy. AUTO .iOBILES $40 DOWN . TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET '39 Plymouth Coupe '37 Plymouth Sedan '37 Ford Pickup '37 Ford Sedan '37 Ford Pickup '36 Ford Coupe 37 Chevrolet 2-Door '37 Chevrolet Sedan '35 Chevrolet Sedan '34 Chevrolet Sedan . THE CARS LISTED ABOVE ARE GOOD CHEAP TRANSPORTATION OrvalsLotNo.2 785 S. 12th Ph. 2-2502 '39 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE RADIO AND HEATER $445 STAN BAKER MOTORS ONION AT HIGH PH. 3-34S6 q39 Eisner Motors to Sell 'M FORD Coupe. Radio, good shape, runs food. 1150. See at 4697 Harcourt, Kl itr Dlst. Ph. 36318 after 3:30 p.m. q29 150 USED CAR LOT HO && jour old one 13th St Junction Open til) 10 p.m. q34 Journal Want Ads Pay (AUTOMOBILES 1949 Chev. Special Fleet line 2 Dr. This car Just like new. Driv en only 4500 miles. 1948 Chev. Fleetmaster 4 Dr. Sedan Radio, heater. Only has 11,000 plus miles. A beauty of a car. You'll be proud to own. 1947 Chev. Stylemaster Sedan Heater, seat covers. A nice clean car. Color, blue. A PERSONALITY" Hiih Salem 193" Dodge Sedan $265 193S Dodge Sedan 175 1937 Oldi Spt. Cpe 195 1940 Lincoln Sedan 395 1937 Ford Sedan 165 - PLYMOUTH ' 435 N. Com'l St. $1495 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Buy Cold? Froze Up? Hard to Start? Not Ours Try Them! 19(S CHEV. AERO SEDAN, R&H lt7 KAISER SEDAN, R&B 11015 19(1 OLDS CL. CPE., Hydramatlo 195 CHEV. FLEETLINE SDH. BOH 1941 CHEV. SP. DLX. COACH, RJiH 95 1941 FORD COACH , 550 1940 CHEV. SP. DLX. CLUB OPE .. 95 1939 PONTIAC SDN., R&H WO OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS OP CODRSI Aynbee Motors Ph. 3-0101 3 '40 Chevrolet COUPE GOOD ENOUOH TRANSPORTATION POR ANYONE $295 STAN BAKER MOTORS UNION AT HIOH PH. 3-14M ag Eisner Motors Fine Cars (Continued on Page 13)