10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, February 3, 19501 Murder in New Orleans By BRETT HALLIDAY (Author of the ailchael Bbaynt Stories) "Sorry, but your conscience worries me." (Chapter Five) Shayne turned the stubs swiftly and came upon a third and Xourwi check Issued to Sydney G. Jones at, thirty-day intervals. Why had Walter Carson suddenly begun paying Sydney Jones 60u a month? it looked as though Jones had dug up something so hot he ttgured Carson would pay more to keep it quiet than Mrs, Bar stow would pay to have It revealed. lie weni quietly out ox the room There was no one in the hallway He went on tiptoe to the Iront aoor ana eased out. tie stepped from the porch to the driveway and followed it to a triple garage in the rear. Quietly he opened the rjgnwiana aoimie doors and lound bis car. He backed out quietly, turned around, then headed out with his JighU off. At the end of the private drive he noticed a car Inconspicuously parked. He turned on his lights and aw that it had a New Orleans police ucense. Shayne chuckled softly as he swung out past the parked car. The cop made no move to follow. It was evident that the cop had orders to interceps oniy cars turning Into the Carson place. Shayne went straight through Main Street. There were lights on in the bank. Shayne turned off on a side street and parked his car in the darkness. There were a couple vi tfucoMuuB jib wtuiieu to asK nar vey Barstow before he left Cheep wee. He approached the bank build ing from the side. Through the window he could see Barstow work ing on the ledgers behind the tell er's cage. He appeared to be alone. Shayne circled along the dark rear wall of the building to a smaller door. He rapped on the door softly and waited. Thirty seconds went by, then a bolt was drawn back and the door opened a couple of Inches. Barstow let out a smothered ejaculation of surprise. "Shayne! What do you want? The police have been here." "I know all about the police," Shayne growled. He grinned at the stubby nistol In Barstow's hand. "I'm not going to hold up your bank." "Of course, not." Barstow cleared his throat. "I'm afraid I'll have to report your visit to the police. They say Mr. Carson has been mur dered.'' Shayne said, "Step out here where we can talk without being seen. I'm trying to solve your boas' mur der. I've been talking to Mrs. Car son and now I'm headed back to New Orleans. Did you ever hear Carson mention a man named Jones?' "I don't think so." Do you know any reason why he should have been paying hush money to a private detective?" "I certainly dont." Burstow's tone was frigid. "Really, Mr. Shayne, I feel it's my duty to in form Captain Denton that you've teen here." Shayne growled. His left hand closed over Barstow's pistol while his right hand went around the man's neck and closed tightly over his mouth. He wrenched the pistol away and dropped it in his pocket along with Belle's and spoke softly in Barstow's ear. "I'm sorry, but your conscience worries me." He swung his left fist against Barstow's jaw. pushed the door open, dragged the senseless man in side the back room of the bank, pulled the door shut and trotted down the street to his car. Sydney G. Jones stood in the doorway of his Park Plaza apart ment and studied Shayne curious ly. "Who're you and what do you want?" he demanded. Shayne said, "I want to talk to you, Jones." He moved forward and the slighter man reluctantly stepped aside. The apartment was small. Ash trays overflowed with cigarette butta. and a whisky bottle and pitcher of ice cubes stood on an end table. "You'd better listen close, Jones." Shnyne said flatly. "I haven't much time. Tlie cops may be getting here any minute." "Tlie cops?" Jones' pale, ferrety yes squinted drunkenly. Shayne looked him over with dis- Kist. "I place you now. You're the use they call Skip Jones." -wnat iney do?" "71IF1 Utnlj!..iSlZ..t-jb..- . "I'm interested in one of your clients, Jones. This is a murder investigation and I'm one jump ahead of the cops. You'll save yourself a lot of grief If you give me the answers I want." Shayne's eyes narrowed, "wnat did you lind out about Belle Carson in Atlanta four months ago?" "Who are you?" Jones mumbled. "The name is Mike Shayne. What did you dig up about Belle Car son?" "I didn't get anything on the uarson darner Jones wmnea. Shayne smashed his right list into Jones' face. "Don't waste time lying." Shayne crowled. "I know you dropped your client and started blackmailing Belle Carson's husband. Five Cs a month. And now Walter Carson is dead murde red." Jones cowered back. "Carson murdered?" Shayne nodded toward the news papers littering the floor. "Uni dentified body found half a block from here last night. A picture of Carson on the front page. Don't pretend you didn't recognize him." "I never saw him!" Jones' voice quavered. I got the checks by mail. ' "What were you keeping quiet for uarson v ' 'That his wife was a bigamist, said Jones shortly. "For Pete's sake let me go to the bathroom and clean up. I'll give it to you. I swear I will. If he's dead like you say, I guess I won't collect any more on it anynow." Shavne stood back and let him go to the bathroom. Then Shayne picxea up me wnistcy ooiue ana tooic a long arinK. As matters stood now. Shavne didn't know how much difficulty uenton mignt nave tracing Jones to this address. Barstow would certainly tell him about the inquiry concerning Jones. Jones came back to the living room. Shayne snorted his disgust. "How do you know Bcile committed big amy when she married Carson?" "She was married to another guy for about six years. His name was Willis Dui'kln. They lived in At lanta." Jones took a long sip of whisky and water. "About five years ago the baby Kirl of the president of the lumber company Durkln worked for was Kidnapped. Big shot by tne name of Crawford. The kidnappers want ed fifty grand ransom, and sent notes saying Willis Durkln should be the go-between. Crawford cough ed up fifty grand in small, old bills. He turned it over to Dur kln. and Durkln skipped out with It. "ijatcr, tney caugnt tne Kidnap per named Whitey Buford and got the baby back. Buford accused Durkln of double-crossing him. He claimed he and Durkln figured the aeai togeuier. "Willis Durkln got awav. clean." Jones went on slowly. "Belle left Atlanta and resumed her maiden name, Belle Brand. She turned up in Louisiana a few months later, got next to a small-town banker In Cheepwee and married him. She commuted perjury by stating sned never oeen marnea Deiore. Shavne thought this over, then nodded, "I'm surprised . Carson covered up for her," he said slow ly. "I dunno," said Jones. "He was a big-shot around Cheepwee. It would have kicked up a big scandai." "What did Carson snv to vou over the phone last night?" "He hinted he'd like to talk over a lump-sum payment to keep things quiet. He told me he was having dinner at Dupree's Just down the street, and how about coming up nere anerwara around one ociock. I got home at a quartet' of one and waited for him. He didn't show up by one-thirty, so I turned in. Jones shrugged. "That's a fair story " Shavne said coldly. "But you're going to have one hell of a time proving it. You're the only person he called in New Orleans the only one who knew lie was nere." Jones snarled. "He was my bread and butter. He was ready to make a Dig .settlement. "That's vour storv." Shavne noint ed out. "You've no proof he didn't enreaten to expose you." "Walt a minute," Jones said ex citedly. "Maybe somebody else had motive. He went to a small desk and re turned with a newspaper clipping. "I happened to see that in the paper two weeks ago. Whitey knew iirne wnpii sjie was married to Liurviii. nuw uu wo aihjw nuirey didn't trail Belle here, and was putting the screws on her the same as me?" Shayne took the clipping. Tt carried pictures of two men, with raptions saying they were Whitey Buford and his suspected kidnap ing accomplice. Willis Durkln. Shayne read the clipping hastily and with mounting excitement. It described tlie escape of Whitey Bu ford from a Georgia prison cairrft. aner murdering a guard, and as serted that authorities had reason to believe the fugitive might be headed toward New Oneans. (Does Whitey figure in the mur agnlnst Carson? Don't miss to morrows concluding chapter.) SrucniT ut- SMAVINO lATTWEDOO GRAVEL, you COlXjHT, JTHEM IN THAT WHAT Tnfc-f JTONIJ FROM THI HOME OTTHI BUBO J EQUIPMENT FORGOT MlNEAvSTEVE MISTER.' CORNER -ra5 t SBXTUPliTS I" tVE MAD6 A CONTRACT WITH S T "NEVER LIKED THIS BftANDygli-- i i f. m0lFt" ""-"if a CORNFLAKES COMBW TO SeNO tM OUT, O l' I HEY! WHOTABOUTMRS-MflCBOND?".! I MRS. MAC BOND LEFT FOR I NO-WET3E QOINQ 1 p W W KNCWHCWON TRAIDNOBWCWSS 1 I 6H KMOWS HOW SUCCESSFUL OH-VW UNA WORLD "TOOR LAST MONTH -J AWCT, ANNIE -NEW I 1 RUNH1N' A RESTAURANT TO SINK HARD CASH I I YOU'RE BOUND TO BE-gHE-8 I HfltBTT B II NO WAY OF KNOUNS WHERE SmRT-COMMUmY-1 P TOU BHCWCHT FINO IT I UTO A RESTPURANT I COT GOBS O" MONEY- I HEARD MW II SHE IS OR HOW TO -J - MONT VOU COME I u t HARO TO GET BOCKIN"- i BUSINESS- J IvV li. REACH HER- JBVwtTH US? fSTRANGER j!PW,S1JH-SOME BOYS FALLS "WWXT I ??-WAL,CUSS NIAH RICKETY T BIGHr.'-AN' SO, DISREGARD!' ) liiiiiprn:k vn' VJA LOVE. OF GALS EYES-SOME WIF.H m Al I OLE BONEST AH NEWH TH'(yOMy RT L 53WiMtvtatui.lL, r 1 - IloOKIWAT SuiwEyTH THAR LIPS-AM IS A KNEE If A I REELIZED KNEE1S HAD EX- V MAY AH AX FO' YOFIE. DOTTER'S ) J 1 lffl?V.?H. A Issisia? M 'motts I CARDS ) Jffl '..fU'rV, ,iNfi VtL,.cc AK,n I THAT'S WHEN A HAND IS f THIS IS A f T1 . Tuc S-V. J Z. TTnTV 'M,te?f AV GOOD.' CALLED. LIKE GENTLEMAN'S I S ISJUST THE J? 7 T SWV4I5INS ) Tt LA PAIR e'A YOU WON! MUTTS WAS JUSt GAME ' GAME FOR ME " ' T 7,) DO YOU KINGS .y THEN- DON'T VOU hfUJcdia y ji,. f fe,' K -JIB 7 ' v itK-f g7 MS3fremi . nntTtf-- 3353 ril3IUIlllll!ll!lllliill!llllllllllllll!ll!!lllllnillll!Ar 1 1 W I msamvhile,ihthe opfics p MlliP1 H4VS TO 6Q g4g LISTEN, SEMtWT. PEG ANO I HAVE HOLD IT! HOLD IT, SOf UAeONE 7H HMXETEEB X WITH HOODS LIKE; THAT, HAD A LOT OC TBOISLE. NEARLY LOST MR.S.WTHII WT U YES, THAT ROUSHNECK IVA9 ME SMITH . HE'S APT OUR PROPERTY. NOW IT LOOKS LIlCE I KMOW HOW YOO r USTEN, SPUD. FIND - HEBE -AND PLENTY SORE. HE TO COMr BACK AND WEVE 60T 6OMETHIN6 60OD AT LAST V FEB.. BUT YOU MOBBOT AND BRINfi HIM SAID NO VOk'EL COULD BEAT I MAKE TROUBLE, y AND IP ANY CHEAP 6AN6STEP TRIES SHOULOWT TALK HERE.. HIM AND ME ARE T HIM UP AND GET AWAY1 WITH JV TO SPaL IT, I'LL-I'LL KILL HIM OUCK ABOUT KILLING fiOIN1 TO HAVE A SHOW- Y IT. I TOLD HIM TO SET OUT fT T-rrWt? AS LOOK AT HIM I A ANYBODV. . DOWN' ' OR TO WIPE THE Fir 1 I N , B YfcjXS N F fl f : 1EI'; W W, V ( THERE, NOW 1 TQ& VOU l ' v , ft E 1 r i-iPl m ' " WH yoU'D ENJOY AVY HOME 0 ' " Mm.- IE ! H ' I " MOVIES OP AAy SEWIN0 I . - II ' I I . 1 I I V U I I I I r . ii" J 1 ..vlj, ,'iifrunrj ' I IUIM. b . l..n S.Jri I . I 111- I i i ir- i 1 . : : r i ni i I I HERESYOUR OLITIinE HONEY'--R lYOUfOUNO TERRIBLY ynARLINfi COMPARED TOI h MY ISTER M0 1 ltAyE0ON ' .tffSV ' UEPH05PHATE.SIR!A5UN mWn,m.mJLlMSLt THE SAME BIIL WITH VOU-ON A A w VTWtmaSSSm WRETCH ON EARTH SJUTWEEK iHIUAMVMC d. t5P M ANYTHING ty-. OF FAILURE ANO Z" V0;. SAY! HOW DIDYOU m;;XTtlui iTAWN(i J X V A r S - -L . ! c T Jl l irnrnaaw a m m RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY KGW 830 NBC KOIN 70 CBS Th. IiIIIi Knox Hannlnr frhs Utllt Shew mewa (N'ewa IChal. is iNtwi T Tim Elmir Pcttrioa Olricton' LftT It t Joan (Lci It to Jon Edwin PlarhooM Home Dsn Ml Dnranlt Show Goea On lilli Hlta Show Goes On Xmvler Caul XKTler Cuit Show Goea On Show Goea On Nurobei Plckia Number Pleaie Flhta Flchts FIshta Rill Bttrn Rbjtbm Tlrnt Flihta 6lnfttr-Klriton Newa of World iLowell Thomas Uaok Smith Fat Fat Your Vonr Hatla ! Irr iTba Goldberxs The Goldberrs Newa Hj PavoriU lOiilo Oiile Orthaatra Husband Olck Hftrmoi Trie Deulah Iciub in Western Skies Western Skies nam Haye k Star Final Rich. Mlndr Caraoa Hporta Spot tUfhtlnterraesso Snorla Pinal Alr-flo iconeeri (Concert k)rcheatra Yon A World Mewa Wax Miiiu Wax Moatnm Wax Mnaeom Treasury Band Concert Concert Memos (Memos Treasury Band urcan Moila Orcan Muilo fillent Xtr FM Hog., KOW 1M.I, S-10 a.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m., ll p.m., KEX ttJ, till .aa SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:0GfHodgfj Pod so Mewa Dawn fNewa 6:15 Hodgo Podao KOIN Kloek Downbeat Timekeeper 6:30 "od r Podro KOIN Kloek Dawn March Tlma KOCO Kloek 6:45 Hodga Podxa KOIN Kloek Downbeat S'ews KOCO Kloek 7:00 Now Hear This KOIN Kloek Roond-Up Boys News Tex Bitter 7:15 Now Bear ThisNews W. Agronnky Rise A Shlna Vews 7:30 Nws News Kelvin Keech Ireakfast Gang Fiesta Time 7:45 Sam Hayes Consumer News Kelvin Keech fop Trades Extension 8err 8:00 red Waring Let's Pretend Home Axent Bargain Coanter Reminiscing 8:15 Fred Waring Let's Pretend Musical Brldce Muslo Reminiscing 8:S(1 Smllinx lunlor Miss Musical Rrldrs Haven of Rest West'n Melodies 8:45 McConnell lunlor Miss Musical Bridge Haven of Best Science Exenr. 9:00 Mary Lea Theatre of 101 Ranch Northwest News Pop Varieties 9:15 Taylor Today 101 Ranch King Sings Defense BAPr 9:30 Reading Is Pan Qrand Central Toyland Tunes Pastor's Call Muslo WlthKat 9:45 Newa Brand Central Toyland Tunes Willing Words f 10:00 Star Kings Stars Over Stars of News Habe Roth 10:15 Jerry Marlowe Hollywood Tomorrow Quit Ctob Salem Air Res. 10:30 Voice Wind Give and Take Stars of Proudly Hall Concert 10:45 Volcca Wind Give and Take Tomorrow Proudly llall Favorites i00 Lassie County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jork Sat. Serenade ;15 Broadway Cor. Connty Fair Met. Opera Platter Jack Sat. Serenade :30 Young Oreg. Jefr Kexao Met. Opera Platter Jork Sat, Serenade ;45 Young Oreg. Jeff Began Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenade 12:00 Farm-Home Newa Met. Opera Top Trades M the Opera 2:15 Farm-Home Barny'd Follies Met. Opera News At tha Opera 2:30 Marine Band Family Party Met. Opera Gay OA's Kewa 2:45 Marine Band Family Party Met. Opera Bob Ebcrle Navy Band J:00 Voices. Events- Meet Mlssns Met. ' Opera Man on Farm" Sat. Matinee :15 Voices. Events Meet Missus Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnea :30 Musician Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matinee ;45 Musician Newspaper Met. Opera Man on farm SatMatlnea 2:00 Orchestra Orchestra Met. Opera News Sat. Matinee 2:15 Orchestra Cross Section Jerque Frcy Band Concert Sat. Matinee 2:30 British Elee. Farm News Sidney Walton ColWc Cliolr Cy Shannon 2:45 George Flehcr Garden Gate Tea, Crnropcla College Choir Cr Shannon 3:00 News News lunlor naker's Oven Chln-Up Chat 3:15 Guest Star V. N. Junction Baker's Oven Chln-Up Chat 3:30 NBO Symphony Red Barber Jin Concert Sat. M'ltince Chln-Up Chat 3:45 NBC Symphony Larry Lesucr Jan Concert Sat. Bit tinea Chln-Up Chat 4:00 NBO Symphony Orchestra Rex Koury Sportscnst Spotllnht Musla 4:15 NBC Symphony Orchestra Harry Wlsmer HcminKWny Spotlight Muslo 4:30 Bands of Land Way for Youth Albert Warner Handstand USA Curtain Calls 4:45 Bands of Land Way for Youth Church. Nation Bandstand V Ateurtaln Calls DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Children's The- fVJMVrf atert 5:15. On On the Upbeat i S:50. 580 Sports Clubt A:00. Newst t:tft Dinner Melodlesi 6:30, Musie of Csecho slovakla; 7:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8:n0, Basketball; 0:S0, Newa and Weathrrt 9:45, Evening Medltatlonai 10:00, Sign Off. Hog's Heroism Saves Litter Chicago Feb. (U.R).A sow gave her life in an effort to save her litter of pigs from a burning- barn. Deputy Sheriff Jack Henning told of the mother hog's heroism. As he watched firemen battle the fire on a suburban farm, he said, the sow emerged with a pig, just a few days old, In her mouth. "That sow made three trips out of the barn carrying a pig each time," he said. "She went back in a fourth time," he said, "but she never eame out again." ACROSS 1. Outbuilding I. Labor for- breath t. Playing card 12. Learning 13. Smell 14. Iron block In a stamp battery IB. Accumulate) 17. Advertising phraaea 19. email 1L Punish by a flna It. Eloquent epeakei 24. Nothing 25. Thus 27. Soap plant variant 28. Decompose 80. River between Brazil and Paraguay 32. At horn 33. Pronoun 34. Night before) 35. Breed of beat cattla ST. Chancel 39. And: French 40. Steep 41. Comfort 43. Minister'! charge 45. Long walks 48, Not gram matically correct SO. Regale 61. Horse and carriage S3. Russian river 64. Oriental con tinent 55. Solid water 56. Roman emperor 17. Sharp point iLZZZZMZZZZZZ as 36 J37 Wli HI 9.' WmB', "srwh 1 1 im AP Newsfealures ROOM AND BOARD 1 JOE, ROBIN, I have rr INbTcAL? Or THc ARCHAIC, IRRITATING BELL OF AN ALARM CLOCK AROUSING THE SLEEPER, i THOUGHT HUW ID AWAKEN HLW THRU HIS SEKSE Or SMELL P. M. KEX I1M ABC KSLM 13QQ.MBO KOCO 1490 Ke. of Tnkon B-Bar-B R-Bar-B fSwint Time Swim Tim Blnf Crosby 1. Of YUKOD! Armitronr Armitronr Tom Mix Tom Mix Hand or uar C. mil Cabrlel He tar Candle Lfcbs Edition W. Newa and silver m Encore A Encores Tello Test IFiihcaittr pinner Concert Twllliht Bonv Sports Mirror Folk Musla Edw. Robinson niusleal Jackpol EETelm Knight krisco Kid Cisco Kid niidconrt Man Man FBI FBI Blralcht Arrow SIIS-Asloria SHS-Astorla SHH-AsterU SHH-Aitorla Straight Arrow Lean Back jerry Bears Harriet ii Harriet hlualo SH.S-Aitoria SHHAatorla David Rosa (Comedj Errors Is HS-Astoria Comedy Errora News Reoortor iFult. Lewis Jr. Warwick Theat, nVarwlek Ttaeai. Muilo Yom Want Rlusle Ton Want Select Newa Honr Hoar New Nary Air Honr Hoar Lora Mystery Charlie Spirak Noctnrna Noetnrn Noctnrna NoetnrM Benny Strong Benny Strong nonr Saturday A.M. 10:00, Newst iwnv t:in Esperlnlly Tor Women 11 :00, Concert Hall: 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, OSC Dad's Dayi 2:00, Music of the Masters! 8:30. Sclencei 3:15, Vets' Newst 4:00. .Boor 1 of the Islands; 4:15, Songs of the T est. 1 8olution of Yesterday's Puzzlt down 1. Rebuff 2. Residence 3. One of the Muses 4. Wish 6. Crlbbag term I. Public an nouncement T. Of the sun 8. Collejere danoe 9, Greed 10. Secret assembly 11. Other 16. Red flannel 18. Heredity factor 20. Kind of outer garment 23. Oil: suffix 26. Mournful 26. Pertaining t musical drama 28. Leave 29. However t 31. Mean 33. Stop 36. Of the ear 37. Exclamation 38. Kind of beetle 41. English county 42. Genus of sticklike insects ii 43. Weight of raw p silk before being de gummed ' 44. Stupefy 46, Couple 47. Attempt 49. Wheeled vehicle 63. B ahold 2-3 By Gene Ahern WITH THE PUFFLE CLOCK. THE SLEEPER. lb AWAKENED N A CHEERFUL MOOD BY THE DELIGHTFUL ODOR OF BOILING COFFEE AND FRYING BACON SjAlff gB QM I T BfiPAjY A a a3 E R R AMONIE C A MlPg N A U T i U U S jjgA ip a E8 c e t fcEjJ Pi i nn A C L EE K M l U o rMaTr e aBa mjce s oBJe dl)cccop S NjAPiSE RARE BH U gjsj N E SB L A T I wT5M fcSiT apah b e d sJSt PlR St D I ofi S LED O U RlfP EPA lHaye pIeInH enatIeUm1cn V IS TH' ; day 1 y'FEAREDj J v- Vh. .1, 11 It if li Inn