Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1950, Page 9, Image 9

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    titiiiiiiiiMiamrtiiiiiWniHiiiiiii-n-iVii i' 'i Mutr-a tw if utnr-m -i i ' u
Advice Given
About Russians
Ardo Tarem, physical educa
tion instructor at the Salem
YMCA and at Willamette uni
versity, had a few words of ad
vice for members of the Salem
Exchange club Wednesday on
how to deal with the Russians:
"Keep away from them! If
you can't, go after them with all
your might! Kill them before
they kill you."
To underline his ideas, Tarem
told Exchangeites of his many
experiences with the Russians
from the 1917 revolutionists to
the World War II variety he met
in a displaced persons camp in
His earliest recollections deal
with the reactions of the unedu
cated Russians who were stirred
to action and revolt by inflama
tory speakers. He was in a
naval academy in Russia at that
His speech detailed various
difficulties with the USSR be
tween the two World wars and
ended with his observations
about their conduct in relation
to DPs.
"Every living Estonian, Lat
vian and Lithuanian who didn't
go home is a living advertise
ment against Russia," Tarem
explained, adding: "The Rus
sians want those advertisements
taken down."
He recommended that persons
sympathetic to communism be
given a trip to the USSR to see
the facts for themselves.
"They'd come back on their
knees," Tarem said, explaining
that Americans who had gone
to Russia before the war had
managed to escape to his native
Estonia and eventual return to
the United States.
Club Making Quilt
Dayton Mrs. Vedah Wil
lard was hostess for the mem
bers of the Peninsula Needle
club when they gathered for a
potluck dinner in her home.
There were 12 members and
three children . present. . The
women worked on a club quilt
during the afternoon.
Sahara-Like Scene Drifting snow almost engults house
and creates a Sahara-like scene on the outskirts of Port
land, Ore., after a frigid wind whipped the area. Drifting
snow blocked over 300 miles of roads in and about Portland.
(Acme Telephoto)
Telephone Patrons
Select Directors
Gervais The third annual
meeting of the Gervais Coopera
tive Telephone association was
held at the high school audi
torium with a fair attendance
for the purpose of electing di
rectors. Kenneth A. Brown was
reelected and Felix Steincamp
replaced Wendell Barnett whose
term expired. Ernest Andres
was elected to replace Homer
Wadsworth who resigned.
The board of directors will
meet within the next ten days
to name the officers
The man told the reporter that
he was Andrew Louis Blasko,
25, of Tentress, route one, near
Norfolk. State Trooper James
Hughes later established this
identity through papers on the
body, the automobile registra
tion and other means.
It was weird," the trooper
said. "The poor fellow was
lying there in the darkness, with
rain pouring down, babbling out
his confession with a cocked .22
revolver poised at his forehead
for nearly on hour. Nearly 50
people gathered but we were
all helpless.
'Finally Blasko said, 'well
one two three,' fired and fell
over, to be dead in a matter of
seconds," the officer related.
But before the end, Blasko
held others back with threats
while calling for any newsman
present to come forward to get
a confession."
John Tate, photographer for
the Danville Bee, went to within
arms length, kneeled and scrib
bled notes as the man talked.
Hughes was within earshot
with exclusive CROSLEY WORKSAVER design
"... irfffr .- -sSS:z"-'-
'" I , s&h&iM3s& N
p a
I BIG, NEW, $10095
1 7-cubk-f oot rkkMs. 177
Model shown new CB-11
Custom Model, 10.53-cubic-f
oot capacity( price $000.00
lew as
Now you get new space, mote space, up to 23 more
space ALL at the "convenience level" with the new
Shelvador. It's all easy to roach easy to use and there's
no stooping dear to the floor.
You'll find a compact "BntterSafe" In your Shelvador.
Handy new rearranging shelf . . . roomy meatholder
. . . two vegetable crispers.
See the new features now youTl say the new improvea
1950 Crosley is the most convenient, the most beautiful
just the most wonderful refrigerator yoa ever saw!
Better Product for Happier Living
Decatur & Maerz
970 South Commercial
Dial 3-6223
', Feeding Your Family Is Far More Fun
Capacities front 4 cu. ft. to 20 eu. ft.
accommodating from 140 Ibi. to 700 lb.
j $1599S
I IfcxW Cf-20-apity up to 700 Ibt. E&
The Crosley Freezer adds up to more mealtime
satisfaction for the whole family! And mealtimes will never again
be problem times! Tasty leftovers are turned out as delicious new
meals favorite dishes are made in quantity, then stored for
future use. Freezing keeps foods fresher; is faster, easier, safer than
canning. You'll eat better and live better with a Crosley
Freezer. Your Crosley will save you money too!
Disabled Vet Confesses to Lies
About Another; Then Kills Self
Danville. Va.. Feb. 2 W A war veteran, his artiticial legs
pinned under his wrecked automobile on a rain-soaked roadside,
made a "confession" to a newspaperman early today, then fatally
hot himself. He "confessed" to lying about a fellow soldier
Hurinir World War II. "
and verified Tate's account of
the conversation:
"He told me that during
World War II in Germany he
told lies on a Sgt. Jack Lemons,
whom he thought was from Nor
folk but now living in Florida.
Blasko added: 'I want to clear
him before I kill myself.'
"Somewhat unsteadily Blasko
said at different times:
'I said that Sgt. Lemons
flogged some German prisoners,
that he stole a jeep load of cog
nac, and that he ran out on our
platoon when 13 of us were cap
tured none of that is true."
Tate handed the notes across
to the man who scribbled his
name the gun still poised.
Youth Directs Service
Willamina The young people
of the Christian Endeavor of
the Church of Christ were in
charge of the regular evening
worship service Sunday night.
Special instrumental and vocal
music was given, followed by
a social time including refreshments.
After Nomination All
decked out in a Hollywood
cowboy outfit, Roy Land, a
custom tailor living in Bell,
Calif., told a press confer
ence he's going to seek nomin
ation for governor of Calif
ornia on the democratic tick
et. He said he wants to save
the state from Eari Warren,
the incumbent, or James
Roosevelt, the late president's
son, who's also a candidate.
(AP Wircphoto)
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 2, 1950 9
CIO Expelling '
4 Red Unions
Pittsburgh, Feb. 2 VP) The
CIO is putting four member
unions through the wringer. If
the labor groups fail to clear
themselves of a charge of conv
munist domination they may be
Six other CIO unions are list
ed for future investigations be
hind closed doors.
The labor organizations also
are accused of resisting CIO
control and with attacking CIO
officers and policies.
The farm equipment workers
nd the big United Electrical
Workers were thrown out of the
CIO at the 1949 convention. The
CIO set up a new electrical
union the CIO International
Union of Electric Workers
which now is waging a bat
tle with the UE for control
of about a half million unionists.
Convention delegates direct
ed "fact finding" investigations
of the other 10 unions.
"These unions which are
charged with being dominated
by the communist party and its
agents are being given full op
portunity to present the facts
to refute the charges," CIO Pres
ident Philip Murray said to
Unions involved art the Unit
ed Public Workers, the Mine.
Mill and Smelter Workers, the
United Office and Professional
Workers and the Food, Tobacco
and Agricultural Workers. Hear
ings for the o t h e i unnamed
unions will follow later.
Round Trip Fares
.4BI nut lat
450 N
Ph. 2-2428
THE 1950
70 USE
Yes, the new Shelvador gives yoa
new space more space dl where
it's easiest to reach! Gives you
convenience you get in no other
refrigerator ... extra space to store
constantly needed foods ...
extra space to keep little things
where they won't "get lost."
That's because those new, sturdy,
snow-white plastic shelves are
part of the door, recessed in it
take no space at all from inside the
cabinet! Instead they actually
add nearly 2 cubic feet of extra
capacity! That famous Shelvador
door is extra heavily insulated, too;
And its special heavy-duty
hinges make it sag-proof.
11 """' s
MliV -"..iliniui' '
Another special feature is the new
Crosley "ButterSafe"! It's a
separate insulated compartment
with separate automatic control,
where a full pound of butter can
be kept at the right consistency for
smooth, easy spreading. And it lifts
out for quick-as-a-wink cleaning!
The Giant New Double Freezer
... more frozen food space and
fwieo the convenience
Here at last, is a freezer compart
ment that does far more than just
hold a few pounds of frozen food
and make a few trays of ice cubes!
It holds up to seventy pounds! Big
full-width frozen food locker
has a freezer shelf that is
maintained at sub-zero for
quick-freezing. Below there's
a separate compartment with
its own door where you store
ice cubes and day-to-day
supplies of frozen foods.
The Great New Dry-Cold
Here is the extra roomy "living
room" of your Crosley where
foods are kept just right. New
temperature and humidity
control takes care of seasonal
changes in weather . . . chrome
shelves fit flush with cabinet
. . . big meatholder . . . two
"crispers". . . and finally the
handy unique Crosley pull-oul
"rearranging shelf."
All That New Extra Space
Fully Refrigerated too!
You'll praise the convenient new
space-adding level of the lowest shelf!
Not so high that valuable space is
wasted not so low you have to sloop
or strain. And you'll love this
Shelvador's eye-catching lines
handsome trigger-action door handle
. . . gleaming Dulux enamel exterior . 5 :
sparkling, acid-resisting, casicr-to-clcan
interior. The electkosavrk unit
operates even more quietly, and
economically than before. And it's
backed by a five-year ivarranty!
Mitft onlr b CiotUr T.M.Iki0.S.hL0L,
o,v,i,tM (jJIXxQ
DoUer Products for Happier Living
and of court, they're eteetriel
See the beautiful 1950 Shelvador Refrigerators at your nearest Crosley dealer
Decatur & Maerz Miller's Radio & Electric
970 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon 189 N. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon
Birchfield Appliance & Heating Service
206 W. 2nd., Albany, Oregon
Gilson's Hardware
Lebanon, Oregon
Norman's Service
Woodhurn, Oregon
White's Furniture
1218 Main Street, Sweet Home, Oregon
Crider's Department Store
Dallas, Oregon
Porter & Lau
Stayton, Oregon
Star Trading Center
Corvallls, Oregon