8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 2, 1950 m:-''Wim::niii Winery Blaze Wine flows down the street at height of fire which destroyed the Pioneer Winery at Cucamonga, Calif. One workman perished and 1,500,000 gallons of wine were lost in the million dollar blaze. (Acme Telephoto) Gov. Warren To Run Again Sacramento, Calif., Feb. 2 (U.R) Earl Warren made a bid Mon day for an unprecedented third term as governor of California. Warren, a republican and the party s vice presidential nomi nee in 1948, announced his re election campaign in a formal statement. He said he - again would seek both republican and democratic nominations, as al lowed by California law, in the state's June 6 primary. His main opponent apparent ly will be democrat James Roosevelt, oldest son of the late president. Roosevelt already has announced his candidacy. The California governor's an nouncement said he would dis tinguish between social progress and socialism. "If government i to truly serve the people," he said, "we must continually make social progress. I will shoulder every responsibility to make such progress, but never to advance socialism, to which I am op posed." His announcement pointed out that he had been governor dur ing the period of California's greatest growth and develop ment." It said some . of the state's problems had been solved during his administration, but said he wanted "to complete the work that has been undertaken. Operetta Scheduled Lebanon The popular op eretta, "Martha," will be pre sented by the Lebanon high school vocal music department on the evening of Feb. 16 and 17, Miss Nancy Kirkpatrick, who is directing the production, announced Tuesday. Miss Love dy Burkholdcr and her art clashes are in charge of the stage setting. More than 140 mem bers of the music department are in the cast. Committee Members to Visit Complaint Districts Members of Mayor Elfstrom's special transportation committee will make personal visits to districts from which complaints about bus service are coming. Mai B. Rudd, chairman of the committee, so informed repre sentatives of some of the districts at a public meeting held Wednesday at the Marion hotel.- The committee members all attended the meeting, but were disappointed at the scant atten dance on the part of the public, which was represented by only three persons. "On the basis of this com plaints received," Rudd said, "thought many more would be present." J. H. Gordon attended as rep resentative of areas east of the city where, he said, there are 800 potential bus riders. He said the district is getting only four bus trips a day now, and should have at least five. Some days there are less than four, he added. 'The people are dissatisfied with present schedules and tim ing," he said. "We don't want to dictate company policies and we have no complaint about drivers, but we do think the service could be improved." He explained that he was talking about week-day sched ules. "Sunday schedules can be worked out later," he said. The area he represented is bounded in a general way by the east city limits, Four Corners, Sil verton road and Turner road east of Lancaster drive. A protest against recent changes made inside the city limits was made by Dr. A. I. Frantz, a naturopath physician at 990 Broadway. The district he represented centers about Broadway and North High and Broadway and North Liberty. These districts are being by passed, he said. An observer at the meeting was Robert E. Covert, who oper ates the West Salem Bus com pany, not affiliated with City Transit Lines. Stole Homing Pigeons San Bernardino, Calif., Feb. 2 VP) Sheriff Jim Stocker says he thinks it's the height of futil ity: Somebody stole 50 homing pigeons from lofts near here. But all came back. Sees No Cut In Income Taxes Baltimore, Feb. 2 P Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., R-Mass), republican leader of the house, predicted Monday there will be no income tax cuts for many years. "I make the prediction to day," he said in an address for the advertising club of Balti more, "that tnat tax reduction will stand for many years as the last income-tax reduction enact ed by an American congress." This sweeping forecast made no reference to the possibility of republicans gaining control of congress in the 1952 presidential election. Martin took shots at the dem ocrats for high taxes, subver sives in government and com munist successes in China. He said he had often wished "that we might somehow harness all the 'wonderful skills, energy and genius' of the advertising clubs throughout the country in the great battle that is now be ing waged for solvency and constructive order in federal administration." He attacked as benefiting no one the "inflation program now clearly mapped out," and said President Truman's prediction of $12,000 average income in the year 2000, didn't calculate what the dollar would then be worth. Club Election Delayed Unionvale The January meeting of the Unionvale Com munity club was cancelled be cause of the storm. The next meeting will be the third Fri day evening in February when election of officers will be held. The English Bill of Rights was passed by parliament in 1689. BEGGEST LITTLE MARKET m TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF BEEF ROASTS Blade Arm or Rump 47c lb. SWIFT'S PREMIUM LAMB 39c .b Square Cut Shld. GENUINE LAMB PATTIES 49c . AGED CHEDDAR CHEESE Year Old 49c -b. Swift's Premium Cure No Shank JF PIC-MCS b JJC PORK LOIN ROASTS , 3C Loin End fJJfV PORK SAUSAGE ! Oo7 Country Style lb. V W It SLICED BACON 07- Swifts Ib. 5 BACON BY THE PIECE 9cl Any Size Piece lh. U t LITTLE PIG SAUSAGE OQr U.S. Govt. Ins Ih. 0 MINCED HAM VEAL LOAF ib. MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF 29c STEAKS Boneless Round New Yorkers 6',. Remember! Absolutely Waste Free! 1 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES j SPUDS ffk, At GRAPEFRUIT CELERY . U,,No.. IU'b-43C 59C IWn I CCfrchYlb.lQC Sunny Morn COFFEE 59c PEAS 8 for 98c No. 2 Cans GREEN BEANS 6 for 98c No. Z Cam SAUERKRAUT 8 for 98c No. H Cans No. 1 Can , Fruit Cocktail PearS No. Can Pineapple Juice No. 2 can Pineapple Crushed or Sliced Va can Grape Juice Wclchs Pint Tomato Juice No.2cn .... Tomato Soup camphciis Tomato Hot Sauce Hominy No.2can Pork and Beans No.ican Dog Food Tuna Fish Crackers Playfalr White Star Grated Sunshine 2 lb. box . . , 5 4 6 6 4 10 10 17 7 9 10 3 4 tor 98c for 98c 98c for 98c for 98c for 98c for 98c for 98c for 98c f.r 98c for 98c f.r 98c for 98c MILK Toll 6 fo, 69c All Popular Brands SOAP POWDER All Pop. Brands XsJfc SPAGHETTI 7 can, 98C Franco American MARGARINE 2 ib, 45c MAYFLOWER IGA Store REGULARLY, OPEN SUNDAYS 8:00 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. roadway (Grocery BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS IGA Store Power Plan J For California Washington, Feb. 2 W) The government has plans for turn ing California's 500-mile long central valley into a giant pow er plant as a by-product of flood control and water conser vation projects. The reclamation bureau fig ures its comprehensive program for this vast alluvial plain would yield 8,100,000,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year enough for 5,182,000 homes. Whether the bureau's dream ever comes true depends on whether congress decides that it would be worth the high cost. That would be around $2,000, 000,000 for the full program, ac cording to present estimates. And it would take perhaps SO years for completion. The reclamation bureau esti mates that the central valley's full power potential will be needed long before then. It re ports that power requirements are growing so far in the valley and adjoining coastal areas that all the power capacity of pres ently authorized projects will be needed by 1960. The primary purpose of the bureau's dam and reservoir pro gram in the mountain-fringed valley is the control of floods Prompt Relief Emollient Cuticura Ointment soothes irritation promptly. Stays on the skin. Used by many doc tors, nurses. Try iti Buy at druggist. CUTICURA and the storage of water for irrigation and domestic and in dustrial use. Probe Canadian Wheat Deal Washington, Feb. 2 ffl The senate agriculture committee Monday decided to investigate a transaction whereby Great Brit ain last year was authorized to buy $175,000,000 worth of Can adian wheat with Marshall Plan dollars. The drone bee dies soon after the wedding night. TfiiCem easy! Serve 'emquickr Vr-ti lusciousAUtlffgilllMA 1 JXL TWO KINDS cip oi rcRcouroi One sip of Schilling tells you here is richer, better-tasting coffee. Thermo Regulated roasted for uniform good ness, always delicious, always satisfying. ing Coffees U U LIU DDI H mip TIDE cuts washday work in half! No more rinsing! Just wash. ..wring out.. .hang up! YES, another Tide miracle has been discovered and it's the washday news of the mid-century! With Procter & Gamble's Tide in your washing machine you can take your clothes right out of the suds . . . put them through the wringer and hang them on the line daz zling clean! Without rinsing! HERE'S WHY! Tide, with its miracle suds, gets the dirt out of your clothes and keeps it suspended in the sudsy water. When you wring out the clothes, the dirt runs out with the wash water. . . and the clothes come from the wringer white . . . fresh . . . CLEAN! YES, CLEAN I You already know how clean Tide washes your clothes with rinsing. Actu ally cleaner than any other product you can . ' "NO MORE RINSING FOR ME!" says Mrs, Elizabeth Davis of Portsmouth, ohio "It's true! I took the clothes right out of those wonderful Tide suds and put them through ihe wringer and onto the line. And, they looked so bright and clean I was proud to hang them up!" 1 fe?50T"!'i m buy. Now try Tide without rinsing and com pare the results. It's simply unbelievable how bright, fresh and clean you can get your wash with Tide, withe ut rinsing. And think c ' t work you save ! So get Tide today, and rer -ber ! The Tide that is on your dealer's shell o day in the same familiar package will givi you a dazzling clean wash without rinsingt No other washing product known matches TIDE for getting out both dirt and soap film! mm m -4