20 Capital Jonriml, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 2, 1950 f IF NOUR TICKER'S ON THE EVENTUALLY-- BUT If THAT WARDROBE'S SO SMAU-1 WONT (T BE 1 FT NUf AT ALU YOU SEE. I GET SO RADIO PROGRAMS Murder in New Orleans THURSDAY r. M. By BRETT HALLIDAY (Author of the Michael Shayna Storlei) KGW 620 NEC KOIN 870 CBS KEX 1100 ABC KSLM 1300 UBC KOCO 1490 Ke yuu nuuLB utAHioi i must UHWK.' VOU COULDNT CUS5ACAT VINYOURWAY U MANY LONG DISTANCE CALLS, J DOWN, MR. BLURB TTMmti WITHOUT GETTING HAIR IN WHEN YOU GO huiTHOUGHT I'D BETTER SLEEPOLOSE T SbssMK r II (I VOUR TEETH YOU BOYS A-r TO BED ? , Wf TO THE PHONE HERE I r-- (Chanter Fouij Shayne went up the side steps and pushed an electric button. An elder ly Negro opened one ot the doors, ana sinned, pieasanuy. "I'd like to see Mr. Carson," Shavne said. The Negro turned away and a woman stood there before Shayne. Belle Carson was a symphony In green and black. Her oiack hair was smoothed back from a high forehead and curled up around her necic. She said. "Well," in a deep voice , ana lowered her Jong Diack lashes, "I wanted to see Mr. Carson." Shayne told her. "Isn't your hus- . oana nere r : "No. Come on in." i "Won't you sit down?" she said, i indicating a cnair nearoy. ' Shayne said, "Thanks. I under- stood Mr. Carson was expected back J on the three-twenty train." i "Do you mind being alone here j with me until he comes?" she par- ried. Shayne grinned. "You haven't told me your name." ! "Some people call me Bed." . She shruRKed her shoulders. "I don't know whether he got in on the train or not. He hasn't called." "When does the next train get ;in7" I "Not until tomorrow afternoon." t "Then I guess I'll have to wait.' i "We have a half dozen guest : rooms, Bed." ? She got up and pushed a button, .The aged Negro, Abe, came in si lently. "Mr. Smith is an old friend of Mr. Carson's," she said. "He'll use the green room tonight. And ? have Pandella serve some Martinis." "Yassum. How many Xo' dinner, tmis uarsonr "Two. I don't think Mr. Carson j will be here." ; The Negro bowed and went away. I Shayne ground out his cigarette ;in an ash tray on the table beside jhis chair. He heard movement be fhind him and turned tc see a neat r Negro maid setting a silver tray rwith a frosted cocktail shaker and 'two oversized cocktail glasses on a J table. J Mrs. Carson filled both glasses rto the brim and drank hers, r "You're wondering about me, .aren't you, Bed?" she said archly. J He looked at her, "You aren't hard to figure out. You're bored i ;to hell-and-gone here in Cheepwee! married to a, small-town banker." j "Why don't you tell me who you! ?are and what you're doing here?" I J He made a negative gesture. "If1 'there's any talking to be done I'll rlet Carson do it." , r She stared hard at him, the tip! xof her tongue moistening her lips. "Why do you have to be like this?" J He muttered, "You started asking : the questions." i The doorbell rang somewhere to- ! ward the back of the house. x Abe shuffled to the door. J "They's a genmun wants to see you. Mis' Cahson," he said. "He rsay he's de law, ma'am. Come all the way f'om N'Yorleans." i Belle shot a worried glance at Shayne. "A cop from New Orleans?" she 'xclaimed. "Is he looking for you?" i "I wouldn't be surprised." i "You can bo out on the terrace i through those French doors. I'll cet rid of him." Shayne picked up his glass, got nis nai irom a cnair, and moved . toward the doors. He walked until the reached a spot where he was i hidden, yet close enough to hear i Captain Denton's voice. J "Good evening, Mrs. Carson," said J Denton. ''I've got some bad news for you." i "What kind of bad news?" t "It's about your husband. He's been murdered." j "Murdered!" ! "Last night in New Orleans. I'm : Captain Denton of the New Orleans : police. We've been all day getting a him identified by some laundry . marks and tailor's labels. It's not a tnie way for you to hear about it, 1 that is, if this is the first you've , heard of it." J "It is." : "I wondered, ma'am. You sec i there's a fellow here in town big ' red-headed fellow and I thought maybe he'd been to see you." J "No one has been here." . "If he comes you give us a ring idown at the hotel." i "How did it happen?" 1 Captain Denton told her. It was 'evident that he didn't know about 'the empty room in the St. Charles ' hotel. i "Your h usbA n A wen t to New '.Orleans to contact a private detect--ive named Michael Shayne this 'morning," Denton said. "Looks as if :he might have been killed to pre sent that meeting. What reason did ,he give for the trip?" "Just business." Captain Denton grunted and asked a few more questions. She answered -in evasive monosyllables Shayne stayed pressed against the 'wall of the house until he heard .the captain's police car drive away. kThen he went inside. Belle turned t about with a stubby pistol in her -houd. "You better sit down and do some fast explaining!" she declored. , Shayne wnlkcd over to the table iand poured a Mnrtini. Belle moved a couple of steps toward him, her eyes more curious than anyiy. "So you killed him?" she said. I "What gives you that idea?" he demanded harshly, k "I'm not a fool.Red That cop .ald they Just got the body iden tified. But you knew all about it before they did." r He took his drink to his chair and aat down. . Belle wot her llos. "You're from Whitey," she said, returning to her chair. You and Whitey killed him "last night. I don't get tt Red. He's no good to you. (lead. ' She shook her black head dis .mally. "I've got to figure this out How much does this cop know about you. Red?" "Don't worry about the cops," he repnea narsniy. Her eyes gathered flame aaaln ."Was Walter fool enouch to bo to Whiffy last night and threaten him?" "What would he threaten Whltev with?" "That detective. Michael Shavne. .Why else would Whitey kill him?" she asked sharply. "If he wasn't Conscience Returns Durant, Okla., Feb. 2 U.R C. G. I.andrrs was SI richer today because fellow citrzrn lost a 43-year-old battle with his conscience. Landers, former co-owner of a fivc-and-ten-cent store, said yesterday he had received an unsigned letter, post marked In Durant, which confessed: "Restitution: 43 years ago I had taken a little item from Lesnett and Landers store. Vou will find enclosed SI. God forgive me, I know you will." Landers said the dollar bill covered Interest due him, since no items sojd for that much in his store. afraid of Shayne. He must know he'll never get a penny out of ME. Not with Walter dead. I don't care how much he talks. I can cash in Walter's chips and get the hell out of here. She walked rapidly across the room to push the call button again. The Negro maid appeared and took the empty cockuui snaser and Blasses awav. "You must have guessed who I was when I first snowed up," Shavne said. "Sure. I figured Whitey had sent you. That's why I wanted you to stick around because I figured Walter had made arrangements." "With Michael Shayne?" "Yes. You know all about it. don t vou 7 " But that's when you sun tnougnt Waiter was anve. "Of course." Fandella came back and set the) frosted cocktail shaker by her el bow. Belle filled Shayne's glass ana then ner own. "Can they pin Walters murder cn you? He said, no. "On Whitey then?" "I don t know aoouc that. ' "Whitey must not be too wor ried, else he wouldn't have sent you here. But why did he do It any way? Like I say. he hasn't got any thing on me. I'm nob afraid of I nublicltv here like Walter was." Belle scowled and drained her glass. "I ought to turn you in." snayne reiaxea aeep in nis cnair. i "You've got me wondering," he con- lessea. "Alter the come-on you first handed me, I'll never know whether you're playing it straight or stui nanaing me a line." "Why should I hand you a line? 'I "Why did vou. at first?" "I told you that's when I thought Walter had tilings fixed for you to I come. I figured you were casing ine layout lor wnitey." Did your husband tell you to expect us today?" I no. iiut i Knew he imured to I sic tnat snamus on wnitey, and when he leit he said not to be scared if Whitey showed up here."! -irm iiKe you," anayne toid ner. "Whitey didn't tell me much, either." wnat do we care about either one of 'em? Walter's dead and Whitey must know I'll turn him in quick, as a wink ii he loois with me." Or maybe make a deal with Michael Shayne yourself?" "Where do you get tnat idea?" "Look! I'm doing a lot of guess-) ing. I know all about Shayne. Hell," he went on angrily, "how do I know It wasn't in the cards for him to bump your husband last night? Yeah. You and him to-1 aether. "You're crazy." she snapped. "I donx even Know anayne." "Hasn't he been here to see your I husband" "No." "When did they plan It all then? Your husband hasn't been to the city for months." "They didn't plan it. Walt just knew about him and figured he was the man to take care 01 wnitey. He went up to see him yesterday.! Isn't that what he told Wnitev? Isn't that why Whitey bumped him I off to keep him from going to Shavne" "Maybe that Is what he told Whitey," Shayne growled. "Thatl doesn't make it the truth. I'm still I wondering- if you fixed that room upstairs with me lor tne stake-out. You admitted you were making it easv for me to stay because you ligured your husband had it fixed for Shayne to cool me along with Whitey. How the hell do I know that doesn't still stand?" She drained her glass and her head lolled back against the chair. Redl Don t say those things.) Come over here and Kiss me. Belle staBKered to her feet, leav ing the pistol in her chair. When! she stopped kissing him she giggled I drunkeniv. The Negro maid called from the doorway. "Dinner is ready, ma'am." They didn t talk much. Belle ate like a larm hand who naa been behind a plow all day, heartily and with gusto that disdained all nre tense. 1 Shavne brooded over tne iact tnat lie had learned so little. Thus far he knew only that Whitey had something on Wnltcr Carson and that Carson had chosen to go to a private detective rather than the Xlice. Yet, she had made it very clear that Whitey himself was In some sort of danger from the law. Belle had clearly implied that car- son had honed to lure Whitey to Cheepwee where Michael Shayne could blast him down. This made it plain that Whitey was outside the law and the killing could be made to look irgnl. Other wise. Carson would have sought a regular killer for the job. He was wondering whether Carson had ac tually cone to Whltev and threat ened him with Michael Shayne as I Belle suspected, when the maid brought in the dessert When he had iinisneci. Bene asked. "Do vou want a drink now?" I could stand a drink of brandy. I'll have Fandella bring some brandy in the living room. I'm going upstairs for a minute. I won't bo long." Shavne went on into the llvinu room. The pistol still lay on tier chair. He picked It up. It was a I .38. Carson had been shot with a 32. The .38 was loaded all around. He put It in his pocket. hp poured a counie ot ringers of brandy in the glass, passed It I under his nose, closed his eyes and tossed it down without taking breath. He set the glass on the! table and went over to the writing! de.sk. Swiftly he went through the pigeonholes, in a drawer ne found a bid flat checkbook. The first stub was doted back more than four vears. Leafing through the stubs casual-1 ly, he found a meticulous notation I naming the purjwse for which each! check was drown. This precise at tention to detoil drew Shayne's at tention to a stub doted almost four months previously. It was for the sum of $h00. and the check had been drown to Sydney O. Jones. (Why wos Corson paying this money to Jones? Don't miss to- moriiw's thrilling installment.) $1 RIKti n i I II 1 r 111 LirZ!lliB IJ' :MiaJ ifltflaiHHrmLJ-aj.WrVCsdiri 7:4S I TTl TI I hi n I ill n II lilllnlll lm 1 1 UJ.I.UUUILI I in I II I I i Ml ii mi 1 1 n i .I us n s&hr io m rmi m. mm i ill - j i i i v ri j j ; j-n. i l i i ,i i i w k r -v ru x - i i " " i e ' v.o. rrm. ni i nsiiijrvm , , 1 1 i o.v i i i , n rrrv i n rr t - I I I 'w IWft...lH.w.te,rf,.,wW " O W. B W6-WE LOST PRVTHINS. W" -fcj V n w6 mm NOW Tffl K E- 1 IW9KY CARRIS ME-THE TiM B BNNE-rW INSURANCE -OF OH. I DONT V;,, W ANNIE-ANO WE R HOW TO RUN BUSINESS- P R 1 IT WAS CLOS6.BUT 6MOKE-I-I PASSED W fl COURSE, NO ONE WOULO I KNOW-VOUTJE WW WVE B UTTLE L . ylll'l I IQWUUT 1 OfJLV (SOOD TRANFD MAM uFOr it cu&nDAn I IV BODY KIN AH MARRV UP I Anrtl S iAAIIU',AV J ar"T '""HTOi if cassia makesI I name me cab- Bgg55Ega! m I' yyETfr owiA6ouiyu7) Tr-THEMosTTHRiLUNoVrrrrvessiR' i was so v-i-! M.OME rH.no THKILUNe (. WHAT5 5Q X AH'HAAAA AMDEyffiTK CHbUAY wf Tnl?n . Fn ANin nfl . sSsT VOU'DBE MOMENT OF MV lM EXCITED I WAS' V KC PLICKER3 c"'n'" 0 SURPRISED. LIFE WAS THE DAY iVZJ I SPEECHLESS FOR I" T ,"YK7..f MAKE A (ABOUT V0U?7 MR. FLICKER! L I WAS BORN I JSrUl TWO YEARS X'f frmmmmz&skmmr ; ii n mmm .. lTDTSavaiTHETSuTH.TEy, WIFE. I DON'T WANT. SMITH. I VE BEEN TELLIN6 IF WD BEEN KRfr 1SStf VEP. THE. u WE'V ALWAYS SUSPECTED 'OA -m HAVE IHOCF HIM A LITTLE ABOUT THE HEBE A FEW 8 HEI?E?- ONE WITH 1WS S "DANNY'S DINER' WAS A FRONT I TROUBLE . LETS RUN LtROUBLE VOU HAD. Jpnvrf MINUTES ASO few, MUSTACHE. BOY.' ' WE'VE NEVER 60TTCN A SHRED A , y. Kps KC 'Wi?. ONE OF 'EM. A I IIV BEATING HE SOT.' Matvxssa. ;;ffjusrs H... .mmximm uzs&mm mammMm yiJL'x-rts ...... , nuiTn, -' a.T m inniT.ww.WMTi i i iiwhiiiub. i..mij riaiiryr I f . -w JM I r.ftA.l-.. I I II run r . . . n it ; : : . m i 7 . i reWrew H& TOLLUWEU AAt HOAE I WHy, VES,lF VOU CAN -'5t)S,''...HEv-H r ' M r'A UNCA DONALD... VH BE POSITIVE HE WONT J L -rfBROUSHTl O ' 1 LVKEEPHVV (?) BE LONESOME AWAV '1 M AUVE5OMEWHERt..AN05OMtOfTHEMfg'' MAVBE I SHOOlO mMPER MWELF V V I WiCtfl I XANTIPPt! fX 7 MUST LOOK UKETHt PICTURES ON THIi WITH A fAlE IN WN 0 A5 W 1 Jllllvfl t ff A IAY0UT!--SOW PROBLEM 14 5IWLE21l WMH A mU5L IN VUN OA5l5 &2 'JJU J ayf I'M ONLV COWCECNED THIS 19 SSr WINTERS OF THE 6LAP ID KNOW MfAN ONegTHOSB -..v-J f Ann. ir urv- i v iwn uie I ctattt cvn ire up AMn udc I vo.1. GpeZPbwr. 1 1 VARMINTS HAD THE Feature Storr Green Green Foster. Ncwi tLltlla Show IS on(t of Timet Newi Uack Jack Qier reterion Newt Screen iluild Screeo fluilJ Suspeme Suspenst Mm, Cavalcade AIub. Cavalcade Crime I'hotofrftpher 'erry Corao The Playhouse The S of Vt Counterspy Counterruv Perry Corao Dracnet rrhe Ptarhooaa flflllrwood bat Urainet Theater Data Sinatra-KIrtten World Nfwi Lowell Thomas Amateur Hour Uack Smith Amateur Hour Aldrlch Fatally Keen Amateur Hour Atdricb F4mllr pir. Keen Ir. Montcomery Father Knowa Father Knowa Duffy's Tavern Duffy's Tavern F.B.I. niandls If. b.i. tniondle Beulah Club IS Vour Robert i Hayes Star Final Rlchf'ld Mort. Downey You A World Intermesso Concert Hour Concert Hour PH. Pie. "Inn I Airflo Orchestr Orchestra 11:00 H:irI 11:01 11:45 News !lr. Flx-lt Was Museum iWax Museum I Treasury Band Treasury Band Concert Concert Memos Onan Mails On an 12:0flJ Off PM Mer., KGW 100.1, 1-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, FRIDAY 6 A. M. 6:0OHodie Podt-a News Farm News News Summary 6:15 Kneass News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Tiro KOIN Klock Keep Smlllni March Tim KOCO Klock 6:45 Farm Tim KOIN Klock Keep BmlUnt News KOCO Klook 7:00 Karly Bird KOIN Klock Waahb'rn Newa News Tex Bitter 7:15 Old Bonn News Mart. Arronsky Brkfst. Qanr KOCO Klock 7 :3fl Kneass News News Bob Hasen Rise and Sblne News 7:45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zek Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock j 8:00 Kddl Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club rg. Counter Klnc'a CrusaeL ' 8:15 Kddlo Albert News Breakfast Club Family Altar Klnr'a Crusad. 8:30 lack Bercb Grand Slam Breakfast Clt' Bible Institute Western Melod. 8:45 jase Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Instltot Temple Echoes fl:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N- W. News Tim for Mel'dy 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Walton Tim for Msl'dy 9:30 3 Suns Helen Trent Art Llnklettsr Pastor's Call Stars Slni 9:45 Kneass News Our Gal Sunday Art Llnkletter Walts Tim 1. Chas Thomas 10:00 Marrlaxe for Bir Sister Sacs Rtders GUn Hardy NW News 10:15 Car. Cavaliers Ma Perkins Galen Drak Gospel Sinter Muilo 1(1:30 Hostess House Dr. Malone My Truo Story Prry Como Tune Tim 10:45 Party Guiding Lliht My True Story Morsan'a Music 88 Keys 11:00 Double, NothlDi Ind Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladles First Musle Mart 11:15 Double, Nothlni Perry Mason Victor Llndlabr Ladles First Musle Mart 11:30 Tod'ys Children N'orah Drake N'rthwestcrners Queen for Day Jan Qarber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N 'westerners Qoceo for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Baukbage Talk Top Trades H'llywood Musis 12:15 load of Life Como Get It News N W News H'llywood Musis 12:30 P. i"ng'B Fam. House Party Jack Norman Gay 90'a News 12:45 Right to Hap. Hoase Party Meet Menjous Bob Eberly Day Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Brkf. In IIoll7. "ob Mitchell Mao's Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Brkf. in llnlly. Bob Mitchell Mio's Melodies 1:30 Lorenzo Jones Harry Moore Kay West Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodies 1:45 Y'ng Wld. Br'n Klrkham Newa Kay West Bing Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 Wh. G. Marries Klrkham News Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mao's Melodies 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mao's Melodies 2:30 lust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Muslo for Fn. Mae's Melodies 2:45 Front Pg. Far'll Tunefully Yours Bride & Groom Musle for Frl. Mao's Melodies 3:00 Welo. Travelers Art Klrkham Quick as Flush Geo. Jnmboree Mac's Melodies 3:15 Wclc. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Geo. Jamboree Mao's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary .Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mae's Melodies 345 Wo Love. Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Gay Nlnatlcs Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn, Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Tims 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Byers Can B 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. Murrow Firefighters Lvcws Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC S50 lHAr Thursday P.M. - 8:00, P VnV- dren's Theatert 8:15, Oi Chll- On the Upbeat I fi:50. 650 Sports Clobi S, News: fl:18. Organ Maslcj 6:30, 'Round Camp flret 9:00, Headlines In Chemlstryt 1:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8, Flying Timet 8:18, OSO Library; 8:30, Vet News; 8:45, News; and Weatber; 9:00, Mnsle That Endures; 9:45. Evening Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. I Fourteenth Birthday I Date Is Celebrated Mt. Angel A surprise birth day party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer for Miss Dorothy Dibali, on her 14th birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross and daughters of Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray ACROSS 1. Rail 4. Skips 9. Kemunerata 12. Past 13. Sawlike part 14. Individual 15. Pitch a tent 17. Marine moll u sk 10. Italian opera 21. Whale 22. Pointed summit 25, Masculine, name 28. Alternative 29. Open court 30. White vest mont 31. Sun 33. Draw forth 35. Food fish 36. Crackles 38. Scarce 40. Greek lettei 41. Ancient slava 42. Idiom of a certnin language 44. Bark of the paper mul berry 46. Garden plots 47. Army post at San Francisco BO. Snow vehicle 63. Pronoun 54. Of the feet 56. Forever 67. Write 68. Growing; out 59. Employees 7 13 IfPI4" f I6 I7" I8 WHV ' I" m m is Ibvmq q ft I535 u wMa 1 1 1 I im AP Newsfsolvrci ROOM AND BOARD Wm, jp INSTEAD Of AM ALARM CLOCK TO ' tIivVt W awaken the sleeper, ey his ear. S A X HAVE IT, I thru AN RRTAT,NG BELL, THE ( EUREKAc-tJ ' PUFFLE CLOCK WILL AROUSE HW T V ' FROM SLUMBER BY HIS NOSE ) THE SLEEPER WILL BE AWAKENED . I BY THE JOYOUS SMELL OF COFFEE ) l -V V AND THE DEUGHTFUL ODOR. Jjflltfl iflTTj 0,8 FRY1NIG BACON-VES.... .) Straliht Arrow 'straiibt Arrow Is win Time Swim Time Armstroni Armstroni i-Bar-B Ranch i-Bar-B Ranch niinc Crosby Band of Day . C. Hlil ie Edition Gab. Heater Candle Mlht A Silver News Twllliht Son W. News , Romances Romauoes Telle Test Serenad Drama Guest Star Mnsle. Jackpot Evelya Ksltkt Sports is of Times With Judy Mysterious Wttn Juay Traveler pHop'Inc CasildylTraek 11M hfop'lnf Caasldy Track 1490 Sports lor All Sports for All (Track 14M pTrack 1400 Glen Hardy Barber Shop Ray Block Ray Block Track 1400 Club Serenada Business iNews Nathan Plane rattara Bep'lr Fait. Lewis Jr. Local Newa Nfrht Bona: tNliht Son tMusie You Waal Musle Aiune in Waal Hour Hour Love Mystery Noetura Les Brown Benny Strong1 Benny fitronr INoeturna fNoclnrtta NocturM ISIrn Off a.m., n.. KEX ti t, I tt I .i TO 4:45 P. M. IO At Friday A.M. 10:00, News and vMX Weather; 10:16, Especially for Women t 11:00. School of Alri 11:15, Con cert Hall i 12:00, News i 1?:15, Noon Farm Uouri 1:00, Ride 'cm Cowboyi 1:15. School of Alrt 1:30, Public Health; 1:45. Melody Lanet 1, Clubwomen's Half Hour; 1:30, Memory Book of Music; S, News; 8:15, Mn sle of the Masterst 4:00 Oregon Reporter; 4:15, Favorite Hymns, Maurer and Andy of Marquam. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance Gerlits and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Jr.,, Mildred Maurer and Jack Brutan of Silverton. The evening was spent in play ing games by the youngsters and cards by the others. Miss Dibali is making her home with her sister and brother-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer of Mt, Angel. Is Is A Vl h1eei Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN 1. Cistern 2. Turkish tltU 2. Style of type 4. Bono 5. Threatened 6. Masculine name ?. Armistice) 8. Glut 9. Controversial 10. Babylonian deity lL Word of consent IS. The pineapple) 18. Entry In an account 20. Defies 22. Armed fore 23. Golf clubs 24. Feminine nam 26. Sacred Images 27. Arctic plant 30. Eagle's nest 32. Portable out door lamp 34. Kind of sailboat 37. Edible seeds 39. Purposes 42. Burdened 43, Moham medanism 45. Smoking device 47. Soft drink 48. Regret 49. Mountain In Crete 61. Optical organ 62. Lair 55. Football post tlon: abbr By Gene Ahem Hornet Hornet A R A DflA R AfoU AR E T eo U Rllu n e v i nQr ecljn Ha" l eiMTn h o v e N A RTQA g HOW t R p 0 8 s E tBv b rTT T ImmmI T R JL c a r Bne C R E E BC A HOT C g HiRES Hn A OR E. C a o o r n eTd fl HT N G F 6 pflAmLlI