16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 2,. 1950 'Black-Eyed Pea Battle Rages Between Virginia and Texas By HARMAN W. NICHOLS (United Preu Stiff Correjpondent) Washington, Feb. 2 (U.PJ You have the word of the senator: Virginians are bigger and huskier than Texam because Vir ginia womenfolks know how to cook black-eyed peas." Sen. A. Willis Robertson of Lexington stood up, drummed his chest, and submitted himself as a towering example. The demo crat from Virginia is six feet 2 'A Inches tall and said that his son is the same height and weighs more than 200 pounds. Robertson was the host in what was logged as the "second round of the black-eyed peas battle." On Jan. 19, Rep. Lindley Beckworth of Gladewater, Tex., pitched a luncheon and served, as a side dish, Texas black-eyed peas flown from the Lone Star state. Beckworth at the time pronounced his peas unexcelled of course. Yesterday, Robertson replied in kind with a luncheon for Beckworth and Senator Tom Connally, D., Tex. It was listed as a "contest but there was no decision." Robertson said his peas were furnished by Henry Taylor of Walkerton, Va., "one of the best pea-growers in the nation." The big, graying gentleman from Virginia wasn't bashful in his praise of the black-eyed peas produced in his state. "Of course," said the senator, "we must recognize the fact that no black-eyed pea can rise above the quality of its chef. That prin cipally is where the Virginia product excels. Virginia house wives know the flavoring qua lities of Smithfield cured hog jowl and that flavoring is deftly added to Virginia peas." Robertson seemed amazed to learn that everybody in the world did not know that corn bread made of "flinty white corn ground on a stone slowly turned by water power" makes a fine "with it" for black-eyed peas. "In the summer," he added "of course you serve good old corn pone, made of nothing but meal with salt and water and cooked quickly in a hot oven and eaten while steaming hot. In the late winter and early spring, the Virginia housewife serves tender, succulent turnip greens with black-eyed peas and corn bread accompanied by freshly churned buttermilk, as cool as the dew on white clover and speckled with yellow butter as though it had been sprinkled with gold dust. In summer, the accompanying vegetables are stewed tomatoes with bread crumbs and sugar, plus corn puddin', rich with cream." At his luncheon, the Virginian dished up peas cooked his way and the Texas way. He announced to his guests that he hoped "my Texas friends will not think I am taking unfair advantage of the Texas growers if I slipped a little hog jowl in with the peas. That's the way we do it at home, where we pro duce the best black-eyed peas in the world." As a teaser, the senator passed out saucers of Texas peas. "These," he said, "are pre pared with a piece of white bacon. You can smell the differ ence." He invited comment. There was a loud slupping of peas around the table as the guests from Texas gave the two dishes an "honest test." Then the man from Virginia got his comment. It came from Beckworth, who admitted he had enjoyed his meal, and thanked his colleague for same. "But senator," he said. "You Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W alio wiih. rctipe. paint and re-alat your old Venetian blind. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-732S U53 Bute M. West Salem We rive S H Green Stamps Action Sought Albany Speed-up of con struction work on the Green Peter flood control dam on the Quartzville river in eastern Linn county is wanted by Linn county farms, 75 of them made known recently when at a drainage conference in the Vet eran's Memorial hall where they passed a motion asking Oregon's delegation in congress to at tempt immediate procurement of the required appropriation, The farmers took this action after hearing an extensive re view of Linn county s drainage, irrigation and flood control problems by local speakers and U.S. engineers. County Extension Agent O. E Mikcsell asserted that drainage is one of the foremost problems in Linn county and said that the county encompasses 240,000 acres of soil types which would benefit from either open or ditch or tile drainage. Club Members Invited Willamina Local boys and girls in 4-H dairy and livestock clubs have been invited to at tend the 4-H banquet for all Polk county livestock club mem bers, sponsored annually by the McMinnviile Cooperative Creamery, will be Wednesday. February 8, at 7:30 in the Rick- rcall Grange hall. mention hog jowl and you men tion white bacon. You use the jowl; we use the bacon. But the last time I looked, both jowl and bacon came from the hog. Could it be the same hog. The luncheon adjourned. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsioorelievesptomptlybecause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help looicn and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchia! mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. PRFflMllLSION for Coughs, ChestColds, Bronchitis 13EB CM?8 If you are Interested in quality meats at the thriftiest prices, be sure and shop Randall's, where there is an abundance of everything including friendly, courteous service. Eastern Or. Hereford HAMBURGER Eastern Ore. Hereford BEEF ROAST SAU''AGE T-B0NES 45' it 42e b 59e b Pork Steak ,. 39c Picnic Hams it. 37c We make Our Own Fancy Large Colored Fancy Large Colored LITTLE LINKS HENS FRYERS Fresh Dally Fully Dressed & Drawn Fully Dressed & Drawn 49c b '1.49 "11.39 - LOCKER BEEF S Tender Young Ore, Hereford Most Economical lb. 39c WW HUM 1288 State Street FOOD MARKET Phone 2-9237 JELL-0 aix Delicious Mayors , Desserts & Puddings pKgS. 19 "BabTFoo'd, 3 ,. 20c SNOWDRIFT 3 69c riKr':"::c,,"2..,.29c spam t 35c ft tf I LARGE PACKAGE fe Soap Powders 25c Cling Large No. li tin, Albert n J Peaches ...h IC Oats 0lb pUf OOC Deschutes ak OA Crisp Green Jumbo Size mm Potatoes IU ,,. OYC Celery Each I X TOMATOES Ripe, Full Flavored Tube 19. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. FRI. . SAT., FEB. 2-3-4 Moovr. SommpDe SALLE NATIONALLY FAMOUS ADMIRAL APPLIANCES ' I ' i 'a J 3 a m . ...... it - J It I " I It -Ml ' tfl 1 fl Famous Dual-Temp Refrigerator, the "2 in 1" no defrosting refrigerator. Dual-Temp home freezer compartment and moist-cold, no-defrosting compartment. 9.6 Cu. Ft. capacity (Freezing locker 2.06 Cu.' Ft. and moist cold compartmen 7.5 Cu. Ft.) 17.359 Ft. shelf space. Freezer capacity 56 pounds 20 below zero for fast freezing 10 lbs. of ice. Moist-cold compartment with high relative humidity two convenient sliding drawers for Fruits and Vegetables. Sterilamp ultra-violet rays stops bacteria growth and many other features DuPont Dulux Finish on Bonder lied Steel. NOW Was $44995 $ 399 95 No Down Payment No Interest for 12 Months NOT ILLUSTRATED Admiral 8. 1 cu. ft. Master Model, 23 lbs. froz en food capacity, 15.8 sq. ft. shelf area, twelve-point fingertip cold control, glass meat storage tray, silent hermetically sealed unit. Lifetime oiling, Freon (Fiz) refrigerant. Safe, efficient, non-toxic and non-inflammable. 5 year Admiral Protection Plan. NOW Was $23995 $ 189 95 No Down Payment No Interest for 12 Months Large 10.3 cu. ft. Standard Admiral Refrigerator with 23 lbs. frozen food capacity; shelf area 18.8 sq. ft.; glass covered porcelain sliding crisper for fruits and vegetables; porcelain enamel-lined interior with acid resisting bottom; extra large dry storage bin; gleaming white Du Pont DuLux on Bonderized steel exterior finish. Vi" thick insul ation, twelve-point fingertip cold control. Hermetically sealed, life time oiling silent unit. Freon (Fiz) refrigerant, safe and efficient. Non-toxic, non-inflammable, new exclusive Admiral "Easy Pull" door handle with self-closing latch; extra heavy, full ring bearing, adjust able hinges. 5-year Admiral Protection Plan on all models. Was$309" now $259 No Down Payment No Interest for 12 Months 95 NOT ILLUSTRATED ADMIRAL DELUXE 8.1 CU. FT. A beautiful, deluxe refrigerator with large 35 lbs. frozen food com partment plus two ice trays; big cold storage and defrosting tray; 56 ice cubes with tilt release on trays; twin glass covered, plastic sliding crispers for fruits and vegetables; extra large storage bin; twelve point fingertip cold control; new design freezer door of embossed alum inum. You must see it! Was$27995 now No Down Payment No Interest for 12 Months 229 95 ATTENTION VETERANS! Your insurance dividend is worth cash RIGHT NOW! If you are regularly employed and will produce your last insurance premium receipt, our credit department will credit you with the full amount of your dividend on the immediate purchase of any merchandise in the store. Pay for your purchase when you receive your dividend check NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO INTEREST. If your check is more than your purchase we advise that you invest the balance in U. S. Savings Bonds. 340 Court St. 5ajem Qre I