Capital Journal, SaTem, Ore., Thursday, February 2, 1950 15 Lebanon, Feb. 2 Opening event of Lebanon Methodist's cen tennial year was an all-church iamily dinner Wednesday in the supper room of the church. Costumes of a century ago were worn by many attending the affair. The Methodist organization of Lebanon is 100 years old in 1950, Safeway brings you the Finest in Meats. . . WASTE-FREE & Guaranteed to Please! -"""according to research begun by Rev. Thomas Yarnes, pastor here in 1920, and continued by Rev. Henry Atkinson. Their records place the beginning at 1B48 or 1850 when John McKinney of Brownsville held the first serv- RIB ROAST STEAKS 2 lb.75 T-BONE STEAKS Ib. 89' SHORT RIBS Ib. 29' PORK LIVER 29' PORK SAUSAGE Ib. 45' PICNICS tS Ib. 37' ics in a log cabin near the pres ent location of the Lebanon high SLICED BACON school. RIB STEAK 'Father" Wilbur, early Meth odist circuit rider, organized the congregation in 1850. For sev eral years the church was link ed with Brownsville and served OR OYSTERS 65' ib. 69c med. lizes pint by ,pastors from that center. From 1857 to the present, rec mil I Concentrated Roll L CCC U1ILI add water & beans ID. DO PER LB. 39" ords of the Oregon conference Lebanon Methodist Church Now Observing Centennial give a complete list of the min isters. The church has occupied three Leader Dr. Heinrich Xeuchtgens (above), an aged banker who was leader of the German Right party, is one of the leaders of the new Ger man Reich party that has been formed in western Ger many by the merger of two right-wing groups. The new party appeals frankly to na tionalists and militarists. It flaunts the black, white and red flag of the Kaiser's Reich and favors the song, "Deutschland Uber Alles" which German soldiers sang in two world wars. ( AP Wire-photo) Silage Clinic February 1 1 Saturday, February 11, will be silage clinic day for Marion county dairy and livestock peo ple. All operators either using or interested in silage are invited to bring samples of their silage to the meeting in the Mayflow er hall in Salem from 10 to 12 noon Saturday, February 11. Ben A. Newell, county exten sion agent, says 10 samples have already been taken to the lab oratory for protein, dry matter and vitamin content tests. The samples brought in on Febru ary 11 by farmers will be com pared with those already tested. Purpose of the meeting is to discuss with the group what conditions made for good silage and the situation that may have caused a poor quality product to result. Grass, legume and corn silage is widely used now for dairy cattle, says Newell, and is fast finding its way into beef and sheep rations as a good succu lent, palatable feed. Deer often starve to death rather than move far from the protection of a woods. buildings, the log cabin first, for a short time only, after which it was merged with the Santiam Academy and used both for school and church purposes. A church was built In 1887 and served until 1910 when the pres ent massive stone structure was erected February is the first month in a year of centennial celebrating. Next event is scheduled for Feb ruary 10 when former pastors and members will return. That week-end is highlighted by the 11 o'clock service on February 12, when Bishop Gerald Ken nedy of Portland is to speak, his topic being A Man Named Wesley." The centennial book of the church is to be available on June 1. Publications editor Oliver Larson, assisted by Anna D. S. Pratt, editor of history Documents and pictures for the book are now being collected by the present pastor, Rev. Carl Mason, Hereford Breeders Will Hear McKenzie Oregon Polled Hereford breeders will hear Dr. Fred Mc Kenzie of Oregon State college when they meet in the Senator hotel in Salem at 7 p.m. Mon day, February 6. R. B. Sears, Salem, president of the breeders, has arranged for a banquet and program that will be of interest to all beef producers, whether Hereford or other breeds. A new moving picture on hoof and mouth disease will be shown by Ben A. Newell, Salem, secretary of the association, Westlands Grandparents Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Dave Westland have received word of the birth of a grand child, Milo Andrew Trussel, to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Trussel of Chicago, January 25. This is the first grandson of the Westlands ana the first child born to Mr. ani'. Mrs. Trussel. iifuiiu-rtir . rj WINE mmsrljafyt I Jeite. -f Ml Quality Meats Courteous Service Peerless Market "At City Bus Stop" Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 170 North Commercial Phone 3-5704 STEENS HI GRAf HAM$;55eib. Sugar Cured Jowl BACON 22c lb. SUGAR CURED SLICED BACON 49c lb. LARGE JUICY FRANKFURTERS 29c lb. LITTLE PIG LINK SAUSAGE 49c lb. SMALL, PLUMP STEWING HENS 45cib. CHOICE MILK FED FRYERS 59cib. GRADE A FRYING RABBITS 5 9C lb. o ROASTING CHICKENS LB. 69' LB. 59 FEATURED THIS WEEK! MANOR HOUSE BRAND These are selected birds, plump with tender, sweet meat. U?emember, too, all Safeway poultry is com pletely dressed and drawn ready for the pan. No waste! o HEN TURKEYS LB. 59' FRICASSEE FOWL LB. 59 m m t mmmmmmmmmmm m mj -$jm mmm mm m m m Prices in This Ad Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, February 3-4-6 CAMAY 3 'ft 23c 10c SALMON Prince Leo Pinlc Salmon No. 1 Can 39 BEAUTY SOAP Bath Size Bar TIDE " 69c VEL 'sr 25c IVORY l2S All-Purpo.e Bar 2 FOR25C IVORY01 25c Snow ' SPRY a 69c Shortening WHITE MAGIC SOAP Meadow Wood Butter Grade 'A' lb. 69c GRADE 'A' EGGS LARGE SIZES Doz. 43c Pork & Beans Van Camo No. 2 can 19c 1 'Ond Green Beans Gardenside No. 2s225c m cornea Deer Libbs 12-oz.can jvc w tfj . d: i- ic. " o,. 'cu r IMCUppiC Libby sliced No. 1 can o Pineapple Juice No0s 229c fc0 Cranberry Jelly S 2 cans29c Ijn ' i uiiirvin Moonbeam No. 2V4can" iilililii If. jwirr s rrem 12-oz. can c m& -n, Symp Sleepy Hollow 26-oz. bottle 49C jlr fif f Cheese Food w,...m o,u,, 75c iD- Pie Crust Mix PiiisbUry 0 oz pk. 231c . '6 Pancake Flour suzanna 40 0Z.Pkg 29c 6 SdCL SunnybankMarqarine nerib 25c LJ0-A nuiiuTTiwii iimu Lunch Box pt. 3:;::::: Nob Hill Coffee ,b.b69e.S. 1.37 11 Airway Coffee ib.bag65c il .1.29 c j i riL bunuiUS VUIIC6 lb. can Argo Gloss Starch Graham Crackers 73c lb 1.45 12c 16-oz. pkg. Pirates AQm Gold 2 lbs. t'C SPAGHETTI ssl 2 ?25c 23c White Magic Contest Now In full swing Get details at your nearest Safeway. POTATOES V49 1 GRAPEFRUIT 69c ORANGES 5-rfc 10c 53c iTocados 29c Sorsn,'ps 10c Carrots Q Spinach lb 10 oz. cello pkg 'A Cauliflower 10 Tomatoes OQr lb Moz. tube Se,e' 122 IU,nips 9c Ml 7 7 it. i r . Ya,. I . 7 if I f -iS 7 Winesap RPLES xcellent all-purpose apple Packed in cellophane 5-lb. Pkg. 49c