Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    14-CapHaI Journal, Salem,' Ore, Thursday Feb;' 2, 19S0 r CL.'., 1 r ,
Asking About 'Vacationland'
United PreM sttft Correspondent)
Oregon cool, green vacation land. .
While the thermometer' thumped. to ridiculous new lows in
many parts of Oregon this week, potential tourists from all the
states and several foreign countries were writing in to the state's
travel information department to learn about:
Oregon cool
green vacation
Where will
the fishing be
good the first
two weeks oi
July? A couple
from Culver
City, Cal., want
to know. In
practically ev
ery part of the
state, the de-
A: M
Wllllaa ftmrm
Where Thieves Took Gems Mr. and Mrs. Stantor. D. San
son look through closet (left) in their New York City apart
ment following theft of jewelry valued at $428,000 and $500 in
cash from the closet. At right Sander Marcus, vice president
of the Sanson Hosiery company, and business associate of
Sanson, looks at the empty jewel boxes from which the
gems were taken. A portrait of Mrs. Sanson, a former model,
is on table. (AP Wirephoto)
Crew Leader Applications
Being Received by Bateson
Application for the position of crew leader in the 17th federal
census to be conducted in April are now being received by the
Salem district office of the United States bureau of the census.
Applications will be accepted up to February 13. and final
elections for crew leader positions will be made about the end
of February after oral and writ-
ie examination of those who
meet the qualifications.
Letters should be addressed
to Cornelius Bateson, district
at-pervisor, bureau of the cen
(us, Salem, asking for applica
tion blanks. Those who have al
ready listed their names with
Hub Saalfeld, Marion county
veterans service officer, will au
tomatically receive application
Bateson states that two urban
crew leaders, for work in Salem,
and four rural crew leaders,
for work in the balance of Mar
ion county, are to be appointed
In Marion county. Each crew
leader will supervise from 13 to
20 enumerators.
Qualifications required for
election as crew leader include,
as a minimum, a high school ed
ucation and at least three years
of experience In supervising or
assisting In the supervision of
an office force or field crew,
training of subordinates, mak
ing and reviewing reports of av
erage difficulty, and handling
related assignments.
In general, an applicant'! re
cord of experience must show
satisfactory performance In In
creasingly responsible positions.
College education may be count
ed in lieu of experience.
Applicants for rural crew
leader positions should have
farm experience as well as a
good knowledge of the geogra
phy of Marion county. Veterans,
men and women, if eligible on
written and oral examination,
will be given preference. Pay Is
adequate and crew leaders will
be reimbursed for the use of
their car which each crew lead
er is required to have.
The census bureau further
specifics that the applicant's
previous employment and as
sociation must be of such a na
ture that they will facilitate ob
taining cooperation from re
spondents. Census bureau em
ployes are sworn to secrecy
and are punishable by law for
revealing confidential informa
tion, but beyond this, care is
exercised to employ only per
sons who have public confidence.
Mrs. Eastman III
Silverton Mrs. Austin East
man entered the local hospital
Tuesday suffering from a heart
Dallas Garage
Work Continues
Dallas Extensive remodel
ing of the J. A. Inglis Motor
company garage is well on the
way towards completion, ac
cording to J. A. Inglis, owner.
Mechanics and garagemen
have moved into a large con
crete block addition where
double-lift hoists and the shop
is now located.
The shop office has moved to
adjoin the new garage area.
Former space used by the shop
office is now devoted to an en
larged parts room and parts
Ultimately the showroom for
new car sales will be enlarged
in the old building, and garage
offices will be moved back to
allow more room. Old shop
space will be utilized as a used
car room.
A new front will be added
across the entire structure on
Jefferson street before the pro
ject is completed.
The garage occupies about a
quarter of a city block in area.
Mrs. Kennedy Bostess .
Lafayette Mrs. Nancy Ken
nedy entertained with a din
ner party at her home for the
following guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Sern Christensen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Meeker and daughter,
Darlene; Reverend and Mrs. Ro
bert Tusant and sons, and her
sons, Curtis, Bernett and Cur
tis Jr.
partment wrote back, enclosing a
pamphlet, "Fish Oregon Waters'
and its all-around general fold
er, "Oregon Cool Green Vaca
tion Land," which observes:
"Oregon's countless clear, cold
mountain streams and lakes, fed
by the everlasting snows of the
higher mountains assure an ade
quate supply of cool fresh water
which makes Oregon's trout fish
ing in inland streams and lakes
highly attractive." (Correct, In
July. But this week in those
high mountains Santiam Pass
22 below, in the Cascades! Mea
cham 38 below, in the Blue
mountains! Cold mountain
streams? Right! Everlasting
snow? Yolks!)
Another couple from San
Francisco is planning to vaca
tion in Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia. When's the
best month? The department
replied anywhere from April to
October, depending on whether
you like spring or fall flowers
for your scenery or cool ocean
breezes In midsummer. (Eight
above at Coquille on the coast
this week. Cool? Ooh!)
The first two days of this
week, with the mercury sagging
to 10 below in Salem for the
capital city's coldest reading on
record, the travel information
department with headquarters
here received 2,257 inquiries
about Oregon as a cool green
vacation land. Last week 3,436
inquiries. Lots of folks plan
ning to come and see us, folks.
In the vacation season which is
only a few months away, even
if It does seem a whole ther
mometer away right now.
Where does the largest per-
tie family U
W 1
centage of inquiries, and sub
sequently the largest number of
tourists, come from? Why,
from none other than that happy
hunting ground of the tourist,
California. Ten per cent of our
visitors will be from the state
to. our south. And Florida,
which gives California what-
for in tourist competition, will
send more tourists to Oregon
than any other state in the deep
How come all this early In
terest in Oregon vacations, at
this time when some pessimists
are convinced the Ice age is clos
ing in again? It's developed
through a series of eye-catching,
vacation - appealing advertise
ments, run in several national
magazines and in newspapers
throughout the country publi
cations with a total circulation
of 35,000,000. The department,
which is under the state highway
commission, is directed by Man-
ley F. Robison.
Among tne thousands of in
quiries already received from
persons planning, Oregon vaca
tions this coming season, Robi
son discloses, are several from
Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Canada,
England, Turkey, France, Iran,
the gold coast of Africa, India,
The Philippines, Malaya. None
yet from Russia.
From Germany have come
several inquiries about beautiful
Oregon scenery and other attrac
tions wistful because the per
sons making the inquiries can't
possibly make it here financial
ly. But they get the full treat
ment of pamphlets from the de
partment concerning the coun
try Harry Leon Wilson called
The Green Land.
The department sends out
about one million folders a year
in answer to inquiries and to
adorn travel bureaus through
out the country. Last year near-ly-
115,000 inquiries were re
ceived by the department a lot
of persons intrigued by the
green land.
Radiator of your car cracking
right now with the cold? Water
pipes frozen? Feet frosted?
Suffering from the deep-freeze
Doqs Go Torlhis famous 7dod
That Contain CiV,
0 ME
KEN-L-RATION Costs Far Less Than
Butcher Meat Saves Dog Owners
Mnnv HoZirc "Compare Kco-L-Ration with other doc
many UOIiarS foodi.Ojrn can and notice the chunk
of lean, red meat nutritious U. S. Government. Inspected horse
neat Supercharged with all known "dog-health" itamint . . .
enriched with vital minerals. Yet costs far less than
batcher meat. Nothing to cook. Nothing to add. Just Wp2-)
open and serve. Get 3 cans of KenLRauon from ytxir
favorite wore today. Belter yet, bur it by the easel PEHV
Pin BOO IOOK Nothing like id Send name and lMfe rnr
address for your Free copy today. Kcn-L-Rauon, tan
Chicago 77, Illinois.
GROCERS SAY... difference between
beet and cane sugar
Many years ago there was a difference between beet and cane sugar.
But for more than a generation beet sugar and cane sugar have
been just the same.
"There is no difference between the sweetening power of cane sugar
and beet sugar. In fact, it is virtually impossible to distinguish one
from the Other, even by chemical tests." Tht Passive Grocer Magazine
Octobtr, 1949
Grown and produced right here in the West
Hog Support
Plan Explained
Farmers have been asking
how hog price support works
and some have inquired how
they can get it.
Recent information from, the
production and marketing ad
ministration explains the opera
tion of this program.
Through December 31, 1949,
support at '90 percent of parity
was mandatory. After Decem
ber 31, the support may be at
any level from 0 to 90 percent
but the U.S. department of agri
culture has announced that
prices will be supported at 90
percent through March, 1950.
Th? rate after March has not
been set. The market prices up
to January 7 of this year were
ahove 90 percent of parity mak
ing a support program unneces
srry. Under present authority, the
method of carrying out hog price
support would be to remove
from commercial channels any
amount of surplus pork that is
necessary to prevent hog prices
from falling below established
support levels. Weekly support
guides have been established to
show the average market prices
that are needed for farm prices
to average out to the support
If support operations become
necessary as determined oy
nave couragel The warm
months will be here soon, with
hot months following, spreading
the heat across the country. Then
you'll be glad, Robison reminds
you, that you re already living
where the tourists from all other
states and from foreign coun
tries will be coming to enjoy
refreshing vacations. In:
Oregon cool green vacation
FOOD value:
!VfflsJ economy six
sfc lor. ..stays
at youi
these guides, pork . snd pork
products would be purchased
since the purchase of live hogs
is not practical. Purchases would
be made from packers operat
ing under federal Inspection
since pork produced by other
slaughterers cannot be shipped
across state lines nor exported
from the United States.
Existing legislation does not
provide for making direct pay
ments to producers to support
hog prices. To provide a specific
support price for each produc
er, it would be necessary to de
termine the grade. and value of
each lot of hogs. If it could be
done, this would result In the
same difficulties as fixed differ
entials. In addition, the grading
of all sales would require ex
tremely complex administrative
M Jsf3 minutes mWu 6r Jte
SiylOWDRlFTis bnalsorized
tmi ii a a - Sssafesiii Tsal
A Snowdrift quick-method rrip .
Melt 1 square unsweetened chocolate over hot
81ft together Into one large bowl;
Vh cups tlftad cak flour
7Vt tip. doubU-CKtion baking powder
(V tap. tingle-action)
1 hp. toll
Iti cup auger
Vx cup Snowdrift
14 cup milk
Mix enough to dampen flour. Beat 9 minutes.
If by hand, count beating time only. With elec
tric mixer use "low speed"; scrape bowl often.
Scrape beaters after 2 minutes.
2 tggt
Hi cup mXk
1 hp. vanilla
Beat 1 minute. Remove to another bowl; stir
in melted chocolate. Turn white and chocolate
batters alternately Into 2 greased 8" layer pans
lined with plain paper. Bake in moderate oven
(375'F.) about 25 minutes. Cool and frost wtth-
CHOCOLATE ICING: Heat together H cup water,
2 tbtp. butter and 1 tbsp. Snowdrift, Add 3 one
OS. squares of unsweetened chocolate (melted) ;
1 Up. vanilla; end blend. Add chocolate mix.
ture to 3 cups tifted confectioner? tuaar;
beat until creamy-smooth. Ice cake.
Only on emulsorized shortening give
you these luscious cakes In such a jiffy!
What enthusiastic praise youll hear when you
serve Snowdrift's Chocolate Marble Layer Cake.
How light. rich and luscious! Best you ever
bo Iced.'
Yes, in only three minutes your batter Is mixed
and ready for baking because Snowdrift is emul
sorized. Only an emulsorized shortening blends
so completely, makes cake mixing so quick. New
cake success is that easy, thanks to Snowdrift.
Baking and cooking with pure creamy Snow
drift is such a joy. Use it every day.. .for tender
biscuits; light, flaky pie crusts; crisp, rich cookies;
and for wholesome, delicious fried foods.
Shop the easy way make one stop at Ladd's Complete Food Market and save your time and
money! You can depend on high quality at reasonable prices for all your food needs . . ; de
licious high grade meats, well-known brands of groceries, frozen foods, bakery goods
also magazines, greeting cards, cosmetics and drugs, variety department. Remember . . .
shop at LADD'S and SAVE!
I CUP Q3HH3 flffii
BACON-Sliced 0Qf
Lean and Tasty lb. WV.
HENS Baking o Stewing OQr
Gems of Economy lb. V
SAUSAGE-Ladd Mixed 3Q
For Breakfast or Lunch so good! lb.
Quick Cooking energy treat lb. "
FRYERS-Pan Ready CQr
Completely Oressed lb.
Fine for seasoninr or frylnr . .lb. I w
Texas Pink V for WV
Netted Gems No. 1 lbs. IW
Large Green
DURKEE'S Vi pt. jar O lQc
Delicious Salad Aid "for I
FLOUR-Kirchen Queen OC 179
Another Fine Saving! " lbs.
COFFEE-American Club
Always Fresher lb.
Hoody'i Crush highest calory Jar
Most versatile item in cupboard! large size
Large, White Navys lb. cello
2 25c
lb. cello
RICE-Fancy O OQr
Long Grain lb. eelloW
CORN-Cream Style O OCr
Mission SOS site Can W for VJl
mm u
1705 South 12th St.
These Prices Effective Friday
and Saturday, February 3-4
Open 9 to 9