10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, February 2, 1950 Met Stars Miffed Because 7957 Contracts Have Not Offered New York, Feb. 2 ff) Lauritz Melchior feels jilted. Helen Traubel's feelings are hurt. They both say the Metropolitan Opera has done them wrong. It seems that the Met has not yet offered them contracts for next season, and they think that the Met should have done so or at least made preliminary overtures by now. Big, jovial Melchior, the Met's leading Wagnerian tenor lor Z4 years, is so miffed that he says his days at the Met may be over. "It's sentimental business," he said. "It is like to love a girl I f'j Patience His leg stuck in a basement drain at his home In Cleveland, O., 15-month-old Patrick Daley calmly drinks from his bottle while his mother, Mrs. Raymond Daley, comforts him. Firemen re leased him in a half hour by chipping away the concrete. (AP Wirephoto) very much and have her leave you. It hurts." His pained remarks yesterday came just three days after Miss Traubel, top Wagnerian soprano for a decade, disclosed that she was upset by the Metropolitan's attitude. , She said she would "proceed with other plans" In view of the Met's failure to discuss a con tract with her. However, it was reported that negotiations for signing on Miss Traubel were going on between her manager and Met officials. There also were reported plans or re-engaging Klrsten Fiagstad, the famed Norwegian soprano who returned to Nazi held Norway In 1941. At that time, Miss Traubel stepped into Miss Flagstad's place as the Met's leading Wag nerian soprano. Melchior said that "unless in dicated plans change material ly," he would sing his last Met ropolitan role tonight. "I can only assume," he said, "that if I don't miss the swan boat in 'Lohengrin' Thursday night, it will be my goodbye to the Metropolitan Opera public." (In the opera, Melchior steps on the back of a model swan, and rides it off the stage. In one performance, he made a misstep and failed to get aboard.) He said Rudolph Bing, the Met's new manager, had not ap proached him 'for customary preliminary discussion," and that Bing should have done this be' fore his press conference today on the Met s plans for the 1950 51 season. Bing has said contract talks usually start in February or March. 'I don't think the new man ager has shown a great deal of consideration for an honest and faithful worker," Melchior said. "I could understand if my work were not satisfactory, but as long as people don't ask for their money back when I sing, I think I have a right to sing." He said his plans now are for a heavy concert tour next sea son. Even if he doesn't get to wind up his 25th anniversary with the Met. "I still have my friends, my audience and I will still be mar ried to the same girl." He and Mrs. Melchior will have been married 25 years in May. "That," he said, "will be one silver anniversary that will be celebrated for sure." Nation's New Multi-Billions Housing Program Under Way By BILL ROSS Washington, Feb. 2 W The nation's new multi-billion dollar federal housing and slum clearance programs are getting under way. , Wheels started turning last fall when congress okaved legisla tion for housing projects for low income families. Another bill was enacted setting up a long-g range master plan for slum clearance. It's taken several months to set up the machinery. Now, however, the gears are meshing. More and more communities daily are being added to the list of those asking for, or now about to receive, a share of the gov ernment aid. So far the government, under the housing program, has ap proved construction of 275,000 new dwelling units during the next two years. The buildings will be largely apartments and all are earmarked for low-priced rentals. Slum clearance projects have been slower. To date just seven cities have received go-aheads on specific developments. Administrator Raymond M. Foley of the housing and home finance agency, which supervises both programs, reports that at least 200 other localities are mapping plans for slum clear ance. His lieutenants expect virtually every community of more than 25,000 ultimately will request low-cost federal housing help. Congress has authorized out right grants of $500,000,000 and loans of $1,000,000,000 to help finance slum clearance during the next six years. These funds will be allotted to individual communities to assist in the pur chase of properties in "blighted areas," after which the land will be cleared of slums and resold for private use. The lawmakers also provided authority to build up to 810,000 low rental dwellings during the same period. Government funds will be loaned to meet initial expenses such things as arch itectural fees, land survey and the like of proposed new de velopments. Latest tabulations show that about $47,000,000 in loans already have been ap proved. Actual construction costs of the housing projects, however, will be financed with money borrowed from private lenders on federally-guaranteed mort gages. Cub Pack Metj Willamlna A Cub pack meeting was held at the Church of Christ. All Cubs and their parents were invited and the program was brief so all who could go to the March of Dimes program. Farther the North; Warmer the Weather Alhanv Perharjg the Kodiak, Alaska, Chamber of Commerce should be doing a little advertis ing around here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Letts of Snlem. visitine here with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moench, told of rorpfvlnff a letter from Fire Chief T. W; McArthur of Kodiak describing the warm weather there. Writing January 20, they had only three windy days thus far in January and no snow at all. The sun has been shining most of the time. One night the temperature was a sultry 48. 20BORA eiFS Pjrpound How good can coffee bop Change to Golden West and know. Richer flavor greets you with your first fragrant sip. And that extra richness pays off in savings, tool Just moke it as usual reguIar-drip-Silex. There's a Golden West grind for every method. But use 13 less. That's 20 extra cups of coffee enjoyment per pound. That's a saving of up to 181. The Men in Your Life Will Cheer Your Desserts ci v" n i -.'isMi arts c feddi- tuip Makes Glorious Treats From Simplest Desserts! Every dessert you serve even the simplest will become a glamorous, delicious treat when you use Reddi-wip. Your husband and children will love the luscious goodness of Rcddi-wip because it's made with pure, rich cream it whips itself at the touch of your finger. Each economical throw-away container of Reddi-wip provides 31 servings nearly a quart of cream whipped to perfection and sweetened just right. Reutli-wip keeps for days and days in your refrigerator. You'll hear happy cheers at dessert-time when you use Rcddi-wip. Gee some toduy and start having wonderful desserts every day without work or failures. raOM YOUR MILKMAN OR GROCER -"IT WHIPS If SELF!, rrr We Are Trvina in Every Way to Please You, Mrs. Salem . o We will appreciate any suggestions showing how we can better serve you, for pleasing you pleases us. Red Mexican Large & Small Whites 2 lb. cello Devils Food Cake Mix 2 Reg. sixe pkgs. Large 10 ox. Can. . Spar Buoy Cut (Tidepoint Fancy 1 0 ox. can 39 C 3 BEANS SWANSD0WN PACIFIC OYSTERS Spar Buoy Cut (Tidepoin PLEASE DOG FOOD CHICKEN LIVER SP TUNA FISH HORMEL SPAM srrtr. 35c 25c tall cans Haley's 6Vi ox. can 2 19c 45c 29c 23c 10c 35c HALEYS MEAT BALLS In Tomato Sauce 13 ox. can 33c HALEY'S MEAT BALLS With Gravy T lib. can 3C HALEY'S VEGETABLE STEW 35c With Beef Lge. 2'i can DELICIOUS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Rath's or Hormels )J 8 ox. can OwC SWIFT'S WHOLE CHICKEN 1.79 J lb. Can A Whole Chicken, Ready to Heat HALF CHICKEN Parke Lane QA 2 lb. 2 ox. can 77C CHICKEN FRICASSEE 'con" 49C i-yndeni Lge. "TQ 29 ox. can 7C CHILI CON CARNE 23c Van Camps with Beans No. 300 can tall can Tomato Juice Campbells 13V4 oz. can Lima Beans O 97iE Seaside No. 2 can eans A Sliced Beets O 33c Three Sisters No. 2's cans WWv Del MaizNiblersO OQ Whole Kernel Corn 12 oz. can A cam v Mexicorn O 33c Del Ma?z 12 oz. can cans WWv W. Kernel Corn O OC Three Sisters 303's cans Strinyless Beans O 95c 3 33c Green Spot 2's , Golden V.Om Bantam Mission Cream style No. 303 SUPERIOR COOKIES Fiq Bars 1 12 lb. cello 33c Freshly Baked LIPTON TEAS ORANGE PEKOE The Economical Drink ,Pt;b-29c-,pk'b:57c 1 lb. Pkg. ' 8 Bag Pkg. 16 Bag Pkg. 48 Bag Pkg. $1.09 10 .18 49 SOAP SAVINGS Palmolive Soap VEL for finer suds 3 reg. 21 C xe 1 0c pkg. 25C pkg.' 59c Cashmere Bouquet SUPER SUDS 3 Reg. Bars 23c pkg. 25c pkg.' 59c FAB PeetsGran. Soap large pkg. 25 C pkg. 33c 'kg' 63 C THESE GROCERY SPECIALS ALSO EFFECTIVE AT Paramount Market SALEM'S QUALITY SERVICE STORE Pins 2'S. Uncharge for Delivery on These Specials Only 260 NORTH LIBERTY Phone 2-2461 By Serving You jQuickly- Courteously feepinq trices Lou) 8y Stocking famous Brand Merchandise By Kseping Our Stocks fresh Specials Effective Friday, Saturday, Sunday J? ARMOUR'S STAR PICNIC HAMS Sweet smoked sugar cured lb. No parboiling just heat through and serve. 35c SLAB BACON Any slxe piece lb. CHRISTENSONS COAST BRAND 39c Pork Liver Pork Hearts Pork Shanks Beef Tongues Beef Hearts All Fresh 29 lb. 17. 8. Inspected FRESH FISH Cooked Crab,b 29c Red Snapper lb 29c OYSTERS 59c FRESH PACIFIC Frying Chicken. Bi9RedutuP .achl.49 Spare Ribs ,. 55cSAUT.::::::::::llJ Fresh Link Sausage made fresh daily lb. 45c Salt Herring Packed In Alaska lb. 45c C , T. . -I. . . Something different for those lunches omoked I urkey or iar. snacks BORAXO HAND CLEANER 8 oz. can 16c 1 lb. can 27c Borax Powder 5 lb. pkg. 63c Borene Granu lated Soap Large pkg. 25c Giant pkg. 75c PURER Vx Gal Jug 23c Em infjf CARROTS Garden Fresh Calif. Imperials bunches I9c POTATOES Washington Netted Gems U. S. No. 2s LEMONS Sunkist 360's Full of juice & vitamins doz. . ORANGES Calif. Navels 176 large size Now at their best doz 50 bag 1,39 35c CELERY HEARTS Crisp green stalks Cello wrap bunch . . FRESH TOMATOES Firm red ripe 12 oz. tube . . , 39c 19c 19c 3060 Portland Road 2 Big Stores 3720 East State Street I