Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 01, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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    or Rita
First Public Appearance The Begum AJy Khan,
Hayworth, watches skaters at a rink in Gstaad, Switzerland,
during her first public appearance since the birth of her
daughter, Yasmin. The actress is resting at Aly Khan's
villa in Gstaad. (Acme Telephoto)
No Surplus Space Provided
By New School District Units
While the Salem school district has made a net gain of 36
classroom units during the past few years, it is apparent that
these additions have provided no more space than is needed
for the present enrollment.
They leave no backlog for the tremendous demands that are
ahead, brought about by reason
of the heavy birth rate that start
ed upward in 1934.
This is the conclusion to be
drawn from a summary of data
relative to Salem school needs
as compiled by the administra
tion. The birth rate between
1935 and 1943 has been respon
sible for an enrollment increase
of 931, the summary points out.
In addition to the 931 increase
occasioned by a rising birth rate,
the district has been compelled
also to provide for all increases
that have come through immi
"Our present ninth grade en
rollment, exclusive of non-high
pupils, was 528 in October,
1949," the summary sets forth
"These ninth grade children
are largely the product of the
1935 birth year. In that year,
there were only 947 births in
Marion county, and Oregon's
birth rate was then 13.1 chil
dren per 1000 population.
1943 Crop Comes On
"This year's first grade en
rollment as of October was 845
first graders, and these chil
dren are the product of the
1943 birth year in which Marion
county reported 1662 births, and
Oregon reported 19.7 births per
1000. This increase as yet
only slightly on the junior high
and intermediate grade level
and has not yet begun to affect
the senior high school enroll
ments." "It is necessary to constantly
keep in mind that the growth
already tabulated includes only
the births of 1943 or prior to that
year," continues the summary.
"We then can realize that the
building needs ahead must be
in terms of the precipitous
climb in births just ahead. This
climb is indicated by the abrupt
How you Know!
The answers to everyday
Insurance problems
Question: If we have an acci
dent with our car out on the
highway and we pay to have
it towed into a garage, will the
insurance company reimburse
Answer: Yes, the Insurance
company will pay any reason
able charges you may incur in
protecting the car from fur
ther damage or theft. It is
your duty to protect the car
in any way you can and if it
is disabled, having it taken to
a garage would be the proper
thing to do.
It you'D addrese your own Insur
ance question! to thli office, we'll
try to give you the correct aniweri
nd there will be no eberge er obll
fitloD of any kind.
1 h. Cbureta Pbene Mile
Repreientini General of Amerlea Ce'o.
jump in births in Marion county
from 1662 for 1943 to 2644 for
New Coaches
Added by SP&S
E. B. Stanton, vice president
and general manager, Spokane,
Portland & Seattle Railway
company, advises that company
has received three new stream
lined coaches to be placed in
service in the regular trains op
erating between Portland and
These cars, which are air-conditioned,
with adjustable type
reclining chairs with sponge
rubber cushions for comfortable
riding day or night, are part of
an order placed three years ago.
During the past week they
have received streamlined
standard sleeping car, which
bears the name "Indian Pass,"
with double bedrooms, duplex
roomettes, and lower and upper
berths. This has been placed in
service in SP&S connection
with the Empire Builder, to op
crate between Portland and
Chicago. Also a new streamlin
ed day-nite coach with "sleepy-
"This unprecedented growth
was caused by the combination
o two much publicized factors.
These factors are immigration
to our county and the climbing
birth rate. Birth rate climbed
from 19.7 in 1943 in Oregon, to
25.4 in 1947, and has continued
at 23.3 for the years 1948 and
1949. These facts and others
present us with problems in
school building needs which
merit study and consideration."
The recent building program
has resulted in additional class
rooms at the following build
ings: Bush six, West Salem
eight, Middle Grove one, Swegle
two, Pringle one, Englewood
six, new Washington eight, new
Lincoln eight; Parrish five, sen
ior high three.
However abandonment of the
old Washington building elim
inated eight class rooms while
the gain at Parrish was four be
cause an existing classroom was
taken over for needed corridor
youi home? Let us show you the
new low-priced Delco-Heat oil
burning Conditiouaif compactly
designed for installation in either
basements or utility rooms where
space is limited!
DIAL 3-8555
Authorized Representative
hollow" seats was received at
the same time and placed in
service in the Empire Builder.
Within the next few weeks, ex
pect delivery of two more
coaches of this type for use in
SP&S connection with the Em
pire builder; also two combin
ation sleeping-observation cars
for use on this train locally be
tween Portland and Spokane.
These cars will lay over at Spo
kane and be placed ready for
occupancy, 9:30 each evening,
with departure from Spokane
just after midnight as at pres
ent. The cars, named for the two
famous snow clad mountains
tributary to Portland, "Mount
Hood" and "Mount St. Helens",
contain 6 roomettes and three
double bedrooms, with space for
buffet service and comfortable
chairs in observation parlor.
Also to be delivered shortly
is new streamlined dining car,
seating 32 persons at one time,
and also has 10 luxurious seats
in one end. This car will replace
the old type dining car now in
service. A streamlined dormi
tory baggage and mail car, with
sleeping quarters for the dining
oar personnel will also be placed
in service on this train, which
will be completely streamlined
and powered with the latest
type Diesel-electric locomotive.
Pumpkin tarts are delicious
sprinkled with walnut or pecan
nut meats and topped with
sweetened whipped cream.
Motor Coach Employes
Reject Cut in Pay
AFL Motor Coach Employes
union members on city lines in
Salem and Eugene have reject
ed a 10 per cent pay cut pro
posed by employers.
Harold Oathes, business agent
for the union, said the 111 driv
ers and shopmen at the same
time authorized a strike to ob
tain contract demands. The bal
lots were cast last Wednesday,
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1950 3
lie said.
Oathes said the union is ask
ing 15 cents an hour above the
present $1.40 hourly wage scale.
Negotiations are still under
atil) State Street S.ilem, Oregon Teiuphoi.p 2 4139
Don't pay high prices to have workmen insu
late your home! You can do the job yourself in
a few hours if you use Zonolite. This famous
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You do more than save dollars on installation costs by
using Zonolite. You save up to 40 on your fuel bills!
This amazing insulation also gives you extra fire protec
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ijC Zonolite is - rtgisttrtd trademark of Zonolite Company
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j t j)n your mark . .'s the biggest collection Vj
J i of dresses for the money you've seen! (Better. f J'$ tjM ?jfd S' y'"W ,
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and plains . . . imagine finding crisp waffle JPwB ? I
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V -v styles, nice detailing, that takes them MMe 'J f "jff ' ' W ?A
r-y-" way, way out of the housedress class. (Better gP J 'fA I J XsS wf Vl'j ' V
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junior sizes . . . misses" sizes . . . half! i0MJM ,V W'f I
I ( sizes . . . women's sizes! (Hurry in!) 'jLV -
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