16 Capital Joarnal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feh. 1, 1950 STARTS THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY LEADING OFF WITH THE MOST TERRIFIC PARADE OF VALUES EVER TO APPEAR IN SALEM WITH THIS, OUR FIRST ANNUAL mm PEOPLE OF SALEM K UK WW mv 1 1 1 1 I IV llllllll 1 K Be Dm L Right at winter time. . . . Right in the face of con stantly rising prices comes this our first annual STOCK DISPOSAL SALE! A sale designed with you, our customer, in mind! GONE ARE ALL THOUGHTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS! We have but one thought and that is, REGARDLESS OF COST . . . REGARDLESS OF LOSS . . ., to unload our over stock! Don't be misled, this Is not just a flash sale , it is the beginning of an annual event that wil ROCK SALEM TO ITS VERY FOUNDATIONS! Every shoe in tha store has been cut-slashed to its very rock bottom price. Don't be one of the "left- outs," be in line before 10:00 A.M. to enable you to get your full sJ'are! The sale will continue only until our now complete stocks are depleted, SO DON'T WAIT 'TIL NEXT WEEK WHEN IT MAY Never in the history of Salem hat such an array of top grade ladies' shoe values been offered at such fabulously low prices! This is a store-wide effort to re duce our inventory! Every shoe in the store has been marked to demand fast buying action with prices running at cost! Near cost! Even below cost! 10 A.M. SPECIAL! BEDROOM SLIPPERS Values to 3.95 BE TOO LATE! The demand for this merchan dise at these fantastic prices will be tremendous, so to assure yourself your full share of these amazing bargains we advise you to be in line before 10 A.M.! w II w w 1 v 1 94' Limit One Pair! 10 A.M. SPECIAL! Play Shoes Values to 8.95 Limit One Pair! 10 A.M. SPECIAL! Handbags Values to 7.95 One Special Group! While They Last! Hurry! BEAUTIFULLY STYLED DRESS SHOES Values to 9.95 Closing Out Some Nationally Adver tised Lines! 94 C All Colors with a Wide Variety or Sizes! Sorry! Limit One Pair! Take advantage of thes savings! Be in line at 1 0 a. m. c i m L 1 I or 94 Limit One Each! Here is a sale to cause much ex citement amonq the ladies of Salem! Regardless of cost! Re gardless of price! We are forc ing out this entire stock of top grade ladies' shoes at prices un equalled and unexcelled in the annals of retail merchandising! HAND BAG Values to 8.95 A group of. exceptionally fine ladies hand bags all advertised to sell at much higher prices! Includes calfs suedes fabrics in many colors! i mm iiimi mill mini S llllllll A minimi 1111 I m at 10 a.m. For Your Share! SALE CONTINUES ONLY UNTIL STOCK DEPLETED! NEXT WEEK MAY BE TOO LATE! HURRY! ONE SPECIAL GROUP 94 Fine Dress Shoes A wide variety to choose from in this group! Just think of the savings! OUR BETTER DRESS SHOES $g.94 Values to 15.95 Some of our very best shoes in cluding such famous brands as Laird Schober! A TOP GROUP OF DRESS SHOES 6-94 Values to 10.50 Another top quality group in cluding brand names such as Colella and Laird Schober! A GROUP OF BETTER PLAY SHOES Values to $10.50 Fine quality leathers combined with gorgeous styling! $494 Unbelievable But True! SOME OF OUR BETTER Casual Shoes Values to 9.95 When you see these shoes you will marvel at the losses we are taking to make this event possible! Act now! $2 94 1 S2BL- DRESS SHOES PRICED TO GO Values to $7.95 Your chance to save on this Top grade merchandise! Act now! $494 I I THE ORIGINAL PIXIE SHOE Regular $8.95 Here's a shoe they said we couldn't cut price on! But look! $694 1 A GROUP OF HOUSE SLIPPERS Values to $3.95 A group of high grade slippers formerly selling at twice this! MEDIUM HEEL CASUAL DRESS Regular $12.95 Just think of it! Colello's and other such famous brands! OUR VERY BEST BEDROOM SLIPPER $294 Values to $5.95 Includes our entire stock of Honey Bugs! Be in line early! 1 I 1 1 m 1 ' 1 II1 II A a i ! T3 r I A A Terrific Carnival of Baraains! Hurrv! Zy I 1 uur very nesrwoupoT rtnctT CASUAL ': 35 ... 2-'4 . 1 I NT,. . r.ov A . I i SHOES c V many famous brands! Act yyyyL B O . today and save! yZZZZ t " i SHOES II II V" "ZZ 'Z' Vnloc t in QC. II I Jt II I I SurVERY BEST OMUJ VS-V SOME OF OUR BEST INCLUDING LAIRD SCHOBER k i- """ y &TWEEDIE! y $)94 a: $994 OUR FINEST DRESS SHOES Values to $17.00 ( Laird Schober Tweedies many other top quality brands! $1494 To assure a quick stock disposal we must insist ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS EXCHANGES LAY AW AYS! NO FHONE CALLS, PLEASE 466 State Street SALEM II i