12 CapHal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, FeTi. 1, 1950 Murder in New Orleans By BRETT HALLIDAY (Author of tho Michael Shayne Stories) Installment Three fcihavne arrived In Cheepwee, sleepy little village oi about two thousand population, at 12:30. He drove slowly along Main Street to a two-story clapboard structure juiown as tne Travelers' Hotel. He parked, got his suitcase out, and went into the dark, empty lobby. A handbell on the desk hau a card propped against It inviting guests to "King lor Management." te rang tne oeu. A door behind the desk opened and a fat man waddled through. "Afternoon, stranger. I was back gettin' a bite to eat." Shayne signed the register and wrote "New Orleans" alter his name. "Have you a room with bath?" "Not exactly. I can give you two-six teen with the bathroom right across the hall and only one other party on that floor right now." Shavne nodded. The fat man wrote 216 opposite Bhayne's signature, He plucked an iron key from a hook on his right and handed it to Shavne. "Right up those stairs," the fat man said. "Go down the hall to your riant. You can't miss it.1 In the room, Shayne dropped his suitcase on the bed, took a look around, then went out and locked the door. He went directly to the First Na tional bank. A thin, tired-looking old man was behind the first teller's window. "Something I can do for you?" the old man asked -in a shaky voice. Shayne handed 'him a card that read, "Michael Shayne Private Investigator." "Investigator?" The old man's voice quaked. "I'm Mr. Holcomb, Won't you come in?" Shayne went in and sat down In the chair Holcomb drew for ward. "I've been retained by Mr. Car ion." Shavne said. "I see. Unfortunately Mr. Carson u out or town today." "I know. I Just drove up from New Orleans. I believe he expected to return on tne alter noon train.' "That's oulte correct' "He wanted me to set rleht to work on this matter. I'd like to have a look at his office and a chance to go over his files at once." Mr. Holcomb was hesitant. "I'm sure I don't know what to say, Do you have an authorization from jvir. uarsonr" Shayne took Carson's check from his pocket. "Perhaps this will do. It's the check he gave me as a retainer. May as well cash it now." he added carelessly. "I suppose yes, I presume this Is sufficient," he said hesitantly. He went to the window and counted out two hundred dollars, handed it to Shayne. I "Come with me" he directed. ! Shayne followed him to the closed door of an office that said "Priv ate." I Holcomb opened the door and they went in. A blond man of about thirty-five stood in front of an open filing cabinet. He turned quickly and his eyes were startled. "Harvey, this Is Mr. Shayne from New Orleans." said Mr. Holcomb. "Perhaps you will be able to help mm out. mis is Jtiarvey uaruiow, Mr. uarsons assistant.' Barstow's boyish manner gave an Impression of youth which a closer examination dispelled. He recover ed his composure and came for ward. "Mr. Shayne has been sent here by Mr. Carson to investigate a cer tain matter," said Mr. Holcomb. "You must know about the letter he wrote me a few days ago," Shayne told Barstow. "Asking for an appointment." "Oh yes of course. You're the detective?" Behind him lie beard Holcomb go out and close the door. "I presume you know why I'm here," Shayne said to Barstow. "I'm afraid I don't." Barstow umlled apologetically. "W. D. didn't cornicle in me. mat is, i suppose it has something to do with our business although I hadn't heard of anv irresularltles." Shayne grunted and said, "How many people knew he intended to can me in on inis aiiairr "I imagine I'm the only one.' "How about his secretary who typed the letter? I uunk uia in. ltlals were H. B." "Yes. Harvev Barstow." Shavne said "I'd like to be alone and undisturbed while I go through the files. His instructions were to keen tilings private." Two hours later Shayne dropped disgustedly Into the chair behind the president's desk and smoked a cigarette. There was absolutely nothing of a personal nature in any of thfi drawers -or files. When his cigarette was finished, he went out and found Barstow. "I'm finished here for the time bring," he said. "Carson's train is not in yet?" "It's due in about twenty min utes," Barstow told him. Back in his hotel room. Shayne got out a bottle of cog n tic. He ar ranged both pillows against the hendoonrd of the bed and stretched out with the bottle in his hand. He had been mulling over the CAse for thirty minutes when he heard a knock on his door. When he opened it the fat hotel manager stood panting outsiae. "Tclenhone call for vou." Shayne followed him down the lairs. The receiver hung down from the old-lashloned wall tcie phone. He put It to his ear. "Shavne talking,' he said. "Mr. Shayne?" It was a woman's nice, low and secretive as though she tried to keep someone from hearing her. "The detective?" "That's right" This Is Mrs. Harvey Barstow. I've got to see you right away. Could you anve out tne roaa a ways "Which road?" "Straight east past the court house sauare. There's a crossroad a mile out. Turn to the right a little distance and stoD" She was scared, Shayne decided. He said. "In five minutes?" "Yes. I'll be right along." She hung up. When Shayne reached the ap pointed spot he cut off his motor, soon he heard a car annrooching. When it came into view he saw a black coupe with a woman bc- h no tne wneei. She parked a dozen yards away, got out and ran swiftly to Shayne's car. "I lust had to see you,' she pant ed. "After Harvey told me about vou. I Thoned as soon as I could I told Harvev I had to get some groceries. I don't want him to know." She got In beside Shayne and closed the door. Shayne looked at her frightened blue eves. Her cheeks were deeply on-tanned, and her flaxen hair KGW 620 NBC iiung damply to her high forehead, one was calmer now. and she turn ed sidewise in the scat to look earnestly into Shayne's eyes. "Tell me what are you after Mr. anayner , rm airaidi" "It's a private matter." "That's what I knew.' Her voice rose. "Harvey believes it's about tne cans business, out I Know oet-i ter. Is it about Mr. Carson's wife?" "I don't think Mr. Carson would want me to discuss It with anyone." "You can't tell me anything l don't already know." she said earn estly, "xou can see why I'm fright ened for Harvey. It isn't his fault. I She went after him from the very beginning. He tried to be nice) to ner Because sne was Mr. u ar son's wife. "I don't know why she picked on Harvey. He never encouraged her. I know that. She deceived her husband ever since they've been married. It's common knowledge, but Harvev doesn't think Mr. Car son knows yet. But I knew what had happened as soon as he told I me aoout your being nere." Shayne lighted a cigarette and puffed on It and didn't interrupt ner. Airs. .Barstow put a worK roughened hand on his arm. "You've got to tell me what Mr. Carson's going to do. Is he going to divorce Belle when you get the I evidence? Harvey will go oft with ner n ne does. Shayne sighed heavily. 'T met your husband this afternoon, and he hardly seems the type to desert his wife and children, he said. "He isn't. Mr. Shavne. He's a1 good man. He never looked at a woman in the ten years we've been married until she came along." "How lona has this affair been going on?" "Over a vear now." "Why are vou telling me this If you think I'm here to gather evi dence against Mrs. Carson and I your husband?" "You could find it out from any one In Cheeowee." she told him. one gloats aoout ner influence over men." What do you want me to do?" I thought vou mleht talk to I Harvey. It Just seems that I've fot to do something. I did try a I few months ago." She paused. "Do yon Know tne otner private de tectives in ew uneansy "Some of them." "Do you know Mr. Jones?" Shavne frowned and shook hlsl head. "There are so many of them.' "I suppose so. I just wondered. I i went to see Mr. Jones about live months ago in his office in the Downtown Building. I got his name from the telephone book. It said he specialized in divorce evidence ana domestic miiicuities." Shavne said. "Jones In the Down town Building?" "His initials are S. O. He had a I dinky office and not even a stenog rapher that I could see. but he I seemed smart enough. "wny aid you go to a private detective?" i "To try to get something on Belle" Mrs. Barstow said viciously.! oometning i coum noia over ner to make her leave Harvev alone. I Anybody can see she's nothing butl a hussy. I told Mr. Jones that. 1 1 told him to go to Atlanta and check up on her. That's where she) came from." "And lie took vour case?" "After I paid him two hundred! and fifty dollars for what he called a retainer and expense money. Then I got a letter from him in Atlanta about two weeks later saying he was I on the trail of something good and I needed a 'hundred and fifty morel ior expenses, (so l sent n to mm. "But nothing came of it?" Shayne asked her. I 'I never heard any more from I mt. jones. l waited almost a month and then wrote him a let ter and mailed it to New Orleans. I It came back with Address Un known stamped on the envelope." "The whole thing stinks," Shayne said shortly. "Seems to me I've heard gossip about a person called Skip Jones because he has a habit of collecting a retainer and skipping out witn it." "I don't understand It," she said. "Unless S. O. Jones Is the man known as Skip. That would explain everything." "He didn't give you any indi cation In his letter as to the na ture of his information about Belle Carson?" "No. He Just said it was what! i wanted. Shayne lighted another cigarette. "When I go back to New Or leans, I'll try to locate your Mr. Jones," he said. By the way, is I tnw uarsons iirst marriage?" "I guess so. He was considered an old bachelor when he came here four of five years ago. There was Miss Aggie Bonks who set her cap for him when he first arrived. Then Belle came along." Shnvne tossed his cigarette out the! window. After a moment he spoke musingly. "Someone always gets hurt in sit uations like this. How often does I your husband see Mrs. Carson?" "As often as he can. If it's di vorce evidence you're looking for, find out where they were last night. Harvey didn't get home until after three." Shayne turned to look at Mrs.l Barstow. his gray eyes soft with pity. He said. "I'll do what I can. Mrs.! Barstow. You renlize that when a man your husband's age becomes in- ra tun ten with a woman, uteres lit tle anyone can do." "I know." She opened the car door. "I'd better be getting back." She got out ana wanted arouna tne iront oi ms car. Shayne asked. "Where do the Car- sons live?" "In the big house on the knoll two blocks north of the courthouse. I guess Mr. Carson is there by now." I She returned to her car and start-! cd the motor. Shayne got out of his I car and pretended to examine hlsl tires, when sne drove past nun headed toward town, ne looked at her license plate and wrote the I number in his notebook. Then he! got back in the car and turned around. He was suddenly very an xious to have a talk with the mys terious Belle Carson. (What new Information will Shnvne turn up when he meets the amazing Belle Carson? Don't miss tomorrows interesting develop ments.) Church Women Meet Sheridan The WSCS met in the Methodist church parlors Wednesday. Ladies of circle No. 1 were hostesses. The program "The World Must Learn to Read" was led by Mrs. Roxy Brown. Mrs. Alice Wright led the worship service. Tht S of Us News Nonn of Timet Elmer Peterson 'Your Lift Vobi Lift Archie Andrewij Archie Andrewi tOOkllf Starr rilf Story JurUlo Tim ICarUIn Time nlnatra-Ktrsten news of World GIlderileeTa jGlldenleeTt Wreak the Bank Break the Bank put. Attorney Olit. Attorney nan Hayes Mindr CaraoD Spts. Pinal Orchestra Flr-li Wax Museum Wax Museum Bodge Podge News Farm Tim Farm Tlma Eddie Albert Eddie Albert Jack Berch Safe Rider The Second Cap ioi second Itlometowneri Newa Harriets for Carm. Cavallero Brad Reynolds The Playboys Double or Notblac Children LfKhl of World Kneass Newi Road of Life iPeoDcr Vonca Happiness Baokstace Wife wteiia Dallas Lorenso Jones Wldder Brown Girl Marries fort. Faces Life! Inst Plain BUI Frl. Pt. FarrellTi Welcome Trarel. Welcome Travel lunt Mary Lots and Learn Woman's Secret Lire Beautiful Dr. Piu' Paula Bton ' r CAN VOU HEAR ME.OU MAN? JrfHsn T" Y HCS CONSCIOUS RlBBER T THAT'S Al"1 I ' : ZZ 71' ARRAN&EO FOR YOJ TO & AND 1 WILL HELP HIM UP RIGHT' I CAN --4 l " J SHARE OUR QUARTERS S XjT JpA THE STAIRS IF YOU'LL J MAKE IT ' ' fdk it r "JMERE'S A SOB4jj jjT BRING SjK; k aims tjs im ami mmsi mm u m isbbbbbt. v rrsi ' w 'isw - w i ii err i f H si m murs trs'iw m -a vr. jaw-- , m m i i i i s s ti I Tfl I I TTI III 1 I I fUI "I I III . Z 8l?8 n .11 111 M i . y n jl uik bg i ibi rr ii r ms i . ii ii i-2k in i i i it.AAk e L.aATT6n. rvnf; l m - e. i i i i i h; ; .. -J " Vl r iff I BB-K LJi '-S. J 11:311 N Cu. W V-SV V, F- . Jr II I -V' 11:45 . I IV Ji I II 1 L Jl tr I I "L- 1 I -s. "T" A I u.i.i i v i i ii i rrj 1 i r- I yr hrrr n i i wvty r? sy i n rr - i nnn I imitBlRiMamiBlUil W" " ''IBTMllBW Ills E HC sMOKtTM KiNo 43cr?33 mil -m'R6sruiwrr-kaput! fieswm Ca rawaaiomNo-Kil n ii iivii TrT"aHwBKj'Bvs tsus h -m (e wiiBaL. mi nmm f MiKBi5-L Blrss-Wl -y-Jt-it lWii I'M I 1:00 E w&s&smim. mi if mm was mt; jf hk- ka t&fnt if a i I " ' ii ii ,,. - tm i t i aiMa i lBBBBB,BBBB"lll"""BB"BBBBBBBB"BBBBB"BB'B"""""sea"SM SPsillPBPiBHMMaaaMMiaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaafBaaaaaaaMBaaaaaaBBBHHM I o.iei A WENT JWMf&L 05fcSf T'VT&f !V TOWARDS THE CABIN T NOTHING BUT rd-Z L-LJtiiJ SOUND STUDIO' ) BBSSri P? sp V-J-; T "i A BOO&lf VES. Jjr ?Bi'l NO NOISE f-gmr-WIB llSSh 1 1 XMEANWHILE.BACIt TO TEX MO SGT WWc0l R r e? mimtnris 6pein6 of ZOV6H MJ ' 7 . I KNOWN WHAT vnu Wikirrn Witu OUK CUSTCMEUS -uuterrtijeD RNi.SlOl 2 5 1 " rmiinnc T THEM. THIS PUCE HAS BEEN A ANOTHFR PIAOZ. soy HE yg HeS 60gfi JgM SOMBWEEE AND I 7 wa 1 '"51 fire torpedo fA direct hit 1 I ( she's sinking by Jcl ? rraWW ANDTVVO i-r? I I PREPARE. TO A L AfT i y x-.h i i f:i- r t . am.5fjrr,r 1 I I II -Uf 7iSOTU VT?MZ2tfcgffl I lOOK,MR.DAlt!"lVE SHOWN WU A n't uv-iirur u,um A I CONTACT LEN4E4! ii I THE IA5T THING A BUDDIN6 ,.t t,.,-. SZX I rtllfllj il :T V. FRAME OF MINDJ-' hAlLTWINS,5AaTWIN5,6OL0ONE5ju4I,1nR ,,,,, WHV DIDN'T YOU TELL V STARLET WOULD WANT THE PUBUC Z,,?ur m?V.oiw.k IT WWW M It - rVIm lHl COLO ONE5,SLICKBABE5 AND HIO mU'-HEINSISTS THAT C?S BEFORE V0UWV I TOTHINK ISTHAT5HE WORE- jm of MY BROKEN "S fl L, WXSV jflm IZJ J KZimfsm bnFmm 1 CZ-r mY JhLvM RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. Knot Mannlnc Ktle Show News News Grottrho Marx jnroucho Man Bing Crosby Bint Crosby ftturns A Allen Rums A Allen (Hollywood Hollywood KOIN 970 CBS Challenge of Yukon Sky King Sky King Edw. C. Hill Home Edition plod. Romances Mod. Romance Dr. I. Q. Lowell Thomas Jack Smith Dr. L hrl I Ian Dr. Christian Frank Race Prank Race Beulafa Club IS Star Final Yon World rtlr-fle Orchestra Treasury Band Trees. Band Organ Melody 0nan Silent KEX 1190 ABC R-Bar-B H-Bar-B roro Mil Tom Mil LSher. nolmes Rher. Holmes Greiory Hood (Gregory Hood Irving Berlin Show hVhere There's Musle KSLM 1390 MBC Swing Time Ini Time hllng Crosby Band of Day nabrlel neater N V Newa Tello Test Serenade Dinner Concert pinner Concert Cisco Kid Cisco Kid Eandle Light and Silver lews Twilight Bong Voice of Army Musical Jackpot Evelyn Knight sports Name of That Sons Lean Bck.. List. Trie Glen Hardy David Rose' Int. Airport Airport Rchfld. Reports Intermezio Con ert Hoar Concert Hour Fulton Lewis iMut. Newsreel News o n a Concert flour Concert Hour Memos Tom or. Memos Tomor. 1 Love MysteryNoctnrne Eddie Howard 1 Krnny Strong Ilcnny Strong Niin Off KOCO 1490 Kc Track 1190 Track 199 Track 1490 Track 1499 Mayor Reports Mayor Reports (News Plane Pattern Mua. for Amer. . for Amer. Muslo Yon Want ntfusle Yon Want Nocturne (Nocturne IN oo turns Blgn Oft ITU Meg,, KGW 100.il, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m., It p.m., KEX 9S.S, I te 9 THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. .News KOIN Rlock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock News News pred Beck Consumer News news rand Slai Rosemary Iwendy Warren 'Aunt Jenny lelea Trent pal Sunday (Big sister Ma Perklne Malone Gnldlng Light News (Agronsky Bob Uaxen Izekt Manners Breakfast Club Breakfast Club breakfast Club Breakfast Club News Stars of Today Quick as Flash Quick as Flash Ted Malone Ted Malone ply True Story My True Story Id Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day News (Come A Get It I House Party House Party From Nowhere Jack Holt Barry Moore Kirknam News. Klrkham News. Steve Allen teve Allen une. i ours Art Klrkham I Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey 'Arthur Godfrey! Arthur Godfrey i-urt nassey K. Murr'w Farm News Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling News Timekeeper March Time News (News ' Rise A Shine Brkfst. Gang Top Trades jBara'n Counter Family Alter Haven ot Rest Haven ot Rtt N. W Newa Galen Draka Pastor's Call Willing Glen Hardy Kltchun Wiles Morcan'e Music Betty Crocker Vlo Lfndlabr Northwest erners Daukhage News Jack Norman blett Menjoua breakfast In Hollywood Kay West Kay West pay Stewart Uay Stewart pride A Groom Bride Si Groom, Pick a Date Pick a Date Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb Art Baker Squirrel iJ.-ce Squirrel Cace iFirefUhters KOCO Kleek KOCO Klock Tex Bitter koco Kleek Newg KOCO KJocfc Ch. In tVlldw'J Fiesta Time tvest'a Melodies Temple Eeboee- Melody Time .j Melody Time stars line r J. Ch. Tbemae W Newa Musis Tune Tim Ladles First Ladles First Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades N W News Gay 90's Bob Eberly Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Tell Nelshbor Bing Sings Rob Poole Bob Poole Music for That Musle for Thur. Georgia Jamboree News Kostelanets Fulton Lewis Hemingway Behind Story Cavallero Muslo Mart Music Mart Jan Garber vocal Varieties Ifollyw'd Musle Hollyw'd Musle illeadilne Newa pave Dennis Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Mao's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Mac'a 5Ielodlea Mac's Melodlcc Mae'i Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Time Philosopher Dyers Can B Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lrtAf Wednesday P. M B:l dren's Theater) 5:15, (:00, Chll- On the Upbeat I 5:50, 650 Sports clnbt 6:00, Newsi 0:15, Eugenei 6:30, Invitation to Bead; 7:00, Farmers' Unlont 7:15. Evening Farm Hour: 8:00, Shorthand) 8:30, TJ of Oregon Symphony! 10:00, Sign Off. AAr Thursday A.M. 10:00, Newi lVM and Weather: I0:1B, Especial ly for Women: 11:00. School ef Aln 11:15, Concert Hall; 12:110, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy t 1:15, School of Air; 1:45. Melody Lane; 8:00. Home Garden Hour; 3:30, Memory Book of Music: 3:45, School of Alri 8:00, Newsi 3:1.1: Music of the Masters; 4:00, Univ ersity Hour. Walky-Talky Report on Groundhog Wuarryville, Pa., Feb. 1 (P) Ach, now Rives walky talkies mit der grundsau yet. Which is Pennsylvania German comment on the an nouncement that next Thursday members of the Quarry ville Slumbering Groundhog lodge will conduct their an nual ceremonies with the aid of walky-talkies. Every February 2 lodge members stand anxiously by the hole of their favorite groundhog (grundsau to the initiated). If the little animal sees his shadow, the nation is in for six more weeks of winter. No shadow spring comes quick. Yesterday, William U. Hensel, 3rd, secretary ot the lodge, announced the groundhog hunters will keep in touch with each other on Thursday by means of walky-talkies the portable radios used by army and marine forces during World War II. ACROSS L Unit of lectrlc&l capacity I. Southern con-tellatlon . Bullfinch 27. ' Property 29. Spiced drink 31. Truth 35. Motor trlcycl, 87. Born 88. American Indian 41. Put up 13. Mountain rids, 42. Chills 12. Belonging to ua 14. Untruth LS. American coropoaor It. Lie 18. Oleoresln 20. Hut 31. Market 23. Tree 25. ExlBled 36. Poem 43. Engage, 46. Mother-of- pearl 47. Embelll.hrt 49. Turn 62. Nourished 63. Everybody 64. Test or 66. Before 66. Crusted dish 67. The ones at hand TAB PS Plff 1 1 IVjE SlMlA P A t. A UrIaItJE pllo U A S3 l oIp fl sIol i "Cjl SIC O ta THE V en T L O 7Ho R E SB 1 pig A y H cTr E A KC PHWU pea VB s l ed Bh E N s T JiizBtlBBi! R T ESBl a iMHS lD GlRl I E V EH UU S TER t O n1 A T O U LgJE L A Solution of Yesterday's Punl DOWN t. Follower nz yttri j HrwrrlH 1 1 I AP Newieolwes L Land mcuuor t, Veneretea 4. Tipping i. EnRlisb smtst hlU 6. Greek tenia T. Bitter herb 5. Chief 9. Shade of greea 10. Straight batted ban It English dramatist 17. Let down 19. Kind of resin 21. Swab 22. Fuss 24. Capital of Cub 27. Always: poetic 28. Thrice: prefix 30. Pilot 32. Enrage 33. Golf mound 34. AftirraaUT 36. Taper 38. Fret 39. Horseman 40. Wear away 42. Pertaining ti Erin 44. Crisp cookie 46. Informal con versation 48. Biblical priest 50. Aeriform fluid SL Aperture In a needle ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern .9.1