Platoon Cage Work Puts Holy Cross Atop Poll Steelhead from Nesfucca 5 his nephew, Ove Tonning, who went fishing over the week end on the Big Nestucca. The two men and their guide caught five of the fish ranging in weight from nine pounds for the smallest to 14 pounds each for the two larger ones. This picture was taken when the two Tonning kittens, Bubbles and Bud, decided to size up the situation just after the three fishermen came home and lined up their catch for a "shot." For Ove Tonning the trip was a big thrill. He came to the United States from Norway just before Christmas and is very enthusiastic about Oregon fishing. (Jesten-Miller picture) SCORES in the ALLEYS (Cmpltt Remits) University Alleys LADIES' CLASSIC LEAGUE United Wheel Allinment (3 Rowland 377 Kancskl 401, Van Derhool 459. Schmidt 484, Robertson 453. Good House keeping 1 Clark 488, Jones 507, Olney 432, Gnrbartno 454. Plank'n .Construction (0) Bleber 397, Plank 375, Boyce 503. Lutx Florist 3 Lindsey 423, Upston 450, Luts 393, Albrlcn 390. Adolph 480. , Riniiand'i Kennels 3 Blacic 383, Hall 480. 'hlnhard 459. Pease 384. Le Tour neaux 384. Randall! Fine Meats (W Stone 358, Lowry 344. Scheiman 372, Whit more 349. Swanson 462. Anita Shops (3) McDanlel 410, Lemon 452, Causey 416, Thompson 405, Davey 431. Alexander's Jewelry U Merrell 359. Mock 377, Mohlman 390, Tanner 449, Johnson 3B4. Hiah individual Bame, Jean Boyce 192. HiKh Individual aeries, Mavis Jones 507. Hifih team aeries, United Wheel Allin ment 3309. , . University Bowl sals that made a show Ins at state tournament were: Jan Ben nett and June Lemon, winners of class B doubles; Alberta Thompson, class B all-events and singles winner; Luts Flor ists team, fourth place B class; Owen iin.fM naa rtnvfv. firth clace B class doubles: Alice Locken, fourth place C class slnsles. MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. I Peacock Cleaners (S) Balstrom 555, Bonney 427, Alexander 480. Sawyer 425, Volk 445. Mack A Llnd (1 Llnd 473, Folk 436, Wilson 408, Gray 349, Mortno toil Standard Stations (2) Koplschke 429, Kcddtnz 402, Specht 393. Knuth 465, Pux .rfv Ifll Terminal lea (2) McDonald 388, Gilmore 352, Throneberrj 430, Weston 425. SoUZft 478. M.lm. rhran Station it) Malm 410. Wenger 435. Karn 480. Kepplmer 366, Causey 461. Salem Heatlnc A Sheet Metal 3) Moorman 371. Lewis 438, Gladow 453. T- ilellns 400, Evans 461. llnrlrUniU I.iimhftr (41 H. Webb SOS, B. Burkland 470, Rankin 4B5, F. Webb 432, D. Burkland 481. Kemtntton Rand (0) colburn 555, Klmmell 3B8. Jonn 3AH Mansfield 401. Crlswell 496. High Individual came, Salatrom 321, Hiah individual series. Salatrom and Co hum 555. High team series. Peacock Cleaners 2953. Lapschles 453, Kelly Lapschles 0P- S-- lem Merchant Patrol (1) Marvin Greeiy 316, Marjory Frank 283, btfei Ut- - i 297, Wayne Frank 517. OK Robber Welders (1) Royal Pawley 473. Dottle Caspell 283. Terry Kemp 264. Bill Gauthter 463; Com'! Seat Covers (3 carol Capps 436, Opal Capps 347, Lucy Al len 442, Arnle Meyer 627. High team scries and (tame, General Finance, 181i5 and 649; high ind. series. Arnle Meyer (Com'l Scat Cover) 527: high lnd. same, Glen Blanton and Charles Lapschles, 202. Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Snn Rn R H& fur ens on 894. R. Alt' shire 559, H. Merril 513, Schuster 633, D. Aleshlre . Barb's Sportlnr Goods (0 Ind lis 495, Bracht 446, J. Olny 495, Ross 540, Gregory 545. Beck ft Wadsworth 1 Wadsworth 622, Anderson 447. O'Nell 236, Sherman S52. Irland 472. Valde meat ue. ij Ertsgaard 452, McKlnney 494, Brown 86, niclfr SGB Curly't (2 Wright 530, Polk 476, Volk 377. M. Miller 471. J. Miller 5B5, stuBDie- field 1 Meyers 486, Polk 456, Werner 363. Walker 342, vittone Wi, Cal Psc (I) Werboskl 414, Sloan 486, Holnke 466, Scheldcgger 645. Valley Motor (2) Parker 485, buiiock oua, Myers ColweU 496, Doerfler 536. Blue Lake (1 Ayres 395, Eckley 445, Walls 427, Van Osdol 438, Carlson 551. MaIItwooiI Finance (5) Geddes 441. Klrchner 319, Pekar 455, Jones 482, Ol ney 594. Keith Brown CO) Guerln 537, Crockatt 365. Jerninan 464, Brown 357, Sours M5. Sclem Police (3) Frlese 455. Hauser 477, Mathers 506. Selpp 434, Main 455. High individual game. R. Aleshlre 234. Hlzh Individual series, J. Haagerson 594. High team game, Sno Boys D52, High team series, Sno Boys 2761. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 McKay's (2 Oibb 495. Thompson 423, MIttendorf 484, Shurtleff 536, Anderson 448. Whlttaker's Welders fl) Lawless 435, Elwood 443, Wblttaker 413, WUlard 408. Ross 511. Chris's Market (D Cruien 437, Evans 356, Wlltsey 438, Pbipps 509, Craycroft 409. Salem Auto ) Weger 515, Dough erty 393. Dunnlgan 446, Welle 303, Ran dall 363. Hammond Body fl) Brown 513, Lar sen 478, Gardner 336, McOulre 373, Ham mond 548. Valley Farm Store (S) Schmidt 435, Gray 468, Kechter 489, Morris 513, Sullivan 477. I.oder Bros. (3) Downey 390, Chakarun 422. Surratt 498, Suck 444, Busch 595. Moblloll 0 Forman 392. Pruett 424, Jaskoskl 395, Buckley 373, W. Pruett 470. High Individual game, Gardner 236. HUh Individual series. Hammond 542. High team game, Hammond Body 843. High team series, McKay 2503. Duck Pin MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE Marion Motors (0) Gladys Wood 430. Bert Eshleman 407, Louis Trfbbla 274, Bud Tribble 390; General Finance (4 Glen Blanton 502, Alma Penny 498, Alma Pen ny 498. Em II Scheie 459. Bve 396. Orval's Used Cars (3) BUI Lapschles 439, Ai made an Lapschles 339, Charles MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Micks Sign Shop !) Milbert Jacober 431. Bill Moad 440. B. B. Snelgrove 385, Jim Weston 385, Art Herschback 411; Sun set Donnts (3) Royal Pawley 423. B. F. Cushlng 416, Cliff Reed 451, Duane Chre- tian 420. Art Finney 450. Les Newman (1) Sam Fox 361, Bert Esniemen jso, Harvey fox 4D7, Bin nei meyer 411, Bye 306; Frosty Olsen 3) Tom Wood 476. Eddie Harrison 449, Emll Schols 460, BUI Gauthler 476, Arnle Mey er 4ftf. Hi-Lite Drive Inn (1) Duane Frank 6. George Reed 487. Wayne Frank 417. Milt Parker 383, Emery Alderman Davis Oil (3) Wayne Fields 410. Bud Booth 413, Olen Blanton 483, Jerry Davis 473, Hank Miller 48. Capps Used Cars (1) Bill Campbell 513. Lester Capps 507, Leonard Capps 436, Howard d tti 1 1 n 4J2. uame Hensei 47B Helders Radio (3) Al Kenflcld 521, Paul Russell 510, Lee Russell 462, Keith Keye 44, j-ave epaiaing jub. man team series, nciaers Kaaio, 3JB5; high team game, Capps Used Cars, 860; nign ina. series, Al Kenncia (Helders Ra dio), 521 ; high Ind. game, Tom Wood, (Frosty oisen), 234. Weather Plagued Ski Championship Due for Opening Lake Placid, N. Y., Feb. 1 (U.R) The weather-plagued world ski championships were due to open in comparative privacy to day with the Nordic combined jump. The jump was cancelled Mon- day as a separate event, then re instated yesterday after some four inches of snow fell to make the famed Lake Placid slide usable once again. But only a sparse gathering of officials and spectators was expected Because of a week of a snow drought and of schedule changes which the International Ski Federation" machine-gunned at the befuddled public the cross-country racers have gone to Rumford, Me., for the 18 kilometer race Friday and the casual spectators have just plain gone home. By JOE FALLS New York, Jan. 31 OH "Sure, we think we're the best in the nation . . . and we'll keep on thinking it until somebody beats us." The speaker? Lester Slicary, coach of unbeaten Holy Cross which today was voted the na tion's top basketball team for the third straight weekjn the Associated Press poll. "Team play has done it, too," Sheary said. "We use a three - platoon system, em ploying 15 players. After all, common sense says 15 men can outrun eight or nine." The "triple-teaming" has add ed up to 14 straight victories for the classy New Englanders, who received almost 60 per cent of the first place votes. Although idle last week, the Crusaders were tabbed No. 1 on 92 of the 157 ballots cast by sportswriters and broadcasters throughout the country. All told, Holy Cross totaled 1,446 points. Duquesne (14-0). Price of Pittsburgh, placed second with 1,040 and 10 first place votes. The two leaders are the only major unbeaten teams in the country. However, the top two face a busy week. Holy Cross tangles with mild Springfield tonight and Chicago Loyola on Satur day. Duquesne has two tough customers in Cincinnati and Louisville. Bradley (17-3) registered im pressive triumphs over Tulsa and St. Louis to advance from sixth to third place. Close be hind came Long Island univer sity (14-2) in fourth. St. John's of Brooklyn (16-2), which ruled the roost for sever al weeks, held its No. 5 spot, followed, in order, by Kentucky (14-4), Ohio State (12-3), La Salle (12-2), North Carolina State (15-3) and CCNY (10-2). Kentucky, rebounding from a Notre Dame setback, conquered Xavier (0.) and Georgia, but feli from fourth to sixth. Ohio State, Big 10 kingpin, made the big leap from the 13th slot to seventh with an important win over Minnesota. Eighth-ranked L a S a 1 1 e of Philadelphia dropped a peg, de spite a resounding victory over Temple. North Carolina State, moved up a notch to ninth place by whizzing past Louisville and Virginia Tech. City College of New York, th. only club in the first ten without a first place ballot, sliDned from eiffhth t.n tenth. . .UCLA moved into 13th place Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1950 11 Army's Need for Coaches Fails to Explain Quitting with four first place votes. Washington, 16th last week, but loser in two weekend games with Oregon, fell off the list completely. Houtreman the Most Courageous Ahtlete of '49 Philadephia, Feb. 1 Fireball pitcher Art Houlteman, who made a miraculous come back with the Detroit Tigers after he was badly injured in an auto accident, was acclaimed by the Philadelphia Sports Writers association as the most courageous athlete of 1949 at a dinner last night. Houtteman's baseball career was believed ended after his skull was fractured in the crash March 10. But although his life hung in the balance for a time, the 22-year-old Detroit native played again just two months later and went on to win 15 games for Detroit. Monmouth Trims Stayton, 40-32 Monmouth The Stayton Eagles were beaten, 40-32 in a Marion-Polk county league tilt Tuesday night, by the Monmouth Wolverines. The Stayton Bees salvaged the preliminary, 52-24. Monmouth I0) (32) Stayton Lytle 6 P 4 Norton Buss 8 F 4 Marcon Roscnstock 2 C 8 Titus Loch 11 0 1 Haines Thompson 8 0 7 Samples Subs: Monmouth, Johnson 5. stayton, Peoples 2. Falls City Tops Valsetz, 53-34 Falls City Falls City and Valsetz hooked up in a non league hoop game Tuesday night with Falls City taking the de cision, 53 to 34. Falls City out- scored Valsetz in the prelimin ary, 37-21. Fall. City (S3) (.11) VMjfU Bowmftn fl F 16 Bnbb Poe 9 F 2 Furdy Nairn 18 c 11 Head Brown 10 0 3 Huh5 Cooper 3 G 3 Ltaacson 1 8ubs: Falk city. William 4. By Hugh Fullerton. Jr. New York, Feb. 1 VP) The army is looking for football, basketball and baseball coaches for overseas duty at $4,600 to $5,750 per year but that does n't explain why top-flight col lege football tutors are quitting jobs because of "unsatisfactory" contracts . . . coaching probably is the most uncertain profession you can imagine, and these guys seem to be going out of their way to make it more uncertain for themselves and for their assistants ... Wayne Terwilliger, the Cubs' second baseman who jumped from college to the big leagues in 14 months, graduates from Western Michigan college this week . . the U. S. Trotting associa tion finally has adopted a sys tem of classifications which keeps a fast colt from racing himself out of competition and which makes allowances for an older horse that is go ing back . . . Oregon State col lege is all worked up about its ski team but the lads have n't yet figured how to slide downhill on basketball Coach Slats Gill. Sports Before Your Eyes Travis Tidwell, the Auburn star, likely will play pro foot ball for the Giants if he can also make a New York connec tion as a radio sports announcer . Hal Paddock, the popular Clevelander, is one of the few amateur golfers honored with an invitation to the masters tournament this year. He was a surprise quarter finalist in the national amateur. . . . Chuck Davey, who won four national collegiate boxing titles at Mich igan State, has signed up with Tom King, Jr., Chicago publi cist, to continue his pro career. Tom was an assistant coach at Michigan State before entering the drum-beating trade. ... A hoss that has been making his tory at Hialeah by running last in every race he has started bears the appropriate name of Sloe Moe. Dots All, Brothers Georgia's Wally Butts, who started spring (how's that, again?) football practice yes terday, has the aid of three former pupils who are back in school to complete work for their degrees Charley Trippi (Cardinals), Johnny Rauch (Bulldogs) and Joe Geri (Steelers) , . , degrees are what Wally's temperature rises a few of when he thinks how he'd like to have them back on his squad. Vik Matmen to Host Albany Salem high's mat crew tangles with the Albany Bulldog wrest ling squad Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. in the Vik Villa. A prelim inary featuring exhibition match es will precede the varsity meet. In a previous encounter be tween Albany and Salem the latter's team came out with the heavy end of a 27-17 verdict. Coach Hank Juran's boys have thus far won two games in as many starts. One encounter was legaue and the other a non- league affair. ICEMEN MOVE AROUND New York W) There are 32 players currently in the National Hockey league who have played for two or more NHL clubs. One iceman, Bud Poile. has per formed for five teams. Pat Egan is with his fourth club. And Joe Carveth of Detroit has played for three teams and is back with the club he started with. Sports Calendar FEBRUARY 1 Basketball CUT League: Marine Reserve -vs. Post Office, 7 p.m.; Capital Business College vs. Naval Reserve, 8 p.m., Burroughs Inn i. City Transit Lines, S p.m. Leslie gym. FEBRUARY Basketball Church League: 1st Methodist vs. 1st Presbyterian, Calvary Baptist vs. Jason Lee. St. Mark vs. Deal School at aim gym. Leslie Methodist vs. Calvary Baptist, First Baptist vs. Liberty Church or Christ, First Christian vs. St. Mark Lutheran, boys' gym. FEBRUARY I Basketball Salem at Astorln, Washington at O.S.O. Oregon at Idaho, Marion County B league: Chemawa at Jefferson, Deaf School at St Paul, Sa lem Sophs at Ocrvais. Marlon-Polk league: Independence at Monmouth, Sacred Heart at Salem Aca demy. Willamette Valley league: Sandy at Woodburn, Estacada at Molalla, Sllverton at Canby, Mt. Angel at Dallas. FEBRUARY Banket ball Willamette at Pacific. Washington at O.S.C. no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Pres-to-logs THE CLEAN FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 Refresh... add zest to the hour serving Coca-Cola serves hospitality . . . toih Ca trade-markt mean Ihi lamt Ihini. I NV 4 4 I OmiO UN0E AUTHORITY OF THt COCA-COU COHFANY Y J COCO-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF OREGON, SALEM, OREGON O 190, Th Coce-CoU Compofty J.J. CLOTHES SHOP Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men Say Shattering Terrrtic ,r. Suit Sale Will Be a Historical Event And you can bet your life that the 2nd suit you buy in this sen sational sale is positively being sold at less than wholesale cost! We have 500 ui'-, in this sale which gives you an un limited choice of famous make suits, that are better made, of be'tcr grade 100 wool hard finished worsted fabrics, smartly styled and expertly tailored in a wide range of patterns, colors, weaves and sixes to fit all regular, short, stout and tall. Why this sale? We have too many suits and to reduce our stock quickly we offer you this deal. BUY 2 SUITS Pay the Regular Price For 1 Suit, Then Select Any Other Suit In the Store At X the regular PRICE SAVE 1750 to $3750 Following is a list of our regular selling prices, including 1 and 2 PANTS SUITS 00 $3J00 $3950 $4500 $4750 $IJQ $5500 $60oo $5500 and $7500 Poy the regular price for one suit and one-half the regular price for any other suit In the sto.e. Bring a relative or friend to share the savings. Buy 2 topcoats, 2 pairs of pants or slacks, 2 hats, 2 belts, 2 suspenders, 2 neckties, 2 tie clasps. Pay the regu lar price for one and get the second one at one-! alf price. NOTICE VETERANS We will hold your selection (on payment of a de nosit) until you receive your Insurance dividend so you, too, can share In these great savings on a new ou'.fit. Vou Find It Pays All Ways, to Buy Your Clothes at J. J.'s Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men Open 'Til 9 II 11 Friday Night JjmJjm 2 Doors West of Liberty Street CLOTHES SHOP 387 STATE STREET Next Door to Hartman's Jewelry Store