12 Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 31, 1950 1 Murder in New Orleans By BRETT HALLIDAY (Author of the Michael .Shayne Stories) (Chapter Two) "Shouldn't you tell him?" Lucy asked, alarmed. "He can't possibly catch the murderer without know ing who was kiiled." "Nuts. Denton couldn't catch a cold in a flu epidemic. Get me the fit. Charles hotel," he went on swift ly. "Ask if a W. D. Carson has reg istered with them and get his room number," . Shayne pulled a bottle of cognac from the drawer of his desk, and took a long drink. As he ruturned the bottle to the drawer. Lucy ap peared in the doorway. She was excited. "You were right, Mike. Mr. W. D. Carson has room three-o-slx, but ne isn't in." Shayne got up and put on his nat. uKay, ne saia. He went out of the office and down the hall to the elevator. After reaching the sidewalk, Shayne loitered along looking in show windows. Out of the corner of ills eyes he was searching for anyone who showed signs of trail ing him. Then he walked a short distance to an alley and darted into it. By a circuitous route he made his way to another street where ne hailed a cab. As they passed the intersection of Gravier, he told the driver to pull to the curb and stop. He got out, waitea until tne can roared away, then hurried to the St, Charles hotel. Entering the lobby, he went to a waiting elevator and got off at the third floor. He swung down the hall to Room 306, and took out a ring of keys. The second key he selected opened the door. He slid inside and closed the door behind him. Except for a soiled white shirt tossed across the neatly made bed and an expensive pigskin suitcase lying on a chair, the room bore no evidence of occupancy. Shayne wrapped a handkerchief over his right hand and went to the suitcase. It contained an extra clean white shirt, size fifteen; un dershirts and shorts, thirty-four waist, and socks, handkerchiefs and ties. The sizes were about right w in tne aeaa ooay. He found no personal belongings in me room. He went back to the lobby and strolled around until he spotted a tall, thin-faced man. Shayne went up to him. "HI, Steve," he said. Steve Bodell took a slim cigar from his mouth and said, "Hello, Mike. Working?" "Sort of. Can you get me some dope on Three-O-Six?" The house detective studied Shayne warily with bright blue eyes., He returned in ten minutes with a slip of paper in his hand. He sat down beside Shayne and read from his notes: "W. D. Carson. Small town bank er from Cheepwee. Been stopping here off and on for four years sometimes with his wife. Checked in at four-thirty yesterday. Said he was only staying overnight. Made one phone call from his room." He gave Shayne the telephone number. "Thanks. Steve." he said. Rodell folded the slip of paper and uut it in his Docket. "Carson made that call at scven-slxtcen and no one remembers seeing him around since. His key Is in the box and the maid reported he had not slept in nis bed." Shayne said, "Good work," and started to get up. Rodell detained him by a ges ture. "Hold it, Mike. What gives? Anything we ought to have?" Shayne shrugged. "If you want to lend Captain Denton a helping hand, you might take someone down to the morgue, look at a corpse and toll Denton his name is W. D. Carson. And if you want to'hnng a real load of trouble around my neck you can tell him where the tip came from." "Denton has an unidentified body? Is that it?" "That's it." Shayne explained tile whole situation. "Do what you want about it. If Denton can prove I refused to cooperate, he figures to jerk my license." "Can you keep the hotel out of it?" Rodell asked. "I can try." "That's more than Denton would do," Rodell said. "Let him identify his own bodies." Shayne thanked Rodell again, then went over to a telephone booth and called the number Ro dell had Riven him. A pleasant feminine voice said, -j-aric riaza Apartments.' Shavne hunir ud. He looked in tile directory and found that the Park Plaza was on Bourbon street. He hurred outside and got in a waiting tnxl. "Park Plaza on Bourbon," he said as the cab pulled away. The Park Plaza was a new brick building. Shayne entered a small lobby with a glass-enclosed office near the elevator. A girl was seated at the small open window. When Shayne came up she smiled and said, "Yes?" "I'm a detective," Shayne told her. "I'm trying to get a line on one of your guests. A man was murdered last night. We know he made a call from the St. Charles Hotel to this number at seven-six-teen Inst night. It might help us a lot to know whom he called here, because that person may be the last one who talked to him before he was killed." She shook her head regretfully. T don't see how I can help you. We don't keep track of Incoming calls." "Could you check and see if any of your people called the St. Charles between four-thirty -yesterday and two this moraine?" "That's won't be very dlUicult."! sne turnea to a large ruiea aay-book. Shayne lighted a cxgaret while he waited. It was half -smoked when she closed the book and said, "No I calls to the St. Charles." Shayne frowned. "What sort of people live here?" he asked. "Could vou cive me a list of their names. and some sort of description of them?" "I'm afraid what I could give you won't help," she said. "You see, all but two of our tenants are middle-aged couples who have lived here for years and years. Miss Etta Hobson in One-F, and Mr. Svdnev G. Jones In Two-A." "Do you know anything about! eiiner ox tnem? "Well. Miss Etta Hobson looks about thirty, but she dyes her hair to hide the gray. She's a saleslady, I but has more money than most! salesladies." "What about Mr. Sydney Jones?" The girl made a grimace of dis taste with her full red lips. "He's thin and has halitosis. I ituess he's about thirty. I don't know what he! does. He's only been here about! four months. Elaine tnats uiei night operator told me he never! nets in until two or three o'clock) in the morning." I Shayne said, "Thanks very inucn," and went out. He took a cab to his oil ice. Lucv Hamilton looked ud when he walked into tne reception oi- fice. "It's that Captain Denton, she salt! anarilv. "He friahtens me. I You know verv well hes had it in! for you ever since the Margo Ma- con case when you made him look! like an idiot." And he framed you on a dis orderly conduct rap," Shayne re minded her teasinitiy. Shayne said. "Here's what I want vou to do. Call the Park Plaza and! asic lor Mr. syoney u. jones. ieu him you're Mrs. Carson from Cheep-1 wee. and that you're worried about! your husband. Listen carefully to! what he says and use your woman s intuition for what he doesn't say. I Then call the Rirl who 11 be oni duty at the switchboard at the Park Plaza and find out where Miss Bobson is employed as a sales-) lady." Ins Dec tor Quintan was flitting be hind his desk when Shayne walked) in. "How are you and Denton hitting it oil, anayner ne queried. 'Not too well." Shayne pulled I ud a chair and sat down. "He searched mv office this morning." advised him against it, out Denton is stubborn. He thinks you're holding out on htm and) he's hell-bent on Droving it." Shavne scowled. "What have you got on the dead man thus lar? ' "All I know is what I hear rum ored around the corridors." Shavne looked at him with ln-i credulity. "Aren't you handling it?" its uentons Daoy. Hell! You're still head of Homi cide aren't you?" "Theoretically." The inspector's I voice was mild. "But Denton not! a sDccial dispensation from the po lice commissioner to take over last night's Job. It was in his precinct." "You wouldn't mind having that ense tied up in a bundle and handed to you while he's still running around in circles, ' "No I wouldn't mind that at all,") Ouinlan airreed nuietlv. "But don't I do it, Shayne. If you told the truth last night and don't know the man, his murder doesn't mean anything! to you." He was a prospective cueni. Shayne said. "Somebody beat me out of a possible fee when he was gunned. I can't sit back and let ireople kill off my clients before tney enn get to me. Youre as stuooorn as uenion. He asked for this," Shayne said amrrilv. "Pushing you out on a limb," Oulnlnn nurccd nlacldlv. "Ail right, ho im out on a nmo. What killed the man?" "A slue from a thirty-two. One of those short-barrelled S and W's." "A Banker's Special," Shayne mused. "Very appropriate. Sure it wasn't suicide? I "What do you mean by appro-) nriatev uuinian mrew nun a shnrp glance. "What suggests sui cide to vou?'' "Just shooting off my mouth," Shayne assured him hastily. "Go nhend. So It wasn't suicide?" "Hardly. The direct course of the bullet into his heart from close up precludes that. Patrolman Mo ran heard the shot at one-twenty while on hts beat. It took him about four minutes to Ret to the scene. A car pulled away fast as he came up on tit. J-iOius. ine man nan died instantly and the body had been senrched evidently in great I nasie. since tne appointment dock wasn't taken." "What docs Ballistics say about the slug?" "They guess It was fired from a Bulldog s and W. It's plenty good for comparison if they get another one to matcn it wun. Shayne nodded and got up. Lucy Hamilton was hangmg up the telephone when he returned to his oitice. She made a wry lace. "I just finished talking to that guy Jones," sue said. I "Mr. Sydney Jones?" Shayne) grinned widely. "What did you find out?" Til at Mr. Svdnev Jones is louse. He wnntcd me to call himj Svd. and when I told him 1 was Mrs. Carson and was worried about my husband, he wanted me to come to his apartment to toll him all about it." oimynej cnucait'tt aim lrarnra over to pinch her pointed chin. Lucy pushed his hand away and grew prim. "What about Miss Etta Hobson?" "The girl at the switchboard tried to find out WHY I wanted to know where Miss Hobson worked before she'd tell me. She sounded awfully curious and excited. She finally told me that Miss Hobson worked at the Vogue Dress Shop." Shoyne said, "I'll check on them later. Right now I'm going to take a short trip to Cheepwee. I'll wire you If anything important comes up." (Will Shayne discovei the secret of the murder in Cheepwee? Don't miss tomorrows installment). m-A c'Wtf i Budd trailer I FINO SIX THAT NOT AN EMPTY BED IN ME -A V Q. WE CAN'T LET AN 1 V-fl II I 5 ARE EXACTLY STONY GAP.'-1 EVEN TERRIBLY V?fc.) J INVALID LIE HERE IN ' L - n i mJlM I II I T GOSH, BERTHAy RIGHT, JUD SPREAD A BLANKET SCK MAN.' THE LOBBY -THERES FlETS CABRV III 1 WEVE GOT TO FOR NOW, I CALL ON MY OFFICE DESK -VH HEART STW A SOFA IN OUR ROOM- IhIM UP THERE 'J II I E GIVE 'EM JthEM A. B.C. D.I, AND RENTED THAT h - V "ff' I I -i i ,ml piw 4 ill I V NAES liKyl0 pT7 7 N HCXJR AGO' I Bnl llPl I I 113 ir w jj ft - i n il -h M II nBMNl - I soffit H51 i riii j8 h Mir W ted s 1 ri x W1 VHT e v i 1 1 Li1 rsh j r ,u its m tvi n ylj me r - v ?-a vra w r r i i isy n n 1 r- n i r-zy r a- n ixrc . i hJ Tk r -rt.M i,..r y 1 1 I , i tb& - v I " - 1 -' ' HMHBMMHHBHBMHMHKn II M Hiii.ll B 1 HERE'S M(CY, IW-I WBMT Y BUY TuJTS T Jj IS ft BREAK FOR ME AND FOR A LOT II WHERE ROCKY WORKS-'CLOSED"? 8Hlfl I" u VOU TO DO Inc MBRKETTN5- WERT! LOTS O ' XT PEOPLE COURSE, I DO HflVE SORT 1 El LEAPIN LIZARDS! WHA HOPPEN T AUHlSliH P I YOU KNOW THAT WONDERFUL w 1 MEAT JO. OF AN INTEREST M TH BARGE RESTRURflNT B CMON. GIRLS-WE'RE GOIN' M u B PLACE WHERE YOU CAN GET ff I LIKE L' J W AND I DO PAY COST PRICES- S.-V TO TH' BARGE lOjOSED U " much for -Ay(sfir -1 , 1 imMmwsmmmmM a whimWLkiLurfr' Awrm. 11101 HimA m lit a -itn i iTriiiViTJr I hBaftJri i ll 1 1 II m J .. ... lHWHi I f w W "N I I I Turv'cac at ilkilWVllJ I I -v H THE WIND IS BLOWING) (LOOK) ,y NOW TO GET TOM ,OPPY.y rijifVyy "'Sf'S (AWAY TROM THE CABIN. V --f A BRUSHY OUT OF THAT gjr.-iMi WKHOPOY.J -&-! CAS9IDY.' I WfflS O b J IH1S BKUW HWt OUlaHl 0 . , Lf-L-JTK URt CABIN X J WfTrmBtHkT I t u" WTA " .. fmsa mz&mm mam ism s sata I I I mm mill il I rriipwir7h !! I llhl wm,- 1 M I NEED A PRIVATE FINE ! IF I ASK VOU V TboVS. I THINK M-- N4&rf'wHV--SHE T I II IVES" MAN I YOU DON'T Vrri5T,nt A.U ?1AfS NO KISSES UjMlSSf T FOLMnROUNANO SAYM DO VOU AGREE JVfeg pOgl YZifif&mHi TtaO' KttSWP - A O fltlWffiTOO' I CRACK IIHLC" I I . ZSSrmUf MM lli I rv,rr5'T "WBagSgpjtiW y I I I MSANWNILE.AT PANMV'S DtJEZ V R WSZt THAT'S THE WAV IT LOOKED AT VoH, HELLO, yOU SEE WINTERS THOSE ' SfS RfiST. BUT IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE. I THOUGHT IP BETT6S RUN WARCIN6.' lU. U tLUra'HIREPTO 'J LOOK.WINTEES.THE COMPETITION AtT OVER AND GEE 00, WlNNV. (SAYITSOUa S BUST THINGS UP IN "THE WNNERS , SrS'fll THE BOYS TELL WE THE J 60TANV IDEAS? 1. CIBCLE BY DANNV, WHO ISJNS P-f 1 TOO FAR APART.-NO, THERE S 60ME LITTLE JOS AT THAT NEW -yVAIT. I WANT T TOE DINER UP THBBCttpj ' - Ml OTHER REASON MJY BANNY VWNTS .JOINT WENT SOUR J TO BE SUBE , II IZJW lllte-- I cuMIII HI I H r WMri III t, euw zm$ ' " - 1 I - ' L - ' - A I WtbUKflOMlK.- y5,5R!ltlcAii. Jl I r .nonvz-miil I.W.COUWU AK. , .uoinnLIVF -4T ' HUMPH! PEROXIDE SHOULD BEOUT rA,'? ) T HEM- rShtWAM tStit)"' AMIN!) SoWAwMeJ A&E WED ALONG WITH MISON GAS, TJ Li ABOUTAM0DIUN6 L Hfl Wrtf'--WTER0UR BRICK I M H J08-' mmmrmml M Kit u.,vK. , HAIR.SR0W5 MYi. 6tiltl(-- S.JIMMY! A, THE WEARY ROUND OF . I , RADIO PROGRAMS rUESOAY P.M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 630 NBC 670 CBS U ABO 13S0 MBC MflO Kc 5rM Thfl I ! Ul Feitun Slorr Green Hornet Strlrbt Arrow ViSJ" . Little Show Gro Ilornel StrUhl Arrow 7'"' T,?le 5l45 rS Brl New! Uck Arm. trot. I B-Bur-B Ban0b rf Pr "finn Bop Hop .-ire With Lnlrl Edw. C. Hill G.brlel Hrt J;"fjrtJ S. fl'ISBa! Bom Lllo With Lflbrl Horn- Edition Northw'it F."Jlel ' 6:!ln McGee A Mollr Meditation Mod. Romneet Tello Tert Twlllhl i... 6:45 McGee Molly i.MjBelW Mod. Bomancti Serenade 1 wiiigoi goag 700 MtUle ' Lum A Ahner Counterspy Drims. of Med. c.onle, Haines 7:15 Mali . Lum A Abner Counters Sonn of Time. Muleal J'ckpoi 7:an Peo art Panny Eieapt Solo A Sotllo. Peter SaUm Evelyn Knlil.t l-iVvll. Ytl Funny Escape 8Gla8Hlo. 1'eter Salem T"P'n R:(H) Sinatra, Klrst. Low. Thorn a. Defense Tlma " Counl M. Crlsto "'rt R:1 News of World lack Smith Defense Tim Count M Carlo SIM - OSC Fr. R:30 OafBleadt Mr.. Mrs. North Politics 19JS0 I.ran Back SIIS - OSC Fr. 8:45 Cavalcade Mr., Mrs. North Politics, 1P50 I'rlo SH8 - OSC Fr. -9:0fl Bonald Colem'n Mystery Thea. Town Meetlnf Glen Ilnrdy SHS - OSC Fr. 9IS tonald Colem'n Mystery Thea. Town Meeting McKay Speaks SIIS - OSC Fr. 930 Bl Town Beulah News Favorite Story SHS - OSC Fr. 9 ;4fi Big Town Club IB We Care Favorite Story Newa 10:00 lam Hayes S-Star Final Rlehfleld Reptr Fulton Lewis Night Song 10:15 Mort. Downer Vou World Intermesxo Mut. Newsreel Night Song 10:30 Sports Fare AlrMo Concert Hoar Nwi Mm. yon Want 10:45 Danet Oreb. Orchestra Concert Hoar Hcrc'e to Vets Mm. yon Want 11:00 News Serenade Concert hoar I Lore Mystery Noctnrno 11:15 Mr. Fix-It Treasury Band Conner! Horn Les Brown Noctnrno 11:30 Waa Museum Organ Meb.os Benny Strong Nocturne 11:45 Waa Museum Organ Memos Benny Strong Noctnrnt 12:00 lgn Off 'silent Xtra Hour Slgn Off " Isim Oft FM Ueg., KGW 100.8, S-I0 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m., 11 p.m., KEX K.I, I U I p.m. - WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00Hodgo Fodga News Farm News Morn. Ner 6:15 Newt KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Huala. Timk'pr. 6:30 Farm TImi KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tlma KOCO K oek fi:4fi Farm Time KOIN Klock Kerp Smiling News KOCO Klock 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Klock Newt Hrmmlngway T Bitter 7 - Iff Old Songt Newt Asronsky lir'kfaal Gong KOCO Klock 7:30 Newt Newt Bob llaien Jlse A Rhine News 7 :45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck .eke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock fi-0fl Eddlt Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Barg Counter Kn'" Crusadra 8- 15 Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club Family Alter King t Crusadra 830 Tack Bercb Grand 81am Breakfast Club Hible Institute West. Melodies g45 Saga aiders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Templa Echoea 9- 00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Vorthw'st News Time for Melo 915 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Stars Sidney Walton Tlmo for Mel'dr ' 9:30 Hometownera Helen Trent Quick as Flash Pastor't Call Stara Sing 9;4i Newt Our Gal Snnd'y Quick as Hash Waits Tlma J. Ch. Thomat 10:00 Marrlaga for t Big Sister Sag Rldera tn Hardy . W. Newa 015 Carmen Cavcl. Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Singer Mem rable Mna. 030 Hostess Hoost Yg. Dr. ftlalone My True Story Concert June Tlma ; 0 ;4ff Hostess Home Guiding Light My True Story Buss Morgan " Keyt 100 Ooablt or Noth. Jnd Mrs. Burt'n Brtty Crocker Ladiet First M""' Mart 1 Double nr Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles First Muslo Mart l'SOT'day't Cfalldon Norah Drake N'weiternera Queen for Day Garber 1 ;45 Light of World Brighter Day N 'westerners Queen for Day Vocal Varletfca 2:00 Kneatt Newa Newt Baukhaga rP Tradea Hollyw'd Muslt 2:15 Rtd ' Llfa Come e Get It News Ne Hollyw'd Muslt 1230 PePP" jub nouse Party Jack Norman Gy M't Newt napplnesa House Party Meet Menjoua B. Eberly Show Dave Dennis i"00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Breakfast").!! nb MItrhell Mac'g Melodies 1 -iff Stella Dallas Jaek nolt Hollywood nb Mitchell Mac'g Melodies l30Lorenso Jonea Garry Moora Kay West Tel Neighbor Mac'g Melodies 1 ;45 Wlddcr Brown Newspaper Kay West Blng Sings Mac'a Mclodicg 2:"0fl A Girl Marries Newspaprr lay Stewart BoD pool Mac'a Melodiet 21ffPor. Faeea Life Steve Allen Jy Stewart Bob Poole Mac'g Melodies 2:30Jst Plain Bill teve Allen Bride St Groom Muslo for Wed. Mac's Melodies 2:45 Fr. Page Farrell Tunefully Yo'rs Bride Jt Groom Music for Wed Mac'g Melodies 3. 00 Welcome Trav. News Pick a Date r.eo. jamboree Mac's Melodies 315 Welcome Tra. Arthur Godfrey Pick a Date ?eo. Jamboree Mac's Melodic 3.3ft Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb cws Mac's Melodiet 3:45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb 1 Suna ' Mac'g Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Art Baker Fulton Lewis News 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Dr Paul Cnrt Massey Squirrel Cag Behind Story B can be Beans. 4:45 Paula Stone Ed It. Marrow Firefighters News B can be Beaut. A.M.- Tbcatret 5:15, On bcati 8: BO, S50 Sports Clubi 6:00, Newsi 6:16. Organ) fl:30, 'Round the Catnpflret 7:tK, Evening Farm nour: a:0O. OSC Nu lla Dept.t 8:18, Research; 8:30, Artistry In elasslcsi 8:48, News and Weather; 6:00, Musle That nndurett fl:45, Evening Medi tations) 10:00, Sign Off. Program Postponed For Silverton PTA Silverton Miss Hannah 01 son. publications chairman, is announcing the postponed Janu ary meeting of the Silverton Parent Teachers association to be jointly with next program February 2 at Eugene Field auditorium as an evening affair. The panel discussion on "What Can Be Done to Better Our Com- DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 nr nctlneiiday A. M. 10:00, New. MAL and Wentheri 10:15, Espec ially for Women! 11:00, School of Atri 11:111, Concert Hall: 12:00, News: 13:lff, Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:1.1, School of Air: 1:4, This Day; 2:00. Freedom to Grow; 2:30, Memory Book of Music: 2:1.. School of Air; 8:00, Music of Masters: 4:00, Orecon Reporter; 4:15, Kern dc Jtsloop; 4:30, Report from Congress: 4:15, Defense Report. 4:4.1, Defense Report. ' munity" will be sectionally in troduced and directed by Harley DePeel on "Safety"; Helen Wangsgard, "Health"; M. B. Ford, "Welfare"; Judge Alf. O. Nelson, "Law Enforcement"; Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, "Civic Pride." Miss Wangsgard is the local county health nurse. Mrs. Harry Riches is to be in charge of the February Foun ders' Day program at which time past presidents of the associa tion will be complimented and the hostess hour to be in charge of faculty members. ACROSS L Tall? 4. Golf Ihot 1. Chart 11. Win II. Ree-ardeo, 14. Palm leaf 15. Kind of carpet 17. Husbandman. 19. Drooping 20. Not hollow 21. Tax 23. Near 24. Important happentnt IT. Parcel of ground 28. Swedish colna 50. Notion 51. Broad stra.tl abbr. 8S. Squeakad Si. Chines. diplomat SS. Ring ST. Sleigh 18. Fowl S9. Lone narrow piece 41. Symbol for tellurium 42. Dear 43. Shatter 45. Take solid food 48. Sorrow 48. Heavy overcoat 51. Eternity 53. Coral island 54. Old musical note 55. Upright sup porting a horizontal 58. Mentions BpeclQcalfF 57. Tear lAWANlETWBAirTM h e r Mm y t hUais g A Th aJu s t e d 51 1 Hi"! 8 He E2 B 5 LCI sMaIvJBth etT se ESSKIiu Ra sBjsliSrp as wiiip a y Bob j cks A R E A R H mIlHS T SSSl ?HO M AfRHT O W 8 E3B M EL O NBfUY RJ C JJ2 J. Nil R A T EA D O L E T ORa N O Nl L E R MassBSl1 !apsMeTrnI Solution of Yeaterday'a Puzzle DOWN 1. Marbl. 1. Mohammed's adopted son 8. Vote 4. Fall si 9 9- JSTmA 1 1 1 ifrTT" AP Ntw$tMur$ a3T S. Went quickly 1 Player at cer tain game T. Forbid 8. Official of ancient Aoin 9. Shaped 10. Beverage IU .Nominal value) of stock 18. Small child , 18. Ashy pale 20. Secret pro cedure IL Strikee with the oen hand 22. Desire t 23. God of war 25. More lately made 26. Tjvlt 23. Conjunction 29. Kind of enowshoe 32. Region 33. Short for a man's nam 38. Poisonous gas 88. Dealer In headgear 40. Stately danc 42. Owns 44. Bristle 45. Additions to building 48. Secure 47. Fish eggs 43. Rubber tre 49. Yale 50. Knock 63. Mystical Hindu ejaculation ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern MY IDEA OF A PERFECT ALARM CLOCK IS ONE & THAT'LL WAKE YOU TWO HOURS BEFORE TH' SET TIME TO SET UP, SO YOULL KNOW YOU HAVE A COUPLE MORE HOURS TO SLEEP f! Y'KNOW ROBIN, I THINK THE ? METHOD OF AWAKENING PEOPLE 1 BY AN ALARM-CLOCK BELL IS 53 I ARCHAIC- -THE BELL IS TOO fl ABRUPT AND IRRITATING.'- - f I KNOW ITS PURPOSE IS TO S AROUSE THE SLEEPER., BUT j i . am incRc ousi dc .i MORE HOURS TO f MORE CHEERFUL MANNER, . SLEEP r-S I