,11 . --tj- tSSAp-S t ,v 91 Tally-Ho Fox Away! Followed in close pursuit by news men and the tag end of the morning hour rush, a silver-colored fox (above) does better than a fox-trot as it races through downtown Washington, D. C. A posse of government workers cheered on by the lady treasurer of the U. S., Mrs Georgia Nees Clark, finally captured the animal on the treasury lawn. (Acme Telephoto) Bids Will Be Opened Feb. 24 For Depoe Bay Improvement By C. K. LOGAN Bids for the improvement of Depoe bay this summer, estimated to cost around $400,000. will be opened by the Portland district corps of engineers February 24 with the improvements making ive times the space avauame ior snipping as at present. Drainage and enlargement otf the present basin will provide approximately 750 feet by 350 feet with a depth of eight feet sheltered from the ocean by the rock promontory upon which the coast highway passes. The useable boating space now is about 125 feet by 350 feet and averages around five feet in depth. At extreme low tides many craft rest on the bottom. Depoe Bay is regarded one of the finest ' small harbors for shallow draft boats in Oregon because it can be entered fre quently when other harbors are unsafe. It has no bar but two reefs extend out from rocky points north and south of the entrance which help break up the swells. Will Dredge Basin The plan calls for dredging the basin and the 30-foot wide entrance channel to a project depth of eight feet and for the construction of a concrete re taining wall 660 feet in length alone the east side of the basin. Behind this will be a fairly lev el area connected with a public road so automobiles and trucks can be driven to the edge of the basin, adjacent to five floating piers, each about 120 feet long, which the Port of Newport commission proposes to build for public use. Also provided will be a catch basin at the south end to stop silt from being washed into the boat basin from Depoe creek. The project will also include a concrete breakwater 160 feet long on top of the rock ledge just north of the entrance to the bay to break up northwest swells which frequently sweep across the entrance and force boats towards the rocks on the south side. An alternate location with change in plan is provided for this feature in case the engin eers fail to get needed right of way to reach the first location. The breakwater will also be eliminated if bids for the basin project exceed the amount allo cated for the project. Under the plan for utilization of the new basin the sport fish ing charter boats will be berthed at floats tied alone the north end of the basin, at the foot of the bluff where they are centered, and commercial fishing boats and other pleasure craft will be berthed at the Port of Newport floats on the east side. Place for Unloading The west side of the basin will be devoted largely to load ing and discharging of fishing boats at the fishing company stations now located between the highway and the bay. At the south end there will be a pri vately owned area available for development into a repair cen ter. While the improvements are under way the Tradewind craft, offering ocean fishing trips and short pleasure cruises, will be operated out of Newport. Specifications call ' for com- YhiS ave UNITI& SaveTime and Money Fares are often than lit clau rati plus Pullman. And you save hours in some cases, dayi of travel time. Northbound Malnllnort leave of 2:55 P.M. i 7:50 P.M. PORTLAND ... 30 mln. SIATTLI S'4 hr. Southbound Moinlinort Uavo ot IMS A.M. I 3:15 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO 4V4 hrs. LOS ANGELES . . 7 hrs. fowl, hfxvrfcM flhrs to "o 10 loot" t UNITED AIR LINES Airport Terminal. Call 1-143! O, HI AN THE OTHER SIDE Salem Bus Drivers Cite Their Four 'Pet Peeves' By DAVID BLACKMER Being a bus driver for the large percentage of Salem's popu lation which depends on the City Transit Lines bus service for their means of transportation to and from the metropolitan area is by no means the pretty picture that some people believe it to be. This decision was reached by this reporter after spending a day riding buses with four dif ferent drivers and interviewing the top man on the seniority list of drivers. To begin the day, I boarded the Madison bus, driven by Or- val Mull, 937 Norway street, who was the initial driver for my day's journey. If a bus driver doesn't know every schedule tnai exists in the city of Salem, nc is a aeao. duck as far as the estimation of Joe Blow, our first customer for the day. Our second incident occurred when a woman wished to be let off at the Ladd & Bush bank corner, which at the present time is an illegal bus stop. If a driver stops there, he is sub ject to a fine by the city council which has designated wnere dus stops are to be within a four- block area. The woman was very displeased and maybe the company lost a casn customer, but one can not please every one. Many people, in my estima tion, don't seem to realize that bus drivers are only human, and that they, just like John Q. Pub lie, have feelings which can get beyond one's control. But in a bus driver's position, you can't lose respect for the customer and. therefore, it is a simple case of being tongue-tied during your day s work. After the day is over, a driv er then goes home and lets off his steam in front of his wife. At least, that's what I have heard. There are always two sides to a story. In this article I am only writ ing the side of the bus driver which is not taken into consid eration too often by people who ride the bus. People often tell the driver, You're late. Can'i you stay on schedule?" If only the per son that made that remark re alized that some other person or persons helped to make the driver late. Oville Mull Lot's return to the subject of riding ihe bus for a day to see why. Upon a return trip from the Mill street run, a gentleman was standing on a corner and seemed to be waiting for the bus. Mull shifted the bus down to a lower speed, stopped, opened the door, and the young man exclaimed, "I wasn't waiting for you." A mere wave of the hand would have saved the Mill street bus from being minutes late on its next run ... By the time five or ten things happen like that, the bus can easily get off its regular time. 00 What is It like to be a bus driver eight hours? . Have you ever tried sitting aown for eight hours with only stretching your legs once or twice and gulping down your lunch if you have a minute or two? That is the life that Mull and most of the other drivers lead. Mull got out of the bus only five times in the day's time. During extra minutes and no more Mull ate his lunch while sitting at the end of the line. Another time I rode with Er nest Walker, top man on the bus drivers' seniority list, who has racked up 40 years as a street car conductor and bus driver. 0 0 0 The four main pet peeves from my observations in a day were: 1. People who stand on bus corners and don t want the bus. Signaling the driver to go on past would eliminate this fault. 2. People who never have fare ready upon boarding the bus. Or the people who dig into the pocket or purse for five minutes. 3. People who stand in front of the windshield and block the driver's view. 4. Customers who use the front exit at the main loading stops instead of using the rear! of the bus exit. 0 0 0 Salem city bus service claims four sets of brothers who are drivers. C. H. Walker, 2238 Trade street and George Walker, 140 Lana avenue, are the two top drivers on the list. The Elds, Henry and Arthur, live at 1950 Warner street, and 1120 Donna avenue. Harley Cross, 530 N. 22nd street, and Raymond cross, 1470 Market street, are the third set. The fourth set is Riley and Pryor Robinson who reside at 689 N. Commercial and 1265 N. Fourth streets, respec tively. Teamster Union Power Feared Washington, Jan. 31 ff) NLRB General Counsel Robert N. Denham declared today that if the AFL- Teamsters Union ever concentrates its power "there will be no measuring" its eco nomic force on the nation. He made clear that he views this prospect with alarm. As attorney for the National Labor Relations Board, Denham is the government's chief Taft- Hartley act prosecutor. His of fice is independent of the NLRB itself. In a speech prepared for a meeting of the American Truck ing Association, Inc., Denham said the Teamsters exercise con trol which touches virtually ev ery industry in the country. He added: "If they could just concentrate that control, as most of the other organizations do, under a single master-type agreement or for mula patterned for collective bargaining that would apply to and tie in all of the industries which they touch, there would be no measuring the economic Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 31, 1950 11 force and power of the Team sters in this country." The potential strength of the million-man union, Denham said, "is sufficient to dwarf the eco nomic power of those so-called monopolistic giant unions into relative insignificance. "It is hardly necessary for me to remind you that that that union is fully conscious of its power." Despite the Taft-Hartley pro visions intended "to curb abuses of that power, not only as it exists in the Teamsters, but in every other labor organization. Denham said, "we still have a long way to go before what seems to be the congressional in tent will be realized." Chairmen Chosen by Kiwanis Club Head Salem Kiwanis club chairman ships of the various committees have been made by Russell Pratt, who took over the presidency of the organization the first of January, These assignments in clude: Youth activities, Gus Moore house, Mai Rudd; finance, Guy Hickok; Introduction and edu cation, Ted Medford; inter club relations, Bill Thompson: agri culture. Bob White; reception, Ben Ramseyer; stunts, "Rosie" Rosebraugh; boy scout, George Raugust; church, Louis White; achievement report, Forrest Breakey; attendance and mem bership, Bill Braun; program, Jim Hunt; public and business affairs, Fred Klaus. Charles Evans, Jr., who won the Western Open golf tourney in 1910, is the only amateur ever to win that title. Made ESPECIALLY For KIDDIES' CHEST COLDS to relieve cooghs ftcbtog mucks There's a special Child's Mild Mus tcrole made for kiddies' tender skin. Musterola not onlv rivM luwwwiv rli i but it breaks up congestion In upper bronchial tubes, nose and throat JurtJ rub it on chest, throat and back. Child's Mild Honor Oregon Firms Portland, Jan. 31 m The Oregon Advertising club will honor 38 Oregon firms tonight at banquet for companies with brand names in use for more than 25 years. The Brand Names Foundation, Inc., New York, is co-sponsor of the program. pletion of the entire project within 200 days after work is started with the new basin to be open for use by next fall. More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here la a pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTKETH, an Improved oowder. sprinkled on upper and lower plates holds them firmer bo mac mey leei more comioriaDie. no Rummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). Does not sour. Checks "plnte odor" (denture breath), Get FABTEETH today at any drug store. The Kosi River Dam, to be erected in eastern Nepal, will be between 750 and 800 feet high taller than the Hoover Dam on the Colorado river. FOR SALE WALNUT SHELLS makes hot Fuel 15 Sacks for $1 $3 per ton. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St. Now-an Miner Reclining Seat tL LQM Nook III Illy I w u u iiaou nmuuuuuuui -DELIVERED HERE- For the last word in comfort try the Nash Ambassador's new Airliner Reclining Seat. At lever touch the seat goes back as far as you wish. Relax completely . . . float off to sleep if you like, for there's Safety Belt protection. Except for the landscape flashing by, you'd hardly know you were in a moving car. For super-soft coil springs on all four wheels have turned the road to velvet . . . and wind roar has been hushed by America's best aerodynamic design. The air you breathe it fresh and filtered by the Nash Weather Eye Conditioned Air System. In Sky Lounge interiors there's so much room you can even have Twin Beds. HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE! Drive this Nash Ambassador. Discover America's top high-compression engine that requires only regular gasoline up to 30 more economical than other fine cars by owner reports. And now you can have Hydra-Mafic Drive plus new Nash Selecto-Lift Starting avail, able only on the Nash Ambassador. See your Nash dealer and learn the good news abput price. The Ambassador even in Custom models regally tailored to your order costs as much as a thousand dollars less than other cars of its size and quality. ONir HASH AtHASSAOOK OWHltS IHJ0T All THISt flNt-CA flATVKIS Trbo-Hdhigh.compression en- (tmtj oqw f.o to i. ine only Am Natk StotMiaoi $1 OO700 Svptt 5400 Nub Ambaticd $99 8200 Swptr 2-dw S$dai AW (Car illuilmted) Suit and local Kiel (if 107) eitra. Iljrdra-Matic Drire available on the Nath Amliaiartut at net low price. White lidewall lire, Airlinei Reclinina Seal and Weather Eve Syiiem option I at eilra coil, Pncea my tar; ilightly in adjoinini comrounitiei due to transportation charge!. Companion to IA Nath Statesman Thm Finmmt Vatumm in Ftnm Can tiatk Moton, Division NaiK-Ktlvinator Corperatiom, inW American enjrine with the jeweled smoothness of 7bearing, 100 counter-baltnced crankshaft. Knockofree performance with reg ular gasoline. Automatic Wctaf htr ly. Fresh air Tentilation and heat control. You never have dust, or know cold. front seat or back, in any weather. Only Nash has it. Alrflyt Construction. Different from ail others, in Nasb the entire frame and body, floor and roof are here welded into one single, super strong unit, squeak-free and rattle proof. Twice as rigid, it makes pos sible new performance, economy and riding smoothness. ii THERE'S MUCH OF TOMORROW IN All NASH DOES TODAY MARION MOTORS 333 Center St., Salem, Ore. 1 jpfrl""'' 1 DENTURES v iVo ) DTAL I (Jky 1 PLATES Wbea the time comes iitat you must wear Dental Plates, con sider the benefits of Immediate Dentures which help elimi nate the ineonvenience and discomfort of "Toothless Days." Immediate Dentures make it possible for you to continue business and social activities without interruption or embarrassment. Immediate Dentures mate It easier for you to accustom yourself to the wearing of Dental Plates. Immediate Dentures permit more faithful reproduction of the form and arrangement of natural teeth. Immediate Dentures minimize distortion of facial outline and preserve Hie tone of the tissues. Immediate Dentures help you retain clarity of speech, which Is particu larly important for those who meet the public. Immediate Dentures provide more rapid healing of the soft tissues and more satisfactory bone regeneration. Immediate Dentures enable the dentist to obtain proper relationship of the i-pper to the lower jaw. Immediate Dentures will help you overcome much discomfort because they protect the gum ridges during the healing period. Immediate Dentures enable you to learn to wear your plates much more quickly. Immediate Dentures ore the NATURAL transition from natural to of trfieral teeth. Ask Your Dentist Mo win bo glad to qlvo you more Information Moor tlio arwnfaqcs ci Immc. .' .c Dcnturos. Yoo Doot Havo to Pay Cash at Dr. Sem tor's! Oct too plat.i yoo aaed RIGHT NOW ... pay LATER la Small Weekly or MoooMy Aerontt. ..Easy Credit Terms arranged wit hoot dolay or rod tape. EXAMINATION Without Appointment Com la ay time at your convenience for Examiaatio r Coasaltatloa oboat yoar Dental Problems, Prompt, friendly attention. SPECIAL SERVICE for Otrt-of-Town Patients Work cootpletod In 1 to 1 days IdHflcnlt Koptedl. 1 KL-' 'JTtf. 'OAfc HARRY SEMIER, Dentist WATER S-ADOLPH BIDC STATE t COMMERCIAL SoUiw, Oregon