l Capital Women I Edited bT MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 30, 1950 Moores in Salem as Newcomers Being welcomed to Salem this week to make their home are Colonel and Mrs. Harvard C. Moore, who are moving from Eugene. Colonel Moore is to be resident physician at the state penitentiary. The Moores will be at the Marion hotel until a home is available. Several affairs have been giv en for them preceding their de parture from Eugene. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Peacock and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hixson were among those entertaining for the Moores. Mr. and Mrs. John Fos ter also entertained for them, and among teas given for Mrs. Moore was the one for which Mrs. Thomas I. Chapman and Mrs. Henry W. Hall were host esses. Mr. and Mrs. George Hop kins honored the Moores at a supper and Mr. and Mrs. Her ald W. White entertained at din ner for them. Mrs. Moore also was complimented by the Eu gene Soroptimist club at a des sert and social evening at the country home of Mrs. John R, Snellstrom. Mrs. Moore is one of the three authors of "The Story of Eu gene," written in collaboration with two of her sisters, Mrs. Condon C. McCornack and Mrs Lynn S. McCready, both of Eu gene. Dr. Stone Speaks For Junior Women Woodburn Dr. W. J. Stone of the Marion county public health department will speak on social ized medicine at the regular meeting of the Woodburn Wo man's club, Wednesday, Febru ary 1 at the library club rooms. The meeting will begin at 2 p. m. Mrs. William Merriott, chair man of the public health com mittee, will be in charge of the program, which will also in clude vocal solos by Mrs. Leonard Kephart (Ruth Geer) of Salem. Plans are under way for the annual Martha Washington tea which the club holds each year. Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin will be general chairman. Assistant hostesses for the meeting Wednesday will be Mrs. Ray Glatt, Mrs. Hartley Le Febvre, and Mrs. O. R. Randall. BUENA VISTA The Buena Vista Woman's club met at the hall with Mrs. Jonas Giuoer and Mrs. Melba Powers as hos tesses. The next meeting will be February 8. The club members were In vited to be guests of the Mon mouth Civic club, February 9, at 2 p.m. The club was asked to attend a meeting February 6 for a discussion on the new high school problems at 8 p.m. Kraut, Frankfurter Week Soon IF' i, Another Low Cost Winter Meal comes from the pantry shelf . . . sauerkraut and frankfurters. The food trades are emphasizing their advantages in a national promotion the week of February 2-11. And you'll find that sauerkraut topped with frankfurters and mashed potatoes is a casserole worthy of note during this period. The flavor contrast that sauer kraut adds to frankfurters ac counts for their popularity to gether. In fact, the National Kraut association estimates that one-fifth of all sauerkraut sold Is served with this meat pro duct. Sauerkraut Frankfurter Casserole 1 No. 2 can sauerkraut 2 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 12-ounce can frankfurters 4 medium boiled potatoes, mashed and seasoned Vi cup grated American cheese Place sauerkraut in baking dish. Spread with mustard. Split frankfurters in half, but do not cut all the way through. Fill opened frankfurters with mashed potatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Arrange over sauer kraut. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees) about 25 minutes. YIELD: 4 servings. 1.0 WRI FISCHER Wed 55 Years Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shaw, 555 Center street, are to observe their 55th wedding" anniversary on Thursday, February 2. The couple were married in Baker county, 55 years ago. and have lived in Salem since 1920. They have two sons, Glenn Shaw, who lives in Los Angeles, and Lloyd Shaw, San Francisco. Scout Groups Meet Past Week Girl Scout leaders, co-leaders and neighborhood chairmen of the Salem district met with the executive committee of the or ganization last week at the YMCA. About 50 women at tended the meeting. The annual Girl Scout cookie sale is scheduled to si art Febru ary 23. A report of progress made during the past four months was given by Mrs. Frank Manbeck chairman of the executive com mittee of the Salem district Girl Scout association. Mrs. John Ramage was introduced as the new nominating committee chairman, and Mrs. Carl B. Col lins, as the registrar. Mrs. R. B. Stringham, pro gram chairman, interpreted the work of her committee and showed how it can be of help to the individual Girl Scout troops. The neighborhood committee chairman, Mrs. D. J. Cleary, outlined the scope of her com mittee, and Mrs. Edwin Keech chairman for the Bush school district, gave a report of the ac tivities of her group To close the meeting all the leaders and co-leaders divided into groups with their neighborhood chair man for general discussion. The neighborhood chairmen are: Mrs. Edwin Keech, Bush school and blind school; Mrs. John J. Grif fith, McKinley school; Mrs. Lewis Clark, Liberty, Pringle and Richmond schools; Mrs. Rey nolds Allen, Grant school; Mrs. John Bacevich, Englewood school; Mrs. Richard Klover, Keiser and Hayesville schools; and Mrs. Russcl Forrest, Four Corners and Swegle schools. Those In charge of arrange ments for the meeting were Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Rich ard Chase and Mrs. R. B. String ham. Supper Party Mr. and Mrs. Winstanley Jenks entertained a group at a midnight supper Saturday fol lowing the Waverly club dance, Mrs. Jenks arranging the event in honor of Mr. Jenks birthday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Bahlburg, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Linden, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Howard L. Jenks, Captain and Mrs. Richard Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Jenks. Start the New Oregon School of 230 NORTH LIBERTT (Next Door to Leon's) WE GIVE l ' i s&:, 'i J' f A 10 Engagement Told Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Margaret Brentano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brentano of St. Paul, to Martin Joseph Krupicka, son of Mr. Krupicka of Woodburn. (Alyce studio picture) Canton, Auxiliary Install Officers Capital Canton No. 11 and the ladies auxiliary met in the Odd Fellows hall last week. Mrs. Laura Wood presided at the ladies meeting, and Gus Erick son for the Cantons. The installing officer, Mrs. Erikson, and staff seated the of ficers fdr the year as follows: Mrs. Ada Pomeroy, president; Mrs. Mae Cochran, treasurer; Mrs. Lekia Ohlsen, secretary; Mrs. Millie Madigan, chaplain; Mrs. Nettie Larson, musician; Mrs. Vera Neubaur, officer of the day; Mrs. Cleona Applegate, officer of the guard; Mrs. Hazel Price, color bearer; Mrs. Hannah Beard and Mrs. Josephine Erick son, right and left aide to the president; Mrs. Luella Engstrom and Mrs. Christina Cladek, right and left aide to the junior past president, Mrs. Wood; Mrs. Laura Sharpe, right aide to the chaplain; Mrs. Sadie Henderson, sentry; guard No. 1, Mrs. Cora B. Wiles, guard No. 2, Mrs. Erma Cooper, guard No. 3, Mrs. Elsie Townsend, guard No. 4, Mrs. Maude Benscoter. The junior past president was presented a gift from the offi cers and the outgoing officers each received a potted plant. Col. L. A. Wood and staff installed the canton officers. W. J. Beard, captain; John Madi gan, lieutenant; I. M. Benscoter, ensign; William Drakeley, clerk; Clem Ohlsen, accountant; George Naderman, chaplain; C. G. Pomeroy, guard; L. A. Wood, banner bearer; William Cladek, sentinel; and Clarence Kimball, picket. The state president, Mrs. Edna Biddow, and secretary, Mrs. Charalott Easton, and past state presidents, Mrs. Viola Jones, Mrs. Viola McLaughlin, and many other present and past depart ment officers of the ladies as sociation were present. . Also commander, Maj. Gen. Jessie Jones, Brig. Gen. C. G. Pomeroy, Col. L. A. Wood, Lt. Col. Sher wood, past commanders S. E. Watkins and R. A. McLaughlin, and many other Canton digni taries were present, some of them taking part in conferring the honor of degree of chivalry on ten candidates who came from different parts of the state for the event. Little Karen Wood pinned the jewels on Mrs. Eu gena Morse, Mrs. Mable Gar diner, Mrs. Pearl Owen, Mrs. Laura Wood, Mrs. Justina Kil dee, Mrs. Eva Ortman, Mrs. Frances Rodgers, Col. Ed Abbey, Maj. R. A. Ramey and Lt. John Madigan. As this honorary occasion was open to the public, guests came from Pendleton, Portland, New berg, Albany, Eugene, Dayton, Bend, Sweet Home, Grants Pass, McMinnville, as well as a large attendance of Salem people. Later in the evening, refresh ments were served In the dining room, which was decorated for the occasion. Year with a New Look! 3.50 FROM All work guaranteed and supervised by competent Instructors. Beauty Culture For Tour Appointment PHONE 3-6800 GREEN STAMPS Son Born Monday To Rinearsons A son, Peter Milton, was born Monday morning, January 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Ri- nearson, Jr. (Helen Paulson) at Good Samaritan hospital, Cor vallis. Grandparents of the new ar rival are Mr. and -Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson of Salem and Mrs. and Mrs. Leonard E. Rinearson, Sr. of Oregon City. The father of the baby is a member of the Oregon State college basketball team. Banquet Dated The annual father and son banquet for DeMolay Order for Boys has been set for Monday March 13, members of the De Molay Mothers club to sponsor the event. Mrs. Roy Todd is general chairman with Mrs. Lloyd Hughes assistant chairman. The board of the mothers club met this past week at the home of Mrs. L. J. Stewart to plan for the dinner. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Harry Bachle, president of the club; Mrs. Ferdig Hail, Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, Mrs. Stewart, all offi cers, and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, chairman of the ice box com mittee. THE LABISH GARDEN club met last week for dessert and a program at the home of Mrs, Andrew Zahare. Mrs. Leslie Tontz gave a talk on a garden topic. Mrs. Avery Hash of Sweet Home and Mrs. C. E. Switzer of Salem were guests, and Mrs. Hash gave n talk and demonstrated making of cor sages. Mr. Z. A. Gregg is to entertain for the next meeting. THE WEDDING of Miss Dor othy LaVerna Ayres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ayres, and William H. Freele, son of Mrs. Nettie Freele of Stayton, is planned for the aft ernoon of Saturday, February 11, the 4 o'clock service to be solemnized in the Court Street Christian church. A reception is to follow the ceremony. S k 'm'yMN Kite The Richard Hudnut Sensational new comb with a keen razor-edge that ihapes, tapers, styles your hair safely, easily in your own home I Uie TAPERETTE before permanent to taper away the ends of old permanent! ; i i between permanent! to keep hair well-groomed. Won derful for the children and the man-of-the-houte, tool aiDiCAi ciNrii smhcn ultK um eia mm "" Miss Fisher Is Bride at Church Rites The marriage of Miss Marga ret Ann Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Fisher, to John G. Mowery, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Mowery of Roseburg, was solemnized Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church, the Rev. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. White snapdragons, stock and pompons, and white tapers dec orated the altar for the service. The pews were marked with clusters of pompons tied with white satin bows. For the music, Miss Marjorie McBride sang and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs played the organ. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. Her bridal gown was of white nylon net ov er taffeta fashioned with a train, and shirring embellished the bo dice at the neckline and the short sleeves. With her gown she wore short mitts. The fingertip veil cascaded from a Dutch style cap with shirring. The bride carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses, white bouvardia and violets centered with a white orchid and edged with nylon net. Miss Jean Gilmer, the honor maid, wore an apricot faille taf feta dress and bridesmaids were Miss Jeannie Mowery of. Rose burg, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Shirley Etzel, cousin of the bride, who wore aqua faille taffeta frocks. They were design ed with full skirts, short sleeves and shirring on the skirt and neckline. Their colonial nose gays were of violets, Talisman roses, stock and snapdragons and in their hair were bandeaux of net and matching flowers. Thomas Dillard of Roseburg was best man and ushering were Charles J. Thompson, Ren- dall Young and Wesley J. Ash- worth. Mrs. Fisher attended her daughter's wedding in a maroon suit with winter pink hat and gloves and black accessories. Her corsage was of maroon and white cypripedium orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Mowery came from Roseburg for their son's marriage and Mrs. Mowery wore a brown and beige suit with corsage of green and white cy pripedium orchids. The newlyweds received their guests at a reception in the church parlors. Miss Edna T.'rc Elhaney and Mrs. John J. Etzel aunt of the bride, poured. Cut ting the cake were Mrs. F. D. Herald, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, cousin of the bride. Assisting were Miss Patricia Zahare, Miss Prudence Craig and Miss Jane Schmidt, After a wedding trip south to California the couple will be at home in Roseburg, where he is with the Californi a-Oregon Power company. MRS. HAROLD HOLLER and Mrs. Lloyd Laudie entertained members of the Hollywood Mer- ry-Go-Round club on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Holler on Sunnyview avenue. An auction sale was held of articles contributed by members of the club. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Sam Rehfeld Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Paul Bar ham, Mrs. Clayton Gibb, Mrs Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Ed Curtis Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Ernest Crum, Mrs. Gordon Beecroft, and the hostesses, Mrs. Harold Holler and Mrs. Lloyd Laudie Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We alio wash, retape, paint and ra-alat your old Venetian blind. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Run St. West Sslem We give S H Green Stamps Tit Richard HwdnutTaprtt omokta wMi klodt. Otis' 0O I.rro blodx J for JJ Wr wrTAPIITTI...akM "" fr.nl ttw tata IMmelrMnH fW Aim Maal opfrtftt torn Gov. McKay to Be Speaker at Clubs Governor Douglas McKay Is to be guest speaker for a joint program and meeting for Uni versity of Oregon and Oregon State College Mothers' clubs in Portland on Thursday. The gov ernor will address the meeting at 11 a.m., the meeting to be in Neighbors of Woodcraft build ing. Mrs. McKay is to be a special guest at the meeting. State Board for OSC Mothers Meets Announced for Friday, Febru ary 3, is a meeting of the Ore gon State College Mothers' club state board, the event to be at Lebanon with Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson of Salem presiding as state president. A luncheon will follow the meeting. Among those to go from Sa lem will be Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. George Rhoten, the state corres ponding secretary; Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, state publicity chair man and president of the Salem unit; Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, member of the publicity com mittee; Mrs. W. G. BUrris, dis trict representative; Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and Mrs. George Croisan, com mittee members. Engagement Told Announcement is made of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Genevieve Ar lene Olson, daughter of Mrs Genevieve Olson and Oscar M. C. Olson, to Clair Priem. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priem. Date for the wedding has been set for February 11. Both young people are employed by the tele phone company. TWO SALEM young men have been initiated into Oregon chap ter of Alpha Zeta, national agri cultural honorary society, at Oregon state college. Glenn A. Klein and Delane Fry are the two from Salem initiated. The ceremonies were conducted in the Memorial Union building, a formal banquet for the 26 initiates following. E. L. Potter, professor of agricultural economics, was the speaker at the banquet on the topic "Look ing Ahead in Agriculture." the french shop's - !yil VvJ day! in BETTER the little Wedding on February 18 A wedding of mid-February will be that of Miss Margaret Domes, daughter of Mrs. Henry W. Domes of McCoy, and Albin Sunnten, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sundsten of Salem. The ceremony is planned for 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Sat urday, February 18, in the Meth odist church at Amity. Beta Sigma Phi Planning Dance Members of Alpha Epsllon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi an nounce their annual Valentine queen selection and dance are to be February 11. Candidates for the title of Valentine queen include Mrs. Roger Cochran, Mrs. Donald Stiffler and Mrs. Walter Flager. The chapter met this past week at the home of Mrs James Marshall, Mrs. B. O. Bishop, president, in charge. Candidates for the queen title were named at that time. Mrs. D. L. Parker had charge of the program. A surprise shower was given for Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Cochran and Mrs. Stiffler served the dessert. CHARTER members of Unit No. 136, American Legion aux iliary, gathered for a no-host supper Friday evening ot the home of Mrs. Edward Klippert in observance of the unit's third anniversary. Attending were Mrs. Mildred DeArmond, Mrs. Kenneth Scho- maker, Mrs. Joseph DiFilippi, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko, Mrs. George Glisan, Mrs. Harold Streeter, Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs, Clayton Steinke, Mrs. E. Jack Simkins, Mrs. Sam Harbison Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Gerald Simpson, Mrs. Wayne Perdue, Mrs. Leslie Beard, Mrs. Dow Lovell and Mrs. Klippert. To Meet Monday The Ladies auxiliary to the National Association of Letter Carriers will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Rocks on Monday, at 8 p. m. Election of officers was held last month and the officers for the ensuing year are as follows. President, Mrs. Laucklen Hodges; vice president, Mrs, offered Dollar-Saving Values To Sorry! No Refunds No Exchanges ATS A GREAT BUDGET - SEE OUR COTTON DRESSES AT 3.00 WERE 12.95. BROKEN SIZES. GOATS HERE'S DOLLARS IN YOUR COATS SUITS french shop N 4 Salem Girls In Initiation Mrs. Chester Zumwalt, Mrs, C. A. Downs and Miss Marian Carson were all at Corvallis this week-end to attend initiation at the Pi Beta Phi sorority there. . Four Salem girls were among the initiates, Mrs. Zumwalt's daughter, Miss Barbara Zum walt; Mrs. Downs' daughter,' Miss Suzanne Barnes; Miss Shir lee Newbry and Miss Lorraine Walling. Mrs. A r n e Annala of Hood River, also an alumna of the chapter, and a cousin of Mrs. Zumwalt, also came from out-of-town for the initiation. P.E.O. Founders Event at Woodburn Woodburn Founders' day was observed by Chapter J of the P.E.O. Sisterhood at a meet ing held at the home of Mrs. E. J. Allen with Mrs. Paul Mills as hostess. The program was arranged by Mrs. Allen, assisted by Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo and Mrs. Mills. Two vocal solos were presented by Mrs. Tyler and the candlelighting ceremony in honor of the seven founders of the organization was put on by Mrs. Paul Mills, Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo and ' Mrs. N. F. Tyler. . i The hostess was assisted m ' serving by Miss Gladys Adams and Mrs. Allen. The president, Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, appointed Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale, Mrs. W. S. Scar borough and herself as the year book committee and to have charge of the next meeting. Members present were Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. Ivan C. Beers, Mrs, H. F. Butterfield, Mrs. Marcile Car son, Mrs. Charles B. Cornwell, Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mrs. George D. Jones, Mrs. Estella Kerns, Mrs. George A. Landon, Mrs. Carl Magnuson, Mrs. Kenneth Mc Grath, Mrs. Paul Mills, Mrs. Nellie Muir, Mrs. Clair Nibler, -Mrs. Fred Odgers, Mrs. J. Mel vin Ringo, Mrs. W. S. Scar borough, Mrs. Kenneth Thomp son, Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mrs. O. L. Withers and Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale. Glenn Baillie; secretary, Mrs. Harmon Garrett; treasurer, Mrs. Lee Wagers; color bearer, Mrs. Bruce Rothrock; mistress at arms, Mrs. Milton Blackman; chaplain, Mrs. Robert Wagers. fyaHtic - u n Hurry! Get Your II II u Share of these never be- Wide assortment of colon Veil-Feather Trimmed 100 All-Wool Fein Values to 12.95 SAVER! Dressy Dresses Crepes & Wools All Sizes While They Last! Values to 24.95 100 All-Wool Fleeces Coverts Beautifully tailored Satin Interlining Values to 39.95 POCKETBOOK! Gabs, sharkskins Plain colors and checks Limited quantity, so hurry Values to 59.95 Cravtnetted gabs