12 Capital Journal, Salem, Murder in New Orleans By BRETT HALLIDAY (Author of the Michael Shayno Stories) (Installment One) Michael Shavne was asleep. VI olent, and insistent pounding on the front door of his apartment woke him with a start. An alarm clock on the table said 2:15. Going to the door, he Jerked it open. "What In hell's the idea?" he da manded. "Cantnin Denton needs you down In the Quarter. He's got a stiff for you to identify." sergeant jTanK pusnea on into me room. "Simnosft I don't want to ro?1 "Why do you always make things lOURh on yourseu, tsnayner What's the trouble between you and Denton, anyway?" he asked. I hate his guts." After a brief nerlod of hesita tion, Shayne strode into the bed room. In five minutes he came out and the two men went down to a police sedan parked at tne euro. Shayne's feud with Captain Doinh Denton, of the French Quar ter precinct, went back fifteen years and had been renewed last year when the red-headed private cop had come to New Orleans irom Mi ami on a case, and decided to settle in the city and open an office. It flared into the open during the Investigation of the Margo Macon case. Since then, they had man aged to avoid each other, but the bad blood sua remained. They drove in silence to the French Quarter. Frank turned off Royal onto St, Louis, and pulled over to the curb behind a cluster of cars at an alley entrance. Shayne went directly to the spot where two white-coated men were kneeling beside a body. Glaring spotlights were trained on the corpse arid a photographer was shooting on nasn-miios. Capt. Dolph Denton, a big-girthed man with dark and brutal features, accosted Sergeant Frank who stood Don m a Shayne. "I see you brought the shamus aown au rigni. Any uouDier Frank said. "Nope," and moved on past Denton. Shayno ignored Denton and went over to inspector Qumlan. He said curtly, "I didn't know you were in on this. Inspector." Quinian smiled frostily and clear ed his throat. "I just got here. Denton said he'd sent for you to make an identification." Quinian was a trim, slender man of medium height, with a shock of Iron-gray liair and a stoic expression. His eyes were a cold blue, and Shayne knew him to be hard as flint, but innately just. Denton surged up beside Shayne, breathing hard. "Take a look and tell me who this stiff Is." Under the glare of the spot light, the murdered man's features were clearly outlined. He was about forty, with smooth, rounded features. He was well dress ed, wearing a soft white shirt and black bow tie, a pin-striped double- j breasted blue suit. Tt,e coat was unbuttoned and there was a round hole in his chest. Shayne stepped back and said to Inspector Quinian. "I don't know him. Why am I supposed to?" Quinian looked at Denton. Denton scowled darkly and licked at his sensuously thick lips, "Do you deny that you know the dend man?" Shayno turned his back on the captain. Denton moved around to face him. "Who've you got an appointment with at nine o'clock this morn ing?" "Nobody." Inspector Quinian said. "You're not getting anywhere, Denton. Tell us what you know about the corpse. The captain set his Jaw. "You'd better give it to me," Quin ian said with authority "There's no Identification on htm. Not a damned thing in any of his pockets except one. Moran heard the shot from two blocks away, and by the time he found the body the killer had searched him and got away. "What was in the one pocket?" 'Thlsl" said Denton triumphant ly. He drew out a thick black book about three by five inches in size. He opened it up, displaying calen dared nnges for each day in the year with a vertical row of hours from 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. From between the pagea he took a folded newspaper clipping from a month-old issue of the New Or leans Times-Picayune, It carried a picture of Shayne. and a some what embellished account of tiie detective's latest case in Kl Paso. Shayne grinned. "So I've got a public. Can I help it if I'm the pin-up type?' "All right, wise guv," Denton snarled. "Laugh this off." He flip ped the book oen to the curron t date of June Oth. Written on the first line of the page opposite 9;00 a.m. was the notation, M. Shayne. The only other entry on that page was two lines below at 11:00. Catch train. "What do you make of those two entries?" Denton asked the inspec tor. "Looks as though he had an ap pointment with you at nine this morning, Shayne." "Hell, yes," Denton exploded. "That's what I figured right awav. He was gunned to prevent him from keeping his appointment with you. When you tell us what he was seeing you about, we'll know where to look for his killer. Shayne shrugged. "Maybe. And maybe he'd been stepping out with the wrong guy's doll. Looks like a lit might burglary to me. I don't mi Ore., Monday, January 30, 1950 know who he is nor why he wanted to see me." Quinian said, "If you get any thing, Shayne, don't hold out on us. This is murder." He called to Serne&nt Frank who stood near by and ordered, "Drive Mr. Shayne home." Back In his apartment, Shayne (mined down a still drink ox brandy, then went to the phone and called Lucy Hamilton, nis secretary. He teased her for a while, then asked seriously, "wnen did you start making nine o'clock appoint ments for me?" "What's the gag, Mike? You've never gotten to the office by nine." "You didn't make an engage ment for me this morning?" "Of course not. What on earth's the matter?" "Do we have any new clients I navenT met?" "We don't have any clients, pe riod." she told him. "You're sort of drunk, aren't you?" He said, "Sort of." He hung up, and turned in . , . It was shortly before nine o'clock when Shayne awoke. By nine- twenty he was putting on his hat to leave jor tne on ice when tne telephone rang. Lucy Hamilton's voice was apolo getic' "I bate to disturb you, Mr. Shayne. but there's a policeman here in the office. He's watching every move I make, and a moment ago, when I started into your pri vate office, he stopped me." Shayne said incisively, "Give Cap tain Denton my compliments and warn him that if he touches any thing in that office without a search warrant I'll see that he's broken for it." Her voice came again In a wnis oer. "There's another noliceman coming in, Mike. What'll I do?" in be rlKht there.' Shavne said, and banged down the receiv er. Lucy was seated behind her type writer when Shayne went in. Her brown eves were biazine at a do llceman lounging against the casing oi me open aoor w nis private oi flce. In a deceotivelv gentle tone. Shayne asked. "Did you tell Den- ion wnat i saia aooui a searcn warrant?" "Y-yes." Her voice broke angrily. 'He's got one. Mike." Shayne patted her snoulder and went toward his oince. captain Denton looked up sourly. "I can't find a thing In this desk.' Shayne went to the desk and lowered one hip on it and said. iwy cognac is in tne oottom draw-; or." "None of these keys work. Cap tain," the sergeant reported from the filing cabinet. "Let's have a Key. Shayne," Den-! ton demanded. Sorry. I never have found the keys to that cabinet, Captain. Hope you can get it open for me." Denton growled an oath. "I'm going through this office with a nne-ioothed comb." he said men acingly. "When I find something leading to that corpse last night i n nave au i need to jerk your license." He turned away and toss ed Sergeant Frank another ring of keys. "Try those, Ii none or them fit we'll call in a locksmith," Through the open door. Shavne saw the postman come In and go over to Lucy's reception desk. He waited a moment, then called. "You can bring my mall in if there is anything 1 need to see, Lucy." wnen Liiicy came tnrougn the aoor with two opened letters she hur ried over to Shayne. snavne said. "Thanks." He glanced at the note from Timothy itourne ana cropped it on me desk. He drew a check and letter from the other envelope. The check was drawn on the First National Bank of Cheepwee, Louisiana, in the sum oi and was signed by W u. jarson. The name was totally unfamiliar to him. Shayne laid the check face down on top of Rourkes letter and opened the note accompanying it. it was written on tne letierneaa oi the First National Bank of Cheen wee. A list of the bank's officers informed him that Walter D. Car son was president of the bank. me note was Drier, I read: Dear Sir: I plan to be in the city on Wed nesday, June etn, and am very anxious to discuss a matter of vital importance with you at that time. I wish to return on the train leaving at 11:00 a.m. and there fore request that you see me promptly at your office at nine OCIOCK. Plea.se wire me collect If this is not convenient, for I will con sider it a definite appointment if I do not hear from you to the contrary by the afternoon of June Din. S enclose my check in the sum or jiiuo.w as evidence of good faith. Very truly yours, W. D. CARSON Casually Shayne refolded the let ter, tucked it back into the en velope, put it In his breast pocket, and placed the check In his blll lold. Frank mod back from the cabinet and swore. "None of these keys fit either. Captain. We'll have to get a locksmith." Denton snopped. "Shayne. will you go on oath that there are no tiles in that cabinet pertaining to the man who was murdered last night?" Hell. no. Go ahead and find out for yourself." He slid off the desk and strolled out to the reception room. Liiicy. see u you can dig up irom our clipping rile the story Hal Reynolds ran on me in the Times Ftcayune about a month ago." "I know the one you mean.' She turned the pages slowly un til she came upon the clipping and handed the ledger to Shayne He studied a clipping identical with the one found in the dead man's pocket. "That letter is it,' Shayne inter rupted. "It puts me one Jump ahead of Denton and if I move fast I can stay one Jump ahead." (What will Shavne do about the letter? And will Denton find out? Don't miss tomorrow's Interest- parked installment.) r JOURNALISTS QUICK-BUCK BOY5 AND V SSfS T VEAH SOME OF THEM ARB lTl TELL YOU NOBODY ) THEN I RECKON 1VE - I PLAIN CURIOSITY SEEKEBS "THEY R J. EBJ GETTING SPRAINED BACKS, TOO, I HAS EVER S4IO NO TO yjUST HUNS UPA NEW S DOUBLING THE POPULATION OF Tmt VSla RIBBER--FROM THROWING Jk BARNUM K. BLURB RECORD WE DON'T S ' T I STONY GAP EVERY HOUR.STEve53E3fi Q"W-f THEIR WEIGHT IJJH.J H 7 HAVE ANY ROOMS It-m ir. , j &CTK!rfejL:Jli AROUND -Vi' G I Jr ) 1 vLEFT UNDERSTAND' J. j S NN DOS-S DOGS r r BOUGHT AND , BOUGHT AND Jl M I 1 SOLD SO CAR! p ' . nv.. K-t w. .t. ... AnDEPbOH n ? I -T ( YEAH-AhO eSPECMLLV BLESS " UT IT TSKEB ALL KtNDB TO W" WELL, BU68S AUNTIE IVY -SINCE SHE" UNCLE GEORGE FOR BEYV A HARO-WDtMN; A WORLD, THEY Sft-DAH MEANS WELL- I R COME YESTERDAY AND SUPPED DAISY SUCCESSFUL qUY WHO CAN gflPM TH- I HE'S FRIENDLY AND NICE: "TO HIS FAMILY- I p SO jjjj " UOuTWEIICErTAH OmTOYSAHTiKElTtOS CTONELVJTr- HM-hW MOTHER LOOK UHEj MAMMV ALLUS TCH.E GET FRESH, WHEN THEY'RE i ME SEE YORE. KNEES IE', jl. I TOLD ME NEVER J A NICE (A ME V RESPCCK , ALONE IN A CAR WITH A IF ITS ALL TH' , K,u2P: - ? TO PICK UP I BOVy ) FOLKS O' TH' OPPO- WEAK-WILLED GIRL, ON AM II SAME T' YO' JBtflWt5i I STRANGERS i V I SITE SEX, fWRTIKER EVENING DRIPPING WITH yU p. V AVI L N lHLYTHEY IS J ITHOMANEJ T Mf s j hM i DIAMOND'S NOTE SAID BESEB SITSSiF C DIAMOND WILL HAVE I LATER I VM&JQlUiY' SEEMS TO BE j u TOM WESTCOTT WAS BEING HELOjMfTOl, f3l lXW."SL A. LOT OF MEN AT THE fctfSSWSK ABOUT THREE MEN jl n at the old miner's bin Jfadtom f t VinrsSit cabin tonight, he KVlTOiilVvfjy'KSV hope this ?i O' C -ON FIQ MOUNTAIN -WP 1. ftWI A WONT FIGURE ON 1 - , " 'TC?4v WORKS S . . rf 1 t THAT S I HP A;KPn MP I ucrac'o va-. id W . . " - I . I A onAijn kin.i 13 S 1J PRODUCER, AC?Ga1 HE ( " 0HANGE.S1(?J CHANGE OUT ME TO GET WHAT DD V AIN'T IT A M l t, j" y- IJlVyStijr LAND SAFE'S, 6S! M "Mar HELLO, IVINTEKS!- OH,veS-TNSONeCAaEDou wo D WHV, yOl) CHILDREN H HELLO, TEX I HAD TD T YES. ITS ABOUT A "THE WINNERS CIRCLE! w iSi WELL, RUSTY ANP PATDf 'THE s SSP ,,UPAfll 00M6 OUT THS WAV, AND PI?ACA5 THE OTHER VOU WANT TO MAKE A CARE OP U WINNERS CIRCLE'S A REAL jfcsj R5R VSI fiFfe1! XX) SAID Xl W.ANTEO NIGHT. SOME HIRED COMPLAINT A6AINST, THEM' BUT Z S SUCCESS-ANP THE CREDIT ite4v t itX TO SES ME- I HOODLUMS TRlEP TO .THOSE HOOOSy M0KI T S ALL")OURS.' $?S fl&iWmtJS ONVCURMIND? 1 BUST LP WOOLLY SMITH'S X? r-f TO IT THAN MEETS I Kto M11fKt:'t htr--ML NBV UrTLE eESTAWAN1i rll THE EVE -I MEAN, p R fFfi1 I KOKAY, yOU'LL BE SORR. I I II I f& II I I I I .TTlII $j& - wuA "a.ntrN WE'LL TELL EVERVSOOV , 1 - f I & 0 IBn "loA VCHJ'HE SO MEAN V KEEP) . 1 ' l-Vs 0 nXn5V us LOCKED UP LIKE j g ' ' ' ' 4j N MOVlESVPiPE DOWN.' 5if SSa'GO AWEAO i I t X - 1 ' (77 A lNJ 17 H (NOBODY WILL ,1 ( i iV -( ' 4L (.VV T6 PLEAE A STUBBORN CLItNTOf I I 5T0P MUNCHING H)UR MANICURE, ) WOULDN'T THAT ROLL J S 1VE 60T THE ADDRL55 OF ANOTHER ) THE PURCHE55 ADVERTISING AGENCY JIMMY WE'LLGET EIGHT MORE eACK yPUR UKE A,45',f !' ( BRACE OF BRUNETTE BEAUTIES FROM k TWOOF MARY'S FRIENM, JIMAY TIiWaT MT INTHIS PRICKS -THOSt GIRLS 100KED :l THESAMEAGENCVi-lETSTRY J M DALE ''V MRS. BRICK RILEY.ARE BALL GAME! 77 k PERFECT INTHE MODELS-fATA-y : :J THEM FOR SIZE! ZST . DESPERATELY SEEKING A PAIROF REAL TX!1J Xll I IOGUE ! -WHO'D SUSPECT 'EM 1 J V. -IM A TWINS TD MATCH THOSE DREAMED UP H p3T 'Ji OF A SNIDE TRICK. LIKE v3 ilH,MN R BY AN ARTIST FORTIUS LAYOUT lL JA "UTTIN00N PifA5! VlKnl i II mil, RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY KGW K0IN KEX KSLM KOCCf M0 NBC V0 CBS 1H0 ABC 130 UBC 1400 Ko 5:00 Tht S f Ci Knox IVUnnlnf Ch.llenf. of n-Br-B Swinf Tim. ' 5:15 New. Llltl. Show Tokon B-B.r-B Swim Tim. 5:J0 V.I.. ! I".l.n. Ntw. Sk Kl Tom Mil Bin, Cro.bir 5:45 Vole, of F'el.ne N'ewe SkjrKln Tom Mil B.ni of Dt 5T00 Boeton 8;mph7 Rdlo The.let Eilwln C. Hill G.brlel Ile.ler C.ndlell.bl A 6:15BoiIod Sjmph. Radio The.ler Mom. Edition Sew. Sllir.r 6:Jnil'ln, 1M0 B.dlo The.let Mod. Romanus Tello 1-1 l""" . 6:45LIlni 18MI Radio Theater Mod. Romance Serenade ' Twilltnl gon ?:(V0 M.rtlni"UwTi Jlr Friend Irma l.on. Ramer Murder r.iperl Selenoj Drama :15 Martin . Lewi. Mr Friend Irma t.on. Ranier Mord.r Eicerle Moa. Jaekpol 7.lnDaTa Carrowar Bob Hawk Ethel it Albert CUco Kid Evelyn Knlchl 7:45 Da. Carrowar Bob Hawk Ethel Albert Clico Kid Sparta 8:00 Sinatra. Klral. Lowell Thomai Kata Smith '' g'"- S !! Tr,ck l4M 8:15 !.w. Jack Smith Kat. Smith '' "it. Do It Track UN ?:30 Rallraal H.or Talent Scout. H. J. Tajlor Th. Saint Track MM ;45 Railroad H.or Talent 8conU Trio Saint Track IW ?:00 Telcph.no Hr. Inner Sanctum Speaklnr Soma NevB Willamette V. ;15 Telephone Hr. Inner Sanctum Speaklna Soma " WUIametta O. n.30lDanca Oreh. Benlah Ralph Norman C or C. New. fl;45Danca Orob. Club 15 Ralph Norman C- oi Chief Kobla 10:00om Hare. i-Star Final Richfield R.p. 'o,l,1 5"i,';" lOifsMlndr C.reo.. Ton a World fntermerio ' "'' Amels , 10 :.10 Sport Final Alrflo Concert Hour !"w' . 5 12! 10:45 Oicbeilta Cham. Forum Concert Hour ll'a the Topi Mul. Ton Want 11:00 New. '""" Concert Hour ' '" J"'"" illleMr. Fli-ll Trea.urir Band concert Hoi t'"'" 0r,e?,'. Joojo'no OlV.t M.M.a Or.an Mu.l. M,01 rreai. Var c e. Noeturn. Ili45 Wai Mo.com Or.an Mu.l. Me., rreal. Varlctlei Soclltrn. J2;00 Slew Olf Islfn Olf bgtra Hour Plan Oft sign OH FM Her., KGW 100.1, S-10 p.m., KOTN 101.1, d a.m., 11 P.m., KEX K.S, Itll P.B. TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00Hodia Podia Ncwa farm Newl Newl 6:15 Newa KOIN Kloch Keep Bmlllnf mu.. Tlmek'per 6:30 Farm Tlma KOIN Klock Keep Smlllna tlarch Tim KOCO Klaek 8:45 Farm Tlma KOIN Klock Keep Smlllni Ntw, KOCO Klock 7:00 Ba.lT Bird KOIN Klock Sewi Newl J',5"lr7 7:15 Old 8on Newa iron.ky Br'kfaat Oani KOCO Kloek ?-S0 Newa CBS Newa Bob Haten Br'kfa.l Gam " , . ' ;45 Sam Harea Fred Beck Zcka Manner. Top Trade. KOCO Klock 8:00 Eddie Albert Con.umcr New. Breaklaat Club Ban. Counter Si"?,"01!-'..!?'''- 8:15 Eddl. Albert. New. Breaklaat Club F.mllT Alter ' ,. . 8:30 lack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Haven of Re.l weltern Melodr 8:45 3a.. Rlden Roiemari Breakfait Club Haven of Rc.t Templo Eoboei 9:00 Second Cap Wendi Warren Now N W New. Time for MeTdir 9:15 leeond Cnp Aunt Jenni Todaj'i Stan Galen Drake Time lor Meldp 9:30 Hometownen Helen Trent Oulek a. Flaeh ra.tor'a call ' 9:45 Newa Onr Gal Sunday Quick aa Fla.h willing J. Ch, Thomai 10:00 Marrlaio for 3 Bl, Sister Serenade ol' "' SW N.ew!...,. 10:15 Car. Cavalier. Ma Perklna Galen Draka 8on" of Dev. I"0'' 10:30 Brad Reynold! Dr. Matona My True Story Orianallte. Tuna Tlma 10:45 Playboya Guldlm Light My True Story Ruse Morgan 88 Kcya 11:00 Donbli or Nolh. Mn. Burton Betty Crocker ";' ?!!" 5"! 11:15 Double or Notb. Perry Ma.on vie. Llndlabr ''l"e , w 11:30 Today'i Child. Norah Drake V weiterncr. "ueen for Day Jan Garh.r 11:45 Light af World Brighter Day N'weeternen Queen for Day Vocal Varlctlei 12:00 Kneaai Newa Newi Baukhage Top Trade. !i0!!'w;j 12:15 Road of Llfa Com. Get II Newe New. Hollyw d Muila 12:30 Pepper Voum Huusa Party Jack Norman Gay OO'i Newi 12:45 llapplnen Hon.. Party .Meet MenJoui Bob Eberly Dava Dennla 1:00 Baekilaga Wife Nora, Nowhere B,k,.,, . Bob Mitchell e'o?!e 1:15 Stella Dallaa Jack Holt iiinyood Bob Mitchell ' Me od e. j:30 Lorrn.o Jonea Garry Moon .1,,. Tell Neighbor Mac'a Melodlea j45 Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay Well Blng Slnga Mac'a Melodlea Girl Marrlea Newspaper . fttewarl Bob Poola Mac'a Melodlea 2:15 Po" Faeea Life s'o " ,., lit",, Bob Pool. Mac'a Melodlea 2:30 lull Plain Bill I'"", A,lle; Bride & Groom 'or Mac'a Melodlea FrL P. Farrr.il Tunefully Yonr. w.ller Klernan Jl"'Z Mac'i Mclodle. 3:00 Welcome Trav. Newa club Time Jambore. Mac'i Melodlea 3:15 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey piCK: a Date Jambore. Mae'. Melodic. 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb New. Mac'a Melodlea 3:45 Love tb Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Kostenanet. Mac'a Mclodle. 4:00 Woman'. Secret Arthur Godfrey Mora of Life Fulton Lewla Movl. Tim. 4:15 Llf. Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel age Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story B etn bt Bent, 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. Murrow Flreflihtcta Carm. Cavallero B C'n be Bea.t, DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 I KOAC WoniT P M B:00 Children' lVMtf Theteri 8:15. On the Upbeat! fi:50. 650 Sport Clnbi 6:00. News; Dinner Helodleii 6:M. Maile ol Ciecho aloTakfai 1:16. Cvenlnt Farm Hourt 8:00. I Famous Orcan Composer: 8:15, News A Prevlewst 8:80. Campus Recital: B. Music That Endures i 9:45, Evenlnc Meditations! I ur.wi, amn un, Mickey Hickman Wins In Vancouver Show Keizer Mickey Hickman has received results of the Standard Breeders poultry show, recently held in Vancouver, Wash. His bantams have won again. On an entry of 10 birds he won first single comb white Leg horn cockerel; first and cham pion, old trio Black Rose combs; first and second, hens; first, ACROSS L Mineral spring 4. Dill 5. Soothing oint ment 13, Pronoim 13. Legend 14. On the ocean 15. Anger Id. Tired out 18. Sign of sub traction 30. Qo In 31. Northern Buropean 33. Waste allowance 23. Danish fiord 36. Poisonous tree of Java 33. Icelandic talea 30. Perform wthIh 33. Bay windows 34. In the back 35. Is compelled to 36. Thick ilauld 37. Persian poet 39. Pulls aftet 43. Kind uf fruit 45. Appropriate for song 48. Wander 49. Bustle 0. Mother of Apollo 61. Presently 53. Gaelic lea god 63. Girl 64. Extends ova. 65. Sea eagle 1 11 1 Jo IT 32 ipr ml i U7 49 W ilH 1 I mn AP Ntwsfealwraa ROOM AND BOARD GREAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE IN EVERYTHING DURING SO YEARS. EXCEPT THE ALARM CLOCK AND ITS ANTIQUATED TO AWAKfcN T He SLbfcKfcK " PSYCHOLOGICALLY, THE AROUSED PERSON IS IRRITATED. NOT AT THE CLOCK BUT BECAUSE obLLb STAkTLNCa SUUNVf"' 1 CONTEND A MORE MtlHLXJ USED TO ONE 1 x v SLUMBER. Wl ISUilr CHEERFUL SOUND 1 ,.30 v P.M. ItTiAr Tuesday M. 10:00, Newf i WeT-l tally for Women! 11:00. School of Alrt 11:15. Concert Hall: News! It: 16, Noon Far. Hour. 1:00, Ride 'em Cowbori 1:1.1, School or A In 1:30, Melodr Lane: 3:00, Promote Citizenship; 2:30, Mem ory Bonk of Music: 3:45. School of Alrt 3:00, Newsi 8:15, Musle ot the Masters. cockerel. He did not enter pul lets. The cockerel was grand champion bantam of the show and runnerup for grand cham pion of the entire show, best clean leg male and best headed male and winner of three tro nhies. The first nrize hen also won best clean leg female and best headed female. This win makes Hickman a total of four trophies in two shows, the white cockerel hav ing won a trophy at Yakima, Wash., December show. Solution of Saturday's Puzzl DOWN i. Thin taperlnc plecea I. Danger t. Part or aa atnpitheat 4. City In Iowa (, Goddess of night . Volatile liquids T. Anglo-Saxon warrior 8. Establish 9. Straddle 10. Shelter lU Angry 17. Says 19. Soft palate 2a. Scotch river 24. Salt 25. English letter 27. Release on honor 29. Simple song 30. Rodent 31. Epoch 32. AIlowi 33. Of us 35. Tomorrow! Spanish 38. Lesson taught by a rabl 40. Scarfllke vestment II. Broader 42. Disdain 44. Son or Scth 4. Optical glaai 48. Poorly 47. Afternoon function 48. Highest point Bv Gene Aherr HOW DID YOU h THE PST V EVER HAPPEN TO I HilNlC UP AN BELL ALAKM CLUCKf" NOT A SINGLE MORNING HAS ONE EVER. j PLAYED A PART IM YOUR. I OF THE CHEERFUL RELAXED LIFE 1 bHOULD Bt AROUSE FROM P A UMnASPnPApTO U v ITaUw a rIIa MlO B k aJnTsTuIX gJ e Ij M A ua puen tv B vie s s e l MpaemjMciA r Eita i?;aSitBp aIjJnIlIe SIS 'AjsifHtijA iiJsaR OT iq'NTAl I NISaE3P Y RSI S 1 iBTl K"e?B PILli AN TMhHE A RITI3 t B SEiylj nJt u a l ogiL eIIr ma We L I A TEEsiE3'AipUS E NT