Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 28, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    These 'Names and Faces Are Featured in Aegvities. and Social News
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(Jesten-Miller atudlo picture)
BEING WELCOMED to Salem to make her home U Mrs. Harry S. Dorman, recently
of Portland. Mr. Dorman Is the state budget director and their home is at Mission
and South High.
Old Fashioned Dance and Program
To Feature Exhibition Numbers
Something different in the way of
benefits will be the old fashioned dance
to be sponsored next Friday evening,
February 3, by the Salem Woman's club,
the party to be at the armory.
The grand march will start at 8:30
o'clock, to be followed by exhibition
dancers in bright costumes in several
pecialty numbers.
Leading the grand march will be Sec
retary of State and Mrs. Earl T. New
bry, Justice and Mrs. George Rossman,
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ailing, then the
groups of exhibition dancers.
Club members and guests attending
will have opportunity to take part in
the fun for the evening, a program of old
fashioned dances to be staged.
Special Interest centers in the exhibi
tions to be presented by several folk
dancing groups.
From Portland will come the O.N.O.
and O.N.T. clubs, Art and Metha Gibbs,
instructors, to present "The Mexican
Schottische," "Square Tango," "Swing
Ola" and the "Waltz of the Bells."
Twenty-four members of the Czech
Jolly Dancers of Scio are to give two
exhibition numbers, "The Czech Heel
end Toe Dance" and "Sekerecka (Little
Axe) Dance."
Salem Group Appears
Salem Gate Swingers are to stage
"Saint Bernard Waltz" and the "Kohani
sha Dance."
Neil Brown of the Salem Gate Swing
ers is lo be master of ceremonies and
Mitchell's orchestra is to furnish the mu
sic for the evening.
Callers for the dances will be J. W.
"Tex" Richardson of St. Paul, Pat Har
vey of Portland and Howard Saucy of
AH proceeds from the benefit will be
used by the club to augment its philan
thropic and educational work for the
club year.
Tickets for the dance may be ob
tained from Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, Mrs.
Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon
and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk.
Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Arthur R.
Jones are co-chairmen for the benefit
end on their committee are Mrs. Brunk,
Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Ralph H.
Cooley, Mrs. Mervin D. Fidler, Mrs. Hen
ry M. Hnnzrn, Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs.
Frank G. Myers, Mrs. Bert A. Walker,
Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, Mrs. Harlan A.
Tickets may be obtained from any
member of the committee arranging the
benefit, or from Mrs. Verne Robb at
Miller's store.
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae are to
be entertained next Thursday eveninR for
their February meeting at the home of
Mrs. George Schwarz,
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum leave this
vening for a trip to Mexico. They will
be at Mexico City and nearby places on
most of the trip, planning to be gone
for the month of February.
Soroptimist club's regular business
meeting will be conducted in conjunction
with the luncheon next Wednesday noon
at the Golden Pheasant. The club board
1 to meet Monday evening in the KSLM
Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers
are due to return Sunday morning from
a month's trip.
They were In New York City and
Washington, D.C., then went to Florida
and to Nassau in the Bahama islands,
and stopped in Texas en route home.
They made the trip by train.
Miss Dorathea Steusloff is entertain
ing at a family dinner Sunday in wel
coming the travelers home, guests to
include Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and their
sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Chambers and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Chambers, and their families.
Mrs. Robert Knipe is to entertain for
her bridge group next Thursday after
noon, the club members meeting for des
sert and cards.
Auxiliary to the 369th engineers and
400th quartermasters is meeting Mon
day evening at 7:30 o'clock.
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ANNOUNCED RKCENTI.Y was th na(romrnt of Mim Arlfnt Zubr, dauhttr o(
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Zubvr of Woodburo, to Doa&id Shepherd, son of Mr. nd Mr
Dn Skenbw W Mi. Adm
TipflitiuiNa ana special sucsis lor me .
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Tir ATRONS and special guests for the
Ir annual sweetheart dance to be
icy annual m" "
given by the five Hi-Y chapters
on February 11 at No-Name ballroom
have been announced.
Honor guests for the event are Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Broadbent and Mr. and
Mrs. George Birrell, the two men long
having been advisers for Hi-Y groups.
Special guests will be parents of the
five girls who are candidates for the
title of Hi-Y sweetheart, including Mr.
and Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Girod, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruhl, Dr
and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Dr. and Mrs.
F. Kenneth Power.
The five girls who are candidates for
the sweetheart title are Miss Pebble De
Sart, Miss Alice Girod, Miss Ginger Cur
rier, Miss Joan Marie Miller, Miss Mari
lyn Power.
Patrons for the dance are Mr. and
Mrs I, F. Pryan. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hay, Frank
Washburn, Mr. and Mn. Rotn Holtz,
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Carleton, (Mr. and Mrs. Gurnee
Flesher, Miss Elizabeth Gilbert,
The sponsoring chapters for the dance
include Abel Gregg, Arthur Cotton,
Alonzo Stagg, Claude Kelis and Harri
son Elliott chapters.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
INFORMAL bridge parties mark the
coming week's calendar. Among
hostesses of the week will be Mrs.
Henry Hanzen, who is giving a series of
informal afternoon affairs. She has
planned a luncheon and bridge party
at her home, Wednesday afternoon.
Guests include Mrs. George Flagg,
Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr., Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mrs.
Floyd W. Shepard, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg,
Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Farley Mogan,
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs. E. R.
Nelte, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling.
Thursday Event
Mrs. Howard Sargent is to be hostess
on Thursday afternoon for a dessert and
bridge party at her home.
Invited are Mrs. T. W. Hardisty, Mrs.
Farley Mogan, Mrs. Bert A. Walker,
Mrs. W. L. Scragg, Mrs. I. F. Bryan,
Mrs. W. H. Foster, Mrs. R. O. Lewis,
Mrs. George Keortge, Mrs. John Glen
non, Mrs. Lawrence Tate, Mrs. Norman
Calendared for Monday afternoon is
the January program and luncheon for
the Women of Rotary, the luncheon to
be at 1 o'clock in the Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. Oliver Huston is to be guest speak
er to tell of her travels this past year
in Europe, her topic being "Bicycling
Through Europe." Josephine Albert
Spaulding is to sing with Mrs. A. A.
Schramm as accompanist.
Albany Miss Olive Bates, daughter
of Mrs. Ira Bates, and the late Mr.
Bates of Albany, recently revealed her
engagement and approaching marriage
to George Henry Broders, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broders of Albany.
The wedding will be an event of Sunday,
February 12, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon at St. Mary's Catholic church. The
reception will be held in the parish hall.
Both Miss Bates and Mr. Broders
were graduated from Albany high
school. They will make their home in
Albany where Mr. Broders is engaged
in business.
The card party for the women of St.
Vincent de Paul parish is planned for
next Thursday evening, February 2, in
the hall, at 8 o'clock. It is one of a
series the women are giving during the
winter weeks.
nuiiuuiitciiicm nns oera rnaae 01 me
Annooamnnl f 1Tlr Dn4i.. T uj:
Announcement has been made of the
t..sB- "ny aii.uuiu,
engagement of Miss Betty Lambdin,
daughter of Mrs. Allen Nichols of Kelso,
Wash., to Carlos Woodward, son of
Mrs. J. . C. Hassenstab of Salem. No
date is set for the wedding.
Jefiten-Miller studio picture
WED THE EVENING of January 20 was Mrs. Cecil Johnson, the former Jane Hendren,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hendren of Aumsville. Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr,
and Mrs. B. E. Johnson of Hermiston. The couple are at home in Salem.
Dancing Parties
Dancing parties mark next week-end's
social calendar.
Tillicum club's party, a dinner dance,
will be at the Marion hotel Saturday
evening, February 4, at 9 o'clock.
Mrs. M. E. Gadwa heads the decorat
ing committee.
With Mrs. Gadwa on the committee
are Dr. Gadwa and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Riches.
For Trotters Club
Members of Trotters club announce
their February dance for next Friday
evening, February 3.
The party will be at Crystal Gardens,
dancing starting at 10 o'clock.
Dance Set Feb. 10
Next dance for Wisteria club is an
nounced for the evening of Friday, Feb
ruary 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley are vis
iting in Eugene this week-end with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John P. Maulding.
Spinsters club is to meet at the home
of Miss Patricia Viesko, Monday evening,
with Mrs. Robert Elgin and Mrs. Roger
Schnell assisting. There will be a
"white elephant sale."
Among club hostesses next week will
be Mrs. John Hughes who is to enter
tain Wednesday evening for her bridge
Salem Toastmistress club installed
new officers at its program and meeting
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Marion Curry is the new presi
dent; Mrs. George Beane, vice president;
Miss Myrtle Weatherholt, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. Marion Wooden, record
ing secretary; Mrs. J. M. Hartley, trea
surer. .
About 30 members and guests attend
ed the dinner. Miss Brenda Glass was
toastmistress for the evening and Miss
Alberta Shoemake was in charge of
tabl topics on superstitions. Talks were
given by Mrs. L. S. Bayne, Mrs. G. P.
Haley, Miss Ruth Ja-uis and Miss Con
stance Weinman.
Next meeting for the group is Feb
ruary 9.
Ranhatcrians club is to be entertained
next afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
at the home o.'Mrs. Morton Peck, 1552
Court street.
Two anniversaries were observed this
week by the Birthday club, made up
of a group of friends living on Route 7.
The party for George Bohn was an event
of Monday evening and that for Everett
Brines Friday evening, at their respect
ive homes.
Canasta and pinochle were played and
a no-host buffet supper served at each
Members in the club include Mr. and
Mrs. H. Ohmalt, Mrs. and Mrs. Nels
Haugen, Mr: and Mrs. George Bohn,
Mr. and Mrs. Don White, Mr. and Mrs.
Jul Foar. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brines,
John and J. H. Lehnherr and Theodore
A music study group for Salem branch,
n music smuj siuuij iui .!
A A nnMinn nf TTnitropcitv W n-
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American Association of University wo
men, is to be organized at a meeting
planned for Tuesday evening, February
7. at the home of Mrs. Howard Miller,
1048 North Winter.
COMMITTEES arranging for the
annual military ball of the Mar
ion county chapter, Reserve Offi
cers association, are to meet next Fri
day evening, February 3.
The ball is scheduled for the evening
of Saturday, February 18, at the ar
mory, and plans are under way to make
it a highlight social event of the winter
here. The ball will be formal, members
of the association to wear their uni
forms. Elaborate decorations will feature the
event, including patriotic arrangements
as well as varied scenes depicting inci
dents from the Spanish-American was
on through World War II.
Captain Dewey Rand, USAR, is gen
eral chairman for the ball. Cmdr. Carl
H. Cover, USNR, is president of the Re
serve Officers association.
An event "in the planning" for Sa
lem Business and Professional Women's '
club members is a spring style show.
The finance committee, headed by
Mrs. Sue Booch, and the program com
mittee, of which Miss Alberta Shoemake
is chairman, are to be in charge of the
event and plans will be outlined at a
joint meeting of the committees this
Members of Pioneer post No. 149,
American Legion auxiliary, the all
woman post, are meeting for a no-host
supper next Friday evening at the home
of Miss Mildred Christenson.
THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Nancy Jean
Brown of saitm. to nililam Hall Kauli,
Mroor uiuo, euue, u announceu
'HE founders day dinner and pro.
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I gram lor lOLdl Itldpurs Ot P.E Ct
gram ior local cnapiers of P.E.O.
Jll sisterhood have been snt
bisternooa nave Deen set fn
Tuesday, February 7. The event origin,
ally was slated for mid-January, pians
being changed because of weather con
ditions. The informal dinner will be at the
First Congregational church at 6:30
o'clock, all five Salem chapters having
a part in arranging the dinner and pro
gram. Unaffiliated P.E.O. members in
Salem also are invited to this affair.
Mrs. Ray Smith entertained Thursday
afternoon at a party for her little
granddaughter, Diane Smith, on the oc.
casion of the latter's second birthday,
Diane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs!
Robert G. Smith.
At the party were Linda Jones and
Mrs. Courtney Jones; Candy Patterson
and Mrs. George Patterson; Christy and
Lee Clark, and Mrs. Ed Clark; Jeff Mc
Killop and Mrs. Archie McKillop; Tira
my Fallin and Mrs. Lee Fallin; Larry
and Jerry Lord, and Mrs. Theodore
Lord; Diane and Linda Smith and Mrs.
Robert G. Smith, and the hostess, Mrs.
Ray Smith.
Sue Ann Randall, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Randall, was honor
ed at a birthday party this afternoon in '
nnlnUollnn nt nnn:..J.
LtiEuiauui, wi-i oiii.vim ainii viri ftry i
which will be next Monday. Feting . Vjo r
Ann for this afternoon's party were'
Norma Jean Arnold, Alice Cox, Roberta -Randall,
Julie Judson, Kathy Randall,
Judith Walker.
Home for the week-end from Univer-
sity of Oregon, Eugene, are Miss Irene
McLeod, daughter of Mrs L. C. Mc-
Leod; Miss Crystal Huntington, daughter
of the Hollis W. Huntingtons; and Miss -Betty
Jo Brannon, daughter of Mrs. Nell '
V. Brannon.
Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Floyd
Sampson will be hostesses next Thurs
day afternoon for the meeting of Chap
ter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood at the home
of Mrs. Smith.
Membership committee of the Salem
Zonta club is meeting Monday evening at
the home of the chairman, Mrs. Harry
W. Scott at 8 o'clock.
Guests of Miss Joan Burgy this week
end are two of her Kappa Kappa Gam
ma sorority sisters at University ol
Oregon, Miss Joan Gary of Burlingame
and Miss Mary Pruess of Santa Barbara,
Calif. The trio, with Miss Burgy's moth
er, Mrs. Francis Burgy, went to Port
land this afternoon to attend the stage
show "Philadelphia Story."
Hosts last evening at an informal
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Pickett, the affair honoring Mrs. Oliv
B. Huston, who returned recently fro
a trip to Europe. Places were marked
for 12 and bridge was in play following
the dinner.
Hostess to her bridge club yesterday,
was Mrs. Leona Johnson, who invited'
the group for luncheon and cards.
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, will not observe her usual
weekly at home afternoon next Tuesday,
because of her absence from the city.
The at home event will be resumed
on the following Tuesday, February 7.
Governor and Mrs. McKay leave Sun- ,i
day evening for Ontario, Governor Mc- .
Kay to be speaker at the annual Nyssa
Chamber of Commerc gathering Mon
day evening, also speaker for the joint'
meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
and service clubs there Tuesday noon.
Mrs. McKay is being honored at a tea, !
to be given by women of that area.
The McKays are to return home Wed-,
Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl T-
ion of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Kautl o
ncenuj. A Jun wedding i planned.
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MRS. ROBERT F. SMITH and children, Bobby and Pamela, left this week for Yokohama, Japan, to join Captain
Smith, stationed with the air force there. The family has been visiting since July with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter T. Davey. -
Annual YW Meeting on Tuesday;
Mrs. Wi Ison Compton bpeaker
One of the northwest's most popular
woman speakers, Mrs. Wilson Compton,
Pullman, Wash., is due here next Tues
day, January 31, to be guest speaker for
the annual dinner and meeting of Sa
lem YWCA.
The dinner is arranged for 6:30 o'clock
in the Carrier room of the First Meth
, odist church, an informal short recep
tion to precede serving the dinner, Mrs.
A. A. Schramm, YW president, to pre
sent the staff members at the reception.
The staff members include Miss Ger-
trude Acheson, executive secretary for
, the YW; Miss Joyce Lamoreux and Miss
Norma Wallace.
! Mrs. Compton, wife of the Washing
ton Slate college president, Dr. Wilson
Compton, has been active for many years
1 in civic and educational groups. She is
, to discuss some phase of the United Na
tions work in her talk here. In addition
to her interest in the United Nations piu-
., grami Mrs, Compton has kept up her
interest in the Camp Fire Girls' organ-
ization, the American Association of
, Jl
.i(t,oi and other groups, in
cluding the United Council of Church
Women of which she is national vice
president. For 25 years, Mrs. Compton
fived in Washington, D.C., serving as an
officer in the YW group there, as well
as being active in the USO during the
war the AAUW, the Community Chest
and other groups.
During her visit in Salem, Mrs. Comp
ton is to be house guest of Mrs, James
T Brand, a friend of college days.
Betty Starr Anderson is to be soloist
,on the Tuesday program, Miss Alice
Crary Brown as accompanist.
All YWCA members and their hus
bands and friends are invited to the
At the short business meeting brief
, reports will be given on the year s ac
tivities and new board members will be
elected by the membership. Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. John R. Caughell and
Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod are the board
members up for re-election; Mrs Lester
F. Barr, Mrs. Wallace Bones eele, Mrs.
Wallace Carson and Mrs William C.
Crothers are nominees for the new posi
. tions.
Mrs Louis Gerllnger, Mrs. Chandler
Brown, Mrs. Chester M. Cox Mrs. Nor
man Winslow, Mrs. C. W. Parker and
Mrs. Howard R. Post are on the hostess
committee for the evening. Mrs. Bruce
Spaulding is chairman for the muse
committee and Mrs. Robert E. Sh.nn is
chairman for decorations.
Central WCTU is to meet Tuesday at
2 p.m. in the First Methodist church,
members to use the Church street en
trance. Mrs. H. R. Mitchell is to lead the
devotions. Miss Margaret Leonard is to
give the talk on "Decline or Deliverance."
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Circles of the First Presbyterian
church women are meeting next Wed
nesday at the following homes:
No. 1, at the home of Mrs. R. W. Craig,
1320 Court, dessert at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs.
C. O. Wilson leader.
No. 2, at the home of Mrs. R. W.
Southwick, 1195 North 15th, dessert at
1:15 o'clock, Mrs. O. H. Kent, leader.
No. 3, at the home of Mrs. Ida Vaughn,
2380 Center street, Mrs. B. M. Bennett,
leader, dessert at 1:15 o'clock.
No. 4, at the home of Mrs. O. L. Scott,
1360 South Liberty, dessert at 1:15
o'clock, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, leader.
No. 5, with Mrs. E. A. Collier, 559
North 24th street, dessert at 1:15 o'clock,
Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, leader.
No. 6, meeting at the fireplace room
of the church, a no-host luncheon at
12:30 o'clock, Mrs. J. C. Singleton, lead
er. No. 7, meeting with Mrs. L. C. Mc
Leod, 365 North 13th street, dessert at
1:15 o'clock, Mrs. W. D. Pugh, leader.
No. 8, at the home of Mrs. J. M. Glass,
290 Manbrin drive, dessert at 1:15
o'clock, Mrs. M. H. Hawke as leader.
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(KenneH-ZUls plctur
NEW WORTHY ADVISEJt for Evergreen assembly, Order of Eatobow 'w GlrhWood
burn iTmIs! Patricia withers, daughter of Mr. and Mri. O. L, Withers of Woodburn
and a aenior in too hish achool there.
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(Jesten-Mlller studio picturt)
EAVERS . guild announces a
program and meeting lor next
Wednesday evening, Mrs. W.
H. Burghardt to be hostess to the group
at her home, 860 Union street, at 8
Kenneth Peabody of the weaving
department, Oregon State college, is to
be guest speaker. '
Hostesses with Mrs. Burghardt are
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Miss Maxine Buren,
Mrs. Clifford Farmer and Mrs. Pauline
Bush School Mothers club is meeting
on Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the school
auditorium. Frank Bennett, city super
intendent of schools, is to be the speak
er. Invitation is extended to all mothers
of the school to attend.
On Friday next, February 3, at 1 p.m.
there will be instructors at the Bush
school to demonstrate firing the kiln
purchased by the Mothers club and all
mothers of the school district interested
in ceramics are invited to attend the
Dabblers club is meeting Thursday at
7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. T. R. Stook,
275 Fisher road.
of Late
TITUSTICE James T Brand of the
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n uregon supreme court 15 10 ue
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uregon supreme court is 10 ue
guest speaker for the meeting of
gucsi spcaiser mr iiib mucuns ui
Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, next Saturday,
February 4.
The meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and the pro
gram is arranged to begin promptly at
2 o'clock.
Hostesses with Mrs. Sprague are Mrs.
John H. Carkin, Mrs. H. William Thiel
sen, Mrs. C. C. Best, Mrs. H. G. Hender
son, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Ivan Put
nam, Mrs. Clarence Mulcahy, Miss Lois
Marion county council of the Ameri
can Legion and auxiliary is meeting
in Salem next Monday evening in the
Legion club on South Commercial, be
ginning at 8 o'clock, members of Capi
tal post No. 9 of the Legion and Capital
unit No. 9 of the auxiliary as the host
Thomas A. Staccr, assistant state at
torney general, is to be the speaker, his
topic to be: "Summary of the Present
Operative Plans of Government, Armed
Forces and Industry for the Economic
Mobilization of the United States in
Preparation for a National Emergency
or Defense," the talk being based on
the report from the military and indus
trial conference held in Portland in De
cember. There will be installation of new coun
cil officers at the meeting. Mrs. Mem
Pearce is to install for the auxiliary,
Harold Bourbonnaiso, district vice com
mander, to install for the Legion. Har
ley LeFebre of Woodburn is the incom
ing council head for the Lgion, Mrs.
Thelma Strcetcr for the auxiliary.
James H. Turnbull will preside at
the meeting as council president. There
will be group singing and refreshments
will be served following the business
session and program.
Next meeting for the University of
Oregon Dads and Mothers clubs is an
nounced for February 13, a supper to
be given in Mayflower hall that evening.
Several Y-Teen and Tri-Y groups have
meetings scheduled at the YWCA this
coming week.
On Monday, the Y-Ettes and Snappy
Josettes will meet at the YW at 4 p.m.
Meetings listed for Monday include
that for the Ellie Welch Y-Teen group at
4 p.m.; and the Rhoda McCullough and
Abbie Graham Tri-Y groups at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday brings the Leslie ninth
grade Y-Teen and the Teen-Queen meet
ings at 4 p.m.
Lafayette Miss Hermina Flaegel and
James Sampson, Jr., both of Lafayette,
were united in marriage in the Fire
place room of the Baptist church in Me
Mninville, January 20, at 8:00 o'clock. -The
ceremony was performed by the
Rev. James Osborn.
A reception for the couple was given
in the Dawn room of the Hudson Cafe
in McMinnville. About 50 guests were
The bride wore a gray suit with green
accessories. Miss Eunice Robinson of In
dependence was maid of honor and
Jack Hathaway, Jr., best man. The
bride was given in marriage by Jack
Hathaway, Sr. After a brief trip to
Pacific Beach, Wash., the couple will
reside at Lafayette.
Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion county
home extension agent, will hold two
meetings this week for the purpose of
making preliminary plans for the "Bet
ter Dress Workshops" to be conducted
in this county by the extension service
in March. These preliminary meetings
will be held at Miss Trindlc's home at
1965 South Commercial street on Janu
ary 31 and February 3. Both will start
at 1:30 p. m.
Two representatives from each of
Marion county's 28 home extension units
will attend one meeting or the other.
Those units to send . representatives on .
January 31 are: Sidncy-Talbot, Central
Howell, North Howell, Stayton, West
Woodburn, North Santiam, Mehama,
Donald, Aumsville, Hayesville, Lansing
Neighbors, East Salem, Union Hill and
Four Corners. On February 3 women
will come from the following units:
Hubbard, Turner, Silvcrton Hills, Tri
Unit, Marion, Clcarlake, Pratum-Mac-leay
Thomas, Labish Center, Quinaby,
Roberts, Silvcrton, Edina Lane and Lan
caster. v
All women attending these prelimin
ary meetings will serve as project lead
ers and will conduct "Better Dress
Workshops" in their own units during
March. They will receive their training
at a workshop held by the extension
service in Salem. These workshops will
last four days and each person attending
makes a dress for herself. These may be
of wool, silk, rayon, linen or cotton,
but are not to include tailoring prob
lems. The dresses made will all be modeled
at the "Homemaker's Festival" on
May 3.
The Thursday evening literature group
of Salem branch, American Association
of University Women, has schedulen a
meeting for next Thursday evening,
February 2, at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. E. A. Carleton, 125 West 5,waid.
Mrs! George Martin is to give the re
view. Child study group of the Salem
branch, American Association -i Uni
versity Women, is planning a meeting
for Wednesday evening, Feoruary 1,
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Bruce
VanWyngardcn, 1325 Jefferson. Mrs.
Betty Rademaker of Marion county
public welfare staff is to be ipeaker.
January Here
Mrs. Philip T. Bouffleur, International Smith, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Miss M
,.., ui- . .ho ci w. ., m.i, .n Mm Bouffleur.
icuuuui -
mqn. inh mmII havo i-tiarBfl nf lh nrn.
relations chairman of the Salem Wo
man's club, will have charge of the pro
gram next Tuesday, January 31, at the
......i -m.., ..... . - r.
club house. The mock radio broadcast
from 2 to 3 o'clock on Point IV of Pres
ident Truman's program, technical as
sistance to underdeveloped countries,
will be directed by Mrs. Charles A. Rat
cliff. Those taking part in the affair will
be Mrs. P. L, Calvert, Miss Ida Mae
(Kcnnell-Ellta plctur.)
MRS WALTER L JUDD, Jr., was married last Saturday afternoon, January 8L, The
bride is the lormr Alice i. Baillic, uaiiglHCT of Mr. ana Mrs. rtllred BailUc of Salem.
Sir? JuId is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter h. Judd, Sr., of Portland. The couple will
make their home in Salem.
Planned for Thursday afternoon Feb
ruary 9 is the joint reception to be given
by Oregon State Mothers club and Uni
versity of Oregon Mothers club of Sa
lem. The affair honors Mrs. Oscar I Paul
son, state president of the OSC Mothers
club, and Mrs. George H. Swift, state
president of the University of Oregon
Mothers club.
The reception will be at the home of
Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson between 2:30 and
5 o'clock.
Salem Rotary club is sponsoring its
annual ladies' night dinner and pro
gram, Wednesday, February 8, at the
Marion hotel, the dinner to be at 7
o'clock. Representatives from other
service groups also are being invited.
I. a
(jMten-Mlller itudlo jicturt
NEW PRESIDENT of the Salem club, D.. , af th. .L
SraYWai "
member, alao are awtoUng with tha March of Dime, campaign.
Smith, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Miss Mir
oah Blair and Mrs. Bouffleur,
i "
a intAi.aclarl In hnnrini
Anvone interested in hearing this
"broadcast" will be welcome.
Next meeting for the Labish Gardens
Woman's club is set for February 7,
Mrs. Everett Brines and Mrs. Don White
to entertain th'- group at the Brinei
home, Route 7.
' 1
Woodburn Evergreen assembly, No.
12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, will
join with Ramona assembly of Silverton
in a district meeting Tuesday night,
January 31, at Silverton.
Miss Hazel Engle of Woodburn, grand
worthy adviser of the grand assembly
of Rainbow for Oregon and Mrs. Verna
Gray, supreme deputy, will make their
official visit to the two groups at that
The Altrusa club's dinner and busi
ness meeting Is arranged for next Wed
nesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at tha
Marion hotel.
Mrs. Sue Booch relumed this week
from a trip to Boise, Idaho, where sha
visited relatives.