16 Capital Journal, Salem, Or, Saturday, January S8, 1950 ter, Pia, or division of the cou ple's property and wealth. Cocke emphasized that the Mexican court the first civil court of the Bravo district will concern itself only with the divorce. Judgment on property in the United States must be settled in an American court, he said. Ingrid to Charge Husband Made Her Work Too Hard Juarez, Mexico, Jan. 28 (11.19 Ingrid Bergman, suing for a Mexican divorce so she can marry her Italian sweetheart, will charge that her husband made her work too hard, Attorney William A. Cocke said today. Cocke, an El Paso, Tex., lawyer who filed the actress' suit here, said Miss Bergman would charge her husband, Dr. Peter Lmd strom, with cruelty. The petition charges, in part, that Lindstrom "forced her to make pictures when she didn' want to." "As a result," Cocke said "she was working all the time and got no rest." If Lindstrom does not contest the suit, Miss Bergman could shed him in time to marry Italian Film Director Roberto Rossellinl on Valentine's day. Lindstrom was in Hollywood and wouldn't say whether he planned to come here to fight the divorce. He once flew to Rome in an attempt to break up Miss Bergman's romance with Rossellinl and lure her back to himself. Cocke said Miss Bergman's suit alleges that she never saw $175,000 which her husband acting as her business manager, allegedly received for her work In the picture "Stromboli." It was while making the pic ture on the romantic isle of the same name, that Miss Bergman fell in love with Rossellini, the airector. Notice of the film queen's divorce action was published officially today in the Chihua hua state bulletin. Under Chihuahua state law neither of the principals in divorce needs to come to Mexi co. Either can remarry immedi ately after the decree is granted. Cocke said he expected the decree between Feb. 15 and Feb Z0. But if Lindstrom doesn't contest it, the decree could come on Valentine's day, Feb. 14. The grounds of the suit were those routinely listed in Hollywood courts incompatibil ity, non-support and cruelty. Cocke, who has handled 3.flnn Mexican divorce cases, said this was "the most interesting I've ever nandled." Although the divorce petition was not unexpected, the speed with which it was recorded took followers of the romantic trian gle by surprise. ' Miss Bergman signed the di vorce application in Rome be fore attorneys could work out a settlement for custody of the Llndstroms' 11-year-old daugh- UN Contracts for $12 Million Building i.ane success, Jan. 28 VP) ine united Nations signed a con tract yesterday for the second building in its new headquarters group a five-story $12,000,000 nome lor us council meetings. Adjoining the 39-floor secre tariat building which the UN hopes to occupy by next Janu- ary, the new structure will hold chambers for meetings of the se curity, trusteeship and economic and social councils. The contract for the new bull. ding went to the firm of Fuller, Turner, Walsh and Slattery, Inc.. M XT ir ' BankersOffeT$5l25 For Farm Contests Portland, Jan. 28 (P) The Oregon Bankers association will spend $865 more this year for farm contests. The total will be $5,125. The association said most of the money will go to 4-H club and FFA contests. The bankers' executive and agricultural com mittees scheduled two conferen ces on agriculture, one here on March 17 and the other in Pen dleton March 24. DO YOU LiKE Rossellini Gives First Interview Rome, Jan. 28 (U.R) Italian Film Director Roberto Rossellini told reporters last night that Ingrid Bergman has quit the screen for good but he declined to answer any questions con cerning their personal relationships. He said he "didn't know if Miss Bergman is expecting a child soon and said he couldn't answer when asked when they would be married. 'I will answer any questions about my work," Rossellini said in the first press conference he has held since his romance with Mis Bergman was revealed, "But when you ask me some thing personal, I will tell you that I do not know and can not answer." "Is Miss Bergman expecting a child within a short time?" he was asked. "I don't know. I can't an swer," he said. "You know more about that than I do." Where and when will their marriage take place? "I don't know. I can't an swer," he said. He was emphatic on one point, that Miss Bergman, who has been living in seclusion in Rome since completion of "Stromboli," has quit the screen for good. 'She is retired," Rossellini said. "That is clear. She is tired. She is not going to make any more films, never." He said it was "terrible" for Miss Bergman to work "under the conditions she has faced." He said he was "very con tent" about Miss Bergman's retirement. "It means we can have a little peace," he said. A Swedish correspondent pressed him on the matter of Miss Bergman being tired, be cause "Swedish women are very strong. " "I don't think so," Rossellini replied. Flu Rages in Japan Tokyo, Jan. 28 VP) The Jap anese welfare ministry said to day there is an alarming spread of influenza in Japan. It report ed there were 44,000 current ca ses among Japanese. I Always Room For One More New York, Jan. 28 VP) It's hard to get seats at Gubit-chev-Coplon spy trial here In New York. 'Hundreds are turned away every day. Yesterday a guard stopped a short stocky man at the door because he had no pass. "All right then, I go home," he said cheerfully. It was defendant Valentin A. Gubitchev. They let him in. American aut h o r i t i e s said there had been a "moderate in crease" among occupation per sonnel but all cases were mild and of short duration. Woman Killed, Eight Hurt in Chicago Fire Chicago, Jan. 28 VP) One wo man was killed and eight other persons were injured, some be lieved seriously, early today when fire swept through a three story north side rooming house. Several persons leaped from windows as flames whipped through the brick flat building at 2142 north Clark street. Fire men said at least four suffered injuries after leaping and were hospitalized. Others hospitalized were overcome by smoke. Some 50 persons fled in their night clothes from the burning structure. Mrs. Helen Ford, 36, died in the lobby of a nearby hotel if ter firemen removed her m her daughter, Sandra Lee, frn ' i hli. anartmmt TaK .1 ual l ....... -uutii were ov- eruuuits uy aiiiune. "c was not immediately determined. Portland Budget Balanced Portland, Jan. 28 VP) The city : council now expects Portland to i squeeze by until the end of the ! fiscal year in June without run. ning into debt. The council indicated, how ever, that voters still may k. asked later to approve measure! to bring in more revenue. The Greek historian Thucy. dides tells of eruptions of Mt. Etna as early as the eighth cen tury B. C. 10W IN CAlOtIB HIGH IN ENERGY flTWORMWRITtfOOISTMf r I r----i ii'-fff-ir -fl! mi" umii i . -11111(1 rffii 11 ifidiniflil ir liilf, n in 'vfmfltfi rtn r m faneitUZtieit nnA A. . -n.-,, . , , Y,infl -ftm r rinffnifj . ;Tkx wool 1 i I S . "' T lv jTovUW HELMET L , I Brown . leaW chin strap Juveile T ' . kerned, u: M IIU BR II iM fastener --0 mpai." f J ( r B0YS' vaw;-lists 0 1 I ?amb coUar. Mrf $ I 1 !) ,v. maru v- M i 1 Blue. yeUoW' Wular groW u. W ' " nade iwtc,"-M 30 ttr' M ?0ft 1 II PENN.E Two Big Days! Monday, Jan. 30, &Tues., Jan. 31 Here is the big, final round-up of clearance items . . . Many more values not listed . . . Clearance of all winter mer chandise throughout the store! Prices cut to the bone, so don't miss this sale! Also, the last round-up of Penney'i great January White Goods event. CHILDREN'S GALOSHES SAVE! 1.00 Red, white, and brown colors In this sturdy, practical galosh. Big savings . , , so hurry! PENNEYT DOWNSTAIRS STORE A FEATURE! CHILDREN'S OXFORDS Brown with rubber sole and heel! tt Stoutly made for wear, comfort, and Jf iULiM neat appearance. 8V4 to 3. MmMtwr Er PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE ONLY . . . FLOOR LAMPS 9.99 Try to match this value anywhere! Prices slashed! You save plenty on this brass floor lamp. Fabric shade. PENNFY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE MEN'S ALL-WOOL PLAID SHIRTS Pure wool and virgin wool top qual ity casual shirts REDUCED! Soft shadow plaids. 14 to 17. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 6.50 WOMEN'S COTTON DRESSES Brentwood cottons at their value packed best! 80 sq. percales, waffle piques, seersuckers. 12-44. PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2.79 WHITE COTTON SHEET BLANKETS Super-soft and cozy-warm! Shop prices, check qualities this is a real value! PENNEY'S MEZZANINE 1.66 ALL-WOOL BLANKET FEATURE 72"x84" size. Matching rayon satin binding. Breath-taking selection of lovely pastel colors. Buy! 6.00 PENNEY'S MEZZANINE MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS 9.88 Broken sizes! Quantities are limited. Corduroy cardigan sport coats. Grey, green, maroon. 4 PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 60 GUAGE, 15 DENIER HOSE So sleek and sheer. Luxury hose at special prices. Every pair perfect, too. All sizes, popular shades. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 2 z 2. 45 MEN'S ALL-WOOL SHIRTS It's gabardine! 100 wool, pre shrunk, dress collar, three-button cuff. Hurry this value won't last! PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 9.88 CLOSE-OUT ... BABY BUGGIES $10&15 Leatherette covered, collapsible styles 3 and 4 bow hoods, 7" wheels, visor and draft flap. See these! PENNcT'S SECOND FLOOR (I WOMEN'S FLANNEL GOWNS Pretty . . , everyday practical (fj EM soft cotton flannel. Pastels in sizes I - II 15 to 19. But hurry! J PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR A TODDLER'S SNOW SUITS Specially-priced group of one-piece zipper front snowsuits. Water-repel-lant and equipped with hood. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 3.88 A WOMEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS Bright plain shades in soft flannel- ette. Tie and elastic waistband . Jf Jf Jf all women's sizes. EJsH JBsl mM PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR A VALUES IN GIRL'S RAINCOATS 200 Some solid some plaid, everyone with bright plaid hood. Rubberized lined. Reduced for clearance! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR ti WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS Run-resistant rayon tricot knit with lace trim. Pink, blue, maize or white. 32-40. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 1.00 WOMEN'S RAINCOATS A FEATURE Rayon satin and cotton gabardine. C A A Plaid cuffs and lining of hood. Worth JWw much more. 9.88 PENNY'S SECOND FLOOR GIRL'S CRISP NEW FROCKS Cotton dresses In attractive styles and bright print colors. One group of colorful dresses, 3-6x; another, 7-12. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 1.00 1.50 WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES Dressy and casual. One and two piece styles in a glamorous selection of becoming shades. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 6.90 SPECIAL! GIRL'S WINTER COATS Tweeds in girls' sizes (4 to 14). Some attractive checks and trimmed styles, too! 9.88 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S BLOUSES, SKIRTS 2.00 Close-out group of better quality skirts from higher-priced lines not all sizes. Worth much more. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR each WOMEN'S RAYON SATIN BRAS Rayon satin in good uplift, smooth fit, comfortable. White and tearose. 34, 36, 38. B cup. 2 $1 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR PROOF IT; ALWAYS PAYS TO SHOP-AT PENNEY'S E Malt tr Uu akis H Mwut (mf t-- I'lllll- t (