12 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, January 28, 1950 A Man Is Missing By ERLE STANLEY GARDNER (Creator 01 Vat famous fictional detective. Perry Mason) THE WORT THDS TAB: Sheriff Bill Catlln and Hank Lucas, a dude wrang ler, are asked to help locate an amnesia victim. Prank Adrian. The only clue Is a picture postcard Adrian sent to a wiie, Cnrllxj. ahowin. him In front of a moun tain cabin. Lucas auldes Corliss and James DeWltt, a city detective, to trie caoin. in It they find bloodstains and a letter in which Adrian expressed fear of his part ner, Harry Benton, whose sister, Marlon Chandler Benton, a phototrapher, wes a member of the party which located the oabln. A body burled near the cabin Is Identified by Corliss as that of her hus band. DeWitt demanda the arrest of Marlon as an accomplice in the mur der, and the apprehension of her broth. . Sheriff Catlln Questions the slrl about Her brother. MOW OO ON WITH THI STORY: (Installment fill) The sheriff turned to Marion Benton. "Your brother done quite a lot or camping ana packing!" "A lot." "Lived In the hilU a good part of his iue7" "Yes." The sheriff turned back to Dewitt "Now, then, Hank tells me," he said, "that when you found the cabin there was a shovel on the Inside of the cabin bv the stove, some blood spots on one of the walls, but no other blood spots anywhere. There were dishes in the little cupboard, dishes that had been washed and put away. There wasn't any fire wood or kindling Inside the cabin." Dewitt nodded, then said some what Impatiently. "I've gone all over that before." "That's right. But at couple of things you've sort of overlooked. Take that photographic post card lor Instance." "What about It?" "They're pretty short shadows," Oatlln said. "The Dicture must have been taken right at noon, but, even so, shadows don't get that short up here In Idaho except right dur ing the summer months. Now, Tom Morton, the photographer who printed that picture, put It on pa per that he says must have been used up by the last part of July. ine snaaows say 11 was iuiy. me post card says it was October. How you going to reconcile the shadows and " Dewitt laughed. "I'm not even going to try. Frank Adrian didn't disappear until September." Bill Oatlln nodded and went on calmly. "And this here picture was taken with a folding camera that nas a iiuie iignt leak in the bel lows. Now, I know I'm Just sort of boring you, but there's one more thing you'd ought to consider. Re member when that pack horse show ed up, his back had been rubbed raw and then healed over?" Dewitt said. "For heaven's sake. Lre you crazy? I don't care about the pack horse." "Well, now," the sheriff went on, "you'd ought to know the moun tains, if you're going to work In 'em When you're packing Just one horse, and when you're leading him on foot, a man that knew anything about packing wouldn't get a sore back on his pack horse "Now, another thing. The mur derer tried to leave the cabin so that anybody that happened to stumble onto It wouldn't think there was anything wrong. Everything would seem tn he nil ntr.it nnH Rhir shape, Just the way the trappers would have left it at the close of the winter season. "But up here In this country we nave a custom cnais an unwrit ten law. When a man leaves a cabin, he always leaves dry stove wood and kindling in by the stove. Now. I don't want to bore you by telling you all these local cus toms, but this one In particular is pretty rigidly enforced. Now do you get it?" "Get what?" Dewitt asked. "There were two men in that eabin. One of them was a tender foot, a city dude. The other was a woodsman, one of them killed the other and pulled out. Whoever It was that slicked the cabin up and washed the dishes and made it look as though everything was the way two trappers had left It, cer tainly wasn't the murdered man; It was the guy who did the killing." "Naturally," Dewitt said. "And," Bill Catlln pointed out, "In this case, the man who did that was the tenderfoot." ' The idea hit Dewitt suddenlv and hard. "But look here," he snld. "His wife Identified the body. There was a ring on " "Sure, sure, she Identified the body,'" Catlln said. "Naturally, the murderer saw to It that ne riirht ring was there to be identified." Corliss Adrian pushed her chair back from the table. "Are you." she demanded angrily, "trying to iu.iuiuiue mar. i t "Now. Just take It enxv. mA'nm 1 the sheriff said. "Well. now. when Hank telephoned me about this here crime and the tilings he found. I did a lot of thinking, and then I got hold of the Judge and got me bchjcii warrant so i couia search the bageaee that Mrs. Adrian vni left there In the hotel. And. sure enough, there was a S-A folding camera with a rapid rectilinear lens. And when we took It Into Tom Morton's darkroom ana put an elec tric light bulb Inside the bellows, you could see that one little pin hole in the bellows Just as plain as day. . . . "You're crazy." Mrs. Adrian said "You've cot nothing on me. This is some bucolic travesty of justice." "I'm airaid we've got, quite a hit on vou." the sheriff said. "You and your husband fixed this up quite a while ago. Both of you prospected around last summer and found that cabin. You even took that picture when you found the cabin, a month or two before your husband pulled his disappearing act. You'd taken out the Insurance poli cies years ago." "Walt a minute," Dewitt said. "Let me handle this, Corliss . . . Sherllf, your own reasoning defeats Itself," now come" You admit that the man who left that cabin last tried to fix it ud so it would look as though the trappers had moved out for the winter." "That's what Hank told me," the sheriff said. "Yet Hank also told you that this note was left In such a promi nent place that anyone, even a dude, couldn't have failed to see it." Well, now," the sheriff said, "Just put yourself in the shoes of the murderer. You don't want the body to be discovered until after it's pretty hard to make a positive identification. You've buried the body in a shallow grave. You want It to stay there and decompose for just fjbout so long. Now, men if It's discovered too soon, you're sunk. WelL you can figure out what that means, uewitt. "What does it mean?" "It means that the murderer, or someone that was In cahoots with him. had to come back to that cabin and put that note there where it would be discovered at just about the right time. Bo when Hank told me about the note I asked him about the color of the ink. Seems like the ink was still sort of blue. .Now, you take Ink that way and, as I understand It. there's some sort of a chemical In It that unites with oxygen and turns back after it oxi dizes, ana tnat s what gives you the permanent color In ink. But until that chemical has had a chance to oxidize, they put a blue dye In the Ink, so you can see what's been written down. That's why ink will be sort of blue for a while and then, after it gets old, it'll turn turn black. Hank said this looked pretty new to him. "Well I had a pretty good descrip tion of Frank Adrian, thanks to the stuff my friend. Ed Harvel, had sent on. So I sort of figured. If he sneaked into that cabin and put a note in there, he'd have had to go in through the ranger station or down through the Middle Fork. But It would have been a pretty hard trip, because he was a tender foot. However, they're bringing in a few planes lately, and there's a forest service emergency landing field onlv about five miles from the cabin now. So I got busy on the telephone and rang up the cities around that nave cnartered air service, asking them about whether thev took a man of a certain description into mat tanaing neia wiuun the last month or so. And. sure enough. I struck pay dirt." "What did you find?" Dewitt ask ed. Interested now despite himself. "Well," the sheriff said, "a man chartering an airplane has to give a lot of information about himself. Of course, this man was using an assumed name. He's working In a garage now. Well, I telephoned down to my friend, the sheriff, there, and we picked him up. "Ana wnen fa picked mm up. X talked with him over the phone and told him about how his wife hnd already collected the insurance money and run away with a play boy. That was sort of reading her mind a little In advance. May have been sort of a mean trick, but It worked like a charm. This here Adrian has a aulck terrmer. and seems like he really blew up and started talking last. He'd evident ly heard something about this play boy. "So now, Mis. Adrian. I hate to do It. but I've .lust got to give voti waging in me jnil. I've sent over to the hotel and had vour bags taken over. My gosh!" Bill Catlln said, nis voice edged with sym pathy. "Darned if she ain't fainted. Hank, will you wet a towel over there at the washstand, and let's see if we can't snap her out of il? And there's a bottle of whisky in uuti locker. "And I reckon vou can use a drink too. Miss Benlon. It's too bad about your brother, but. after all. it's better that wav than to have him turn out to be a murderer. "And now. If you folks feel like It. we'll get Mrs. Adrian dlsnoseri of. and then I guess we can have a lime something to eat." (Copyright by Krte Stanley Gardner) (The End) Miss Cyrus Plans Consular Career Sclo June Cyrus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cyrus, who was graduated from Sclo high school and Oregon State college has left lor Washington, D.C., to receive special train ing at the Foreign institute, to prepare for a position with the U. S. consular service. Miss Cy rus has spent the past year as an employee of the American President lines in Son Francis co. Miss Cyrus was on honor student in both high school and college. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem If I AAA1MTA1N-AMD I'AA SURE NOW, I CONTEND -teg a MILLIONS WILL AGREE WITH ?7 THERE MUST BE V i ME THAT NO MATTER. MOW AN 7 SOME OTHER WAY 5 - V ALARM-CLOCK BELL IS T0 AWAKEN A PITCHED, IT IS NOT MELODIOUS PERSON IN A MORE OR. GAY SOUNDING TO THE I CHEERFUL MANNER. V. SLEEPER. AROUSED YES -I'LL GIVE s ( AT SIX OR. SEVEN ) IT SOME CL 17 V A.M. J THOUGHT I Mill1 11 illlf :E ThOWDID STONY dtp ir DIDN'T CAUSE A RlFPLE- 1 WtTrAKOMXX'f SIX BABIES f SUFFERIN' 5NOWFLAKES,ROPR Ireact to the Bis J! except for cxx hickerv I arrivtn' singlv or in a group-to T maybe i spoke too soon--uook 1 J INEWS, ZEKE p NOT BeiN' ON HAND FOR I EXCITE US mi i -t,.., 1 L DOWN THERE. aaaanaaalBaWl f Lneasc fs-Lr-"5 TUESDAY "jj ' fjZS I IflS ft iaMaaMaMrBlMliriMirfr Tgjlg W BUT MDUR FRIEND, JflCK-HE-HB il OH-OH, DAN HE WASNT OKINCi-HE W DfiN-OH, DAN-T 1-1 -I'VE BEEN A I JACK SACK-WHO DOESN'T OWN IT WAS A SAYS HE WAS TRYINCj.TO I R there's something; I stupo fool, daisy a I owns the factory-; anything -he- W terrible joke help us to hpwe fcses- . p I WRONG-1 CAN PATSY- A CHUMP-THERE- I b HE-HE HE'S ONUC THE 9g TO PLAY ON YOU- HE'S SORE AT teg FOR 1 TELL THERE ISN'T ANY JOB I 1 PROMISED JANITOR THERE- , Wi HE'S A BAD- FINDING, OUT THE TRUTH ppel t-yjp DO t? THARNOWoTvWvTE''''' SONrVOSrT SONATCHERtNlTHTcUsWERlTTAH ABOUT n-.T-TWASSTH' i. U LOVE WIF A PART O'HER REMAINS O' THIS AH IS PROUD J'FEARUSS fOSDrCK-J GOOD-LUCK TOOTH I MOST HOPELX&S CASE. feS foWP.') KNEECAP.? J PlTCHEPt WAS PITCHER MUST BEX T'BE,TH' A COMICAL &OOK lFUM YORE OWN . O' LOVE AH HAS (tfiHf) At ONLY SENSIBLE ilN TH' BINDIN' 1 IN TH' BINDINGS O' JnATCHERAL-I aACT'RY, TLOOK J DEAR PAPPv'S dAWR, I EVER SEEN.T-- 1 j R THING TDO IS OF A 'FEAR- OTHER "FEARLESS ( BORN A, FO'TH' REST O' J AN' MAH BLESSINS. I (-,. , i.iTi ' f I f" & FIND WREST J LESS FOSDICK' FOSDICK"COMICAL H PAPPY O' W TH' GAL AH p? HO' IS NOW FULLY - PSi nW 'SIM S o' th' gal, an' i comical mm ,-, i im, n "ni i . i -i i ; i"T i irrrrn'-irr ll ll sn ' RGEN- "C g??!5fIlI55J2J I CASSIOY: YOU CAN HAVE n I THIS IS A TOUGH T7 THERE'S NO CHOICE u TOM VVESTCOTT y.WTi THE WESTCOTT BOY IN EXCHANGE proposition.'if you rvE GOT TO SAVE the BOY n KIDNAPPED? J KfYESHEREal FOR LUCKY .BRING LUCKY TO THE GIVE UP LUCKY YOUR AND I THINK I'VE A SCHEME n r saiv A-n??H3. TH' NOTE. J OLD MINER'S CABIN ON FIG KEY WITNESS IS QONE"" THAT MIGHT WORK. " ' M0UNTA1N noricks w iForN rs aor ros- I u sen IMA I eaauuaaaai tKT X K-f.mnK ri IT all 'I Mil UtriVl'l Til II laaMaaMaesysyjaafstMaBtAaaMaBtsMaaysl 6:00 . 1 8:15 t MUTT. I DON'T KNOW WZTT'U CICERO, MV BOV. HCWj II O.K.,POP) f 7 NOW, WHAT WOULD 6ijg wn. iu uu wiin cuow U. UUI J,- CRAWL "JF W VOU LIKE TO HEAR r Tni 7:00 U CICERO VOU JUST 1 B BED-TIME ( RPH.TIUP Ml ikII J f.? 7 B rrii.iaTCiMtr Tucm ne J- -3 7:15 '3W3BeHSaSSiaSa?y I I MMIW&. AT PA.VWS g.'AS? f I MO IN TEX'S OFaCS JJS S3 LANP SAkES EE4LLY ? X THEM COWTCkES IS V R DID VOU SEE THB PAPSS, I NOW, ISN'T THAT NICE.' A PINE BUNCH YOU JEEkS PLENTy w&eep! HELLO. STATE POUCE? OH, U MPS. SMITH ? (SOLLy THE f"fL JXk rv ASckZ j AND I HAD TO SIN6, SERC-EANT WINTER9...THIS IS H$ , "HERALD" HAS A SWELL STCEY feaa CUSTOMERS FOE OUT BY A HANDFUL OF WDDLE- CE THE STATE TEX PUEDV AT MILESTONE . 12. 5- ABOUT THE OPENING LAST Jk$ils$ "UPCOHNS' A6ED, COWBOVS.'.. AND-VOU COPS VvOULDVE DROP IN WHEN VOU CAN, WILL 2:00 T NI6HT' WVilra. ALeEAPy, EATTED BESIDES.' BEEN IN ON IT AND YOU1..SOMETHIN6 I'D LIICE 2:15 Y ',.41$ m.TO0Ay' J S5- m VOU CANT STAND FOR TO TALK TO VOU ABOUT. ' MVliUCH LONG FACES! I A QN Y BR.N T M I DIDN'T MR.kAlKEN BROOM J All TOO WELL' HE WANTS I I STOP WAVING THAT WHITE FLA6.FF.LIA! ) I DIDN'T NOTICF ANV CREPE ON 6OULD Bt HANGING, LIKE VOUR ADVERTISING yTwoF VERY TWINS - -WHO I JUST CHECKED THIS MODEL AGENCY THE FRONT DOOR, BRICI! J MRS. WORTH' J PROGRAM.JIMMV? yrxT EW''--I'M SUNK. S ALBUM! AND--SEE WHAT TO MV M - "" V1 A BOILED SPUD IN , RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. 1 KGW K0IN KEX KSLM KOCO..,., 120 NBC 970 CBS 11W ABC 1380 MBC 1490 Kc. 5:00 Band! af Land Jm DIMkikI Remember True or Fill Rhythm Rnrh 5:15 Binds of LxndJo DIMirflo Special Event! True or Fall Rhythm Banrb1 5:30 Bandi of Land Dinner Ahead Harmonaires Orcan Reveries Political Pulse v 5:45 Elmer Peteron Sewa Teen Tune Chrlat. Science 1-Sqnare Gosp. 6:00 Dixieland JaiT Philip Marlowe Babe Roth AAF Candlellrht ' 6:15 Dixieland Jasi PbUip Marlowe Homo Edition AAF Silver 6:30 Dennla Day Mem. In Music Mod. Romance Nlte Rldtrt News 6:45 Dennis Day Phil Breto Mod. Romance Site Riders Ais'bly of God 7:00 Judy Can ova Sine It Aialn Hollywood Popular Mntle Tlma Was 7:15 Judy Canova Slnf It Ataln Byline Popular Muals Drivers Playhio 7:30 Grand Ol' Opry Slnf It Asaln Chandu Marie Weil Coast Strike Up Band, 7:45 Grand Ql' Opry Sing It Araln Chandu Mai'o Ramblers Troplcana 8:00 Truth ' or V. Monroe 1-one Ranrer Dance Orch. Mldcourt S:15 Coniequenees V, Monroe Lone Rancer Dance Oreh. SIIS - Astoria :30 Hollywood Star Gene Autry Superman Meet the Pre si SIIS - Astoria . 8:45 Hollywood Star Gene Autry Superman Meet the Preis SIIS - Astoria ' 9:00 nit Parade Ganfbuitere Bob Crosby Stmt RH8 - Astoria1"'' 9:15 Hit Parade Oannbu iters Bob Crosby Crystal Gard. SHS - Astoria ' 9:30 Life of Riley Orchestra Bob Crosby Dance Orch. News i 9:45 Life of Riley Orchestra Bob Crosby Dance Orch. Troplcana ' K' 10:00 Sam Hayes S-Star Final Newa Monica Whalon Salute Reierve 10:15 Morton Downer Orcan Musle lntermease Ray Hackett Salute Reserve, 10:30 Orchestra Capitol Dance Band Mutual Musle Dancing Party, 10 :45 Orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Mutual Musle Dancing Party ' 51:00 News Serenafte Let's Danee Open Hosso Dancing Party - 'n W" MBseam Treasury Band Let's Dance Open Bouse Dancing Party n 1:30 Wax Mnseum Organ Melodies Let's Dance Open Home Danelng Party. 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Melodies Let's Uanoa Open House Dancing Party 12:00 Sign Oft Kllent 'xtra Hoar Sign Off Isign Off 1,1 FM Meg., KGW 100.1. S-10 p.m., KOTN 101.1, 6 a.m.. It p.m.. KEX tt.l, I I I .m. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 ; rvOAC p; Mr?:M, CaI!' I "! Gn Open Tonlghti 7:68, OpbTaVeTw 9:80' !", 6:16, London Letter I 6:30, Dinner Melo- I Dance Paradei 10:00, Sign Off. SUNDAY 7:00 Radio Pulpit IChurch of Air Band Box ?1S Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Box IHj 3A Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Musle 7 ;45 Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Musle g-fin j. Doe's M isle Newsmakers Revival Hoar 1st Baptist Ch. River Boys tA 8'lK Mern. Serenade Win. Burdetta Revival Hour lat Baptist Ch. News --,r 3(1 Church In Yonr Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Propheey FeU'ahlp ffolee 8:45 Home Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Propheoy Fcllo'shlp 9' "900 Silver Strings More of Llfo Southernaires Ra. Bible Class Bible ProittsK) 9'15 Silver Strings More of Ufa Bouthernalreg Ra. Bible Class Lutheran 5:30 Eternal Light Drlvera' Play Message ot Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr. ' 9:45 Eternal Light Sewa Israel Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr.' ' 10 00 Glenn Shelley. People's News News Ch'rcb In WUdV 10 '15 Organist Platform Romanea Sonrs Organ Lot I 10'30 Chicago Bennd Main St. Music Sunday Vespers News Saored Heart 10:45 Table Main St. Mualo Sunday Vespers Bill Lang Wayne King - 1100 NBC Theater Sammy Kaye Foreign Report Concert Hall First Baptist , 11:15 NBC Theater Sammy Kaye -tt"k A Ernst Concert HaU First Baptist . , 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Piano nouse. Hymns First Baptist 11:45 NBC Theater News Playhouse Canaries First Baptist 12:00 Mr. Fix-It N7 Phllharm, ' nour of Faith Newa Serenade tar : i 12:15 Chack Foster NT Phllharm. Hour of Faith Guest Star Stringa 1230 Qui Kids NT Phllharm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury Headline New 12:45 Quia Kids "huh arm. Opera Album luvcnlle Jury United Nation. -00 MGM Theater ST Phllharm, Week's World Mr. Feathers Church Prog. .. ;15 MGM Theater NT Phllharm. Week's World Mr. Feathers Church Prog. ;30 MGM Theater My Serenade Voice of Proph. Martin Kane C. Baptist Ui ;45 MGM Theater News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane C. Baptist 8:00 Dlek Poweli Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Musle for :15 Dick Powell Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Daydreaming :30 H'veit of Stars Galen Drake Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase) 2:45 H'vest of Stars Ted Steele Greatest lo.-v True Detective Band Showcase; 3:00 The Hardy Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Steel ft Sun. Serenade , 3:15 Family Family lletur Lutheran Hour John Stetle Sun. Serenade 3:30 Henry Morgan Boston Blackle Music with Nick Carter Muslo for Suswi 3:45 Henry Morgan Boston Blackle the Girls Nick Carter Music for Sun. 4:00 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Research Adv. (Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Stewart' 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star News Concert ' 4;45 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Ted Malone Mental Health Concert 5:00 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rtfay Stop the Music AIexidcr Dallas Minister 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander Here's to Vela 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn M irray Suppertlme ! 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Wlnchell Reviewing Sfd Sen. Morse 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louella Parsons Reviewing St'd Sen. Mors 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of m Family Iheutre News , 6:45 Musle Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre Troplcana 7:00 Take It or Contented Hr. Jlmmfe Fldler Medical Hllltes Sunday ,alen 7:15 Leave. It Contented Br. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday Salon 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whistler Amaxing Roy Rogers Nasarene Ch. ' 7:45Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Roger S'axarene Ch. I 8:00 I Man's am My Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Nasarene Ch. ' ' 8:15 1 Man's Family iUIss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Nasarene Ch.' ' 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wlnchell Sheila Graham Frank de Vol 8:45 Symphony Hoar Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Mutual Music Frank ds Vol 9:00 Symphony Hoar Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Reverie 9:1.5 Symphony Hoar Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Snnday ReeHe 9:30 Beat Seller Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Gov. McKay News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlcbf'ld Rep'tr Sign Off Moon Dreams""" 10:15 Mary A. Mereer Night Editor Tntermesio Moon Dreams , 10:30 Catholic Hour St. Francis nr. Orchestra Moon Dreams 10:45 Cathollo Hour . Treas. Band Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 News Serenade Drew Pearson sign Off .- 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne . 11:30 Wax Museum Organ Musle Nocturne i; 11 :45 Wax Museum Organ Music Nocturne ' '. 12:00'Slgn Off Sign OH Ixtra Hour " F MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Hodge Poft'go News Farm Tim Farm Time News KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Early Bird Old Song News Sam Hayes KOIN Klock Duncan M'Leod Bob Garred Fred Beck Eddie Albert Eddie Albert Jack Bercb Sage Riders Consumer News pave Valle Grand Slam Rosemary Second Cup Second Cup Hometowners News Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Snnday Marriage for t ,Car. Cavalier Brad Reynolds The Playboys Double or Nothing Children Today Light of World News Road of Life P. Y'g's Family Right to HappI, Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lor en 10 Jones WIddcr Brown Girl Marries Por. Faces Life Just Plain Bill Fr. Pge. Farrell Wele, Travelers Wele. Traveler Aunt Mary Love A Learn Worn. Secret Life Beautiful jnr Paul Paula Stone Farm News Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Newa Agronsky Bob Haxen Zeke Manners Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mildred Bedell I St a re of Today Quick as Flash Quick as Flash Big Sister Ma Perkins . Rr. Malonii Guiding Light Sage Rldera Art Baker My True Story My True Story Mrs. Purton -v Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day House Party Come Get It House 'arty News From Nowhere Jack Holt Shew Garry Moore Kirkham News Klrkham New? Steve Allen Steve Allen Tunefully Vrs. (irkham News Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthnr Godfrey curt Missev Ed. R. Murrow News Timekeeper March Tim News (News Breakfast Gi Musle flop Trades Bargain Countr Family Alter Mon. Melodies Mon. Melodies W W Newt Sidney Walton Pastor'a Call Halts Time S'ewa Gospel Sinter Concert Mln. Russ Morgan Bettr Crocker Victor Llndlahr N westerners N'westerners iBaukhage Talk: New Jack Norm an 'Meet Menjoui .Breakfast In Hollywood Kay West Kay West Jay Stewirt Jay Stewart Bride de Groom Walter Klernani Pick Date Pick a Date IHanniba1 Cobb iHanmoal Cobb Western Brand Squirrel Cage Bqolrrel Cage 'Firefighters KOCO Kleek KOCO Kloek Tex Hitter ;0 Klock News KOCO Klock ' 'ruiadera Crusaders Western Metod Temple Echoes Melody Time Melody Tim . kSUn Sing John c. Thom. MW. News (Memory Mos (Tune Tim m Keys Ladles First Ladles First Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades News Gay H'i Jimmy Wakely Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell (Tell Neighbor Blng Sings Bob Poole Bob Poole Musle for Mon. piusie for Mon, I'arm-Hom Polka Tim News Hawaiian Har. Fulton Lewis Fink. Hem'way Behind Story News iMnslo Mart , Muslo Mart Jan Garber n Vocal Variety H'wood Must g'wood Mats pewi pave Dennis . Mao's Melodies (Mac's Melodies Mac s Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Tim Philosopher Dyers Can Be Beautiful ACROSS 1, Symbol of victory I. Serpent t. Ornamented lower wall 12. P&rt of the eve 35 Larre net 13 Open hostilities 36. Symbol for 2S. Epoch 30. Is unsuccessful 81. Decay 32. Holds Catch sight ol 14. Cunid L6. Means of expressing thought 17. Offenses 18. Abundance 19. Boat. IL Engineering degree IS. Is Interested 22. By 18. Without suffering thfilllum S7. Flexible 39. Suit at cards 43. Tennis shots 41. Final 46. Cast eyes 47. Lone narrow inlet 48. Lamb's pen name 49. English river 60. Weaken fil. Caused to go AlDl P 1 ClRgPgAL B B RA T eUe MERGE I R Efflg U AlPS iHH Ah 0 NHgEf T"Csffl"M A sl e p t it Bs eTa s Ha s e S BlC R E TC H AiR T 3 C HIOIP T NllRE T I r?E H U BllD A T EPA RES A rTTpBa 3 Hjo PS 1 rMr o c o c oUn E E R AMQ N AflE OL I AN shap E PUS T ACT6 " LlII ' ' ' ' Xl "" WlL 1 vm W W; si mti II ''J I I Vk I I I I 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puzzle I. Pertaining to -grandparnu 1. Smooth 1 4. Lodeston J i. Off , 6. Hang down , T. la current 8. Qlrl t. Those who accumulate) 10. Deal out ! IL Spoken , tl American Indian ( SO. Eagles i SS. English 1 novelist ZS. Moccasin ' 24. Gone by 25. Intelligent 36. Ropes for fast enlng boat J7. Soak 28. Pigpen 30. Gladly 1 33. Annoys ' 34. Puffs up 36. Number i 37. Scheme 3. Theater bos 39. Pile 40. Govern , 41. Thin tin plat tl. Long narrow Doaro m2 ' Bt wjr oi At NswjJeofuft