DiMaggioVowsCompIete Comback in '50 for Yanks . By OSCAR FRALEY (United Press Sport Writer) New York, Jan. 27 (U.R) The "New" Joe DiMaggio vowed to day to make a complete come back in 1950 because "I have a lot more baseball left in me and I'd like to play on at least two more championship teams." There were those who thought, at season's end, that the Yankee jolter was through. Bad heels had shackled him to the bench half of the campaign and virus pneumonia left him wan and haggard as he dragged his scraw ny 179 pounds through the World Series. Even -Joe might have had his doubts. Certainly he knew that there had to be some changes made. For years he had spent the off season in ' a New York hotel suite, night ly going on the town. It was a mode of living which might have had something to do with his constant spring training troubles. This year, after the series, Joe like a lot of other boys when they are worried, went home to mama. And Mama DiMaggio took it from there. She gave him the peaceful home life he had needed, the good cooking and regular meals and the solace of steady living. Joe began to play golf to strengthen his legs and the combination of rest and fresh air, instead of the draining monotony of night spots, quickly padded that scarecrow frame. "I'm up to 202 pounds now," Joe grinned as he signed a con tract which purportedly will pay him $100,000 again in 1950. "That's more than I've ever weighed since before the war. I eat home every night and have settled into a routine where I get plenty of rest. I feel better than I have at any time in the past few years, my heels are 100 per cent and I had my teeth checked. I just feel won derful." He looked , it, too. This wasn't the listless man who couldn't move from in front of his locker for more than an hour after the last game of the series. At 35 his hair is fleck ed with grey. But DiMag is tanned and moves with that SCORES in (G.mpleU University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Dyer Sons 3) Schroeher 398, Cher rington 476, Brought 399, Plfiutx 462. Per man 532. V. F. W. (l)-WMt 359, Miller 338, Parke 398, Valleau 319, Wodzewoda 431 Jildson Plumblnr (2) AnBOVfl 443, Bron lom 357, JiKlson 385, Little 522. Hoffin Rer 400. Pnmillte (2) Elwood 460, Bolser 464, Uwston 404, Kelley 445, Duncan 515. Western Paper (3 Gadnch 503. An dreaort 415, Kuesler 462, Luke 494, L. Kuebler 471. Cushlnn Union Service D Pease 487. Farley 536, Stone 440, Scott 527. Corastock 537. , , Eazles (31 Peterson 509. Reld 552, Sub 352. Pero 481, Zeller 477. Interstate Trac tor (11 Morris 502, Robinson 412, Shack man 364, Pearl 474, Tanquerry 392. SAN Clothier (4 Ricks 376, Barker 503, Muelhaupt 529. Kaneskl .530, Nasley 456. First National Bank (0) DrinKS 476. Kottke 431, Marr 372, Marshall 378, Morris 455. . Yeater Appliance (4) W. Frank 355. R. Bell 493. Schleppenback 430, Hlllerlch 477, A. Bell 579. Naval Air Facility (0) Fisher 420, Roberts 390, Smith 455, Ha worth 406, Baal 500. t Hltth individual game: Kaneskl of S 4c N Clothiers, 214. High individual series: Al Bell ol Yeater Appliance. 579. High team game: Oushln Union Service- 913- ,no, Hlsh team series: Western Paper, 2786. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 2 Smith Auto Parts (3) Clark 401, Ed minlster 371, Schuetz 45B, Lemon 510, Lee 455. Zcebs Used Cars (11 F. Zeeb 51B, B. Carr 468, A. Zeeb 418, E. Zeeb 415, P. Pederson 416. . Momyer Chevron (0) Momycr 467. Od matt 334, Covert 418, L. Miller 430, W. Miller 505. McDonald Candy (4) Scott 489. Baxter 491, Bryant 463, aemmell 419, Lewis 508. Van'i Parkinr Station (0 Vleck 442, Barnes 400, Rogers 439, Morlsky 424, Mc Daniels 502. Knights of Pythias (4) Dec atur 519. Judson 533, Schiedel 471, MaerU 548. Tschlda 487. K. O. C. O, (2) Ransom 492, Suing 347, McElroy 497. Nason 379, Williams 486. Shrock Motors (2) White 433. Gri cus 349, Meyers 449, Shuck 449, WJsser 422. High Individual game: P. Zeeb of Zeeb'a Used Cars, 329. High individual series: Maerts 01 Knights of Pythias, 548. High team series: Knights of Pythias, 2047. Capitol Alleys MEN'S LEAGUE Harmony House ID Pltsor 400. Davey 435, Hill 478. Stook 432. Homart (2 Forbes 439, Roach 418, Cooper 456, Schnei- rinT- 411 J. C. HlKlni (3 Ambrose 432, Sal atrom 467, Slerp 447. Oslund 477. Pilgrim (01 Jensen 388, Chrlstensen 383, For- atram 430, Gough 440. Coldspot (0) Patton 457. Qiiesncll 496, ITnlav SH7. npvnnn 523.Kenmore (31 Wen iter 543, Adams 409, Hutmacker 486, Carver 449. Alt State (D McGulre 348. Clark 431, Rlehl 490. GItsar 441. Craftsman (2) Kraus 466, Klein 424, Barker 493, Mor ris 446. Hih team game: Kenmore, 807. High team series: Coldspot, 332B. High individual game and aeries: Hill, 199 and 478. Enjoy The Snow With POCKET HAND WARMERS and CONVERSE RUBBER BOOTS SKIS for those who want to travel faster MOORE'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 237 N. High Street Ph. 3-3844 old ease and style. His eyes are bright and you can feel the confidence flowing from him. Joe wouldn't go so far as to say he'd play the whole 154 games next season. "I certainly hope to," he said. "But I'm sure of one thing I'll be in there when the season opens this year." The Boston Red Sox, he in sisted, still are the ones to beat for the pennant. "I know Detroit has been strengthened and will be rough, but I don't think they can win it," DiMaggio said. Speed and Spirit Win for Syracuse Without 'Stars' By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. New York, Jan. 27 WJ Pro basketball addicts are really worked up about the Syracuse Nats, a team which has no stick out stars like George Mikan or Alex Groza, but which appar ently has forgotten how to lose. . . . It's a slick ball-handling out fit with only a couple of "flag poles" and they'll tell you that speed and spirit are the real reasons why the Nats win. "They act like a bunch of college soph omores," one observer says, "and Al Cervi never stops talking basketball." . . . The club has been averaging about 5,000 game attendance, playing seven miles out of town, and that's quite a feat when pro teams In Chicago and smaller mid-western basketball hotbeds are find ing the sledding rough. What Can You Spec? Bob Pelaez, youngest of three sensational basketball - playing brothers to attend Alderson Broaddus college in West Vir ginia, had a bad night against Salem recently. ... He scored only seven points and decided he might be having trouble see ing the basket. ... So the next day Bob went to a doctor to have his eyes examined. . . . The doc put him through the tests, wrote out a prescription for spectacles, then asked curiously the ALLEYS Remits) Duck Pin COMMERCIAL LEAGUE G.M.C. Truck Co. (21 Darwin Sermon !8. John Fullenwider 420. Dnrby Sermon 342, Milt Thomas 390, Bye 348. Willamette Valley Bank (2) Carroll Mecfcs 35B. Keith Kaye 430, Bob Jungllng 403, Camel Wald- Ing 359. Al Flicker Tweedie Fuel Oil (D Carl Flood 369, Ira Short 417, Vern Still 458, Duane Frank 380, Emery Alderman 519; Marion Electric (3) Al Hakanson 456, Arlo Young Bob oriintn 393, wes uooaricn aw, John Wood 345. Quality Used Cars (2) Royal Pawley 518, Bill Campbell 461, B. B. Snellgrovc 408. Mose Van Dell 452. Emil Echolz 337. Gleason's Bakery (21 Harold Bonner 431, Marlon Gleason 441, Bill Moad 436, E. Wulff 331, Ken Magurcn 345. Willamette Amusement Co. (2) Clar ence Applegate 527, Roy Robinson 448, wuired winer 377, ttowara mi 113 va, Glen Blanton 489. A. L. Cumminns Heat inr (2) Dave Spalding 445, Lester Woods Eddie Goertzen 381, Howard Smith 536, Les Dolse 428. High team series and game: Willamette Amusement, 2264 and 882. High Individual series: Howard Smith (Cumming's) 536. H in Individual game: Clarence Apple- gate (Willamette Amusement) 221. Bevens to Test His Arm in Sac Spring Camp Floyd Bevens, former New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox moundsman, will go to the Sacramento Senators' training camp in February for another hitch in baseball. Bevens' ailing throwing arm forced him to retire ear ly last season. He reported to the White Sox camp and later pitched a few games for Se attle and then went to Hous ton in the Texas league, hop ing the heat in the south would prove beneficial to his arm. Bevens, appliance salesman for Sears Roebuck, has been given a leave of absence until he can determine whether his attempted comeback is suc cessful or not. From where I wrote that over an article in the Clarion last week, but I didn't like doing it After all, the man it was aimed at Slim Henderson is a good friend of mine. Slim came into quite a windfall last month, and bought the old Clarke place. The deed gave him title to all the land right down to the street Then Slim started to take up the sidewalk to make his lawn look better. I felt it wasn't fair to the town and said so in my article. Next morning Slim comes around and wants to know what I mean get Copyright, 'Just who in the world led you in here." Sportspourri Branch Rickey, who origi nated the combine of base ball and agriculture, argues that a farm system should be just large enough to accom modate all the players under contract . . . "The smaller the organization, the less head aches and expenses," he ex plains . . . Rickey's difficulty, it seems, is that when he thinks everything is compactly lined up, a subordinate comes up with 30 more names and he has to take on another club . . . Tab Harold Kopp, Yale line coach, as the new head football coach at the University of Connecticut even though they saw Har vard's Art Valpey visiting around there the other day . . . Yale also is said to be the destination of Henry Thresher, the Mercersburg, Pa., Acade my sprint sensation . . Col lege basketball coaches are congregating i n Anderson, Ind. these nights to watch Whiz Gene Wilson. He's a kid brother of Johnny, who scored some 1800 points for Anderson College before going on to the Harlem Globetrot ters. Weak End Notes C. R. Crowell, U. of Tennes see track coach, says training methods there have changed completely since Alf Holmberg arrived from Sweden. The run ners are working twice as hard as they used to . . . Fifty years ago the regular basketball cen ter at Bucknell U. was a boy named Christy Matthewson, who won letters in three sports . . . The Cardinals' boss, Eddie Dyer, is one of the sponsors of "Little League" baseball in Houston, Tex. ... No matter what prej udiced folks may say, that ain't the National. Hopster Teams Defeat Vik Sophs In Two Contests Coach Ken Brophy's Salem high sophomore quints bowed before two tough Independence Hopster's squads, 58-45 in the varsity tilt and 44-41 in the pre liminary tussle Thursday night at Salem high. The sophs took an early 14-2 lead in the opening seconds of the game before the Hopsters settled down, but by the inter mission buzzer, they had battled back to trail the Sophs 24-19. John Bradle paced the sopho mores with 15 points and Buddy Frykberg and Darrel Davis pumped in 14 markers apiece for the victors. Brophy's crew now holds a five win and two loss record. Independence (58) (45) Sophs Robinson (9) ....P 8 Cohen Frykberg 14 F 8 Heston Harwood 8 C 15 Bradle Snyder 7 0 6 Pepper Davis 14 0 2 Nopp Reserve scoring: Independence Fos ter 4. Hill 2. Sophs Oortmaker 2, Thom as 6, Cross 2. Halfllme score: Sophs 24-19, Officials: Pointer and Warren. This is Charlie Speidel's 24th season as Penn State wrestling coach. He was absent only dur ing war service. I sit ... Joe Marsh Give Us Back Our Sidewalks, Slim! ting folks riled against him. I felt ornery myself, and we had quite a set-to over the whole business. From where I sit, that was fool ish. Once we'd cooled off (over lunch and a bottle of beer at Andy's Tavern), Slim decided the sidewalks should stay for the common good and I promised next time I'd take a good look at the other fellow's point of view before writing any articles about himl 1950. United State Breweri Foundation Vest Pocket Sailboat fish Spottabout.- It's 11 feet, 7W inches long and weighs only 98 pounds, is easy to carry and, according to Alcort Inc., Waterbury, Conn., manufacturers, can not be swamped. Two persons can ride and the sail with an area of 65 square feet propels the boat at good speed. (AP Newsfeatures) Ben White Raceway Scene of Harness Horse Winter School By F. T. MACFEELY (AP Newsfeatufe) Orlando, Fla. Kindergarten is in session for harness horses at the Ben White Raceway here. Many promising juveniles, in cluding the highest priced year ling in history Imperial Han over are in training to join the grand circuit next spring. SEP PALIN Veteran Driver and Trainer Besides the youngsters, many veteran pacers and trot ters are resting after the 1949 campaigns and getting ready to begin training for 1950. Proximity, "queen of trotters; and Indian Land are among the winter visitors. Ben White Raceway is filled to capacity and many horse owners who tried to make late reservations were turned away. Stables in training include: E. Roland Harriman's Arden Homestead stable of Goshen, N. Y., in charge of trainer Harry Pownall. W. N. Reynolds' Tanglewood Farm stable of Clemmons, N. C, in charge of trainer Delvin Mil ler. The Gene Pownall stable from Mineola, N. Y. Harry Fitzpatrick's stable from Charleston, 111., which in cluded many horses owned by K. D. Owen, Texas oilman. Nat Ray's stable from Goshen. Ben and Gibson White's stable of Orlando. The John Simpson stable of Orlando, largest at the track. The stable of Henry and Dick Thomas from Westbury, N. Y. Jordan Brothers' stable from Rockford, 111., in charge of trainer Chuck Rumley. Sam Caton's stable from Min eola, N. Y. The William Erving stable FOR A REAL DEAL IN MEN'S CLOTHES CHECK UP ON THE J. J. CLOTHES SHOP HALF PRICE OF 1 AND 2 BUY ONE SUIT at the regular price, then select any other tuit in the itore and it's yours for HALF ITS REGULAR PRICE. SAVE $17.50 to $37.50! Yes, it's perfectly O. K. to bring a buddy, get two suits, and split the savings. .We'll even make you the same deal on anything in the store from tie clasps to top coats! SUITS AS LOW AS $35! NOTICE VETERANS! We will hold your selection (on payment of a deposit) until you receive youi insurance dividend so you, too, can share in these great savings on a new outfit. OPEN FRIDAY I I Clothes 4. 4. Shop New York Designed tor inex pensive sailing fun is this "Sail- from Haledon, N. J., in charge of Leo Fleisch. ! Ralph Verhurst and Son of Victor, N. Y.t owners of Prox imity. Jerry Baier of Elgin, 111. Most of the speculation this winter centers around Imperial Hanover. He cost the M&W sta ble of Orlando the unprece dented price of $72,000 at the Harrisburg, Pa., auction. Sep Palin, veteran driver and trainer, represented the Orlando buyers at the auction and had to outbid Houston oil magnate Owen to get the full brother of two great harness horses Rod ney and Egan Hanover. The price for Imperial Han over was $2000 above the pre vious high for a standard bred at auction. And it was well above the previous high pur chase price of a yearling $42,000 for White Hanover, who went lame and never ful filled his promise as a racer. Young John Simpson of Or lando is giving Imperial Han over his lessons and bringing him along under the critical eyes of almost every experienced ob server at the raceway. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE "B" Division C. S. Christ. CM) (18) ist Baptist VnnOsdol 8 F 10 Anderson Dow 14 F 8 Moore Lyman fl C 4 Roberts Harvey 6 0 8 Bmith Margli 8 0 6 Jones a it aims Cal. Baptist (30) CM) Ist Christian Isaac 6 F Jim West Johnson 14 F Shute Gacnz S C 8 Watts Martin 1 Juve Gcbour 2 G 2 Wenger Subs: Cat. Bap. Bucchan 4: 1st Christ. Boyes 6, Vergctz. Liberty 431) Johnson . . . . Plenge 9 ... Slpes 3 .... Largent 5 . Wlrlh 3 Slpes 3 .... (40) St. Mark 1 Rex . 3 Gentemann .... 24 Zeuske ... 4 Stewart .... 4 Brown .. 3 Cleveland "C" Division Bant 11 (14) ill) Jason I.rr Loveland ft P 3 Horc Wilson 6 F 7 K. Pingle Gwlnn C 10 Hcliuss Boatman O H. I'lugle Loveland 3 G Burton S 1 Ellison Cal. Rap. No. 1 (80) (II) Cal. Bap. No. 2 Raymond 24 F 4 Bishop Hcndrocks 2 F 1 Wolfe Dubois 18 C Thompson Kiekel 20 G 6 Wells Rector 16 G Merrill Marks (55) (II) 1st Pres. , ... 1 Blcsnnt Langland 21 .., Weiss 14 R. Holmqulst 10 . .i 2 Ramp ..C 2 Wolf ,.G 6 G. Bowers Hoimquisi Hasan G 1 Berg Angove 4 S Jockey Ted Atkinson is seek ing top riding honors for the third time in four winters at the Hialeah meeting. SAL PANTS SUITS NIGHTS UNTIL 9 387 State Street Dick Dunkel's College Basketball Power Index - EXPLANATION The Power Index provides a direct comparison of the -elative strength of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.0 team has been 10 scoring points stron; r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in vhich scoring margin has been weighed against strength of opposition. Vhis dues not necessarily mean that a 50.0 team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. Teams rarely follow past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac tors as home court, injuries and ineligibilities. The Dunkel system correlates records of all college teams and was started in 1029, m Hit by the mid-season shake down, college basketball was cluttered this past week with the wreckage of recent top fa vorites. I Gone from the top ten, per haps temporarily, were such De cember dynamos as St. John's, Kentucky, and Bradley. Moving in were a group of un heralded but workmanlike units who were quietly building fme records against the nation's strongest opposition. Holy Cross, winner of 14 straight, still headed the coun try's 775 teams with a power in dex of 82.4. This figure is con siderably below that of last year's Kentucky five, which hit a high of 90.2, and ended with an all-tirr.p record 86.4. But the future looked rosy for the Crusaders, who will be idle until January 31 and then will begin the easier half of their schedule. In second place through last Monday's game was rapidly- rising LaSalle, with 78.3. The Explorers' record was 11-2, and their recent history showed wide-margined victories over Western Kentucky, Bowling Green, N. C. State and St. Joe, Idle C.C.N.Y. (77.7) had dropped to third, and Kansas State was in fourth position with 77.5. City s record was 9-2 and the Wildcats had 11-3. In fifth place was undefeated Duquesne (75.3). The Dukes had taken 13 straight but, un like Holy Cross, they faced an extremely difficult February. Among their early problems will be road games with Cin cinnati, Louisville and Long Is land. Below that point, the West ern conference the toughest league of 'em all moves in. Wisconsin and Minnesota are lied at sixth and seventh, and Ohio State is ninth. No. 8 Long Island and No. 10 Western Kentucky State com plcte the top ten. Inside the Big Nine, where there's no such thing as a "breather," the Badgers and Gophers had the same top fig ures of 74.6. Both had had ex cellent pre-conference records. It was Wisconsin that had stopped both Kansas State and UCLA. Rank and power index of na tional and sectional leaders, through games of January 23 follows: 10 NATIONAL LEADERS 1. Holy Cross 82.4 2. LaSalle 78.3 3. CCNY 77.7 4. Kansas State 77.5 5. Duquesne 75.3 6. Wisconsin 74.6 7. Minnesota 74.6 8. Long Island 74.5 9. Ohio State 74.5 10. W. Kentucky State 74.4 EAST MIDWEST Holv Cross 82.4 Kansas State ..77.5 LaSalle 78.3 Wisconsin 74.6 CCNY 77.7 Minnesota 74.6 Duquesne 75.3 Ohio State .,..74.5 Long island ...74.5 Illinois 73. Villannva 72.8 Bowling Green 72.5 St. John's, NY 71.9 Notre Dame ...72.4 Cornell 71.0 Indiana 72.0 Here's why a COLEMAN delivers fast-action heat! LOW DRAFT BURNER: produces more heat from less fuel LOW FLAME FUEL SAVER: for turning flame 'way low OIL CONTROL VALVE: for carefree automatic operation AUTOMATIC DRAFT METER: prevents heat going up chimney You can buy the COLEMAN Fast-Action Oil Heater on budget Terms for as little as $6 down Enjoy clean, healthful heat now from the COLEMAN Fast-Action Oil Heater wait ing for you at that conveni ent location. Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Canisiu 10.3 Beloit 71.8 1 Syracuse 69.3 Cincinnati 71.8 SOUTH FAR WEST W. Ky. State ...74.4 S. Francisco ..73.0 N. C. State ...70.5 UCLA 71.6 Kentucky 69.4 Wyomlnc 71.4 Marshall 69.3 Brig. Young ...70.3 Louisville 68.3 Washington ....70.3 Ky. state ...67.5 s. camornia ...69.1 Murray St 67.4 Wash. State ....68.3 luiane 63.9 wnsn. state ...6H.J Alabama 63.0 Arizona 64.7 W. Virginia ....61.4 Stanford 64.2 Montana bj.i (Rat In ei through gamei of January S3) In each listing be-low, the team on the left has established itself as the favorite by compiling a higher rating to date than us oiJuoneiu. f or example, a au.u team nas been 10 points stronger, per game, than a 4U,d team. home team Probable Probahl Winners Loiei FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 East Boston Coll. ..55.4 vs NY AC .'52.5 vs Alfred .37.4 vs Thiel .53.4 vs Vermont ."53.3 vs Tex. Westeyan 54.2 .33.5 .37.3 Buffalo annon , Itofstra tona , Lincoln, a. ... Long Inland . Louisville .45.8 .51.2 .32.3 ii.ij vs KiizrtD town '74.5 vs Lawrence Tech 52.0 ,6B.2vsSeton Hall ...57.8 .51.6 vs Kintt's, Pa. ...37.3 .30.7 vs H t liver "19.7 .50.9 vs Fairfield 30.7 Maryland St. Haven St. Providence .. Rider .45.4 vs Montclair St, Shippensb'g St. 39.8 vs Mansfield St. .25.7 Midwest Capital 53.7 vs Kenyon 30.9 Duquesne To. 3 vs Youncstown ..'51.5 G. William 34.8 vs Aurora -13.7 Hastings M7.1 vs Wayne St 39.1 Normal ...43.4 vs Chlcano St. ..'33.7 KansaB '60.0 vs Iowa St 62.7 Ky. State '67.1 vs Dayton 65.6 Maryvllle St. .'59.9 vs Mo. Mines 33.3 N. M. western .36.1 vs Panhandle ....27.7 Peru State .. . .58.9 vs Nrb. Weslyn. '46.4 Phillips '37.8 VsNW Okla. St. 34.8 Simpson 42.6vsMm. Penn. ...lfi.7 State ,..49.1 vs ND Slate 4U E. E. Okla. St. 43.2 vs Okla. Baptist .43.0 wesfrn. Kan. 44.6 vs Rockhurst ...36.3 Springfield St. 56.2 vs Warrensb'g St. 51.9 Taylor 42.9 vs Canterbury ... .41.0 w sim ster, Mo. 43.1 vs Tarklo M6.0 South Alderson M2.2 vs W. Va. Tecl .30.0 Appalachian . . .48.6 vs Ersklno .., Centenary 47.9 vsSE La. St. 36.7 44.7 .45.8 .15.7 .22.7 .27.2 27.3 .40.7 .54.6 LJUKc 60.8 vs Davidson Carol. '42.6 vs Apprentice ... '41.4 vs Transylvania '42.1 vs Mlllsaps .44.9 vs Atl. Christian 50.0 vs Tenn. Tech. 56.7 vsVa. Tech. .. aeo'town, Ky. Howard, Ala. , Lcnolr-Rhyne Morcnead Bt. , No. Carolina , Tampa '50.6 vs Mercer .37.5 W. Ky. State . .74.4 vs Miami, Fla. .. Far West 51.3 Arizona 64.7 vs St. M'ry's. Cftl '50.7 Cen. Wash. St 56.0 vs Whitman 36.4 Coll. Idaho ...39.7vsNo. Idaho St. 30.5 Colo. State ...51.1 vs Colo. Mines ..25.5 Denver 60.5 vs Colo. A&M . , .57.6 Loyola. Cal. .51.7 vs Whit tier 46.1 Montana 63.1 vs Montana St. .53.2 Nevada "60.0 vs San Jose St. ..58.0 Pac. Lutheran 51.8 vs Seattle U '45.6 Pepperdine ...59.1 vs Cal. Poly 51.6 S. Francisco ...72.0 vsS. California ..69.1 Tcmpe St 55.0 vs Flagstaff St UCLA 71.8vsSta. Barbara .52.0 Washington ...70.3 vs Oregon 58.1 Western St. ...42.2 vs Adams St 2G.9 Wyoming 71.4 vs Utah "58.0 SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 Fast Albright 4B.7vsLcb. Valley ...48.3 Army 56.4 vs Vermont 45.8 Brooklyn Poly '41.4 vb Pratt 19.2 uuiiaio 'bz.n vs Connecticut .. .nu.a Canlsius 70.3 vs Scranton 4U.6 Coast Guard .42.7 vs Bridgeport CCNY N. .77.7 vs Muhlenberg , .62.1 Qannon 37.4 vs Frctlonla St. . .' Qeo'town, DC G0.5vna. Washington 53.4 noisira dj.i vs Adeipiu -.k.h King's, Pa 37.3 Vs Wilkes 20.0 King's Point . .'18.9 vs Cooncr Union .10.4 Lafayette 61.6 vs Rider 45.4 LaSalle 7H.3 vs Temple 61.0 LcMoyne 52.8 vs Brockport St. .19.0 LockHiivcn St. '40.2 vs Shiniieusb'g St. 39.8 Lycoming 43.1 vs llloonisburg St, 42.9 Mlllcrsville .. .'47.0 vs Ellzab'town ...32.3 Ncwk. Rutgers 43.3 vs Panzer 40.3 Penn G3.6 vs Navy 02.1 Pittsburgh ....53.9 vs Gettysburg ....42.0 Princeton ....-eo.O vs Itutgers 6B.8 Providence . . .50.0 vs St. Anselm's .49.4 St. Fran., NY -57.3 vs Boston Coll. ...55.4 St. Lawrence . .46.4 vs Buffalo St. ..35.0 Peters 51.8 vs Ncwk E'Rn'r'R '22.4 Siena 64.3 vs Manhattan ....56.9 Slippery Bock .41.2 vs Edlnboro St. .34.7 Springfield .. .51.6 vs AIC 35.4 Syracuse 60.3 vs Penn State ,..'61.5 Tufts 48.3 vs Boston U 48.1 Villanova 72.8 vs Louisville 68.2 Wagner 47.4 vs Queens 37.2 Wash. College 40.1 vs Baltimore ....'32.4 Chest. St. 48.7vsKutztown St. .'37.6 Westm'stcr, Pa. 89.0 vs St. Jos'ph, Pa. 5B.3 Whcaton 55.3 vs Geneva '60,7 Wlll'm'ntlc St. a10.7vsFltchburg St. .14.5 Wilson Tchrs. 22.2 vs Frostburg St. , 7.3 Midwest Adrian 30.2 vs Detroit Tech ..21.9 Anderson 39.7 vs Concordia, Mo. 30.7 AiiRiistna, 111. 37.4 vs Carroll 31.0 Augsburg 49.5 vs St. Olaf 46.8 And so is the COLEMAN Fast-Action Oil Heater Circulates and Radiates 31,000 Heat Units Per Hour to every corner of your home! $ 59 95 LUMBER WnuWN Q VAB1L Friday, January 27, 19509 Ball State ....50.7 vs Manchester ...42.6 Bradley 71.1 vs St. Louis ...,a66.1 Cedarville 41.7 vs Huntington ...29.2 Ccn. Michigan 52.7vsHopc 41.4 Cincinnati 71.8 vs Butler '58.6 Concordia. Hi. a38.1 vs Lewis 24.0 Culv. Stocktn "43.6 vs Quincy 32.7 Detroit '65.5 vs Tulsa 56.9 Drake 59.6 vs Wichita "51.6 Dubuque 47.8 vs la. Wesleyan .25.0 E. Illinois St. .67.1 vs N. Illinois St. "44.7 Eureka 48.0 vs Milton 40.0 37.5 vs Clarion St. ...34.3 56.1 vs Emporia St. ..52.3 46.5 vs Knox "35.8 G8.0 vs Duluth Br. ..48.1 Fenn , Ft. Hays St. , Grlnnell ... line Hanover 49.5 vs Oakland City 35.2 Hastings 47.1 vs York 22.l in. co up Re .. ,'55.a vs J. AlllllKin . ..55.1 Ind. Central ...52.2 vs No. Central ,.43.4 Indiana St 61.0 vs Evansvllle ,,,,57.6 Iowa Tchrs. . . .55.3 vs MornlngsidB ,.44.6 Kans. State . .77.5 vs Colorado 68.8 Klrksvllle St. Lacrosse St. .' Loras ,.' Marietta Mich. State .. Minnesota 38.7 vs Mo. Mines ,.,.33.3 44.0 vs Luther 44.7 52.4 vs St. Ambrose ,.46.9 57.5 vs Case 35.9 '59.3 vs W. Rcserva ,,.45.2 '74.6 vs Ohio State ....74.5 '40. 1 vs Findlnv 30.0 Union Neb. Wesleyan 46.4 vs Kearney St. ..35.6 No. Dakota ...49.3vsSD State 49.1 Notre Dame ...72.4 vs Northwestern 86.8 Oberlln 44.4 vs Ashland M2.8 Northern . .'39.7 vs Wittenberg ....34.4 Ohio U 48.9 vs Miami, 0 43.9 Okla. A&M . .71.0 vs Deaul 64.8 Phillips 37.8vsNW Okla. St. .24.8 Purdue '64.6 vs Marquette 47.9 River Falls . .53.3 vs Superior St. ..44.8 St. M'ry's. Min. 40.6 vs Winona St. ...37.3 St. Norbert . . .54,7 vs Rinon 43.9 Illinois St. .00.5 vs W. Illinois St. 51.fi riffin 17.8vslnd. Tech. ..."13.4 Tolrdo 70.1 vs Baldwln-Wal. '61.5 Wabash 53.0 vs Albion 42.4 West min., Wooster Mo. .43.1 vsWm. Jewell ...30.1 48.6 vs Otterbeia 47.1 South 63.0 vs Auburn 55.9 ..43 vs Concord St. ..29.0 60.6 Vi Bavlor 56.0 31.0 vs Salem 23.2 37.4 vs Millsaps 27.2 44.2 vs Eton 32.4 ,.47.9 vs La College ...."30.5 ,57.8 vsW. Va. Tech ..39.0 ,00.8 vs Wake Forest ...54.9 38.7 Vi Mercer 37.5 ,37.4 vi Stetson 33.6 , .42.3 vs Citadel 30.0 , '50.1 V) Appalachian . . .48.6 ,.42.8vsW. Liberty St. 38.9 ,33.0 vsW. Carolina ...27.3 .47.1 vs All. Christian .27.3 09.4 vs Georgia 52.5 .44.2 vs Berea 27.6 .44.0 vsE. Carolina ..,42.6 25.0 vs Carson-Ncwn .25.8 Alabama .... Alderson Arkansas .... Beckley nirm-South n Catawba .... Centenary . . . Da vis -El kins Duke Southern Florida St. .. Furman Georgia SI. .. lrnvlllo St. . Guilford .... High Point .. Kentucky . . . Ky. Wesleyan Lrnoir-Rhyno Lincoln Mem. L. S. U .58.6 vs Mississippi ...48.6 Marshall "69.3 vs Tenn. Tech. ...40.7 Milligan 34.9vsKlng 24.2 Mor's Harvey '50.8 vs Fairmont St. ..33.6 Murray St 67.4 vs Delta St 51.1 uaroiina ,.&.? vs Davidson 45.8 J. State ..'70.5 vsVa. Tech 54.6 Richmond . . . .50.0 vs V. M. 1 33.2 S"wcst"n,Tenn. 35.8v s Union U 35.6 Til I line 03.0 vs Geomla Tech .'60.4 Vandcrbilt .. .'60.0 vs Tennessee 53.2 VillaMadonna 37.7 vs Transylvania ..22.7 Ky. State .74.4 vs Miami Fla. ...'51.3 Wooford 36.1 vs Charleston ....31.4 FAR WEST Arizona 64.7 vs Loyola, Cal. ..51.7 Brig. Young ..70.3 vs Utah '58.0 Coll. Idaho ...a39.7vsN. Idaho St. ..30.5 Denver fi0.5 vs Regis 52.0 Wash. St. ,G2.0 vs Whitman 36.4 Idaho St 44.9vs Ricks 30.3 Lewis & Clark 35.3s Llnf leld 30.7 tana 63.1 vs Montana St ..53.2 Nevada 60.0 vs San Jose St. ..58.0 San Francisco 72.0 vs California 62.6 California .69.1 vs St. Mary's Cal 50.7 C. L. A. ..l.evsCal. Poly 51.6 Washington .. .70.3 vs Oregon '58.1 Wash. State ...6R.3 vs Idaho "OLB Western St. .. .42.2 vs Adama St. ...20.9 WUlumcllo ,,.54.0VBPaciIIC U. ,...38.3 Wyoming 74.4 vs Utah Btate ,..'60.1 home team SumJny, January 29 Niagara 00.0 vs Scranton 46.0 Top Ten In New Kngland 1. Holy Cross ,82.4 6. Boston Coll. 55.4 2. Yale 01.0 7. Springfield ..51.6 3. R. I. State ..50.7 8. N. Brltian St 51.4 4. Harvard ....55.8 0. Connecticut .50.9 5. Brown 55.7 10. Providence ..60.9 copyright 1050, by R. C. Dunkel $$ MONEY $$ FHA 'At-' 4V- Real tistate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-21U 1 222 WEATHER IS HERE