14 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVKBTlSINQl Per Lin ..15e Per Line 3 times 40c Per Lin 6 times 60c Pei une I month 12.00 Outside el Salem lie per Una pei day Mln. 30ei J times mtn. W I times mm. I1.U0. No Refunds READERS In Local News Cot Ooljl 10c per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SAflTHOUSE'S OWNER WANTS TO LEAVE STATE 17500. 2 bdrm. living - dining kit chen - bath - lull basement - flee, heat good location - close to schools, SUBURBAN 17900. New modern style 2 bdrmi -living rm. - large kitchen with nook -bath attached garage - large lot - 4 blocks Irom school - store and city bus - built an F.H.A. plan good terms. McKINLEY SCHL. DIST. 112,600. 3 bdrm. on one floor - l'i rears old - living rm. - dining rm. - large kitchen - utility rm., attached garage -auto oil furnace - (replace - wall to wall carpet - large lot - fenced back yard - house Is well built and in won- j dcrful condition. Let us show you a good j buy in a home. I ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8620 191 S. High - Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN, R'LTOR NEW 2 BR, $6500 Edge of city. Lite. LR, good size bdrms., well Planned kitchen, att. gar,, 15x100 ft. lot. A real value. Call Bon Clcary. Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 1211 Edee water. Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-9939 $8500 A good 2 BR home, lie, LR At DR. At tractive kitchen, att. gar. with fruit closet. Located 1272 Elm St. Close to bus, school St snooping. Call .Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109. a23 FOR SALE BV OWNER New 2 room cabin, furnished, to be moved, 8575. Can be moved anywhere In city for approximately 126. Must be sold by 38th of Jan. Ph. 2-6958. a23 4 ACBE, mod. hat., gar., work shop Ac barn, raspberries, mall by door. Ph. 2-4379 or 3-9346. Geo. Brooks, 2745 Brooks St. e23 g BDRM. HOME Weather stripped and Insulated. Hardwood floors. Oil floor furnace. (350 down payment. 3725 June Ave. Ph. 2-0206. a24 BY OWNER: 2 B.R. house, corner loca tion, new wall to wall carpet, V-bllnds, St curtains. Total price 18700. Located at 4 Corners on corner of Maple Ac LaBranch Ave. See owner at 4 Corners Garage. 29 GOOD 3 bedroom home close In, base ment, sawdust heat, near schools and bus. Only 87050.00. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 a23 ALMOST NEW 2 BR SUB. ALL ELEC. HOME. COMPLETELY FURN. WITH THE BEST. OWNERS LEAVING, YOU CAN HAVE IMMED. POSS., PRICE FOR KEI.ER DIST, Only a few blocks to school St stores. 3 BR modern home, room for 2 more, hdwd. (Irs., dble. gar.. loi lu.aoo. oman an. paynu. SUBURBAN FARM CLOSE IN. 18 rich acres on pvmt,, mostly bottom soil, run ning water In pasture, VERY ATTRAC TIVE set or bid?., mod. 3 BR home, elec. heat, 2 fireplaces, patio St out side fireplace, 2 car garage, good barn with concrete fir., hay fork, poultry house. A model country estate. You'll so for this. Enclosed yard with lots of trees, shrubs At flowers. 117,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Sve, 3-90 fit a23' ftfOIlERN 6 bd. rm. home. In Woodburn. for sni or trade for small Home in oft' Jem. Ph. Snl em 2-6810. a33' 4 BEDROOM $6,000 FULL PRICE 1 bdrm., llv. rm., din. rm., utility rm., brkfst. nook, kit. and bath dn. 3 bdrm. 1 small rm. up. Could be apt with oui slde entrance. Cor. lot., close In, terms. Eve, Phone 2-7965. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg., Ph. 1-9217 Ins., Mortgage, Loans a 23 ENGLEWOOD dlst. home, ' 2 bedroomsT auto oil heat, oak floors, lots of closet space. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 .33 $10,500 Special La-?. seml-flnlshed upstairs, 2 BR down, living As dining room, fireplace, nook, full DRY bsmt.. air filtered 8.D. fur nace, corner lot, east front, 3 blks. to schl. North. 9 yr. old. $8,050. Bargain This Is the full Price Including financ ing cost TOTAL of 1950 down, 151 mo. New, well built. Insulated Ai w. strip.. iirepiaces. rsonn. 4 BR Englewood 111,750. New. well built, fully plastered nome, nice location, Englewood 15500. Immediate doju.. beaullfnl Int fine location, nice 3 rm. house, bath Ac uuiiiy A par. omnii awn. pymt. to re sponsible party. Ph. 3-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N, HIGH ST. EVE. PH. 3-3113 - 3-8704 . 2-7799 ' mar S BUIIM. house. Plastered, hardwood fin., 4 yr. old, 1 btk. from Richmond School. $4950. small down payment or will take late model car. 3.185 Shell on St. ai4 Looking for a Home 39750 makes this fine home true value. Must be sren to be appreciated and will bear your closest Inspection. Spa cious rooms thruout. Located In Engle wood school dt.st. $7500 Owner leaving slate. Nice 2 bedroom home In Hush school dlat. Lame llv 1 hk room. Hdwd. floors. You will like the kitchen St bath, oil heal. New eleo. rang At refrig. FHA financed. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. High St. Ph. 3-41.19. a34 $350 DOWN!! 10 per month. Incl. taxes and Ins. 2 brdroom with large utility room. House Is Insulated, has storm doors. Imme diate possession. 97 East Park avenue. No. 2B7-A. TRADE or SELL 2-bedroom home with large plastered utility room that could be used for 3rd bedroom. Hardwood floors. Fenced-in yard, attached garage. Close to school. Immediate possession. 833 McOtlchrist St. No. 214. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High 8t. Ph. 3-9303 3-1327, 2-4628. 4-3874 Sun. Eves. a33 THINK OF IT! 4 Bedroom home. 1 dn., 3 up. Bath up. Lance- cor. lot. Total price 35300. About ' down. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. HUh Phonl I-73U Eve. 3-4591 or 2-6603 a34 LOOK! 1950 MODEL HOMES!! Have you seen the latest? If not, drive to Lansing Ave. At All vert on Rd. Feat ures: Hardwood floors, insulated, weath er stripped, coved linoleum. Next to new school, pick your colon A atyle. F.H.A. financed. Only $7950. Low down pay ment. $51 mo. See Glenn Hamilton, 2013 N. 34th. Call 2.33B8. a 23 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ore., Friday, January 27, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES McKillop Real Estate REALTORS South. 2-fiedroom ranch style home on line lot. Hardwood floors, living room. dinette, kitchen A: bath. This is well located and on huh ground. 18500.00. Terms. En lie wood Dlst. Well built home with 2-bedrooms, living room, dining room, combined, nook, bath At utility. Good heating system, nice yard Ac shrubs. Re duced to 110,500. PHONE 3-5131 EVENINGS 2-8406 OR 3-5 SH McKillop Real Estate 401 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS 135 These Three Are Good 16950 Neat 2 bed room home with basement Ac wood pipe furnace, nard wood floors, fireplace, a good wuy. Cal. Mr. Prederickson. 110,0000 Before you build you should see this new 3 bedroom home near the Enalewood school. Lovls living loom Ac kitchen, stairs to a large attic. Call Mr. Hill. If you will go suburban don't overlook this lovely 3 bed room home for only 17650, larne rooms and lots of storage space, only 1 yr. old. Large lot, good mac sou. 960 S. Commercial Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 2-3849 Eve. 2-52BC 1 1-3 ACRE Near Rose dale. Nice yard, Fruit. Garden. Spring water. 3 bdrm., modern. A very gooa ouy at jssoq. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-3088 a25' NEAR LESLIE Beautiful home. 2 bdrm. down. Hdwd firs, Fireplace. Bsmt. Furn. Roome for 2 bdrms. up. Nice yard with outdoor Iireplace. 110500. C. W. Reeve Realtor BEAUTIFUL SETTING Very neat 2 bdrm. home. Large LR. Double gar. Chicken hse. Walnut, fir and apple trees. Berries. i acre secluded suDuroan setting. Price 17950. C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-4390. Eve 2-4312 or 3-9538. a25' S1650 DN. 3 BDRM. HSE. VERY CLOSE IN. BSMT., FURNACE FIREPLACE. NORTH. 16950. 13950. 2 BDRM. HSE., 14250 FURN. 85350. 5 RMS. N.E. 11300 DN. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. LIBERTY. PH. 3-7113 a23 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! Lots with water, bus service, trees, electricity. 315 per month. Buy now lor spring. Reimann for Real Estate FOR SALE FARMS 20 A. SOUTH Fair bid as. Oood land mostly In crop. About $1500 will handle. Will take good farm truck as part payment. C. W. Reeve Realtor 20 ACRES I acres In raspberries, strawberries, blackcaps, boysenberrics. Balance in pasture Ac timber. 3 -bedroom home. Good barn. Equipment goes. Only JO, 000 with 13,000 down. Hurry on this one. No. 802-A Reimann for Real Estate 201 South Hint! Street Ph. 3-0303 . Sun. At Eves. 2-1327, 2-4028, 4-2874 b23 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Beat This if You Can 1200 sj. ft. fir. space, 3 BR's on 1 fir. Insulated, weatheratrlpped, fireplace, 100 x 100 lot, 2 blks to bus. Just inside city. This home was built by owner. Can be F.H.A. financed tor about 18000. Total price only 110,000. Eves phones 2- 7674 or 3-3558. Lovable Living Extra neat, well built home, close In, new section, very close to market At bus. Insulation, we at hers tripped, hdwd. floors throughout. 883 sq. ft. floor space. We believe this Is a bargain for 38750. Eve. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Gilt-Edged Security Apartments, store bldgs., At home. Rent als almost new. Well built, elec. heat, large parking space, low rent of Insur ance. Owner reports Income of S650 per month. Expense only 341.80. Oood lo cation. We believe this Is a buy for only 150,000. cash will handle. No phone Information please. One and 32 Acres Home needs some finishing, welt plan ned. Immediate possession. Willamette soil, berries, elec. heat, 'i basement, 3'j miles from Salem. Total price 17500, terms. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. Your Future Farm 80 Acres, mod. home, good buildings, barn for 12 rows, 8 miles from Salem in select dlst. Equipped with 1st class ma chinery. Buy It todny. Start milk int to morrow. Owner leaving state. Total price 323.000. Eve. Ph. 3-4733 or 3-3558. 10 Acres North 4 room home, small barn, well. This would make excel, berry farm. Total price only $4950. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3- 3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Kd. Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. SUBURBAN, $3,000 Oood 2 bdrm. home on 'i acre ground. Well and electric pump. $500 down, $30 a month. Eve. 2-0473 Country Home, 2 Families $8,500 Home about 10 years old. 2 bdrm. apart ment upstairs, 3 bdrm. apartment down stairs. Each has own private entrance, m acres. 8 miles from Salem, good highway. Terms. Eve. 3-0473 Here's a Deal, $11,500 Almost new 3 bdrm. home. Unfinished upstairs, living rm., dining rm., kit., brkfst. nook, bath and fireplace. Full basement. Sawdust heat. Close to all schools. Bus to door. THA committment. Eve. 2-0473 View Property, $18,500 Beautiful view home. 3 large bdrms., large living room with fireplace, din ing room, kit.. At brkfst. nook. Mahog any finish. Large utilities rm. Attached garaae. all plastered. Montag auto matic oil furnace. Eve. 3-0473. CALL MR. LeOLERC J. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7736. C33 FOR YOUR SAVTTtQa, investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem At vicinity. Eiamme security yourself. Amounts $300 to several thousand dol lars, net investors BV We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High e FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES In fruit St nuts. Nice 3 Rm. home, oth er buildings, 8 ml. South near Rosedale School. Price $3500. Johnson. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. Htth Bt Office: 3-3M9 Eve: 3-74Mor 3-3390 b23 BY OWNFR-33 A., 4 mile NW. Build ing sites, view, level, fruit, $4,950. Terms. Ph. 3-7331. bb.S FOR SALE HOUSES $2.33 A will pay for principal, interest, taxes, fire ins. on this brand new 3 bdrm. modern suburban home with at tached garage, large lot, hdwd. floors, & Ven. blinds. Full price only $8950. You name the down payment. Drive out State St. k mile east of Four Corners to 13S Kenwood Ave. Ph. 3-1125. (A new 2 bdrm. house also available for only $7850.) GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLISH PROVINCIAL One of Salem's most beautiful homes, all brick, hdwd. firs, thruout. lae, liv. rm. At din. rm.. brkfst. nook, den As maid's rm.. 4 bdrms., 2 complete sets plbg., full basmt., dble, garage, beautiful grounds. This home is priced way below replacement cost. CALL ROY FERRIS ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 3 bdrm. home with full basm't,, house 10 yrs. old, lie. corner lot, fenced. Price $8,950, TO SEE THIS HOME CALL EARL WEST ENGLISH STYLE A good family home, 1 bdrm. down, 3 up, lla sets plbi.. Ige. liv. rm.. separate din. rm., tile dralnboard In kitchen, full hasm't., garage. Price $10,730. CALL PETER GEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9068 - Enrl West 2-OA08 a; FOR SALE ACREAGE HI IV RIinilRBAN BUILD HERE 10 AC RES. Rich deep loam. Chemawa dlst. Afn.it of land in full bearing nut trees. Ideal site, road on 2 sides. All routes At 220 power by. Only $1000 dn bal at 9, $5250 At worth every cent. Will-: RE ELSE CAN YOU GET THE FOL- LOWING lor the price of $79507 12H ac res, best soil, 4 acres berries, several acres seeded, small year creex, a weiia, a BR home. barn, large Poultry house, greenhouse with heating plant, family orchard, large frontage on nignway, near school, store. Low dwn. payment. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. EV. 3-9989 bb25 WANTED REAL ESTATE We Have Buyers For Veteran has $500 to pay down on Sa lem oroperty. Close to bus. 2 or 3 bdrms. We have 29 buyers ready to buy. We have 15 buyers for houses with small down payments. C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-4312 or 3-053B. caa' WILL PAY CASH for half acre or large lot Just outside city limits to build home. Write or see me. Virgil Clemens, 1385 Broadway (back apt.) caao' WE ARE In need of gooa houses to sell In or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca1 SELLING? If vou have a good farm. acre. age, home, business or building, list It with us for action. Trades are a ape clalty with us, too. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Balem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4120 ca36' NOTICE' If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash Buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hitch St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW. MODERN service station for lease to responsibility party, avburdic ooout April 1st, Exc. location At good poten tial for steady trade. For further in formation call or write to C. J. Dalzclle, Union oil Co. of emit.. P. o. box fios, Snk in , Orcg. P h. 3-7676. cd25' NELSON NEWS HIOIfWAY TAVERN 5 booths, counter, stoves, refrig., wtr. htr, mommy rem. xya.od, rnep im,""u. HARDWARE At SPORTING GOODS Suburban store In good community-fixtures At equipment, $1000 plus mdse. in ven. approx. $6000. Can either rent store or buy 2 homes Ac store bldg, $5500 cash will handle real property, NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who Specialize JHWJHtglt Ph. 3-4622. Cd23- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIGHT CAR Agency for Solem area. Min imum requirements to nam party, ui rect factory franchise. Write Box 349. Capital Journal. cdIO FOR SALE Oroc. store, gas and cabins Rt. 7, Box 145, Salem. Phone 2-4319. cd31 FURNITURE FOR SALE Bxf: NEW Lino, rugs, $4.93. 1805 N. Stn PIANO Walnut, good tone. $65.00. Wood- rjr, 1605 N. Summer. JOHN Q. PUBLIC Do not buy new davenos, bed suites, dining At dinette sets, lamps, rockers or any other furniture without first Investigating our prices. It will pay you to shop at GLENN WOODRY Furniture Market BIG STOCK REDUCING SALE IN FULL SWINO 160.1 N. Summer Ph. 3-5110. d34' Ui:D SPRINGS, $1.50. Glenn Woodry, 1605 n. summer, d23a SAfHiriCE FOR quirk sale: New Westing- nonse cook Move, remserator ana eprcn Queen washer. Used only 2 mo. Also gooa living room, dining room ana bed room sets. 39A7 Brooks St. d23 NEW Blench Dinette, very modern style i price, due to factory imperfection. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. d23 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 351 10 da Fl'RNlTtJBE At APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash price paid on tne spot. No fttss or bother Just pall 3-85511. da' AUCTIONS Dt'E TO the closing of the Joe Burke Sale Barn, Scotty's Auction House will take over Sat. as our sale day ft every Silt, at 10 o'clock, a big public Auction Sale at Scotty Auction House, IS mile E. out Center St. Ph. 2-6274. Cons tun your md.ie. now for this Sat. sale. dd33" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Rurr. H. E. Sne- then, 1350 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31343. ea43 BNDK AND LICENSED livestock buyer. B. O. McCandllsh. 1137 8. 23th. Ph. 33147 ea24 RABBITS PETS SPECIAL. r3.00 AKC Reg. Irish Setter pups. Two left. R, C. Bond. Ph. 2-6373. fc23 MOORE'S TROPICAL Fish. 27 varieties. Rt. 3, Box 4A3. J miles from Lancaster Dr. on Maclear road. Fh. 2-7331. ec24 IFOR SALE HOUSES Day PETS 18 MO. doberman Plnscher male. Re as. ' to good home. Ph. 2-1814. c26 ORANGE CANARY Singers. $8.30. Ph. 23029 ec43 CHOICE canary birds, 2ou N. 18th ec31 FUEL 18 INCH 2nd growth fir, dry, $12 cord de livered. Dale Efsenmamm. Jefferson Ph. 407. ee25 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends Ac Block Wood. Ph. 3-8444 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 35.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phone 35533 EE1 West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL At STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1523 Edcewater West Salem i TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash. At maple. 4' fir, 16' slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee' WALNUT shells lor sate. Klorfeln Packing t;o., bB pi. rront. ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmcnter, now avail able every Tucs. Fox Hatchery, 3630 uiaie si. pn. j-sbu. PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA Ai timothy. By ton or truck load, 865 s. 13th. Ph. 2-8923 ff48' EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 3-14S8 HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO work on poultry farm, 3100 mo., smau nouse, lights, water, eggs furn ished. References reoulred. No drinkers. No telephone calls. Rt. 3 Box 433, Atchison Leghorn farm. ro2S MAN WITH panel delivery for partnership ousiness. vn. 20866 ior iniormation. sa23- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Waitress for banquet & ex tra work. Ph. 3-7632. gb23' MILLINERY saleslady, 30 to 40 yrs. Ca- paoie oi managing small, medium price, hni .shop. Call in person tonkte. Room 244, Senator Hotel. gb23 WANTED neat, clean, woman to prepare evening meals lor 3 adults. 5 days week. Prefer someone living In the vi cinity of S. Com'l. At Owens St. Ph. 3-4121 or eve. 2-6023. ab EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS IbO State Street Phone 3-1488. tf WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL, MULTIPLE line food mfgr. de sires Salem resident. Call on retail At wholesale grocery trade. Age 22-35, good car e&sentlal. Exp. pref. but not neces sary. Salary fc expenses. State qualifi cations In first letter. Write Box 343 Capital Journal. gg24 HIGH QUALITY automobile salesman. Must nave proven ability. Local estab ILshcd General Motors dealer. Give ed ucation At experience In first letter, Write Box 348 Capital Journal. g2i WANTED POSITIO N S 1 N F ANTC. RE, My liomePhT266757i40 River St. h25' CHILD CAKE In my home anytime. Ph. 2-808o. 426 Hawthorne. h28 LAND SURVEYING 11. F. "Spnrky" Cilsli- inn. 32R No. Commercial. Ph: 2-5211. Eve: 2-1669. h28 EXPERIENCED Interior decorator. Free .umatcs. uuarantced, reasonable. Ph. 9732. h49 TREE WORK, topplnjt, trimming, remov ing, inn. Dp. won guar w m. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h33 CARPENTER work. New, repair Ph. 2-209: h3! NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, t DAYS AGES 2 TO 3. PH. 2-4940. h37 Mimeographing-Typing BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. h31 DESPERATELY NEED work to feed my two dovs. Housework, cnna care, month ly or by day. Ph. 3-8571. h23 YOUNG MAN wishes Janitor work In apt. nouse. Norman Dickenson Y.M.C A. h34" CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re- moaei, smau or targe, jobs pn. 3-3833. - h33 HOUSEWORK & Ironing. Ph. 39901. h30 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKIN. 24 hr. serv. ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h27- BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6832. h43 CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 336 if 1117 6th. h39 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving, insured operator. John Payne, 246 S. Church. Ph. 3-6014. h43 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h48 CEMENT WORK wanted fh 3-4850 h To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUCTIONS DAIRY AUCTION Being unable to care for the dairy the undersigned will sell at auction on farm 2 and miles S.E. of Turner and 1 and Vt miles N. of Crawford school. MONDAY, JANUARY 30TH AT 1:00 P.M. 21 DAIRY COWS 21 No. I. Jersey, 5 years old. Just fresh. No. 3. Jersey and Guernsey, 7 years old. milking, to freshen March March 27. No. 3. Jersey and Guernsey. 7 years old, milking, bred back. No. 4. Red Pole and Jersey, 3 years old, milking, to freshen March 13. No. 8. Jersey and Guernsey, I years old, milking, to freshen April 15. No. 7. Guernsey, 6 years old. Just fresh. No. 8. Jersey. 6 years old, to freshen Feb. 16. No. 9. Guernsey, 0 years old, to freshen Feb. 2. No. 10. Jersey and Guernsey, 5 years old. fresh short time. , No. 12. Guernsey. 7 years old, to freshen Feb. IS. I TWO RITEWAY MILKER UNITS Auctioneer's Note: The above cows are large and mostly all raised on this farm. Sooie of these cows have produced up to 52 lb. a day and herd test for fat was over & percent. Cows may be seen at above location prior to sale date. Be sure and come there Is a cow for you. , This sale was postponed on account of snow storm on January 17th, to the above date. CATTLE TESTED TERMS CASH JOHN WHITTEN Route 1, Box 128D, Turner, Oregon OWNER Dan B. & Larry Roth, Livestock & Farm Sales Auctioneers of Albany. AUTOMOBILES Our Business Is Good THREE GOOD REASONS WHY: OUR CARS ARE TOP QUALITY OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT OUR POLICY OP GUARANTEE and RE CONDITIONING IS RIGHT. Ask your neighbor c hances are he bought his Used Car from Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 405 N. Com'l. St. 495 N. Com'l. St. 435 N. Com'l. Street Phone 3-4117 , CHECK THIS LIST: 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-dr. Se dan $1495 Looks like new. 1946 Dodge Custom 4-door Sedan $1195 See this and see why, 1941 Chrysler Windsor This popular Fluid Drive model Is tops. RESORTS CHOICE 29 Palms, Cal. desert resort lots for sale, lit. 7. Box 23-h, tsaiem. nazn EDUCATION STARTING a beginners class in piano, Have room ior stuacnts. rn. o-aaao. hh24 FOR RENT ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING rm. Ior 1. Close In. Ph 2-7600. Jaa- WABM room. 195 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5538. UEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and single. 385 n. in. iw SHARE A HOME with working slrls. Use of entire nouse. rn. s-u. om . win ter. NICE WARM room in modern home. 745 N, Church. jk-sv COMFORTABLE 1 1 e h t - housekeeping room, Kitch. priv. & reimerauon. no children. i9a a. aim. jk FURN. sleeping rm. Beauty rest for men, Close in. 1140 Center. SLP. St Light hskp. rm. Ph. 3-4335. Jk23 FOR RENT APARTMENTS i RM. FURN. apt. 25. Ph. 2-8434. jp23 CLOSE IN 4 rms. partly lurn. J40. Fh j-oadj or j-oooj. Jf- CLOSE IN 3 rooms, newly decorated, part ly Turn. Prlv. ent. Ac oacn, aouiu. m, 3-8953 or 3-8862. Jp25 Sl'RURBAN 3 -room cottanc, apt. style elec. ranae. elec. not water, circ. on neai, dandy bulit-lns. $40. Phone 4-2602. Jp25 FURN. A ITS. Redec. 2 At 2 rm, also some turn, house. Inrant accepted, no onnic ers or pets. Reas. rent. 624 '.j N. Capitol JP20' private JP2S NEAT, ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnished apt., utilities furnished. 725 So. 13th Jp23 UNFURN. 3 rms. At bath. Stove, rcfritt., At utilities lurn. Completely redec. Hear Univ.. (55.00. 450 S. Capitol. Jp26 FURN. APT. close In. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph, 3-9165. Jp' 3 RM. FURN. apt.. S35. Call between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 7i0 o. commercial. JP25' BDRM. FURN. apt. Private bath and en i. itcaccoraiea. aquii. rn. a-uouo alt er 4 p.m. Jp24' K ' 1 LGE. rooms At prlv. bath. Part- ly turn. Ph. 3-P762 or 2-8067. Jp23 I.I'AN 2 A 3 rm. apts. Close In. Auto heat Plenty of It. Reasonable rent Cnl' 670 N- cll"rcn- JP23 NICELY FURN. Apt. 1 larpe. I small, utili ties zurn. Keasonaoie. jod b. lein. jpze1 EXCLUSIVE COURT APT., rnnse, re frigerator, laundry. 160. Adults. Ph. 37071. Jp23 .MODERN NICELY furn. Ii room ant. V. bunas, main iioor, priv. ent., a or 3 employ rci Bins, n, winter, JPJ' r :IV. 3 room partly furn., clean, gar. aae. oo month, jsdo Portland- Rd. JP" APARTMENTS. Phone S-S838 FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN house At 2 apts. Roberts Sta tion. Ph. 3-9623. jm RENT OR SELL 7 3-BR houses, 1 partly lurntsnea so. I Electric Heat 665. see at 390 Evergreen Ave. Sat. or Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. Jm23 VERY NICE 1 bdrm. cottage. Electric nrai. waning oisiance to town. rn. 3-3717. Jm33- WANT WORKING girl to share 3 bdrm. cottage. Ph. 3-1073 alter 6 or Sunday. 1J29 State, directly behind 1335 State. Jm34 IN SILVERTON 1 BR. 133 E. Fiste St. 640 per mo. Unfurnished except for elec. range, washer & Hot W. Heater. Phone Owner 3-7931 Salem. Jm24 TO DEPENDABLE couple, new attract. mod. furn. 3 rms. & bath. No children or pets. 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 37640. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. tor rent H L Stlfl f 0 DRIVE Trucks. Rojtnioo Shell Service Center at Cottsxe. Ph. 25103. j FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8483. r SINC.EE ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery. Sinter Sewinj Machine Co. 130 N. Oom'L Ph. 13512. J IAUCTIONS No. 13. Jersey, 3 years old. milk ing, bred back. No. 14, Jersey, 3 years old, milking bred back. No. 13. Holsteln, 3 years old, Just fresh. No. 16. Guernsey, 6 years old, fresh. No. 23. Hereford. 3 years old, to freshen March 15. No. 24. Guernsey, 3 years old, fresh short time, milking 48 lb. a 'day. No. 22. Guernsey, 4 yean old, to freshen Feb. 24. No. 21. Guernsey, 3 years old, to freshen March 19. No. 10. Red Pole, 6 years old, to freshen March 39. No. 18. Roan Durham, 3 years old, .to freshen Feb. 27. No. 17, Jersey, 4 years old, just fresh, milking SO lb. a day. I AUTOMOBILES 4-door Sedan .$ 795 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR tf ANDERS (Of rent Uonttom'rt Ward. J" POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Bowser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS 13.00 per day. Howser Bros 141u 6 12th, West Salem. -OOD 1J8ED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor land er. We sell everything to complete the joo HOWSER BROS. - Ph, -366 " WANTED TO RENT Z BEDROOM, unfurnished house by mid die ared employed couple, A-l refer nces. Phone 2-9813 after 6:00 p.m. Ja24 BUSINESS MAN St family must have 3 or 3 BR lurn. house Immediately. Ph. 2-7628. Ja24 ROOM & BOARD NICELY HEATED furnished rooms. 3 blks. from state house. Working ladles pre ferred. 539 N. Winter. jj27 WILL CARE for elderly people In prl vate home. Ph. 2-6274. jJ24 ROOM A BOARD at 629 N. Winter. JJ13 LOST & FOUND LOST: Small golden-brown Pomeranian with black face. Lie. No. 3128. Return to 2770 Peck Av. k25 LOST! Small brown purse containing li brary card, glasses, etc. at bowling alley. Reward! Ph. 2-7947. k25 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5072. m47 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-H!l. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolpli Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m BUILDING MATERIAL USED 2x8, 2x10 At 2x12 No. 1 S. 4 S. Soil pipe, ilbows St Y's. h. 3-7113. ma23 Special Cedar Siding V'x4" random length . . Ideal for re-sldlng barns, chicken houses, old buildinas. At less than half the price of common shlplap. 12.1 M. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma 1 Stop Service FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mil' work, glass, hard materials, plywood, paint hardware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That eon renlen location, Front At Court Sts. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma RED CEDAR shingles, No. 3x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma WAPP1T 8" power hand saw Ph. 3-4384. ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range ol colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM, OREGON ma WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE. Assembled kitchen base St wall cabinets. 1$ to 47 In. 20 r oft regular price. As low as 110 95. SEARS ROEBUCK BUILDING MATERIAL Ph. 3-9191 ma23 Want a New Home? Our new P.H.A. Home Planning Dept. has been established lust to help you In developing plans, making estimates and obtaining your F.H.A. loans. This airvtce is available at do cost to you. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front St Court Salem ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGER commercial ftewtni machine, com pletely reconditioned. New , none motor ind table. Axuat be aeen to be appreciated. Priced rllht. 30SS N. Com'l Next door to Cltarnholra Oroc. n24 NEW REFRIO.. apt. aite ranee. 4-rr. babv ore laoy a world otcrcia nee sew m. 2-1791. nai VAl'GHN drat aaw. like new: 2 blades. le.og. otenn woocrj, ieu N. 8ummer. 2I- AUTOMOBILES . The thermometer reads LOW again so do the prices on our Lincoln -Mercury Used Car Lot!! All cars tuned & checked, to give you good ser vice regardless of the weather condition. 1949 Lincoln Sedan. 1947 Mercury Sedan. 1942 Ford Sedan, V-8. 1941 Buick Super Sedan. 1938 Chev. Sedan. 1937 Chev. 2-Door. 1936 Chev. Sedan. 1929 Model A it's a good one. ALL CARS CAN BE HAD ON EASY PAY PLAN COME IN TODAY TO Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER S45 CENTER PH. 3-3012 $ DOLLAR, for DOLLAR $ You Cannot Beat Our Cars for Value 39 PONTIAC SEDAN. AS IS 295.00 41 PONTIAC SDN.-CPE. AS IS 395.00 42 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SEDAN. R&H 745.00 42 PONTIAC SEDAN 635.00 , 42 CHEV. SEDAN 595.00 40 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 445.00 39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 295.00 40 FORD SEDAN 395.00 40 BUICK SPORT COUPE 495.00 SIX CARS ALL MAKES AND MODELS. WE WILL CONSIDER ANY FAIR OFFER. HERRALL-OWENS ALL WAYS THE BEST FOR LESS TERMS TRADES 660 N. Liberty Ft. Phone2-4113 TEAGUE Why buy a new car? -of our fine thoroughly on which someone else PRECIATION. They GUARANTEE. 1949 Frazer Sedan 1948 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Chev. Fleetline 1948 Chev. 5 Pass. 1948 Plym. Sedan DcL. 1948 Stude. Champ. 1947 Chev. Aero Sdn. SEE JOE Teague Motor Co. 352 N. Commercial FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE STORE FIXTURES 1-Falrbanks Platform Scale, 300 lb. 9 1-Toledo Calculating Scale, 3 lb. 1-5000W Thermadore Heater 0 1 -Maple Horse Shoe Counter 3-Maple Counters and Bins 1-Step Up Display Shelf ) 2-Nail Bins and Display 1-Neon Sinn Switch and Clock 1-Window Neon-Hardware 1-Wlndow Neon-Paint 1-AU Metal Hand Truck 1-Hlnae Display Cabinet 1-Knife Display Cabinet e) 1-x-Acto Display Cabinet ) 1-Palnt Brush Display 1-Mirror 1-Mirror 1-AddlnE Machine 35-3 Foot sections Shelving with Brackets Many Other Mlscl. Items. CITY HARDWARE 265 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 3-6634 OR 3-7916 n24 SALE Accordion, saxophone, guitar, elec. train, la-eause, 32 automatic, it msn standard, 30-30-33 rifle. Singer sewlnic machine, large safe, 25 by 28. 1315 Jefferson St., Salem, Ore. n23 SEWING MACHINE, drop - head treadle type. Oood cond. 129.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Commercial. n23 WILL TRADE good 2-wheel trailer for .22 pistol in good cond. 1540 Shady Lnne. 02! 30 TREADLE sewing marhlnec 310 to $35. New and used electric. Big cash discount. 1930 N. 18th. n33 MUSIC LESSONS Piano St violin. State accredited, STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. n44 PIANO accordion 120 bass. Jl 00.00. Call 3-4641. n25 STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings. in stock, made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n40 REVERE Pressure Cookers, price. Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. n33 ACOUSTICON hearing aid. Ortg. cost 3225. NOW 330. Ph. 3-8369. n23 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellopnane-llke fin ish for your rioors woodwork or lin oleum. Salem Lighting At Appliance Co., 238 N. High n33 FULLER brushes. 1743 Grant Fh. 3-8351 n37 USED Electric ranges. 3-10.95 es dp. TEAT EH APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cbemeketa THOR DELUXE Ironer. Cheap. Ph. 3-9B61 n24 USED OIL burners, blowers and sawdust burners. Ph. 3-8662. n31 HEAT your home eleetrlcairy with West ingnous or wealo automatic electric heaters T EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. o USED Electric Refrigerators. 149.93 St up ItAlEH APPUANCX CO. 375 Chemeketa n ALLEN Adding Machine. 850.00. Glenn woodry. 1605 N. Summer. n23 PHILLIPS BROS Fertilisers. well rotted or iresh, an? klM. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec poles. Any length. Shingles. Tew post. Lumber. Ph. 3-1438. Rt, I. Box lis. n rSED RADIOS St record plarers. 19.95 u EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa a GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, OlbioD. m Msaug Appliance oeruru, a" IAUTOMOBILES CO. SPECIALS - When you can buy one reconditioned used cars has taken the BIG DE carry our 12-MONTHS 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4 Door 1941 Plymouth Tudor 1939 Pontiac (6) 1939 Chev. Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe SPURLOCK Salem, Oreton IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NO WAXING required with PLASTXO KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa n SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ac Basement Equipment Rental 13 B 'i yds. 10 Bi yds. 1 D-7 Cat At Dozer D-S Cat At Dozer D-4 Cat At Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 3-4400 , saiem, Oregon n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANC1 OO. 475 Chemeketa USED ELECTRIC WASHERS $19.93 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n GUITAR, 34.00. Glenn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. n23 FOR SALE 3000 W portable electric heater with thermostat. Ph. 4-3011. n24 NEW A USED vegetable Juicing machine for home use. Been used for home d instratlon Russ Delano, 888 N. Com'l. n27 WALLING SAND At GRAVEL " CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldoslng, drainage and ditch ing, tt-yd. shovel St drag line. Ph. 39249 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Used cash register. Suitable for grocery store. Ph. 3-6171 or 3-1836. na25 WANTED: Barkio Douglag fir pole or stumpage. Ph. 1287 Albany or write otanoarq ro.e St Piling Co., Inc. na43 SEWING MACHINE any eond. Ph. 3-7671. na4I- WANTED! 3U by 41 Graphlex camera. Ph. 2-33U. na23 WANT 3 horse 3 phase elec. motor. Must bereas. Ph. 3-6833. na25 FIR STUMPAGE anl fir togs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rati. Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence, Oregon Phone 43. na PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 173 S.Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. ptS MRS. KELVIN SMITH. Spencer eorsetler. nu B.T.-D special attention. Pa. 3-5072. -.) 8 MONTHS subscription to Readers Di- ae.n. 11. up. rn. 3-s-9il. PJ3 B 1 BLE prophecy tells what Russia will dc Read booklet. "What These Things Mean." Send 25c In coin to 3160 S. Berry MUST BORROW 38.000 on new apt. house STANLEY HOME Product! Ph. 3-9307. (Continued on Page 15)